f f · aman's ipv^ for jernis^ apply 1 a a crests ond half chests tea ; 20 1 uu hhds. st....

Sumucl 0 extensive stock o thare i m qny flw 0 , nndhe is prepared J naA sooit jft fettiy jeqwrttr < *«f*f J ^ ftf WWif wUWj. trade, «ra too utsdffleOfW s»*»'Hat T urgo Jim is prxitfctc *hen at 71 "Haiden-lantf the » no insii*. Mew Y jk, o* towriteforthem. BALDNES' PAUM COI-UMRj wroch,w>H bwph jf XaUin&out^riwtojeuon bald pUcoa-j ahd on. cbiidreit Jwka rt W»^88f,.« on ihoae VliP. We lost the,l»air from any cause. , AJ.1 yCRMBS tlwUofesl tlu> i*ao> of childwa in schools, 8>*j>rovorit«d. ir kill«d byit«t one*—- i£or Bayer By it. RHEUMATISM, *»i .AMENESS ibm *>)i or the VJSW^ ^ftpT^% n but never -»ith«ut (6* .n«ra» of Com«t»clt & do on it PILES &. d if the attack Baft and e**rjr lliing:tsH«*Bd by itfthatadmitfc. of art duV, w s t j application*., It **» lik« «chsrm, "Cseitf tSES tint have RingJJone, Spunn, eiujM by KWsVSraseme} add h o i m •n&reljf «aied by Roofs' Oihttaqni, M«k thi«, ill horsemen. Ex* W BURNS &: SCALDS end 1 *>r*j,.-uud..rtrc IKJSMSII Jl has delighted thousands. It Vr8l ttfcs out *llTmn ^a ten minutes, UN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. k. better and rnoTfc n mce and mstfiil ajficle? never Wai » * it- ILI.fl'S on, tho,jinncipl« of sub tiluting <ha<toRte-iB place of 1he Mtmulaittfntiaplis, which fats teibnfaftd so man> ! TpDe usedt*itn: "" "* UN'S IsWaEali PILLS,-sopenor to all other* tor cle»Mmg the «yst«m ind. the hnraors »ffect jnf "tite bloody* n i for «U irregoliirmo* of Ae baw«b, HEADACHE OH8POj-fN<8 HEA0AOHE REMEDY unlL efftcruilry curt ack ^headache* either from thi j, r ^ |Iandred«ofCumlio«-i)re uUuig il unth great joy. Dft.BPOHN'8 ELIXIRO: for too c«n»tt prerention of QJj HEALTH, orally | ^most gt fact oilier, the b.oWs TC^UIIT^ Mid i dhterminatioat* COLDS COUGH Ihe Iwnei, houKnos, and,ISifiBE8SEi iJ4t hit aar * a& y*ft wuih, but wlf not cdqr HTi« skin SARSAPARH.LA, POUND JEXTKACT. Tberftiaao other prepar* Don ef Su«apitnQa. v tIuit on exceed or equal thi« jf you are JHITO »o gtcCoKstuuiL'h| psTiittt fiod It to all oihcn. It dbr« pot reguire rjufSng. ^ ^ OELE^TIAL OF CHINA. Apontit* ««r*{br ih«- file*, and alt axterraj ailing*—alt internal irritations brought to tbi aoziaci by fruition, with lh» B«hn,-^ao in ccqigW, nrtUe^oraom'^tbroat,tiSghin***»f the cheat, thi» Bibn applied on * flannil inll tthern »nd c u « at once, tnwft wound* or «H*ot»* aw rapidly crmid: by it 'EXFEC-'EOR.ANT' Mken ini!ii«), »»d B «. delightful rcniedj. iwr the nittftej aoi I*t CWiliefo, < V K0LM5T0CK r S VERM1FUBE BB3 wiih * ««umtjf unit* Mtoawhing. It is licsime k, *ud sells wjlh a nipiilil. . , •«& By *pffjrjuif to onr *gtnt« m cadi ( UHH mu KilUf*! p*p«r»-m»j>J» had free,-fhoming ihc m » I*ap«c(j|bl* ffimiH lit the; couture foe three fnc'i «• l fi i t s t M ^ ^ r All Hio,x;artj(.i«n to h inut wln?}*««5e jwwt rtttid onlr of BH. ^cjwbargbrby Ogtlcrjeburgrh,. E<D.S l S twa* fe ATEX ])enxfa« indebted" t o i M W t e J X L C O L n MORRIS &-SOJJ, are? requested ti «rttf"#oirtrby nmltmsirnnicditttis payment to lhesub. •cnb*r« wjio w duly awftijnzccl to setilp nnd clo-o at SaFrs, Gr , a»«-ftmf, fee dd mW,OtL jaery, Bruih**, fcc }y on h««* «ML for *ale nwedtiec tr tmJkfftg, M 4MBnclt Store* tmcot pnsn ce« forCio#4 Juna 1st, 1812, Notice. oM under this iirw of X fc^^Awi ^•H^^V vD^^vH^H *F M09mJB ^^fc Vf^H*- T HIS.-f«rori»e»Steamce usift jwn doBng iho .season tareSiJalSs each week from Ogaens. burgh lo Oswega, os.ftjl»v«si 9 svexnog, arriving oest marntatOawcgo. -LEAVES oillalay tu Saturday at 8 otl'k, A- M i V. M.-» heO'n'fida meets the Steamer St. Lawrence, t, VanCleve, at^fetfego on her arrival ready tocefi.4:to LewisWpyvia- Rochester withall pi^ga|ja9!rahjng g p The St tbfiwriericfe arrivesittrt her-downward passive at g'ifetSjiafttopufaJl passengers going to Montreal; Jjr>fte».Moflfiota'port8, on board the OrfSfefy Bflatlcavei! -as above. rfeuSfejfyncri B a l c a e ! The-Oaeida and St."EawrenEe have been fit. tod up in the best style and will give entire sat- i«facSon'lo alt who may take passage on them. * nJ.'H. « R E E R , iEing»«on. •'•' - STOW & FIEtDS, Sachet'*, Refer to H. FIT^HUGB, Omega. E. B. AiLBN, Ogdcnsburgh. G . » . SEYBSpwSf " " VHt H AVE just received a most Splendid Lot o •• e W W c t y - o f BOOTS &SHOES, from the largo Eastern Manufacturing Establishments, purchased for cash qtvery much reduced price; which they" invite the p'ublit to examine to examine. A choice as^or(ttanV«f ^BASTlBKIf LEATH. Elt; Will be kept constantly for sale. They have just received a lot ol JSztia, quality Sole Leath tr and Calf. "Stint, at reduced prices. Ogden»hurgh,Tttay ^0,1848, '" Pertodicala* Tj D. SEAE1E, General Agent for all th X V . Periodicals printed in tho "United States, and other Books arid Papers, Will receive sub. srajptionaand-order lhe,worka ftom the publish. ersassooAastpiiibK,sitlfer&# d>oyeaf%rsin. gle number, at hi& well known Office Wator-st Y | ^ p thaJjhoyiavSopepeda,' E>ainIIy Grocery and PTOTUIQH St»re, in i^#^t I'^'.B^W n ^S? ^?^ s ^ where they h»ve on hand a general assortmen or Grocerieai &c.,-amoDg-whlcb rriny be foun "th follj Smtm Sugar, 2Wo«o, Lamp Ftppirs Spies, Ginger, Salara. ablh Shit, ^Bdt and, Fancy m^rpm Sbtres, JPrina. Raisint, SmitfPiidJ ...juomm. Am WINES of aH'kihds, and-n General Aseorrmont of Pro Tisione, all of which they, will dispose of low for Ga«h.-^jid; ^osUtind* ofcoantry Prodnco. IAjSTMT & OiMSTED. S ftif ja. T. BACON, &. co. GQOJDJS} gSiB^fiO EMY^c^whieh they offer nt price*Ar-reduced nqd-in:proportion to ihc embigency of the times. Customers are invited toeall and eramine pri ces and qualities before purchnsing.e>owhere. N. B. -BTJTTEItukci* in- olchange for th> Above articles, sntl.-cnstamers will be, aatisfied thmt thoy get. more goods" for their Batter Hhan |n former year»« , ifrim - 2S-U- Spinni ltlonl , WJwels l^ Hor ^^&lntlonltaSfy bl^a single Wheel or Sozenf at the ^Sib ,|W, EClffAE by'th of thi tands at iaednced Prices!* rnHE^findereignea'miiseliK'vcrallotsof gooc Jt"*aWcWef#^ti;^aua1)le »!*.Wfi*. «y. INS—In.whplenndrhalf-JBqjra, Mrimi iele,'fot«al&hy * ' •• - STEitMAN &. HTJMPHKEyr l ,:.•- ••' 17-tf TUST received at the 'SCLdioreneeCath Stort, J »choi6e aMortment of new and deiirable Gooasf^rhicK will be told very chenp forcash. -..-i « , EDWEN-JPiARK. csjgwrs/// T D S T received, on consignment, and for salt •I ittloi<tosnitpurchasera^IO0Oaoion No, 1 2 and 3 .sili} ciit lackered eaif%8e*^ flad lih Tobacco; and2 ,;ri2-and3gallon jjiw^Bnperior MacciBoy SNUFF, together-with SOOOsweetscdnted priri- cipe, slight ani brown- Ilavanna CIGARS, war. ranted oCsuperior flavor, at factory prices. ' "" S.S.SM&DES, NaTMWatefjit. 2*-tf f liOWSI PloiWJ! Blow*It!—The siih. scriber has juit received"on conBignrnent, a idlVfForaytB's-pdfenf PLOWS; superior in all respects to any ever before offered in ihi« Xodtioa ol tho country. -Farmers, call and exnmine. '«" S;S-S#UyDES2fo I"* W Received, May 36,1842 Pi ARCHIBALD, Auc'r. n24 JUBI received a large NGTOft and VER. IASS, of M »ise»—which will b sold low by SflLLf t ^schineShop next west of tho Flouring Mills, aTtdr fitted it op with extensive Machinery, is prepared to esemite orders for Flatting and GrooJ- Vihg floor boards, andforuinking any quantity tf WindmnSiieki Blind*,, Boors, <J-c., on short notice and on reasonable terms. < ' •. E P A supply' of Snsh, Gleee and Patty, willbi Uopreortsttsntly oft'Earnf. '• B. COOJC ? " 1842. 4-tf atRQ^Shwaei and bem? than k sold at any other store in this yillaga, to my knowledge—retnfling at the People's Store, by :> 'sirMMS3SSil JEffind 1 ?, 1841* B ROWN SiJ&dcftv—41 lbstfpr pr» dollar I Enle at the People's Store by 1S> -fiUMAHiSHALL. Angtost 17,1841. Who "Wants to make Money A good chat&e,for a-$afe vnve tmU, and a " long-pull and & afetope rj"\HBaub eqbgr offere for aalq or jj. mescliaugpfp.rujpod tmprq . tnrhed boxes, ANVILS, ,.. , TRACE CHAINS, WIN. w.v 0LASStSHEETZING,LEAP#COP. PER, TINPLATS, WIBE, fc; Also a large lot of CLOCKS $ LOOKING GLASSES, of a '-- quality, together with a large lot of -- J(G,PLATE # PARLOUS STOVES, among wliich afe a number of the latest impro- ved patterns. The TILDEN IMPBOVED PATENT COOJKING STOVE, with an ele- vated oven, is, beyond all doubt, the best and most convenient stave fur a cooking stove that has ever been invented. Hundreds will testify to the fact' that the above stove is decidedly the host and most convenient stove now in use. "^. ISavenleoT irnsorrooction to the above busi- ness, a TEIU'Ware Manufactory Establish- ment, whero is daily manufactured all kinds ot Tin, Capper * SlteeLlton Ware, in all its va- rious branches, and all kinds of JOB WORK done at short notice. (p»St6ro in Marble Row, Water street, opposite theSteamboat Landing, and. two doors south from the Exchange Hotel. Ogdensburgh, June 7th, 1842. 50tf. fc S. A f a f t l f e l s ^ o t Wild Lonl "in i|io Miller Settlement well limbered and within $ aiileaof Ogdenaburgh, 1-4of the purchase raoa- y dowtlj .t*B!|iJUfr,remjiind,er in 5 yearly pay. ments, ^ngrManpnjlJy^^The auhscriber hns fe^iS^i#/1 J3 i«« « the river aman's iPV^ For jernis^ apply 1 A A CRESTS ond half chests TEA ; 20 1 UU hhds. St. Croix ond P. Rico Sugars, 10 Boxes Loaf and Lump do 20 Kegs and Boxes Tobacco, 5 tons pure White Lead (dry and in oil,) 200 sides best Sole Leather, 300 casks Whiskey ond high wines, just~ireceived a,nd for sale by Also, Salt, Flour and Plaster on hand at the lowest ensh rates. n22v!2 To Rent. E Dwelling Hooso and Lot plea santly situated on the corner o Jay and State streets now occupied by the Rev'd Mr. Brand. Possession to be had immediately 7 enquire of W. H. MARSHALL. Dated, Ogdensburgh, Mny 3,1.843. , Battier Joao 7,1849. 25-ir CONFECTIONARY. Boxes assorted^—Just received ntrd foi O sale by STO.LMAN & HUMPH&EY June 14,1842. 26tf D &XJUX SALT^—50 Bags Dairy Salt-Jusi received and for sale by STILLMAN ^ HXTMTBREY. June 14,1842. ' 26. if N BW.YOKKsteam refined CONFECTION ARY, bythe box, at No. 7 Water Bt. 1 • ' S. STILWJELL. Jr.." P ATENT PAILS—Cheaper than ever—fo aale by tho single pail or dozen, at the sign of ihe-Peopte's Store, by W, H. MARSHALL. 