fire, blood and tears on april 19 - ·...

Fire, Blood and Tears on April 19 Pyreaus An investigation into the Fire Sacrifice ritual of April 19 (Old Calendar) and how certain agencies on this day appease their Gods through the burning of children. April 19 is the same day as the massacres at Waco and Oklahoma City, where the blame has falsely been placed in the laps of the victims and patsies.

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Page 1: Fire, Blood and Tears on April 19 - · Fire, Blood and Tears on April 19 Pyreaus An investigation into the Fire Sacrifice

Fire, Blood and Tears on April 19


An investigation into the Fire Sacrifice ritual of April 19 (Old Calendar) and how certain agencies on this day appease their Gods through the burning of children. April 19 is the same day as the massacres at Waco and Oklahoma City, where the blame has falsely been placed in the laps of the victims and patsies.

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Introduction 3 History of Fire Sacrifice 4 Ancient Gods of the Ritual 7 Moloch 7 Ba’al 14 Saturn 17 A Reminder to WACO 23 Blasts in Oklahoma City 35 Sacrifices through Civilisation 40 Conclusion 41 Research Sources 42

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Introduction The date of April 19 for most of the inhabitants of our beautiful planet Earth is

equated with joy and warmth, as the Sun has officially conquered the darkness of

night (Spring Equinox) and continues the glorious adventure, giving the gift of longer

days, shorter nights and the re-emergence of the flora and fauna. This is translated

as barbeques, visits to the beach, guzzling beer while the pavements scorch and a

feeling of well-being amongst the brothers and sisters of the varying cultures.

There is however a more sinister and darker aspect to this Spring day, in the form of

agencies in the world who wring their hands with glee, their forked tongues dripping

and salivating at the prospect of ‘appeasing’ their Gods. Theirs is an outlook of glee,

a chance to share with their fellow bandits the suffering of the innocent, especially

children, an agenda to burn with Fire.

Throughout history there have been horrible instances of sacrifices carried out by the

murderers that perpetrate these horrors, the blame being cast on the victims as part

of the grizzly ‘ritual.’ In modern times this has been seen at Waco in 1993 and the

Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995.

There have also been instances of buildings catching fire throughout the years on

this date, the causes of the infernos unexplained in most cases.

Exploring and facing these horrors must be done even though it is unpleasant and

emotional. I find myself weeping while sifting through the empathies, knowing that

these signs are but a small fraction of the deep wound in the collective psyche.

There is also joy in me as I have a feather in my heart that knows the Souls of the

fallen are free. Work is done to make certain that those who have gone beyond are

not lost. Direction beacons are placed in key junctures which flower into the realm of

Spirit and point the way home.

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History of Fire Sacrifice The day of April 19 which marks the first day of Summer was known as Sigrblot in

the Old Calendar and etches the beginning of a 13-day Satanic cycle culminating on

the first day of May (Beltane), known in the west as ‘May Day’

The demand for children to be sacrificed by Fire to the Gods of Antiquity is the order

of the day, with the deities being named as Moloch, Ba‟al and Saturn.

The idea of appeasing the Gods through a sacrifice is as ancient as the worship of

the Sun, Moon and Stars in the ancient times of the Atlanteans. The earliest known

evidence of Fire sacrifice originates with the Israelites who worshipped Moloch, the

Abomination of the Children of Ammon.

Moloch was portrayed as a bronze statue with a calf's head adorned with the Solar

(Aton) crown and seated on a throne with his arms extended to receive the child

victims given up to him.

‘Then further back, higher than the candelabrum, and much higher than the altar, rose the Moloch, all of iron, and with gaping apertures in his human breast. His outspread wings were stretched upon the wall, his tapering hands reached down to the ground; three black stones bordered by yellow circles represented three eyeballs on his brow, and his bull's head was raised with a terrible effort as if in order to bellow.’

Gustave Flaubert (Salammbô) 1862

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In the Greek and Roman cultures Cleitarchus ¹, Diodorus Siculus ² and Plutarch ³ all

describe the offering of children by fire as a sacrifice to the chief God of Carthage,

Ba‟al Hammon. The name Ba‟al means ‘Lord’ and was associated with Cronus, also

known as El and Saturn. Hammon comes from the word Ammon, linking to Moloch

and the Children of Ammon.

In the translation of Cleitarchus' writings by Paul G. Mosca, it is written that in the

midst of the mighty City of Carthage stood the bronze statue of Kronos, its hands

extended over a bronze brazier, eagerly awaiting to engulf the child. When the

flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems to almost

be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the

'grin' was associated with sardonic laughter.

‘There was in their city a bronze image of Cronus extending its hands, palms up and sloping toward the ground, so that each of the children when placed thereon rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled with fire.’

Diodorus Siculus 49 BC

¹ Cleitarchus (Clitarchus) was one of the historians of Alexander the Great and son of the

historian Dinon of Colophon. ² Diodorus Siculus was a Greek historian, born in Agyrium in Sicily (circa 50 BC) ³ Plutarch (46 – 120 AD) was a Greek historian, biographer, essayist, and Middle Platonist

known primarily for his Parallel Lives and Moralia.

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It is told by Diodorus that relatives were forbidden to weep

and that when Agathocles defeated Carthage in 306 BC, the

Carthaginian nobles believed they had displeased the Gods

by substituting low-born children for their own children. They

attempted to make amends by sacrificing two-hundred

children of their best families at once, and in their enthusiasm

and lust to favour their vengeful God, they actually sacrificed

three-hundred children. An event the human race can be

proud of. Just don’t show the curriculum vitae to the almighty!

Plutarch described in his treatise ‘De Superstitiones’ that the whole area before the

statue was filled with a loud noise of flutes and drums so that the cries of the wailing

infants should not reach the ears of the people, especially the parents of the

sacrifice. If they would have heard, the priests would have been next in being

dumped into the fires.

In 1921 Otto Eissfeldt the honoured Theologian, while

excavating in Carthage, discovered a relief showing a priest

holding a child over a pit. Also uncovered was a sanctuary to

the goddess Tanit comprising a cemetery with thousands of

burned bodies of animals and human infants, dating from

circa 800 BC up to the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC.

In more recent times, the Bohemian Grove ‘Cremation of

Care’ ceremony is a replica of those ancient fire rituals,

dedicated once again to Moloch, this time in the guise of a

gigantic owl. Hundreds of top leaders and moguls from the

coteries of business, politics, law, banking, finance and

entertainment watch on as ‘Care’ in the form of a child effigy is burnt, accompanied

with gurgling screams and cheering from the robed villains.

