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  • Rise of New Leadersand Ideas in Europe during the 1930s LIC. LAURA FLORES

ExtremeNationalismDenyIndividual Rights-Supremacy ofTheStateIncreasing influence of newpolitical parties that emphasizestate control - For example:Communism,Nazism, FascismTotal Control of State by a Dictator TOTALITARIANISM

  • What is it?
  • Describe its characteristics


  • Government establishes complete control of all aspects of the state (political, military, economy, social, cultural)
  • Highly nationalistic (flags, salutes, rallies, uniforms)
  • Strict controls and laws
  • Military state (secret police, army, military)
  • Censorship (to examine printed materials to ban or delete information)
  • Propaganda(media radio, newspapers, posters)
  • One leader (dictator); charismatic
  • Authoritarian (requiring absolute loyalty and obedience to the state
  • Terror and Fear

Totalitarianism *These theories, specifically Communism and Fascism,are completely different theories that are opposed; however they exhibit the same behaviour Totalitarianism Nazism Fascism Communism Communism

  • I am Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922-1953.
  • What is Communism?
  • revolutionary idea of a political,economic and social system thatcreates a classless society
  • state ownership and control of themeans of production (no privateownership)
  • Soviet Communism or Stalinism,was more of a totalitarian andmilitary state combined withelements of communism


  • I am Benito Mussolini the leader (Il Duce) of Italy from 1922 to 1943. First
  • European fascist dictator of Italy
  • What is Fascism?
  • intense nationalism and elitism
  • totalitarian control
  • interests of the state more important than individual rights
  • maintain class system and private ownership

Ideas of Mussolini

  • Mussolini argued that citizens wereempowered when they were subordinated to the state.By blindly obeying the state, they helped the state thrive, which benefited them.
  • To Mussolini, this distinguished the fascist state from repressive authoritarian governments, which sought to crush people, & not empower them.


  • I am Adolf Hitler the leader (der Fuhrer) or dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945.
  • What is Nazism? German fascism
  • extremely fascist , nationalistic and totalitarian
  • based on beliefs of the National Socialist German Workers Party
  • belief in the racial superiority of the Aryan, the master race
  • belief that all Germans should have lebensraum or living space in Europe
  • Violent hatred towards Jews and blamed Germanys problems on them

Adolph Hitler

  • Hitler considered himself superior, eventhough he was a drifter & failed artist during his youth.
  • A corporal during WWI, he was devastated by Germanys loss & blamed it on the Jews.
  • He started his political career at age 30, joining the German Workers Party.He had exceptional speaking skills & came to be revered by others in the party.He was chosen its leader in 1921, and renamed it the National Socialist German Workers Party.


  • Fascism taken to
  • its extreme form.
  • Racist and anti-Semitic
  • elements that did not
  • appear in Italian fascism.

Nazi Controls Anti-semitism: Hostility anddiscrimination against the jewsTerritorial integrity: Territorial domain of a StateArmed Aggression: Military invasion, a War of conquest

  • GESTAPO :the Secret State Police
  • SS (Schutzstaffel):Defense Corps black shirts, an elite guard unit formed out of the SA
  • SA (Sturmabteilung):Stormtroopers "brown-shirts" early private Nazi army that protected leaders and opposed rival political parties
  • Lebensraum (living space): concept that emphasized need for territorial expansion of Germany into east
  • Wehrmacht:German army
  • Einstazgruppen:Nazi Death Squad; mobile killingunits

Nazi Military State M EIN KAMPF : Book written by Hitler, set his ideas and goals:Germans were a master race, that jews , latins, black people, gypsies, Homosexuals, were inferior and should be destroyedLEBENSRAUM: living space for GermansVERSAILLES TREATY : should be destroyed Mein Kampf(1924)

  • The title meansMy Struggle , and it expounds on Hitlers antiSemitism, worship of power, scorn for morality, and plan for world domination. Hitler wrote it in prison after a failed attempt to overthrow the German government

ENABLING ACT: Act thatGave Hitler AbsolutePowerin Germany for fourYears- This Nazi propaganda poster reads, Behind the enemy powers: the Jew. Nuremberg Laws : Deprived jews of german citizenship and rights The Eternal JewPosters like this promoted a sharp rise in anti-Semitic feelings, and in some cases violence against the Jewish community. Kristallnocht:The beginning of the nazi persecution of jews kristallnacht

  • KristallnachtNovember 9, 1938Night of Broken GlassJewish shops, synagogues, homes violently attackedafter a Jewish teenager from Germany shot a German diplomat in Parisbeginning of mass emigration of Jews and the forced removal to Jewish ghettos