feasibility study payroll system

Feasibility Study For Payroll Management System (PMS) Prepared by: DELTA Pvt Ltd. March 20, 2015 1 …Towards Global Sustainable Development

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payroll system


Feasibility Study

ForPayroll Management System(PMS)

Prepared by: DELTA Pvt Ltd.March 20, 2015

Towards Global Sustainable Development

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5.1 Team Two Approval (here, Archway) ________________________ ____________ Mr. Deepak Gupta Date

Table of Contents1Introduction42Executive Summary42.1Project Phase43Condition Brief and Design Summary53.1Domain Description53.2Design Summary63.2.1Design Methodology64Scope of work64.1Problem Definition64.2Existing System & Its Limitations74.3Objective85Implementation85.1Testing and Implementation85.1.1Validation Checks:85.2Implementation:86Analysis and Evaluation96.1Feasibility Analysis96.2Requirement Analysis106.2.1System Requirements116.3Technical Risks127Financial Projections127.1Capital Cost:-127.2Recurrent Costs:-138Findings and Recommendations139Results and Evaluation149.1Adequacy and Coverage149.2Efficiency and Effectiveness149.3Productiveness149.4Elegance and User-friendliness149.5Quality assurance1410Schedule1411Terms and Condition15

IntroductionArchway Consulting seeks a service provider to design, test, implement, and manage an integrated payroll solution and provide training to human resources (HR) staff on the use and functionality of the solution. Archway Consulting currently maintains a limited HR staff and does not have internal information technology (IT) or payroll software expertise. Current payroll infrastructure is outdated and the ability to upgrade the existing infrastructure does not exist. Archway Consulting expects that by upgrading to a new and robust payroll system with outsourced management, they will experience fewer payroll issues, accomplish payroll and accounting tasks in less time, and realize a long-term cost savings across their HR department.Delta Payroll Services understands the problems caused by inefficient and outdated payroll systems and believes it can provide Archway Consulting with the most cost-effective solution. Our payroll solutions provide efficient and upgradable platforms which are easy to use, manage, and modify. Once the solution is implemented, our clients have access to 24-hour support throughout the life of the service. Our team of experts is always on hand to assist our clients and we pride ourselves on the exception customer support that we offer. Delta Payroll is confident that it can provide Archway Consulting with a superior payroll solution and support in order to meet its long-term goals.

Executive SummaryDelta Payroll Services helps its clients achieve success by establishing goals and a comprehensive solution based on our clients needs. Our goals reinforce the commitment we have to our clients:1) Provide leading edge payroll solutions which are cost-effective, flexible, and technologically advanced2) Guarantee on-time payroll, accounting, and tax distribution and reporting3) Guarantee 24 hour coverage and support for our clients and superior customer serviceDelta Payrolls proposed solution allows us to meet these goals as well as those of SSEF Consulting. Delta Payroll uses a phased approach to determining the best solution for our clients. Additionally, all Delta Payroll employees maintain certifications in appropriate professional organizations and industry fields. All Delta Payroll accountants are certified public accountants (CPAs). All Delta payroll managers are certified payroll management program (CPMP) certified. Delta Payroll also maintains a staff of tax attorneys for auditing and oversight purposes.Project PhasePhase I: Initial ConsultationDuring this phase our team of experts will review current payroll and accounting systems and practices in order to determine pain points and leverage our expertise to develop a more detailed list of options for the client.Phase II: Solution DesignOur experts will work with the client to design the solution based on the needs of the company. This tailored approach allows DeltaPayroll to ensure the client gets the solution they need and does not have to pay for excess services which they will not use. Phase III: ImplementationOur team will implement the solution in a seamless manner that will be transparent to daily operations. This phase also marks the beginning of DeltaPayrolls management of client payroll and accounting operations and the completion of the solution project as we enter the operations and management stage.Phase IV: Management and SupportThis is the final phase and ongoing through the life of the service. DeltaPayroll will manage all payroll and accounting functions based on the accepted solution. Services and functionality include: Monthly, quarterly, and annual tax statements and payment records Account/payroll balancing and reconciliation Withholding management Benefits and benefit summaries Accounts payable All payroll and accounting distribution and management Inventory account balancing Cash on hand

