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Post on 22-Mar-2017




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Alex Dixon From the cotsworlds to camberwell .On greeting he immediatley rushes off to locate his miss-ing notepad, Leaving me to fill some time in his marble and cigarette smoke filled apartment.

Amelia Holden Hello, what have you been up to so far today ?Alex Dixon Today erm…I had a tutorial this morning and a talk about some photographers. Uhhhhhh wheres my journal? I have no idea

AH First thing you did this morning ? AD First thing I did the morning played some music and had a shower and tried to work out what clothes I have clean. Points towards a huge full laundry basket.

AHB How are you finding it living in London ? A big change from living in the countryside ?AD Definately, yeah. The hustle and the bustle. There is no peace and quiet anymore.

AH Do you call London your home now?AD Not my primary home no. I would say I am born in the country that’s where I am from but it feels like home now

AH How has the change in surroundings affected your photography ? AD uhhhh…I think I am going to have to be a lot more experimental with my work be-cause urban photography is done before in London so I am probably going to be heading to the outskirts of London to record the expanding city.

AH Is that something that interests you? The expanding city?AD Yeah I mean my work last year was all about population growth and urbanisation so I am trying to maybe promote questions regarding how we are going to deal with the rapidly growing population and the future issues that are gong to occure…create sorry.

AH From knowing your past photography its quite isolated and lonely. Do you remember when Sue ( our foundation teacher) said… what did she say ? ‘ I have never seen photography so lonely?AD Oh she asked if I suffered from depression (laughs)

AH Your work has never really shown signs of human presence , have you developed from that ?AD Ur,… as of yet no I haven’t however, I am considering maybe incor-porating a few models into my work… not models but human presence. I want to take influence from the film Metropolis urm so I was thinking about urm having models pose in the same positions I found in the film.

AH Whould you say your photography represents your personality?AD Yeah I would say so…yeah, grey! (laughs)

AH From that how would you describe your personality in 3 words?AD That’s a big question…urm. Fuck. Unpredictable I suppose maybe. On a day to day basis it probably changes some days I am quite open and socia-ble and other days I quite enjoy being quiet and in the background.

AH What is your favourite piece of your own photography? AD Urm. My final major project work (from art foundation)Some shots I took around Bicester I was looking at housing developments and the expanding of huge housing developments. Taking shots over the fields. There was these birds called skylarks which are a rare breed of bird. Yeah and how the developments approach the natural environment around them.

AH Where do you see yourself in 10 years?AD 10 years time… erm .hopefully doing something in the art world or music. I have created a band recently, yeah with my friend Django. It’s a combination of punk and folk (laughs). It’s a side line to make some money.

AH Do you write your own songs? AD I have written a couple of things yeah, been writing music for a while I just dont show it that much. I would maybe show it in the future but now only when I am fucked. ( both laugh) that’s when I crack out the music.

AH Do you have any exhibitions on the horizon ?AD Christmas show at Camberwell also I did I show last week called Grey Space . I showed work there.

AH Just some quick questions now.If you were on a desert island and you could take one song what would it be ? AD Currently I would take… it changes on a daily basis today , Jimi Hendrix live at Montreal cover of “like a rolling stone.”

AH One object?AD A camera

AH One piece of clothing?AD These trousers. They were a lot smarter tan when I bought them they had a nice crease but haven’t cracked the iron out yet.

AH Favourite place to eat in London right now…if you eat ? AD MacDonalds or I have started bin diving outside pret.

AH Favourite place to drink ?AD The Angel off Denmark Street near SOHO

AH If you could live somewhere else in the world right now where would it be ? AD Paris or Sicily

AH If you could switch careers with one person who would it be? AD It would have to someone in the music industry , who would it be ? Do they have to be alive ? Mick Jagger there we go .