What a nice and wonderful society we live in, to be proud in knowing that so much

‘progress’ has been made, away from the ancient days of barbarism and carnage.

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Ancient Gods of the Ritual

Moloch, the Abomination of the Children of Ammon Moloch was historically kindred with the cultures throughout the Middle East and

Levant including the Israelites, Ammonites, Hebrew, Canaanite and Phoenician

settlers, who all ascribed a similar name to him ¹.

The Fire (Sun) God was portrayed as a bronze statue with a calf's head adorned with

a royal crown and seated on a throne. His arms were extended, ready to receive the

child victims sacrificed to him.

In (1 Kings: 11:7) he is referred to as ‘the abomination of the children of Ammon’ and

the primary means to appease his fury was in sacrificing children in his name, for

them to ‘pass through the fire’ after which he would devour them and grant fertility to

the land and people.

His name derives from Melech which means ‘King’ and Bosheth, meaning ‘shame’

as he symbolizes the one on high who has fallen in shame from Heaven to Earth.

¹ MLK, Molech, Molekh, Molek, Moloc, Milcom (Addonites), Ba‟al, Bael and Bel

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Moloch was affiliated with the Tyrian God Melqart, the Assyrian/Babylonian deity

Malik, Malak-bel of Palmyra and Ba’al Hammon of Carthage.

It is said that in the famous statue of Moloch, there were seven cabinets. The first

was for flour, the second for turtle doves, the third for an ewe, the fourth for a ram,

the fifth for a calf, the sixth for a beef and the seventh for a child. Because of this

parallel, Moloch is also associated with Mithras and his seven mysterious gates with

seven chambers (seven chakras with fire of kundalini rising.)

When a child was sacrificed to Moloch, a fire was lit inside the statue. The priests

would then beat loudly on drums and other objects so that the cries of the victims

would not be heard.

‘Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.’

Rashi (12th Century)

When King Solomon‟s temple was built in 960 BC, it was partly dedicated to Moloch;

‘Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.’ (1 Kings 11:7)

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The sacrifice of children was common throughout the cults of the land who were

eager to please their conniving deity, however the practice died down around the

time of Jeremiah ¹ when the King defiled Tophet ², the place where Moloch was


‘He also defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire for Molech.’ (2 Kings 23:10)

After Moses receives the ‘laws’ from the ‘God’ the writings forbade the Israelites and

any other cult to carry on with their blood curdling rituals.

‘You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to Moloch, and so profane the name of your God.’ (Leviticus 18:21)

¹ Jeremiah was one of the major prophets of the Hebrew Bible. His writings are put together

in the Book of Jeremiah and authorship of the Book of Lamentations is ascribed to him. ² Tophet was the place outside Jerusalem where the sacrifices to Moloch would be

conducted, in the valley of Hinnom. After the practice of child sacrifice was outlawed by King Josiah, the valley became a refuse site where animal carcasses, waste and the bodies of criminals were dumped, with fires permanently burning to keep disease at bay. Tophet became a synonym for hell on Earth.

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It looks as if there was an overall ‘purification’ to rid the land of these practises which

was a step in the right direction, however history has shown that if an activity is

outlawed and forbidden then its members, any who survive the ‘purges’ that is, take

their ritualistic meddling underground, into the realms of cover and shadow.

‘Again, you shall say to the Sons of Israel; Whoever he be of the Sons of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel that gives any of his seed l'Molech; he shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people; because he has given of his seed l'Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all hide their eyes from that man, when he gives of his seed l'Molech, and do not kill him, then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go astray after him, whoring l'Molech from among the people.’ (Leviticus 20:2-5)

Centuries later, in John Milton‟s ¹ epic poem of verse and myth ‘Paradise Lost’

published in 1667, Moloch makes an appearance as one of the greatest warriors of

the fallen angels, a terrible demon covered with the tears from mothers and the

blood of innocent children.

¹ John Milton (1608 - 1674) was an English poet, author, polemicist and civil servant for the

Commonwealth of England.

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In (Book 2:43-105) at the Parliament of Hell, Moloch gives a speech where he argues

for immediate warfare against God.

‘First, Moloch, horrid King, besmeared with blood Of human sacrifice, and parents' tears; Though, for the noise of drums and timbrels loud, Their children's cries unheard that passed through fire To his grim idol. Him the Ammonite Worshiped in Rabba and her watery plain, In Argob and in Basan, to the stream Of utmost Arnon. Nor content with such Audacious neighbourhood, the wisest heart Of Solomon he led by fraud to build His temple right against the temple of God On that opprobrious hill, and made his grove The pleasant valley of Hinnom, Tophet thence And black Gehenna called, the type of Hell.’

Continuing on through the history of the world, Moloch makes a number of

appearances throughout art and culture;

In one of William Blake‟s illustrations ‘the morning of

Christ‟s Nativity’ Moloch is portrayed as a flying demon,

emerging from the pit of flame.

In Fritz Lang's film ‘Metropolis’, Freder, the son of John

Fredersen, the master of Metropolis, uses the term to

describe the horror as he watches his fellow men

devoured by their work city.

In Giovanni Pastrone's film ‘Cabiria’, the protagonist is saved from being sacrificed to

Moloch and in Allen Ginsberg's poem ‘Howl’, Moloch is used as a metaphor for

capitalism and the pervasive nature of industrial civilization.

In Jeff Lindsay's ‘Dexter in the Dark’, Moloch is cast as the original and almighty

entity behind all human evil.

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In Wayne Barlowe's ‘God's Demon’, Moloch is cast as the supreme general of the

armies of Hell's capital city, Dis. He is portrayed as a fierce and merciless warrior

with no legs, as they were burnt away during the fall from Heaven.

In modern English usage, ‘Moloch’ can refer derivatively to any person and thing

which demand and require costly sacrifices.

In Bertrand Russell's ‘A Free Man's Worship’, Moloch is used to describe a

particularly savage brand of religion;

‘The savage, like ourselves, feels the oppression of his impotence before the powers of Nature; but having in himself nothing that he respects more than Power, he is willing to prostrate himself before his gods, without inquiring whether they are worthy of his worship. Pathetic and very terrible is the long history of cruelty and torture, of degradation and human sacrifice, endured in the hope of placating the jealous gods; surely, the trembling believer thinks, when what is most precious has been freely given, their lust for blood must be appeased, and more will not be required. The religion of Moloch - as such creeds may be generically called - is in essence the cringing submission of the slave, who dare not, even in his heart, allow the thought that his master deserves no adulation. Since the independence of ideals is not yet acknowledged, Power may be freely worshipped, and receive an unlimited respect, despite its wanton infliction of pain.’

