fabian pugal

Sometimes we forget that we have our own path to take, instead we just follow the path of others just to assure that we wont do anything wrong. We forget that we are all special in out own ways. Some forget that, and try to mimic the talents of others when there are your own hidden talents inside. If wishes had wings we’d all make it to heaven and we’d all be kings. By: Fabian Angel Pugal

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A digital book made by a student in the Native American Youth Pipeline to College at Pitzer College and Western University - Summer 2012


Page 1: Fabian Pugal


Sometimes we forget that we have our own path to take, instead we just follow the path of others just to assure that we wont do anything wrong. We forget that we are all special in out own ways. Some forget that, and try to mimic the talents of others when there are your own hidden talents inside.

If wishes had wings we’d all make it to heaven and we’d all be kings.  

By: Fabian Angel Pugal

Page 2: Fabian Pugal
Page 3: Fabian Pugal

 I love to play sports, meet new people, and I love to make art. I am Cahuilla Indian. One of my great ancestors was called "FigTree John" because he was known for planting the first fig tree in the Coachella Valley. He was my grandma’s great great great grandpa. His real name was John Razon. He was from the Torrez Martinez Indian Reservation. My autonym is Mau-Wal-Mah Su-Kutt Menyil,which is said to mean "among the palms, deer moon.  


My  Names  is  Fabian  Pugal.  I  am  from  Torrez  Martinez  Desert  Cahuilla  Reservation.  I  am  16-­‐year-­‐old  junior  at  Indio  High  School.  I  have  3  younger  brothers  and  1  younger  sister.    My  dream  is  to  become  a  mechanical  engineer  and  an  artist.    I  love  cars  and  it  would  be  dreams  if  I  were  to  ever  own  a  Nissan  350z.  I  would  love  to  be  very  successful    and  just  know  that  I  have  lived  my  life  to  the  fullest.  My  favorite  drink  is  orange  juice.  I  love  ice  cream.  I  also  like  meeting  new  people.  I  love  to  smile  all  the  time.  I  am  thankful  for  everyday  because  its  beautiful  just  like  each  and  every  person.  

I  love  my  art  so  much.  I  do  understand  that  there  are  people  that  are  way  much  better  than  me.  I  know  that  if  you  practice  you  will  get  better  and  I  think  personally  these  past  years  I  have  been  getting  better.  One  day  I  want  to  have  art  in  the  muesums.  I  do  art  because  it  relaxs  me  and  it  just  amazes  me  sometimes  like  all  this  can  come  from  the  head  and  put  it  on  paper.    I  belive  that  the  imagination  is    the  key  to  loving  life  and  being  yourself.      

Page 4: Fabian Pugal

Healthy eating habits can prevent diabetes from happening. Diabetes can happen

to anybody. Everybody is a victim

and exercise can prevent it.

The anatomy lab was cool. We saw human rib cage and the heart sizes. We saw how the leg worked and all types of other body parts work. We saw an x-ray scan. We also had seen the difference between a regular heart and abnormal heart. I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before.  

We also learned how the people at Disney need to know how the body structure works to draw their characters.





Type 1 Diabetes is a

disorder in which the

body does not produce


Those with Type 1

Diabetes are required to

take insulin injections to

move sugar from the

bloodstream. Type 2

Diabetes occurs when

insulin that the body

produces is less eff icient

at moving sugar out of

the bloodstream.

Gestational diabetes is

when you only get

diabetes when you are


Diabetes: a group disease characterized by high levels of blood glucose. Abc’s of diabetes: A-A1C Blood pressure c-cholesterol can all cause heart disease, eye problems, kidney failure, foot injuries, & more.

When we went to western we did all kinds of exercise that you can do that are inexpensive and they can prevent diabetes.

I  like  to  thank  all  the  doctors  that  helped  us.    They  are  amazing  and  they  have  a  great  job.  They  gave  the  youth  a  great  opportunity  and  took  the  time  away  to  help  natives.  Thank  you!  

