fayetteville observer. (fayetteville, tenn.) 1863-03-12 [p...

O. Wallace. t:Let all (he ends aim'st fit tfey CcaatryX (by God's, and Troth's" HQ. i8--Q- L XI?. t5"Tu' I)lars year in "advance, '.ViniOCT VIATIOS. T All Bill fr Advertisements, Job-"Wo- rk, or Subscription, considered ue when contracted except aga'i.st those With whom wo have running acouuts, (jtjT Subscribers failing to OTder diswn- -t ii. uanca oJ the paper, at the expiration of tbe Jim for which they may have subscribed, ure considered as wishing to renew; and it will bo continued to thorn accordingly. OT " paper will be sent out of the counly- - unlbsspaid for in advance. 0O Advertisements inserted at One Dol-i- fr sQiini'c of Twelve E.iues nr lcss, for th Grstinsertion;Fifl y Cents for each continuance. Yorthcrn JYcivs. Dthiccracy Connecticut democracy conven;iont Wednes- day, nominated Seymour, Governor, accepted. promised I'ersdpa advertising by the will ; for him. S J tnOUr is J3 cuargcil koiij iuii;iis tor wuoie column, Twenty Dollar for one-h- alf .Ten Dollars for one-quart- er. Jo devia- tion from these term under any circumstances (KJ- - Obituaries, Fifty Cents per square. frO" The privilege of yearly advertisers is strict! limited to their cicx immediate avl teg From York 20ih. The and ". the War. The of this State met on and Hop. at Hon. to stump State Mr. New England man, that we have who, from th beginning, been end outsprken administration. n'.tr lutinezs: and the business of an adv-r- - ?lpn ;n U0 niidst if hp ion r.f tiding tirin is not considered as " r of its individual members. terror, he quailed and proved InYs.toUp-rUmailvavc- AnnouficiiigcaiididatesTlirecDol- - in case. J Imiself Worthy of a bettt r nativity Advertisements not marked the 'arj( bcttlT habitation thaD he number of insertions. handed in, will .'' ' 19 co.itiaue-- l ordered payment ex 6eSSeS. ilflpoftl.nt point 1, Can aaXo-olK,ti.ementi8e,1e- i Ntff Y,k of nn abusive nature, T(lj Jj reSSCS Conviction that 'will not It inserted at any price. j . . EViiitiHtt..ALLl-inJ.fiecih- be; adds, '.hat Neft tXS.X.VX; "f. -- - -- i ! o it?- - Tit S'aner will be diKContinued 0f SHlIji polifics. The ull arrcang is ari up except ai the op- - on of the Palihher. i in both Slates eary in April - - - i -- The fulloYing refolutions ad- - i a l a h if r i t I . 0fa free under in OF o 4 5 G o V. 1 8 11 TJ IS 14 15 1G 17 18 It 20 21 22 23 24 ' . 2-- 20 27 28 29 30 31 1 .2 3 4 5 G 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 1.8 -- 19 20 21 - '2 24 25 20 27 28 AlTJL May J LNE vFitia- - AUGUST t)c-TOBE- R (boa be 1 2 3 4 5 G 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 2S 29 30 31 12 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 19 20 21 23 24 31 7 14 21 25 15 28 29 20 27 28 29 30 10 12 13 1G 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 2G 27 30 12 "5 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23.24 25 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5 G 7 10 11 12 13.14 15 1G 17 18.19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2S 29 30 31 10 11 12 1 1 8 )) IT. J i " o 2 3 4 5 G 9 3 4 G 7 8 9 G 1 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20 27 2S 29 30 . " 1 3 4 5 G .7 S 9 10 other eleven were than 700 pei' bar- - ..'3 tbeXew Times, Feb. of in llarlford the '18ib, Thos. II. for lie once Isaac has 4he CO" year, the only bciird of, has steadfast including that not IdP every with pOS- - when until eut.and Tb OCT imr the QCr Jau wiil and until tJ;e tlfcCilOB p.iid ccmT)3 were JIarcu THE 23 22 11. 15 24.25 2. the against opted as the platform of ihe p irl'y. They were unanimously adopted, and duiing theii were vociferous- ly cheered: EiYffTPJllir PRFRVFR Wberea9fitislhcpiiTi!rgenndthe tfliLl iLtlLLL uDOttillil. juty people, living Jaxuauy 5ErTEH15EU the guarantees ol a writUn coasti'.u- - tion which .'the provisions L'of an organic law will: the great 2 principles of federation and fraternity, " j (lankly and fearlessly to assert their p, i ijihts. freely to canvass the nets of 9 10 Jthiir appointed Brtvant's, and to real- - r, - 1. .. ' IrnlVo m V fit t) lick li 1 III I glcriW liuiuu n iuvu uuuiiiii the government, and upon wbicb, lor three-quarte- rs : of a century, have securely rested the liberties of the ai;d whereas, the present ad- ministration of the General Govern- ment has for neaily two years been in i aimed collision with n.ore tb.-- one-thi- rd of the States ccmprisirg the Confederacy, and in the prosecution of the war, has assumed powers uttt rly at variacCe with the letter and epirit of the Constitution of the United State? it becomes us, the representatives of the con- servative people of Connecticut, while reasserting our determination to ad-- J here to the true principles upon which ! our Union is founded, and proclaim-- 1 ing our devotion to the Constitution, j fiiDily hut temperately to condemn': tho errors of our public officers ; and w hereas, the Administration of Abra- ham L'.nco'n has violated the Con- stitution of the United States in many of its important paiticulars: There-f.;re- , ' 1. Resolved, That the United States ure a confederacy of States coequal in sovereignty and political power, independent in their. separate organi- zations, and reserving tp each all powers not granted by the Consti- tution to the central Government. 2. That while, as citiz jus of Con- necticut, we assert our devotion lo the Constitution' and the Union, and will hereafter, as we have heretofore, f support with zeal and energy the authorities ot iho uuiiea Males, in the full fXerciso of tbeir Constitu tional powers, we deliberately; avow l hat the liberties of the people are by Congressional and Ftd- - tral usurpations, and can only ne ! preserved bv the energetic action of 11 12 13 14 15 10 17Slate authority; and we; are aeteT- - IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 mined to and defend the ' 25 .20 27 2329 30 31 j Lonor of our State and the rights of XwrMm 1 3 4 5 0 7 ; the neoDle. . ' ." 