In Gustave Flaubert's ‘Salammbô’, a semi-historical novel about Carthage published

in 1862, Moloch is characterized as a God to whom the Carthaginians offered

children. (what a surprise!)

Chapter 13 describes how in a desperate attempt to call down rain, the idol of

Moloch was bought to the centre of Carthage, his arms were moved by the pulling of

chains by the priests and then the sacrifices began to the famished God.

First grain and animals of various kinds were placed in compartments within the

statue (same as Rabbinic account). Then the children were offered, a few in the

beginning and then more and more as the Carthaginians became more desperate.

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The brazen arms were working more quickly. They

paused no longer. Every time that a child was placed

in them the priests of Moloch spread out their hands

upon him to burden him with the crimes of the people,

vociferating; ‘They are not men but oxen!’ and the

multitude round about repeated; ‘Oxen! oxen!’

The devout exclaimed; ‘Lord! eat!’ and the priests of

Proserpine, complying through terror with the needs of

Carthage, muttered the Eleusinian formula; ‘Pour out

rain! bring forth!’

The victims, when scarcely at the edge of the opening, disappeared like a drop of

water on a red-hot plate, and white smoke rose amid the great scarlet colour.

Nevertheless, the appetite of the God was not appeased. He ever wished for more.

In order to furnish him with a larger supply, the victims were piled up on his hands

with a big chain above them which kept them in their place. Some devout persons

had at the beginning wished to count them, to see whether their number

corresponded with the days of the solar year; but others were brought, and it was

impossible to distinguish them in the giddy motion of the horrible arms.

This lasted for a long, indefinite time until the evening. Then

the partitions inside assumed a darker glow, and burning flesh

could be seen. Some even believed that they could descry

hair, limbs, and whole bodies. Night fell; clouds accumulated

above the Ba‟al. The funeral-pile, which was flameless now,

formed a pyramid of coals up to his knees; completely red like

a giant covered with blood, he looked, with his head thrown

back, as though he were staggering beneath the weight of his


Just the sort of friends you would have round for dinner to enjoy a night of festivities!

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Ba’al - Lord of the Flame In the cultures of the Old Kingdom Ba’al ¹ was a title of honour which means;

master, owner, husband and lord. The prestigious title was associated with the

various Sun and Fire Gods who were patrons of tribes in the Levant.

‘The Greeks were as firmly convinced as many modern Bible-readers that the Semites, or the Orientals generally, worshipped a god called Ba‟al or Bel, the truth of course being that ba'al is a Semitic word for lord or master, and so applies to a multitude of gods. This „Bel‟ then, being an important deity, must be the sun, the more so as some of the gods bearing that title may have been really solar.’ W. H. D. Rouse (Nonnus Dionysiaca) 1940

Ba‟al was also a God of rain, dew, thunder, fertility and growth. Later he was given

the personality of Yam, the God of the Sea.

Because he was associated with the worship of Nature, some obscure cults offered

sacrifices of children to appease his wrath and also bring life to the soil of the land,

especially in the Spring with the coming of the rain.

¹ Ba‟al is also known as Baal, Bael, Baël, Baell (pronounced ‘bail’) and Bel.

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Throughout the pantheon of worshippers, titles were given

to Ba‟al such as; ‘Lord of the Heavens,’ ‘Rider of the

Clouds,’ ‘Almighty’ and ‘Lord of the Earth.’ He was also

known as ‘Lord of the Covenant’ (Baal-Berit) and ‘Lord of

Dancing’ (Baal-Marqod.)

During the 14th to 11th Centuries, Ba‟al became popular with the Egyptians and

spread around the Mediterranean Sea locale during the establishment of the

Phoenician colonies.

Tyre was known as a centre of Ba‟al worship where the Phoenicians thrived. In their

theology, Melqart is the son of El who was God of Tyre. He was often called the

Ba‟al of Tyre. Hiram of Tyre built the Temple of King Solomon (Temple of Sun.)

For the Canaanites, Ba‟al was known as Haddad

and belonged to a trinity of Gods with Dagon

being his father and Anath his sister. In this Solar

mythology, Ba‟al battles Mot, the God of Death,

also known as the God of Darkness who

manages to kill Ba‟al and throw him into the

netherworld. Because of this the flora and fauna die. With the help of Anath and

Dagon, Ba‟al is reborn as the new Sun.

There were many temples (temp-el ‘house of God’) devoted to Ba‟al

in Canaan and many towns around the locality bear the name of the

mighty God; Baal-Hazor, Baal-Peor, Baal-Sidon, Baal-Lebanon,


The worship of Ba'al Hammon flourished in the Phoenician city of

Carthage where he was also known as Ba'al Qarnaim ‘Lord of Two

Horns.’ The veneration took place in an open-air sanctuary at ‘Jebel Bu Kornein’ (the

two-horned hill.) The titan was also identified with the Greek Cronus, the Roman God

Saturn and with Moloch of the Israelites and Ammonites.

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Another face of Ba‟al is found in Beelzebub (Ba„al

Zebûb and Ba„al Zəbûb) who was worshipped in the

Philistine city of Ekron.

Ba‟al also makes his appearance as one of the seven

princes of Hell. This idea of Ba‟al as a demon was

created by Christian doctrines when the ancient Gods

were given their new places in the pantheon.

During the English Puritan period, Ba‟al was considered to be connected with Satan

(Saturn) who has the power to make those who invoke him invisible and wise (owl.)

In grimoire tradition Ba‟al appears in the form of a man, cat and toad.

In the 9th Century BC when Queen Jezebel of Israel

introduced Ba‟al as a deity, there was so strong an

opposition to this that since those times, the term ‘baal’ is

used as a curse against people.

In 1978, archaeologists excavating at an 8th BC site in the

eastern Sinai desert found several Hebrew inscriptions

mentioning Ba'al and El in the form of ‘Elohim,’ the name

of God in the Hebrew Bible. He is the source of life and fertility, the mightiest hero,

and the Lord of war.

In popular culture Ba‟al appears as the God of murder in

the world of the Forgotten Realms and a ‘balor’ is a

name for a race of tanar‟ri demons, the most wicked

and feared creatures of the abyss.

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece ‘The Lord of the Rings’

the Balrog refers to a demon of Fire of the Underworld,

a soldier of evil and brethren to Sauron, the

personification of Saturn.

