final paper for film

Rafizadeh, Camron-458 Nowell, Diamond-114 Smith, Tucker-215 Harrell, Anna-966 Final Film Analysis Project LBST-1102-400 Arts & Society: Film November 23, 2015

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LBST Final Paper Arts & Society: Film 1102-400


Page 1: Final Paper for Film

    Rafizadeh, Camron-458

Nowell, Diamond-114

Smith, Tucker-215

Harrell, Anna-966

Final Film Analysis Project

LBST-1102-400 Arts & Society: Film

November 23, 2015

Page 2: Final Paper for Film

Group 10 1

Prompt #1

Instinctively,  it is easy to say that the theme of the film Remember The Titans is

something like overcoming racism, or not to judge a book by its cover.  However, Corrigan

brings to light that the theme of a movie is not simply the morals or the message of the movie,

rather it is the large and small ideas that help to explain the action and events in it (37). Corrigan

also lists questions that should be asked when analyzing the theme of a film, a few of which will

be answered.  These questions include identifying the central characters and determining the role

and essence in which their personality is expressed and the effects of said personality on their

surroundings and society, the interpretation of the characters actions, and the understanding of

whether the story emphasizes the benefits of change or endurance (36).

        One would consider both Julius and Gerry to be the main characters. Both Julius and

Gerry had very similar personalities, one would even go as far as to say that they were just about

the same with the only difference being that Julius was black and Gerry was white.  The theme

of the film is easily found in the relationship formed between Julius and Gerry. The two were

both dynamic characters who were admired by their peers of the same color, and they were

leaders.  They both began the film hating each other as with the rest of the team of opposing

color.  However, when the relationship between Julius and Gerry changed, so did the relationship

between the team. They were leaders in the way that not only did the team follow their orders as

when Gerry instructed Ray to start blocking for Rev. They were leaders in the way that the team

also followed their actions. When the relationship between Julius and Gerry began to grow, you

also see the relationship between the team as a whole grow. The relationship between Julius and

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Group 10 2

Gerry embodies the theme of overcoming racism, adversity, and getting to know one another

before you judge one another.

        While the previous mentioned themes were greatly embodied by Julius and Gerry, they

were also embodied by Coach Boone and Coach Yoast.  There was a lot of animosity and

distrust between the two which was shown by how neither coach would take suggestions from

one another. A great example of them overcoming this animosity and trust is in the state

championship game when Coach Boone runs one of Coach Yoast’s trick plays and when Coach

Yoast takes advice from Coach Boone about who to play in the next quarter.

        Another very important character is Louie.  Louie is the only character who began the

film having an open mind. The essence of his character and personality also exemplifies a theme

found within the film. One scene that really stood out to me was when Louie sat down at the

lunch table with all the black people.  No one coerced him or forced him to sit over there, and he

stayed even after being ridiculed about it by Julius. The way Louie embraced his surroundings is

the way everyone should.  Louie embodies the theme of having to keep an open mind.

This story definitely emphasizes the benefits of change. When attitudes between the

members of the team start to change you see everything start to work out. You also see change in

the community, through the positive acceptance of many of the black characters. The heavy

emphasis on the benefits of change, embodies the theme of change being good.

Prompt #2

After analyzing the inner-workings of the film, we concluded that the movie falls into the

category of a classical narrative. A classical narrative contains a few major elements, including a

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Group 10 3

plot development in which there is a logical relation between one event and another, a sense of

closure at the end, stories that are focused on characters, and somewhat of a realistic point of

view (Corrigan,40).