8 9 10 11.12 13 14 ; 3. Thot while we .denounce the 15 1G 17 18 19.20 21 heresy of secession, as undefended ' 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28J fDduimarrauttd by the Constitution, 29 30 . -- kens confidently asseTt, thai' what- - Dece!mceii - 1 2 3 4 5' ever may have fecn the opinion of - 0 7 8 9 JO 11 12 l our countrymen,' the time has now 13 14 15fU 17 18 10 arrived when all 'true lovers tf-th- e 20 21 "22 23 24 25 20 .Constitution are teady to abandon 27 28 29 30 31 Ia Atlanta, Georgia, day bauds of whiskey sold for SS,000 more Toucey Lincoln's Advertisements reading combines people; existing inainiaiu ;th'e monstron3 fiillacy, - that the Union can be restored by the ntmed hand;' and are anxious to inaugurate such measures, 'honorable alike "to tbe contending faction?, as will stop the ravages xi TroT," avert ! universal E A TETTE VILIR , V:rtNlj:COTRi)i.If MARC II "12, 1 868. bankrupfcy, and unite ull the States In attempting to strike out of ex--J upon terms of equality ,' as members ;istenro the entire value of property of one Confederal-'-- . 4. That the Democracy of. Con necticut sympathising with their con servative brethren ia ' the Middle and Vt stern States, pledge them- selves to unite with them in' the of. all honorable measures, having in view the cessation of hos and in throughout the country Tn Jh enfoi ceniuiit of yo.mcmber the pic-ni- c, Mae, - - j Competed emancipation ' . the grand old tree, In the Uxa ion of the How the green leave bright wilh morning white to the freedom man Waved in the summer's . Of t he Ufgro, and his tbcr in iIow ihe dew gems iay bciieath our feet competi'iou the white man tllU3 j Such a'queen wear tiiXcd J IIow we gathered the tiny tilities between the Noith and thai In the dism nibcrment of the .a .i j f ,i ' 'n, i n TT' k ? I And twined mour hair; bouth ; ine or u.e otate oi Virginia, tncung wumu Do j.ou remember those waters bright, Union on such terms 't.s shall thor- - her .boundaries a State without j That quiet late, o!ear Mae? ' oughly di fine the rights of the States ; the consent of her Legislature ; t A silver mirror it seemed to mo, the rciroduoiion" of Are each and all ubitrary and ur j Hid 'mil the hills away. . 1 feelings which form the true foun dation of the Federation ; the slaves ; atterniiitd ; .. Under btternpted porchaso tt'llh gems blue-bcl- ls rtcoDsiruciion friendly coi.stitutional, subverting cousti- - ,uur Klraw uau wua strings oi diuo-tulio- ns, State and Fedut.!, invading! "r .mnslin8 and sashes gay- -- erection cron a more rnduring basii the rtsWvcd lights ot the people r:n tf L f ..... , . I of. the .temple of tho Constitution. , the sovereignty of the Slates, and, if; " 5. That the militi i of Cunnt destructive to the Union, Do ycu remember how wesarg cut are the natural guardians of the and establishing upon the common) Songs of the olden time, lib rtiescf her people, subject totbeW.3 of the liberties of the people,: Ae b at sP2d 'er the; cr-vs- t1 lilk control of her chiel Executive edTcertrnd the sovereignty of the States, a'T To the Iightoar-- s soft chime? - vou told us of your Indian home, . aciiiisr under r.nd Ly - authority ot the consolidated military despotism. - .,'..,. . tropic EKy, laws of the S'iite; and any and tdl And we hereby solemnly declare . 0f the Bnm)ai:S with tbeir duslty mvat.. acts of the Congress of the United .that no American citizen can, with- - j Atjd hllni jj? States viobtive of the sovbreiifntv fout the criuit of infidelity to liis ' f,r ilRttA in thrrrtn. Kb;,!!' eomitrv's eniistitution and the " f.lle- - Do Jou renumber, amorg the reeds, receive the exec-ratio- of a people jgiance whieh he to each, sr.nc islet, iho hours "lv ... . . ' . 1 ... . ... That aiuet summer's day. and dare 11 at sdenoo will be criminal and know their right, knowing j our jTillf ..ll0mewarJ bound ia our i;meboat, maintftiu.'' . ! construed Into consent, in deep reve-- j Agiin wa spsd along? G. That the milifin bill recently Ireuce for our constitution, which has. But the sky was dark, the waters cold, introduced into the Senate of the U. j been ruthlessly violated, we do here-- , And hushed our weary scng. States by Senator Wilson, of Ma-ib- y enter out most solemn protest a-- 1 Do vou remcmW W sad the wind chusctts. is subversive of the sove-- ; gainst usurpations cf power. Sounded along tho shore reignty and rights of fho States, and 10. That, in connection with our nd that the lightning seemed to flash designed lo make them mere depen-- ; fellow-citizen- s of other States, we Wilder than e'er before? dencies upon the central government; will use our utmost infiuence-t- pre- - IIow, at last, we reached the place unconstitutional in its provisions and vent the payment of a single dollar Wi.h !org disheveled hair, of tho of the cf the AbJ lsses-- Jo you remember, Mae, dangerous to the Kberties pto-- 1 money pec pie, uncon- - j pie, the authorities of each .State 'stituiu.nally aropriated, lor the un- - Ratbfir the worst for weir? ' should sternly resist the operation warranted project of compensated illow Miss Trudence, staiidingon the shore, a scheme so f.tal to the itist rtla- - Shook her astonished head tions which should always exist 11. Toat the enormous plunder of;As heBoWy wintered, (did you hear?) tween the Federal and .State Gov-- ! the public treasury by 'self constitu "What romps we were . "Le said; ernmpnts. , ted patriots, which h;s been rile 7. That the bankins system re- - threushout the country, demands; contly passed by Congress,' bcd as ; the closest scrutiny, and the severest it is upon au unconstitutional and : punishment should follow a just paper currency, cannot jposure-- ; and that we insist upon their fail, if Ikcid upon tho people of the i being paid for services rendered. Sta;es, to prove destructive la the ex-- j , 12. That we sympathise with the; isting moneyed institutions of the soldiers who enlisted. to sust.-.i- the several-States- , and 13 covertly do- - Constitution and the Union, in tbe signed to eetabiioh a vast central! great deprivations and hardships to "money power,.' alike unknown to which they ha va beai subjeeteel, in the Constitution of the United States sickuess and.in health, and that we and danrxerous to the principles on dtmid, iu the name of humanity which the Government is founded. and justice, that the great frauds! 8. That tl.'o President of the Uni- - j which have deprived thern of prop r ted Statep, by his emancipation proc-loo- d, raiment, and care shall be struck a serious blow posed atd the authors duly pun-a- t tbe rights of tbe States ; erected i3hed. .. an almost "impassable barrier between.! 