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Saturn – The Lord of the Rings

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

The character Sauron from the magnificent and ageless works of Professor Tolkien,

symbolizes the archetype and personality of the Roman God and planet, Saturn.

Saturn was also known as Cronus to the Greeks, Adonis to the Syrians and El to

the tribes and people of the Levant and was also associated with Ba‟al and Moloch.

He was the God of the Harvest and sacrifices were performed in his name, in order

to ensure a fruitful Summer and the falling of the Spring rain.

The planet Saturn is very important in theology and religion and its roots go back into

the ancient world of the Phoenician and Canaanite cultures, whose tentacles still

reach deep into society today.

Father Time and the Grim Reaper are a simulacra of this mysterious and ancient

God, based on the fact that time will eventually lead mortals to their death and

rebirth. A title attributed to Saturn was ‘The Greater Malefic’ and his domain consists

of patience, stability and maturity. His lessons are learned slowly and over time.

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The colour Black symbolizes the energy of

Saturn. He is the God of Chaos and Destruction

and rules the enclaves of Law, Banking and

Government. This is why judges and priests

wear black robes, to show that they are agents

of Saturn. Ninjas and Assassins cover

themselves in black owing to the fact that the

God can grant the patron invisibility, swiftness and stealth, a mighty force indeed.

When Saturn comes knocking on the door you had better listen good, otherwise you

may end up paying dearly! The aura of this ringed God is associated with limitation,

restriction, death and decay. Saturn symbolizes the death and rebirth cycle.

Amongst the Seven Luminaries, the planet Saturn is

the furthest away from the Sun (Light, Warmth)

therefore was associated with cold, darkness and

emptiness. Seneca says that Epigenes, who studied

astronomy among the Chaldeans estimates that the

planet Saturn ‘exerts the greatest influence upon all

the movements of celestial bodies.’ How ironic that one so far away affects us so


Saturn‟s number is six as it is the sixth planet. The ancient Phoenician/Canaanite

symbol for Saturn was the six-pointed star, also known as the ‘Star of Saturn.’ The

same star is found on the flag of Israel and on Sheriff‟s badges.

Within our own beings, the sixth chakra is the 3rd eye

which connects into the pineal gland, which is the

inner Stargate. When the 3rd eye opens, it is said you

are developing your Sixth Sense. Now you see why

there has been such a stigmatization of the number

666 which is the symbol of the three sixes. Seems as

if there has been a deliberate agenda to thwart the personal path to knowledge.

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Saturn is also symbolized by the black cube which

is found in Mecca. The term ‘black box’ which is

used to record flight data on craft alludes to the

fact that the God of Occult Law, Saturn is in

charge. When you graduate from college and

university you wear the black mortarboard which is

a symbol of Saturn and Freemasonry and shows

that you have gained ‘knowledge.’ In truth chances

are that you have been taught nothing of value. True education comes from

individual study, as time has shown that the systems of the world (education,

religion, political, law) are nothing more than sewers, where depravity festers and

true knowledge dies. Have no fear as true knowledge is re-borne from within.

Saturn is given a place of honour within society as

Saturday (Saturn‟s day) and there are many symbols

which represent Saturn; Nike, Nissan, EarthLink (EL)

and Nortel Networks to name a few. Chances are that

if you are married, you have a ring on your finger.

The ring is a symbol of Saturn, a token of the

lawgiver bearing witness and blessing the union. Ear-

rings were worn in the ancient world as a gesture that

you had the God‟s ear. The Yarmulke worn by Jews is a symbol of fealty to Saturn,

meaning that you are under his Word.

‘That is why today, when you get married, you get married before God. And the symbol of that God is the ring that is put on each other's fingers. The ring of Saturn. In the marriage phrases, one also begins to see what that has to do with Saturn. So when you get married, you get married with a ring and the symbol of that God is the ring, the ring of Saturn. You're wearing God's ring. And the yarmulke was the round ring that you wear on your head, for Saturn your God. Even in the middle ages, in the temples, Catholic monks would shave their heads in a round circle, and the Hebrews, instead of doing that, would wear the yarmulke. But it all had to do with the round rings of Saturn.’ Jordan Maxwell (Matrix of Power)

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Those who follow Saturn as a deity are called Elites, because they have been

elevated within society via elections. Those who demonstrate their fealty for the God

into old age are also known as elders.

‘The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, El. It is the reason why those that were chosen by El, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of El. Angels are messengers of god. But god was El, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the „el,‟ suffix - Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc.’ Michael Tsarion (Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology)

The Fraternitas Saturni (The Brotherhood of

Saturn) is a secret society that has its roots in the

Nazi ‘Thule Society.’ The Gestapo wore black as

they were followers of the Saturnian society, also

known as the ‘Brotherhood of the Black Sun.’ The term ‘black-ops’

refers to operations that bring appeasement to the God and hence

the black operators of the various agencies carry out the will of the Saturnian cult.

Within dark sorcery, if you are to curse someone, it is said that you put a ‘hex’ on

them. This sp(ell) links in with Saturn because of the nature of the atmospheric

„hexagonal‟ formations found on Saturn‟s poles, picked up by NASA probes.

In the ‘space opera’ Star Wars, Darth Vader

represents the personality of Saturn. He wears

the black clothing of Saturn and covering his

face is a Nazi Stormtrooper helmet (Fraternitas

Saturni.) He speaks through the mouthpiece of

the Masonic square and rule. He is always

hunting Luke Skywalker (the Sun), the one who

walks the sky. The symbolism in the film even alludes to this when we see Luke on

Tatooine looking out at the twin suns. The Twins are a reflection of himself and Leia,

the two L‟s. (L is also pronounced El.)

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Saturn is associated with the Norse God Loki and

the myths of the two gods are often blended

together. Loki is known as the ‘trickster’ and is the

one responsible for Balder‟s death. Balder is a

representation of the Sun.

Saturn was also known as the

‘Lord of Two Horns’ pointing

to the fact that he has been

merged with the power of the

Moon. In ‘Lord of the Rings’ ¹ the eye of Sauron sits between two horns. Saturn‟s

symbol is the cross and crescent Moon (horns.)

In Christian theology, Satan is an amalgamation of Saturn and the Nature God Pan,

creating a chimera of fear and apprehension based on misinformation.

‘Saturn is the opposite to Jupiter; his symbol is the cross above the sign of Luna. He is the Satan, the Tempter, or rather the Tester. His function is to chastise and tame the unruly passions in the primitive man.’ J.S. Ward (Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods)

¹ The One Ring was created by the Dark Lord Sauron during the Second Age in order to

gain dominion over the free peoples of Middle-earth.

