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Disclaimer: Copyright © 2014 by The Teatox Company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. MEDICAL DISCLAIMER This ebook provides health information in an informational and educational manner only, with information that is general in nature and that is not specific to you, the reader. The contents of this ebook are intended to assist you and other readers in your personal wellness efforts. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any information provided in our ebook or website to you. Nothing in this site should be construed as personal advice or diagnosis, and must not be used in this manner. The information provided about conditions is general in nature. This information does not cover all possible uses, actions, precautions, side-effects, or interactions of medicines, or medical procedures. The information in this site should not be considered as complete and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment. You should consult with your physician before beginning any exercise, weight loss, or health care program. This ebook should not be used in place of a call or visit to a competent health-care professional. You should consult a healthcare professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this site or before drawing inferences from it. Any decision regarding treatment and medication for your condition should be made with the advice and consultation of a qualified healthcare professional. If you have, or suspect you have, a healthcare problem, then you should immediately contact a qualified healthcare professional for treatment.

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How to Use this Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 04 Introduction: What is Detoxification?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 06 Why The Teatox Company (How are we different?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 09 The 5 Pillars of a Total Life Detox Diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 Exercise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 21 Sleep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 27 Meditation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 29 Hydrotherapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 32 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 36 Appendix 1: How to Make Loose Leaf Tea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 37 Appendix 2: Foods to Include and Foods to Avoid. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 38 Appendix 3: Exercise Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 39 Appendix 4: Daily Detox Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 41

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Our Teatox program is the perfect combination of loose leaf teas and medicinal herbs for your body to detoxify naturally, jumpstart weight loss, and get you feeling a whole lot

better. Our background as naturopathic doctors has inspired us to follow the guiding principles of treating the whole person—physically, mentally, and emotionally. We’ve created a program that can be tailored to your individual needs, just like naturopathic medicine intended. It’s up to you how intense you want to be; start light and simply enjoy your prescription of three cups of tea each day, or go all out and revamp your diet, lifestyle, and mindset for a total 360 detox.

Get started immediately by following the three steps we’ve laid out below:

Step 1: Read our special report, Detox Demystified

If you haven’t already, please take a look at our report on the top mistakes most people make while doing a detox. It is crucial for you to begin with an understanding of where a lot of other programs are falling short as well as why doing a detox like this one really is the best option for your long-term health.

If you’ve already read it, you get a gold star! If not, find the link in your welcome email we sent you when you bought your Teatox.

Step 2: Review the contents of this manual and plan your Teatox

Read over this ebook and begin to think about how much you want to incorporate into your program once your teas arrive. We suggest picking the place where you feel most confident and starting there.

All of the components to the full detox program that we describe in this handbook are optional and should be tailored to your needs. Take this time to use the information we are giving you and create realistic goals for yourself during your Teatox. Keep in mind that if you put too many things on your

plate during the 14 or 28 days you may be less likely to follow through on them. We want you to realize you can achieve long lasting healthy habits by succeeding at what you set out to do.

Step 3: Start your Teatox!

Step 3 begins once your teas arrive and you are ready to officially start your Teatox.

Start drinking your 3 cups of tea a day!

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Your daily tea drinking schedule should include the following:

1) Morning: One cup of Daytime Detox Tea

2) Afternoon: One cup of Daytime Detox Tea

3) Evening: One hour before bed, one cup of Nighttime Detox Tea

Your teas can be taken with food or without food, just be careful having your morning tea on an empty stomach as sometimes the powdered green tea can cause you to feel nauseous if you don’t have anything else in your system. This is totally normal and avoidable if you just have a little nibble first. If you’ve never made loose-leaf tea before check out our cheat sheet in Appendix 1.

We won’t lie to you--know that the first few days are likely to be tough as you remember to drink your teas, weed through your pantry, and/or commit to physical activity. But as you progress and start seeing and feeling your amazing results, these things will become second nature.


At the end of the ebook you will find 4 appendices that are designed to make your detox easier. They can be printed out, posted on your fridge or bulletin board and act as a great source of reference during your Teatox program. They include info on the following:

● How to make loose leaf tea (the proper way) ● Foods to include and avoid during your Teatox ● Exercise planner ● Daily Detox Checklist

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Detox, detox, detox. This word gets thrown around more than a football on a hot

summers day, but what does it actually mean to “detoxify?” At the most basic level it means to encourage the removal of “waste” buildup in the body, or to clean out the pipes so to speak. In today’s world we encounter 2.5 billion pounds of toxic chemicals (including 6 million pounds of mercury alone) each year, according to Dr. Mark Hyman. Did you know that the average newborn baby has nearly 300 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood? Seems like we had the deck stacked against us at a pretty early age, and you can only imagine how many toxins you have been exposed to by this point in your life. On a day-to-day basis our hard working bodies try to detox regularly by urinating, defecating, breathing, and sweating! If any one of those processes is not functioning optimally, it can decrease the amount of waste leaving the body, leaving you feeling yucky over time. Here are some, but not all, of the factors that can contribute to your total toxic load:

● Heavy metal exposure ○ Mercury, lead, petrochemicals, residues, pesticides, and fertilizers

● Allergies ○ Food allergies, environmental allergies, molds

● Poor diet ○ Eating a standard American diet that includes processed, high fat, high sugar,

high salt foods ● Medications

○ Remember what goes into the body has to get processed; most pharmaceuticals have a toxic load on the body

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● Internal toxins ○ Bacteria, fungus, and yeast inside our own systems and intestines as well as

hormonal and metabolic toxins that we need to eliminate. ● Mental, emotional, and spiritual toxins

○ Stress, anger, loneliness, irritability, hostility, etc. all have a profound effect on our body chemistry and all of which translate into toxins in our system.

