for skill-based assessment and job matching software application (sba-jms) · 2020-04-24 ·...

Contractor/Vendor Ver Date: 1/08/20 ISSUE DATE: April 24, 2020 RESPONSES DUE: May 7, 2020 AWARD NOTIFICATION: May 14, 2020 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) for Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application (SBA-JMS) City of Detroit Michael E. Duggan, Mayor Nicole A. Sherard-Freeman, Executive Director, Workforce Development Mayor’s Workforce Development Board Cynthia J. Pasky, Co-Chairperson David E. Meador, Co-Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Calvin C. Sharp, Chairperson Terri Weems, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer An equal opportunity employer/program. Supported by the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Opportunity-Workforce Development (LEO-WD). Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities. 1-800-285-WORK.

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Page 1: for Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application (SBA-JMS) · 2020-04-24 · Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

Contractor/Vendor Ver Date: 1/08/20

ISSUE DATE: April 24, 2020

RESPONSES DUE: May 7, 2020



Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application (SBA-JMS)

City of Detroit Michael E. Duggan, Mayor Nicole A. Sherard-Freeman, Executive Director, Workforce Development

Mayor’s Workforce Development Board Cynthia J. Pasky, Co-Chairperson David E. Meador, Co-Chairperson

Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Calvin C. Sharp, Chairperson Terri Weems, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer

An equal opportunity employer/program. Supported by the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Opportunity-Workforce Development (LEO-WD). Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities. 1-800-285-WORK.

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 2 of 18

BIDDING INFORMATION Issue Date: April 24, 2020

Questions Deadline:

May 1, 2020 at 12:00 PM (EST) All questions should be submitted in writing via email to [email protected]. To be properly received, Email Subject line must include:

Questions for SBA-JMS RFP

Response to Questions:

May 4, 2020 at 10:00 AM (EST). Responses to questions will be available at this link:

Proposal Due Date:

May 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM (EST) Responses must be submitted electronically by email [email protected];

• Files submitted via email must not exceed 25 MB. • To be properly received, Email Subject line must include:

Response to SBA-JMS RFP • Proposal email submissions that include DESC staff will not be accepted. • Confirmations of proposals submitted will be provided within 24 hours of receipt. Please note: Allow ample time for submitting your proposal. DESC strongly encourages submitting at least one business day prior to due date above. DESC will not extend the submission deadline due to technical issues or outages. DESC WILL NOT ACCEPT PAPER/HARD-COPY OR LATE PROPOSALS.

Oral Presentation

May 13, 2020

DESC will host Oral Presentations on an INVITE ONLY basis with those organizations selected as finalists during the review process, as required. All prospective responders should hold these dates. Finalists will be notified by email upon completion of written proposal evaluations regarding presentations (length, location, materials) etc.

Award Notice: May 14, 2020

Contract Start Date: The contract period is scheduled to begin May 18, 2020

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 3 of 18


I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 4

II. CONFIDENTIALITY ............................................................................................................................. 4

III. ORGANIZATION QUALIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... 4

IV. SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................................. 6

V. AWARD, TERM AND RENEWAL INFORMATION ........................................................................ 9

VI. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 10

VII. RFP PROCESS AND PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ 10

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 4 of 18

I. INTRODUCTION The Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB) is directly responsible and accountable to the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Development, Workforce Development (LEO/WD) for the planning and oversight of talent development programs in the City of Detroit. Designated by the MWDB, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC) serves as the fiscal and administrative entity that provides workforce services to job seekers and employers. DESC’s primary funding streams include Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) that funds Michigan’s PATH (Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.) employment program, Food Assistance Employment and Training (FAE&T), Wagner-Peyser Employment Services (ES), and other public and private funding. DESC oversees eight (8) Detroit Michigan Works! One-Stop Service Centers and contracts with qualified entities to provide workforce development services to job seekers and employers. Locally, the Michigan Works! One-Stop Service Centers are branded as Detroit at Work Career Centers. DESC is also a proud member of the American Job Center network. In February 2017, the Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development and DESC launched Detroit at Work to build Detroit’s talent pool, create an opportunity for Detroiters, and give employers access to a demand-driven talent pipeline. Detroit at Work offers residents and employers a simplified brand to serve as the umbrella for all City of Detroit workforce development efforts. This includes the employment and training programs administered by DESC. DESC is seeking proposals from qualified individuals and/or firms to provide as needed, Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software for the Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC), Detroit at Work and the contracted organizations performing employment and training services on behalf of DESC or its stakeholders. DESC plans to award one (1) contract for requested services as detailed in this RFP.