13. That as representatives of a tbe North and ' South, in attacking large poriion of the people of Con-th- e people of fifteen States through ntciicut, we demand the fullest institution' which is blended with Tic exposure of the manner in ?.hich their social fibric, and owr which the-ih- vast bum of four millions of al Sta.e3 possess exclusive j hits appropriated by our State during control and power; and, regardless; the past two years or i:ny portion of it, of thegret lessons of the past, the j has been expended, with a' detail of Natioual Executive, ia pandering; the objects lor which the money has to the insane fanaticism of the aboli- - been used, and we protest ngniost the tion f iction, has ventured upon a sys- - j uncalled tor and extraordinary appro-te- m of public tuiiicy','.wh'ch,'if suc-- i priation by the late session of our cessfully in iuguratee', would disgrace j Legislature of ten thousand dollars our country iu tho eyes of the cii-t- o the Governor of the Stafe, to be lizod world, and carry lust,rapine, and j used by him in secret for any ot ject murder into every household the; he may see fit to expend it. ., slaveholdicg fetatcs 9. That the act of the Federal The Military Committee iu the Am;nKtn,tinn in s.isnpndinir the house reported 'a bill rvpaftling nearly mUtfkabeas corpus; the arrest 0f all exemptions. After amonth s debate citizens not subject to military law tho'House adored n substitute troddced by Mr Collier. and defiled warrant i authority; trans- - j porting them to distant States; incur-- 1 substitute, leaving tbe exemption ceratiig them without charge.or ac-jl- w as. it now is, except the 20 negro cusatiou; denying thpm the riglu of Ul e has b en repealed by the trial by juiy, of witnesses in their House, but not yet by the Senate, favorand counsel in their defence ; I which, however, will no doubt p .ssit tnlrlinrr frnm thf m all kno.vledffe lso. This, we think, will be all the ! 1 1 u ii v i u i O " O ot their accusers, and the cus8 of their arrest ; answering their petition ' . breeze? might . Dew' thoso bears . thee change made the or laws. lor.rearesB uy leFBsvru uju,..auu -- eympathy was manifested rnsu i t wuiuiug.uw-u- j for the Arkansas Post prisoners as rouuiuuuui -,- ,thp sed lhTo0gh St. Loui3. A arbitrary and illegal; : - - : - yankee correspondent describes it as ;. In" the. abridgement 'd1 frcedotn ofjaQ ovatj'on to treaeon.'' " The pris-speec- h and 'of the press ; . ; j ocer3 ave vent to S!j0u!s defiance ,1a suppressing newspapers by force . m,re respoD(jea to Irom the and in establishing a censorship wbol-jaRdin- g;, 0ne . ths privates raoun-l- y incompatible: witli the freedom ofite(J the rostrum and made a treason- - thoegbt and expression oi .opinion ; W s.,ee .n . . ' In the establishment of espionage by seciel police to invade" the sacred precincts oTur.suspecting citizens ; Ia declaring "tnnrtial law over States not " in rebellioir, and where the courts are 'open t;nd onobstruct dew place l - the , of, which wiil be in cn conscript Great of ffhich of ... v .... - "The Shelby ville, Tenn , Bra- cer, of, the I2th, says: Bishop .Whe-lan,th- e distinguished Catholic ' Pre- late of the Nirshvilie 'diocese, reached hire yesterday, having recently e3' ed for the "punishment of crime ; icaped ihrpogh ths Federal lines. THE PIC-NI- C. theni That moss-bou- nd Mae, j And how swiftly seenied to fly landing of: be-- 1 pub-H- Q Now mr homes are far apart, dear II ie, Y.our face I canuot see, Yet memory oft at twilight bring3 The sunny past and thee. Jly bairnies dear, when yoa go out With ether ba'rns to play, Take heed of everything jou do, Of every word you say ; Frctn tricky, wee, mischievous loons Keep back, my bairns, keep back ; And aye to all such usage give As you would like to take. To tv.-is- t the mouth and call ill names, Is surely very bad ; Then all such doings stfil avoid, Th sy'd make your mother sad; To shield tho weakly from the strong, Ee neither slow nor slack, . And aye to aU f uch usiga give As you would 'ike to take. A Vindly word, a soothing look, Hive ready aye for all ; Ve are one Maker's handiwork, lie made us great and small V.'c're all the children of his care ; Oh then for His dear sake Eo suro such usage still to givo Asyou would like to take. The Retribution. The New Yolk Uer.ild says: Another rebel piratical craft, the schooner, about oa6 hundred and twenty tons burthen. Her of four guns, with a long Tom Her are very She is commanded by Captain Parker. She is black and, it is said, ull tbe and symmetry necessa- ry in regard one her While laying at St. Thom as, discharging her cargo, those who saw her speak in unqualified praise of the peculiarities which point her out as a swift and saucy craft. Washington from an unconditional Union Udy, resident of Nashville, Tenn , stating that when .WT heeler cut off the supplies of Itosecranz's army, our soldiers had live. flish for forty-eig- ht hour? The and Congress. Mr. Conrad, of Louisiana, on Wednesday, in commenting oq ine Exemption Bill, said that thero was no need of exempting newspaper ed- itors, fora man over 45 years of age could very well edit a newspaper. In fict we could do without newspa- pers for six months. If he wero called upon to m ike oath as to wheth- er the nefspaprs had done most hiiini or good during this war, ho would hardly know which to say, but he believed they had done the most harm. Our own press bad j information to the enemy which it would have been impossible for them to have gotten otherwise, and which Richmond Enquirer, Congress dfiigutly emplojed providing themselves subjection n.., in to Proprietor IfllE IiO. 511 Another Speech from Vat- - landigham. Vallandighuin fpecca Newark, Jersey, on to an immense Legis'ature were as the of despotism' o( Lincoln's Administration, as Ihe representative pencj sentiment the There a when in the hearts there not an undying oppo- sition lo tbe they would have given ten thousand j of every bundred of the men erf ths dollars to obtained tnrouga tlieir liNorlnwes; in ,iavor or a The members of who agrea of hostilities commencement experiment restoring Conrad seem to be Uuion by constitutional peace places for in tbe next electrons, The have a with measures. Cheers. accept tin 5trl nf WishtJnff the from Administration. is leood. rress hts exposed their much speech as there recreancy and imbecility it u iu-u,j- r. L siipiUing that they should desire more.'' thero was, a gmt deal 13 with it. The general more some since than there n pression prevails, Hhat tho country here. -- That