fireflies analysis

Detailed analysis of music videos Use the below table to help structure your notes when analysing music video. High grade responses make sustained reference to appropriate theory. Andrew Goodwin - 7 key ideas to identify 1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. Stage performances in metal videos, dance routines for boy/girl bands) 2. There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals (Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting) 3. There is a relationship between the music and the visuals (Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting) 4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (e.g. A visual style) 5. There are frequent references to the notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic (sexual) treatment of the female body 6. There is often intertextual references (to films, TV programmes, other music videos, etc) 7. Whether the video is primarily performance-based, narrative-based or concept-based and how element of each is used in it Artist: Owl City Song title: Fireflies Concept/narrative: The video is based on performance, showing the artist performing the song on a piano. The setting though (accompanied by the lyrics of the song) shows that the song is based around growing up, and letting go of certain dreams. Features Observations Examples Genre characteristics The song is known as a mixture between electronic and pop - these songs are known to usually have up- beat tunes along with a slightly fast pace. Electronic music is known to use a lot of sounds that do not sound natural though, usually being fast paced to make a tune or theme that sounds good. Fireflies is a relatively fast paced song (although not too fast), this fits with the electronic music characteristic whilst also having an up-beat tune and vocals that fit in with the normal pop culture. Relationship between lyrics and visuals There are a lot of shots in the video where lyrics that are being read will reflect what is currently being shown in the video. When certain words are Throughout the video, there are multiple shots of a “speak and spell” kids toy; at multiple instances the lyrics that are being

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Page 1: Fireflies Analysis

Detailed analysis of music videos

Use the below table to help structure your notes when analysing music video. High grade responses make sustained reference to appropriate theory.

Andrew Goodwin - 7 key ideas to identify

1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. Stage performances in metal videos, dance routines for boy/girl bands)

2. There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals (Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting)

3. There is a relationship between the music and the visuals (Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting)

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (e.g. A visual style)

5. There are frequent references to the notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic (sexual) treatment of the female body

6. There is often intertextual references (to films, TV programmes, other music videos, etc)

7. Whether the video is primarily performance-based, narrative-based or concept-based and how element of each is used in it

Artist: Owl City Song title: Fireflies

Concept/narrative: The video is based on performance, showing the artist performing the song on a piano. The setting though (accompanied by the lyrics of the song) shows that the song is based around growing up, and letting go of certain dreams.

Features Observations Examples

Genre characteristics The song is known as a mixture between electronic and pop - these songs are known to usually have up-beat tunes along with a slightly fast pace. Electronic music is known to use a lot of sounds that do not sound natural though, usually being fast paced to make a tune or theme that sounds good.

Fireflies is a relatively fast paced song (although not too fast), this fits with the electronic music characteristic whilst also having an up-beat tune and vocals that fit in with the normal pop culture.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals

There are a lot of shots in the video where lyrics that are being read will reflect what is currently being shown in the video. When certain words are said they will usually have a visual cue as well, being a very visual

Throughout the video, there are multiple shots of a “speak and spell” kids toy; at multiple instances the lyrics that are being sang at that point in time appear on the toy as a reflection of what

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experience. is being said. The line “fire flies” being sung as it appears on screen.

The lyrics being sung are also usually referencing the fact that he does not want to let his childhood go, and it being shown on this toy is a reflection of that (“Please take me away from here” shows that he does not want adulthood to be a reality, as they appear on the toy). There are also multiple instances throughout the video where the lyrics will coincide with a shot of something happening, such as the lyrics “Leave my door open but a crack” is said while a door opens looking into a bedroom.

There is also an example where the lyrics read “Put a few of them in a jar” and it also shows a jar full of fireflies.

Relationship between music and visuals

In the video there are shots were something that the artist is doing in the video seems to influence the song in some way, such as the song getting faster, slower, or adding

There are multiple instances where the tune of the song seems to react to the video (or vice versa) during the video, one that stands out is at the

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some electronic beats. There is a lot of thought put into the thought beats of the music, as the video reacts to the song in multiple ways.

beginning where the beat starts along with the turning on of different lights around the room.

Are there close ups of the artists and star image motifs?

No. NA

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

No. NA

Are the examples of intertextual references?

The whole song is masked in a way to where it seems just like a normal song when initially listening to it, but upon inspection the lyrics pertain to the artist’s childhood experiences.

The song’s name “Fireflies” is a reference to fleeting dreams that the artist can’t seem to catch - it is mentioned in the video that fireflies are seen as awe inspiring, but they also do not last forever.

The whole video shows childhood objects, toys, and items interacting with the artist as and when he says lyrics - the whole video is a masked reference of itself.

The fireflies mentioned in the song are a reference to the artist’s dreams, and once the title is understood it unlocks the rest of the song;s meaning.

Is the video category illustration, amplification or contradicting? How much of each?

This music video is very illustrative of the lyrics being sang along with the beat of the music.

Throughout the video the video seems to react to the music, along with the lyrics coinciding with things happening in the video. The video helps to illustrate all of the things being said in the lyrics along with

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showing different objects and following a thought-beat that pertains to the music itself.