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2012 Adriana Piedra Flores Ana Cristina Castro Leonardo Calderón Gómez Gabriel Salazar Mora Mariana Ramírez Pineda FALCON NEWS

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Adriana Piedra Flores Ana Cristina Castro Leonardo Calderón Gómez Gabriel Salazar Mora Mariana Ramírez Pineda


Table of contentNews.......................................................................................................3

What Does News Mean?......................................................................................4

News, Stage-managed Reality..............................................................................6

Ways to Communicate..........................................................................................8

News (about) Alcohol, Drugs and Addictions........................................................9

Overcoming Obstacles...........................................................................11Our Life Is a Real Gift..........................................................................................12

Life, cherish it......................................................................................................15

Successful Disabled............................................................................................17

Animal Intelligence.................................................................................18Coexistence between Animals and Humans.......................................................19

Elephant Intelligence...........................................................................................21

Homework.............................................................................................23The importance of homework..............................................................................24



Mariana Ramírez Pineda Ana Cristina Castro Gabriel Salazar Mora Leonardo Calderón Gómez

What Does News Mean?W

hen we talk about the news we, can

imagine a lot of meanings, but have

you ever thought what is the meaning

for you? Might be or not, so the time

is now. First, it is important to know

that the new information about

specific and timely events1 is news.

However, you can receive good or

bad messages from the internet,

television, radio, magazines or other

people also. Third, you must be very

selective and choose the correct

information and also limit your time

when you are getting the news.

One of the challenges is to

discover when the news that you are

getting is true or just a lie. For

example, the information that you can

obtain could be repetitive,

inconsequential or can shows one

perspective, in the worst of cases can

offers bias. Clearly, you do not need

to be an expert to classify the

stimulus that you are receiving; it can

be a gossip, truth story or just a new

without importance. Finally you have

to avoid the unnecessary news

consumption if do not want to be a

news junkie.

Your perception is essential

when we are talking about the news,

because people are different, so you

have to identify the best media and

also topics that you want to catch

from any places. An example can be

when the reporters make dramatic

news to get more attention from the

people; in some cases, they create

catchy news and do not put attention

to the damage they create to people.

But not everything is bad, we can also

find good reporters who love their

profession and do a lot of effort to

offer quality news. Another example is

when the information makes a

connection with the people and

causes effects on individual feelings

or behavior and also on society.

Another challenge with the

news is the care that parents have to

take for their children, because they

are exposed to barrage and a kid

cannot control the acts. Second, the

society needs to educate how to

1 Taken from: http://www.elook.org/dictionary/news.html

receive the news, and take care of

everyone, because we can produce

sick people who get addicted to the

news. Third, it is necessary to be a

role model to our kids because they

are growing and they need the news,

but with a good quality. In addition,

adults are responsible for the news

that kids receive. It is important to

educate the society to become into

good news consumers.

In conclusion, you can decide

on interesting topics about the news

and the way that you want to get this

kind of information, and it is important

to remember the choices to receive

the information that you decide to get.

Second, if you are an addicted to the

news, you need to look for help or

reduce your consumption. Third, to

focus on your point of view is

important, respecting the others. A

good recommendation could be to

prepare a schedule to get your news,

not more not less, looking for

equilibrium. Finally, the news has a lot

of meanings, so be careful and try to

be informed about the world, but, be a

healthy news consumer.

Mariana Ramírez Pineda

News, Stage-managed Reality

s news as truthfulness as we

think they are? Reporters,

newspapers, websites may want

intentionally make us believe that

there staged facts are one true. There

is a trend to gossip about all this

colossal news themes. What a

managed reality, searching to create

interest by implementing certain

strategies to hook spectator’s

attention. People are very easy to

influence. In spite of this some would

rather to avoid too much interaction

with a daily news report. News

strategies may cause an antagonistic

effect in news resisters.