Whoa. I don’t know about you, but that seems like a lot that our bodies need to manage. For the most part our bodies do a really good job of keeping our toxic load low, however sometimes we can start to notice little “red flags” when we have tipped the scales a little too far to one side. This idea of toxic load is important to understand when it comes to toxicity. Your toxic load is the total amount of stressors that your system is dealing with at a given time. Once you hit the maximum threshold of stressors that your body can handle, you start to see signs that the body has too much on its plate.

You can picture it as a clean, clear river flowing gently downstream. When it’s clear and running smoothly, the current can take away all unwanted dead debris and waste. When there is a buildup of waste or the current isn’t running as strongly, things get clogged up, stuck, and maybe even a bit smelly.

When your river starts slowing down and becoming overwhelmed these “red flags” can look like any of these symptoms:

● Fatigue ● Poor memory and/or concentration ● Muscle aches/ joint pain ● Sinus congestion or excessive sinus

problems ● Headaches ● Gas and bloating ● Constipation and/or diarrhea ● Foul-smelling stools (oh yes…it’s not

always normal!) ● Bad breath ● Heartburn

● Sleep problems ● Food cravings ● Trouble losing weight ● Water retention ● Skin problems (eczema, psoriasis,

acne, rashes) ● Canker sores ● Puffy, dark circles under the eyes

(don’t you hate those?!) ● PMS ● Other menstrual irregularities

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I’d bet that it’s safe to say you have experienced one or more of these symptoms before—and don’t worry you are not alone. Most people have overloaded systems, especially after years of accumulated stress and toxin build up. In fact, some people are chronically toxic and don’t even realize it! Detoxification is one of the core systems in the body that must be working well for you to be healthy. The bottom line is if you feel lousy and no one can seem to find another physiological explanation as to why you feel that way, there is a darn good chance you’re toxic.

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Expertise The Teatox Company products are formulated by three naturopathic doctors (NDs) who have all seen dramatic changes in many of their patients’ symptoms simply by improving detoxification pathways. Their expertise draws from their diverse backgrounds in health science, sports performance nutrition, nutraceutical science, and botanical medicine (as in the herbs used in our formulations). Quality Quality is of utmost importance to The Teatox Company. By using USDA certified organic herbs, we make sure that our products are not contributing to your toxic burden! Think about it—what good is a detox if the product itself is introducing you to pesticides, chemicals, etc? We also use parts of the herbs that actually provide benefit. Did you know that dandelion leaf and dandelion root produce different results? Same as milk thistle leaf/milk thistle root and many other forms of herbs. Most people don’t know the difference, and that’s the advantage we have in keeping NDs on staff! By sourcing from our organic farmers and using forms of the plant that actually provide benefit, we are making sure that the integrity of the herbs are maintained and that your safety is put first. Your Cardio Shouldn’t Be Toilet Sprints Ok, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but so many current detox products guarantee weight loss just by making you have very frequent bowel movements. I mean who wouldn’t lose a few pounds if you were pooping out more than you were eating? Yes, we love bowel movements (they are important!) and would love if everyone had a daily bowel movement, but there is definitely a less disruptive way of becoming more regular. Taste We do not believe that healthy should be equated with disgusting! We have dedicated large amounts of time formulating teas that are effective without sacrificing taste. Most teatoxes out there leave you feeling like you’re a horse roaming the wilderness and chewing on the bitter roots of unknown plants (but hay if that’s your thing…). We know that the herbs we have chosen don’t all taste great on their own, but with a little bit of know-how we’ve created something that you might actually like, or dare we say, crave.


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We all know that in combination with exercise, the most successful way to maintain weight and stay healthy is to have a healthy diet. There are tons of diets out there that claim to make you lose weight quickly, but faster is not always better. Here are 5 basic changes to your diet that will have a major impact on the way you look and feel. Be sure to check out Appendix 2 for a handy chart of foods to include and to avoid during your Teatox!

1. Eat enough protein...and spread it out. Many of our colleagues have observed that a significant number of people (especially women and those with special diets like vegetarians) do not eat enough protein on a regular basis. They aren’t deficient in a measurable sense, but they just do not consume enough protein regularly. Then there are some experts that argue that overall North Americans eat too much protein. We have a slightly different point of view: we aren’t all deficient, but we aren’t eating it properly. Instead of spreading out our protein sources throughout the day, we have gotten used to eating a giant steak or rack of ribs in one sitting. There is a finite amount of protein that your body can digest in one sitting. By having all your protein in one meal, your body doesn’t really get a chance to use up all the protein you just ate.

Here are some tips to make sure you are getting the right amount of protein:

1) Eat a protein rich breakfast 2) Keep snacks on hand that have protein in them

● Make your own protein bars ● Incorporate protein powder in your smoothies ● Avoid eating more than 1 serving of meat per meal (about the size of your

palm or a deck of cards)

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2. Eat some of these liver lovin’ foods everyday. Everyone knows vegetables are good for you, but did you know there are certain foods that can specifically help get your liver into tip-top shape? These foods can help your detoxification organs kick up their ability to clean your body effectively.

Eat a mix of these daily and get your liver going! (See Appendix 2)

● Spinach, kale, swiss chard ● Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts ● Onions, garlic ● Red beets

3. Cut out refined sugar, dairy, and gluten. Gluten free seems to be a buzzword all over the internet these days. Gluten is a protein found in some grains that many people are sensitive to, even without an overt allergy. People who are sensitive to gluten may notice that when it’s taken out of their diet, they feel more energized, less bloated, lighter, and just better overall. So many empty calories are consumed when we eat things like bagels, croissants, muffins, and crackers—all of which have gluten (and probably some dairy and sugar too). For a list of gluten free grains check out the diet guide in Appendix 2 of this handbook.