Benefits for choosing DeltaPayroll for your payroll solution include: Reduced monthly costs for payroll and accounting activities Latest technology and upgradable solutions Professional staff providing superior customer service and support Flexibility to adapt solution to business environment, operations, and growth No cost for initial consultation and recommendations Our solution will allow your HR staff to focus on improving your business operations All DeltaPayroll staff is fully certified and accredited in appropriate professions

Condition Brief and Design SummaryDomain DescriptionIndustry employs full-time and casual (contractual) academics. Employees in the Personnel Department will use the system to maintain employee information, manage leave, and make payments to the academics every fortnight. The Payroll system can add new employees and delete employees. It can manage annual and long-service leave as well as record any sick leave. The system must pay each academic the correct amount, on time, and by the payment method requested by an academic. Employees in the Personnel Department will access system via a Windows-based desktop interface.

However, the system will also provide a web-based access (called Academic Kiosk) to full-time academics to view their payment details, leave balances, and personal information. Some of this information, such as personal details and payment method, can be updated by academics using the web-based interface. The Payroll system verifies if the total hours worked so far do not exceed the number of hours agreed in the contract. The contract information is maintained by another system called Contracts Management, however the Payroll system stores basic information about contracts, in particular hourly rate for each contract. The industry deducts standard tax rates from payments made to full-time academics. Casual academics can request receiving payment notifications by mail or by email. Fulltime academics employees do not receive payment notifications but they can use Academic Kiosk to query the system about fortnightly payments, total salaries received year-to-date, tax and other deductions, leave balances, etc. As mentioned, Academic Kiosk can be used to modify personal details and payment method. The academics can choose the payment method. The payments can be mailed (as bank cheques) to academics to the postal address of their choice. Alternatively, the payments can be directly deposited into an academics bank account.

Design SummaryDesign MethodologyThe method that we have used for designing this system is Structural Design. In the structure-oriented approach, the problem is viewed as a sequence of things to be done. A number of functions are written to accomplish these tasks. The primary focus is on functions. A typical program structure for structural programming is as follows:

In a multi-function program, many important data items are placed as global so that they may be accessed by all the functions. Each function may have its own local data. Global data are more vulnerable to an inadvertent change by a function. This provides an opportunity for bugs to creep in. Another serious drawback with the structural approach is that it does not model real world problems very well. Along with the disadvantages the structural design has various advantageous features, which encouraged us to use the structural approach.Some of the striking features that encouraged us for using structural design are:1. Emphasis is on doing things (algorithms).2. Large programs are divided into smaller programs known as functions.3. Most of the functions share global data.4. Data move openly around the system from functions to function.5. Functions transform data from one form to another.6. Employs top-down approach in program design.

Scope of workProblem DefinitionManaging employees information of a particular organization or for a small group is a tedious task. It has to store all the necessary records for each and every employee within the organization to assign correct task to correct person and right salary and perks to their eligible employees. Manual record keeping is a time taking process. As it causes delay in making query and generating the final results. Due to complex environment and working procedures, it is not possible to handle all the information with accuracy.

Existing System & Its Limitations The organization is maintaining most of their day-to-day transaction data in the registers. The employee of the organization are doing whole work manually. All the work is done manually, so different employees are appointed for the maintainance of registers obtaining all the information related to the organization It is very time consuming and is also not error free in some situation .In existing manual system database calculations are difficult to perform so report generation as very much difficult. Generally whenever we implement a new system it is develop to eliminate the shortcoming of an existing system. The computerized system has more edge over the manual system. It is because of accuracy, high-speed, quick result, diligence etc. The existing system is totally based on manual system. Existing system has many draw backs in comparison of computerized system.

Time Consuming: High time consumption is the main weakness of the existing system. A lot of time is wasted in searching records from different files, which resulted in loss of time, and moreover workload is increases. Also a lot of time wasted in duplicating the same entries in different registers

Service & Working condition: With the unusual delay due to various reason, the costumer suffers a lot. Without any firm reason he has to wait which disfigures the working condition.

Difficulties in retrieving Information: Sometimes, to get any type of instant information more than one document needs to be searched .This requires the opening of both files and then combining the information. Further this files may not be indexed according to the need, which causes difficulty in retrieving information.