II. CONFIDENTIALITY DESC will treat as confidential any non-public information that we receive from you in our discussions about the transaction contemplated by your RFP (other than information that we also receive from other, non-confidential sources, or that we independently develop ourselves).

III. ORGANIZATION QUALIFICATIONS Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, private for-profit companies, units of local government including community colleges and universities, and faith-based and community organizations. Small businesses, minority-owned firms, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are particularly encouraged to apply. Organizations and individuals are ineligible if they are currently barred, suspended, proposed

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 5 of 18

for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by a federal department/agency, or if they are not in compliance with the State of Michigan Department of Revenue or Internal Revenue Service requirements. Applicants must possess the following: • All required licenses, bonding, equipment, and identified core personnel necessary to perform

the work as required in the RFP; • Documentation of the business structure (e.g. corporation., LLC, sole proprietor, partnership,

etc.) you have registered to conduct business; and • Personnel policies and procedures demonstrating compliance with Equal Employment

Opportunities requirements, Americans with Disability Act, and Drug Free Workplace and Byrd Anti-Lobbying Act.

Applicants must assure the ability to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of 29 C.F.R. § 38.25, if awarded a contract and remain in compliance for the duration of the award. Applicants must be financially and operationally stable and must possess sufficient scale in terms of staff and other resources to support DESC throughout the term of a contract, if awarded as a result of this RFP. a) If a contract is awarded as a result of this RFP, Applicants must be able to comply with insurance

requirements, as necessary based on the nature of the particular contract. Required coverage may include: Commercial General Liability Policy (A $3,000,000 per occurrence) with the following coverages:

• Broad form property damage

• Premises/Operations

• Independent Contractors

• (Blanket) Broad form Contractual

• Personal Injury b) Workers’ compensation insurance, as required by law, c) $1,000,000 combined single limit automobile liability insurance, including hired and leased

vehicles, owned and non-owned autos, and “no fault” coverage, d) Errors and omissions liability insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and

$1,000,000 dollars aggregate, To be considered for an award for this service, the proposing organization or individual must meet the following qualifications: • At least two (2) years of experience providing products/services similar to those sought after in this

RFP to public agencies, non-profit organizations, federal grant recipients and organizations of similar scope and size.

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 6 of 18

IV. SCOPE OF WORK A. DESC is looking for a firm to provide, as needed, a skills-based assessment and job matching software

application for the Detroit at Work system. In 2019, DESC implemented a new workforce information management system, Launchpad, to manage job seeker and business customer data, to manage and match job opportunities with job seekers, to provide virtual services to customers and to manage internal DESC operations. Launchpad is built on a Salesforce platform. The Detroit at Work system, which consists of DESC, eight (8) Career Centers, over thirty (30) training providers and over fifteen (15) other services providers, has been utilizing Launchpad to track job seekers profiles, services received and outcomes achieved since July of 2019. In March of 2020, DESC expanded Launchpad to provide job seekers with direct access to virtual workshops and job opportunities. Current functionality that is relevant to this RFP is outlined below.

1) Intake via Job Seeker Portal. Job seekers create a profile by answering basic questions

(demographics, employment status, highest educational attainment level achieved, potential barriers to work, residency, etc.). Profiles are password protected and job seekers must have an email address to utilize the Job Seeker Portal.

2) Assessment. Detroit at Work Career Centers and other service providers currently assess job seeker

skills and qualifications primarily through a manual, interview- and paper-based process. o During intake, staff collect information on formal education levels, industry-recognized

credentials, professional licenses, and work experience. In some cases, job seekers self-attest to their skills and qualifications.

o Academic skill levels are assessed through a proctored web-based tool, the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS).