21st, March, 1843. 14-tf. Co-partnership. r I ^HE subscribers have formed a co-partnership JL under thefirmof STILLMAN f HUMPHREY, for the transaction of GROCERY, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING BUSINESS Mr. Thomas MISSION, AN BUSINESS, at the »toro formerly occupied by Bacon on Water Street. OgdensburghJinreh 28th, 1842. ,' CO&NELIUS STILLMAN, ., * * HER NY 8. HUMPHREY. 15-tf Xlotiee. r i i H E subscribers, would inform tho public that X they have purchased the stock of GitOCE- RIES forraorty owned by Thomas Bacon, which consist in ageneral nssoriment of TBASi'SUGAR, TOBACCO, SNUFF, WIN. EOWGJU&SS, RAISISS, SPICES, $c. $c. which they now offer for sale at the lowest mar. kef prices. Ulareh'2Sth, 1842. STILLMAN & HUMPHREY. N. B. Having sold'ont my entire interest in the above concern, I would cheerfully recommend to my customers and friends a continuance their patronage. THOMAS BACON. Whiskey & Higli-Wines. TAMESG. AVERELL, has just received a «J JUpply from the celebrated Establishment o /. 0. f B. S11ITB, Ohio,^ which will be disposed of at law rates for cash His arrangements arc, such, that be expects to be constantly supplied from their works. 21-tf. Ogdensburgh May 10, 1842. T)AINTS AND OILS—A full assortment o JL Paints of euperior quality kept constantly fqr sale at low prices, at the sign of the Red Mortar, Wattr-at. R. D. SEARLE. JulyIS40 !.—A good assortment of WINES, «U» BRANDT, GIN, St. CROIX RUM, ANBW^NGLAND RUM, for sale cheap by the gallon or less quantity, M the People's Store, by W.H. MARSHALL. June 7, 1841. Reduced Prices! F OR Sale at the Ogdensburgh Book Store, Foolscap paper, No. 1, faint lined, and war- ranted good, at the reduced price of 32,50 pr Ream. . letter, and wfapning.paper at eqully re- dOced prices. Elementary Spelling books are now Gelling at six shillings per dozen. H. FLAGG. March 15th, 1942. DI3 . TIJSjE received, ot tho Book Store, General J Theller?s NEW WORE ONCANADA, in 1837*8." . March 1 15,1B43. n13 S PRING HAS COME!—A new arrival of Shaker Garden Sued, for eale at the sign of the Peopled Store, by W. H. MARSHALL. 21st March, 1842 14-tf. TTrfflSKEY—For sate by the bnm-1, gallon. »f or less quantity cheap, at the People's Store, hy , W.H.MARSHALL. Jane 7,1841. The Fashionable Tailor, tho LATEST FASHIONS. Yon will find his shop the next door below the lar store. Wattt&t.&gdtmbimgh, N. Y. J.N.O&WELL. Ogtlen'ainugh, November 16,1841. OF UVEBWORT, For tfifi wre '.$. CesSM'npt'OS, Ltv^h Complaint, Atya\ rai$itaiian of ihe Heart, Voids, i0 L lHeerajt$. MORRIS is appointed Agent far the;' sale of this valuable medicine-— A supply .'constantly kept for sale at his. Apotheeafy store in Ogdensburgh. Be careful to use non»,uj]loss the certificate of copy-right be on the wrapper and label, and the label signed in my own hand writing. ' ' Natt!—All other preparations of this Medi- cine, undar nty name, not accompanied by cer- tificate of popyright, are UNAUTHORISED AND SPtnSTOUS,and a liberal reward will be paid for such proof as will lead to the conviction of any persdn, W;ho signs myname toany paper relating tomy Balsam of Liaerwort. GEO. TAYLOR, M. D. I/T0R1GA6D SALE Default haying beep }/X mode to the payment ot a certain 1 wort gage exogmed hy ftuchoi Pqrn ofc tbojqwn of Jbwegatchie, ui the county of St Mwrpntc and Hate, of New York to Robert Rogers of tho itrmo place, bearing date the twenty third day >f ApnllS39, which mortg ge, together with ho power of solo thorein. contuw4 was record, ed in the office of the clerk of the coun.ty.iot St. Lawtejiqe on the 86th day of Deoembet,4p9, at 7 o'clock P. M. in Book No. 9 of Mortgages pages 295, 29lj and *},!»?,.and on which there is riow claimed to be due at the time of tbe first iublica.liojj.of this notice the sumof four hun- [rod sixteen dollars and fifty five cents—Notice i therefore hereby given that by vtftu.e of the tatuiee of this state nnd of a power of sale in said iwriyufju coulaincd, the said mortgage will be forectoasd by a sale at ptiblio auction o* ventlue at the Washington Hotel now kept by Michael S. Daniels In the village of Ogdetwburgh in the county of S*t. Lawronce .and e.taw of $Tow York, on Saturday, the 8th d»y of October, next, at two o'clock in the aflerhoon of that day of the premises' described in said mortgage as tpltows, to wit: Atl that certain piece or parcel of Jand situate lyingand being in the town of Oswegatch- ie aforesaid being pjart of lot number fourteen in Wards Tra_ci—Beginning at the easterly cor. ner of lot number twelve, ihenee along the line between lots numbers twelve and fourteen so far as that a line drawn across said lot number fourteen on a oourSB parallel with thefirstmen- tioned bounds to tbe line of lot numbcr.oLtteen, and iponce along said line to the place of begin- ning, as shall contain the exact quantity of fifty two acres of land. Being the lot of land convey- ed by the above description to the said Rachel Doro by David C. Judson by deqd bearing date Octobor 29th, 1836, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of said county in Book Np,24ol deeds pages 190, 191, &e.—Dated July 1'2,1842. •ROBERT ROGERS, R. W- JtJDsotf, - Mortgagee. Attorney. 3<M2w P Climper than Ever I scythe snndle.no better inmarket, for snip cheap nt thn People's Store, by a 184* W. H. MARSHALL. SALMON. & No. 1 MACKEREL- oil tirlScte, no Mistake, retailing t»-««f»» Store, by* W. COUCHS, GQUffi, & UVER COMPLAINTS, fS AN BE CURED by the timely use of Dock, \j E. PACK'S " Compmmd Tiuctnare of Bloodroot. Also ihe' iSelabrate'd "Compound" Boarhound and Bonetelt" Candy, Balsam Liverwort, Lily Syrup, Jayne's Expectorant or Parker's Pulmo- nary Balm. F6r sale at the Red Mortar-, by R. D. SEARLB. Ogdensburgh, Feb. 92, 1842. [44tf. T HjB subscribers are nuw receiving a j and choice assortment of GROCERIES, consisting ofTeas, Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, b ger, Rice, Loaf and Lump Sigar, Raisins, Starch Soap, Citron, Mustard, Pepper Sauce, Assorted Picliles, Cassia, Snuff, Blacking, and all kinds of Nuts. Also, an assortment of Choice Liquor: at Wholesale and Retail, by ST1L&MAN & HUMPHREY. Ha ££ f Pig Iron in exchange for Rye' F OR 3OOO bushels of good ond merchant- able RYE, deliverable at the Pariaville Granary next January and February, will now be given at ihe Rossie Iron Works, first quality Pig Iron, in the proportion of one tonof 2000 pounds Of Pig Iron for sixty-five bushels o 56 pounds of Rye, good and merchantable.— The needful papers will be exchanged at th< Ogdensburgh Land Office. GEORGE PARISH.' Ogdcnsbargh, June 21, 1842. 29—tf Hail-Itoad lAue. A. W. WOOtit.BY, H AS just received-a General Assortment ol Family Groceries, with a full assortment ol Wines and Liquors, which »ill be sold to Tav- ern Keepers, cheaper than at any other establish. tnent in Ogdensburgh, for cash or approved cred- it. Butter, and most kinds of Country Produce wanted. Please call and examine the articles and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Yours, in haste, June 9. A. W. WOOhLBY. Farmers Look Out!! B-undersigned .hajre_ commenced business ¥<?. --.„» »-^irdenaburgh tind are now .ron of the original patent *'Lord' &Skinner-," an feel confident in saying tothe farming commu- nity that the article We arc now manufcetenng will excel, in durability, any made in the coun- ty. Our castings ore made at une uf the best furnaces intho state, and our timber is of the best seasoned Oak. The workmanship will show for itself. The above Plows will be Bold chedp for cash or eodntry produce. The above Plows will bo found with David BtirdiH, or,at the shp next door on Cnthqrino-st. Also Points and;-Land-Si(lc8 of various patterns in use. Repairing of Plows dono on short no- tice. A. B. CHAPIN & Co. Ogdensburgh, March 10,1841. 16 D EFAULT having been made in the pay- ment of a certain mortgage oxecuted by Robert Tau> and Ellen his wife of thij town o Madrid in the county of St. Lawrence and State of Now York to Henry Church of the village of Sacket's Harbor in the county of Jefforsoh and State aforesaid bearing date the twelfth day of February 1889, which mortgage together with the power of salo therein contained was recor- ded in the office of the clerk of die county o St. Lawrence on ihe 22d day of February 1839 at 10 o'clock, A. M., in Book No. 8 of mortga. ges, pages 537, 538, 539, and onwhich there is now claimed to bedue at the time of the firs publication of this notice tbo sumof six hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty cents—Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of the stat- utes of this State and of a power of sale in said mortgage contained, the said mortgage will be foreclosod by a sale at public auction orvenduea tho Hotel kept by F. Orvis in the village, of Wad dmgion in tho county of St. Lawrence audStnlo of New York onSaturdny ihe eighth day of Oc. tobcr next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of thai day of the premises described inBaid mortgag< as foliows^ to wU:'** All "tfraT CAjriuiu -piece -o parcel of land situate, lying and being in the village of Waddington town of Madrid in th county of Saint Lawrence and State of New York being known and distinguished si th whole of lot No. 8, of the lots laid out on west north street, beginning at the north westerl corner of theblock where the eastorly line ol maple atrfiet intersects the southerly lino of wesi north street and running from thence north six- ty snven degrees east along tho southerly line ul west north street one chain and fifty links, thence south .twenty three degrees east and parallel with maple street throe chains and thirty foul links to the northerly line of the lot now in pos session of James A. Mott, in muplo street, thenc south sixty seven degrees west along ihc sam lino one chain andfiftylmka to the easterly line of maple street and thenre north twenty three degrees-west along theeaid line to the place of beginning.