forgot about dre video analysis

Song: Forgot About Dre Genre: Hip Hop Artist: Dr. Dre Featuring Eminem

Upload: albertsparrowrydevik

Post on 11-Nov-2015




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An analysis of Dr. Dre's music video, 'Forgot About Dre'.


Song: Forgot About DreGenre: Hip HopArtist: Dr. Dre Featuring Eminem

This shot amplifies Dr. Dre star image by keeping him center frame, and continuously adding more and more platinum CDs to the set, emphasizing his success in Hip Hop. In this image we see the first example of how he is a televised bard. In showing his records, in this order, he is showing us his lifes journey to success.

Again, Dr. Dre is presented as a televised bard, using the imagery of Eminem having replaced him, after people Forgot About Dre. The images show a lot of similarities, although Dr. Dres star image is still emphasized, in the fact that his shadow is significantly larger, still putting his success before Eminems.

Here again, we see the imagery of the larger shadow stooping over Eminem. In this imagery Dre is perhaps presenting the idea that Eminem is under his very large shadow, and that although they are friends, he still has a long way to go to get to the level Dr. Dre is on.

Here we see an example of Eminem becoming a bit of a Electronic Shaman, literally bringing his main article picture to life, contrasting Dr. Dres image, who is on the next page, with no live effect. The contrast possibly reflects the different levels of fame at the time of the album release.

Here are two other examples of how Eminem and Dr. Dre are Electronic Shamans in the music video for Forgot About Dre. In the image of Eminem, the background is all fire, and in the image of Dr. Dre, the background is only the blue police siren, constantly flashing. The contrast in color immediately presents the audience with a sense of hot versus cold, possibly connotating how Eminem is more popular at that time, and how Dr. Dre has cooled down, and become a label.