Page 5: Fabian Pugal


Angelina:  You  were  shy  at  first  but  you  got  over  it.  I  really  like  talking  to  you  your  real  sweet  &  funny.  You  get  me.    Jane:  Your  really  easy  to  talk  to  a  real  good  friend.  I  liked  playing  basketball  with  you  even  though  I  let  you  win  most  times.    Your  really  chill  and  I  like  your  “eyes”.    Sierra:  Your  funny  with  all  your  dancing  it  always  makes  me  laugh.  Your  just  always  so  happy  I  don’t  ever  think  I  seen  you  down.  I  really  like  talking  to  you.      Luna:  You  have  a  really  quite  voice  but  your  personality  is  so  loud.  Your  so  fun  to  hang  out  with  except  with  you  call  me  DRAKE  its  all  good  though.      Tamela:  We  really  didn’t  get  a  chance  to  talk  but  you’re  so  nice  and  smart.  I  would  of  loved  to  get  to  know  you  more.  

Manny:  You  lucky  im  posting  this  today  but  just  so  you  know  im  going  to  win  this  ninja  game  because  mentors  never  win.  I  really  like  talking  to  you  your  just  cool.  P.s  ninja  for  live!    Mia:  You’re  so  funny  and  cool  to  hang  out  with.  I  liked  talking  to  you  and  all  your  21  questions.  It  was  nice  meeting  you.      Elka  :  Well  I  knew  you  for  so  long  already.  You  and  your  dorky  ways  its  just  so  amazing.  Always  making  me  laugh.  See  when  I  go  home.  Ahah  p.s  I  like  your  glasses  and  Google.    Ashley:  the  tallest  person  on  the  camp.  The  person  who  told  everyone  I  was  drake!  You’re  just  the  best  like  a  best  friend  to  me.  you  and  all  your  funny  faces.  Keep  in  touch!  And  we  will  get  those  tickets.    Nick:  All  your  amazing  songs  there  the  best.  I  like  your  drawings  to  you  always  have  a  lot  to  say.  There  was  never  a  boring  time  with  you.      Jana  &  Jessica:  You  girls  are  amazing.  Your  both  amazing  actors  and  artists.  I  like  the  Hawaiian  dances.  You  guys  are  so  sweet  and  I  love  hanging  out  with  you  guys  you  always  make  me  laugh  and  you’re  such  amazing  friends.  Baka  buddies  for  life.  

Amber:  Your  silly  ways  are  funny.  Playing  colors  in  the  pool  and  just  to  be  around  you  was  fun.  All  the  random  stuff  you  say  it’s  the  best.    Mikey:  Your  so  down.  I  liked  being  your  roommate  your  funny.  The  high  kicks  you  can  do  and  the  poster  on  your  wall  funny  stuff  man.  I  hope  your  foot  gets  better.      Christa:  YOU’RE  THE  BEST!  You  know  so  much  and  you  always  asked  so  many  questions.    I  love  hanging  out  with  you  I’ve  known  you  for  1  year  and  it  feels  like  forever!    Alex:  Your  crazy  man.  Your  chill  and  it  was  nice  meeting  you.  You  remind  me  of  my  cousins.  All  those  down  times.  Keep  in  touch.    

Kayleen:  You  have  like  the  best  vibes.  Your  not  afraid  to  say  anything  I  like  that  it  always  made  me  smile.  I  hope  you  get  far  in  life.  P.s  I  like  the  word  Chiz!    Jerred:  Your  so  funny  I  had  so  many  good  times  with  you.  Your  hilarious  &    daring.  You  added  a  little  more  fun  to  the  pipeline.      Alysha:  I  thought  you  were  shy…  proved  me  wrong.  Your  so  funny,  you  always  made  me  laugh  and  everything  you  did.  yYou  made  my  days  better  even  when  they  were  good.    Shane:  you  seem  so  calm  and  like  nothing  seems  bad  for  you.  Your  real  nice  and  a  good  friend  it  was  nice  meeting  you.  Your  very  funny  to.        

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