3) Skills Profile & Resume Creation. At present, job seekers identify their skills and competencies, industries of interest, and desired wage through a simple choice list. Staff help job seekers build resumes through workshops, and one-on-one assistance by phone or in a Detroit at Work Career Center. Once complete, job seekers can upload resumes into Launchpad.

4) Job Matching via Launchpad. Launchpad currently includes a job matching functionality that utilizes data associated with a job seeker profile and data associated with job orders. Job seeker profiles are created and edited by a Detroit at Work Career Center employee, a job seeker, or both. Job orders are created by a Detroit at Work Career Center employee, based upon information provided by employers utilizing Detroit at Work's talent sourcing services. o Job seeker profiles are populated with skills and qualifications by manual selection from a series

of menus, separated by competency or industry. A similar process is followed for job orders. The database of skills and qualifications is editable and includes academic and industry-recognized credentials, professional licenses, physical capabilities, and so-called soft skills (punctuality, reliability, etc.).

o Launchpad then matches job seeker profiles to job orders based on data common to the profile and the job order. Whether job seekers are automatically matched to jobs depends on how

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

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thoroughly and accurately they complete their skills profile and how accurately the business services representative records required skills for the job. In Launchpad, uploaded resumes are not included in the job matching functionality.

o Career Center employees also manually review job seeker profiles and resumes in order to identify or screen candidates for positions.

B. The combined skills profile and manual assessment approach is effective for some job seekers, but many

Detroit residents may lack academic and industry-recognized credentials or professional experience that readily results in a match. Others may need assistance translating and documenting past formal experience and skills. While Launchpad has significantly improved the way the Detroit at Work system serves job seekers and businesses and manages data, we seek an additional tool to improve the way job seekers are able to assess their skills and competencies, match to jobs and envision future career pathways. The desired scope of work can be broken into several discrete but interconnected categories. Please describe in detail the services and approach to the following areas:

1) DESC seeks to procure a software application, customized to interface or integrate with its existing

Launchpad system, that supports DESC/Detroit at Work’s critical business function of assisting Detroit-resident job seekers to secure employment. Each proposed function must be compatible with no or minimal development with Launchpad, resulting in a seamless experience for users. Over time, it is DESC’s intention to have one single portal that job seekers, frontline staff, and employers access to facilitate the delivery of the workforce services. The software application would include the following functions:

a) Assessment Functionality. To more equitably and effectively support job seekers, DESC is

seeking a software application to facilitate job seeker assessment that recognizes both traditional and non-traditional experience when identifying skills and qualifications, including:

i. An intuitive, job seeker-facing assessment component that is accessible via mobile browsing and can be completed without Detroit at Work or Career Center assistance;

ii. An assessment component that automates the process of translating non-traditional or traditional experience into skills and qualifications;

iii. An assessment component that fully explores job seeker skills and qualifications based upon provided information;

iv. An assessment component that includes questions which are aligned with a database of in-demand skills and qualifications; and

v. A searchable and editable database of in-demand skills and qualifications.

b) Resume Creation or Profile Amendment. To leverage Launchpad to provide more effective service to job seekers, DESC is seeking a software application that will support resume creation and the population of job seeker profiles with skills and qualifications, including: i. Translation of skills and qualifications gained through traditional and non-traditional

experience; ii. Translation of academic and industry-recognized credential and professional experience;

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

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and iii. Creation and storage of skills and qualifications from both traditional and non-traditional

experiences and credentials into a job seeker profile, to be used with Launchpad by staff for automated job matching.

c) Integration with or Enhancement of Job Matching Functionality. DESC is seeking a software

application that can either integrate with or enhance the existing functionality of Launchpad to provide more effective job matching, including:

i. Ability to digitally match individual job seekers with employment opportunities based on alignment of their individual experience and skills with the requirements of the available positions.

ii. Ability to suggest interventions that would make job seeker more competitive for employment opportunity (e.g. GED completion or Driver’s Licensure);

iii. Ability to assign numerical value indicating job seeker’s relative qualification for a given employment opportunity, visible to both job seeker and DESC/Detroit at Work employee.