s Cheers The day better dispense with such mem- - has gone by when a for res-her- s,' the newspapers, during iteration cf the Union cau by the if people to j possibility successful. Applause declare If William Seward is m make oath they might j a nuisance until i nest, either cannct tho useless and brainless elements. Admiaistralion or can. If That such men would wish to place the press under military ot is perhaps not to attributed so evidence his sincerity much to damage it has don? l,,H Ul bloated conception jistration. There is a cause as to a own 'significance. Wre have servative arty which William respect 'Corgres when itjSevnrJ is to same ennfinpsitsflfto legitimate sphere! author phrase "rrre- - . . . of action but whenever it shall scend from that high position, to un dermine longest and best estab Great South There South leader great sistable warrant lished government as was-p- art slave and free- will h in coutemnt I a ready to appeal to land some i their t upon sulject. members have latterly fallen. LDt'crl w" a Mr. is among Mircb, r "Never that weak an iimid class never," from of room. that is crcatly you your again to by the freedom with which press has right to criticise the New And away than part fnto Overwhelming Wnn.fprq'iinrlRhnTtBihterlnnsaof to carry on years il military as if more and negro? "No,neVeil' J depended j Shall we with vain, on shallow and. and most encouragement, thus given to that after 4th March, enemy than purity and after four such a as God with which we Govern- - Almighty never permitted to urge taent. This idea been any back again to Confederate a Union? "No. no Tho Government. Our constitution, laws people Americi must choose and diplomacy Ime been ' The a if success rood i ,iJU ai "F" 111 grace enemies at Isorth in Europe, and U time we acting with more respect to j views and position than those . little does Conrad others know, who thus dispose cervices of press, it' news to them 1 . . - ... . . . . a. 1 ' ..t.i n ni 1 An ia rt I'mff ri T ill lit- - .link 11 il uiiu 1.1 iwi that three month3 would inomas. obe came paper Lna crushed out. never ilGlingluu, about month vgo, loaded would prelcr tneir pia-xt- h tnrpeutin? and cotton, ices ranks being continually her' guns concealed hold. idiigusted description given Uel-jtic- e and instability manifested is-th- fore-an- d The thai arma- ment consists heavy amidships. qualities described fine. painted possesses grace- ful outline speed Press furnished spies. exercised term these prudish Congressmen from military service. Ado. The against negroes enforced some portions State. Abolitionist Os- good, Plymouth, Marshal! county, fined employing con- traband. white make room A late Northern says there about two thousand sick soldiers whom New York Commercial po0iiy provided for. The mortality eays: letter baen received nmoDg them tlielocrease. horsa Mont- - Gen. Jordan has call planters South negroes, with spades and work the Charles- ton. '"'., nvide great the 14tb, peaca the Illinois adopted expression this meeting. Mr. V. spoke the' iniquitous said: "I bere of Northwest. applause never was time peo- ple was war. Seventy-fiv- e cessti- - tion the I do believe lei for Public; this The is free ana o.v, not im- - time could war war; and the had the Mr. II. nurired he control its he be cannot, him be honest enough rr sign. he car, him be 'give of by the ine.gB Y'Jil"y of Cheers con-the- ir cf II. for be who its was the of the de corflict;"" who first signed his name lothe arbitrary arrests. I want the Union institutions that merited the people indiOerencc which of for this its Cnrad doubtless the I860? who imag-- 1 all parts imured Will send out sons our cause the battle field? "no, never! Shall they conscript- - civ-Sc- d this war for two and officials; the sue-- 1 the cess our movemeuts do this the futile, more absurd, unfounded hope the tbe of I8G0, the years of war maintain our sec his land, you will go the vice of tbe war the of now shaped as! the alternative. of depended upon the Putl U,J our the and w.re our o-v- of Mr. and flippant: ly the laborious the may be iiiiiiiinrii State, being named turned 3,000 cries, vigor absurd radical largo others. June. believe people Uoited States satisfied that this is crusade against African with which you New Jersey have more than with polygamy have people ought have mitted an hour taking afrav rights, moment. i..i . :.. 'r J f in n linndrorl bns th to We OQ pledge rP." 'k' J rebellion originally full a jifwr iori--ua,jeai- s r . ier ...u n .1: still n nndpr t We intended irom mono j uoim i, ; .... ... - i a or two i age to u-k- e carrying in to in tbe by such exhibitions injus-Tb- e of as are rihmion fhe a aft ; Congress. regret is, of sailing as so to for of calling. eo 11,0 it it it bo certain themselves law into Indian is rigidly in tbe An at. was S 10 for a He had oil' a man to for the negro. dispatch at some of are frSThc . t A has in is oa . to . issued a on of Carolina, for shoV-elsr,t- o on of r . a in crowd. resolutions of of and - am the of the out are and the of Mr. ful not the wiil do the any be of let to (Cheers! If let the . - the the man for of . til 4ih of the ine , the be for of tbe in for of k So of of will of ' . are of the or "I the of the are a mis- erable slavery cf no to do in Turkey. We submitted as no ever to sub for to tho of our not for a ti' endurance did SO, the IQ of the bo bt. ui, Ru nro Visit the the ia off and exempt coming Helena, the defences that we should be crushed out our- selves.. Laughter and applause. He warned them cot to ioauguiate a revolution in our midst. Do they not know Ib-ttjh- men who begin revolutions always perish by thsm? If New York and New Jersey coun- tenance this Administration ia any further usurpations, the Northwest will not go with them, (Loud chaers. Our dty is comicg ; but if the trial is to be bgun in some method un- known to the Constitution and laws, and to be reverted back to the old standard that might makes right,theri know you that we hive the right and might, too." Great applause. lie concludes with a prayer that : God would bring th"t3 people through the Red Sea- to the promised laud of peace." . . A man aged eighty and a woman aged s'xiy-s'- x, wero fouud in' lb Seino near Paris a few woek3 ago. They were locked ia each others arms, and tied toother with a hand- kerchief. They cotrnvtted suici'M fur love. .t..