—Daled April 15, 1642. HENRY CHURCH, ^ Mortgagee. T fcC pubhoaro advert! odthat.this dpf men* of tho Qgdensbuigji Academy ha een opened and I in uccebslul operation under the uptnntondonco of the Rev J A BHAVTON, AM as Principal of tho Academy who tchar acfer as a gentleman, of easy and pica ing ad drejw, of nice moral sensibility and as an export enceB unsuccessful teacher, may assure parents and guurdiaris of special advantages for u high drdcfof female ediicfttjoni ni^yallable to young ladies cotnimiteu 1 to his supervision. The Acod. omy'bvjllding and yards b»vebeen fined up with a view to neatness and comfort; and Mr. Bray. tdri1)i«S*pToviden h i r n l f i h l t ' e i j s ^ r y ^ s " i c e a C o r qon,duQtin nef asM is confi X Office oh I Wd street, OgdenaUufgli, tWo doors w e s t o f f f ' T Bacon &Co'fl alone B'oro-. Tin* Company, which has been m successful opera- tion about (bur years, continues tp in ure Tnrm Houses, Barns, etc, and to take other ordinary risks. ' •>..'!.>• i • .! The system of mutual InSuranco, for somfi years insuccessful operation in;Vormont; nnd, other ptaifp, and more recently introduced into, this state, qannoj fiiil, if.undefftafldj, |o fluner. a mlnnef asM is confidSntly.believed.willte isfnctfiry tothe entire community, The established prices of tuition will be found in the following schedule, viz:— For quarter ot eleven weeks, Reading, Wri- ting, Spelling, Elementary Arithme. tic, - - - - - - $4,00 The above included with History, English Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, 5,00 All the higher branches with the Classics, 6,00 Extra ohorges for Drawing and Paint- For French language, - - - 2,00 Music, - • - - - - 10.00 For terms to bodfdiiig scholars, and such oth- er information,;** way be desired, apply to the Principal, or either of the Executive Commit- tee—Dated July 13, 1840. J. A. SAVAGE, G. N. SEYMOUR, JOHN FINE, S. STILWELL, \ Executiee Committee R. D. SEARLE, S. GILBERT, Kew Goods \\ FIRST FALL ARRIVAL. TUST RECEIVED at the St. Lawrence J Cash Store, a large supply of Fall Slid Winter Goods consisting of. Bl'k, Blue Bl'k, Blue, Brown, Adelaide invis- ible Green Cloths, Cussimeres, Satinetts a large assortment, Pilot( Licmskin, and Mnhair Cloths, for overcoats. French fig'd Thibet cloths, French and Eng- lish Merinos and Circassians, rich printed Saxo- ny, Monseluin de lain. SILKS, bPk and blue bl'k Italian Silks, Poult de Loui, Gro do Naples, Gro de Swiss, Grtftle Berlin, Gro do Afric, and Gra de Nap's. Plain and fig'd SATINS^ Bonnet silks nnd Satins, dress hd'kfe, scarfs, shawls, a large assort- ment of hat and cap Ribbons. Pins, Topes, Needles, Thread, sewing silks, and comprising every article that con bo called for in the Diy Goods line. EDWIN CLARK. Ogdensburgh, Sept. 5(A, 1840. Dentistry. D R. AMBLER has locnted himself perma- nently at Ogdensburgh, and will devote his mis state, ^miiiui, IUU, ^ um»p(muiju, sede the old system, of insuring in aio nies whose solvency flopenfls up_6rM6 many con- tingencies and whose location ntagreatdistance from many of tho insured, renders the collection of losses slow and difficult.* Mutual ,insunii;co is intended to remedy thoae eviJaand^ ^ t e n d e r insurance cheap nnd convenient. Everyfiersbn who insures in this company becorfiesft metaber, is. entitled tovote in the election of ita Officers, and directly interested in. its prosperity. At the time'of his application he gives a note without interest to-the company for tbe amount of trie premium, which depends upon tlie amount insu- red, and the comparative hazard of the risk and pays in five per confe of the note and is then in- sured for five years. Thus A. wishes to insuru five hundred dollars upon a detached stone farm house, the premium upon which tit 5 per cent. would amount to $25,00,for wliich" eum he gives' his note to tho company and pnys-in Sil',25, be- ing five per coht. of the note. Incuse, of loss, the Company assesses tho same upon all tho notes in iheir bands, and A. is called upon to' pay his proportion, never toexceed the wh'ole amount of his note, and probably, not ono-tenth thereof. If no toss happens, A. has paid ono dollar and a quarter, and had §S500 insured for five years, which, including- Ihe.aoixpnjjclwrges.fpjr policies,' would at llie jusjiul rajea jri any^atock company have cost him for tbe sumo time p29j35, and at the expiration of his policy his note isc&mfelfea/ The reports of those companies for several'years in operation show that including »U losses, mu- tual insurance saves tothe insttfed upon an ave- rage, more than soventy.fivo per cent, of the premium. The, Company invite the public' to come for- ward and participate in the benefits ofmuulal as« sistance. Tho fallowing are theDirectors: Bnron S. Doty, William Bacon, Simepn D. Moody, Charles Lyon, Amos Bacon, Royal Vi- ins, Ira Wheelock, Thomas Bacon, CoWns A. Rurnham, Darius Clark, Zenas Clark, John Rhodes, Abel P. Morse. The following gentlemen have been appointed Surveyors in the differeni towns, and applica. tions fur insurance may be mado to either ot them or to thoSecretary : y gg tlin practice of Dentistry. He mny J>e lound at hts residence, corner of Ford and Curo line-ats., except on occasional absence, of which notice will be given in this paper. Tooth ache cured without extracting nnd with, out pain.—A cure is warranted.—Aug. 18,1340 S TATE OP NEW-YORK.—CoJtrTROLL- ER'S OITICE, Albany, April 18, 1842.—Cull of one quarter of tho IWoney loaned on account of the 1). S. Deposito Fund. All persons who have borrowed money from the United States Beposite Fund, and havo giv. | on mortgages to the Commissioners appointed under the " Att authorising a loan of certain motleys belonging to tho United States, deposi- ted with tho State of Now York for safe keep, infj," passed April 4, 1837, are hereby notified, as provided in the first section of the act, chap. 2fi4 of the laws ef 1841, that one-fourth part of the principal money of each and ovory mortgage will be exacted on the first day of Juno 1813. Such pcrsutip, h wever, as pay to tho Commis- sioners onr.fifth, or 20 per cent, of the principal of their mortgages respectively during ihe month of October noxt (1842), will bo considered as having complied with the notice fur paying 25 per cent at the endof the year. [21-lyj A. C. FLAGG, Comptroller. Canada Money Wanted !! W J O N E S has jus; received a new assort. ment of Grvcerjua gen«rally called for in his trade. He wants to have tbe people tu. lified that he will sell his goods at the lowest cosh price, and receive in payment all kinds of produce and Canada money, without chnrging any discount. tCTSufciy fund P£S not refused. Amorgh a present stock may bo found nil kinds of TEAS. TOBACCO, SUOAR, COFFEE, GINGER. RICE, PEPPER, SPICE, SAI~ JSRA TUS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, CA ND V, CANDLES, STARCH, SOAP, CITRONS, SODA CRACKERS, CLO VES, NUTMEGS, MUSTARD, PEPPER-SAUCE, TABLE- OIL, TABLE SALT, DAIRY SALT, SNUFF, INK, BLACKING, CIGARS, NUTS, CINNAMON, PATENT PAILS. HARD. WA SB. HERRINGS, CODFISH, No. 1 MACKEREL, LAMP OIL, STRAINED HONEY. BRANDY, GIN, RUM, WHIS. j J Also, a new assortment Brown Earthpnware, i-hoapcr than the cheapest. Pltmse call and ex- amine before purchasing elsewhere. - W. "JONES. O«densburffh, June 7th, 1841. Canada ANADA Money Wanted! , groceries. ' | 1 H E subscriber has this day received a fall assortment of Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Tobac- co, and other GROCERIES, suitable for Village or Country dealers, which will be sold lowfor Cash. JAB. G. AVERELL. Ogdeneburgh, May 10,1842. 22-tf Lands for Saie.~ ands in tho Town of Oswegatchie, JL known a? tho , VAN SOLENGEN LANDS, are for aale under the direction of tho subscriber R. H. GILLET. Ogdensburgh, May 10,1841. 31. o N HAND—aocto galls. WHISKBT FarWcll'a patent, concave Grass Scyl&es, and a general assortment of Haying tools for sale low, at No. t Water-st.,by SMITH STtLtsrfiLL, Jr. First Arrir&in NOW OPENING AT THE St. Lawrence Cash Store A Largo and splendid assortmeut of fancy and staple Dry Goods. May 5,1841. EDWIN CLARK. Printing From Eddy'* Manufactory, Wntorford, N. Y,, For«a,le by the keg, at this Office. Nov. 1840. P ORE WINES and LIQUORS, this day re. ceived the most extensive assortment ever offered in St. Lawrence county. Whiskey anp Ogdensburgh Ale, always on hand and Car sals b f tfie barrel, by S. STILWELL, Jr. Ogdensburgh. 29 Oct. 1839. Large, Spinning Wheels. fJ^HE subscriber basjnst received a quantity of X the above article which he offere for salo, WM. JONES. Ogdonaburgh, Juno 7th, 1841. B ROWN SI'OAR. a good article, and cheap, er than ever. If you doubt it call and see. Jnrreh VOW W HMRSHU -W H ONEY—Pure dimmed Honoy for sale cheap J>y tbo Pouud, at the Pmplr's Store, by W. H. MARSHALL. June 7,1841. Soda Crackers. A USEFUL ARTICLE, lttfeicknossor health forealo hy the oound. bv by the pound, by W.H.MARSUALL. t * 1NE DAIRY SALT for solo hy the bag, 28 X7 lbs. in a bog, at tho People's Store, by W. 11. MARSUA1JL. June 29th, 1841. ' Cash! VIET ANTED—Bythe Subscriber VV of the .PEOPLE'S ST6RE, nhGMS&SBmiMLAX , niilic Sinn (Ford .stroll) SmDh iho.MS&SBmoniMLAX- yvfri teKenjtoge for ca£k$LtH6 f mice. . m It-TttA #adO$teb9 Iftl C ANADA MONEY, Bank Bill", or short quarters, received at par in exchange for Goods at tho sign of the People's Store, by W. H. MARSHALL. Ogdensburgh, 16th Nov., 1841. Attention! Farmers, Mcclianics, and Laborers / A T HE undersigned liaVe just received at their Store in Water Street, inirddmon to their stock of Groceries, an assortment of Dry Goods, which they will sell ns cheap as the Veto Store, and take all kinds of Farmer's Produce in pay.— All it requires for a proof of tho facts, is that the public should call and examine for themselves, also just receiving onCommission an assortment of Teas, viz: OLDA YOUNG HYSON, HY- SO& SKIN, TWANKAY, GUNPOWDER, IMPERIAL & BLACK TEAS, together with TOBACCO pjiue different kittdasuitable for the Canada Market, 'alNf which Will be Bold unu- sually low for cash or country produce! CASH paid tot Com, Rye, Oate, &c, &c. A McNULTY&Co. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 16, 1841. • ' rTVAKES this opportunity of hiformine the en. _L izens of Ogdensburgh and vicinity, that lie keeps on hand and for sale a general assortment of Family Botanic Medicines, warranted to be of the best quality. Terms,— cath.—OfHco, corner uf Caroline nnd Montgom- ery streets, opposite the Mothodist Chapel. Ogdonsburgh, July, 1842. 3-2-tf Auction Roontl f T l H E subscriber has taken the AU C T I ON JL R 0 O M onFord Street, adjoining N. S. PmiiN's, where he will be prepared at all times to rpcoivo and sell onconsignment all kinds.of GOODS, WARES. MERCHANDISE, CAT- TLE, HORSES, &c, onthoshortest notice. O " Regular days of sale, SATURDAYS and MONDAYS in each week. All Goods must be eent in 3days previous to.sale. •«• Sheriff's and CbnBtables Sales attended to. SAM'L P. AKCHIBALD, 93-tf t ' Auctioneer. ON HAND ONCE MORE, ' At the Sign »/ the People'* Store. W V.. MARSHAL.!, has commenced the Grocery Business again onFord St., opposite to H. Flngg's Book Store whore maybe fonnd o full'-assaitment nt Now & Cheap Goods in the way of Grocery Trade. Also.somo crock- ery. Hardware &, Wooden Ware, which he will sell cheap for author iaExchange for'Produce. W. H. MARSHALL. Ogdensburgb, June 1,1841. BOXES Scaled, and J»o. 1, Herring, a / J prime article,—Also, No. 1 Mackerel, in half onJ quarter bbls., fqr pale chenp by STILLMAN & HUMPHREY. April 19, 1842. 17-3w TS^-A good assortment—ALMONDS, FILBERTS. MADEIRA NUTS. PEA NUTS, COCOA NUTS, PBKIN NUTS * NI. GIL NUTS, for sale cheap nt ihe People's Storo, by W. H. MARSHALL June 7, 1641. N Great Bargains.'; 1 O pV/^ Acres of new land for sale.—The )tJ\J\J proprietor now offers for Pale his valuable tract of land in Dekalb. It is two miles square on tho south sido of Canton road, also two other roads running due south across tho tract. Besides what is sold, there remains 1300 acres, in lota uf 106 acres oach. Siiuatod near tho centre of the County, it being 7miles from the village of Canton, and 16 from Ogdonsburgh. Sold in pieces or parcels tosuit purchasers—75, 50 or 25 acres, if it be taken off in such a form as not to injure tbe enle of tho remainder of the lot. According to the situation and qunlity ol the land and terms of paymortt, it is offered oil tbe lowest and best terms of any land in the county of St. Lawrence, Those wishing to pur- chase please call and exnmino before purchasing elsewhore. For further particulars enquire of NATHAN H. SMITH, Agent for Nathaniel B, Smith. * Dekalb, July 15th, 1843. 32-3m T HE subscriber having been frequently em- ployed by Preceptors and Professors of Sci- entific Institutions to furnish specimens of Min. orals, takes this method to inform ail Teachers and Preceptors of Academies and otber institu- tions, that he can furnish onshort notice the most rare and curious specimens of nearly ull tho different minerals found in tho northern section of New-York, particularly in the counties of St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton. Having spent much time with men of experience in travelling and searching for such articles, heflattershim- self that he can furnish as rare specimens as have yet been produced i he can also give information of their locality if required^—Any person wish- ing to procure specimens, single, or by tho box, can be supplied by addressing R. B. STAPLES, Dekalb, St. Law. Co. Dekalb, Aug. 26,1841. 37. N O BETTER IN MARKET—Grass Seed, a olcao handsome article for sowing, for sale ot the sign of the PP'H.IC'Sflinrn,hy alat March, 1842. W. H. MARSHALL. l'4»tf T AMARTODS. a first rate article, in aiekr|css or health, retailing by the pound, at the People's Store, by TVJ OTICE.—Tbe partnership heretofore oxlsu XN ing between Henry McNulty ond Anthony Loftces, under the firm of McNulty &Co,, hav- ing been dissolved by mutual consent, the stock of Goods, debts, &c, in the establishment at Og- densburgh have boon disposed of to Anthony McNulty and Teomas McICovor who ore duly authorized to receive alt dflbls duo to the lots firm of McNulty & Co., and all debts owing by the said firm mado or contracted by the Ogdens. burgh store, will bo discharged by said A. Mc- Nulty &.Tlios. Kovnror their Agent at Ogdens- burgb. HY. McNULTY &, CO. ..-September 1.0,1841, The above business will infuture be carried on at the old stand in Water street, by the un- dersigned as ueual, and all debts owing to and by the late firm arising out of tho Ogdonsburgh sioro will be rocoived ntt<F dTscnbrtfod by their duly authorized ngent, Bernard MoFaul. Those indebted are requested to Immediately call and settle the same without delay. ANTHONY MoNULTY,, THOMASMctCEVAR. Dated OgdensUiirgb, Sept. 10,1841 • 40. C UT AND WROUGHT NAILS, &WIN. DOW GLASS, of various sizes, forealp ot No. 7 Water-strool, by S. STILWEMi, Jr Oct. 39, i«a» ; ft also a.gBnot sale Cheap; At HAND—FAKWELL'S gajem Concave Dollar, and -.*.».» ..»-»E'Tool8j for Wife by WM, JOKES. Asa Sprnfjue, Solomon" Pratt,",, Benjamin Nevins, E. Dodge &W. H. Dodge, G. Rndington & E. Rust, John Hortop, John B. Andrews, D.Clark, Jntnes Chandler &. J. Smith, W. Ciuponiftr. Calvin T. Hulburd, Norman Sackrider, Thaddeus Laugblin, Dekalb. Rossie. Brasher. Gouverneur. Waddington. Madrid. Massona. Canton. Potsdam, u Lisbon. Stockholm. Norfolk. Hopkinlori. BARON S. DOTY, President. SIMEON D. MOOLY, Vice President. WM. C\ BROWN, Secretary. [n20vl2-tf] R. D. Senrlo, O g g John Picltcnn, Heutelfan. Morse &BattdrFeld, Rottie. H. D. Smith, Gouvcrntur* Hodskih & Pratt, Canton. Jacob Linnendoil, Hopkinton. Partridgc,Clnrk,& Co., Potsdam. Lennder Perkins, Pdriaheillle:" Purcboso of R. D. SEARLE, Ogdensburgh, as bo is'tho only* authorized agent far the saleot my Gorm'nn'Vcgotablo Pills tjmt ptnec. [8tt3 0. T. Comassj TrdvcHuig Ag't. "I AMP OIL Those who wish, to purchase JaJ Lamp Oil for One Bollap 0. gallon, will find o good' article nt that price, retailing at the Fe<>- ple'8 Sfijre, by , . W. W. f « THE LION OF THE DAY. THE DUTCH OR GERMAN Vegetable Pills. THE SCIENCE OF HUMAN LIFE. T O tbe inhabitants of tho United States and tbo Canadns.—The Pills, well called tho Lion of the DUY, are ropectftilVy roeormtiendM tu the attention and trinl of all tho.se subject it? the attnrks of Bilions, Dysprplic, nnd other chronic ditscnees ut the stomach, liver and bow- els. Those Pills havo long been wi bout asue cessfnl rival, in Germnnv, and throughout Eu- rope, and ninny yoara in various parts of the Uni. ted States, by the most eminent physicians, us a family mcilictnc. This Hill 13 comprised of nine parts of the veg- ptiiblo kingdom. They nro wnrrantpd snfe iu t •> their uperation nnd eflretB. They ore Btmplo iu tlu-ir preparation, mild in their actiun, and" unrivnllcd in their results. They have long ro- crivod (hi: most flattering recommendation from thu Medical Faculty; such men as Dr. Mott and DjcCiuernspy, of New York; Dr. Dolumn- tor. Dr. Hossock and Dr. Landon, ofDulchesn cotin'y, and Hon. B. Peck, M." D«, of Glen's Falls—the?c men have long stood at the head of their profession. Again : gnsi'ic irritation debilitates tbo diges. live orgnus and becomes a fruitful source of dis ease ; in some people Dysppp&ia; inothers, Lip- el' Coinpluinf, Rluumatism, Measles, Whooping Cough, Axthma, Gouft, Hypochondria, Epilep- sy. Low Spirits, Chrome Diirrbtea, Pulmonary Consumption, Sick Houdnrhp, Eruption nf /Jiin Skin, Silt Rheum, Si. Anthony's Fire, Yelloie nnd Bilious Ferera, Ferer ana Ague, Scnrlet fowh, Hrartlmrn, Coslhenest, Ftmiaje Weak, ness. Jaundice, Intermittent and Remittent Fe. vets, L'rtjspclas, Scald Head, Humors, and all Bilious tomplaints. Those different complaints are each, one and about the same, followed by a train of others, equally as detrimental, ond per- haps fata( >o life. Like bad legislation, one bad law must be supported by others equally injuri- ous to the prosperity of ihe State. A perfectly healthy body, is like a welt tuned instrument, every string of which vibrates in unison, and tbo> least injury to any one throws it into disorder. Let any one take the truublo to cxnmino and study the organisation of his own system, ai)d if bo never did before, ho will realize the feeling of tbo Psalmist when he sung, "I am fearfully and wondorfully made!" Looking at thehuman body, with all its ram. ifientions, balances, adjustments, and nice rela- tions.; the hnir-liko dependence upon which life is suspended; the intricacy Of thi Tn&cnine; tho * adaptation of means to en3?j thVtluTqrent sys- tems running into, parallel with, and interlacing each other without the least confusion; the ar- rangement and articulation of the bones; the frame work of the system; the action and uses o f life muscles} the wonderful System of arte- ries and veins; the action of tho heart in propel- ling (he blood with such astonishing force; nnd the greatest wonder will be, how it can* be pos- sible the human system can bear up against tho daily violation of its laws, and maintain its vital- ity against such repented attacks and injuries from external and internal violence. ,, I unhesitatingly recommond thorn far tho cure of the above complaints—long known end just. ly celebrated an onoof tho best Family Medi- cines inthe Mutoria Medica. These Pills are not intended us- a thorough purgative, as some will havo it;, they aninten- ded tostrengthen the system that hns run down, and removey,nll obstruction and assist nature in its -violatedTaWs. For sale inalmost everytowo in the (failed States and the Canadas. Price 37 1-2 conls.— Directions on each box. Be sure when you purchase that you get the Lion of tie Day, having tho Written name 6f Merrtl Griffin on each box. Xrineipal OJJice».—k. B. it, D. Santfe, Fulton street* NewYork. 3.T. RoWahd, 376 Mtirkct-Bt,-, Philadelphia; A. Geycr, 104 HSho- # ve^st., Boston; A.C. Phin,31 Broad-St., Charles- ton, S.C. ' For full particulars, see small ciroulnra depos- ited with each agent below mentioned. For sale inthis-connty by my rmthorized ngonts. .GRIFFIN, M.D. T F you wish to purchoao teneJuBperihansMify JL «$<* tfortin Ogdtmburgh, ontlagood <jual-

