ff ii module a jeopardy. jeopardy rotationwork and energy momentumlinear motionprojectile motion 10...

FF II Module A Jeopardy

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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FF II Module A Jeopardy


Rotation Work and Energy

Momentum Linear Motion Projectile Motion

10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 40

50 50 50 50 50

Round 2

Rotation – 10 points

• It is the unit of angular acceleration

• What is radians per seconds squared?

Next Question

Rotation – 20 points

• In linear motion, we are concerned with mass. In rotational motion, we are concerned with this.

• What is rotational inertia?

Next Question

Rotation – 30 points

• This is the term for the reason a spinning ice skater spins faster when she draws in her arms.

• What is conservation of angular momentum?

Next Question

Rotation– 40 points

• A diver completes 3 somersaults in 1.5 s. This is her angular velocity. (Include units)

• What is 2 rev/s

Next Question

Rotation– 50 points

• It is the torque produced by a force of 50 N that is applied to a rigid body at a distance of 0.5m from the center of rotation. (Include units)

• What is 25 Nm?

Next Question

Work and Energy – 10 points

• It is the energy of motion

• What is kinetic energy?

Next Question

Work and Energy– 20 points

• It is the SI unit for work.

• What is Joules?

Next Question

Work and Energy– 30 points

• It is the amount of work that is done when you exert a force of 15N on a wall for 30 sec. (Include units)

• What is zero Joules?

Next Question

Work and Energy– 40 points

• It is the kinetic energy of a person who weighs 700 N and is traveling at 2m/s. (Include units)

• What is 140 J?

Next Question

Work and Energy– 50 points

• It is the speed at the bottom of a roller coaster if it is at rest at the top of a 20m tall hill. (Include units)

• What is 20m/s?

Next Question

Momentum – 10 points

• It is the formula for calculating linear momentum

• What is p=mv?

Next Question

Momentum– 20 points

• It is the definition of the law of conservation of momentum.

• What is in any closed system, the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision (or a paraphrase of this)?

Next Question

Momentum– 30 points

• It is the momentum of a 60kg boy swimming at 0.5m/s. (Include units)

• What is 30 kg.m/s?

Next Question

Momentum– 40 points

• It is the final speed of a 2kg ball that is initially at rest when a 1kg ball traveling at 3m/s struck it and stopped upon impact. (Include units)

• What is 1.5m/s?

Next Question

Momentum– 50 points

• It is the final speed of a 2kg fish who is moving at 1m/s and swallows a 0.5kg fish at rest. (Include the units)

• What is 0.8m/s?

Next Question

Linear Motion – 10 points

• It is Newton’s second law

• What is F=ma?

Next Question

Linear Motion– 20 points

• It is the final velocity if an object starting at rest has an acceleration of 3 m/s2 for 6 seconds. (Include units)

• What is 18 m/s?

Next Question

Linear Motion– 30 points

• It is the upward force that the ground is exerting on an object in order to balance the effects of gravity.

• What is the normal force?

Next Question

Linear Motion– 40 points

• It is the force required to make a 5kg object change from 4m/s, North to 2m/s, South in 3s. (Include units and direction)

• What is 10 N, South?

Next Question

Linear Motion– 50 points

• It is the frictional force when an 8 kg object is pushed with a 20 N force and achieves an acceleration of 2m/s2. (Include units)

• What is 4 N?

Next Question

Projectile Motion – 10 points

• It is the shape of the path of a projectile

• What is a parabola?

Projectile Motion – 20 points

• It is the degree angle that should result in the longest horizontal distance

• What is 45?

Next Question

Projectile Motion– 30 points

• It is the height an object goes when it has a total air time of 8s. (Include units)

• What is 80 m? (or 39.2 m)

Next Question

Projectile Motion– 40 points

• It is the y-component of the vector 50m/s at a 30 degree angle of inclination.

• 25m/s

Next Question

Projectile Motion– 50 points

• It is the horizontal distance that a projectile will travel if fired at 20m/s and an angle of 45 degrees.

• What is 39.8 m?

