faculty time

Myth Busters: The Truth about Time Requirements for Teaching Online Lee A. Freeman The University of Michigan – Dearborn

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WCET 2008 Conference presentation


Page 1: Faculty Time

Myth Busters: The Truth about Time Requirements for Teaching Online

Lee A. Freeman

The University of Michigan – Dearborn

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Myths and misconceptionsAnecdotal and empiricalSurvey basics

42 respondents across 4 units (1 university)Self-reported time and commitmentCourses with >80% online content deliveryMany other details from course(s)Looking to expand respondent set

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Myths and Questions

Is it more time-consuming to develop an online course than a face-to-face course?41% strongly agree21% agree21% somewhat agree14% disagree3% strongly disagree

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Myths and Questions

Is it more time-consuming to teach an online course the first time than a face-to-face course the first time?41% strongly agree34% agree17% somewhat agree7% disagree

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Myths and Questions

Is it more time-consuming to teach an online course the second time than a face-to-face course the second time?18% agree or strongly agree37% somewhat agree19% neutral11% somewhat disagree15% disagree or strongly disagree

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Myths and Questions

Is it more time-consuming to teach an online course the third time than a face-to-face course the third time?11% agree or strongly agree33% somewhat agree26% neutral4% somewhat disagree26% disagree or strongly disagree

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Myths and Questions

Is it more time-consuming to develop a second online course than to develop a first online course?4% agree4% somewhat agree22% neutral37% somewhat disagree33% disagree

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Myths and Questions

Is it more time-consuming to develop a third online course than to develop a second online course?4% agree4% somewhat agree17% neutral33% somewhat disagree42% disagree or strongly disagree

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Myths and Questions

Is course content development more time consuming for online courses than face-to-face courses?93% agree; 0% disagree – 1st time65% agree; 12% disagree – 2nd time37% agree; 21% disagree – 3rd time

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Myths and Questions

Is pre-semester preparation more time consuming for online courses than face-to-face courses?82% agree; 0% disagree – 1st time80% agree; 4% disagree – 2nd time53% agree; 0% disagree – 3rd time

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Myths and Questions

Is faculty-student interaction more time consuming for online courses than face-to-face courses?69% agree; 7% disagree – 1st time59% agree; 10% disagree – 2nd time54% agree; 12% disagree – 3rd time

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Myths and Questions

Is grading and assessment more time consuming for online courses than face-to-face courses?55% agree; 3% disagree – 1st time54% agree; 18% disagree – 2nd time70% agree; 18% disagree – 3rd time

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Myths and Questions

Is course involvement more time consuming for online courses than face-to-face courses?75% agree; 6% disagree – 1st time69% agree; 8% disagree – 2nd time61% agree; 6% disagree – 3rd time

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Myths and Questions

After how many times teaching your first online course did you make it through the technology learning curve for e-learning?42% once35% twice4% three times

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Myths and Questions

After how many times teaching an online course have you made it through the pedagogical learning curve for that course?20% once36% twice32% three times

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Myths and Questions

After how many times teaching a face-to-face course have you typically made it through the pedagogical learning curve for that course?41% once48% twice7% three times

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More Interesting Data…

81% enjoy teaching online courses; 76% enjoy developing online courses

86% initially excited to develop 1st course60% prefer f2f for UG; 23% prefer online37% prefer f2f for Grad; 33% prefer onlineOverall, 47% prefer f2f; 23% prefer online

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More Interesting Data…

Online course development begins twice as early as f2f course development

In 3 out of 4 cases, the f2f course pre-dates the online course

14 years of average post-PhD teaching experience

Developed and taught 1st online course in 2001; developed 2.5 on average

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Data Yet to Analyze…

Effects of development supportEffects of unitEffects of preference and enjoymentEffects of enrollmentEffects of pedagogical choices

Tool usage and CMS usage Interaction and engagement

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Development comes easier than teachingExperience helps alleviate time-

consuming factors of online teachingTechnology learning curve is shorter than

online pedagogical learning curveMuch more to analyze and more data to


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Additional Data Collection

Interested in helping? Let me know...

Lee A. FreemanDirector of Technology & Online EducationSchool of ManagementUniversity of Michigan – [email protected]

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Q & A

Thank you very much for your attention!
