fourth international mittgenstein symposium

THE AUSTRIAN LUIIWIC WITTCENSTEIN SOCIETY is pleased to announce the FROM AUGUST 28TH -- SEPTEMBER ZND, 1979 IN KIRCHBERC/WCHSEL ( n e a r V i e n n a ) , LOWER AUSTRIA The theme of this year's symposium will be LANGUAGE, LOGIC and PHILOSOPHY The following sections are planned: 1. WittRenstein 2. Language and Logic 3. Language and Action 4. Language and Reality! Ontology and Semantics 5. Philosophy of Language and Linguistics Participants include: R. M. Chisholm (Providence); A. G. Conte (Pavia); D. Davidson (Chicago9;D. Foellesdal (Sandvika); R. Haller (Craz); J. Hintikka (Tallahassee); G. Krcisel '(Stanford); D. Kbg (Preiburg); W. Leinfellner (Lincoln); K, Lorenz (Saat- briicken); B. F. McCuinnese (Oxford); K. Menger (Chicago); J. So Pet6fi (Konstanz); R. Posncr (Berlin); 8. Putnam (Hanard); R. Przelecki (Warschau); J.(.R. Searle (Berkeley); B. F. Skinner (Harvard); P. Suppes (Stanford); H. Schnelle (Bochum); P. Weingartner (Salzburg); D. Wiggins (London) Scholars wishing to present a paper on a topic which falls within the above themes should request an abstract style sheet from either the President of the Austrian Wittgenstein Society. Dr. A. Hcbner, A 2880 Kirchberg/Wechsel, Markt 234, Austria. or Prof, Werner Leinfellner, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NF 68508, USA. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is May 15th. 1979. Official languages will be English and German. Those planning to attend the conference should contact Dr. Hiabner at the above address for further information. The final date for registration is June 15th. 1979. Conference fees will be 400 Austrian Schillings for non-students and 100 Austrian Schillings for students.

Post on 02-Oct-2016




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is pleased t o announce t h e



The theme of t h i s yea r ' s symposium w i l l b e


The fol lowing s e c t i o n s are planned:

1. Wit tRenstein 2. Language and Logic 3. Language and Action 4. Language and Real i ty! Ontology and Semantics 5 . Philosophy of Language and L i n g u i s t i c s

P a r t i c i p a n t s inc lude : R. M. Chisholm (Providence); A. G. Conte (Pavia) ; D. Davidson (Chicago9;D. Foe l l e sda l (Sandvika); R. Haller (Craz); J. Hint ikka (Tal lahassee) ; G. Krcisel ' (Stanford); D. K b g (Pre iburg) ; W. L e i n f e l l n e r (Lincoln) ; K, Lorenz (Saat- briicken); B. F. McCuinnese (Oxford); K. Menger (Chicago); J. S o P e t 6 f i (Konstanz); R. Posncr (Ber l in ) ; 8. Putnam (Hanard ) ; R. Prze leck i (Warschau); J.(.R. S e a r l e (Berkeley); B. F. Skinner (Harvard); P. Suppes (S tanford) ; H. Schnel le (Bochum); P. Weingartner (Salzburg); D. Wiggins (London)

Scholars wishing t o p re sen t a paper on a t o p i c which f a l l s w i t h i n t h e above themes should reques t an a b s t r a c t s t y l e shee t from e i t h e r t h e P res iden t of t h e Aus t r ian Wit tgens te in Society. D r . A. Hcbner, A 2880 Kirchberg/Wechsel, Markt 234, Austr ia . o r Prof , Werner L e i n f e l l n e r , Dept. of Phi losophy, Un ive r s i ty of Nebraska, Lincoln, NF 68508, USA. The dead l ine f o r r e c e i p t of a b s t r a c t s is May 15th. 1979. O f f i c i a l languages w i l l be Engl ish and German.

Those planning t o a t t e n d the conference should con tac t D r . Hiabner at the above address f o r f u r t h e r information. The f i n a l d a t e f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n is June 15th. 1979. Conference f e e s w i l l be 400 Aust r ian S c h i l l i n g s f o r non-students and 100 Aust r ian S c h i l l i n g s f o r s tuden t s .