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Rome in its heyday was called Saturnalia as it was rife

with Saturn worship. The festival of Saturnalia

(dedicated to Saturn and in some cases also the Sun)

was celebrated on the 19th December until Caesar

moved it to the 17th. The festival usually lasted six days

and during these times the schools were closed; no war

was declared; no battles fought; and no punishment was

inflicted. Gambling was permitted and the gap between master and slave vanished

with roles being swapped between the many folk of the celebration.

‘Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer. In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also the Druids.’ Fritz Springmeier (Bloodlines of the Illuminati)

It is said that before Jupiter ruled as King of the Gods, that position was held by

Saturn who was considered the Supreme God and ruled the starlit kingdom from his

celestial throne. This alludes to the fact that there was a war between the Gods of

Antiquity and the Heavens were changed in this cosmic battle between these


These celestial events are spoken about in Babylonian

mythology. Saturn was known as the ‘Star of Tammuz’ and it

is said that after the deluge that swept the Earth, Saturn was

invisible and when the orb reappeared it was no longer the

same planet; it moved very slowly.

Even though Saturn symbolizes limitation and restriction, the energy of Saturn is a

flowing and wise one, representing instruction over time, learning from mistakes and

being reborn into the new truths found along the path of righteousness.

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A Reminder to WACO On 19th April 1993 at The Branch Davidian ¹ centre at Mount Carmel near Waco,

Texas, after a fifty-one day siege by the FBI, fifty-four men, women and twenty-five

children were murdered, through a grizzly ritual fire sacrifice, an offering to the

ancient God of Occult Law, Saturn. This included twelve children younger than

twelve years of age.

These were decent and honest law-abiding United States citizens who had their own

ways and beliefs, came from all walks of life and who held faith in the U.S.

Constitution to ensure their inalienable human and political rights, but instead they

were murdered by agents acting under the authority of the U.S. government. The

mind-controlled puppet Bill Clinton was President with Saturnian witch Janet Reno

in position as Attorney General.

Not only did the massacre ‘appease’ the ancient God and elevate those responsible

further up the steps of the false pyramid, it also inspired tremendous fear in the

hearts and minds of people everywhere as fear is what drives this madness forward,

the path of destruction, savagery and demonic slavery.

¹ The Branch Davidians are a sect which broke away from the Seventh Day Adventists in

1955, led at the time by Victor Houteff who established his headquarters at Waco in 1935.

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The number of days the siege lasted is important, as from

a numerological perspective the numbers when added

together add to six which is the number for Saturn and

when conducting a ritual murder, the symbols and

numbers associated with the God need to match the essence of the Archetype. The

Branch Davidian flag is also a six-pointed star.

The siege started on the morning of

February 28 at 9.40am, when agents from the

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

(BATF) launched an unlawful raid on the

Branch Davidians compound at Mt. Carmel,

with the help of helicopters loaned from the

National Guard. They came to seize

apparently ‘illegal’ weapons and came in, guns blazing without so much as a knock

on the door.

‘On February 28, 1993, the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) launched the largest assault in its history against a small religious community in central Texas. Approximately eighty armed agents invaded the compound, purportedly to execute a single search and arrest warrant. The raid went badly; six Branch Davidians and four agents were killed, and after a fifty-one-day standoff, the United States Justice Department approved a plan to use CS gas against those barricaded inside.’ Stuart A. Wright (The University of Chicago Press) 1995

The guns owned by the Davidians were completely legal. The local sheriff who was

in charge of the investigation found no basis for complaints against them and no

evidence of foul play was discovered.

Witness testimonies stated that once the BATF agents

jumped out from the cattle trailers which brought them to

the compound, they immediately made for the entrance and

began firing.

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What ensued was a shoot-out with most of the

Davidians hiding under cover, with a few returning fire,

the result of a completely unprovoked attack. One BATF

Agent accidentally shot himself in the leg while climbing

a ladder to the roof.

All video evidence relating to the beginnings of the raid

went missing, together with pages which were ripped

out of the surveillance logs and the right front door of

the Mount Carmel centre which would have shown that

the bullets fired came from the outside in and not the

inside out. Funny how evidence goes missing in the hands of these thugs.

The fight ended with the death of four BATF agents and six Branch Davidians,

including Lucy Schneider who was shot in the chest while nursing her baby, the

result of a callous and brutal murder by these wicked slovenly psychopaths.

The Branch Davidians were instead immediately charged with murder and

conspiracy to murder Federal agents. An inquiry which investigated the charges

against the goodly folk of Mt. Carmel a year later found the Davidians NOT GUILTY

of all charges.

While the BATF where retreating from the

compound, carrying their dead and wounded,

some dark hearted agents were performing

the ‘slit throat’ gesture and pointing to Mt.

Carmel Centre. It looks as if their wishes

came true. At the end of their life, once they pass into the Hall of Judgement and are

shown what they put their energies into, I’m certain they will be reeling with horror at

their own actions.

Michael Schroeder, a member of the ‘Branch’ was killed while trying to return to Mt.

Carmel. He was riddled with bullets, with the agency claiming he pulled a gun on


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These are the kinds of trigger happy cowboys who were giving the finger and

showing their butts to women and kids. Very sick and pathological Souls. The kind

of ‘soldier’ Henry Kissinger would be proud of.

‘Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.’ Henry Kissinger

An important element to always remember that those in the higher echelons of that

fake power pyramid do not place the guns and tanks in the hands of individuals, who

carry out the ‘orders’ of those above them. These people have the final choice in any

matter that they are responsible for. I cannot fathom how these killers sleep at night,

to know that they are guilty of the murder of children. I find this absolutely abhorrent!

Speaking from inside Mount Carmel, David Koresh described the analogy of hitting

little brother and then big brother coming over and dealing with the problem. He

knew that the FBI, the Big Brother was coming over to check things out.

The agency started conducting negotiations, holding conversations on the phone

with Steve Schneider representing the Davidians. The agency men stated

throughout the whole siege that they had no intent to storm the compound nor hurt


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The FBI negotiator even reassured one of the innocent children

that they were safe and no harm would come to them. When you

are putting a hex on someone (curse) as part of this ritual which

leads to demise, the reversing of words and gestures with

opposite meaning is the order of the day. So bearing this in mind the FBI message

reads; ‘we are planning your sacrifice for the benefit of our masters.’

Halfway through the siege the FBI received orders to shoot anyone coming out of Mt.