Dairy is also a food that people seem to be pretty sensitive to. Like gluten, many people experience symptoms like bloating or indigestion after eating dairy products (milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, butter, etc).

* Both gluten and dairy are very common food allergens that tend to contribute to inflammation in the body. Extra inflammation is a barrier to your body and prevents detox

pathways from working optimally, which is why we suggest eliminating both of these foods during your Teatox. Ditch ‘em, they do you no good anyway!

It just so happens that sugar, dairy, and gluten are also found in binge-eating favorites like cookies, baked goods, chocolate, candies, etc. The phrase “betcha can’t just have one” really rings true for most of us mortals and so many find it better to avoid treats completely than to break the seal and give moderation another shot. If you happen to find that you aren’t affected by refined sugar, dairy, and gluten, consider yourself one of the lucky few...or maybe in denial!

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4. Drink more water. The human brain is so smart, but sometimes it can get a little confused. One of these instances is hunger vs. thirst. Seems simple right? What we’ve found is that when people start to drink more water, they generally feel less hungry because their bodies were actually thirsty. Getting into the habit of constantly sipping water all throughout the day is single handedly one of the best things you can do for your body, brain, and skin! Most people think of eight cups a day (two liters) as the requirement for water intake for everyone, but the truth is that adequate hydration is highly variable and dependent on weight and physical activity levels in particular.

Some signs and symptoms of poor hydration include:

● Thirst (stating the obvious) ● Headaches ● Hunger (when you shouldn’t


● Dry skin/hair ● Dry mouth ● Fatigue

You can see that some of these symptoms can be caused by other conditions, but drinking more water is a safe way of ruling out improper hydration as the cause of your woes. We’ve heard people say things like “I’m just not a fan of water” or “I don’t like how water tastes” so here are a couple suggestions to make your water a bit more palatable! Please don’t turn to artificial water substitutes or carbonated water! In Appendix 4, you will see that drinking at least 1 glass of water with lemon is recommended first thing when you wake up. This is to help get your digestive and detox systems up and running early in the day! Tasty Water Tips

1. Try adding freshly squeezed lemon or lime to your water 2. Add sliced up apples and a cinnamon stick - apple cider anyone? 3. Add sliced strawberries and basil

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5. Practice mindful eating. We hope we didn’t lose you in our meditation section—but if you’re feeling a bit iffy on whether you’re ready to commit to a meditation practice, try mindful eating first. Mindfulness is really about paying attention to what’s going on inside your body. It’s not about over thinking or judging, just awareness and acknowledgment.

Here is a simple mindful eating exercise to try:

1. First look at what you are about to eat and ask yourself these questions: a. What is it? b. How does it look? c. Where does it come from? d. How do you feel about putting this food into your body right now? e. How does your body feel anticipating eating in this moment?

2. Now tune into your breath as you are looking at the food and consciously become aware that you are about to take it into your mouth and body.

3. Chew slowly and focus your energy on the food’s taste and texture. Fully experience the process of chewing and tasting by chewing a bit longer.

4. Note any impulse you have to rush through this mouthful so that you can go on to the next. Let such impulses remind you that you already have food in your mouth, so you do not need to go to the next bite to have a complete experience of eating. Stay in the present moment with this mouthful, rather than rushing to the next one.

5. Before swallowing, be aware of the intention (impulse) to swallow. Then feel the actual process of swallowing so that you become more conscious of this action as well.

6. Approach each mouthful in the same way. Bring awareness to the following: a. How much you are eating b. How fast you are eating c. How your body feels during and after the meal d. Whether you are eating in response to various events in your life

Try eating mindfully for one meal a day and see if you note any of these changes after seven consecutive days of doing so:

● Eating more slowly ● Feeling more full and satisfied

earlier ● Eating less

● Heightened sense of taste ● Less guilt after eating ● More awareness of food and


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Below you will find a one week meal plan. The important thing here is that you are eating a varied diet with plenty of vegetables and lean proteins. Most of these meals can be modified by substituting with your favourite vegetables, using lots of fresh or dried herbs, and using lemons and limes for flavour. Whenever possible, eat organic fruits and vegetables, and choose meats that are organic and raised without antibiotics. Wild fish is a more eco-friendly, sustainable option than farmed and will not expose you to as many toxins. You’ll notice that you’ll be eating real food--as in not pre-packaged, loaded with preservatives, sugar, and empty calories. Do your best and see how real food can taste amazing and make you feel amazing as well! Still find yourself hungry? Eat more. But load up on the vegetables. Must feel good to hear that you are allowed to eat solids on this plan, right? You’ll also see that there is 1 cheat day built in. This is because we know that you are a human being with work and social obligations. Feel free to indulge or to choose healthier options!

Here is the sample 1 week meal plan, followed by recipes:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Breakfast Scrambled

eggs Oatmeal Smoothie Oatmeal Smoothie Smoothie Scrambled

eggs Snack Apple +

almonds Berries + walnuts

Almonds +

pumpkin seeds

Berries + Walnuts

Almonds +

pumpkin seeds

Almonds +

pumpkin seeds

Apple + almonds

Lunch GF pasta Roasted chicken

& veggies

Vegan chili

Baked fish & kale slaw

Quinoa & tuna salad

Vegan chili

Baked fish & kale slaw

Snack Veggies + hummus

Almond butter + celery

Hard boiled


Almond butter + celery

Veggies + hummus

Hard boiled


Veggies + hummus

Dinner Roasted chicken & veggies

Vegan chili

Baked fish & kale slaw

Quinoa & tuna salad

Roasted chicken & veggies


GF Pasta

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Breakfast Recipes Scrambled Eggs Ingredients:

