faith notes january 2013

FROM THE PASTOR Perfect... Boy, would I love to be perfect. As a practicing perfectionist I give it a good shot every day. I fail every day. But everyday I wake resolved to do better. A year rolls around and I've made 365 of those resolutions. What's the problem? A few thoughts… The goal is self oriented. God created us. God loves us. God does not expect us to be perfect. John Wesley was able to articulate the full- ness of God's love in Jesus as GRACE. In each of the manifestations of grace we are moving into closer relation- ship with God and neighbor. Prevenient, Justifying and Sanctifying grace leads on a journey toward being made perfect in love. "Being made…" indicates a journey with an Other and with others. The goal is solitary. I'm trying to do it alone. I'm trying to do it for my own purposes. I wonder if you can relate. If so, I invite you on a journey. Replace ‘resolution’ with ‘covenant’. ‘Resolution’ has baggage. If we make a New Year’s Resolution, we feel doomed right from the start. But, ‘covenant’ – now that has hope. God has always worked through covenants and God continues to invite God’s people into covenant. Covenants grow out of relationships; they are made of hope based on God’s promises, God’s faithfulness. So, instead of New Year’s Resolutions, what if we tried New Year’s Covenants? This year let's covenant together to orient toward God. Really, that orientation will be a great deal easier. God is no task-master. God is full of grace and love. This year let's covenant to move toward grace together. Several years ago I had an "ah ha" moment with my District Superintendent, Sally Nelson Olin. She said, "Over the course of a month maybe 2/3 of the folks on the church rolls attend church. They are just very rarely all there at the same time. The Brown Family may attend worship the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. While the Green Family may attend church the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. What if both of those families attended on one or both of those Sun- days?" The idea is not to increase church attendance. The idea is that perhaps Mrs. Green has some need that Mrs. Brown is able to address with compassion. The idea is that Mr. Green has had an encounter with God which will inspire Mr. Brown to move in his spiritual journey. You see, we need one another. The Apostle Paul likens the church to a body in 1 Corinthians 12: Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.. Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ... Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. Perhaps in 2013 you will make a covenant to worship one more Sunday a month than you did last year. Perhaps you will make a covenant to regularly participate in a Sunday School class. Perhaps you will join up with this imperfect bunch of travelers on a journey with God as we are moving on to perfection in love. Challenge and Peace on the Way. Pastor Cara FAITH NOTES Faith United Methodist Church 300 Ninth Street NW North Canton, Ohio 44720 Phone: 330.499.6040 Fax: 330.305.1600 E-mail: [email protected] Website: January 2013

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Faith Notes January 2013


Page 1: Faith Notes January 2013


Perfect... Boy, would I love to be perfect. As a practicing perfectionist I give it a good shot every day. I fail every day. But everyday I wake resolved to do better. A year rolls around and I've made 365 of those resolutions. What's the problem? A few thoughts… The goal is self oriented.

God created us. God loves us. God does not expect us to be perfect. John Wesley was able to articulate the full-ness of God's love in Jesus as GRACE. In each of the manifestations of grace we are moving into closer relation-ship with God and neighbor. Prevenient, Justifying and Sanctifying grace leads on a journey toward being made perfect in love. "Being made…" indicates a journey with an Other and with others.

The goal is solitary. I'm trying to do it alone. I'm trying to do it for my own purposes. I wonder if you can relate. If so, I invite you on a journey. Replace ‘resolution’ with ‘covenant’. ‘Resolution’ has baggage. If we make a New Year’s Resolution, we feel doomed right from the start. But, ‘covenant’ – now that has hope. God has always worked through covenants and God continues to invite God’s people into covenant. Covenants grow out of relationships; they are made of hope based on God’s promises, God’s faithfulness. So, instead of New Year’s Resolutions, what if we tried New Year’s Covenants? This year let's covenant together to orient toward God. Really, that orientation will be a great deal easier. God is no task-master. God is full of grace and love.