iv. Ability to identify mandatory qualifications (such as industry-recognized credentials) and eliminate job match when mandatory qualifications are not met; and

v. Ability to create and save lists of basic skills and qualifications that are common to similar job orders that can be applied automatically and edited manually.

d) Job Description Translation. Often, employment opportunities for which DESC/Detroit at Work

has been asked to source talent include required skills and qualifications that make it unlikely the job seekers we serve will be competitive applicants. The mismatch between job seeker and employment opportunities is in many cases the result of overly prescriptive skills and qualifications. Employers may be unwilling or unable to modify their job descriptions to account for skills and qualifications acquired through non-traditional experiences. DESC is seeking a product or service that will translate desired skills and qualifications into a format compatible with job matching functionality described above, including:

i. Ability to automatically scan an electronic job posting and extract skills and qualifications.

ii. Ability to translate skills and qualifications into a data format compatible with existing or proposed job matching functionality; and

iii. A manual interface that allows business services staff or employers to create employment opportunities in Detroit at Work’s Launchpad that captures desired skills and qualifications in such a manner as they are aligned with the assessment and job matching functionality described above.

2) A proven implementation methodology that is specific to Workforce Development. DESC expects the winning vendor to possess proven, workforce-focused processes and tools to deliver an implementation that is a rapid as possible with the minimum amount of risk and disruption to job seekers and other stakeholders. These should include:

a) Proven implementation plan templates.

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

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b) Methodology for coordination with DESC project management; c) Methodology for eliciting and capturing requirements, mapping these requirements

to configuration activities, and ensuring a thorough test plan; d) Methodology for executing testing including direct testing with DESC, Detroit at

Work contractors, and Detroit at Work business partner resources; e) Methodology for issue and risk management throughout the implementation; f) Methodology for training at all required levels; g) Methodology for customizing and delivering training and job aide materials for use after

implementation; h) Methodology for go-live communications, business readiness, command center, and job

aids; and i) Consulting throughout the implementation regarding best practices for configuration.

3) Proven process for specifying, developing, and testing interfaces without disrupting the business DESC expects the winning vendor to possess proven, workforce-focused processes and tools to document and implement the interfaces required to support the proposed software application, primarily the interface to Launchpad, specified above and interfaces to other DESC/Detroit at Work data stores such as a central data warehouse.

4) Process for ongoing support DESC will require ongoing support from the winning vendor to support ongoing evolution of the business model and to ensure stable system operation in the future. This should include:

a) Support for ongoing workflow and other configuration activities; b) Help desk; c) Break-fix; d) Upgrades / patch management; e) Provision of customized training materials that can be used to train new staff post-

implementation; f) Regular reviews of software application configuration and performance; g) Consultative services; h) Provision of industry analysis or other educational content; i) User community for sharing of best practices and feature suggestions; j) User focus groups; and k) Warranty.

V. AWARD, TERM AND RENEWAL INFORMATION If a contract is awarded as a result of this RFP, it will be a one (1)-year service-based Contract. The period of performance will be for a minimum of twelve (12) months and will not be earlier than May 18, 2020 or later than June 30, 2021.

Award amounts will be determined solely at DESC’s discretion after review and evaluation of the proposals. If more than one contract is awarded pursuant to this RFP, the applicant acknowledges and

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

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understands that contract award amounts may differ between vendors and that the determination is made at DESC’s sole discretion. Based on performance during the initial contract period and contingent upon availability of funds, contracts may be extended for service and eligible for two (2) one (1)-year renewal option(s). Any renewal option exercised under this contract is effective only after approval by the DESC Board of Directors and/or the President/CEO, as required. In the event that additional funds become available, DESC reserves the right to use such funds to select additional providers from proposal applications submitted in response to this RFP. If no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated to DESC, or if funding is otherwise unavailable during the period of payment due under the contract, then DESC, upon written notice to the vendor, shall have the right to amend or terminate the contract without any penalty or expense to DESC.