Carmel and also resorted to psychological warfare and unleashed a Psy-Op on the

Davidians. This included sleep deprivation, noise (all-night recordings of the screams

of rabbits being slaughtered), unsavoury music, bright lights and low frequency

sound projection (ELF.) They also trashed the Mt. Carmel water tank, leaving the

besieged Davidians with only rainwater for quenching their thirsts. Little did they

realize that the plan for their ritual demise was put in place long before the raid of

February 28th.

There is some corroboration between researchers that David

Koresh (birth name - Vernon Wayne Howell) was a mind

control victim of the MK-Ultra related experiments and that he

was deliberately sent to Mt. Carmel in 1981, to take over

leadership of the ‘Branch’ at Mt. Carmel, father many children

and finally pass through the Fire with his people, to the delight of the Brotherhood of

the Black Sun.

Nearing the end of the siege when the chance to surrender and come out safely

presented itself, David Koresh claimed that ‘God told him to wait.’ This smells of MK

Ultra programming, the same as the Son of Sam murders, where David Berkowitz

received instructions from Dog (God.)

Working on the translation and interpretation of the Seven Seals

from the Book of Revelation, he said he would come out and give

up as soon as he had completed his thesis on the Seals (The

Decoded Message of the Seven Seals.)

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David believed he was a prophet, sent to help people understand the real meaning

behind the Biblical references contained in the cryptic passages and verses. He

knew the Bible intimately and named the New World Order as Babylon, the

Destroyer. Well I definitely agree on that point wholeheartedly!

The media played their part in their usual manner, by demonizing David as the

‘Leader of a Dangerous Cult.’ The cover of Newsweek read ‘Secrets of the Cult.’

‘The Branch Davidians chances for a fair hearing were severely damaged as soon as the label “cult” was applied. After that, the mass media selectively sought out and presented information about Koresh and his community that conveniently fit the stereotype. It was only a matter of time before law enforcement and the media had completely demonized Koresh and his followers. Anti-cult organizations provided ample fodder for the ritual and symbolic castigation of this little-known religious sect, simplistically reducing the beliefs and practices of the community to vapid, inane categories of brainwashing rhetoric. After this demonization had been successfully accomplished, the entire community - men, women, and children could be consigned to their tragic fate with little more than a peep of protest from the American public, a public which overwhelmingly approved of the FBI‟s tragic final assault on Mt. Carmel.’ Stuart A. Wright (The University of Chicago Press) 1995

A banner was draped from a window at Mt. Carmel which read ‘God help us, we

want the press.’ Their desperate calls for mercy and understanding went unheard.

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The folks at Mt. Carmel wanted more out of life

than the usual rubbish offered and promoted by

society, believing in values and raising their

children away from the consumer fast-paced,

fast-food culture. Instead of receiving empathy

and understanding, tanks were despatched to the

location, a direct violation of Posse Comitatus

which states that the U.S. Army cannot be used against the citizens of the country.

This is the first time U.S. tanks were used against the population.

The tanks rolled into action and started to bulldoze the area, preparing the ‘field of

battle.’ They went so far as to repeatedly drive over the grave of Davidian Peter

Gent, who had been killed in the initial strike when the BATF attacked. The press

was not allowed anywhere near Mt. Carmel, being herded some distance away

where they could only see the front of the centre.

At dawn on April 19 and throughout the morning, the tanks rammed holes in the

main building and pumped massive amounts of CS gas into the complex, despite

knowing that young children and babies were inside the compound. The tanks

continued to demolish parts of the structure, creating tunnels for the wind to blow

through. The buildings at this point were saturated with flammable CS gas and

spilled kerosene.

The bodies of Philip Henry and Jimmy Riddle showed extensive body mutilation.

The entire right side of Riddle‟s body, shoulder to hip had been torn away. The

Medical examiner testified that this was consistent with a tank having torn his body


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Guess those guys driving the tank can feel proud, they may even earn a place at the

next child sacrifice party, together with the Elite of the world who practice these

grotesque rituals and worships.

The women and children fled into the safest place

available to them at the time which was the enclosed

concrete ‘bunker’ in the middle of the complex of

buildings. The room had no windows, no ventilation

and only one exit. After puncturing a hole through the

bunker the soulless cowards in the tank injected

massive doses of CS gas and continued this horrific

torture for three hours. This must have caused untold agony to those contained

within, resulting in nausea, vomiting, disorientation and muscle spasms.

Three teams of snipers were positioned in key points, covering all areas of escape.

Lon T. Horiuchi heading one of the teams stated that no shots were fired, even

though four shell casings were found on the ground next to his position. This is the

same guy who killed Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge when she came out onto her

porch cuddling her baby. Looks as if murderers get promoted in these circles.

A Delta Force team oversaw the ground operation, which could have only been

authorized by the Commander in Chief, in this case the mind controlled puppet Bill

Clinton, who with his remorseless wife Hillary oversaw the sacrifice, the orders of

course handed from above, from those that hide in the shadows.

Around midday when the warm wind of the Texas

wilderness was in its full essence, a number of

military pyrotechnic devices were fired into the three

main points of entry; south-west corner, dining-room

and chapel, igniting fires and quickly spreading

throughout the demolished complex. The fire rapidly

became an inferno.

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Later in the rubble, six pyrotechnic devices were found, however this evidence

disappeared from holding around the same time as the Congressional hearings.

The FBI‟s own FLIR recordings, made from one of the helicopters circling above Mt.

Carmel at the time of the attack show clearly, automatic gunfire.

FLIR is an Infra-red (IR) technology, developed

by Dr. Edward Allard, the Deputy Director of

the Defense Department‟s Night Vision

Laboratory, who also holds several patents

relating to thermal imaging.

FLIR shows two men roll out of the tank and start shooting towards the building.

After analysing the data, Dr. Allard concludes that nothing in nature causes thermal

flashes at 1/30 sec and these could have only originated from a machine gun firing

600 rounds/min.

In his further analysis he recorded sixty-two individual

shots being fired from the courtyard towards the dining

room area. This is where the charred bodies of at least

fifteen people were found, riddled with bullets. No

doubt as they were fleeing from the frying pan into

another more dangerous and demonic fire.

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After the fires started, a Delta Force commando

planted an explosive device on the roof of the

‘bunker.’ After this device was detonated it left a large

hole clearly visible in photographic evidence, and

would have decimated all the women and children

inside. That particular Delta soldier can be proud of himself for being such an

upstanding member of the planet and humanity!