This year let's covenant to move toward grace together. Several years ago I had an "ah ha" moment with my District Superintendent, Sally Nelson Olin. She said, "Over the course of a month maybe 2/3 of the folks on the church rolls attend church. They are just very rarely all there at the same time. The Brown Family may attend worship the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. While the Green Family may attend church the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. What if both of those families attended on one or both of those Sun-days?" The idea is not to increase church attendance. The idea is that perhaps Mrs. Green has some need that Mrs. Brown is able to address with compassion. The idea is that Mr. Green has had an encounter with God which will inspire Mr. Brown to move in his spiritual journey. You see, we need one another. The Apostle Paul likens the church to a body in 1 Corinthians 12:

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.. Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ...

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Perhaps in 2013 you will make a covenant to worship one more Sunday a month than you did last year. Perhaps you will make a covenant to regularly participate in a Sunday School class. Perhaps you will join up with this imperfect bunch of travelers on a journey with God as we are moving on to perfection in love. Challenge and Peace on the Way. Pastor Cara

FAITH NOTES Faith United Methodist Church

300 Ninth Street NW North Canton, Ohio 44720

Phone: 330.499.6040 Fax: 330.305.1600 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

January 2013

Page 2: Faith Notes January 2013

Circle of Love– will meet on January 24th at 7:00PM

in the parlor. Contact Betsy Gorrell for information 330-352-7230

Lydia Circle- will meet on Wednesday, January 9th at

12:00 noon in Robinson Hall. Call Emmajo Shearer for information, 330-966-8730

Circle of Faith– will meet on Monday, January 14th

at Jane Well’s, Canton Christian Home. Please call Esther Brunt for more information 330-499-7293


What do you think of when someone men-tions Cuba? The Bay of Pigs Invasion? Fidel Castro? Boat people? Communism? Ci-gars? Dancing a fandango? Join us in Janu-ary for an on-the-scene update from our in-trepid reporter, Dot Fisher. Date: Tuesday, January 8th Time: 11:45 AM Program: Dot Fisher, Cuba: Friend or Foe? Cost: $5/person Please call Betsy Douce with your reserva-tion (330.494.3337) no later than Thursday, January 3rd.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: February 12, 2013, Bill Kaiser, Exploring Faith Church's Pipe Organ


When is First Tuesday not on the first Tues-day ? When it’s on the second Tuesday, on January 8th. Carmie Johnson will be our presenter for worship, sharing, and fellowship. All are welcome! Betsy Douce will lead us on February 5th. She’s work-ing on a Valentine/heart theme. Come see what that’s all about!

Thank you to all the 2012 First Tuesday presenters. We worshipped God and stretched our minds on such topics as thankfulness, the impact of someone’s death on our faith, the meaning of the Apocrypha, and most recently, the experiences of veterans when away from home over the holidays. Thank you, all, for the sense of community we share

in our journey of faith on First Tuesday.

A HUGE thank you to all who supported UMW by purchasing pies, pudding and cookies. Your generous support will help us to

continue our support of numerous missions. May God bless all of you!

The men meet each Thursday at 7:15 AM at Susanna’s on Main St.

in North Canton. All men welcome.

No reservations required. Social coordinator is Dale Walters.

Page 3: Faith Notes January 2013

Save the Date! On February 2nd, 2013, Faith United Methodist Church will be hosting the Tuscarawas District Leadership Training. Bishop Gregory Vaughn

Palmer will be the plenary speaker and we will be welcoming 200 people for this event. We have been asked to provide a light breakfast and a mid-morning snack and we are asking for your help! Seventeen dozen muffins or coffee cakes are needed for this breakfast. Your baked goods need to be delivered to the Robinson Kitchen by 4pm on Friday, February 1st. If you can bake a dozen muffins or a coffee cake for 12, please let Betsy Gorrell know. Her phone number is 330.352.7230 or you can email her at [email protected]. Please consider giving her a hand. Thank you! P.S. Anyone planning on attending the Leadership Training is required to register by January 22nd. Contact the church office.