VI. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTSAccuracy and Completeness of Information: All information pertaining to the prospective applicant’sapproach in meeting the requirements of the RFP shall be organized and presented in the prospectiveapplicant’s proposal. The instructions contained in this RFP must be strictly followed.Accuracy and completeness are essential. Omissions and ambiguous or equivocal statements will beviewed unfavorably and may be considered in the evaluation. Since all or a portion of the successfulproposal may be incorporated into any ensuing contract, all applicants are further cautioned not tomake any claims or statements that cannot be subsequently included in a legally binding agreement.Ambiguous or inaccurate budget information is a basis for proposal disqualification.

VII. RFP PROCESS AND PROCEDURESA. Questions, Question Deadline and Response to Questions

Should a vendor have any questions about this RFP or be in doubt as to the true meaning of anyportion of this RFP or find any patent ambiguity, inconsistency, or omission herein, theprospective vendor must make a written request for an official interpretation or correction.Prospective vendors are advised that no oral interpretation, information, or instructions providedby an officer or employee of DESC shall be binding upon DESC. DESC will only honor questionssubmitted in writing.All questions regarding the RFP shall be submitted by email no later than May 1, 2020 at 12:00PM (EST) to [email protected] be properly received, Email Subject line must include: Questions for SBA-JMS RFP.Responses to questions will be available at: by May 4, 2020 at 10:00 AM (EST).DESC does not guarantee a response to questions submitted after the question deadline. NOTELEPHONE CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED. ALL INQUIRIES MUST BE VIA EMAIL [email protected] .

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

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B. Preparation of ProposalsThe proposal must be in the format and with attachments and completed forms as specified inthese instructions. Each proposal shall show the full legal name and business address of theprospective vendor, including a street address if different from the mailing address, and must besigned and dated by the person or persons authorized to bind the prospective vendor.Please note that there is a page limit for the RFP response:

• Single applicant proposals are limited to thirty (30)-pages; double-spaced using a 12-pointfont unless stated otherwise in the preparation directions.

• Two (2) or more Co-applicants are limited to thirty-five (35)-pages; double-spaced using a12-point font unless stated otherwise in the preparation directions.

Page limits do not apply to financial documents, price proposal, or required attachments (resumes, organizational charts, etc.). DESC reserves the right to reject proposals that do not meet these requirements and they may not be evaluated. Applicants must provide written notice in the proposal of intent to take exception to any requirements of the RFP. Such exceptions may reflect negatively on the evaluation of the proposal.

C. Changes in Proposal RequirementsDESC may make changes to the requirements of this RFP as it deems necessary. Such changes will be in writing, issued by DESC and will be sent to each vendor who has formally identified themselves as a potential responder. If changes are made, DESC may, at its discretion, extend the time allowed for submission of proposals.

D. Submittal InformationProspective vendors shall submit their proposals in the following order and must contain the elements listed below, including all applicable attachments:

1. General RFP Application Information

a) DESC Cover Sheet (Form A) – included with this RFP.b) Representations and Certifications - available for download from DESC website: https:// as applicable below.i. If registered with, provide Representations and Certifications

Report; otherwise;ii. If not registered, complete and provide DESC Representations and Certifications

for RFP Offerors included with this RFP.

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 12 of 18

2. Table of Contents

3. SummaryProvide a summary (up to 4 pages) of the proposal that outlines background/history ofexperience providing skill-based assessments and job matching software, previous clients andexperience working with non-profits of a similar size/nature to DESC. Describe the key factorsthat differentiate your product from others in the marketplace. Summarize your current andfuture product suite as it relates to functions requested in this RFP, including what applicationsor modules are currently offered in the marketplace (or will be soon) and which are beingproposed in your response to this RFP. Indicate how long the software has been available andexplain whether and why respondent expects it to be available for at least the next five years.Briefly describe the level of customization necessary to achieve the required functionalitydescribed in this RFP.