● 2 whole eggs OR 4 egg whites OR 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites ● Handful of spinach ● ½ cup of chopped veggies (onion, tomato, bell peppers, mushrooms,

whatever you have) ● ⅓ of an avocado ● Salsa ● Bonuses: fresh cilantro, lime juice

Directions: 1. In a non-stick pan (or with a bit of water) saute the chopped veggies until soft 2. Mix in eggs and spinach and cook until done 3. Slice up avocado (squeeze lime juice over it) and serve with eggs and salsa

Oatmeal Ingredients:

● ½ cup oat bran (or whole rolled oats) ● ½ cup vanilla rice milk + ½ cup water ● Cinnamon ● ½ ripe banana ● ½ cup berries ● ½ scoop of unflavored or vanilla protein powder or 1 egg white

Directions 1. Add all ingredients except protein powder to a pot (you can add the egg in at

this time) 2. Bring to a boil under med-high heat. 3. Immediately reduce heat to low-med, and let simmer 7 to 12 minutes (until

desired consistency). Stir regularly. 4. When done cooking, stir in protein powder

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Smoothie Ingredients:

● ½ cup of frozen berries ● ½ banana ● 1 ½ cups almond, rice or soy milk ● 1 scoop protein powder ● 2 tbsp ground flax seeds ● 1 handful of spinach

Directions: ● Put all ingredients in a blender. Blend and enjoy! Add more liquid if necessary.

Lunch and Dinner Recipes Gluten Free Pasta (~4 servings) Ingredients:

● 2 cups of dry GF pasta, preferably a brown rice/quinoa source ● 1 tbsp coconut oil ● 1 chopped onion ● 4 cloves of garlic ● 1 lb of ground turkey ● 1 jar of tomato sauce (use brands with the fewest ingredients, like Simply

Organic) ● 2 cups mixed veggies: mushrooms, bell peppers, zucchini, etc ● 2 big handfuls of spinach (or other greens like chard and kale) ● Herbs: fresh/dried basil and oregano ● Salt and pepper to taste ● Note: if you do not have GF pasta, feel free to use plain brown rice or quinoa!

Directions (noodles): 1. Bring about 1.5-2 L of water to boil in a large pot for the noodles 2. Add a dash of salt to the water 3. Add in dry pasta and cook for about 10-13 minutes (after 10 minutes, we

recommend frequently checking the texture as brown rice pasta can quickly go from perfect to overcooked)

4. Rinse in cold water and set aside Directions (sauce):

1. Add coconut oil to a large pot over medium heat 2. Sauté onions and garlic until soft, then add ground turkey, vegetables (except

the greens), and whatever herbs/spices you like

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3. Add tomato sauce and simmer for 7-10 minutes 4. Add the greens, cover and cook just until they have wilted 5. Serve with noodles. Make sure to have lots of sauce and less noodles!

Roasted Chicken and Vegetables (~4 servings) Ingredients:

● 1 whole chicken (or 4 chicken breasts) ● 1 sweet potato, peeled and cubed ● 1 onion, chopped ● 4 whole carrots, sliced ● 4 celery stalks, chopped ● 2-3 cups of brussel sprouts, halved ● Herbs and spices: thyme, basil, oregano, salt, pepper

Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees 2. Rinse chicken and place in a roasting pan breast side down 3. Apply herbs and spices liberally (go easy on the salt) 4. Cover with aluminum foil and cook for 75-90 minutes (we recommend you set

the kitchen timer and go do something fun--or do a home work out, take an alternating shower, meditate, and/or do a castor oil pack)

5. After about 75-90 minutes, drain out some of the fat from the pan. 6. Add all the vegetables and mix into the drippings so they get all herb-y 7. Roast for another 45 min-1 hour. Make sure juices in the chicken run clear and

the legs are not pink inside Note: If using just chicken breasts, you’ll only need to cook for about 45 min-1 hr and you can just cook all the vegetables with the chicken. You may also want to add ¼ cup of water to the pan to help keep it moist

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Vegetarian Chili Ingredients:

● 1.5 onions, chopped ● 4 cloves garlic, chopped ● 1 tbsp coconut oil ● 2 large portobello mushrooms, chopped ● 1 small butternut squash, peeled and cubed (approximately 2 cups) ● 1 bunch of swiss chard, chopped ● 1 can of kidney beans ● 1 can of black beans ● 1 brick of firm tofu ● 1 can of tomato paste ● 1 can of diced tomatoes ● 1-2 tbsp chili powder (or make your own mix with cumin, basil, paprika,

cayenne, salt, and black pepper) ● 2 tsp garam masala spice ● Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: 1. Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Sauté onions and garlic until

soft 2. Add squash and portobellos and cook for 5 minutes 3. Add chili powder, masala, beans, tomato paste, and diced tomatoes. Bring to

a boil. 4. Reduce heat and simmer until squash is tender 5. Add in swiss chard and simmer until chard is tender but still green 6. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Baked Salmon and Creamy Kale Slaw Ingredients (fish):

● Choose the number of servings of salmon ● Herbs/spices: thyme, salt, pepper ● Lemon

Directions (fish): 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees 2. Place the salmon on parchment paper big enough to fold into a pouch. Apply

herbs, salt, and pepper. Slice lemon into circles and place on top of the pieces of fish

3. Fold up the parchment paper into a pouch so the juices stay in. Place on

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baking sheet and cook for 20-25 minutes. Try not to overcook as salmon is so much better when it’s not dry!

