excerpt from "speak now" by kenji yoshino

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  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.




    married my husband, Ron Stoneham, on August 8, 2009.

    Guido Calabresi, a federal appellate judge,  performed the er !

    emony on his farm in "oodbridge, Connetiut. Guido #as dean

    #hen $ enrolled as a student at %ale &a# Shool. 'y the time $ gr ad!

    uated in (99), *resident Clinton had appointed him to the Seond

    Ciruit Court of Appeals. $ #or+ed for him after graduation as a

    ler+, then joined the %ale &a# Shool faulty. e mentored me onthe path to tenure, #hih $ reei-ed in 200. $n 200), $ beame the

    inaugural Guido Calabresi *rofessor of &a#. /y husband ribs me

    for ha-ing ta+en Guidos name but not his.

    Guido too+ me and Ron aside before the eremony. At the time,

    Connetiut reogni1ed same!se marriage,  but the federal go-!

    ernment did not, due to a la# styled the 3efense of /arriage At

    435/A6. Guido said7 8%ou0r e  the first same!se ouple $-emar ! ried. "hen $-e married ouples in the past, $-e al#ays

    said, 'y the po#er -ested in me by the state of Connetiut and

    the :nited States of Ameria, $ no#  pronoune you marr ied.0 ;o#,

     beause of 

  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


    2 S P E A K N O W

    35/A, $ ant marry you under federal la#. 'ut $ also ant find

    it in my heart to treat you differently from any other ouple.< =he

    s+in around his blue!gray eyes rin+led #ith la#yerly  pleasure. 8So

    #hen $ spea+ of the po#er -ested in me by the :nited States of 

    Ameria, $ #ill be referring to my authority as a federal judge to

    marry you under state la#. 'ut the #ords #ill remain the same.<

    =hen he hugged us. $ ould feel his heart beating through his

     judges robe. $ thought ho# odd it #as to be embraed  by the la#.

    =he great la#  professor Robert Co-er #rote that judges sit atop a

     pyramid of -iolene dealing  pain and death.< :sually, being

    8a p! prehended<  by the la# is a terrifying eperiene. %et at that

    mo! ment, $ understood marriage as the rare plae #here la# and

    lo-e on-er ge.

    /arriage is a major life e-ent for most people. %et $ thin+ it

    still arries an etra jolt of #onder for same!se ouples. $t runs so

    ounter to #hat #e ha-e been told about the li-es possible for us. $

    #as born in (9)9, the year of the Stone#all Riots. ad $ been  bor na generation earlier, or in a different ountry, my urrent life #ould

     be unimaginable. /oni>ue "ittig, born in (9?, #rote in (980

    that the heteroseual ontrat #as simple7 8you!#ill! be!str aight!

    or!you!#ill!not!be.< *aul /onette,  born in (9@?, #rote in his

    (992 memoir7 :ntil $ #as t#enty!fi-e, $ #as the only man $ +ne#

    #ho had no story at all. $d long sine aepted the fat that

    nothing had e-er happened to me and nothing e-er #ould.<Andre# Sulli-an,  born in (9), ga-e the gay ommunity more

    hope in his indis pens! able (99? #or+ Virtually Normal, #hih

    argued for same!se mar ! riage. %et e-en that manifesto ended by

    touting ho# the tendeny of gay people not to ha-e families of our 

    o#n benefited soiety7 8=he displaement of family affetion onto

    a  broader ommunity also ma+es the homoseual an ideal person

    to de-ote him! or herself to a soial institution7 the uni-ersity, theshool, the little league, the 'oy Souts, the hurh, the sports

    team.< e onluded7 8Sr ath most of these institutions and

    youll find a homoseual or t#o sus! taining many of its -ital

    f untions.

  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


     Embraced by Law

    $ remember reading Sulli-ans boo+ #hen it #as  published. $ had

     just embar+ed on my legal areer. "hile $ did not onsiously ta+e

    his #ords as a  presription for my life, $ reogni1ed that they a p!

    tured ho# many epeted me to li-e. %ale #as then onsidered the

    $-y #ith the highest gay  population 4as one #ag put it7 85ne in

    f our , maybe more one in three, maybe me one in t#o, maybe


  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


    the hi--ying. $ finally had not only the  permission  but also the

     pressure to go the #ay $ yearned to go.