Right off the bat, Remember The Titans reflects a classical narrative due to the fact that it

is based on a true story. This fulfills the objective and realistic sense that a classical narrative

provides. As a film based on a true story, it zeroes in on the stories of the main characters as they

depict the events that happened in real life. The series of events reflect a plot development that is

chronologically organized and in fluid motion. The movie began at a funeral, and the rest of the

movie is a flashback from years before. The entire movie is the sequence of events that leads up

to and explains the cemetery scene at the beginning of the film. The film definitely had a sense

of closure, leaving no questions unanswered. Towards the end of the film, we see why the film

began at a cemetery. One of the main characters, and captain of the football team, was in a tragic

accident that caused paralyzation, and eventually lead to the loss of his life. Although a tragic

event, the movie ending is a happy one. The high school team won the state championship game

in a triumphant manner. The last scene takes us back to the cemetery, where the reuniting high

school team attends the funeral of their lost teammate. Remember The Titans contains all of the

necessary components to being a classical narrative.

Prompt #3

Released in September, 2000, Remember the Titans was a movie that expressed the racial

confllicts America had during the 1970’s. In fact, Boaz Yadkin, director of the movie, took the

racial controversy to a deeper level of meaning. The setting, or “place and time where the film

was produced”, was a newly integrated southern high school thus giving the audience a better

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Group 10 4

appeal to the movie (Corrigan, 51). Through this movie, one can see how many people were

treated because of the color of their skin.  The historical events that influenced this movie

included: The Civil Rights Movement, Integration in the public school system, and the racist

environment the South had during this time.

        The Civil Rights Movement influenced the film on how African American teenagers

were treated during integration. During the Civil Rights movement and before, the ideology of

African Americans was depicted in a negative way. Ideology is the “system of beliefs that a

group of people share and believe are inherently true” (Benshoff, 8).  The African American race

was considered inferior to the Caucasian race. African Americans were treated with disrespect,

hate, and inequality. Due to the Jim Crow Laws, African Americans were forced to sit in the

back of the bus, drink from different water fountains, go to underprivileged schools, and many

more unfair laws. Jim Crow laws were considered institutionalized discrimination, which is

when “laws that the government put in order are discriminatory” (Benshoff, 11). From these

events, the tone of the film was very dark against African Americans. One could tell the tension

in the movie because of how the young, black teenagers were treated when they integrated the


        Through the Jim Crow Laws, schools were segregated and the schools black people

attended were underprivileged and not a proper place to earn an education. During this time,

people believed “separate but equal” was acceptable for African Americans, but it was not

always equal.  At the beginning of the film, Yadkin showed us how the integration went in the

south. Many white students, parents, and teachers were not satisfied with this decision. Protests

were held outside the school when the school was finally integrated.

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Group 10 5

        During the time the film was taken place, the South was a very racist place. Even after

the Civil Rights Movement. For example, when the white character named Sunshine enters a bar

with some of his black teammates, they were tuned down service because of the color of their

skin. This film gave today’s generation a look on how unfair America was. The influence from

the Civil Rights Movement, public school integration, and racism is what made this movie and

without it, the theme, tone, and mood would not have been the same.

Prompt #4

Ideology also plays an important role.  According to Timothy Corrigan, ideologies are

“the ideas or beliefs on which we base our lives and our vision of the world”(Corrigan, 92).

Remember the Titans is based on many ideologies such as discrimination and resistance.  The

movie is set in Alexandria, Virginia in 1971.  The civil rights movement had just taken place a

few years before that but Alexandria, Virginia had not progressed and their schools and sports

teams were still segregated.  When Coach Boone was hired at T.C. Williams High School the

town went crazy.  The white people of the town believed that whites and blacks should not go to

school together, let alone play football together.  The parents and players resisted the change but

slowly progressed.

        White patriarchal capitalism is a dominant ideology that “tends to structure in pervasive

ways how a culture thinks about itself and others, who upholds as worthy, meaningful, true, and

valuable”(Benshoff, 8). This ideological view of white patriarchal capitalism or the belief that

white males hold more power was strongly upheld throughout the film.  The white male football

players were afraid the black male players would take their starting positions.  On and off the

field the white males believed they were superior to all other blacks.