4. QualificationsThe applicant shall provide the following information that describes qualifications tosuccessfully carry out activities described in the RFP.a) Clearly describe and provide examples of the Scope of Work elements and cover additional

elements that may be beneficial for DESC.b) Provide a separate portfolio with examples and descriptions of completed projects for

organizations with similar size and needs as DESC.c) Describe how many years of experience individual team members in their prospective

fields have. Identify key staff on your team that may be assigned to DESC. As applicable,information must include:

i. Nameii. Title

iii. Place of legal employmentiv. Detail services the key staff may be expected to provide for this proposalv. Resume

Documentation of the business structure (e.g. corporation., LLC, sole proprietor, partnership, etc.) you have registered to conduct business. Include 501 (c) 3 papers (if applicable)

5. Financial Fit/CapacityApplicants shall provide one of the following to determine financial fit and capacity necessary to support DESC throughout the term of a contract, if awarded as a result ofthis RFP.

a) Balance Sheet and Income Statement for the most recent year completed and prior year; orb) Tax Returns for the most recent year completed and prior year; orc) Audited financial statement for the most recent year completed and prior year; or if not available.

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

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d) Provide a summary explanation

6. Administrative CapacityApplicants shall provide the following information to determine operational capacitynecessary to support DESC throughout the term of a contract, if awarded as a result ofthis RFP.A. Provide Organizational ChartB. Describe current software systems and technology used to perform, manage, and monitor

funding and programmatic data.

7. Performance HistoryThe applicant shall provide the following information that demonstrates a proven track record:A. List at least three (3) customer references, including names, mailing addresses, email

addresses, and contact numbers, that can attest to the qualifications presented in this bid.B. Provide information on any projects in which the bidder’s contract was terminated for any

reason.C. Identify any claims or lawsuits that have been brought against the individual or

organization proposing service within the last five (5) years.

8. Service Delivery DescriptionThe applicant shall provide the following information that describes a customer-focusedservice delivery model.A. Describe System Characteristics. Please include the following:

i. Describe your proposed hosting arrangement. For cloud-hosted applications,describe your actual client uptime experience and how you manage regular systemmaintenance and upgrades

ii. Is a test environment provided during and after launch for testing interfaces or othersystem integration?

iii. How is the system monitored for security breaches and what are the notificationprotocols?

iv. Provide (in-line or as an attachment) a system design overview that describes thehigh-level data model.

v. How is functionality supported on smartphones?vi. Confirm that your solution agnostic with respect to browsers and operating

systems. Confirm that the use of plug-ins and other downloaded required software(Java, .NET, etc.) should not constrain the ability of the system to operate acrossdifferent operating systems. The system should also be designed in such a way soas to not preclude users of mobile devices from being able to access and use thesystem (e.g. no use of Flash that would result in usability issues for iOS users).

vii. Documentation: Identify specific elements of documentation, which are available

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 14 of 18

with the system, including operations and technical manuals (both online and hard copy), data element dictionary, online help, and testing scripts.

B. Describe System Functionality. Describe in detail how your system will deliver on all the desired services listed above, including Assessment Functionality; Resume Creation or Profile Amendment; Integration with or Enhancement of Job Matching Functionality; and Job Description Translation. Be sure to address all points listed under each of these services/functions above. For each component you propose to deliver, describe how your system, as currently deployed at Workforce Development Board(s) or Agencies, can support DESC’s requirements. If you do not have this functionality deployed at a workforce development agency today, note this explicitly and then describe how your system could potentially support the requirement.

C. Describe how the proposed system will be compatible with Launchpad, requiring no or minimal development of Launchpad, resulting in a seamless experience for users.

D. Describe estimated project timelines for completion for key deliverables in the project scope.

E. Describe how the project(s) are managed to ensure the timely delivery of services. Describe your project management methodology including how DESC leaders and staff will we be expected to interact with your implementation team? What resources will you need from DESC to be successful? Outline the time commitment required from DESC as the implementation progresses and what preparation will be necessary. Describe instances where project deadlines could not be executed in accordance with the initial project plan and how you and your customers met these challenges.

F. Describe your approach for providing ongoing support throughout the ownership of the proposed software.

G. Describe your hours of operation including: i. Standard Business (Days and Time)

ii. After Hours (Days and Times) iii. Holidays

9. Price Proposal

Bidders are requested to make a firm cost proposal to DESC. Please use the following tables to summarize total ownership costs. Please include / attach additional commentary or supporting documentation to support this table.