  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


    @ S P E A K N O W

    $ left %ale in 2008 to mo-e to ;e# %or+ :ni-ersity. $ had

    met Ron during a sabbatial -isit to that institution. $ #as in my

    late thirties, he in his late forties. =he first thing $ notied about

    him #ere his eyesone gray and one gray strea+ed #ith opper 

     li+ e light  brea+ing a storm. $ thought7 This landscape could 

    keep me indoors. $ felt attrated to him in the most literal sense

     $ +ne# $ #ould rather  be in the same state as he, the same ity,

    the same building, the same room. $ +ne#, >ui+ly, that $ #ould

    marry him, if he #ould ha-e me.

    Ron and $ are ideologially progressi-e  but tem per amentally

    onser-ati-e. "e both #anted #hat our  parents had modeled f or 

    uslife!long marriage and hildren. 83on0t #ait,< Guido said dur !

    ing our #edding. %ou #ere born to be  parents.< "e needed no

    enouragement. "e had already started attending sessions of 8/en

    a-ing 'abies< at /anhattan0s  &esbian, Gay, 'iseual and

    =r ans! gender 4&G'=6 Community Center. 5ne reason #e

    #anted to get married #as to pro-ide our hildren the  protetionsof the institu! tion. "e no# ha-e a daughter and a son.

    $ al#ays #ear a suit to teah. A olleague one as+ed #hy. $ said

    $ did so out of respet for an honorable profession. e guff a#ed,

    obser-ing that most of my students #ould beome big!firm la#yer s

    #hose  profession #ould onsist of helping orporations #age #ar .

    $ remain unrepentant. /y o#n life has depri-ed me of any a pa!

    ity to be ynial about the la#. D-ery time $ needed a legal gate toopen, it opened. "hen $ first ame out as gay in the early (990s,

    the la# had hanged in most states to deriminali1e seual ats

     bet#een men #hen Ron and $ #ished to marry, the la# in Con!

    netiut allo#ed it #hen #e #ished to ha-e hildren, surr ogay

    and adoption la#s  permitted us to do so. =o be sure, those legal

    hanges did not happen independently of ultural and  politial

    transformations. Still, #ithout onrete legal reform, $ might ha-ehad no husband, no daughter, and no son. ;o# it is that life that

    seems unimagina ble.

  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


     Embraced by Law ?

    hen Ron and $ married, a major legal de-elopment #as

    unfolding on the other oast. Eiled on /ay 22, 2009,

    hallenged the onstitutionality of Califor!

     Perry v. Schwar  z eneer 

    nias *roposition 8, #hih had amended the states onstitution to

    limit marriage to one man and one #oman. =he amendment #ith!

    dre# e>ual marriage rights from same!se ouples si months af ter 

    the states supreme ourt had reogni1ed them. =he  Perry ase #asdistinti-e beause it assailed a states  prohibition of same!se mar !

    riage on federal onstitutional grounds. =hat meant the ase ould

    reah the :nited States Supreme Court. $t also reated a media

    fren1y beause it #as filed by the odd ouple of 3a-id 'oies and =ed

    5lson, the superla#yers #ho had s>uared off in  !ush v. "ore.

    At the time, only four states had legali1ed same!se marr iage.

    /oreo-er, a majority of states had in reent years enated or r e!

    infored bans on same!se marriage. =he Supreme Court gener !

    ally does not tread far ahead of publi opinion. Eor this r eason,

    leaders of the major gay!rights organi1ationsmany of #hom $

    regarded as friends and olleaguespassionately opposed the suit.

    =he mo-ement la#yers #orried that 'oies and 5lson #ould r ush

    this ase to a defeat at the Supreme Court. =hey ould then r etur n

    to their lurati-e orporate praties, lea-ing the gay!rights la#yer s

    to pi+ up the piees. =hose shards ould satter far, gi-en that the

    onse>uenes of an ad-erse ruling might not be onfined to mar !

    riage. As gay!rights ad-oates had #itnessed in the aftermath of a

    de-astating loss before the high ourt in (98), the onstitutional

    logi that justifies disrimination in one area an be etended   by

    lo#er ourts, state offiials, and othersto fuel disrimination in

    different realms. :ndoing the effets of an ad-erse ruling ould also

    ta+e yearsperhaps deades. D-en if a ne# majority  belie-es that

    a ase #as #rongly deided, the Supreme Court is loath to o-err ule

  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


     Embraced by Law I

    $ -i-idly reall reading the three!thousand!page transript in the

    ase. $t is the eperiene many readers ha-eperhaps the eper i!

    ene that defines us as readersof falling into< a tet and not

    resurfaing into e-eryday life until #e ha-e turned the last  page.