Not Easy to Understandable by new users: To understand the manual system the user have to get more practice and have a grape all that help by other employee and have to be in contact with that person. If the person was in leave the user can get info from him.Need more Space to store: Here by using a paper work system the user need to maintain all the documents in proper way to avoid the difficulty in action and need more space to store these document because they cant destroy the old documentsVery Expensive: The existing manual method is very expensive method as lot of paperwork has to be done and a lot of wastage of manpower, which increase the expenses of existing system.

Data Sharing: The different user in different department cannot share data simultaneously.ObjectiveEmployees are the backbone of any company; their management pays a major role in deciding the success of the organization. Employee information management helps in deciding the future management needs and any changes that has to be made for greater productivity. It keeps the records of the functions performed by the individual employee playing a vital role at the time of performance appraisal. Employee management software can carry out many functions like employee data analysis, employee monitoring, centralized employee database, management of the time sheet, etc. The usage of payroll management system would ultimately reduce the overall management costs thus ensuring greater profits and reduced burdens. The system is very easy to use and can adjust into any business frame. We need to develop such a payroll system that can perform following tasks- Can enter the new employee entry. Can see the existing employee detail. Can maintain the existing employee salary record. Can make a new month salary.

That system should support organizations to maintain the salary record of its employees.

ImplementationTesting and ImplementationValidation Checks:In the text boxes like name, first name, last name etc., only alphabets and number could be entered thus if the operator by mistake enters other special characters, it would not be entered. In the text boxes like a contact number only numbers could be entered. If the users do not fill any of the fields, which could not be empty, a message would be displayed asking to enter the required parameters.When a user starts the applications, a login form will be displayed prompting to enter the username and password, if even any one of them is not matched with the details stored in the database, the user will be warned to re-enter the correct details. While entering the details of new customer, the customer number which cannot be null value will be automatically generated. This is one greater than the highest number existing previously. When the details of one customer are modified even if one parameter is missed a message will be displayed asking to enter complete details.Implementation:When a new system needs to be implemented in an organization, there are three different ways to adopt this new system: The big bang adoption, phased adoption and parallel adoption.Parallel adoption: The old and the new system are running parallel, so all the users can get used to the new system, and meanwhile do their work using the old system. Phased adoption: The adoption will happen in several phases, so after each phase the system is a little nearer to be fully adopted. Big bang adoption: The switch between using the old system and using the new system happens at one single date, the so called instant changeover of the system. Everybody starts to use the new system at the same date and the old system will not be used anymore from that moment on. Since our system is completely independent from the existing system and makes no use of the existing system, the implementation method used is the Big Bang Adoption. User documentation does not need to be updated during the implementation process, because it happens in such a short period. There are no special interfaces needed to be able to get used to the new system, because the new system is all there is.

Analysis and EvaluationFeasibility AnalysisWe have analyzed the feasibility of the system in terms of following spans: Technical Feasibility Operational Feasibility Economic Feasibility Schedule Feasibility Behavioral Feasibility

Technical Feasibility: The development process of Payroll Management System would be advantageous to the organization because we would make use of only the currently available resources of the organization. All the tools needed for the development are already available with the organization and the organization does not have to acquire any new resources. The technical feasibility is also attributed to the fact that the system does not make use of any additional or external third party components which can lead to increased load on the system.The aspects of our study included the following factors.Front-end selection:1. It must have a graphical user interface that assists employees that are not from IT background.2. Scalability and extensibility.3. Flexibility.4. Robustness.5. According to the organization requirement and the culture.6. Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support.7. Platform independent.8. Easy to debug and maintain.9. Event driven programming facility.10. Front end must support some popular back end like oracle 11g.According to the above stated features we selected Visual Studio 2013 as the front-end for developing our project.

