family readiness wire feb 2010 newsletter

NAVY EXPEDITIONARY INTELLIGENCE COMMAND 1ST QUARTER 2010 PAGE 1 Family Readiness Wire Message From the CO Commander John Du!um, USN NEIC Family and Friends, Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying our great winter and all the snow! NEIC has experienced tremendous growth and change over the past two years. Since I took command in June, 2008 the command has grown nearly three-fold. NEIC now has over 130 Ocers, Sailors and Civilians. We’ve added four new deployments, and are now sending out teams to Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, the Arabian Gulf and Mediterranean. NEIC has a new, refurbished headquarters and we’ve established a well-deserved reputation as a highly professional command that provides superb support to U.S. forces around the world. And while we’ve enjoyed great operational success, I am just as committed to providing the same level of support to our family and friends. With Commander Laura Hatcher, our new Executive Ocer, and Master Chief Jason Martin, our Senior Enlisted Leader, we have instituted steps to build a stronger family support network. Our first step was to form an NEIC Family Readiness Group (FRG). I extend an invitation to all Sailors, and their families to join Stacey and our readiness group, and get to know other family members. We will hold our first gathering in March. Look forward to seeing everyone there. We are also looking for a family member to lead the FRG. If you are interested in joining us or taking a leadership role in the FRG, please send your contact data to [email protected] . We recently said goodbye to our first NEIC Ombudsman, Mr. Mike Daniels who left the command in January with the departure of his wife, Commander Jen Daniels the XO. Mike did a fantastic job as the command Ombudsman over the past two years and I would like to thank him for his dedication and service. We have an able replacement for Mike as Ombudsman. Our newly appointed Ombudsman is Stacey. I would like to thank her for taking on this important responsibility. If anyone wishes to contact Stacey you can reach her at 757-376-2600 or by email at [email protected] . Finally I would like to thank Commander Jen Daniels for her outstanding leadership as the Executive Ocer. Jen did an absolutely superb job standing-up the command and leading our Sailors. I wish Jen, Mike and their family best wishes on her new assignment. I also would like to welcome Commander Laura Hatcher, the command’s new Executive Ocer, her husband Gary, and their family. Thank You, John Dullum Commanding Ocer "I AM CONVINCED THAT FAMILY READINESS IS TIED DIRECTLY TO COMBAT READINESS,” - CNO MULLEN JULY 2005 NEIC SAILORS TRAINING WITH RIVRON ONE Family Readiness Recall Commanding Officer 757-492-8467 Executive Officer 757-492-8485 Command Master Chief 757-375-2933 OMBUDSMAN 757-376-2600 [email protected] FRG Leader 757-377-4529 [email protected] Command Website: neic.htm NEIC Family Readiness Facebook: Search “Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command” or visit: Expeditionary-Intelligence-Command- NEIC/217773367994 Military OneSource:

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Family Readiness Newsletter


Page 1: Family Readiness Wire Feb 2010 Newsletter


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Family Readiness Wire

Message From the COCommander John Du!um, USN

NEIC Family and Friends,

Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying our great winter and all the snow!

NEIC has experienced tremendous growth and change over the past two years. Since I took command in June, 2008 the command has grown nearly three-fold. NEIC now has over 130 Officers, Sailors and Civilians. We’ve added four new deployments, and are now sending out teams to Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, the Arabian Gulf and Mediterranean. NEIC has a new, refurbished headquarters and we’ve established a well-deserved reputation as a highly professional command that provides superb support to U.S. forces around the world. And while we’ve enjoyed great operational success, I am just as committed to providing the same level of support to our family and friends. With Commander Laura Hatcher, our new Executive Officer, and Master Chief Jason Martin, our Senior Enlisted Leader, we have instituted steps to build a stronger family support network.

Our first step was to form an NEIC Family Readiness Group (FRG). I extend an invitation to allSailors, and their families to join Stacey and our readiness group, and get to know other family members. We will hold our first gathering in March. Look forward to seeing everyone there. We are also looking for a family member to lead the FRG.

If you are interested in joining us or taking a leadership role in the FRG, please send your contact data to [email protected].

We recently said goodbye to our first NEIC Ombudsman, Mr. Mike Daniels who left the command in January with the departure of his wife, Commander Jen Daniels – the XO. Mike did a fantastic job as the command Ombudsman over the past two years and I would like to thank him for his dedication and service.