Over 60 lap/crib quilts were

delivered in the community in

December. We are taking a break

and will resume stitching on Jan-

uary 8. Our goal of quilts for the

30 spinal cord injury

patients at the Cleveland area VA

Hospital will be reached by

March. We have completed 9 thus far. We are pleased to

have four new workers and making great progress.

28 pairs of glasses (used) were sent to the mission program, Glasses for Missions. These will be checked and sent to South America on the mission field. 389 Campbell products and soup bar codes were sent to Henderson Settlement in Frakes, KY. They are collecting for another

new van. Thank you for your donations. There are containers on the table in the galley area. Please help by donating to both good programs. Lynda Lebold, Global Missions

Jake Lebold accepted an award on behalf of Community Christmas from Stark County NAACP in recognition of

Outstanding Community Service. Jake shares this honor with all the wonderful volunteers who help to bring to and

giving to the surrounding community. Congratulations!

At the December meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, it was decided to re-name

the group to the Barbara Whitacre Prayer Shawl Ministry in memory of Barbara


The next meeting will be Thursday, January 3rd at 2:00 in the parlor. Anyone who

would like to help knit or crochet prayer shawls is welcome.

Canton Calvary Mission requests Cereal/Oatmeal

For January The Mission feeds over 500 families

monthly and appreciates all donations of non-perishable foods, personal hygiene and paper products. A marked box is located in

the gallery for contributions to the Food Pantry. Thanks for your generous support!

Page 4: Faith Notes January 2013

Community Christmas Community Christmas would like to thank all members of Faith UMC who helped in any way for the 2012 pro-jects. The people of Faith UMC never hesitated to help when asked to help in preparation, collection coats,

volunteering, adopt-a-family, giving tree, help in Com-munity Christmas office and hauling toys and setting

up for the distribution shopping days. The 1200 children on distribution days alone would not have any gifts un-der the tree if it would not have been for the many vol-unteers. We deeply appreciate the Christian love and grace given to the Canton area children and families by Faith UMC. Thank you! K. Jacot and Lynda Lebold

Tired out from all the holiday baking? Need coffee to keep you going after all the chaos? Support our Fair Trade Ministry by purchasing coffee, team chocolate bars, and baking chocolate. We are reminded by the Bishop about the im-

portance of this cause. Check it out out-side of the church office.

2013 New Year *New Beginnings

January marks the beginning of the calendar year. The start of a new year often triggers thinking of new beginnings & new opportunities. Have you given any thoughts to a New Year’s resolution? What is your hope for the coming year? Are you hungry for a new life in Christ? Are you in need of a new beginning spiritually, missionally, financially? Faith's vision statement reminds us that we are called to be a dynamic, growing community that gathers around Christ in Word and Worship to pray, learn, share, care, and serve together. Where are you in the journey of knowing, loving, & serving God? Jeremiah 29:11 reveals that God has plans for us. Matthew 6:33 reminds us that we are to seek first God's kingdom & righteousness & God will take care of everything else. Are we willing to surrender our hopes & desires & submit to God's will for us? Jesus taught his disciples to pray “...your kingdom come, your will be done...” Do we pray as Jesus the night he was arrested? ”Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Do your New Year's resolutions for 2013 reflect a desire to put God first in your life, above all else? Are you hungry for Jesus (1 Peter2:2)? Do your plans for the new year involve being committed to Jesus Christ, studying the Word of God, daily prayer, alone time with God to listen for His leading, being intentional in honoring Christ through your membership vows of prayers, presence, gifts, service, & witness, getting involved in a small group, practicing acts of grace, serving Christ without selfishness or restraints, living those Three Simple Rules: Do No Harm, Do Good, & Stay in Love with God, surrendering all areas of your life to God & putting your complete hope & trust in Him?. During the coming year Faith UMC will be providing opportunities & resources to nurture your spiritual growth & support you as you grow in Christ. We encourage you to find one thing that stirs your soul & take a step towards opening your heart to fall deeper & deeper in love with God. The journey of knowing, loving, & serving God is exciting. God wants to use you. He wants you to trust Him so he can make you into a nurturing vessel of love that He can use to build His kingdom & change the world. Put God first in your life this year. Give Him your New Year's resolution & be blessed as he works in & through you to make a difference for Jesus in the coming year! We are beginning to form new study and prayer groups for the start of 2013. For more information or questions

about faith formation opportunities and resources or about starting or getting involved in a small group, prayer

group, or Bible study experience at Faith UMC, visit our website or contact Kathy Schmucker, Faith’s Director of