To begin with, a primary

reason for snubbing news is “making

a mountain out of a molehill” .Which

we can denote as “The Exaggeration

Factor”. For example Costa Rica’s

earthquake on September 5th. Is true

its magnitude was significant about

7,5, but the damages weren’t much

as news reported. Television news

presented videos of affected places

with minimal damages. “The other

side of the coin”, a fact that we may

all know: reporters hosting over talk.

They terrify people, saying phrases as

“a lot of damages have been

reported, we are in alert”. The point is

that news reporters are into

amplifying situations. People cannot

live in peace believing they are living

in danger most of the time. If you feel

stress out because of it, use your time

in something more productive. Clear

your mind.

As mentioned above we have

“The Exaggeration Factor”. We can

subtract a secondary component from

it: “The Despair Factor”. It is amazing

how news intend purposely to cause

anguish in the audience. They “make

a storm in a glass of water”. Greater

part of news is negative, tragic and

sad. Chaotic situations are the main

concern of the subjects. This is

another important reason for avoiding

news. It is ok to worry about the world

actual problems, but the tragically

sense transmitted is excessively. Do

not worry so much about it, take a

minute to meditate. Remember they

intend to catch your attention. Is worth

it to concern in half-true news?

At last we have: “The Shallow

Factor”. In news, reporters focus in

saying a lot of many subjects but then

do not analyze deeper the

circumstances. So we just perceive a

general view, and we may not know

precisely what is going on. They

missed important topics for trying to

cover every single new. That is why

we used the term “shallow”, news

report is very superficial. Isn’t better to

investigate in an actual subject of

your interest, instead of paying

attention to irrelevant news?

News make us live in an

imposed staged managed reality.

Some may think that news resisters

are ignorant, because they are not

aware about news. Being

unresponsive to news does not mean

we do not know what is happening. Is

better to examine about what is really

happening instead of being cheated.

It does not means you cannot watch

the news or read the newspaper. Just

remember in order to keep your feet

attach to the ground news are not

always what they seems to be.

Ana Cristina Castro

Ways to Communicate

media is an instrument or

form of content which is

performed by the

communication process. The media

are constantly evolving instruments,

probably the first form of

communication between humans was

the signs and signals used in

prehistory, which evolved

substantially increase significantly

until globalization.


The mainstream media today

are: Newspapers, books, telegraph,

telephone, radio, television and the

Internet. For the history of the media

the advantage of printing is a starting

point and begins to disclose the

different things that happened. With

the advent of the printing press to the

media begins the story of the first


The man's constant search for

increasingly satisfying their need for

communication has been the impetus

that has been the introduction of

instruments in the world ever more

powerful and faster in the

communication process. A

retrospective enough to define how

the man has managed to evolve their

communication: From rudimentary

methods such as hieroglyphic writing,

through the invention of the alphabet

and paper, giving a slight jump until

the arrival of the printing press, and

just one more to the appearance of

the phone, cinema, radio and


All these instruments have

been certainly a breakthrough in

human communication forms and

virtually all have been made possible

by the technology, so in turn has been

the instrument whose evolution has

determined the progress of humanity.

The media are very important,

because since humans have always

had the need to communicate through

the media and can communicate


Gabriel Salazar Mora

News (about) Alcohol, Drugs and Addictions

hroughout human history, there have dangers of excessive consumption of alcohol and

even drugs. For example: when a person once a drug test they want to continue grasping so if you started with a one day the next day and will do two and so on, also alcohol is something similar since you start with a beer and you increase until you are addicted to it. All these addictions are produced gradually by the bad influence of friends or even more for believing that you are very strong or very outstanding with it the same way. In the streets found many unscrupulous people who just want to hurt us, but this is a challenge for everyone.