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Page 1: f f · aman's iPV^ For jernis^ apply 1 A A CRESTS ond half chests TEA ; 20 1 UU hhds. St. Croix ond P. Rico Sugars, 10 Boxes Loaf and Lump do 20 Kegs and Boxes Tobacco, 5 tons pure

Sumucl 0

extensive stock othare i m qny flw 0

, nndhe is preparedJ

naA sooit jft fettiy jeqwrttr <*«f*fJ ^ ftf WWif

w U W j . trade, «ra tooutsdffleOfW s»*»'Hat T

urgo Jim i s prxitfctc *hen at 71 "Haiden-lantf the» no insii*. Mew Y jk, o* to write for them.


wroch,w>H bwph jf XaUin&out^riwtojeuon baldpUcoa-j ahd on. cbiidreit Jwka rt W » ^ 8 8 f , . « onihoae VliP. W e lost the,l»air from any cause. ,

AJ.1 yCRMBS tlwUofesl tlu> i*ao> of childwain schools, 8>*j>rovorit«d. ir kill«d byit«t one*—-

i£or Bayer By it.


ibm *>)i or b» theV J S W ^ ^ f t p T ^ % nbut never -»ith«ut (6* .n«ra» of Com«t»clt & do on i t

PILES &.d i f the attack Baft

and e**rjr lliing:tsH«*Bd by itfthatadmitfc. of art duV,wstj application*., It **» lik« « chsrm, "Cseitf

t S E S tint have RingJJone, Spunn,eiujM by KWsVSraseme} add

hoim •n&reljf «aied by Roofs'Oihttaqni, M«k thi«, ill horsemen.


BURNS &: SCALDSend1 *>r*j,.-uud..rtrc I K J S M S I I J l has delighted

thousands. It Vr8l ttfcs out *llTmn ̂ a ten minutes,

UN'S SPREAD PLASTERS.k. better and rnoTfcnmce and mstfiil ajficle? never Wai

» * it-

ILI.fl'Son, tho,jinncipl« of sub tiluting <ha<toRte-iB place of1he Mtmulaittfntiaplis, which fats teibnfaftd so man>

!TpDe usedt*itn: "" "*

UN'S IsWaEali PILLS,-sopenor to allother* tor cle»Mmg the «yst«m ind. the hnraors »ffectjnf "tite bloody * n i for «U irregoliirmo* of A e baw«b,


unlL efftcruilry curt ack ̂ headache* either from thij , r^ |Iandred«ofCumlio«-i)re

uUuig il unth great joy.

Dft.BPOHN'8 ELIXIR O:for too c«n»tt prerention of QJj


| ^most gtfact oilier, the b.oWs TC^UIIT^ Mid i dhterminatioa t*

COLDS COUGHIhe Iwnei, houKnos, and,ISifiBE8SEii J 4 t

hit aar * a & y*ft wuih, but wlf not cdqr HTi« skin

SARSAPARH.LA,POUND JEXTKACT. Tberftiaao other prepar*Don ef Su«apitnQa.vtIuit o n exceed or equal thi«j f you are JHITO »o gtcCoKstuuiL'h| psTiittt fiod It

to all oihcn. It dbr« pot reguire rjufSng. ̂^

OELE^TIALOF CHINA. Apontit* ««r*{br ih«- file*, and altaxterraj ailing*—alt internal irritations brought to tbiaoziaci by fruition, with lh» B«hn,-^ao in ccqigW,nrtUe^oraom'^tbroat, tiSghin*** »f the cheat, thi» Bibnapplied on * flannil inll tthern »nd cu« at once,tnwft wound* or «H *ot»* aw rapidly crmid: by it


Mken in i!ii«), »»d B «. delightful rcniedj.iwr the nittftej ao i I*t CWiliefo, < V


wiih * ««umtjf unit* Mtoawhing. It is licsimek, *ud sells wjlh a nipiilil.

. , •«&

By *pffjrjuif to onr *gtnt« m cadi (UHH muKilUf*! p*p«r»-m»j> J » had free,-fhoming ihc m »I*ap«c(j|bl* ffimiH lit the; couture foe three fnc'i «•l fi i

t s tM ^ ^ r Al l Hio,x;artj(.i«n to h

inut wln?}*««5e jwwt rtttid on lr o f BH.


E<D.Sl S

twa* feATEX ])enxfa« indebted" toiMWteJ „

X L C O L n MORRIS &-SOJJ, are? requested ti«rttf"#oirtrby nmltmsirnnicditttis payment to lhesub.•cnb*r« wjio w duly awftijnzccl to setilp nnd clo-o at

SaFrs, Gr, a»«-ftmf, fee


jaery, Bruih**, fcc}y on h««* «ML for *ale nwedtiectr tmJkfftg, M 4M Bnclt Store*


p n s nce« for Cio#4

Juna 1st, 1812,

Notice.oM under this iirw of

X fc^^Awi^•H^^V vD^^vH^H * F M09mJB ^̂ fc Vf ̂ H*-

THIS.-f«rori»e»Steamce usift jwn doBng iho.season tareSiJalSs each week from Ogaens.

burgh lo Oswega, os.ftjl»v«si

9 svexnog, arriving oest marntatOawcgo.-LEAVES

oillalay tu Saturday at 8 otl'k, A- Mi V. M.-»

heO'n'fida meets the Steamer St. Lawrence,t, VanCleve, at^fetfego on her arrival readytocefi.4:to LewisWpyvia- Rochester with all

pi^ga|ja9!rahjng g p The Sttbfiwriericfe arrivesittrt her-downward passive at

g'ifetSjiafttopufaJl passengers going toMontreal; Jjr>fte».Moflfiota'port8, on board theOrfSfefy Bflatlcavei! -as above.rfeuSfejfyncri B a l c a e !

The-Oaeida and St."EawrenEe have been fit.tod up in the best style and will give entire sat-i«facSon'lo alt who may take passage on them.

• * nJ.'H. «REER, iEing»«on.• ' • ' • - STOW & FIEtDS, Sachet'*,Refer to H. FIT^HUGB, Omega.

E. B. AiLBN, Ogdcnsburgh.G . » . SEYBSpwSf "

" VHt

HAVE just received a most Splendid Lot o•• e W W c t y - o f BOOTS & SHOES, from

the largo Eastern Manufacturing Establishments,purchased for cash qtvery much reduced price;which they" invite the p'ublit to examineto examine.

A choice as^or(ttanV«f ̂ BASTlBKIf LEATH.Elt; Will be kept constantly for sale. They havejust received a lot ol JSztia, quality Sole Leathtr and Calf. "Stint, at reduced prices.

Ogden»hurgh,Tttay ̂ 0,1848, '"

Pertodicala*T j D. SEAE1E, General Agent for all thX V . Periodicals printed in tho "United States,and other Books arid Papers, Will receive sub.srajptionaand-order lhe,worka ftom the publish.ersassooAastpiiibK,sitlfer&# d>oyeaf%rsin.gle number, at hi& well known Office Wator-st


| ^ pthaJjhoyiavSopepeda,'

E>ainIIy Grocery and PTOTUIQH St»re,i n i^#^t • I'^'.B^Wn^S? ^?^s^where they h»ve on hand a general assortmenor Grocerieai &c.,-amoDg-whlcb rriny be foun"th follj

Smtm Sugar, 2Wo«o, LampFtppirs Spies, Ginger, Salara.

ablh Shit, ^Bdt and, Fancym^rpm Sbtres,

JPrina. Raisint,SmitfPiidJ

...juomm. Am WINESof aH'kihds, and-n General Aseorrmont of ProTisione, all of which they, will dispose of lowfor Ga«h.-̂ jid; ̂ osUtind* ofcoantry Prodnco.

I A j S T M T & OiMSTED.S ftif

ja. T . BACON, &. co.GQOJDJS} gSiB^fiO

EMY^c^whieh they offer nt price* Ar-reducednqd-in:proportion to ihc embigency of the times.Customers are invited to eall and eramine prices and qualities before purchnsing.e>owhere.

N. B. -BTJTTEItukci* in- olchange for th>Above articles, sntl.-cnstamers will be, aatisfiedthmt thoy get. more goods" for their Batter Hhan |nformer year»« ,

ifrim - • 2S-U-Spinniltlonl

, WJwelsl ^

Hor^ ^ & l n t l o n l t a S f y bl^a

single Wheel or Sozenf at the^ S i b ,|W, EClffAE

by'thof thi

tands at iaednced Prices!*rnHE^findereignea'miiseliK'vcrallotsof goocJt"*aWcWef#^ti;^aua1)le »!*.Wfi*.


INS—In.whplenndrhalf-JBqjra, Mrimiiele,'fot«al&hy * ' •• -

STEitMAN &. HTJMPHKEyrl , : . • - ••' 17-tf

TUST received at the 'SCLdioreneeCath Stort,J »choi6e aMortment of new and deiirableGooasf̂ rhicK will be told very chenp for cash.

-..-i « , EDWEN-JPiARK.

csjgwrs///T D S T received, on consignment, and for salt•I ittloi<tosnitpurchasera^IO0Oaoion No, 12 and 3 .sili} ciitlackered eaif%8e*^flad

lih Tobacco; and2,;ri2-and3gallon jjiw^Bnperior MacciBoy

SNUFF, together-with SOOOsweetscdnted priri-cipe, slight an i brown- Ilavanna CIGARS, war.ranted oCsuperior flavor, at factory prices. '

"" S.S.SM&DES, NaTMWatefjit.2*-tf

f l i O W S I PloiWJ! Blow*It!—The siih.scriber has juit received" on conBignrnent,

a idlVfForaytB's-pdfenf PLOWS; superior in allrespects to any ever before offered in ihi« Xodtioaol tho country. -Farmers, call and exnmine.

' « " S;S-S#UyDES2fo I"* W


May 36,1842Pi ARCHIBALD, Auc'r.


JUBI received a largeNGTOft and VER.

IASS, of M »ise»—which will bsold low by SflLLf

t ^schineShop next west of tho Flouring Mills,aTtdr fitted it op with extensive Machinery, isprepared to esemite orders for Flatting and GrooJ-Vihg floor boards, and for uinking any quantitytf WindmnSiieki Blind*,, Boors, <J-c., on shortnotice and on reasonable terms. < ' •.

EPA supply' of Snsh, Gleee and Patty, willbiUopreortsttsntly oft'Earnf. '• B. COOJC ?

" 1842. 4-tf

atRQ^Shwaei and bem? than k soldat any other store in this yillaga, to my

knowledge—retnfling at the People's Store, by: > • • ' s i r M M S 3 S S i l

JEffind1?, 1841*

BROWN SiJ&dcftv—41 lbstfpr pr» dollar IEnle at the People's Store by

1S> -fiUMAHiSHALL.Angtost 17,1841.

Who "Wants to make MoneyA good chat&e,for a-$afe vnve tmU, and a

" long-pull and & afe toperj"\HBaub eqbgr offere for aalq orj j . mescliaugpfp.rujpod tmprq

. tnrhed boxes, ANVILS,„ , . . , TRACE CHAINS, WIN.


' - - quality, together with a large lot of- - J(G,PLATE # PARLOUS STOVES,

among wliich afe a number of the latest impro-ved patterns. The TILDEN IMPBOVEDPATENT COOJKING STOVE, with an ele-vated oven, is, beyond all doubt, the best andmost convenient stave fur a cooking stove that hasever been invented. Hundreds will testify to thefact' that the above stove is decidedly the host andmost convenient stove now in use."^. ISavenleoT irnsorrooction to the above busi-ness, a TEIU'Ware Manufactory Establish-ment, whero is daily manufactured all kinds otTin, Capper * SlteeLlton Ware, in all its va-rious branches, and all kinds of JOB WORKdone at short notice. (p»St6ro in Marble Row,Water street, opposite the Steamboat Landing,and. two doors south from the Exchange Hotel.

Ogdensburgh, June 7th, 1842. 50tf.

fc S. Afaft lfels^ot Wild Lonl "in i|ioMiller Settlement well limbered and within $aiileaof Ogdenaburgh, 1-4 of the purchase raoa-y dowtlj .t*B!|iJUfr,remjiind,er in 5 yearly pay.

ments, ^ngrManpnjlJy^^The auhscriber hnsfe^iS^i#/1J3i«« « the river

aman's iPV^ For jernis^ apply

1 A A CRESTS ond half chests TEA ; 201 U U hhds. St. Croix ond P. Rico Sugars,

10 Boxes Loaf and Lump do20 Kegs and Boxes Tobacco,

5 tons pure White Lead (dry and in oil,)200 sides best Sole Leather,300 casks Whiskey ond high wines,

just~ireceived a,nd for sale by

Also, Salt, Flour and Plaster on hand at thelowest ensh rates. n22v!2

To Rent.E Dwelling Hooso and Lot plea

santly situated on the corner oJay and State streets now occupiedby the Rev'd Mr. Brand. Possession

to be had immediately 7 enquire ofW. H. MARSHALL.

Dated, Ogdensburgh, Mny 3,1.843. ,


Joao 7,1849. 25-ir

CONFECTIONARY.Boxes assorted^—Just received ntrd foi

O sale by STO.LMAN & HUMPH&EYJune 14,1842. 26tf

D&XJUX SALT^—50 Bags Dairy Salt-Jusireceived and for sale by

STILLMAN ^ HXTMTBREY.June 14,1842. ' 26. if

NBW.YOKKsteam refined CONFECTIONARY, bythe box, at No. 7 Water Bt.

1 • ' S. STILWJELL. Jr.."

PATENT PAILS—Cheaper than ever—foaale by tho single pail or dozen, at the sign

of ihe-Peopte's Store, by W, H. MARSHALL.21st, March, 1843. 14-tf.

Co-partnership.r I ̂ HE subscribers have formed a co-partnershipJL under the firm of

STILLMAN f HUMPHREY,for the transaction of


Mr. Thomas


at the »toro formerly occupied byBacon on Water Street.

OgdensburghJinreh 28th, 1842., ' CO&NELIUS STILLMAN,

., * * HER NY 8. HUMPHREY.15-tf

Xlotiee.r i i H E subscribers, would inform tho public thatX they have purchased the stock of GitOCE-RIES forraorty owned by Thomas Bacon, whichconsist in a general nssoriment ofTBASi'SUGAR, TOBACCO, SNUFF, WIN.EOWGJU&SS, RAISISS, SPICES, $c. $c.

which they now offer for sale at the lowest mar.kef prices.

Ulareh'2Sth, 1842.STILLMAN & HUMPHREY.

N. B. Having sold'ont my entire interest in theabove concern, I would cheerfully recommendto my customers and friends a continuancetheir patronage.


Whiskey & Higli-Wines.T A M E S G . AVERELL, has just received a«J JUpply from the celebrated Establishment o

/ . 0. f B. S11ITB, Ohio,^which will be disposed of at law rates for cashHis arrangements arc, such, that be expects to beconstantly supplied from their works.

21-tf. Ogdensburgh May 10, 1842.

T)AINTS AND OILS—A full assortment oJL Paints of euperior quality kept constantlyfqr sale at low prices, at the sign of the RedMortar, Wattr-at. R. D. SEARLE.


!.—A good assortment of WINES,«U» BRANDT, GIN, St. CROIX RUM,

ANBW^NGLAND RUM, for sale cheap bythe gallon or less quantity, M the People's Store,by W.H. MARSHALL.

June 7, 1841.

Reduced Prices!FOR Sale at the Ogdensburgh Book Store,

Foolscap paper, No. 1, faint lined, and war-ranted good, at the reduced price of 32,50 prReam.

. letter, and wfapning.paper at eqully re-dOced prices.

Elementary Spelling books are now Gelling atsix shillings per dozen.

H. FLAGG.March 15th, 1942. DI3 .

TIJSjE received, ot tho Book Store, GeneralJ Theller?s NEW WORE ON CANADA, in1837*8." .

March115,1B43. n13

SPRING HAS COME!—A new arrival ofShaker Garden Sued, for eale at the sign of

the Peopled Store, by W. H. MARSHALL.21st March, 1842 14-tf.

TTrfflSKEY—For sate by the bnm-1, gallon.» f or less quantity cheap, at the People's

Store, hy , W.H.MARSHALL.Jane 7,1841.

The Fashionable Tailor,



Yon will findhis shop the nextdoor below the

lar store.Wattt&t.&gdtmbimgh, N. Y.

J.N.O&WELL.Ogtlen'ainugh, November 16,1841.


For tfifi wre '.$. CesSM'npt'OS, Ltv^h Complaint,Atya\ rai$itaiian of ihe Heart, Voids,

i0LlHeerajt$. MORRIS is appointed Agent

far the;' sale of this valuable medicine-—A supply .'constantly kept for sale at his.Apotheeafy store in Ogdensburgh. Be carefulto use non»,uj]loss the certificate of copy-rightbe on the wrapper and label, and the label signedin my own hand writing. ' '

Natt!—All other preparations of this Medi-cine, undar nty name, not accompanied by cer-tificate of popyright, are UNAUTHORISEDAND SPtnSTOUS,and a liberal reward will bepaid for such proof as will lead to the convictionof any persdn, W;ho signs my name to any paperrelating tomy Balsam of Liaerwort.


I /T0R1GA6D SALE — Default haying beep}/X mode to the payment ot a certain1 wort

gage exogmed hy ftuchoi Pqrn ofc tbo jqwn ofJbwegatchie, ui the county of St Mwrpntc andHate, of New York to Robert Rogers of thoitrmo place, bearing date the twenty third day>f ApnllS39, which mortg ge, together withho power of solo thorein. contuw4 was record,

ed in the office of the clerk of the coun.ty.iot St.Lawtejiqe on the 86th day of Deoembet,4p9,at 7 o'clock P. M. in Book No. 9 of Mortgagespages 295, 29lj and *},!»?,.and on which there isriow claimed to be due at the time of tbe firstiublica.liojj.of this notice the sum of four hun-[rod sixteen dollars and fifty five cents—Noticei therefore hereby given that by vtftu.e of thetatuiee of this state nnd of a power of sale in saidiwriyufju coulaincd, the said mortgage will be

forectoasd by a sale at ptiblio auction o* ventlueat the Washington Hotel now kept by MichaelS. Daniels In the village of Ogdetwburgh in thecounty of S*t. Lawronce .and e.taw of $Tow York,on Saturday, the 8th d»y of October, next, attwo o'clock in the aflerhoon of that day of thepremises' described in said mortgage as tpltows,to wit: Atl that certain piece or parcel of Jandsituate lyingand being in the town of Oswegatch-ie aforesaid being pjart of lot number fourteenin Wards Tra_ci—Beginning at the easterly cor.ner of lot number twelve, ihenee along the linebetween lots numbers twelve and fourteen sofar as that a line drawn across said lot numberfourteen on a oourSB parallel with the first men-tioned bounds to tbe line of lot numbcr.oLtteen,and iponce along said line to the place of begin-ning, as shall contain the exact quantity of fiftytwo acres of land. Being the lot of land convey-ed by the above description to the said RachelDoro by David C. Judson by deqd bearing dateOctobor 29th, 1836, and recorded in the office ofthe Clerk of said county in Book Np,24ol deedspages 190, 191, &e.—Dated July 1'2,1842.

•ROBERT ROGERS,R. W- JtJDsotf, - Mortgagee.

Attorney. 3<M2w

PClimper than Ever I

scythe snndle.no better in market,for snip cheap nt thn People's Store, bya 184* W. H. MARSHALL.

SALMON. & No. 1 MACKEREL-oil tirlScte, no Mistake, retailingt»-««f»» Store, by*


COUCHS, GQUffi, & UVER COMPLAINTS,fS AN BE CURED by the timely use of Dock,\ j E. PACK'S "

Compmmd Tiuctnare of Bloodroot.Also ihe' iSelabrate'd "Compound" Boarhound

and Bonetelt" Candy, Balsam Liverwort, LilySyrup, Jayne's Expectorant or Parker's Pulmo-nary Balm.

F6r sale at the Red Mortar-, byR. D. SEARLB.

Ogdensburgh, Feb. 92, 1842. [44tf.

THjB subscribers are nuw receiving a jand choice assortment of GROCERIES,

consisting ofTeas, Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, bger, Rice, Loaf and Lump Sigar, Raisins, StarchSoap, Citron, Mustard, Pepper Sauce, AssortedPicliles, Cassia, Snuff, Blacking, and all kindsof Nuts. Also, an assortment of Choice Liquor:at Wholesale and Retail, by


Pig Iron in exchange for Rye'

FOR 3OOO bushels of good ond merchant-able RYE, deliverable at the Pariaville

Granary next January and February, will nowbe given at ihe Rossie Iron Works, first qualityPig Iron, in the proportion of one ton of 2000pounds Of Pig Iron for sixty-five bushels o56 pounds of Rye, good and merchantable.—The needful papers will be exchanged at th<Ogdensburgh Land Office.

GEORGE PARISH.'Ogdcnsbargh, June 21, 1842. 29—tf

Hail-Itoad lAue.A. W . WOOti t .BY,

HAS just received-a General Assortment olFamily Groceries, with a full assortment ol

Wines and Liquors, which »ill be sold to Tav-ern Keepers, cheaper than at any other establish.tnent in Ogdensburgh, for cash or approved cred-it. Butter, and most kinds of Country Producewanted. Please call and examine the articlesand prices before purchasing elsewhere.

Yours, in haste,June 9. A. W. WOOhLBY.

Farmers Look Out!!B-undersigned .hajre_ commenced business¥<?. --.„» »-^irdenaburgh tind are now


of the original patent *'Lord' & Skinner-," anfeel confident in saying to the farming commu-nity that the article We arc now manufcetenngwill excel, in durability, any made in the coun-ty. Our castings ore made at une uf the bestfurnaces in tho state, and our timber is of thebest seasoned Oak. The workmanship will showfor itself. The above Plows will be Bold chedpfor cash or eodntry produce.

The above Plows will bo found with DavidBtirdiH, or,at the shp next door on Cnthqrino-st.Also Points and;-Land-Si(lc8 of various patternsin use. Repairing of Plows dono on short no-tice. A. B. CHAPIN & Co.