Christian Education & Spiritual Formation. 330-499-6040, [email protected] or Sandy Vaughn,

Education Ministry Team Chair.

Page 5: Faith Notes January 2013

Epiphany Christmas is celebrated on December 25. Beginning then and following through January 5 are the twelve days

of Christmas. By following the story in the Gospels of Luke and of Matthew, we know the wise men did not

reach Jesus until sometime after his birth. Because of this, we separate the celebration of Jesus’ birth from the

celebration of the coming of the wise men on Epiphany.

Epiphany of the Lord, celebrated on January 6th, is the climax of the Advent/Christmas season. The term

Epiphany means "to show" or "to make known" or even "to reveal." In Western churches, Epiphany Day has

marked the observance of the coming of the wise men bringing gifts to visit the Christ child (Matthew 2:1-12),

revealing Jesus to the world as Lord and King. The original celebration day of the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany

season was Epiphany. This was a celebration of the revelation of God's light and power in Christ (Luke 2:32 &

John 1:1- 2:11). Jesus is the light of the world! The liturgical color for Epiphany Day is white.

The season from January 7 through the day before Ash Wednesday is known as the Season after Epiphany. It

may include anywhere from four to nine Sundays, depending on the date of Easter. The liturgical colors for the

Season after Epiphany are white for the first Sunday (Baptism of the Lord) and last Sunday (Transfiguration)

and green for the rest of the season.

During this season of Epiphany spend some time thanking God for revealing himself to us in Jesus! Just as the

wise men followed the star to find the baby Jesus & the disciples learned to follow Jesus, we too answer the

question, 'What does it mean to follow Jesus?' Make time for

Jesus & let God fill your life with his holy light so that his light can shine through you into the world!

Try some of the following suggestions with your families:

1. Count off the days of Christmas. During the twelve days of Christmas, continue the celebration by giving gifts

of kindness or care to one another. On Epiphany, sit together and talk about the ways you have cared for one

another in your family. Pray together a prayer thanking God for the times of celebration you have enjoyed and

asking God to help each family member continue acts of kindness and love in the coming days and weeks.

2. Decorate in your home with white. Use white paints, markers, or streamers to symbolize the purity of Jesus.

3. Make stars. The star is the symbol of Epiphany because the star led the wise men to Jesus.

4. Have a "three kings" celebration day. In many countries, this is when gifts are given to symbolize the gifts

that the kings brought. Make crowns. Read again the story in Matthew of the coming of the wise men. Consider

what gifts of generosity you might bring to Jesus in the coming year.

Adapted from the article, Epiphany Celebrations for the Home by Mary Jane Pierce Norton,

New Year/Act of Grace Prayer Station

A prayer experience will be available in the Gathering Area from December 28th through January 9th to guide us in praying for the New Year and Faith’s 2013 theme,

Act of Grace.

Page 6: Faith Notes January 2013

Monday: Jesus’ Parables of Grace - Women’s Small Group, alternating Mon-day’s, 9:00 am, Meets at Samantha’s Restaurant Contact Person: Lauralee Stiffler & Sandy Vaughn

Covenant Bible Study, 7:00 pm, Room 16 Contact Persons: Rob & Tory Christian

“How to Get the Greatest Benefit from Bible Study” – January 14 & 21, 7:00 pm, West Parlor“; Study of the Gospel of John” – January 28 - March 25. Facilitator: Bob Kuchner

Tuesday: Faithful Abundant, True: Three Lives Going Deeper—Women’s Bible Study, 6:30 PM, West Parlor, January 14-February 21. Facilitators: Sue Bell and Laura Luikart

