final emily from outer space

Sarina Matson February 24th, 2016 Period 4  Emily fro m Outer Space Maeve Anderson has lived in Franklin for twelve years in a little yellow house next to anny Forester and Mr! and Mrs! "enkins, who have a #at, whi#h she so$eti$es %retends is hers! &er house is a five'blo#k walk to the #orner of 4 th  and (e st Street, whi#h is where her $o$)s bakery is! &er $o$ works there fro$ Monday to Friday for so lon* that even on her days off she still s$ells like vanilla and has flour in the #reases of her hands! Maeve *oes there too, hel%in* out with li#kin* envelo%es or #uttin* the thorns off roses! So$eti$es, she delivers #akes to houses that don)t need a #ar to *et to! &er *rand$a also works in the baker y ! She used to volunteer at the ani$al shelter on &i#kory Street but she +uit when she thou*ht the bakery needed rede#oratin*! &er *rand$a said that they should $ake the bakery a Fr en#h %atisserie be#ause she knows a lot about Fran#e! uriously, the only Fren#h son* she knows is  La Vi e en Rose! -ut it)s okay, Maeve let her %retend!  A few weeks a*o, Maeve was sealin* the envelo%es to be sent with the #ake orders! &er $o$ says not to read the $essa*es inside be#ause the y)re %ersonal, but she likes %ersonal!  Dear Frances, Happ y graduation! I am so p roud; you a e "or#ed so ard $  Dear %elanie, I am so so rry a&out runnin g oer your tulips$ 'ey "er e &eautiful t ulips$ I ope tey "ill &loom (ust as &eautifully ne)t year$  %r $ *ritc ett, *lease can "e s"itc pa r#ing spaces+ I ae a " ea# ip$ 'o Emily from Outer Space "i$$y the delivery$an took the #akes to his #ar on#e she was done! &e left three on the ba#k table for her to walk to! .he last one was atta#hed with a note/  Dear *erson fr om te -a#ery , If you could pleas e leae my ca#e &y te mail& o) on Laender .ourt, tat "ould &e especially appreciated ! .his was an odd re+uest be#ause the bakery doesn)t nor$ally deliver to $ailboxes! .he $ailbox on avender ourt was old with rust #ree%in* u% its blue sides! All around it were dandelions and tall *rasses, whi#h hu**ed its le*s and the faded  Fran#lin *ost Office  label! n the shade

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8/17/2019 Final Emily From Outer Space 1/6

Sarina Matson

February 24th, 2016

Period 4

 Emily from Outer Space

Maeve Anderson has lived in Franklin for twelve years in a little yellow house next to anny

Forester and Mr! and Mrs! "enkins, who have a #at, whi#h she so$eti$es %retends is hers! &er house is a

five'blo#k walk to the #orner of 4 th and (est Street, whi#h is where her $o$)s bakery is! &er $o$ works

there fro$ Monday to Friday for so lon* that even on her days off she still s$ells like vanilla and has

flour in the #reases of her hands! Maeve *oes there too, hel%in* out with li#kin* envelo%es or #uttin* the

thorns off roses! So$eti$es, she delivers #akes to houses that don)t need a #ar to *et to!

&er *rand$a also works in the bakery! She used to volunteer at the ani$al shelter on &i#kory

Street but she +uit when she thou*ht the bakery needed rede#oratin*! &er *rand$a said that they should

$ake the bakery a Fren#h %atisserie be#ause she knows a lot about Fran#e! uriously, the only Fren#h

son* she knows is La Vie en Rose! -ut it)s okay, Maeve let her %retend!

  A few weeks a*o, Maeve was sealin* the envelo%es to be sent with the #ake orders! &er $o$

says not to read the $essa*es inside be#ause they)re %ersonal, but she likes %ersonal!

 Dear Frances, Happy graduation! I am so proud; you ae "or#ed so ard$

 Dear %elanie, I am so sorry a&out running oer your tulips$ 'ey "ere &eautiful tulips$ I ope

tey "ill &loom (ust as &eautifully ne)t year$

 %r$ *ritcett, *lease can "e s"itc par#ing spaces+ I ae a "ea# ip$

'o Emily from Outer Space

"i$$y the delivery$an took the #akes to his #ar on#e she was done! &e left three on the ba#k

table for her to walk to! .he last one was atta#hed with a note/

 Dear *erson from te -a#ery, If you could please leae my ca#e &y te mail&o) on Laender

.ourt, tat "ould &e especially appreciated !