          Today, there are many types of drugs. Some of them are: Amphetamines, Cocaine, Crack, Ecstasy, Steroids, Anabolic, Heroin, Inhalants, LSD, Marijuana, Mamafetamina, PCP, Rohypnol, Special K, all these drugs have different effects and I will explain some. COCAINE / CRACK: stimulates the central nervous system and has immediate effects, like: dilated pupils, increased blood

pressure, heart rate and breathing, increased body temperature (fever extremely high), marijuana has physical effects as the following: substantial acceleration of heart rate, bloodshot eyes, dry mouth and throat, increased appetite, reduces memory and short-term compression. These are some of the effects when people consume any drug since they affect the functioning of the body and even the brain.

The treatment of any person who wants to get out of drugs is very difficult because you first have to go through detox processes because the blood is contaminated, and there are psychological processes due to emotional damage they suffer. For this purpose, in the current support centers exist for such people to escape the streets and even more back to their homes, some of these centers are: IAFA, Hogar CREA, among others.All they want is the good of the person addicted to drugs and seek their society joined again.

There are many cases in which the person who was in treatment to quit drugs did excellently, but when

returning home he meets his friends again which induce him to continue using drugs or even more but what makes you say it is very weak and not very man to retest. This is causing a step backwards in anyone. Actually this means that the treatment did not help because he got to be from 0% seeing it was 100%.

The best way to prevent many of today's young people falling into

addiction to drugs or alcohol is proposal them a good education on how to avoid falling into these circumstances and also to identify those who are just starting to smoke, drink, use drugs. In order this should be done in order to prevent him from being another one of many young people who leave school for using drugs and fall in the streets losing everything for which they were fighting.

Leonardo Calderón Gómez

Overcoming Obstacles


Mariana Ramírez Pineda Ana Cristina Castro Gabriel Salazar Mora

Our Life Is a Real GiftP

eople think of a disability like a

misfortune but just a few know what it

really means to be a disabled person,

so imagine the feelings that some of

these people are having is important.

In the world, we can find many

examples concerning people who

have to overcome many bad

moments, for example: Lionel Messi,

Oscar Pistorious, Sabriye Tenberken,

Laurens Molina, Ariel Ary, Ernesto

“Lobito” Fonseca and we can find

many examples of hope. However,

everyone has good and bad qualities

but, to recognize your flaws and be

conscientious about that is important.

For example, when someone feels

that he or she is less than other

person, and someone uses tags to

describe the others. So, the

psychological impact when we are

talking about disabilities is very

important. Being careful and looking

for the best perspective is an

important point here. Finally, we can

overcome all the obstacles that life

presents us, just being persistent and

trusting in our skills.

One of the challenges to

Laurens Molina, Ariel Ary, Messi,

Oscar, Sabriye and Ernesto Fonseca

is to live in a world that is created for

“normal people”, but nobody can tell

us what really means a “normal

person”, the only person who can

describe it is a combating person. On

the other hand, they have to face a

world with differences that the society

creates by illogical rules. For

example, the streets, transportation,

buildings, and main entrances we can

find are created for “normal people”.

Nobody thinks of the difficulties that

people like them have to live. Clearly

they need help, because for some of

them the life changes a lot in a

moment, so, take a breath and think

about how they felt with that change

is important to have a good world. To

summarize, when a change come up

to us the reason is to announce that

something good is near and we have

the opportunity today, because the life

happens NOW.

Other challenges are the

psychological effects and now that we

talk about psychology, many people

who do not have physical disabilities,

have huge psychological problems

because they think: they are perfect

and discriminate the person who is

physically different. An example can

be when children laugh about another

kid who cannot walk with his or her

two legs, so nobody considers the

effect for the kid when we are talking

about psychology. In some cases

people suffer attaches (physical,

mental, psychological) because have

different aspect from others. But not

everything is bad. Also, we can work

with psychology to help everyone, to

change their lives; first people have to

accept others with their differences.

Focus on the skills and good aspects

of everyone. The talent is not only

physical, so, the homework for us is

to imagine a day being one of the

talented people mentioned in the

second paragraph and think, evaluate

and describe the sensation. It could

be difficult, so empathy is

fundamental when we talk about

disabled people.