“First Tuesday Prayer Service” – January 8, 8:30 am First Tuesday is a monthly gathering of persons for worship and sharing with reflections focusing on a vari-ety of seasonal topics. The group enjoys singing, praying for others and sharing concerns and celebrations! Contact Person: Jan Baker


Jonah Navigating a Life Interrupted-Women’s Bible Study, 9:15 am, West Parlor Facilitator: Linda Reynolds

Faith Connections dinner begins at 6:00 pm for $3 per person, Study Group begins at 6:30. Childcare is available.

Saturday: That's Why I'm Here by Chris Spielman, Men's Life Study Group, Alternating Saturdays, 7:00 am at Variety’s Restaurant, Facilitator: Kim Reynolds

Sunday: Refuge for Parents: Sundays at 6:30 pm, West Parlor Facilitator: Kathy Schmucker, Director of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation

Adult Sunday School Classes meet at 9:45 & 11:00 on Sunday mornings!

Want to learn more about nurturing your faith? For more information or questions about faith formation opportunities and resources or about starting or getting involved in a small group, prayer group, or Bible study experience at Faith UMC, visit our website or contact Kathy Schmucker, Faith’s Director of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation. 330-499-6040, [email protected]

Page 7: Faith Notes January 2013

Sunday School at Faith UMC “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in

your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

We offer Sunday School classes for ALL AGES at 9:45 and 11:00 AM every Sunday. Join us as together we grow and learn to KNOW, LOVE & SERVE the Lord!

Children: Faith Nursery, Room 18, 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 Babies and Woddlers (birth through age 2) are cared for in a nurturing environment where little ones experience God’s love.

Preschool Ages 3-5, Room 20, 9:45 & 11:00, Following Children’s Message Preschool children grow their faith by leaps and bounds as they experience fun activities and Bible stories just for them!

Elementary Students Grades K-2, Room 6, Grades 3-5, Room 8, 9:45 & 11:00, Following Children’s Message January’s Theme: Act of Grace

Youth: Middle School, Wesley Hall, High School, Youth Room, 11:00 am January’s Theme: Act of Grace

Adults: Faith Bible Class, Conference Room, 9:45 am, Facilitator: Bob Snyder

Faith Meets Life, West Parlor, 9:45 am, Facilitator: Kim Reynolds and Steve Golden

11:00 Adult Sunday School, 6 weeks, Room 16, 11:00 am

January 6 - Special Sunday School Session: The Holy Land Today Special Video presentation by Adam Hamilton 9:45 am – Jim Skinner, 11:00 am Sue Bell/Kathy Schmucker, Room 16

Act of Grace Resources & Devotionals

As we move into our 2013 Act of Grace theme, monthly devotions will be available to guide our ministry teams and our congregation in exploring this year’s theme. The devotions can be accessed from our website ( or join the conversation on our faith formation blog ( Printed copies will also be available in the Gathering Area and out-side the Family Life Center. Resources for Bible reading plans, Upper Room and Daily Bread devotionals, and monthly resources for parents can also be found in the literature racks in the Gathering Area & Family Life Center.

Visit Faith’s Library/Media Center to explore additional resources to help you dig deeper into the sermon messages, small group studies, and our Act of Grace theme!

“It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading. A reading people will always be a knowing people.” – John Wesley

Page 8: Faith Notes January 2013


Births: Reagan Kathryn born to Evan & Allison Wright on November 29th Birthdays: January 11th, Miriam Shuttleworth 92 January 23rd , Lela Patterson, 99!! Deaths: This month we received thanks you notes from: Doris Ashley, Phyl Psolla, Malcolm and Ruth Moffat, Alva Ree Bolovan, Laura Tabacchi.

THANK YOU Notes are located on the bulletin board in Robinson Hallway.

AN INVITATION TO CHURCH MEMBERSHIP We invite you to become a member of our Faith Church family. In our church family we hope you will feel a sense of togetherness where you are accepted, supported and challenged to fully live out the purpose of your life.