.his was an odd re+uest be#ause the bakery doesn)t nor$ally deliver to $ailboxes!

.he $ailbox on avender ourt was old with rust #ree%in* u% its blue sides! All around it were

dandelions and tall *rasses, whi#h hu**ed its le*s and the faded  Fran#lin *ost Office label! n the shade

8/17/2019 Final Emily From Outer Space 2/6

Sarina Matson

February 24th, 2016

Period 4

of the box sat a little *irl with brown hair $akin* #hains out of the dandelions! Maeve ste%%ed onto the

#urb of the sidewalk the little *irl turned her head!

  3&ello, the little *irl said as she stood u% and s$iled, her hand #overin* her eyes fro$ the sun!

3Are you 5$ily fro$ uter S%a#e7 She nodded! Maeve *ave her the #ake! She sat ba#k down

and %ulled at the ribbon!

3.his is a %retty ribbon, she said! Maeve nodded! She looked into the box and s$iled! 3.his is a

 %retty #ake! Maeve nodded a*ain! 3)$ fro$ a %lanet really far away!

3M$$! .he little *irl looked to the sky! t was so blue!

3o you have a fork7

38o, sorry!

3(hy not7

3(e nor$ally don)t deliver to $ailboxes! &ouses nor$ally have forks!


.he little *irl #ut a slit in the ste$ of a dandelion then added another flower to her #hain! She

looked ba#k u% at Maeve and s$iled! 3(ould you like this when )$ done7

38o, it)s okay!

3Are you sure7


3)ll *ive it to you anyway! .he little *irl finished while Maeve wat#hed a s%arrow nestle into the

tall *rasses at the ed*e of the sidewalk!

.he little *irl si*hed! 3.his $ailbox is rather borin*!


3et)s *o so$ewhere,


8/17/2019 Final Emily From Outer Space 3/6

Sarina Matson

February 24th, 2016

Period 4

3 don)t know! .he little *irl stood u% and %ut the dandelion wreath on Maeve)s head! She s$iled

and started walkin* away fro$ the $ailbox on avender ourt with the #ake box in her hands! Maeve

followed her all the way to Franklin -aseball Park!

3M$$: .he little *irl bea$ed!


3ook at this: .he little *irl set the #ake down and lay down in the field next to the battin* #a*e!

ittle yellow dandelions surrounded her fa#e! 3(e don)t have dandelions on $y %lanet!

3h! She started $akin* another #hain! Maeve sat down too, idly %i#kin* at the *rass! 3&ow did

you *et here fro$ uter S%a#e7

3A ro#ket shi%!

3(hy did you leave7 .he little *irl was +uiet for a bit while she %ulled u% $ore dandelions!

3Snow #a$e and #overed everythin*! n the first day it was only the $oon! .hen we waited and

it was the o#eans and the deserts and the towns and the forest and then everythin*! She finished her

dandelion #rown and %ut it on her head! 3Snow is so #old!

Maeve #a$e ba#k to the $ailbox on avender ourt the next day! .he little *irl was still there,

the dandelions in her #rown droo%in* a little sin#e the day before! She s%run* u% and s$iled when she

saw Maeve walkin* towards her!

39ou)re ba#k:

39eah! .he little *irl #las%ed her hands and lau*hed! 3.hat)s *reat: .his $ailbox is ;ust as borin*

as yesterday!

3)$ sure! Maeve #leared her throat! 3o you live here7


3s that okay7

3Mostly! t hasn)t rained yet thou*h!

8/17/2019 Final Emily From Outer Space 4/6

Sarina Matson

February 24th, 2016

Period 4

3h! Maeve looked down at her shoes! .he s%arrow had $ade a nest in the *rass! 3o you want

to stay at $y house7


3 don)t know! o you have any other friends to stay with7

38o! .he little *irl %aused and looked at Maeve for a few se#onds! 3Are you $y friend7

3 don)t know!