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Page 1: Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1863-03-12 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033395/1863-03-12/ed-1/seq-1.pdfO. Wallace. t:Let all (he ends aim'stfit tfey CcaatryX

O. Wallace. t:Let all (he ends aim'st fit tfey CcaatryX (by God's, and Troth's"

HQ. i8--Q- L XI?.

t5"Tu' I)lars year in "advance,'.ViniOCT VIATIOS.

T All Bill fr Advertisements, Job-"Wo- rk,

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(jtjT Subscribers failing to OTder diswn- -tii. uanca oJ the paper, at the expiration of tbe

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OT " paper will be sent out of thecounly- - unlbsspaid for in advance.

0O Advertisements inserted at One Dol-i- fr

sQiini'c of Twelve E.iuesnr lcss, for th Grstinsertion;Fifl y Centsfor each continuance.

Yorthcrn JYcivs.

Dthiccracy Connecticut

democracyconven;iont Wednes-

day, nominated

Seymour, Governor,


I'ersdpa advertising by the will ; for him. S J tnOUr isJ3 cuargcil koiij iuii;iis tor wuoiecolumn, Twenty Dollar for one-h- alf

.Ten Dollars for one-quart- er. Jo devia-tion from these term under any circumstances

(KJ- - Obituaries, Fifty Cents per square.frO" The privilege of yearly advertisers is

strict! limited to their cicx immediate avl teg

From York 20ih.

The and

". the War.The of this State met


and Hop.

at Hon.to stump

State Mr.New England man, that we have

who, from th beginning,

been end outsprkenadministration.

n'.tr lutinezs: and the business of an adv-r- - ?lpn ;n U0 niidst if hp ion r.ftiding tirin is not considered as "


of its individual members. terror, he quailed and proved


AnnouficiiigcaiididatesTlirecDol- -in case. J Imiself Worthy of a bettt r nativity

Advertisements not marked the 'arj( bcttlT habitation thaD henumber of insertions. handed in, will .'' '19 co.itiaue-- l ordered payment ex 6eSSeS. ilflpoftl.nt point 1, CanaaXo-olK,ti.ementi8e,1e-

iNtff Y,k

of nn abusive nature, T(lj Jj reSSCS Conviction that'will not It inserted at any price. j

. .EViiitiHtt..ALLl-inJ.fiecih- be; adds, '.hat Neft

tXS.X.VX; "f. --- -- i ! oit?-- Tit S'aner will be diKContinued 0f SHlIji polifics. The

ull arrcang is ari up except ai the op- -on of the Palihher. i in both Slates eary in April

- - - i-- The fulloYing refolutions ad- -










. 0fa free under




4 5 G

o V.


11 TJ IS 14 15 1G 17

18 It 20 21 22 23 24'

. 2-- 20 27 28 29 30 311 .2 3 4 5 G 7S 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 1G 17 1.8 --19 20 21- '2 24 25 20 27 28







(boa be

1 2 3 4 5 G

8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 10 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 2G 27 2S29 30 31

12 3 4

5 G 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 1G 17 IS19 20 21 22 23 24 252G 27 28 29 30

1 23 4 5 0 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 1017 IS 19 20 21 232431




28 29

20 27 28 29 30

10 12 131G 17 18 19 2023 24 25 2G 2730

12"5 10 11

12 13 14 15 1G 17 IS19 20 21 22 23.24 25

27 28 29 30 31

2 3 4 5 G 710 11 12 13.14 15

1G 17 18.19 20 21 2223 24 25 20 27 2S 29

30 31

10 11 121









2 3 4 5 G


3 4G 7 8 9





1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 914 1G 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 20

27 2S 29 30 ."

1 3

4 5 G .7 S 9 10

othereleven were

than 700 pei' bar- -


tbeXew Times, Feb.


in llarlfordthe '18ib,

Thos. II. for

lie once Isaac

has 4he

CO" year, theonly

bciird of,

has steadfast

including thatnot


with pOS- -when

until eut.and Tb

OCT imr theQCr Jau wiil and

until tJ;e tlfcCilOBp.iid ccmT)3











opted as the platform of ihe p irl'y.

They were unanimously adopted, and

duiing theii were vociferous-

ly cheered:

EiYffTPJllir PRFRVFR Wberea9fitislhcpiiTi!rgenndthetfliLl iLtlLLL uDOttillil. juty people, living



the guarantees ol a writUn coasti'.u- -

tion which .'the provisions

L'of an organic law will: the great2 principles of federation and fraternity,

"j (lankly and fearlessly to assert their

p, i ijihts. freely to canvass the nets of

9 10 Jthiir appointed Brtvant's, and to real--r, - 1. .. ' IrnlVo m V fit t) lickli 1 III I glcriW liuiuu n iuvu uuuiiiiithe government, and upon wbicb, lorthree-quarte- rs

: of a century, havesecurely rested the liberties of the

ai;d whereas, the present ad-

ministration of the General Govern-

ment has for neaily two years been in i

aimed collision with n.ore tb.-- one-thi- rd

of the States ccmprisirg theConfederacy, and in the prosecutionof the war, has assumedpowers uttt rly at variacCe with theletter and epirit of the Constitutionof the United State? it becomesus, the representatives of the con-

servative people of Connecticut, whilereasserting our determination to ad-- J

here to the true principles upon which !

our Union is founded, and proclaim-- 1

ing our devotion to the Constitution, j

fiiDily hut temperately to condemn':

tho errors of our public officers ; andw hereas, the Administration of Abra-

ham L'.nco'n has violated the Con-

stitution of the United States in manyof its important paiticulars: There-f.;re- ,


1. Resolved, That the United States

ure a confederacy of States coequalin sovereignty and political power,

independent in their. separate organi-

zations, and reserving tp each all

powers not granted by the Consti-

tution to the central Government.

2. That while, as citiz jus of Con-

necticut, we assert our devotion lo

the Constitution' and the Union, andwill hereafter, as we have heretofore,

f support with zeal and energy theauthorities ot iho uuiiea Males, inthe full fXerciso of tbeir Constitutional powers, we deliberately; avow

l hat the liberties of the people areby Congressional and Ftd- -

tral usurpations, and can only ne! preserved bv the energetic action of

11 12 13 14 15 10 17Slate authority; and we; are aeteT- -

IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 mined to and defend the'

25 .20 27 2329 30 31 j Lonor of our State and the rights of

XwrMm 1 3 4 5 0 7 ; the neoDle. .' ."