Another challenge that people

have to face is less esteem caused by

labels that people put on others. We

always describe this “kind of people”

like: special, disabled, or something

like that, but the correct way to refers

to them could be people with special

skills, because everyone is special

and obviously they develop others

senses to live in a very difficult world.

They are role models; the proof that

all sacrifices we realize have a life

reward, and we can be everything

that we decide to be. Remember that

we have just an obstacle and it is

ourselves. The kind of labels that

people with special skills could have

is: inspirational people, courageous,

perseverant, talented, and unique.

We have to learn to change bad

descriptions to correct labels. In

conclusion, they are a model for the

importance of fighting with the heart.

So in a general conclusion, you

can decide what limitations affect you,

and decide your vision about life,

which is a gift so you have to take an

advantage of your blessings. The

limits exist only in your mind; you

decide your own goals. Value your

talent and use it, because life

happens now, and we cannot know

what will happen to us tomorrow Is

important to create a good world. Do

not use labels and admire the special

skills of people. They are a clear

example that life is a gift with bad and

good aspects. Finally, be normal and

do not discriminate the inspirational

people that you can find in your life.

Mariana Ramírez Pineda

Life, cherish it

ife is vulnerable. We forget how lucky we are, until something happen and we remember how

much we cherish what we have. Amazingly those who have disabilities, illness or have a situation that changes their perspectives, appreciate life way beyond. Why is that? Does something bad require happening to us to appreciate? Also sometimes we care too much about the image we show to others. Is it worth to give so much importance to it? This essay major purpose is to share what I learned with a personal life experience.


I used to complain a lot about myself, I had always been very concern about the way others see me. I started having immunologic problems in my body. Three years ago I was diagnose with an odd illness named annular centrifuge erythema, I am not a common case of it, because I had bigger injures in comparison with other patients around the world. This illness attack its own organism causing chronic injures in skin and organs. There are a lot of causes, but is not very clear why I have it. My left hand and both legs looked like red meat, there wasn’t skin just flesh. Doctor didn’t have much information about it, they even were talking about cutting the damage flesh to see what happen,

also they were concern about possible injures in my organs. I stop thinking about the way I looked. And I begin to worry about my life. Time didn’t stop running and I was complaining about how much it hurts, but it wasn’t worth it. So I deal with it. I continue with my life, I get back to university and enjoy every minute as it will be the last.

As I said it hurts a lot, especially when clothes make friction with the flesh, so I tried not to cover it. People looked me with repulsion and try to stay away from me, they even asked me to cover it. They thought I would infected them, but isn’t possible. But they didn’t knew much about the illness and mainly they didn’t care. It hurts a lot more to saw and heard people reactions. And I asked myself: Why were so important what others thought about me or about the way I looked? So I stopped worrying and started thinking about the way I wanted to see myself. Those who care about me supported me so I didn’t needed acceptation of the rest of people. I get better and heal. I started all over again, at that time I was studying two careers and working, everything was great.

Time pass and I was moving forward. But last year I was having

serious problems with my vision so I went to the doctor. He told me my eyes were injured as if I put a brush in my eyeballs; it had a lot of holes. I was getting blind and light makes me uncomfortable. At last he diagnoses me the same illness. He told me I was very lucky because he didn’t have to take my eye out, but that I was almost blind of my left eye. I am recovering until today. I knew at that time that I can’t predict when or where I would be affected by this illness. So I thanks god to give me the chance to be here

today and to maintain me healthy as much as I am now.

I want to make you understand how blessed you are to be healthy. Life is a gift, but some of us have to struggle to make that gift last as much depending in our possibilities. Hope all of you can appreciate life as much as you can without having to live in your own flesh what I went through. Sometimes life can be tuff and we always might have problems. But the magic about life is that is in our hands the possibility to overcome all the obstacles.