As this was a ritual murder, the fire trucks which turned up to help were not

permitted through by the agencies on site, working on the behest of their hidden


There were nine survivors of the fire, including Jeff Davis and David Thibodeau,

both of whom were instrumental in providing evidence during the Congressional

hearings, although no prosecutions against any agent has thus been actioned.

After the inferno had subsided the BATF flag was

hoisted next to the ‘bunker’ to symbolize ‘victory.’ Next

time you say ‘hello’ to someone in the ‘armed forces’

just remember that this is the kind of mentality that is


Subsequently the burned-out ruin was razed, a deliberate act whose motive it was to

remove all evidence of this premeditated ritualistic murder.

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The FBI claimed ‘mass suicide’ and later during hearings

admitted that there were mistakes made in the tragedy,

but this was due to ‘impaired ability’ because of the

shifting in management. Looks like typical ‘shift the

blame’ strategy. As far as I’m concerned anyone that

didn’t raise a voice is guilty of this crime, no longer will

ignorance be used as a shield against truth.

One of the lawyers defending the surviving members of the Branch Davidians stated;

‘In this country when people are accused of a crime they are arrested and given a trial - that's „due process.‟ If found guilty of murder then maybe they are killed. We don‟t just kill them first - which is what happened at Waco.’

Vince Foster who was White House point man for the Waco massacre, was found

dead ninety days later. His death was pronounced as a suicide, however there are

many people who protest this claim. His wife accounts that he blamed himself for the

deaths, especially the children and felt depressed and deeply troubled. Perhaps he

found out that it was a deliberate ritual sacrifice and was then eliminated as he

wanted to expose the truth. After all its not the first time that insiders have been


The day after he died, a box of files which included the Waco file (he was about to

publish an account regarding Waco) was delivered by Maggie Williams to the White

House residence. Maggie Williams was Hilary Clinton’s Chief of Staff and asked

one of the agents on duty to help carry the box which she was delivering to the first

lady for review. More like an appointment with the fire I think.

On the Justice building in Washington it reads;

‘Justice is founded in the rights bestowed by nature upon Man, liberty is maintained in security of justice.’

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How dare these villains cloak thems(el)ves in truth and justice. They are the

deceivers, the wolves in sheep‟s clothing and they must be pointed out for what they

are. Their carnivorous activities must be put to an end!

I may not agree with the way David Koresh lived his life, but one thing is certain; he

loved his wives and children. It sickens me that to this day, when the word 'cult' is

mentioned, David‟s name is linked with all the negative and ignorant connotations

ascribed with these dark matters, that people still blame him and his friends for the

massacre at Waco. Coincidentally David was 33 (3 + 3 = 6) on his death.

It is a travesty to use the names of the fallen as sound-bites to propel those inflated

egos above the 'troubles' of the world. These individuals, fumbling about in the

human sty of fashion and glamour have done absolutely zero investigation and

research, instead preferring to go along to get along, betraying their own individuality

to feel safe and comfortable in the consensus trance.

The place of safety within that quagmire is only temporary! Those houses of deceit

are already starting to crumble, the same way that on 9-11 the twin towers crumbled

into dust.

Those programmed and manipulated, the ones who say its all coincidence and get

right back to living their life, far away from empathy, detached from their own Self

are going to get the truth hit them so suddenly, so powerfully that they may be

reeling for decades, perhaps centuries.

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Blasts in Oklahoma City

On the day of 19th April 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in downtown

Oklahoma City was bombed multiple times, killing one hundred and sixty eight

people including nineteen children. The symbolic elements of this horror point to

another fire and blood ritual sacrifice to Saturn (168 = 1 + 6 + 8 = 15 = 6) by those

agents who sacrifice on behest of their masters who hide in the shadows, petrified

and afraid of living in love.

The official story states that Timothy McVeigh, an American militia movement

soldier detonated a truck bomb in front of the building which authorities claim to have

solely been responsible for the horrific and widespread damage. Accomplices were

also named as Terry Nichols, Michael and Lori Fortier and a mystery accomplice

known only as John Doe Two. The federal government working on the behest of the

world’s Elite (El is Saturn) blamed McVeigh and stated that his reasons for this

atrocity was to avenge the deaths of his friends, the Branch Davidians who were

murdered at WACO in 1993 on the same day.

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Within ninety minutes of the explosion, McVeigh was

stopped by Oklahoma State Trooper Charlie Hanger for

driving without a license plate and arrested for unlawfully

carrying a weapon. Forensic evidence quickly linked

McVeigh and Nichols to the attack with Michael and Lori

Fortier later identified as accomplices. A similar scapegoat

scenario was used with Lee Harvey Oswald who was also

captured and charged with the assassination of JFK and

then executed. McVeigh was killed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001. There is

plenty of evidence showing that McVeigh was a victim of an MK-Ultra programme.

Plenty of witnesses have come forward to give sworn

testimonies of incriminating activity on behalf of the

federal government. Terry Nichols stated in an affidavit

that this crime was a black operation, another

reference to Saturn. McVeigh lied when asked if he

had committed the act alone with his tests spiking

every time. BATF agents who worked in the building

were told not to come into work that day and no BATF children were in the nursery at

the time of the blasts. The BATF played a pivotal role in the WACO tragedy.

Retired USAF Brigadier General Ben

Partin gives evidence to support the true

version of this massacre - that the

destruction could have only come from

bombs located inside the building at

key locations. The crater which housed

the main extent of the damage could only

have been created with pressure equal

to that of four thousand pounds of TNT,

which is equal to fourteen thousand eight hundred pounds of ANFO which could not

have come from a truck bomb parked outside. The centre of this crater would have

been were most of the victims were located, including the nursery.

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A truck ANFO Bomb (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil) has glaring signatures including

the dispersal of nitrate gas and fire. Even when the flames are out you cannot go

near the infected area without a gas mask and yet people were searching the area

after blast with no respirators and no problems. An ANFO bomb would have only

destroyed the vehicle and smashed glass in windows.

Across the street to the west of Murrah building a meeting was taking place between

members of the Oklahoma City water board. The meeting was being taped. Once

the blasts were initiated the tape recorder‟s auto gain was active for at least ten

seconds. An ANFO bomb would have only lasted for five seconds concluding that

there were multiple explosions. Two separate seismograph readings were also

recorded. More unexploded devices were found in the building up to two weeks later.

The blasts also injured more than six hundred and eighty people and damaged three

hundred and twenty buildings within a sixteen block radius. Eighty six cars were

burnt due to the incredible heat wave which rushed out as a flaming cobra and

windows in two hundred and fifty eight buildings shattered. In total six hundred and

fifty two millions dollars of damage was calculated.