8 9 10 11.12 13 14 ; 3. Thot while we .denounce the

15 1G 17 18 19.20 21 heresy of secession, as undefended' 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28J fDduimarrauttd by the Constitution,

29 30 .-- kens confidently asseTt, thai' what- -

Dece!mceii - 1 2 3 4 5' ever may have fecn the opinion of- 0 7 8 9 JO 11 12 l our countrymen,' the time has now

13 14 15fU 17 18 10 arrived when all 'true lovers tf-th- e

20 21 "22 23 24 25 20 .Constitution are teady to abandon27 28 29 30 31

Ia Atlanta, Georgia, daybauds of whiskey sold

for SS,000 more









;th'e monstron3 fiillacy, - that theUnion can be restored by the ntmedhand;' and are anxious to inauguratesuch measures, 'honorable alike "totbe contending faction?, as will stopthe ravages xi TroT," avert ! universal

E A TETTE VILIR , V:rtNlj:COTRi)i.If MARC II "12, 1 868.

bankrupfcy, and unite ull the States In attempting to strike out of ex--J

upon terms of equality ,' as members ;istenro the entire value of propertyof one Confederal-'-- .

4. That the Democracy of. Connecticut sympathising with their conservative brethren ia ' the Middleand Vt stern States, pledge them-

selves to unite with them in' theof. all honorable measures,

having in view the cessation of hos


in throughout the countryTn Jh enfoi ceniuiit of

yo.mcmber the pic-ni- c, Mae, -- jCompeted emancipation

' . the grand old tree,In the Uxa ion of the

How the green leave bright wilh morningwhite to the freedomman Waved in the summer's .Of t he Ufgro, and his tbcr in iIow ihe dew gems iay bciieath our feetcompeti'iou the white man tllU3 j Such a'queen wear

tiiXcd J IIow we gathered the tiny

tilities between the Noith and thai In the dism nibcrment of the.a .i j f ,i ' 'n, i n TT' k ? I

And twined mour hair;

bouth ; ine or u.e otate oi Virginia, tncung wumu Do j.ou remember those waters bright,Union on such terms 't.s shall thor- - her .boundaries a State without j That quiet late, o!ear Mae? '

oughly di fine the rights of the States ; the consent of her Legislature ; t A silver mirror it seemed to mo,

the rciroduoiion" of Are each and all ubitrary and ur j Hid 'mil the hills away. .1

feelings which form the true foundation of the Federation ; the

slaves ;atterniiitd

;.. Underbtternpted


tt'llh gemsblue-bcl- ls


friendlycoi.stitutional, subverting cousti- - ,uur Klraw uau wua strings oi diuo-tulio- ns,

State and Fedut.!, invading! "r .mnslin8 and sashes gay- --

erection cron a more rnduring basii the rtsWvcd lights ot the people r:n tfL f ..... , .

I of. the.temple of tho Constitution. , the sovereignty of the Slates, and, if; "

5. That the militi i of Cunnt destructive to the Union, Do ycu remember how wesarg

cut are the natural guardians of the and establishing upon the common) Songs of the olden time,

lib rtiescf her people, subject totbeW.3 of the liberties of the people,: Ae b at sP2d 'er the; cr-vs-t1


control of her chiel Executive edTcertrnd the sovereignty of the States, a'T To the Iightoar-- s soft chime?- vou told us of your Indian home, .

aciiiisr under r.nd Ly- authority ot the consolidated military despotism. - .,'..,. .tropic EKy,

laws of the S'iite; and any and tdl And we hereby solemnly declare . 0f the Bnm)ai:S with tbeir duslty mvat..acts of the Congress of the United .that no American citizen can, with- -

j Atjd hllni jj?States viobtive of the sovbreiifntv fout the criuit of infidelity to liis '

f,r ilRttA in thrrrtn. Kb;,!!' eomitrv's eniistitution and the " f.lle- - Do Jou renumber, amorg the reeds,

receive the exec-ratio- of a people jgiance whieh he to each, sr.nc islet,iho hours

"lv ... . . ' . 1 ... . ... That aiuet summer's day.and dare 11 at sdenoo will be criminal andknow their right, knowing j our jTillf ..ll0mewarJ bound ia our i;meboat,

maintftiu.'' . ! construed Into consent, in deep reve-- j Agiin wa spsd along?G. That the milifin bill recently Ireuce for our constitution, which has. But the sky was dark, the waters cold,

introduced into the Senate of the U. j been ruthlessly violated, we do here-- , And hushed our weary scng.

States by Senator Wilson, of Ma-ib- y enter out most solemn protest a-- 1Do vou remcmW W sad the wind

chusctts. is subversive of the sove-- ; gainst usurpations cf power. Sounded along tho shorereignty and rights of fho States, and 10. That, in connection with our nd that the lightning seemed to flash

designed lo make them mere depen-- ; fellow-citizen- s of other States, we Wilder than e'er before?

dencies upon the central government; will use our utmost infiuence-t- pre- - IIow, at last, we reached the place

unconstitutional in its provisions and vent the payment of a single dollar Wi.h !org disheveled hair,

of tho of the cf the AbJ lsses-- Jo you remember, Mae,dangerous to the Kberties pto-- 1 money pec pie, uncon- - j

pie, the authorities of each .State 'stituiu.nally aropriated, lor the un- -Ratbfir the worst for weir? '

should sternly resist the operation warranted project of compensated illow Miss Trudence, staiidingon the shore,

a scheme so f.tal to the itist rtla- - Shook her astonished head

tions which should always exist 11. Toat the enormous plunder of;As heBoWy wintered, (did you hear?)

tween the Federal and .State Gov-- ! the public treasury by 'self constitu "What romps we were . "Le said;

ernmpnts. , ted patriots, which h;s been rile7. That the bankins system re- - threushout the country, demands;

contly passed by Congress,' bcd as ; the closest scrutiny, and the severestit is upon au unconstitutional and : punishment should follow a just

paper currency, cannot jposure--; and that we insist upon their

fail, if Ikcid upon tho people of the i being paid for services rendered.Sta;es, to prove destructive la the ex-- j , 12. That we sympathise with the;isting moneyed institutions of the soldiers who enlisted. to sust.-.i- theseveral-States- , and 13 covertly do-- Constitution and the Union, in tbesigned to eetabiioh a vast central! great deprivations and hardships to

"money power,.' alike unknown to which they ha va beai subjeeteel, in

the Constitution of the United States sickuess and.in health, and that we

and danrxerous to the principles on dtmid, iu the name of humanitywhich the Government is founded. and justice, that the great frauds!