There are two choices for membership classes this January. You are asked to attend all classes for whichever day of the week you sign up for. You may choose to attend on Wednesday evenings Jan. 9, 16, 23 and 30th from 6:30 – 8:00 a.m. OR two Saturday mornings Jan. 19th and 26th from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. New members will be received during the 9:45 service on Sunday, January 13th. We realize that date is in the mid-dle of the membership classes. Please call the church office to reserve your spot in the membership classes of your choice and to arrange for child care by Sunday, January 6th. Lauralee Stiffler 330.499.6040 ext. 13; [email protected]

Join the Team! Faith’s Education Ministry Team is looking for persons

interested in helping to vision, plan, and coordinate the following ministries:

Wednesday Night Faith Connections,

Beginning in January, opportunities to assist with children & adult programs, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, meal

included! VBS

Faith-based Summer Literacy Program Nursery Volunteers

Are you our next partner in ministry? Prayerfully con-sider how God is calling you to make a difference in

the lives of our children & youth! Contact Sandy Vaughn, Heather Andrews, or Kathy Schmucker or

Kristin Krach for more information!

Wednesday Night Faith Connections Weaving Faith into Life

Fun & Faith for Kids and Families every Wednesday beginning January 16!

6:00 pm, Dinner served by our amazing meal team! 6:30 pm, Faith Kids for kids in grades K-5 helps kids learn about God and live what they learn!Join us for

games, skits, music, mission projects 6:30 pm, Faith Parents, Adult Bible Study and Small


The fun begins in Robinson Hall! All are welcome! Check our website for registration information. Invite your friends, come join the fun and get connected at


Page 9: Faith Notes January 2013

Last month we wrote about some of the

projects that were completed in 2012. This

month we are writing about people.

The next time you visit the church for

worship, small group, or for a meeting, come a

little early. Take a stroll through the church

facility and look around. Walk the halls, stop

in the class rooms and visit the kitchens. You

will find a first class worship and community

facility that is maintained at the highest level.

The credit for this goes to Dick Seeton and his

staff of Butch Ransom and Tim Himebaugh.

The Trustees would like to thank these

gentlemen for the work that they do to keep

our facilities first class.

Also, the Trustees would like to thank all of

the volunteers that generously give their time,

talent and resources to complete projects at

the church and parsonage. Your efforts are

greatly appreciated.

Happy New Year and God Bless!

Trustees Wall

The “Sparkle Box” will remain on the desk in the library. “Acts of Grace” notes will continue to be collected until the end of Lent. Look for some special changes in the library in the new year as well as some new books.

While we may be shivering here in Ohio, it is summer in Paraguay. Typically, this means

very hot, humid weather with frequent severe storms. The children are currently on their

summer break, but they will start school again in February. At that time, we need to pay the

tuition for our eight students. We need to collect $700 in the next two months to meet the

total of $3,360. Thank you for your past donations! Your gifts may be placed in the

collection containers in the gathering area and east hallway. Additionally, you may write a check to Faith UMC,

with Pennies for Paraguay on the memo line. This will allow you to get credit for your donation on your church

financial statement. Watch for new photos of our students and letters from them on the bulletin board in the hallway!

DISH TOWELS REMINDER If you have taken dish towels home to wash them, please bring them back and put them in the BIG kitchen. Thank you!

Thanks to all who helped with our “Christmas Cheer” project. Everyone liked the visits as well as the goodies that we provided. Thanks again to Lydia Circle for their contributions. God bless you all

and Happy New Year. –Gwen Guiher

Online giving is now available for those who have a PayPal account! Go to our website:, click on Resources on the home page, scroll down to Donate and over to Online Giving. It’s that easy! If you don’t cur-

rently have a PayPal account, it’s free and easy to set-up at

Page 10: Faith Notes January 2013

How Are You At Waiting?

Currently our family is undergoing a challenge of waiting. I have to be honest that as some-one who likes to have some sense of control and direction on things, this is extremely challenging. While it is challenging it has caused me to think about a couple of different items in my life.