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People have also come forward to state that they saw a federal bomb disposal

truck loitering around the building two hours before the blasts and bomb

squads were caught on film retrieving other bombs from the building after the blasts.

‘One device was deactivated and apparently there is another device and obviously whatever did the damage to the Murrah building was a tremendous, very sophisticated explosive device.’ Governor Grant Keeting

Evidence has come forward to show that the U.S. Army were also involved. A

witness pilot took pictures of an army camp near Gruber-Braggs, Oklahoma in early

April of 1995. A Ryder truck can be clearly seen in the photos, the same type which

McVeigh used to blow in front of the Murrah building.

Jane Graham, a ninth floor survivor of the bombing stated in an affidavit that she

saw two men walking away with walkie-talkies after the blast whom she identified as

seeing in the building a few weeks earlier wearing GSA (General Services

Administration) uniforms. These men were checking the infrastructure of the building

and she witnessed them placing grey sticks of what could have been explosives into

the columns. One of the men she identified as Andreas Strassmeir, an agent and

black operations Commander for German and U.S. intelligence, who also bears a

striking similarity to the sketch of John Doe Two, the hidden accomplice.

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The official investigation was a total farce, known as OKBOMB and was one of the

largest criminal circus shows in American history, diverting attention from the real

questions and investigations. The patsies were tried and convicted in 1997. McVeigh

was executed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001, and Nichols was sentenced to life

in prison. Michael and Lori Fortier testified against McVeigh and Nichols; Michael

was sentenced to twelve years in prison for failing to warn the U.S. government and

Lori received immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony.

During the investigation John Doe Two was falsely named by the federals as

Kenneth Michael Trentadue whom was beaten to death while in jail. His role in the

OKC attack was later dropped by authorities when it was exposed that lies had come

from the feds who accused him to cover up the crimes of other men.

The building was quickly demolished a month later to destroy crucial evidence

pointing to detonations inside the building. The same act was witnessed at

WACO. The Clintons and their haggard accomplice Janet Reno were also involved

in this terrible massacre. Apparently there was a disagreement between both parties

and Reno bribed Clinton by threatening to expose the truth about WACO if he did not

give her what she wanted. Clinton of course conceded.

As a result of the bombing, the U.S. government passed legislation designed to

increase the protection around federal buildings and move America further into a

Police State which it has now become. Ted Gunderson stated that the incident was

used to put fear into people and push through anti-terror legislation. The same

modus operandi can be seen with 9/11 and 7/7 (both false flag attacks with Blair and

Bush shaking bloodied hands.)

The Alfred P. Murrah Building was symbolic of myrrha, the mother with the

children’s nursery located inside, representing the womb and the place of safety and

comfort being razed and destroyed in the most horrific way possible. It looks as

though the perpetrators get a kick out of causing horrific death to children in

sacrificing to their sick and twisted Gods.

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Sacrifices through Civilisation

There have been numerous other sacrifices throughout history connected to the

day of April 19 and the 13 day satanic cycle.

April 19, 1775 The American Revolutionary War began at the battle of Lexington-Concord. Agencies advising both English and American Freemason leaders emphasized that North America was to be established as a ‘New Atlantis’ that would lead the rest of the world into the Kingdom of the Masonic Christ, also known as the New World Order.

April 19, 1943 Nazi Storm Troopers trapped the last of the Jewish Freedom Fighters in a storm sewer pipe in Warsaw. On the morning of April 19, they poured fire into both ends of the huge pipe with their flamethrowers.

April 26, 1998 A school shooter struck in Edinboro, Pennsylvania killing one person with three wounded.

April 20, 1999 Victims of MK-Ultra struck in Littleton, Colorado, Columbine High School, killing fifteen children and wounding fourteen.

April 26, 2002 School shooting in a German High school.

April 29, 2002 Second shooter struck in Bosnia.

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There are undoubtedly those hidden groups who have always worshipped the

ancient deities of old and who practise a deformed and impure form of Gaia

worship. Mother Nature does not need fire and blood sacrifices of animals, humans

and any other forms of life.

If these events are left unchallenged, the blackening and blooding of the whole

Earth will be witnessed as this is the kind of ‘adventure’ these toxic individuals enjoy,

having thrown away their empathy and love for what is pure and divine.

‘The major rise in our killing prowess occurred primarily in the last hundred thousand years, with the sharpest spike limited to the last forty thousand. Creation is a nightmare spectacular taking place on a planet that has been soaked for hundreds of millions of years in the blood of all its creatures. The soberest conclusion we can make is that the planet is being turned into a vast pit of fertilizer.’ Leonard Shlain (Sex, Time and Power)

As individuals we have to remember that we project our own nature into the world

which stretches out as far and wide as the imagination allows, travelling into the far

reaches of cosmic time and space. As a Soul, your experience makes up who you

are, in all the different aspects of existence.

If one is true to their own being then the destructive path doesn't last long. I know

myself as I've walked this path. It comes as a diversion which steers the Soul away

from the path of purity and the true Self. It is the kind of path that creates the toxicity

prevalent in the world which is the panorama of today.

The inner schisms must be healed individually - then collectively the world will

transform into the true aspect of beauty and joy.

Page 42: Fire, Blood and Tears on April 19 - · Fire, Blood and Tears on April 19 Pyreaus An investigation into the Fire Sacrifice


Research Sources

Jordan Maxwell ( Wikipedia (

Deliriums Realm ( Pagan Calendar (

Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology (Michael Tsarion)

2012, Shiva, the Holy Spirit & Age of Aquarius (Michael Tsarion)

Occult Holidays and Sabbats

The Worship of Saturn

Satanic Thirteen Day Blood Sacrifice to Beast

WACO: Rules of Engagement segment I - II

WACO: A New Revelation segment I - II

Jane Graham Affidavit concerning the OKC Bombings

What was the Army doing with a Ryder Truck just before the Murrah blast?

Jane Graham on Alex Jones Tv segment I - II

Brigadier General Ben Partin speaks about Oklahoma City and Waco

Murder in the Heartland (1995)

Oklahoma City Bombing Rare Footage

Michael Savage on Oklahoma City Bombing Security Camera Footage

Dick Morris Reveals Bombshell on Waco and Janet Reno

Oklahoma City Bombing Cover Up

BBC Conspiracy Files - Oklahoma City Bombing (2007)

Cover-up in Oklahoma