We have an able replacement for Mike as Ombudsman. Our newly appointed Ombudsman is Stacey. I would like to thank her for taking on this important responsibility. If anyone wishes to contact Stacey you can reach her at 757-376-2600 or by email at [email protected].

Finally I would like to thank Commander Jen Daniels for her outstanding leadership as the Executive Officer. Jen did an absolutely superb job standing-up the command and leading our Sailors. I wish Jen, Mike and their family best wishes on her new assignment. I also would like to welcome Commander Laura Hatcher, the command’s new Executive Officer, her husband Gary, and their family.

Thank You,John DullumCommanding Officer



Family Readiness Recall

Commanding Officer


Executive Officer


Command Master Chief




[email protected]

FRG Leader


[email protected]

Command Website:

NEIC Family Readiness Facebook:

Search “Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command” or visit:

Military OneSource:

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NEIC Family Members,

It was great to see so many of you at the Command Holiday Party. I thank all of the Sailors and family members who provided support in making that a special event for so many of us. As many of you know during the party our Commanding Officer launched a series of initiatives to help the command communicate better with family members. One of the major announcements was the Family Readiness Team’s (FRT) Facebook Page. Many organizations in the Navy are embracing social networking services and the FRT felt Facebook a good medium to communicate with many of you. We’ve seen some initial success because at the moment of writing this article 109 family members have visited and subscribed our Facebook page. That’s just one month after the initial launch.

As with any other military organization we need to ensure we are careful about how and who we communicate with on the Internet when it comes to the command's mission. The Navy refers to this as Operational Security or OPSEC. I would like to offer a few suggestions to help us ensure we maintain appropriate levels of OPSEC while enjoying the benefits a social networking service can provide for our family members.

OPSEC Guidelines:

• Don’t discuss/post future destinations or deployment locations.• Don’t discuss/post future operations, exercises or missions.• Don’t discuss/post readiness issues and numbers of individuals assigned.• Don’t discuss/post specific training equipment or lack thereof.• Don’t speculate about future operations.• Don’t spread rumors about current, future, or past operations or movements.• Don’t discuss/post deployment or homecoming dates.• Don’t assume the enemy is not trying to co!ect information; they always are.• Don't discuss/post security procedures, movements, or arms.

The key is to always think OPSEC when using email, phone, chat rooms and message boards. There is no guarantee that a chat room or forum described as 'military' has any security for transmitting information or restricting membership to military personnel and their families only. By practicing these simple guidelines we can leverage the advantages of having open dialogue with you and your family on a regular basis.

As always I’m available to all Sailors and family members at 757-492-0832.

Have a great New Year,ISCM(SW/AW) Martin

Message From the CMCMaster Chief Jason Martin, USN

Financial Fitness in 2010

If the thought of unraveling the mysteries of the IRS and your taxes is enough to send you into a tailspin don’t panic there are professionals to help you get the most from your return.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program

The VITA Program offers free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally, $49,000 and below) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns. Certified volunteers sponsored by various organizations receive training to help prepare basic tax returns in communities across the country. VITA sites are generally located at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls, and other convenient locations.

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Navigating the Military Lifestyle

COMPASS is a standardized Team-Mentoring program developed by spouses for spouses. COMPASS focuses on spouses new to the Navy, however; ALL Navy spouses are welcome. COMPASS improves quality of life through education, enabling spouses to understand, experience and meet the challenges of the Navy lifestyle. With this knowledge and realistic expectations, their journeys can be successful and rewarding. ! COMPASS is a 12-hour program taught in three four-hour sessions. With Mentors acting as discussion leaders, participants are encouraged to ask any questions they may have in a non-judgmental climate. Participants are introduced to many aspects of the Navy. The standardized curriculum includes need-to-know topics such as the Navy mission, history, organization, customs and traditions, rights and benefits, deployment, pay, moving, interpersonal communication, and investing in self and community. 

Another important benefit of COMPASS is the opportunity for spouses to establish a peer network. Because experienced spouses pass on their Navy lifestyle insights, the concept of "helping others to

help themselves" is clearly observable and becomes an on-going action-oriented process.

A few of the things you will learn... - The importance of checking into all the

resources available to Navy spouses, like Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC), Navy Relief, Chaplain, Ombudsman, etc. New phone numbers to call for information

- How to make moving more efficient - You're not the only Navy spouse that doesn't

know acronyms! - Better communication - How to better help families deal with

deployments - A good way to look at financial matters,

especially credit cards - Learn about local things for children to do - Learn "what to wear" and Navy traditions Deployment can be a positive, self-fulfilling event

support is available! - How to read an Leave and Earning Statement

(LES) and what's on the LES - Learn about web sites that you can get

information fromThe next class is scheduled in February, so go to to register or call 757-735-7262 for more information.