Ingredients (kale slaw): ● 1 bunch of kale, chopped ● 1 bag of pre-chopped cole slaw mix (carrots, cabbage, etc) ● 1 ripe avocado ● 2 juicy limes ● ½ cup of water ● 1 tsp ginger, chopped finely ● Salt and pepper to taste

Directions (kale slaw) 1. Put chopped kale and cole slaw mix into a large bowl 2. In a blender or food processor, blend the avocado, lime juice, water, ginger,

and a pinch of salt and pepper until smooth 3. Mix the avocado dressing in well with the chopped vegetables. 4. Let sit for about 1 hour to marinate. Keeps in the fridge for 3-4 days.

Quinoa and Tuna Salad (~3 servings) Ingredients:

● 1 cup of dry quinoa, cooked in a rice cooker or pot (as directed on package) ● Spinach ● Other salad vegetables: beets, tomato, cucumber, shredded carrots, bell

peppers, etc ● 2 cans of tuna ● 2 stalks of celery, chopped finely ● ¼ onion, chopped finely ● 2 tbsp grainy mustard ● Lemon

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● Salt and pepper to taste Directions:

1. Drain the tuna and put into a medium sized bowl 2. Mix in the onion, celery, mustard, salt and pepper 3. Squeeze juice from about ¼ of a lemon into the bowl and mix 4. Make your bed of spinach--you can add any other vegetables here that you

want 5. Serve with about ⅓ of a cup of cooked quinoa 6. If you need some more dressing, try using balsamic vinegar, apple cider

vinegar, more lemon juice, or 1 tbsp of hummus.

Want a basic breakdown? Here’s the black and white:

• NO Sugar • NO Gluten • NO Dairy • NO Alcohol • NO Coffee

• MORE Veggies • MORE Water • MORE Protein • MORE Liver Foods • MORE Mindful Eating

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Committing to a regular exercise regimen is an important part of maintaining the effects of your Teatox long term. If you are currently exercising regularly (at least three times per week) continue as normal or consider our Level 2 recommendations below. If you are not in a consistent exercise flow, don't worry—you won’t have to all of a sudden jump into a super intense exercise program. Start slow and work your way up, or go all in if that’s how you work. Check out our Level 1 recommendations to help you get started. We recommend that you start exercising regularly at least 2 weeks before beginning the Teatox for a couple reasons:

1. You’ll start sweating. Sweat = a vehicle for elimination. Your sweat is a byproduct of water, some electrolytes, and other things that have been absorbed through the skin. Sweating regularly allows your body to not only cool itself down, but to also open those pores and free your skin of that nasty build up of toxins in your body. When you sweat, it’s also a sign that your body is heating up and burning calories, leading to weight loss.

2. You’ll get the lymphatic system moving. Lymph is that stuff in your body that

houses immune cells which fight off everything from colds and flus to major infections! It flows when muscles are flexed, so get your muscles pumping to stimulate lymph movement.

3. You’ll feel amazing. Exercise releases endorphins, the feel-good compounds in

your brain. Studies show that exercise can benefit mood just by making people feel better! Why bother waiting until the teas arrive to boost your mood?

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To help get yourself started on your new active lifestyle, follow these simple tips:

1. Above all, don’t compare yourself to anyone else. We cannot stress this enough. Just because your neighbor runs 10K daily doesn’t mean that’s the right form of exercise for you. For those who are new to physical activity, it really doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you sweat and get that heart rate going.

2. Experiment with new activities. Don’t be afraid to try a kickboxing, jazzercise,

aquafit, or hot yoga class for the first time. Can’t afford classes or a gym membership? Look for Internet videos, or better yet enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer and go for brisk walks/runs, bike, etc. You may just stumble upon something you will love doing.

3. Stick it out. The first couple weeks are going to be tough. You have to fight through

the excuses and really give it a fair shot. We hear the “I just don’t have enough time to exercise” or the “I’m just too tired to exercise” excuses on the daily. This is something you have to make time for. Instead of surfing the web for 40 minutes, use that time (or even half that time) to go for a quick run/walk, or a quick at-home workout (sit ups, push ups, squats, etc).

General Recommendations We aren’t going to tell you exactly what to do and when, but for those who need a bit of guidance, we’ve created this nifty schedule for you. Use the tips above to help you find something you grow to love and then use the schedule as a guideline for when to engage in the activities. The Level 1 schedule is for those who do not currently have an existing physical activity routine, and the Level 2 schedule is for those who have some experience and are just checking to see if they’re on the right track. You can print out a copy of the schedules through Appendix 3.

You’ll notice on the schedules that there are days for low intensity, high intensity, and strength and flexibility. If you are following these schedules, you will experience all the mental and physical benefits of exercise. If after a while you would like to increase the amount of activity, gradually increase intensity and/or the number of days you are active. Remember that you can be active daily without always engaging in high intensity activities. Rest is just as important as the physical work.

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Here are examples of low intensity, high intensity, and strength and flexibility activities:

Low Intensity High Intensity Strength and Flexibility

Target Heart Rate: 50-60%* Target Heart Rate: 75-85% Target Heart Rate: Varies Cycling (30 minutes, low-medium intensity) Walking (45 minutes, briskly) Aquafit classes Swimming (45 minutes, slow pace) Elliptical machine (30-45 minutes, low-medium intensity) Dancing Badminton

Running (30 minutes) Stairs (30-45 minutes, machine or real) Lane swimming (60 minutes) Interval training (30 minutes, on cardio machines or Tabata classes) Spinning/cycling classes (high intensity and high RPM) Zumba Kickboxing

Weight training (45-60 minutes) Hot yoga (60-90 minutes) Yin yoga (60-90 minutes) Pilates (60-90 minutes) Home circuits (push ups, sit ups, planks, wall sits)

Other activities: intramural/recreational sports (flag football, ultimate frisbee, volleyball (indoor/beach), basketball, tennis, squash, etc.