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Group 10 6

As the film progressed the whites started to view the blacks as equal and the team came

together.  The unity amongst the players eventually brought the town together. The dominant

ideologies of racism, discrimination, resistance, and superiority faded and most eventually

upheld the belief of equality and unity.

Prompt #5

The viewer gets to see many different characters and many different point of views.

However, no characters had more of an impact than the main characters; Coach Boone, Coach

Yoast, Gerry, and Julius. They all showed immense passion in making their community more

unified. They illustrated strong moral values and beliefs. These characters understood the

leadership role is not always easy and that everything they could accomplish was much bigger

than themselves.

Coach Boone, one of the main characters, had an important role in the film that

conclusively helped shape the actions of many characters. Although Coach Boone displays a

strong outer personality, he had all the right intentions. Throughout the film, Coach Boone

constantly viewed perseverance as the key to solving everyone’s problems.

 Coach Yoast was in a position where he could give in to the pressure of sabotaging his

team in order to get his position back, and be in the hall of fame, or retain his personal integrity.

For example, Coach Yoast had become aware of the school board’s plan to end the Titans season

by calling the game one-sided. Despite his Hall of Fame coaching award being at risk, Coach

Yoast, stood up to the board and threatened to expose them even if it meant the end of his own

career. In this incident, Coach Yoast, decided to change his views and thought outside himself.

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Group 10 7

Another character who played a vital role in the film was Gerry Bertier. Unlike Coach

Boone and Coach Yoast, Gerry experienced the issue from a youth’s point of view. When being

forced to become apart of Coach Boone’s program, Gerry was one of the first Caucasian players

to individually approach Coach Boone. He illustrated a vigorous passion for football and did not

allow anything between his devotion. Throughout the film, Gerry always had a paradox that

presumed him as rebellious to the social norms. For example, Gerry challenged the most

important people in his life to settle controversial disputes. First, he challenged his girlfriend,

whom was not accepting to the recent change, to meet Julius. Despite her frustrations, Gerry

maintained his conjecture, and continued to pursue his beliefs. Secondly, Gerry challenged his

mother and managed to help her elude her stereotypical views. Gerry used his position to

empower harmony amongst everyone.

Julius also had a youth perspective. Unlike his counterpart, Gerry, Julius played an

increased rebellious role. He initially accepted the social norm and only thought of himself.

Fortunately, Julius, with the help of Gerry, recognized his position in the African-American

Community and allowed it to fuel his ambition to usher his companions together.

The film is told from an objective point of view. While the struggles of African

Americans were largely emphasized, one could also see the frustrations from the caucasian race.

Prompt #6

If the film Remember the Titans were created through a different perspective, the film

probably would not have been as successful as it initially was.  The film was created through the

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Group 10 8

eyes of the black community of Alexandria, Virginia.  It showed the struggle of a black football

coach replacing a white football coach in a predominately white town.  If the perspective of the

film were created in the sense of the white community opposing the change and progress

implemented by integrating the football team, it most likely would have created conflict for

viewers, especially those who support the achievement of overcoming racism in the film.

Prompt #7

The film Remember the Titans shaped, reflected, and critiqued society in many ways.

Society did not accept a black head football coach, nor did they accept black and white team

members playing together for the same team.  This reflected how society actually was at one

point.  The acceptance and progress made in the film shaped society by embracing differences

represented in the characters.  The film critiqued society by portraying how racism and

segregation impacted individual members of communities back when it was considered the

“norm” in a place like Virginia.  The film is very realistic and historically accurate, therefore

making it a quality film about overcoming society’s limits and making progress.

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Group 10 9

Work Cited

Benshoff, Harry M., and Sean Griffin. America on Film: Representing Race, Class,

Gender, and Sexuality at the Movies. 2nd ed. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print.

Corrigan, Timothy. A Short Guide to Writing about Film. 8th ed. New York: Longman, 2012.


Remember the Titans. Buena Vista Pictures, 2000. DVD.