facts about amino acid supplements

Facts About Amino Acid Supplements

Upload: odessa-vellema

Post on 22-Mar-2016




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http://www.mijnsupplementen.nl Amino acids can be broken in to two forms essential and the non essential.


Page 1: Facts About Amino Acid Supplements

Facts About

Amino Acid Supplements

Page 2: Facts About Amino Acid Supplements

Facts About Amino Acid Supplements http://www.mijnsupplementen.nl


Amino acid, the basic component making up the complex proteins, is

an absolute necessity for the functioning of our body systems as well

as the immune system. Amino acids can be broken in to two forms

essential and the non essential. The essential ones are the vital

blocks of the various systems of our body and are found naturally in

many of the foods. But the sad part is that they also get destroyed

mostly owing to cooking modes and does not enter our body in full.

This clearly leads to protein deficiency specially if you are a person

who is in to sports or strenuous activity there is need for greater

intake of protein calories when compared with the body output

through actions.

Page 3: Facts About Amino Acid Supplements

So how do we compensate for the loss? Obviously we cannot be

munching throughout the day and feeding on veggies and meat

rich in protein. May be we can eat the vegetables raw but what

about the meat, they need to be cooked and cooking may lead to

loss of these essential proteins. The answer comes in the form of

protein and amino acid supplement called Fundapeptide which

uses natural means to isolate all the different 20 essential amino

acids in their pure form from 100% natural serum albumin.

Facts About Amino Acid Supplements http://www.mijnsupplementen.nl


Page 4: Facts About Amino Acid Supplements

Amino acid becomes the required need for each cell within our

body not only for their functioning and maintenance but also for

their repairs on a daily basis and fresh regeneration. Many of the

amino acids also function as vital neurotransmitters inside the body

system. Some of the essential amino acids, which cannot be

produced by our systems and hence need to be supplemented from

outside include, Histidine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Lysine,

Phenylalanine, Methionine, Valine, Tryptophan and Threonine.

Even if one among the lot becomes deficit within our body it can

affect the functioning of the systems.

Facts About Amino Acid Supplements http://www.mijnsupplementen.nl


Page 5: Facts About Amino Acid Supplements

All these are made available to the human body in their natural form

inside a capsule called Fundapeptide which is considered as one of

the best amino acid supplement. Fundapeptide gets easily absorbed

once in the body and there is nil wastage as the supplement facilitates

99% ingestion of the essential amino acids and does not leave a

residue. Since it comes in a capsule form there is no requirement for

milk or added sweeteners for its consumption and this puts the calorie

intake for the supplement at zero level.

Facts About Amino Acid Supplements http://www.mijnsupplementen.nl