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*A Note on Target Heart Rate (THR): To figure out what your target heart rate (THR) training range is, use the following formulas:

Max Heart Rate (Max HR) = 206.9 - (0.67 x age)

Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) = Max HR - (resting heart rate)

Low training range % = HRR x 50%

Low end of THR zone = Low training range % + resting heart rate (RHR)

High training range % = HRR x 85%

High end of your THR zone = High training range % + RHR

Example 1: The following example shows the low end of a THR for a 35-year-old person with a resting heart rate of 60 bpm:

206.9 - (0.67 x 35) = 183.45

183.45 - 60 = 123.45

123.45 x 50%= 62

62 + 60 = 122 beats per minute

For this person, the low end THR starts at 122 bpm, which would be a light, warm up pace. Keep in mind that these numbers are often underestimated; meaning a heart rate of 122 bpm may feel too easy to our sample exerciser. Example 2: The following example shows the high end of a THR for a 35 year old person with a resting heart rate of 60 bpm: 206.9 - (0.67 x 35) = 183.45

183.45 - 60 = 123.45

123.45 x 85%= 105

105 + 60 = 165 beats per minute

You should now have two numbers that will range somewhere between 120-180 beats per minute, depending on your age and resting heart rate.

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Sample Exercise Routines Remember to always start gradually, and work your way up when starting any new exercise regime. Always listen to your body and do not overexert yourself and always, ALWAYS stay hydrated. You may want to consult with your healthcare practitioner before starting.

For those who are new to the exercise game or who have only participated in fairly irregular low to medium intensity workouts, here is a Level 1 recommendation:

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For those who are regularly engage in high intensity physical activity, here are Level 2 recommendations.

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Sleep is such an important yet underrated aspect of healthy living. The phrase “you snooze, you lose” is often thrown around, but that can be misconstrued! During our sleep hours, a lot of important processes happen in our body and minds. When we don’t get enough sleep, we do not get the chance to recharge fully. Here’s a simple analogy--think of sleep as charging your cell phone. Not many of us would unplug our phones before it reached 100%, but we are okay with letting our bodies run on only 70% everyday. This means that we are going to run out of battery sooner, can’t multi-task as efficiently, or will just zonk out without us even realizing it’s happening. If only our bodies had a visible percent sign that shows how much we are actually charged like phones do (wouldn’t that be nice?)!

When we do not get enough good quality sleep, we experience symptoms such as the

following: ● Mental fatigue ● Physical fatigue ● Sleepiness

● Brain fog, difficulty with concentration

● Headaches After long periods of poor sleep, more serious health problems can develop. This is because during sleep, some of your hormones need to change gears and either slow down or speed up. When important hormones like cortisol and melatonin don’t get a chance to do their work, you might see symptoms like:

● Weight gain ● Inability to lose weight

● Fatigue ● Insomnia

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Although most of us that embrace the North American culture do not get enough hours of sleep, that is not the only issue. Quality is just as important as quantity.

The most common problems related to sleep include:

● Not enough hours ● Poor quality ● Can’t fall asleep

● Can’t stay asleep ● Waking unrefreshed

So what can you do to get recharged and wake up refreshed? Here are some tips to a restful sleep:

1. Create consistent sleep habits. Our bodies love routine and patterns. Going to

bed at the same time and waking up at the same time will really show your body some love! We know it’s not always easy going to bed at the same time, but just do your best and listen to your body’s needs--trust us it will thank you!

2. Use your bed for sleeping and intimacy only. No TV, doing work, or eating in

bed. We want to create the association in your mind that beds are not couches, desks, or the kitchen table.

3. Create darkness. Turn off cell phones, computers, TVs, and digital clocks at least

30min - 1hr before bed. Our body and brain are very sensitive to changes in light and the hormone melatonin, which makes us sleepy, is secreted in response to darkness.

4. Avoid eating two hours before bed. If your body is expending energy by

digesting during the night, it takes away from it being able to recharge. If you absolutely need a small snack before bed, choose something that is low in sugar.

5. Relax before bedtime. In addition to making your Night Time Teatox a part of

your nightly ritual, try taking 30 minutes to wind down from your day before going to bed. Some suggestions in how to wind down are taking a bath/shower, deep breathing exercises, reading, and mindfulness meditation.

6. Exercise regularly. Exercising daily is a very effective way to make sure that your

body is ready for sleep at the end of the day. Be aware that exercising too close to bedtime can sometimes increase energy levels and cause some restlessness.

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Detoxification is a process that involves the body, mind, and soul. To truly influence your ability to detox, we have to remember that it’s not only our body that can become clogged and sluggish. Our ability to think clearly, positively, with purpose and peace greatly influences our state of health. Have you ever thought of your brain as an organ? Just like our hearts, intestines, and skin, our brain is in need of care and maintenance. We wanted to expand a bit more on mindfulness meditation and how something so simple, free, and easy can have such profound psychological and physiological effects. The Buddhist term monkey mind refers to how our uncontrolled mind holds thoughts; it flits from thought to thought, subject to subject, much like a monkey jumps from tree to tree. A key goal in meditation is that of concentration and quieting the monkey mind. Concentration involves the ability to keep one’s attention firmly fixed on a given subject for a prolonged period of time, thus overcoming the mind’s usual rambling habit of flitting from subject to subject. There is a reason that if we were to ask you what you picture when I mention a Buddhist monk, a profoundly happy, calm, bald, Asian man sitting cross-legged in robes most likely enters your mind. Those monks have something seriously right going on over there and we would be foolish to not take a look at what that might be. Researchers from Harvard Medical School used MRI technology on participants to monitor brain activity while they meditated to explore exactly what part of the brain is stimulated during meditation. They found the sections of the brain in charge of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) were activated. The ANS governs the functions in our bodies that we can't control such as digestion and blood pressure. Interestingly, these are also the functions that are often the most susceptible to be compromised by stress. One may argue that by modulating these