Ana Cristina Castro

Successful Disabled

tephen William Hawking is a

physicist, cosmologist and

British science writer. His

most important works to date have

included providing, with Roger

Penrose, theorems regarding

singularities in the framework of

space-time general relativity, and the

theoretical prediction that black holes

emit radiation, which is known today

as Hawking radiation (or sometimes

Bekenstein-Hawking radiation).


He is a member of the Royal

Society of London, of the Pontifical

Academy of Science y of the National

Academy of Sciences of the United

States. He held the Lucasian Chair of

Mathematics (Lucasian Chair of

Mathematics) Cambridge University

until his retirement in 2009.1 Among

the numerous awards that have been

granted, Hawking has been honored

with twelve honorary doctorates and

has been awarded the Order the

British Empire (CBE degree) in 1982,

with the achievement: Prince of

Asturias Concord in 1989, the Copley

Medal in 2006 and the Medal of

Freedom in 2009.2

Hawking suffers from a disease

related motoneuronal amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis (ALS) that their status

has worsened over the years, until it

is almost completely paralyzed and

forced him to communicate through a

voice generating device.

  He has been married twice

and has three children. For his part,

has achieved sales success with its

informative work on Science, in which

he discusses his own theories and

cosmology in general; these include A

Brief History of Time, which was on

the bestseller list of The Sunday

Timesbritánico for 237 weeks.

Gabriel Salazar Mora

Animal Intelligence


Adriana Piedra Flores

Leonardo Calderón Gómez

Coexistence between Animals and Humans

ill need animals to humans? With the passing of time, animals were

integrated every day to human life by providing more of their daily tasks or simple companionship. Although this current coexistence among these has been adversely affected by the presence of technological advances which have achieved a similarity with the things animals do and plus it does not require the same care. But you Cannot compare the two because the term refer to animals to represent a living being that feels, thinks and acts naturally and not by artificial means.


        Animals have been associated with humans over the years. An example of this is people with disabilities. Such as blind people who need the help of dogs to serve as a guide when walking. And there are the dogs that are used for people with paralysis or syndrome which help people recover through the his heartbeat. Therefore it is said that dogs are the best companion that a human being can have because it makes a connection with you and the animal.

        Another of the animals that are in constant contact with humans are birds which are very intelligent animals because it can recognize your voice and who you are, obviously, if you spend much time

with them. Also, if you put the shares or different colors that can quickly identify when and said. Talking to a bird is seen as talking to a young person as they do not have a stable conversation. Considering that the bird will repeat everything the man says or does and this product to your intelligence (sentence fragment).

          If we compare our intelligence or mental capacity to that of animals not the difference notice since animals have their skills too. Considering that an animal can express if something hurts or feels something annoying or uncomfortable both inside and outside of your body as if a robot would not. We must also consider that animals also have their family to live and survive, but if it was a technological advance would not family. As best consider an animal or a robot technology advancement.

          To that end may never finish possess the ability to learn animals? he can sort, perform simple mathematical operations and communicate with humans many times without teaching them how. But if we could actually compare animals with humans or technology, would be a very important aspect. Because the animal must care for and even more knowing that they can feel what we are going to do or say through that

are very intelligent and able to feel the risk or danger, while a

robot would do only what we tell and for the rest of the time would be quiet in a place so far that he further order.

Leonardo Calderon Gomez

Elephant Intelligence

e know elephants live in

countries like Africa or

Asia, are big and have

different colors. Also, we have seen

them in zoos or circus to entertain us,

but we do not really know too much

about their intelligence. In fact,

elephants are considered the most

intelligent creature on earth, because

they have emotions like joy,

playfulness or mourning, besides

other activities they do. I decided to

make a little research about this

animal and I found a lot of reasons

why they are smart and I will develop

the most important skills or facts that

elephants do in their lives.