8. That tl.'o President of the Uni- -j which have deprived thern of prop r

ted Statep, by his emancipation proc-loo- d, raiment, and care shall bestruck a serious blow posed atd the authors duly pun-a- t

tbe rights of tbe States ; erected i3hed. ..

an almost "impassable barrier between.! 13. That as representatives of a

tbe North and ' South, in attacking large poriion of the people of Con-th- e

people of fifteen States through ntciicut, we demand the fullestinstitution' which is blended with Tic exposure of the manner in ?.hich

their social fibric, and owr which the-ih- vast bum of four millions of al

Sta.e3 possess exclusive j hits appropriated by our State duringcontrol and power; and, regardless; the past two years or i:ny portion of it,of thegret lessons of the past, the j has been expended, with a' detail of

Natioual Executive, ia pandering; the objects lor which the money has

to the insane fanaticism of the aboli- - been used, and we protest ngniost thetion f iction, has ventured upon a sys- -

j uncalled tor and extraordinary appro-te- m

of public tuiiicy','.wh'ch,'if suc-- i priation by the late session of ourcessfully in iuguratee', would disgrace

j Legislature of ten thousand dollarsour country iu tho eyes of the cii-t- o the Governor of the Stafe, to be

lizod world, and carry lust,rapine, and j used by him in secret for any ot jectmurder into every household the; he may see fit to expend it. .,

slaveholdicg fetatcs9. That the act of the Federal The Military Committee iu the

Am;nKtn,tinn in s.isnpndinir the house reported 'a bill rvpaftling nearly

mUtfkabeas corpus; the arrest 0f all exemptions. After amonth s debate

citizens not subject to military law tho'House adored n substitutetroddced by Mr Collier. and defiledwarrant i authority; trans- - j

porting them to distant States; incur-- 1 substitute, leaving tbe exemptionceratiig them without charge.or ac-jl- w as. it now is, except the 20 negro

cusatiou; denying thpm the riglu of Ul e has b en repealed by the

trial by juiy, of witnesses in their House, but not yet by the Senate,

favorand counsel in their defence ; I which, however, will no doubt p .ssittnlrlinrr frnm thf m all kno.vledffe lso. This, we think, will be all the

! 1 1 u ii v i u i O " Oot their accusers, and the cus8 of

their arrest ; answering their petition











change made theor laws.

lor.rearesB uy leFBsvru uju,..auu -- eympathy was manifestedrnsu i t wuiuiug.uw-u- j for the Arkansas Post prisoners asrouuiuuuui -,- ,thp sed lhTo0gh St. Loui3. Aarbitrary and illegal; : - - : - yankee correspondent describes it as;. In" the. abridgement 'd1 frcedotn ofjaQ ovatj'on to treaeon.'' " The pris-speec- h

and 'of the press ; . ; j ocer3 ave vent to S!j0u!s defiance,1a suppressing newspapers by force . m,re respoD(jea to Irom the

and in establishing a censorship wbol-jaRdin- g;, 0ne . ths privates raoun-l- y

incompatible: witli the freedom ofite(J the rostrum and made a treason- -

thoegbt and expression oi .opinion ; W s.,ee .n . .'

In the establishment of espionageby seciel police to invade" the sacred

precincts oTur.suspecting citizens ;Ia declaring "tnnrtial law over

States not"

in rebellioir, and wherethe courts are 'open t;nd onobstruct


place l





which wiil be in cn





... v ....- "The Shelby ville, Tenn , Bra-

cer, of, the I2th, says: Bishop .Whe-lan,th- e

distinguished Catholic ' Pre-

late of the Nirshvilie 'diocese, reachedhire yesterday, having recently e3'

ed for the "punishment of crime ; icaped ihrpogh ths Federal lines.



That moss-bou- nd Mae,j And how swiftly seenied to fly



be-- 1

pub-H- Q

Now mr homes are far apart, dear II ie,Y.our face I canuot see,

Yet memory oft at twilight bring3The sunny past and thee.

Jly bairnies dear, when yoa go outWith ether ba'rns to play,

Take heed of everything jou do,Of every word you say ;

Frctn tricky, wee, mischievous loons

Keep back, my bairns, keep back ;

And aye to all such usage giveAs you would like to take.

To tv.-is- t the mouth and call ill names,Is surely very bad ;

Then all such doings stfil avoid,Th sy'd make your mother sad;

To shield tho weakly from the strong,

Ee neither slow nor slack, .

And aye to aU f uch usiga giveAs you would 'ike to take.

A Vindly word, a soothing look,

Hive ready aye for all ;

Ve are one Maker's handiwork,lie made us great and small

V.'c're all the children of his care ;

Oh then for His dear sakeEo suro such usage still to givo

Asyou would like to take.

The Retribution. The New

Yolk Uer.ild says:

Another rebel piratical craft, the

schooner, about oa6 hundred andtwenty tons burthen. Her

of four guns,with a long Tom Her

arevery She is commanded byCaptain Parker. She is blackand, it is said, ull tbe

and symmetry necessa-

ry in regard one herWhile laying at St. Thom

as, discharging her cargo, those whosaw her speak in unqualified praiseof the peculiarities which point herout as a swift and saucy craft.

Washington from an unconditionalUnion Udy, resident of Nashville,Tenn , stating that when .WT heelercut off the supplies of Itosecranz'sarmy, our soldiers had live.

flish for forty-eig- ht hour?

The and Congress.

Mr. Conrad, of Louisiana, on

Wednesday, in commenting oq ineExemption Bill, said that thero was

no need of exempting newspaper ed-

itors, fora man over 45 years of agecould very well edit a newspaper.In fict we could do without newspa-

pers for six months. If he werocalled upon to m ike oath as to wheth-

er the nefspaprs had done mosthiiini or good during this war, ho

would hardly know which to say, buthe believed they had done the mostharm. Our own press bad j

information to the enemy which itwould have been impossible for themto have gotten otherwise, and which

Richmond Enquirer,Congress

dfiigutly emplojed providingthemselves






IfllE IiO. 511

Another Speech from Vat--


Vallandighuin fpeccaNewark, Jersey, on

to an immenseLegis'ature

were as theof

despotism' o( Lincoln'sAdministration,

as Ihe representativepencj sentiment the

There awhen in the hearts

there not an undying oppo-

sition lo tbethey would have given ten thousand j of every bundred of the men erf thsdollars to obtained tnrouga tlieir liNorlnwes; in ,iavor or a

The members of who


of hostilities commencementexperiment restoring

Conrad seem to be Uuion by constitutional peaceplaces

for in tbe next electrons,



withmeasures. Cheers.