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functions we could help ward off stress-related conditions such as heart disease (including high blood pressure), digestive problems and even infertility. Neuroscientists have found that meditators can actually shift their brain activity to different areas of the cortex. This means that brain waves in the stress-prone right frontal cortex move to the calmer left frontal cortex. This mental shift decreases the negative effects of stress, mild depression, and anxiety. There is also a decreased amount of activity in the amygdala, which is responsible for the sensation of fear. So with this being said you can’t honestly tell me that something that can be done at any time of the day, anywhere in the world for the low, low price of ZERO dollars isn’t something you would be interested in trying. There are a wide variety of ways one can meditate, and what appeals to one person may not work for another. Zazen meditation (our favorite) is a seated zen meditation where you are focused on the diaphragm during breathing and either counting or repeating a mantra. A good way to start out if you are having trouble with your monkey mind is with guided meditation, or meditation with imagery. For those who are totally into the digital world, try downloading the smart phone app called Headspace to guide you in your journey.

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Mindfulness Meditation

Instructions: 1. Find a quiet open space where you can sit comfortably undisturbed

a. Try to sit in the same place each day 2. Sit in a comfortable position

a. Avoid positions that you might fall asleep in b. The back is long and supports itself c. Shoulders are relaxed downward, the neck is long, and the chin is pointing

neither up nor down d. The face and jaw are relaxed and loose e. Try resting the tip on your tongue on the back of your two front teeth lightly to

relax your jaw. 3. Begin to breathe (preferably through the nostrils)

a. Feel the belly rise, the ribs expand, and the slight movement in the collarbones and shoulders as the breath moves upward

b. Feel the exhalation 4. Focus on one aspect of the breath

a. You can visualize a tidal wave of fresh clean air crashing into and filling your lungs all the way to the bottom on your inhale, and then the tide rushing out detoxifying, bringing out all impurities and stale air on the exhale

5. Watch that one aspect of the breath a. When the mind wanders, gently bring it back to the breath and the aspect you

have chosen to watch b. Do this as many times as you need to

6. Don’t judge a. There is no such thing as a good or bad meditation. Good and bad are

judgments, events in the mind—just note them and go back to the breathing. Start with 5–10 minutes and then increase the time until you can sit for 30 minutes.

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Most people automatically ask us “what exactly is hydrotherapy?” It’s really quite

straightforward though: hydro = water, so literally, water therapy. Hydrotherapy can include everything from icing your sprained ankle to saunas and ice baths. Since most people don’t have access to their own saunas, we are going to talk about a couple ways you can incorporate hydrotherapy into your life in the comfort of your own home. Hydrotherapy has been around about as long as humans discovered water. Okay, don’t quote us on that, but it’s been used for a long time, and for good reasons. People rave about how great they feel after trying various hydrotherapy techniques, and it’s no wonder--the general benefits of hydrotherapy include:

● Increased circulation ● Increased lymphatic movement ● Temperature regulation ● Improved immune system function

Combined, these things get all your insides moving and enhance your natural detox mechanisms. Many cultures celebrate the wonders of water not just because of its healing ability, but because it just makes them feel so good! As we mentioned, hydrotherapy stimulates blood and lymph flow even if you aren’t going for a dip in the freezing waters of Scandinavia. Here are some ways to incorporate hydrotherapy into your daily life. Alternating Showers Don’t celebrate too early--we mean alternating as in the temperature. We most definitely are not giving you permission to shower every other day. Alternating showers, also known as contrast showers, act by dilating and then constricting the blood vessels and skin pores. The hot water opens things up, and the cold water closes things down. This results in a bit of a pumping mechanism to allow toxins to be flushed away. Most North Americans cringe when they think of taking a cold shower, but maybe that’s because we don’t quite understand it! Did you know that James Bond takes alternating showers? Who doesn’t want to be a little more like Bond (James Bond)? We aren’t saying that you should take your full 10

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minute shower in cold water--hypothermia anyone? All we want you to do is follow the instructions below and introduce a few cycles of cold water during your otherwise hot shower. Alternating Showers Instructions:

1. After finishing your normal shower routine, gradually lower the water temperature until you reach a tolerable level of cold. Rinse your body for about 30 seconds.

2. Gradually increase the temperature to a tolerable hot, and re-warm your body for 90 seconds.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for a total of 3-5 times. Make sure that you finish your shower with cold water.

4. After rinsing with cold water, dry yourself by briskly rubbing a towel over your body to stimulate re-warming.

We know not everyone has a clock in their shower, so the important things to keep in mind are a 3:1 ratio of hot/cold, and to end your shower on cold. As you start to get used to these contrast showers, you can play with colder/hotter water to increase the intensity.

If you have any of the following conditions, consult your healthcare provider before trying contrast showers:

● Any heart or vascular disease ● Asthma ● Raynaud’s syndrome ● Pregnancy ● Difficulty feeling temperature


● Vascular insufficiency or stasis ● Diabetes ● Inflammation or vein thrombosis ● Cold urticaria or cold induced

thrombosis ● Autoimmune disease

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Castor Oil Packs Although castor oil packs do not always involve the use of water, it becomes hydrotherapy when you use a hot water bottle on top (see directions below). Castor oil is derived from the castor seed (Ricinus communis), which has been used in many traditional medicine systems for centuries.