Places to Visit! is a wellness resource focused on helping service members, their families, and veterans with common post-deployment problems. On the website you’ll find information and self-guided solutions for dealing with post-traumatic stress and war memories; conflict at work; depression; anger; sleep problems; alcohol and drug abuse; stress; relationship problems; kids and deployment; spiritual guidance and fitness; living with physical injuries; and health and wellness.

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PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS SUPPORT GROUP Facilitated by:! JoAnna Bryant, Parent Coordinator, Care Connection for ChildrenWould you like the opportunity to network with parents just like you? Raising a child with special health

care needs can be challenging. Learn how to be your child’s best advocate when managing his/her medical care, education or other services.

Meeting Dates ! ! Wednesday, January 20, 2010 ! ! ! Wednesday, April 21, 2010! ! Wednesday, February 17, 2010! ! ! Wednesday, May 19, 2010! ! Wednesday, March 17, 2010! ! ! Wednesday, June 9, 2010Time: ! 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Place: ! The Endependence Center Building6300 E. Virginia Beach Blvd.Norfolk, VA 23502 757-461-4474Reservations preferred Sponsored by: Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, Care Connection for Children

S. 475, the "Military Spouses Residency Relief Act".Military Spouses Residency Relief Act - Amends the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to prohibit, for purposes of voting for a federal, state, or local office, deeming a person to have lost a residence or domicile in a state, acquired a residence or domicile in any other state, or become a resident in or of any other state solely because the person is absent from a state because the person is accompanying the person's spouse who is absent from the state in compliance with military or naval

orders. Prohibits a servicemember's spouse from either losing or acquiring a residence or domicile for purposes of taxation because of being absent or present in any U.S. tax jurisdiction solely to be with the servicemember in compliance with the servicemember's military orders if the residence or domicile is the same for the servicemember and the spouse. Prohibits a spouse's income from being considered income earned in a tax jurisdiction if the spouse is not a resident or domiciliary of such jurisdiction when the spouse is in that jurisdiction solely to be with a servicemember serving under military orders. Suspends land rights residency requirements for spouses accompanying servicemembers serving under military orders.

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Transfer of Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits to DependentsFor the first time in history, servicemembers enrolled in the Post-9/11 GI Bill program will be able to transfer unused educational benefits to their spouses or children starting Aug. 1, 2009.

Any member of the Armed Forces (active duty or Selected Reserve, officer or enlisted) on or after August 1, 2009, who is eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill, and:

• Has at least 6 years of service in the Armed Forces on the date of election and agrees to serve 4 additional years in the Armed Forces from the date of election.

• Has at least 10 years of service in the Armed Forces (active duty and/or selected reserve) on the date of election, is precluded by either standard policy (service or DoD) or statute from committing to 4 additional years, and agrees to serve for the maximum amount of time allowed by such policy or statute, or

• Is or becomes retirement eligible during the period from August 1, 2009, through August 1, 2013.  A service member is considered to be retirement eligible if he or she has completed 20 years of active duty or 20 qualifying years of reserve service.

• For those individuals eligible for retirement on August 1, 2009, no additional service is required.• For those individuals who have an approved retirement date after August 1, 2009, and before July 1, 2010, no

additional service is required.• For those individuals eligible for retirement after August 1, 2009, and before August 1, 2010, 1 year of

additional service after approval of transfer is required.• For those individuals eligible for retirement on or after August 1, 2010, and before August 1, 2011, 2 years of

additional service after approval of transfer are required.• For those individuals eligible for retirement on or after August 1, 2011, and before August 1, 2012, 3 years of

additional service after approval of transfer required.

An individual approved to transfer an entitlement to educational assistance under this section may transfer the individual’s entitlement to:• The individual’s spouse.• One or more of the individual’s children.• Any combination of spouse and child.

A family member must be enrolled in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS) and be eligible for benefits, at the time of transfer to receive transferred educational benefits.

A child’s subsequent marriage will not affect his or her eligibility to receive the educational benefit; however, after an individual has designated a child as a transferee under this section, the individual retains the right to revoke or modify the transfer at any time.

A subsequent divorce will not affect the transferee’s eligibility to receive educational benefits; however, after an individual has designated a spouse as a transferee under this section, the eligible individual retains the right to revoke or modify the transfer at any time. Visit:

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