First, I think it is necessary to provide the context why we are waiting currently. We made a

decision six months ago to move to Ohio to start in a new ministry position. This opportunity has been incredible as I am blessed to work with a great staff, amazing volunteers, and students that are hun-gry for the Word of God to make a difference in their lives. As with any move to a new setting you need a place to live, which we found in the form of a rental property that we were going to call home for a year.

Read the full story at After reflecting on these thoughts for almost a day, I wondered if anyone else is having this

same struggle right now in their life. Maybe it’s with a situation of where to move. Maybe it’s with a situation surrounding your job. Maybe it’s with a bold dream that you’ve never had the courage to pursue. Maybe it’s waiting on God to reveal the next step for your life, family, or ministry. Whatever the case what would your life look like if you began to trust God more, became comfortable in the waiting stages of life, and celebrated the arrival when you got to your destination?

Youth Mission Trip News: As our students prepare for their mission trip to Rockford, Illinois in the summer of 2013

they have already started earning their service/fundraising hours during the past few months. We have had students participate through: Helped with “Hanging of the Greens” on Saturday, December 1st Assisting with UMW “Tea” on Sunday, December 2nd Leading our children on Wednesday evenings with Faith Kids/Advent Activities Helped with Preschool Christmas Program by making videos and taking pictures

Our students are always looking for opportunities to serve others throughout the year. If you know

of a service opportunity, feel free to contact Susan Arnold ([email protected]) or Donny Bell ([email protected]) or Matt Hart ([email protected]). Thank you for your partnering with this life-changing ministry!

Confirmation 2013

This year we are blessed to working with a wonderful group of students/parents/mentors as we journey through the confirmation process. We ask that you join us in prayer for this class and the life-changing moments that will happen as a result of this class!

Page 11: Faith Notes January 2013

Worship with Us: Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 & 11:00

Get to Know Us: Reverends Steve & Cara Stultz Costello, Co-Pastors Sharyl Syler—Dir. of Administration & Finance Carmie Johnson—Communications Coordinator Kathy Schumucker—Dir. of Christian Ed. & Spiritual Formation Matt Hart—Dir. of Youth Ministry Lauralee Stiffler—Coordinator,Congregational Development Jan Bilek—Treasurer Susan Arnold—Youth Anministrator Alina Dorto—Dir. of Faith Friends Preschool

Contact Us: Phone: 330.499.6040 Fax: 330.305.1600 Email: [email protected] Website:

Faith United Methodist Church 300 Ninth Street NW North Canton, OH 44720

FAITH NOTES Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Canton, OH Permit No. 1809

Mailed January 3, 2013

WORSHIP IN JANUARY Jan 6 Communion Epiphany Pastor Steve preaching 8:30 VOCI Quartet, Joanne Fox-Hammered Dulcimer 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir & VOCI Quartet 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School Jan 13 Pastor Cara preaching Leadership Recognition all 3 Services Brunch following each service 8:30 Chancel Choir 9:45 Praise Team, New Members Received 11:00 Carol & Cherub Choirs 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School Jan 20 Human Relations Day Pastor Cara preaching 8:30 Celebration Bells 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School Jan 27 Youth Sunday 8:30 Joy Unlimited 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Joy Unlimited 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School

Volunteer Opportunities

Quilts to Share Every Tuesday, 9:00-11:30 Rooms 5 & 6

Betsy Oby, Chair

Faith Stitchers Bring handwork

All Thursdays except the first one 2:00-4:00 in the parlor

Contact, Sue Kelley

Bixler Library Thursdays, Noon to 2:00pm

Candy Ziegler, Chair

Prayer Shawl Ministry 1st Thursday, 2:00-4:00 in the parlor

Sewing for Missions

1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm RH Sue Bell, Chair

Page 12: Faith Notes January 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

