fairy tales, fables, folk tales

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  • 8/9/2019 Fairy Tales, Fables, Folk Tales


    Title of Lesson: Fairy tales, fables, folk tales

    3rd Grade/4th grade

    Essential Question(s):

    How are fairy tales, fables, and folk tales similar and more

    importantly how are they dierent

    Lesson Objective:

     To explain the diferences and similarities o airy tales, ables,

    and olk tales

    Standard(s): RL 3.2 Recount stories, including ables, olktales, and airy talesrom diverse cultures determine the central message, lesson, ormoral and explain ho! it is conveyed through key details in thetext.

    "ompare and contrast the treatment o similar themes and topics#e.g., opposition o good and evil$ and patterns o events #e.g.,the %uest$ in stories, myths, and traditional literature romdiferent cultures.

    &'( )3)*.+. Recogni-e basic plot eatures o airy tales, olk

    tales, ables, and myths.

    Content Area(s): ReadingLanguage /rts


    0hite board, various !ell1kno!n copies o each to provide


    ( usually pull LT& o examples


    oral, enchantment, anonymous

    Activity Overview:

     TL0 set up a chart on the !hite board divided into thirds !ith the

    titles 45airy Tales, 5ables, 5olk Tales6 and then choose a category

    to begin !ith. /llo! students to tell !hat they already kno!7

    guide them in telling8

    Fairy Tales9 not real and could not possibly be true, begin !ith

    4nce upon a Time6 have d!arves, elves, airies, giants, goblins,

    mermaids, princesses, magic, enchantment describe something

    that is blessed !ith unusual happiness as in airy tale ending

    :xamples are Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, the

    Frog Prince, Little Mermaid

    Fables9 not real, Teach a lesson !ith a moral have animals that

    have human %ualities that have eelings most end !ith 4the

    moral o the story is 86 :xamples9 The Town Mouse and The

    Country Mouse, The Lion and the Mouse, Aesop,

    Folk Tales9 not real, begin !ith 4nce upon a time and end !iththey lived happily ever ater6 places are imaginary, good v. evil,

    giants, goblins, elves, d!arves, they are anonymous and many

    are retold :xamples9 Jac and the Beanstal, Paul Bunyan, Pecos

    Bill, John !enry, Three Little Pigs

    ;;'lease indicate i an attachment accompanies the lesson;;

  • 8/9/2019 Fairy Tales, Fables, Folk Tales


    "reated and &ubmitted by9 :die 0hitley, /lex