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Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 15 of 18

If a contract is entered into as a result of this RFP, it will be a contract for fees as related to providing all requested services and equipment and will not exceed the prices quoted in the proposal. DESC reserves the right to select proposals from the most responsible vendors with the most reasonable costs. DESC reserves the right to select multiple firms to perform all or separate parts of this function.

E. Submittal Instructions 1. Proposals must be submitted electronically on or prior to the exact date and time indicated

above. 2. Attachments should be of good copy, quality, and legible.

3. Responses must be submitted electronically no later than May 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM (EST) by Email to: [email protected]. Due to the nature of this solicitation, proposal email submissions that include DESC staff will not be accepted. Confirmations of proposals submitted will be provided within 24 hours of receipt.

4. To be properly received, Email Subject line must include: Response to SBA-JMS RFP 5. Files submitted via email or uploaded must not exceed 25 MB. Important Note: Allow ample time for submitting your proposal. DESC strongly encourages submitting at least one business day prior to due date above. DESC will not extend the submission deadline due to technical issues or outages. DESC WILL NOT ACCEPT PAPER / HARD-COPY OR LATE PROPOSALS.

F. Changes in Facts Applicants shall advise DESC during the time the proposal is open for consideration of any changes in the principal officers, organization, the financial ability of, or any other facts presented in the proposal with respect to the applicant or the proposal immediately upon occurrence.

Cost Implementation Year 1 Subsequent Years

Implementation Other One-Time costs Core System Licensing

Full User Licenses Other User Licenses

Other costs Totals

Page 16: for Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application (SBA-JMS) · 2020-04-24 · Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 16 of 18

G. Evaluation Procedures, Oral Presentations, and Site Inspections Following the receipt of the applicant’s proposal, a DESC designated evaluation committee will evaluate each response. All proposals which meet the required format of this RFP will be evaluated. Any proposal determined to be non-responsive to the specifications or other requirements of the RFP, including instructions governing submission and format, will be disqualified unless DESC determines, at its sole discretion, that noncompliance is not substantial or that an alternative proposal by the prospective vendor is acceptable. DESC reserves the right to request additional information to amplify, clarify, or support proposals. DESC also reserves the right, at its own discretion, to request oral presentations regarding proposals submitted in response to the RFP. Failure to make an oral presentation after one is requested by DESC will be grounds for rejection of your proposal. Prospective applicants will be notified by DESC of the date, time and location for any pre-award survey, site inspection, or oral presentation, if one is requested. A final determination will be made by DESC after any pre-award survey, site inspection, or oral presentations are completed. The proposal will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria listed below. Please note, only finalists will be invited for an oral presentation. DESC reserves the right to award or reject funding for a proposal.


A. Summary 5 B. Qualifications 20 C. Financial Fit/Capacity 5 D. Administrative Capacity 5 E. Performance History 10

F. Service Delivery Description 40 G. Price Proposal 15

TOTAL MAXIMUM POINTS – WRITTEN PROPOSAL 100 Interview/Demonstration 50 TOTAL Maximum Points – Written Proposal and Interview 150

H. Pre-Award Termination of RFP process DESC in conjunction with the MWDB reserves the right to cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety, to accept or reject any or all proposals received, to waive any non-conformity, to re-advertise for proposals, or withhold the award for any reason DESC determines, and to take any other appropriate action regarding this RFP that is in the best interest of DESC.

Page 17: for Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application (SBA-JMS) · 2020-04-24 · Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 17 of 18

DESC reserves the right to negotiate with all qualified entities. This RFP does not commit the MWDB or DESC to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal under this request, or to procure or contract for services.

I. Contract Negotiations/Stipulations The RFP is competitive. Each proposal should be submitted in the most favorable terms that the prospective vendor can submit from a technical and price standpoint. The offer is subject to negotiation, but costs cannot increase during contract negotiation unless required by DESC. All contracts with DESC in excess of $10,000 are subject to termination for cause, and for convenience by DESC. DESC will not enter into a contract with any person or entity that has been debarred or suspended from contracting with any Federal or State governmental unit. All prospective vendors must accept DESC’s contract boilerplate language or have a negotiated revision to said language on file with the DESC. DESC’s standard contract provisions can be provided upon request. DESC has the right to terminate the negotiation process, at any time for default, or for convenience, at the sole discretion of DESC.