Ogdensburgh, March 10,1841. 16

DEFAULT having been made in the pay-ment of a certain mortgage oxecuted by

Robert Tau> and Ellen his wife of thij town oMadrid in the county of St. Lawrence and Stateof Now York to Henry Church of the villageof Sacket's Harbor in the county of Jefforsohand State aforesaid bearing date the twelfth dayof February 1889, which mortgage together withthe power of salo therein contained was recor-ded in the office of the clerk of die county oSt. Lawrence on ihe 22d day of February 1839at 10 o'clock, A. M., in Book No. 8 of mortga.ges, pages 537, 538, 539, and on which there isnow claimed to be due at the time of the firspublication of this notice tbo sum of six hundredtwenty-two dollars and thirty cents—Notice istherefore hereby given that by virtue of the stat-utes of this State and of a power of sale in saidmortgage contained, the said mortgage will beforeclosod by a sale at public auction or vendue atho Hotel kept by F. Orvis in the village, of Waddmgion in tho county of St. Lawrence aud Stnloof New York onSaturdny ihe eighth day of Oc.tobcr next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of thaiday of the premises described in Baid mortgag<as foliows^ to wU:'** All "tfraT CAjriuiu -piece -oparcel of land situate, lying and being in thevillage of Waddington town of Madrid in thcounty of Saint Lawrence and State of NewYork being known and distinguished si thwhole of lot No. 8, of the lots laid out on westnorth street, beginning at the north westerlcorner of the block where the eastorly line olmaple atrfiet intersects the southerly lino of wesinorth street and running from thence north six-ty snven degrees east along tho southerly line ulwest north street one chain and fifty links, thencesouth .twenty three degrees east and parallelwith maple street throe chains and thirty foullinks to the northerly line of the lot now in possession of James A. Mott, in muplo street, thencsouth sixty seven degrees west along ihc samlino one chain and fifty lmka to the easterly lineof maple street and thenre north twenty threedegrees-west along the eaid line to the place ofbeginning.—Daled April 15, 1642.

HENRY CHURCH,^ Mortgagee.

TfcC pubhoaro advert! od that.this d p fmen* of tho Qgdensbuigji Academy ha

een opened and I in uccebslul operation underthe uptnntondonco of the Rev J A BHAVTON,AM as Principal of tho Academy who tcharacfer as a gentleman, of easy and pica ing addrejw, of nice moral sensibility and as an exportenceB unsuccessful teacher, may assure parentsand guurdiaris of special advantages for u highdrdcfof female ediicfttjoni ni^yallable to youngladies cotnimiteu1 to his supervision. The Acod.omy'bvjllding and yards b»vebeen fined up witha view to neatness and comfort; and Mr. Bray.tdri1)i«S*pToviden h i r n l f i h l t ' e i j s ^ r y ^ s "i c e a C o r qon,duQtin

nef asM is confi

XOffice oh

IWd street, OgdenaUufgli, tWo doors

w e s t o f f f ' T Bacon &Co'fl alone B'oro-. Tin*Company, which has been m successful opera-tion about (bur years, continues tp in ure TnrmHouses, Barns, e tc , and to take other ordinaryrisks. ' • > . . ' ! . > • i • .!

The system of mutual InSuranco, for somfiyears in successful operation in;Vormont; nnd,other ptaifp, and more recently introduced into,this state, qannoj fiiil, if.undefftafldj, |o fluner.

a mlnnef asM is confidSntly.believed.willteisfnctfiry to the entire community,

The established prices of tuition will be foundin the following schedule, viz:—For quarter ot eleven weeks, Reading, Wri-

ting, Spelling, Elementary Arithme.tic, - - - - - - $4,00

The above included with History, English •Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, 5,00

All the higher branches with the Classics, 6,00Extra ohorges for Drawing and Paint-

For French language, - - - 2,00• Music, - • - - - - 10.00For terms to bodfdiiig scholars, and such oth-

er information,;** way be desired, apply to thePrincipal, or either of the Executive Commit-tee—Dated July 13, 1840.



T U S T R E C E I V E D at the St. LawrenceJ Cash Store, a large supply of Fall Slid WinterGoods consisting of.

Bl'k, Blue Bl'k, Blue, Brown, Adelaide invis-ible Green Cloths, Cussimeres, Satinetts a largeassortment, Pilot( Licmskin, and Mnhair Cloths,for overcoats.

French fig'd Thibet cloths, French and Eng-lish Merinos and Circassians, rich printed Saxo-ny, Monseluin de lain.

SILKS, bPk and blue bl'k Italian Silks, Poultde Loui, Gro do Naples, Gro de Swiss, GrtftleBerlin, Gro do Afric, and Gra de Nap's.

Plain and fig'd SATINS^ Bonnet silks nndSatins, dress hd'kfe, scarfs, shawls, a large assort-ment of hat and cap Ribbons. Pins, Topes,Needles, Thread, sewing silks, and comprisingevery article that con bo called for in the DiyGoods line.

EDWIN CLARK.Ogdensburgh, Sept. 5(A, 1840.

Dentistry.DR. AMBLER has locnted himself perma-

nently at Ogdensburgh, and will devote his

mis state, ^miiiui, IUU, ^ um»p(muiju,sede the old system, of insuring in aionies whose solvency flopenfls up_6rM6 many con-tingencies and whose location ntagreatdistancefrom many of tho insured, renders the collectionof losses slow and difficult.* Mutual ,insunii;cois intended to remedy thoae eviJaand^ ̂ tenderinsurance cheap nnd convenient. Everyfiersbnwho insures in this company becorfiesft metaber,is. entitled to vote in the election of ita Officers,and directly interested in. its prosperity. At thetime'of his application he gives a note withoutinterest to-the company for tbe amount of triepremium, which depends upon tlie amount insu-red, and the comparative hazard of the risk andpays in five per confe of the note and is then in-sured for five years. Thus A. wishes to insurufive hundred dollars upon a detached stone farmhouse, the premium upon which tit 5 per cent.would amount to $25,00,for wliich" eum he gives'his note to tho company and pnys-in Sil',25, be-ing five per coht. of the note. Incuse, of loss, theCompany assesses tho same upon all tho notes iniheir bands, and A. is called upon to' pay hisproportion, never to exceed the wh'ole amountof his note, and probably, not ono-tenth thereof.If no toss happens, A. has paid ono dollar and aquarter, and had §S500 insured for five years,which, including- Ihe.aoixpnjjclwrges.fpjr policies,'would at llie jusjiul rajea jri any^atock companyhave cost him for tbe sumo time p29j35, and atthe expiration of his policy his note isc&mfelfea/The reports of those companies for several'yearsin operation show that including »U losses, mu-tual insurance saves to the insttfed upon an ave-rage, more than soventy.fivo per cent, of thepremium.

The, Company invite the public' to come for-ward and participate in the benefits ofmuulal as«sistance. Tho fallowing are the Directors:

Bnron S. Doty, William Bacon, Simepn D.Moody, Charles Lyon, Amos Bacon, Royal Vi-ins, Ira Wheelock, Thomas Bacon, CoWns A.Rurnham, Darius Clark, Zenas Clark, JohnRhodes, Abel P. Morse.

The following gentlemen have been appointedSurveyors in the differeni towns, and applica.tions fur insurance may be mado to either otthem or to tho Secretary :

y g gtlin practice of Dentistry. He mny J>e

lound at hts residence, corner of Ford and Curoline-ats., except on occasional absence, of whichnotice will be given in this paper.

Tooth ache cured without extracting nnd with,out pain.—A cure is warranted.—Aug. 18,1340

ST A T E OP NEW-YORK.—CoJtrTROLL-ER'S OITICE, Albany, April 18, 1842.—Cull

of one quarter of tho IWoney loaned on accountof the 1). S. Deposito Fund.

All persons who have borrowed money fromthe United States Beposite Fund, and havo giv. |on mortgages to the Commissioners appointedunder the " Att authorising a loan of certainmotleys belonging to tho United States, deposi-ted with tho State of Now York for safe keep,infj," passed April 4, 1837, are hereby notified,as provided in the first section of the act, chap.2fi4 of the laws ef 1841, that one-fourth part ofthe principal money of each and ovory mortgagewill be exacted on the first day of Juno 1813.Such pcrsutip, h wever, as pay to tho Commis-sioners onr.fifth, or 20 per cent, of the principalof their mortgages respectively during ihe monthof October noxt (1842), will bo considered ashaving complied with the notice fur paying 25per cent at the end of the year.

[21-lyj A. C. FLAGG, Comptroller.

Canada Money Wanted !!

W J O N E S has jus; received a new assort.• ment of Grvcerjua gen«rally called for

in his trade. He wants to have tbe people tu.lified that he will sell his goods at the lowestcosh price, and receive in payment all kinds ofproduce and Canada money, without chnrgingany discount. tCTSufciy fund P£S not refused.


j JAlso, a new assortment Brown Earthpnware,

i-hoapcr than the cheapest. Pltmse call and ex-amine before purchasing elsewhere.

- W. "JONES.O«densburffh, June 7th, 1841.


Money Wanted!

, groceries.' | 1 H E subscriber has this day received a fall

assortment of Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Tobac-co, and other GROCERIES, suitable for Villageor Country dealers, which will be sold low forCash. JAB. G. AVERELL.

Ogdeneburgh, May 10,1842. 22-tf

Lands for Saie.~ands in tho Town of Oswegatchie,

JL known a? tho ,

VAN SOLENGEN LANDS,are for aale under the direction of tho subscriber

R. H. GILLET.Ogdensburgh, May 10,1841. 31.

oN HAND—aocto galls. WHISKBTFarWcll'a patent, concave Grass Scyl&es,

and a general assortment of Haying tools for salelow, at No. t Water-st.,by

SMITH STtLtsrfiLL, J r .


St. Lawrence Cash StoreA Largo and splendid assortmeut of fancy and

staple Dry Goods.

May 5,1841.EDWIN CLARK.

PrintingFrom Eddy'* Manufactory, Wntorford, N. Y,,

For«a,le by the keg, at this Office.Nov. 1840.

PORE WINES and LIQUORS, this day re.ceived the most extensive assortment ever

offered in St. Lawrence county. Whiskey anpOgdensburgh Ale, always on hand and Car salsb f tfie barrel, by S. STILWELL, Jr.

Ogdensburgh. 29 Oct. 1839.

Large, Spinning Wheels.fJ^HE subscriber basjnst received a quantity ofX the above article which he offere for salo,

WM. JONES.Ogdonaburgh, Juno 7th, 1841.

BROWN SI'OAR. a good article, and cheap,er than ever. If you doubt it call and see.


HONEY—Pure dimmed Honoy for sale cheapJ>y tbo Pouud, at the Pmplr's Store, by

W. H. MARSHALL.June 7,1841.

Soda Crackers.A USEFUL ARTICLE, lttfeicknossor health

forealo hy the oound. bvby the pound, byW.H.MARSUALL.

t * 1NE DAIRY SALT for solo hy the bag, 28X7 lbs. in a bog, at tho People's Store, by

W. 11. MARSUA1JL.June 29th, 1841. '

Cash!VIET ANTED—Bythe SubscriberVV of the .PEOPLE'S ST6RE,nhGMS&SBmiMLAX

, ni i l ic Sinn(Ford .stroll)SmDhiho.MS&SBmoniMLAX-

yvfri teKenjtoge for ca£k$LtH6 fmice. . m It-TttA#adO$teb9 Iftl

CANADA MONEY, Bank Bill", or shortquarters, received at par in exchange for

Goods at tho sign of the People's Store, byW. H. MARSHALL.

Ogdensburgh, 16th Nov., 1841.