EVERY SUNDAY 5:30 Joy Unlimited

6:30 REFUGE Youth

6:30 REFUGE Parents

1 2 9:15a Women’s Study

11:30a Staff Meeting

5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs

6:30p Sewing for Missions

7:00p Mentor Meeting

7:30p Chancel Choir

3 12:00p Library Volunteers

2:00p Prayer Shawl



6 Communion

Pastor Steve preaching

8:30 VOCI Quartet & Joanne Fox

Hammered Dulcimer

9:45 Praise Team

11:00 Chancel Choir & VOCI


9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School

3:00 Confirmation Session

7 7:00p Covenant Bible Study

7:00p Meditation Group

7:00p Men’s Open Basketball


6:00a Men’s Prayer Group

8:30a First Tuesday Service

9:00a Quilts to Share

9:30a Celebration Bells

11:45 Second Wind

6:30 Women’s Bible Study

7:00p Boy Scouts

9 9:15a Women’s Morning Study

11:30a Staff Meeting

12:00p Lydia Circle

5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs

6:30p New Member Class

7:00p Mentor Meeting

7:30p Chancel Choir


12:00p Library Volunteers

12:00p Office Ministry Lunch

2:00p Faith Stitchers

6:30 Stephen Ministry

7:00 Stewardship Team

11 All day Scout Campout

5:00p Confirmation Retreat


All day Scout Campout

9:00a Sewing for Missions

Work day

13 Pastor Cara preaching

8:30 Chancel Choir

9:45 Praise Team

New members received

11:00 Carol & Cherub Choirs

9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School

Leadership Recognition at all 3


Brunch after each service

14 9:00a Circle of Faith

9:00a Women’s Study

7:00p “Benefits from Bible Study”

7:00p Covenant Bible Study

7:00p Meditation Group

7:00p Men’s Open Basketball

15 6:00a Men’s Prayer Group

9:00a Quilts to Share

9:30a Celebration Bells

6:30p Women’s Bible Study

6:30p Finance Meeting

7:00p Boy Scouts

7:00p Membership Care Team

16 9:15a Women’s Morning Study

11:30a Staff Meeting

5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs

6:00 Wednesday Night Dinner

6:30p Faith Kids & Parents

6:30p New Member Class

6:30 Sewing for Missions

7:30p Chancel Choir

17 12:00p Library Volunteers

1:00p Alzheimer’s Support Group

2:00p Faith Stitchers

7:00p Trustees

18 5-7p Public Spaghetti Dinner

19 Youth Ski Treat > Monday

9:00a New Member Class


Pastor Cara preaching

8:30 Celebration Bells

9:45 Praise Team-Confirmation

11:00 Chancel choir

9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School

21 7:00p“Benefits from Bible Study”

7:00p Covenant Bible Study

7:00p Meditation Group

7:00p Men’s Open Basketball

22 6:00a Men’s Prayer Group

9:00a Quilts to Share

9:30a Celebration Bells

11:45 Second Wind

6:30 Women’s Bible Study

7:00p Boy Scouts

7:00p SPRC

23 9:15a Women’s Morning Study

11:30a Staff Meeting

5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs

6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner

6:30p Faith Kids & Parents

6:30p New Member Class

7:30p Chancel Choir

24 12:00p Library Volunteers

2:00p Faith Stitchers

6:30p Stephen Ministry

25 26 Faith Kitchen

9:00a New Member Class


8:30 Joy Unlimited

9:45 Praise Team-Confirmation

11:00 Joy Unlimited &


9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School

28 9:00a Women’s Morning Study

7:00p “Gospel of John”

7:00p Covenant Bible Study

7:00p Meditation Group

7:00p Men’s Open Basketball

29 6:00a Men’s Prayer Group

9:00a Quilts to Share

9:30a Celebration Bells

6:30p Women’s Bible Study

7:00p Boy Scouts

30 9:15a Women’s Morning Study

11:30a Staff Meeting

5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs

6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner

6:30p Faith Kids & Parents

6:30p New Member Class

7:30p Chancel Choir

31 12:00p Library Volunteers

2:00p Faith Stitchers

January 2013