Back-end Selection:1. Multiple user support.2. Efficient data handling.3. Provide inherent features for security.4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.5. Stored procedures.6. Popularity.7. Operating System compatible.8. Easy to install.9. Various drivers must be available.10. Easy to implant with the Front-end.According to above stated features we selected Oracle 11g as the backend.The technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. Its essential that the process of analysis and definition be conducted in parallel with an assessment to technical feasibility. It centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software etc.) and to what extent it can support the proposed system.Operational Feasibility: The Payroll Management System is intended to provide a very user-friendly and easy to use interface which is beneficial for both the visitors as well as the operators who help in providing support for the system. This system would also be easily acceptable among the visitor and administrator, as there is no need of any special skill set for using the application. This system also benefits the users as they do not have to download anything on their terminals increasing their efficiency and ease of use.It is mainly related to human organizations and political aspects. The points to be considered are: What changes will be brought with the system? What organization structures are disturbed? What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not, can they be trained in due course of time?The system is operationally feasible as it very easy for the End users to operate it. It only needs basic information about Windows platform.

Economic Feasibility: The Payroll Management System has a very low development cost. The low cost is attributed to the usage of the existing resources of the organization. As the website is very user friendly and easy to use, there is no need to provide special training to the users of the website, thus saving valuable time and money.The financial and the economic questions during the preliminary investigation are verified to estimate the following: The cost to conduct a full system investigation. The cost of hardware and software for the class of application being considered. The benefits in the form of reduced cost. The proposed system will give the minute information, as a result the performance is improved which in turn may be expected to provide increased profits. This feasibility checks whether the system can be developed with the available funds. The Payroll Management System does not require enormous amount of money to be developed. This can be done economically if planned judicially, so it is economically feasible.

Schedule feasibility: Projects are always given deadlines. Every project is completed in a specific duration. I was the only working on the project and I had the project duration of two months only. So i have tried our level best to fulfill each and every requirement. I had to complete the project in time and if it is not possible to complete the software in time then I would try our best to fulfill client requirements.

Behavioral Feasibility: Many times creates problem when someone tries to harm the system with malicious intensions. For this reason many people need some kind of network monitoring system.Requirement AnalysisNowadays, the world is moving at a lightening swiftness and so is computer field. It is advancing each and every day. Initially the work of project management was done manually and the data was kept in files but now the technology is such that each employee who is part of project management team has all the projects, their phases, reports all at hand. Due to which user can quickly know regarding the status of any project and its progress. Such is the technology which is increasing at a very fast pace. This system has been made so, that user can work faster and in a much better environment.System RequirementsFunctional Requirements: Function 1: Administration of the ApplicationFunction Purpose and PriorityAdministrator can create new roles/rights/users and edit the existing roles/rights/users.Function InputsCreate User: - User name, Full Name, Password.Create Rights: - Give rights to the userFunction OperationsCreate User: - The admin fills the information about the user and selects rights to be given to the user clicks on the Save button.Function OutputsCreate User: - New user is created and assigned to the selected rights and then added in the database.Edit User: - Changes made to the user information are saved. Function 2: Manage Employee DataFunction Purpose and PriorityIt stores detailed employee profile including his/her personal information, qualification profile, experience profile and basic salary information.Function InputsPersonal Details: Name, Address, Contact, Date of Birth, Sex etc.Qualification Profile: Qualification, Grade, Passing Year, Institute.Experience Profile: Worked As, Nos. Working Years, Working CategoryBasic Salary Information: Designation, Department, Scale, Date ofJoining, Applicable allowances and deduction and bank information etc.Function OperationsThe employee details can be added, edited and deleted by the users who have enough authority for the functions.Function OutputsThe user authentication is checked against the operation used by the user. If user is not allowed to access the asked operation he/she is reported by the application Function 3: Designation HistoryFunction Purpose and PriorityThe past data of the employee designation and his/her progress throughout career is maintained.Function InputsDesignation, Type, Date of Joining, Reason for new designation etc.Function OperationsThe user fills the input details save.Function OutputsThe current designation is upgraded. New scale is assigned and joining date, month of increment is changed. Function 4: Increment and Incentive DetailFunction Purpose and PriorityThe functions allows to keep track of the increments/incentives given to the employee.Function InputsDate, Nos of increment/incentives, Reason.Function OperationsThe user can add increment/incentives records.Function OutputsThe current basic is upgraded according to the given increment/incentives based on the employees scales. Function 5: Scale PredictionFunction Purpose and PriorityThis is the analytical tool which allows to generated data showing the normal progress of any employee in futureFunction InputsSelects employee, Starting Date (Joining date, Current date), Ending date, and the years after which the scales should be upgraded.Function OperationsGenerates the data including year and basic of the employee according to the given inputs.Function OutputsShows graphical view of the generated prediction.Non-Functional Requirements: Hardware Requirements:233 MHz Pentium processor or other compatibleIntel Chipset Motherboard512 MB SD-RAM4 GB hard disk Software Requirements:Operating System -Windows 7 onwardsApplication Software Visual Studio 2013Database Tool Oracle 11gTechnical Risks Various techniques like Brainstorming can be used to evaluate risk factors. Various risks that may be involved in our project are listed below: There could be failure of database system so complete backup of system should be provided. Since it is a web based software, so if internet is not available 24*7 it would result in failure of system. Unauthorized access will result in system shut down and uncertain shut down might result in some problems. Unavailability of adequate testing facilities. Turnover of essential personnel. Unachievable performance requirements. Lacking of training on new technologies.