accept tin

5trl nf WishtJnff the from Administration. is

leood. rress hts exposed their much speech as there

recreancy and imbecility it u iu-u,j- r.


siipiUing that they should desire more.'' thero was, a gmt deal

13 with it. The general more some since than there npression prevails, Hhat tho country here. -- That s Cheers The day

better dispense with such mem- - has gone by when a for res-her- s,'

the newspapers, during iteration cf the Union cau by

the if people to j possibility successful. Applause

declare If William Seward is mmake oath they might j

a nuisance until i nest, either cannct tho

useless and brainless elements. Admiaistralion or can. If

That such men would wish to placethe press under military


is perhaps not to attributed so evidence his sincerity

much to damage it has don? l,,H Ul

bloated conception jistration. There is acause as to aown 'significance. Wre have servative arty which William

respect 'Corgres when itjSevnrJ is to same

ennfinpsitsflfto legitimate sphere! author phrase "rrre- -. . .

of action but whenever it shallscend from that high position, to un

dermine longest and best estab






lished government as was-p- art slave and free-

will h in coutemnt I a ready to appeal to

land some i their t upon sulject.members have latterly fallen. LDt'crl w" a

Mr. is among Mircb, r"Neverthat weak an iimid class never," from of room.

that is crcatly you your again to

by the freedom with which presshas right to criticise the








Wnn.fprq'iinrlRhnTtBihterlnnsaof to carry on years

il military as if more and negro? "No,neVeil' J

depended j Shall we with vain,on shallow and. and most

encouragement, thus given to that after 4th March,

enemy than purity and after four such a as God

with which we Govern- - Almighty never permitted to urge

taent. This idea been any back again to

Confederate a Union? "No. no Tho

Government. Our constitution, laws people Americi must choose

and diplomacy Ime been' The a

if success rood i ,iJU ai "F" 111

grace enemies at Isorthin Europe, and U time we

acting with more respect to j

views and position than those.

little does Conradothers know, who thus

dispose cervices of

press, it' news to them1 . . - ... .

. . . a. 1 ' ..t.i n ni 1 An ia rt I'mff ri T ill lit- - .link 11 il uiiu 1.1 iwithat

three month3 wouldinomas. obe came paper

Lna crushed out. neverilGlingluu,

about month vgo, loaded would prelcr tneir pia-xt- h

tnrpeutin? and cotton, ices ranks being continually

her' guns concealed hold. idiigusteddescription given Uel-jtic- e and instability manifested

is-th- fore-an- d The thai


ment consists heavyamidships.

qualities describedfine.

paintedpossesses grace-

ful outlinespeed






these prudish Congressmenfrom

military service. Ado.

The against negroes

enforced some portionsState. Abolitionist Os-

good, Plymouth, Marshal! county,fined employing con-

traband. whitemake room

A late Northern saysthere about two thousand sicksoldiers whom

New York Commercial po0iiy provided for. The mortalityeays: letter baen received nmoDg them tlielocrease.


Mont- -

Gen. Jordan has call

planters Southnegroes, with spades and

work the Charles-

ton. '"'.,

nvide greatthe 14tb,


the Illinois

adopted expressionthis meeting. Mr. V. spoke the'iniquitous


"I bere ofNorthwest.

applause never wastime peo-

ple waswar. Seventy-fiv- e

cessti- -


I dobelieve lei

for Public; this

The is free

ana o.v,not

im- - time

could war

war; and the hadthe Mr. II.

nurired he control

its he becannot, him be honest enoughrr sign. he car, him

be 'give of by

the ine.gB Y'Jil"y

of Cheers con-the- ir

cf II.for be who

its was the of thede corflict;"" who first

signed his name lothearbitrary arrests. I want the Union

institutionsthat merited the people

indiOerencc which of for this

itsCnrad doubtless the I860?

who imag-- 1 all partsimured Will send out sonsour cause


battle field?"no, never! Shall they conscript- -

civ-Sc- d this war for two

and officials; the sue-- 1 the

cess our movemeuts do this the futile,

more absurd, unfounded hope

the tbe of I8G0,

the years of war

maintain our sec

his land, you will go

the vice of tbe war theof now

shaped as! the alternative. of

depended upon the Putl U,J

our theandw.re ouro-v-

ofMr. and

flippant:ly the laboriousthe may be


State, being









June.believe people Uoited

States satisfied that this iscrusade against African

with which you New Jersey havemore than with polygamy

havepeople ought have

mitted an hour takingafrav rights, moment.

i..i . :.. 'r J f in n linndrorl bns th to We OQ pledgerP." 'k' J rebellion

originally full a jifwr iori--ua,jeai- s

r . ier ...u n .1: still n nndpr t We intendedirom mono j uoim i, ; .... ... - i

a or two i age to u-k-e

carrying in to

in tbe by such exhibitions injus-Tb- e

of as arerihmion fhe a aft ; Congress. regret is,


sailing as

soto for of




it it



certain themselves

lawinto Indian is rigidly

in tbeAn

at.was S 10 for a

He had oil' a

man to for the negro.


at some of arefrSThc . t

A has in is oa.


. issued a onof Carolina, for

shoV-elsr,t- o

on of





resolutions ofof


- amthe

of the



the of

Mr.ful not

the wiil




oflet to

(Cheers! If let




the manfor


.til 4ih of


ine ,


















or"I the of the

are a mis-

erable slaverycf

no to doin Turkey. We submitted asno ever to sub

for to thoof our not for a

ti' endurance did SO, the IQ

of the bobt. ui,

Ru nro Visit










that we should be crushed out our-

selves.. Laughter and applause.He warned them cot to ioauguiate arevolution in our midst. Do theynot know Ib-ttjh- men who beginrevolutions always perish by thsm?If New York and New Jersey coun-

tenance this Administration ia anyfurther usurpations, the Northwestwill not go with them, (Loud chaers.Our dty is comicg ; but if the trialis to be bgun in some method un-

known to the Constitution and laws,and to be reverted back to the oldstandard that might makes right,theriknow you that we hive the right andmight, too." Great applause.lie concludes with a prayer that : Godwould bring th"t3 people through theRed Sea- to the promised laud ofpeace." . .

A man aged eighty and a woman

aged s'xiy-s'- x, wero fouud in' lb

Seino near Paris a few woek3 ago.

They were locked ia each othersarms, and tied toother with a hand-

kerchief. They cotrnvtted suici'M

fur love.