3Me neither! .here weren)t $any friends on $y %lanet!

3h! .he little *irl ki#ked off her shoes and flo%%ed into the *rasses by the $ailbox!

3M$$, )ve de#ided no!

38o what7

38o livin* with you! t)s a very sweet thou*ht but en;oy $y $ailbox! t would be too lonely

without $e!

Maeve s$iled and sat down on the #urb! 3)$ sure!

3-ut don)t worry, you #an still be $y friend!

Maeve lay down next to her in the *rass! 39ou #an be $y friend too! .he little *irl s$iled and

 %la#ed her dandelion #rown on Maeve)s head!

3(hy thank you, <irl fro$ Planet 5arth:

3Maeve fro$ Planet 5arth!

3Maeve fro$ Planet 5arth:

Maeve #a$e ba#k the day after that and the week after that and the $onth after that! n total, they

$ade sixty seven and a half dandelion #rowns! So$eti$es they would $eet at the $ailbox but $ostly

they would both hel% out in the bakery =there were no bakeries in the little *irl)s %lanet>! .hey would li#k

envelo%es and #ut the thorns off roses while Maeve)s *rand$a would swee% the floors hu$$in*  La Vie

8/17/2019 Final Emily From Outer Space 5/6

Sarina Matson

February 24th, 2016

Period 4

en Rose! Maeve)s $o$ would ask +uestions so$eti$es! 3/o are er parents+ /ere does se lie+ Is

 se o#ay+0 She was okay she was ;ust fro$ uter S%a#e!

ne .uesday, Maeve and the little *irl $ade a delivery to Mrs! ar$i#hael on Pi#kens Avenue!

3(hat)s next7 .he little *irl asked, balan#in* on the #urb of the sidewalk!

3ne $ore think! t)s for!!! Maeve balan#ed a #ake box on her knee and %ulled the address out

of her %o#ket, 3 ?14 Forest Street!

3Forest Street7


3sn)t that far away7 )$ tired!

3t)s only a #ou%le streets over! Maeve wat#hed the little *irl look ba#k down the street they

#a$e fro$! She frowned, read;ustin* the #ake box in her hands! 3o$e on, it)s the last delivery of the

day! Plus, thou*ht you wanted to *o to the baseball %ark after this! .he little *irl sto%%ed and thou*ht

for a $o$ent!

3 do!

3.hen let)s ;ust *ive the S#ully)s their #ake and we)ll *o, okay7

3kay! Maeve and the little *irl started walkin*! 3an hold it7

3Are you sure it)s not too bi*7

39eah! .he little *irl took the #ake and walked with Maeve three and a half blo#ks over to Forest


?0@, ?06, ?0?, ?0, ?0B

.hey %assed a white house with #hi%%ed %aint and ivy and no dandelions in the ba#kyard! .he

little *irl sto%%ed! .here were %eo%le yellin* inside! .he #ake started to sti#k to the sides of the box!

So$ethin* was thrown and the %eo%le were yellin* a*ain! .heir voi#es were so #old! So$ewhere outside

the house, a #ake box fell to the *round!

8/17/2019 Final Emily From Outer Space 6/6

Sarina Matson

February 24th, 2016

Period 4

n (ednesday, Maeve saw the little *irl sittin* by a basketball hoo% on avender ourt! 3(hy

are you waitin* here7

3(hat do you $ean7

39ou nor$ally sit by the $ailbox!


Maeve sat down in silen#e next to the little *irl! 3t)s okay, know,

3Cnow what7

3About your %arents!

3 don)t have any! )$ fro$ uter S%a#e!


3Peo%le fro$ uter S%a#e don)t have %arents! Maeve looked at her shoes then ba#k u% to the

little *irl! She was lookin* u% at the sky! t was so blue!

Maeve stood u% and turned to fa#e the lines of houses surroundin* the street,

3.his basketball hoo% is rather borin*, let)s *o so$ewhere! .he little *irl s$iled and started to

ski% down the sidewalk! .hey %assed Forest Street on the way to the Franklin -aseball Park! -ut it)s ok,

Maeve let her %retend!