Next Question

Double Jeopardy

Extinguishers SCBA Ladders Hose More Hose

20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

Final Jeopardy

Extinguishers – 20 points

• What set of letters is used to help people remember how to use an extinguisher, and what does each letter mean?

• P- pull, A- Aim, S- Squeeze, S- Sweep

Next Question

Extinguishers – 40 points

• What are the shapes and colors for ABC and D fire extinguishers

• A- Green Triangle, B – Red Box, C – Blue Circle, D – Yellow star

Next Question

Extinguishers– 60 points

• What type of extinguisher might you use on computer equipment

• Halon or CO2

Next Question

Extinguishers– 80 points

• When using an extinguisher, where should the stream be directed

• At the base of the flames

Next Question

Extinguishers– 100 points

• What is the difference between dry chemical extinguishers and dry power extinguishers

• Dry chemical ABC or BC, Dry Power D only

Next Question

SCBA – 20 points

• Open Circuit and Closed Circuit are the two different types of SCBA’s. What is the major difference, and which is used more if fire service?

• Differences– Closed – compressed or liquid oxygen (also rebreather)

– Open – compressed air

– Open is used more often

Next Question

SCBA – 40 points

• What is the benefit of a positive pressure SCBA?

• Positive pressure prevents contaminants from entering facepieces if a leak develops

Next Question

SCBA – 60 points

• List three ways to prevent/correct internal fogging of your SCBA mask

• Nosecup, anti-fog chemical, briefly turn on the bypass valve

Next Question

SCBA – 80 points

• Your low pressure bell begins to ring, how much air do you have left in your tank?

• 500 psi

Next Question

SCBA – 100 points

• The cylinder gauge and regulator gauge should be within how many psi of each other

• 100psi

Next Question

Ladders – 20 points

• How many rungs of a ladder should extend beyond the edge of the roof?

• 5

Next Question

Ladder – 40 points

• When lifting a ladder from the ground, which fire fighter gives the command to lift?

• Firefighter at the rear (butt, heel) of the ladder is in control

Next Question

Ladder – 60 points

• The optimum angle for ladder placement is

• 75 ½ degrees

Next Question

Ladder – 80 points

• 20 feet of a 25 foot ladder is used to reach a window. How far away from the building should the ladder be placed?

• 5 feet (length used / 4)

Next Question

Ladder – 100 points

• Where should the fly section of a ladder be placed?

• For all ladders except wooden… the fly goes away from the building.

Next Question

Hose – 20 points

• List 3 of the 4 types of hose dammage and provide an example of each type

• Types are– Mechanical– Thermal– Organic– Chemical

Next Question

Hose – 40 points

• To prevent cars from running over fire hose, you should use

• Hose bridges

Next Question

Hose – 60 points

• Your fire hose has been exposed to a 10% solution of nitric acid. What is the best way to clean the hose?

• Scrub brush with a solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water

Next Question

Hose – 80 points

• What type of hose must be thoroughly dried before reloading on the apparatus?

• Woven jacket

Next Question

Hose – 100 points

• In the fire service, the 2 most commonly used hose couplings are….

• Threaded and Storz

Next Question

More Hose – 20 points

• True of False…The rubber liner of a lined woven jacket hose should be completely dry before reloading onto the apparatus. Why?

• False. The liner should remain moist to prevent it from drying out and cracking.

Next Question

More Hose – 40 points

• The part of the coupling that attaches to the host is called the….

• Shank

Next Question

More Hose – 60 points

• What is the purpose of the higbee cut and how can you locate it easily?

• Higbee cut prevents cross threading, and can be located by looking for the higbee indicator on the lugs.

Next Question

More Hose – 80 points

• What is the difference between a Wye and a Siamese?

• Wye – 1( F ) into 2 ( M ), Siamese 2 (M ) into 1 ( F )

Next Question

More Hose – 100 points

• What is the difference between a hose appliance and a hose tool?

• Hose tools don’t have water flowing through them

Next Question

Final JeopardyPhysicists

Write down the amount you wish to wager on this question

Final Jeopardy

• This physicist developed the planetary laws of motion

• Who is Johann Kepler?