Financial ProjectionsThe following cost summary has been developed as an estimate of the costs associated with the proposed solution. These costs are an estimate only. Based on acceptance of this proposal, our team will work with you to develop a detailed list of requirements, develop your tailored solution, and provide a more focused and applicable cost estimate.Capital Cost:-NameRemaining CostCostBCWSEAC

Scope 2,280.00 2,280.00 2,280.00 2,280.00

Analysis/Software Requirements 9,950.00 9,950.00 7,760.00 9,950.00

Design 7,770.00 7,770.00 0.00 7,770.00

Development 66,000.00 66,000.00 0.00 66,000.00

Testing 15,400.00 15,400.00 0.00 15,400.00

Training 7,200.00 7,200.00 0.00 7,200.00

Documentation 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00 19,000.00

Pilot 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00

Deployment 7,400.00 7,400.00 0.00 7,400.00

Post Implementation Review 3,240.00 3,240.00 0.00 3,240.00

Closure 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Note: - cost for hardware purchase is not mentioned.Recurrent Costs:-Recurrent cost May include, cost for further upgradation of system or newer version. Such as, including new features, operations or functions. Upgradating to newer version might even require hardware upgrade.

Findings and RecommendationsBased on the information presented in this feasibility study, it is recommended that Archway approves the Payroll management system and begins project initiation. The findings of this feasibility study show that this initiative will be highly beneficial to the organization and has a high probability of success. Key findings are as follows:

Technology: Will utilize existing technology which lowers project risk E commerce infrastructure will be contracted out to vendor which allows Archway to share risk Once in place this technology is simple to operate and maintain for a relatively low cost

Marketing: This initiative will allow Archway to reach large number of target groups electronically at a low cost Archway can expand their base beyond geographic areas where and can establish independent branches. ABC is able to differentiate itself from its competitors and will utilize incentive programs to target new consumers

Organizational: Minimal increases to staffing are required with no changes to organizational structure Not much facilities or capital investments are required

Financial The system will help them to maintain their accounts properly. Clear and concise data availability will lead to better organizational governance. This will terminate assets dissipation.Results and EvaluationAdequacy and Coverage The payroll software can perform the following functions Store employee information Calculate gross and net pay, and determine tax deductions to be made Print pay slips for each month, showing year-to-date totals Create and maintain a ledger containing all necessary records of employee payments Provide the user with adequate help by the user manual with the softwareEfficiency and Effectiveness The payroll software calculates the total earnings of the employee and automatically updates the employees earning to date. The employers can set different rates for employees. The software does its calculations in a very clear and concise manner. All calculations are guaranteed accuracy.Productiveness The payroll software gives the employee the ability to keep track of their earnings by printing their payslip for each month. It gives the employers the ability to keep records of how much they pay out as salaries by creating a ledger that can be used to filter out results by employee, month, and year.Elegance and User-friendliness The different tasks and functions are outlined in a very simple and clear manner for the users. The help file can be used by the users to know how to use the payroll software. The interface is very simple and not complicated to allow for easy usage.Quality assurance The software was fully tested to ensure it is relatively error free and that it computes results correctly, including deductions such as taxes. The software provides a better, time saving and efficient way of keeping track of employees earnings by speeding up calculations, and reducing paperwork by keeping efficient electronic records.