First, according to some

scientists, the elephant’s brain weighs

over 5 kg; its structure is similar as

human beings, and because of those

characteristics they are able to learn

new facts and behavior, mimic

sounds that they hear, play with a

sense of humor, perform artistic

activities, self medicate and display

compassion and self awareness.

These animals have a lot in common

and they continue learning and

improving the things or activities they

are able to do as part of their


Then, another reason about their

intelligence is the ability to resolve

problems. The elephants can change

its behavior in different situations.

They are able to realize and analyze

what is happening around them. Its

acts will depend on the situation and

its understanding. An example of this

is when they protect themselves in a

dangerous situation, or when they

help each other when one of them is

in trouble. In other words, they make

decisions and take risks according to

the situation they are going through.

Finally, they are able to use tools

in order to get what they need or

want, because the shape of their body

has limitations. Also, they use

accessories that are near of them to

make activities that they cannot do by

their own. Most of the time they use

their trunks like arms. For example,

some elephants have been seen

using sticks to scratch their backs

when their trunk cannot reach; other

ones have been discovered dropping

rocks on electric fences to damage


In conclusion, elephants are

incredible beings, because as I

mentioned before they are smart and

they are able to make a lot of

activities that are similar as humans

do. They have a superior level of

intelligence because of the structure

and size of their brain; some of their

activities have been evaluated and

analyzed to compare them with ours.

Humans and elephants have a lot in

common, and I am sure we will

continue doing researches to find

more similarities between us in the


Adriana Piedra Flores



Adriana Piedra Flores

The importance of homework

omework has always been part of our lives since we were kids. We

should consider it as a tool, because it is part of the process of learning. When we study in any institution or course, the professors or teachers always let us some homework. It has a purpose, because when we do it we learn new things about the topic we had to develop. Also, it gives us new challenges to improve our knowledge. In addition, homework provides us a lot of reasons why it is considered important, and I will mention three of them as examples.


First, the practice and

participation in learning tasks let

us improve our academic skills,

such as reading, writing, spelling

and mathematics2. I consider

this is true, because I have seen

it by myself when I have done a

lot of homework in different

subjects. I have experienced the

changes, because at the

beginning it is kind of difficult,

but then it flows naturally. Also, I

have felt the sensation of

satisfaction, because I already

know how to start the homework

without thinking too much about

it, and it is because of practicing.

We should take it as a habit,

because we improve our abilities

and our level of knowledge, too.

2 Taken from: http://www.hi2u.org/adhd/homework_1.htm

Second, we also improve

our personal skills, such as the

sense of responsibility. We

learn that we have an obligation,

and it has to be taken seriously.

Moreover, we distribute better

the time, because we already

know that we need to organize

it. In addition, we expand the

way we answer the questions,

because we make a good

research and we know how to

develop them. In some

occasions, homework gives us

the possibility of changing the

mistakes when we do something

wrong and to avoid them in the

next ones.

Third, the most important

about homework is that parents

will have a better relationship

with their children, because they

will know what they are doing.

Besides, parents will see the

problems or the behavior they

have while their children do the

homework. It will let them know

what they are learning. Also,

parents will be informed about

the class activities the school

and it is the opportunity to get

close and give trust to them.

Parents will be involved in all

kind of homework with their

children with the purpose of

sharing ideas and different

arguments in order to learn and

enjoy together as a team.

In conclusion, as I

mentioned before, homework

has a lot of good reasons and it

helps us to develop different

skills, such as personal and

academic. Moreover, since we

were kids we have been

practicing homework in different

moments of our life and that is

really important for our future.

Also, it is considered part of our

life, because it is necessary to

learn and to improve our

knowledge. Furthermore,

homework let us correct our

mistakes, because it is part of

the process of learning. Finally,

it is an opportunity and not many

people take advantage of that,

because they just decide to not

pay attention to it, and they just

think it is not important, but

actually it is and we have this

tool to continue getting better in


Adriana Piedra Floresi