The castor oil pack is indicated for a broad range of symptoms and conditions, including:

● Digestive complaints like constipation

● Gynecological concerns ● Muscle or joint pain

● Headache ● Skin conditions ● Other inflammatory conditions

So why castor oil packs in a detox? You will be placing these packs over your abdomen, which is where your liver just so happens to be. Castor oil is known to improve circulation and by increasing circulation to the liver, you are in turn enhancing its ability to detoxify. What you need:

● Castor oil (preferably organic) ● Wool or cotton flannel; an old t-shirt will work as well ● Old towel ● Hot water bottle or heating pad (optional)


1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down 2. Apply a small amount of castor oil to your abdomen (especially the right-upper side,

over your liver), enough to leave a light film on top of your skin 3. Use the flannel or old t-shirt to cover your oil covered abdomen 4. Place the old towel on top of the t-shirt to minimize castor oil stains 5. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad over your castor oil pack to help absorption 6. Relax for about 30 minutes. If you feel pressed for time, we recommend combining

this with your deep breathing or meditation practices. 7. After about 30 minutes, take a shower (maybe a contrast shower!) or wipe off the

remaining oil. 8. Try to do castor oil packs at least 3 times per week to maximize results

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Whenever possible, use a high quality and preferably organic castor oil for your castor oil packs. Before trying the castor oil packs, do a small patch test on your arm to see if you might be sensitive or allergic to castor oil. Note: It’s important that you do not ingest castor oil internally! It can have strong laxative effects and should not be used without medical supervision. Also, if you are menstruating, avoid castor oil packs during this time.

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PHEW! All in all as we can see there are a LOT of things we can do to help support our body’s natural detoxification systems. Taking small steps to incorporate some or all of these suggestions during your Teatox is an amazing way to minimize your overall toxic load. This in turn keeps our bodies functioning like the well-oiled machines they are meant to be. To get the greatest impact out of your detox program using a combination of the above is advised, but if you are feeling overwhelmed…worry not friend! Simply starting with your Rx of 3 cups of Teatox tea a day is one of the best ways to get the party started. Whatever you choose, whether it’s going all out and revamping your current bad habits or sticking to baby steps, you are well on your way to a leaner, cleaner, more focused you! For absolute best long-term results, we recommend doing a 14 or 28 day Teatox twice a year. The best times being spring and fall which will aid in boosting your immune system during those times of seasonal transition when you are most likely to get sick. We would love to hear about and follow your journey, so keep in touch via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Feel free to use the hashtags found in the headings throughout the handbook.

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APPENDIX 1: How to Make Loose Leaf Tea

Forget the pre-bagged stuff, loose leaf tea is where it’s at. You want the leaves to flow freely and expand in the hot water in order to release all of the therapeutic compounds. By confining the leaves to a bag, the efficacy decreases. Some of our ingredients involve the powdered form for maximum results. Remember in the first few pages of this handbook when we talked about quality and why The Teatox Company is different? To help jog your memory, different parts of different herbs have different effects. Different extraction techniques also yield different results. So as an example, instead of a couple of dried whole Schisandra berries, we are giving you much more of the powdered berry, which actually gets ingested into the body. This is also why using a tea strainer, coffee press, or larger tea ball is recommended. You will find summarized directions on the back of both your Daytime Detox and Nighttime Detox packages. Directions:

1. Heat water in a kettle, pot, etc. 2. Using 1 level scoop of tea per cup (250 ml or 8 oz) of hot water, place the loose leaf

teas in a tea strainer, coffee press, or large tea ball. Place strainer or tea ball in your favorite mug.

3. Boil water. Let it sit for about 2 minutes. 4. Pour hot water over the strainer/tea ball, or directly over the herbs in a coffee press. 5. Steep for at least 4-5 minutes. You can keep the tea ball in the cup while you drink if

you prefer. 6. Enjoy!

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APPENDIX 2: Foods to Include and Foods to Avoid

Include Avoid Living loving foods: arugula, beets, broccoli, broccolini, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, dandelion greens, endive, garlic, kale, onion, radishes, rapini, spinach, swiss chard, etc.

Anything you know makes you feel bloated, gassy, or generally unwell

Gluten-free and grains: quinoa, brown rice, millet, amaranth, buckwheat, oats

Gluten containing grains and “white” starches: wheat, potatoes, white rice Gluten containing products: granola bars, gravies, sauces

Fruits (2 servings daily) Having too much fruit daily, and keep it to the first half of the day when possible

Small amounts of honey (if required at all), stevia

Refined sugars, excessive amounts of honey and other natural sweeteners like maple syrup and agave This means candy and chocolate as well

Most vegetables and legumes Avoid white potatoes, corn Lean proteins, preferably wild/organic/raised without antibiotics: tofu, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish

Beef, pork, duck

Non-dairy milk substitutes: almond milk, rice milk, or coconut milk

Dairy: milk, cheese, butter, sour cream, yogurt

Lots of water (at least 2 L), homemade flavored water (lemon, lime, strawberry, basil, cinnamon, etc)

Soda, juices, artificially flavored water, sugary sports drinks

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APPENDIX 4: Daily Detox Check List Put a check (or a happy face) to show which habits you incorporated that day! Seems like a lot of boxes, but it’s all the little things that add up to healthy change. Plus we like to see lots of checks and happy faces! Use the blank to fill in something that makes you feel good. Anything goes…played with the kids, caught up with an old friend, read a book, etc.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 cup lemon water (AM)

Protein breakfast

Daytime Tea #1

Daytime Tea #2

Protein at dinner

Protein with snacks

Night Time Tea

2L+ water

Gluten free

Dairy free

Sugar free

3+ servings of liver loving foods

Mindful eating

Physical activity

Mindfulness meditation

7+ hours of sleep

Castor oil pack

Alternating shower