fenby technology changes everything

Technology Changes Everything by Mary Fenby EDU620: Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology (NME1526B) Dr. Carter Ashford University June 29, 2015

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Technology Changes Everythingby

Mary Fenby

EDU620: Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology (NME1526B) Dr.  Carter

Ashford UniversityJune 29, 2015

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“Games and interactive software can help pupils acquire complicated skills and rigorous knowledge in an engaging and enjoyable way. Adaptive software has the ability to recognize and respond to different abilities, personalizing teaching for every pupil. With the expert help of a teacher, students can progress at different rates through lessons calibrated to stretch them just the right amount.” (Education Business,Gove,2013)

Education Secretary Michael Gove


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Evolution of Technology


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Technology has made classrooms more interactive using smart boards



Text books are changing! Instead of students carrying around a bunch of heavy text books in back pack ; technology allows students to carry a laptop , notebook or ipad instead.

Textbooks are no longer limited to merely text and pictures. Today’s textbooks often have web-based sites that include assessments, animations, additional materials, videos, and other materials to support the learning of new content. (teachhub.com)


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Connecting the Classroom and Home

One way technology is changing education is by providing greater accessibility to teachers.

Now teachers are available almost 24 hours a day to interact with students and parents

“old-school” methods of communication involved scheduling visits or after-class meeting.

With skype teacher-parent meeting can happen at the convenience of both.


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Technology Supports Diverse LearnersTechnology today can help teachers to differentiate their lessons to support a wide range of learners, including gifted students and students with disabilities.

Speech recognitionScreen-reading toolsBraille displays

Text – to-speech Sound amplifiersClosed-Captioning

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Tracy Gray, director of PowerUp What Works, the National Center for Technology Innovation and the Center for Implementing Technology in Education

explains “Such technologies not only help students better understand concepts and keep up with their

peers, they also allow the school to better and more easily integrate special-needs students into general

education classes.”

But wait that’s not all….Video Conferencing technologies that facilitate sign language and lip reading for the hearing-impaired

Motor and mobility disabilities benefit with speech recognition tools, e-books, and portable eye-gaze devices that are powered by blinks….and more!


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How technology influences student independence

• Student satisfaction with the immediate feedback provided by the computer and the sense of accomplishment and power gained in working with technology

• Motivation to working in a specific subject area

• There is greater willingness to write or to work on computational skills


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Technology also motivates and engages the learner. When students have a choice in their assignment, see the relevancy, or can self-assess with teacher feedback intertwined, student motivation increases (Daniels, 2002; Ganske et al., 2003; Harvey, 2002).


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In the 21st century, technology has changed the ways in which we live, learn, teach and communicate.

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ReferenceConscious Educating. (2011, October 2). Microsoft vision of the classroom of the future [Video file]. Retrieved from

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http://www2.ed.gov/pubs/EdReformStudies/EdTech/effectsstudents.htmlEvolution of Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2015, from digital trike: http://digitaltrike.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Infographic-

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http://www.educationbusinessuk.net/index.php/features/5-/3371-gove-technology-is-changing-the-way-we-teach-learn-and-assessHall, S. O.—P. (2014, April 30). What is the Impact of Technology on Learning? Retrieved June 2015, from Education.com:

http://www.education.com/reference/article/what-impact-technology-learning/Hayes, H. B. (n.d.). How Technology Is Helping Special-Needs Students Excel. Retrieved July 2015, from Edtech magazine:

http://www.edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2013/03/how-technology-helping-special-needs-students-excelHow Technology Is Changing How Teachers Communicate With Students. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2015, from Teach Though:

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http://www.teachhub.com/how-technology-changed-learningPearson. (n.d.). Using Technology for Effective Parent-Teacher Communication. Retrieved June 2015, from digital promise:

http://www.digitalpromise.org/blog/entry/using-technology-for-effective-parent-teacher-communicationTechnology, Entertainment and Design [TED]. (2010, July). The child-driven education [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/sugata_mitra_the_child_driven_education#t-TEDx Talks. (2012, June 15). Can technology change education? Yes!: Raj Dhingra at TEDxBend [Video file]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/l0s_M6xKxNc