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DREAMS Orbital Study

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Post on 11-May-2015



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  • 1.Nolan Siegel th, February 7 2014 Period 8 Science

2. What are dreams? Dictionary.comWikipedia 3. Different Types of Dreams Daydreams False Awakening Dreams Lucid Dreams Nightmares Recurring Dreams Healing Dreams Prophetic Dreams Signal Dreams Epic Dreams Mutual Dreams Progressive Dreams 4. Daydreams Classified as a level of consciousness between being asleep and awake Scientifically proven that we daydream, on average, between 70 and 120 minutes per day Sometimes overlooked as wandering thoughts Occur while we are awake When we let our imaginations take us away and we lose ourselves in our fantasies Content inside daydreams are helpful to the understanding of your goals and true feelings If you daydream failure, then it (failure) is more likely to happen If you daydream success, then it (success) is more likely to happen 5. False-Awakening Dream Has anyone in here ever woken up, gotten ready for school, left home for school, and then woken up again, this time for real? What do you think this type of dream is called? When you dream that you wake up and get your morning started and then wake up again for real 6. Lucid Dreams Lucid dreams occur when you realize that you are dreaming. Dreamers have come up with ways to remain in their lucid dreams. They then proceed to control them, making what ever they want happen. of all adults claim to have had a lucid dream. Flying is associated with lucid dreaming. 7. Benefits of Lucid Dreaming Inside a lucid dream (if you are controlling it), you can confront any threats you have, becoming self-confident. When you lucid dream, you can practice for a game, rehearse for a speech, fulfill your fantasies, or even solve a problem from your waking life. Brain activity during a lucid dream and real life are the same, so doing any of the above is just like doing it when you are awake. 8. Nightmares A disturbing dream After, you wake up frightened Can be responsible to real life trauma Fall under a category of PSN (Post-Traumatic Stress Nightmare) Also occur because you have chosen to ignore a certain life situation People who have a family history of psychiatric problems, are involved in bad relationships, or have done drugs get these. 9. Weve covered a lot of information; are there any questions? 10. Recurring Dreams Repeating dreams Most often scary but can be positive Occur because of a conflict in your life Once you solve the conflict, the dream will disappear Can occur daily, once a week, or once a month Is there lots of change/ Medium Change/ Little change/ Little to No Change/ No change in a recurring dream? 11. Recurring Dreams Repeating dreams Most often scary but can be positive Occur because of a conflict in your life Once you solve the conflict, the dream will disappear Can occur daily, once a week, or once a month Is there Little to No Change in a recurring dream? 12. Healing Dreams Serve as messages for dreamer in regards to his/ her health Ancient Greeks called Healing Dreams Prodromic Many dream experts think that if you believe these dreams, you can avoid possible health problems Scientifically proven that asthma and migraine victims have certain types of dreams before an attack Human bodies can communicate with our minds through dreams The dreams can point out that something is off before any physical symptoms show up If we learn to understand healing dreams, then we will always have an early-warning system 13. Prophetic Dreams Dreams that tell the future 14. Prophetic Dreams Dreams that tell the future I KNEW THAT YOU WOULD PICK RAINBOW! One theory of this is that human minds piece together facts (that we may overlook while we are awake) and figure out how they relate together and what their outcome will be 15. Types of Prophetic Dreams Apparitions: the dead appear to deliver messages Clairaudient Dreams: hearing voices/ sounds that appear from no where and deliver important messages Clairvoyant Dreams: when you dream something happening at that very moment Empathic Dreams: when you are moved by an event in your dream, but you dont know why Shared Dreams: when you and someone close to you have the same dream on the same night Telepathic Dreams: involve a message being sent via the dream realm Warning Dreams: dreams that warn of something bad happening to you in the future 16. Signal Dreams Dreams that help you in solving problems or making decisions in your waking life 17. Epic Dreams Dreams that are so compelling, vivid, and/or huge that you cant ignore them Details of dream remain with you for years Possess much beauty When you wake up, you feel like you have discovered something amazing about yourself or the world 18. How to Recognize an Epic Dream 1) 2) 3) 4)The dream brings you greater awareness. The dream makes you look at life differently. The dream invokes strong emotions. The dream is extremely vivid and memorable; you cannot stop thinking about it. 5) You are filled with awe once you wake up. 6) The dream remains with you for years like you dreamed it last night. 19. Mutual Dreams Two people having the same dream Can be planned The two people work toward having one dream scenario or goal A way to improve communication and build trust Can be spontaneous Strong bond exists between the people who have a mutual dream 20. Progressive Dreams Dreams that are a sequence that continue over a period of nights Dream continues where you left off the previous night Problem solving dreams Help to explore different options and various approaches to a problem, relationship, or situation 21. Weve covered a lot of information; are there any questions? 22. Part 1 Scenario You are all aspiring dream interpreters. You are currently in dream college. It is the day of your final for the year. Your professor has decided not to give you a test; instead he decided to give you a teamwork/ dream exerciseA SCAVENGER HUNT! 23. Teams Each table is its own team: Table One- Team One Table Two- Team Two Table Three- Team Three Table Four- Team Four Table Five- Team Five Table Six- Team Six 24. Area 25. Procedure 1) You will all be given brochures with information about dreams, but some of it will be missing. 2) You must go outside with your team and fill in the missing information. 3) The first team in here wins! 26. Making it More Complicated There can only be one group at each piece of paper. You must be at a station at all times (except when you are walking to another one) or you are disqualified. NO ONE may split from the group. If someone does, the whole group is disqualified. I will be watching, so dont cheat. Once a group finishes and gets approved by me, they will also be walking around making sure that everyone is being fair. Once another group finishes, we are done and will come back in here to check answers. Ready, Set, GO!!! 27. Part 2 Scenario You passed your exam! Congratulations! You are now world famous dream interpreters for musicians. You love what you do, and dream interpreting is your lifes work. You are faced with two cases one day. Here they are 28. Case 1 Eddy Van Halen (member of Van Halen) comes into your office. He tells you that he had the most peculiar dream: flying with the Blue Angels (a group of professional pilots that put on shows for people). He and his band, Van Halen, made a song and video about it. He asks if he can show you the video, and then asks you to tell him everything you know about his dream. 29. Case 2 Zachary Barnett (the lead singer of American Authors) walks into your office right as Eddy Van Halen leaves. He asks you if youve heard his newest song, The Best Day of My Life. You say, Yes, I have. What about it? He replies, I based it off of a dream I had. This is what occurred: I had a dream so big and loud; I jumped so high I touched the clouds. Wo-o-o-o-o-oh. What type of dream is this? Who knows why? What else could it be? Why?