J. Contract Approval Upon award of a contract, pursuant to this RFP, DESC and the applicant shall execute a contract that shall contain all contractual terms and conditions in a form provided by DESC. No contract shall become effective until the contract has been approved and executed by DESC. Prior to the completion of this approval process, the vendor shall have no authority to begin work under the contract. The Chief Financial Officer of DESC shall not authorize any payments to the vendor prior to such approvals; nor shall DESC incur any liability to reimburse the vendor regarding any expenditure for the purchase of materials or the payment of services.

K. DESC Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures DESC may conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation of all vendors to determine contractual compliance relative to funding requirements and guidelines, performance outcomes, quality of operation, and/or customer service. Based on the results of the evaluation or monitoring efforts, DESC may request performance improvement plans. In instances of significant performance or compliance deficiencies, DESC may place the contractor on a corrective action plan.

L. Modification of Services and Funding DESC reserves the right to modify the services provided by vendors awarded a contract during the contract period. Any modification and resulting changes in pricing shall be made by amendment to the contract and the vendor and DESC. DESC also reserves the right to decrease or increase contract amounts during the life of the contract, based on the utilization of funds, vendor performance, and the availability of funds, or as further described in the contract.

Page 18: for Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application (SBA-JMS) · 2020-04-24 · Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Due Date: May 7, 2020 at 5pm (EST) Page 18 of 18

Any individual/organization applying under this RFP must be willing to adapt its proposal to specific funding guidelines or changes in DESC’s, state, or federal regulations or policies. Prospective vendors may be required to submit cost, technical, or other revisions of their proposal that may result from negotiations.

M. Terms and Conditions The successful applicant will be expected to enter into a contract with DESC which will contain the Terms and Conditions outlined in a separate document that can be found on DESC’s website at

Page 19: for Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application (SBA-JMS) · 2020-04-24 · Skill-Based Assessment and Job Matching Software Application Request for Proposals (RFP)

Number of Pages:(not including attachments)

Proposed Number of Participants to be


Legal Name of Entity or Individual:

Federal Tax ID Number:

DUNS Number: if available

Street Address, Suite#:

City, State:

Zip Code:

Website URL:




Funding SourceEstimated Amount

Proposed ($)

Detroit Employment Solutions




Total Est. Funding Request:


Detroit Employment Solutions CorporationA Michigan Works! Agency



CONTACT INFORMATIONProvide contact information for person to be contacted

on matters involving this application


First Name:

Last Name:

Applicant Information

Application InformationSelect the Option that Describes Your Application

Type of Organization:

State Entity is Registered:

Funding Request InformationEnter summary estimated funding amounts

Other (Describe below):

Authorized Representative's Signature (Blue Ink Only) Date Signed_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________

Authorized Representative Name (printed) Authorized Representative Title

Email Address

(Area Code) + Office Phone:

(Area Code) +Mobile Phone:

Revised 2/24/20

Submission Version:

(Area Code) + Telephone Number



Co-Grantee:Enter Lead Entity below

More than one (1) applicant is applying for this proposal. Application includes letter signed by all parties designating a "Lead" entity, specifying roles and responsibilities. Each co-applicant is required to completed Form A.

Sub-recipients: Applicant will be responsible for the overall work of the grant, with one or more organizations performing separate and distinct functions to serve or aid the principal effort. Such other organizations must be procured by the prospective applicant as subcontractors. Select option that describes proposal sub-recipient status below.

Summary Description

Applicant is sole respondent.

Sub-recipients are not identified nor planned for this application.

Sub-recipients are named in the proposal and included in the budget. Documentation of procurement is also included as required with this application.

Sub-recipients are planned for this grant but not named specifically in the budget or proposal. Procurement for services will be conducted in the future if Applicant is awarded a contract. Procurement documentation will be provided to DESC at that time.

Application Type

Proposal Title: