finance and budget committee

Finance and Budget Committee 10am, Thursday, 29 August 2013 Corporate Governance Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/13 Month 3 Position To 30 June 2013 Links Coalition pledges P30 Council outcomes CO25 Single Outcome Agreement Alastair D Maclean Director of Corporate Governance Contact: Iain Shaw, Principal Finance Manager E-mail : [email protected] Tel: 0131 469 3117 Item number Report number Wards All

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Finance and Budget Committee

10am, Thursday, 29 August 2013

Corporate Governance Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/13 Month 3 Position – To 30 June 2013


Coalition pledges P30

Council outcomes CO25

Single Outcome Agreement

Alastair D Maclean

Director of Corporate Governance

Contact: Iain Shaw, Principal Finance Manager

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0131 469 3117

Item number

Report number

Wards All

Typewritten Text

Executive summary

Corporate Governance

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2013/14

Month 3 position to 30 June 2013


The report advises on the financial position after three months of the financial year and

provides an update on the projected outturn for the year 2013/14.

The overall projection is that the Corporate Governance budget will show a break-even position

for 2013/14. There are a number of remaining risks including delivery of procurement pipeline

savings and costs associated with Welfare Reform. This position will continue to be actively

managed by the service for the remainder of the financial year.


It is recommended that the Finance and Budget Committee notes:

The service is currently projecting a balanced revenue budget position;

The risks to the Corporate Governance 2013/14 budget position.

Measures of success

The Corporate Governance Department’s final outturn for 2013/14 is within budgeted levels.

Financial impact

There are no direct financial implications arising from this report. Expenditure and income will

continue to be closely monitored for the remainder of 2013/14.

Equalities impact

There is no relationship to the public sector general equality duty to the matters described in

this report and no direct equalities impact arising from this report.

Sustainability impact

There are no impacts on carbon, adaptation to climate change and sustainable development

arising directly from this report.

Consultation and engagement

There is no external consultation and engagement arising directly from this report. The Council

has undertaken a consultation exercise when developing the 2013/14 revenue budget.

Background reading/external references



Corporate Governance Revenue Budget Monitoring 2013/14 Month 3 Position – To 30 June 2013

1. Background

1.1 The report advises on the financial position after three months of the financial year and

an update on the projected outturn for the year 2013/14.

The overall projection is that the Corporate Governance service budget will show a

break-even position in the revenue budget for 2013/14.

2. Main report

2.1 Month Three Position

The Corporate Governance net revenue budget for 2013/14 is £69.2m. This includes

procurement savings targets of £1.07m, efficiencies and other savings of £2.3m and

service investment of £2.7m.

The period three position reflects a break-even position after pressure of £0.5m have

been incorporated. These pressures mainly relate to staffing costs for civic duties,

priorities and city promotion and the cost of staff supporting the trams project. Although

these pressures are currently being funded from the service contingency fund, actions

to reduce the pressures are being progressed.

2.2 Savings Implementation Plans

In order to ensure that the service remains within the budget agreed for 2013/14,

detailed savings implementation plans have been developed for each approved budget

saving agreed by Council. Regular reports are considered by the Corporate

Governance Management Team and corrective action identified to ensure that the

budget remains within approved limits.

2.3 Risks

There remain a number of risks in the Corporate Governance budget, primarily relating


Delivery of the approved level of Procurement Pipeline Savings. The Corporate

Governance budget currently incorporates a £1.07m indicative split of the overall

Council procurement savings target. Business cases are being developed to identify

savings for 2013/14. Currently business cases are being progressed relating to the

cross-Council spend on agency staff and use of mobile phones;

Welfare Reform. There is a risk around the adequacy of funding for Scottish Welfare

Fund and Discretionary Housing payments. These payments are currently being

contained within available funding, due to application of prioritisation criterion in

assessing grant applications;

Risk of additional costs to address higher volume of processes relating to Council Tax

and Housing Benefits and to reduce risk of Local Authority subsidy loss on DWP grant;

Risk of under-recovery of income, such as intervention income attributable to the

service, which is not fully known with certainty until the year end.

2.4 Contingency Planning

A contingency of £0.550m has been created, which is currently being used to offset

budget pressures as outlined in 2.1

2.5 Capital

Corporate Governance service has a capital investment programme of £6.658m in

2013/14.This is currently projected to break-even.

3. Recommendations

3.1 It is recommended that the Finance and Budget Committee notes

the service is currently projecting a break-even position for the revenue budget;

the risks to the Corporate Governance 2013/14 budget position.

Alastair D. Maclean

Director of Corporate Governance


Coalition pledges P30 – Continue to maintain a sound financial position including long term financial planning

Council outcomes CO25 – The Council has efficient and effective services that deliver on objectives

Single Outcome Agreement