Attention! Farmers, Mcclianics,and Laborers /A

THE undersigned liaVe just received at theirStore in Water Street, inirddmon to their

stock of Groceries, an assortment of Dry Goods,which they will sell ns cheap as the Veto Store,and take all kinds of Farmer's Produce in pay.—All it requires for a proof of tho facts, is that thepublic should call and examine for themselves,also just receiving on Commission an assortmentof Teas, viz: OLD A YOUNG HYSON, HY-SO& SKIN, TWANKAY, GUNPOWDER,IMPERIAL & BLACK TEAS, together withTOBACCO pjiue different kittdasuitable for theCanada Market, 'alNf which Will be Bold unu-sually low for cash or country produce!

CASH paid tot Com, Rye, Oate, & c , &c.A McNULTY&Co.

Ogdensburgh, Nov. 16, 1841. • '

rTVAKES this opportunity of hiformine the en._L izens of Ogdensburgh and vicinity, that lie

keeps on hand and for sale a general assortmentof

Family Botanic Medicines,

warranted to be of the best quality. Terms,—cath.—OfHco, corner uf Caroline nnd Montgom-ery streets, opposite the Mothodist Chapel.

Ogdonsburgh, July, 1842. 3-2-tf

Auction Roontlf T l H E subscriber has taken the A U C T I O NJL R 0 O M on Ford Street, adjoining N. S.

PmiiN's, where he will be prepared at all timesto rpcoivo and sell on consignment all kinds.ofGOODS, WARES. MERCHANDISE, CAT-TLE, HORSES, & c , on tho shortest notice.

O " Regular days of sale, SATURDAYS andMONDAYS in each week. All Goods mustbe eent in 3 days previous to .sale. • « • Sheriff'sand CbnBtables Sales attended to.

SAM'L P. AKCHIBALD,93-tf t ' Auctioneer.

ON HAND ONCE MORE,' At the Sign »/ the People'* Store. •

W V.. MARSHAL.!, has commenced the• Grocery Business again on Ford St.,

opposite to H. Flngg's Book Store whore maybefonnd o full'-assaitment nt Now & Cheap Goodsin the way of Grocery Trade. Also.somo crock-ery. Hardware &, Wooden Ware, which he willsell cheap for author iaExchange for'Produce.

W. H. MARSHALL.Ogdensburgb, June 1,1841.

BOXES Scaled, and J»o. 1, Herring, a/ J prime article,—Also, No. 1 Mackerel, in

half onJ quarter bbls., fqr pale chenp bySTILLMAN & HUMPHREY.

April 19, 1842. 17-3w


NUTS, COCOA NUTS, PBKIN NUTS * NI.GIL NUTS, for sale cheap nt ihe People's Storo,by W. H. MARSHALL

June 7, 1641.


Great Bargains.';1 O pV/^ Acres of new land for sale.—The

)tJ\J\J proprietor now offers for Pale hisvaluable tract of land in Dekalb. It is two milessquare on tho south sido of Canton road, alsotwo other roads running due south across thotract. Besides what is sold, there remains 1300acres, in lota uf 106 acres oach. Siiuatod neartho centre of the County, it being 7 miles fromthe village of Canton, and 16 from Ogdonsburgh.Sold in pieces or parcels to suit purchasers—75,50 or 25 acres, if it be taken off in such a formas not to injure tbe enle of tho remainder of thelot. According to the situation and qunlity olthe land and terms of paymortt, it is offered oiltbe lowest and best terms of any land in thecounty of St. Lawrence, Those wishing to pur-chase please call and exnmino before purchasingelsewhore. For further particulars enquire of

NATHAN H. SMITH,Agent for Nathaniel B, Smith. *

Dekalb, July 15th, 1843. 32-3m

THE subscriber having been frequently em-ployed by Preceptors and Professors of Sci-

entific Institutions to furnish specimens of Min.orals, takes this method to inform ail Teachersand Preceptors of Academies and otber institu-tions, that he can furnish on short notice themost rare and curious specimens of nearly ull thodifferent minerals found in tho northern sectionof New-York, particularly in the counties of St.Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton. Having spentmuch time with men of experience in travellingand searching for such articles, he flatters him-self that he can furnish as rare specimens as haveyet been produced i he can also give informationof their locality if required^—Any person wish-ing to procure specimens, single, or by tho box,can be supplied by addressing

R. B. STAPLES,Dekalb, St. Law. Co.

Dekalb, Aug. 26,1841. 37.

NO BETTER IN MARKET—Grass Seed,a olcao handsome article for sowing, for

sale ot the sign of the PP'H.IC'S flinrn, hyalat March, 1842. W. H. MARSHALL.


TAMARTODS. a first rate article, in aiekr|cssor health, retailing by the pound, at the

People's Store, by

TVJ OTICE.—Tbe partnership heretofore oxlsuXN ing between Henry McNulty ond AnthonyLoftces, under the firm of McNulty & Co,, hav-ing been dissolved by mutual consent, the stockof Goods, debts, &c , in the establishment at Og-densburgh have boon disposed of to AnthonyMcNulty and Teomas McICovor who ore dulyauthorized to receive alt dflbls duo to the lotsfirm of McNulty & Co., and all debts owing bythe said firm mado or contracted by the Ogdens.burgh store, will bo discharged by said A. Mc-Nulty &.Tlios. Kovnror their Agent at Ogdens-burgb. HY. McNULTY &, CO...-September 1.0,1841,

The above business will in future be carriedon at the old stand in Water street, by the un-dersigned as ueual, and all debts owing to andby the late firm arising out of tho Ogdonsburghsioro will be rocoived ntt<F dTscnbrtfod by theirduly authorized ngent, Bernard MoFaul. Thoseindebted are requested to Immediately call andsettle the same without delay.


Dated OgdensUiirgb, Sept. 10,1841 • 40.

CUT AND WROUGHT NAILS, & WIN.DOW GLASS, of various sizes, for ealp ot

No. 7 Water-strool, byS. STILWEMi, Jr

Oct. 39, i«a» ; ft

also a.gBnotsale Cheap; At

HAND—FAKWELL'S gajem ConcaveDollar, and

-.*.».» ..»-»E'Tool8j forWife by


Asa Sprnfjue,Solomon" Pratt,",,Benjamin Nevins,E. Dodge & W. H. Dodge,G. Rndington & E. Rust,John Hortop,John B. Andrews,D.Clark,Jntnes Chandler &. J. Smith,W. Ciuponiftr.Calvin T. Hulburd,Norman Sackrider,Thaddeus Laugblin,

Dekalb.Rossie.Brasher.Gouverneur.Waddington.Madrid.Massona.Canton.Potsdam, uLisbon.Stockholm.Norfolk.Hopkinlori.

BARON S. DOTY, President.SIMEON D. MOOLY, Vice President.

WM. C\ BROWN, Secretary. [n20vl2-tf]

R. D. Senrlo, O g gJohn Picltcnn, Heutelfan.Morse & BattdrFeld, Rottie.H. D. Smith, Gouvcrntur*Hodskih & Pratt, Canton.Jacob Linnendoil, Hopkinton.Partridgc,Clnrk,& Co., Potsdam.Lennder Perkins, Pdriaheillle:"

Purcboso of R. D. SEARLE, Ogdensburgh,as bo is'tho only* authorized agent far the sale otmy Gorm'nn'Vcgotablo Pills i» tjmt ptnec.

[ 8 t t 3 0. T. Comassj TrdvcHuig Ag't.

"I AMP OIL Those who wish, to purchaseJaJ Lamp Oil for One Bollap 0. gallon, will findo good' article nt that price, retailing at the Fe<>-ple'8 Sfijre, by , .

W. W.





T O tbe inhabitants of tho United States andtbo Canadns.—The Pills, well called tho

Lion of the DUY, are ropectftilVy roeormtiendMtu the attention and trinl of all tho.se subject it?the attnrks of Bilions, Dysprplic, nnd otherchronic ditscnees ut the stomach, liver and bow-els. Those Pills havo long been wi bout a s u ecessfnl rival, in Germnnv, and throughout Eu-rope, and ninny yoara in various parts of the Uni.ted States, by the most eminent physicians, us afamily mcilictnc.

This Hill 13 comprised of nine parts of the veg-ptiiblo kingdom. They nro wnrrantpd snfe iu t •>their uperation nnd eflretB. They ore Btmplo iutlu-ir preparation, mild in their actiun, and"unrivnllcd in their results. They have long ro-crivod (hi: most flattering recommendation fromthu Medical Faculty; such men as Dr. Mottand DjcCiuernspy, of New York; Dr. Dolumn-tor. Dr. Hossock and Dr. Landon, ofDulchesncotin'y, and Hon. B. Peck, M." D«, of Glen'sFalls—the?c men have long stood at the head oftheir profession.

Again : gnsi'ic irritation debilitates tbo diges.live orgnus and becomes a fruitful source of disease ; in some people Dysppp&ia; in others, Lip-el' Coinpluinf, Rluumatism, Measles, WhoopingCough, Axthma, Gouft, Hypochondria, Epilep-sy. Low Spirits, Chrome Diirrbtea, PulmonaryConsumption, Sick Houdnrhp, Eruption nf /JiinSkin, Silt Rheum, Si. Anthony's Fire, Yelloiennd Bilious Ferera, Ferer ana Ague, Scnrletfowh, Hrartlmrn, Coslhenest, Ftmiaje Weak,ness. Jaundice, Intermittent and Remittent Fe.vets, L'rtjspclas, Scald Head, Humors, and allBilious tomplaints. Those different complaintsare each, one and about the same, followed bya train of others, equally as detrimental, ond per-haps fata( >o life. Like bad legislation, one badlaw must be supported by others equally injuri-ous to the prosperity of ihe State. A perfectlyhealthy body, is like a welt tuned instrument,every string of which vibrates in unison, and tbo>least injury to any one throws it into disorder.

Let any one take the truublo to cxnmino andstudy the organisation of his own system, ai)d ifbo never did before, ho will realize the feelingof tbo Psalmist when he sung, "I am fearfullyand wondorfully made!"

Looking at the human body, with all its ram.ifientions, balances, adjustments, and nice rela-tions.; the hnir-liko dependence upon which life •is suspended; the intricacy Of thi Tn&cnine; tho *adaptation of means to en3?j thVtluTqrent sys-tems running into, parallel with, and interlacingeach other without the least confusion; the ar-rangement and articulation of the bones; theframe work of the system; the action and useso f life muscles} the wonderful System of arte-ries and veins; the action of tho heart in propel-ling (he blood with such astonishing force; nndthe greatest wonder will be, how it can* be pos-sible the human system can bear up against thodaily violation of its laws, and maintain its vital-ity against such repented attacks and injuriesfrom external and internal violence. , ,

I unhesitatingly recommond thorn far tho cureof the above complaints—long known end just.ly celebrated an ono of tho best Family Medi-cines in the Mutoria Medica.

These Pills are not intended us- a thoroughpurgative, as some will havo it;, they a n inten-ded to strengthen the system that hns run down,and removey,nll obstruction and assist nature inits -violatedTaWs.

For sale in almost everytowo in the (failedStates and the Canadas. Price 37 1-2 conls.—Directions on each box.

Be sure when you purchase that you get theLion of tie Day, having tho Written name 6fMerrtl Griffin on each box.

Xrineipal OJJice».—k. B. it, D. Santfe, 7»Fulton street* New York. 3.T. RoWahd, 376Mtirkct-Bt,-, Philadelphia; A. Geycr, 104 HSho- #ve^st., Boston; A.C. Phin,31 Broad -St., Charles-ton, S .C. '

For full particulars, see small ciroulnra depos-ited with each agent below mentioned. Forsale in this-connty by my rmthorized ngonts.


T F you wish to purchoao ten eJuBperihansMifyJL «$<* tfortin Ogdtmburgh, ontlagood <jual-