exploring consumer behavior - motivation

Motivation Chandana Fonseka

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Page 1: Exploring Consumer Behavior - Motivation


Chandana Fonseka

Page 2: Exploring Consumer Behavior - Motivation

Human Motivation

• In Physics, ‘a force’ is described as ‘any form of push or pull towards some direction’

Pull Push

Motivation is a psychological force which gets developed inside a human that push or pull to do some action

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Human Motivation - Definition

• Motivation can be described as the ‘driving force’ within an individual that impels (induces) a person to do some action

• How this ‘driving force’ emerges or gets created inside a person????

Unfulfilled Needs Driving


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How motivational force gets created?

Unfulfilled Needs Tension Driving


As soon as Kanthi heard the news of Fonterra’s business suspension, she was scared and felt that there will be a big shortage of milk powder in the market. So she immediately went to a Supermarket and purchased 10kg of milk powder from some popular brand for her family

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Unfulfilled needs and

wants Tension Drive Behaviour

Goals and Need


Tension Reduction

Motivation Process

Perception Personality Motivation Learning

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Desired level

Detecting level

E.g. Hunger


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Characteristics of Human Needs

Needs will be satisfied by


Humans have

unlimited needs and


A new need will emerge soon after

satisfying an existing need

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Human Needs…..CONTD N



Innate Needs or Primary Needs

Acquired Needs or Secondary Needs

Innate needs are physiological (biogenic) which needs for the survival (born with) Hunger, thirsty, breathing, shelter, sex, etc. Acquired needs are that we learn in response to our culture or environment (psychogenic) self-esteem, prestige, affection, power, recognition, etc.

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Success and Failure in Achieving Goals

• When humans successfully achieve their set goals they will set new and higher goals for themselves (this is called raising the level of aspirations – e.g. Brand aspiration)

• Failure to achieve a goal may result in frustration, and people react differently when they feel frustration

• To avoid any tension happening due to frustration people use ‘defense mechanisms’

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Defense Mechanisms

Defense Mechanism


Aggression Responding with aggressive behaviour

Rationalization Justifying their failure by finding reasons

Regression React with an immature behaviour (damaging clothes in a shopping mall)

Withdrawal Completely move away from the situation

Projection Projecting the failure to others

Daydreaming Dream about the success

Identification Identifying with other similar goals

Repression Press the unsatisfied need so that it will not emerge again

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Theories related to Needs

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

“What a man can be he must be”

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