    3ra#ing on months of  pre!trial proeedings 4and years of ar gu!

    ments ad-aned  by &G'= ati-ists6 the transripts aptured the

     best on-ersation $ had seen on same!se marriagebetter than

    any legislati-e hearing, any aademi debate, or any media e!

    hange. "hat distinguished it from these other dialogues #as the

    intelletual rigor of the  proeedingsthe submission of epert r e!

     ports, the daylong  pre!trial depositions of the #itnesses, the testi!

    mony under penalty of  perjury, the reord that s#allo#ed e-er y

    #ord in its ma#, and  perhaps abo-e all the ross!eamination of 

    #itnesses on the stand. =he transript #as a luminous i-il!r ights

    doument. Any resentment $ felt to#ard 'oies or 5lson e-a por ated.

    /y intent is not to re-isit the shop#orn dispute o-er #hether 

    ourts or legislatures or diret -otes by the people are the best  plaeto resol-e the >uestion of same!se marriage. As a pratial matter ,

    that argument is moot. Around the #orld the debate is ourr ing 

    and #ill ontinue to ourin all these forums. /y >uestion is

    #here the best on-ersationmeaning the most enlightening, om!

     prehensi-e, and metiulous oneis happening. $n this instane,

    the best dialogue too+ plae in the ourtroomand more  br oadly,

    through the entire ad-ersarial  proess that ulminated in Fudge"al+ers tr ial.

    $mmediately after Fudge "al+ers deision, 'oies etolled the

    trial form in an inter-ie# on  #ace the  Nation. $n politial de bates,

    he argued, it #as too easy to thro# around opinions, appeal to

     peoples fear and  prejudie,< and ite studies that either dont

    eist or dont say #hat you say they do.< $n a trial, he obser-ed,

    8you0-e got to stand up under oath and ross!eamination,< #hih

    made it impossible for opponents of marriage e>uality to pre-ail

     based on misrepresentations, speulation, and hyperbole. e


  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


    8 S P E A K N O W

    "hen they ome into ourt and they ha-e to support those

    opinions and they ha-e to defend those opinions under oath

    and ross!eamination, those opinions  just melt a#ay. And

    thats #hat happened here. =here simply #asnt any e-idene.

    =here #erent any of those studies. =here #erent any em pir ial

    studies. =hats just made up. =hats jun+ siene.

    And its easy to say that on tele-ision. 'ut a #itness stand is

    a lonely plae to lie. And #hen you ome into ourt, you an0t

    do that. And thats #hat #e  pro-ed. "e put fear and  pr ejudie

    on trial, and fear and prejudie lost.

    Fournalists #ho o-ered the trial ehoed 'oiess theme. "r iting

    for the  New $orker, /argaret =albot a+no#ledged the

    on-en! tional #isdom that the ulture #ars should be fought out in

    the legislature, the ballot bo, or e-en the  blogosphere. o#e-er,

    she obser-ed that the  Perry trial sho#ed that the ourtroom ould

     be a lassroom #here the -alues of thoroughness,  preision ins peeh, and the obligation to reply ha-e a #ay of laying bare the

    f undamen! tals of ertain rhetorial positions.< /ore reently,

    la#  pr ofessor 3ale Carpenter ritii1ed 'oies and 5lson and

    disputed their as! sessment of  Perrys import  but lauded the trial

    itself, ontending that it had re-ealed 8the thin logi,

    unsubstantiated assertions and stereotypes that undergird the

    opposition to same!se marr iage in a #ay that only litigation,inluding testimony subjet to r oss! eamination under oath, an


    Suh tributes are  partiularly important no#, #hen the i-il

    trial is >uietly going the #ay of the dodo. $n the (90s, about 20

     perent of i-il ases filed in federal ourts #ere resol-ed at tr ial

    in the 2000s, the figure had  plummeted to less than 2  perent. *ar t

    of the reason is that ourts ha-e signifiantly epanded  pr e!tr ial proedures, gi-ing litigants substantial opportunity to interr ogate

    #itnesses, re-ie# their opponents0 douments, and ondut f or mal

    settlement negotiations. Some sholars elebrate this de-elopment

    as a triumph of judiial effiieny, and indeed it is. /any  benefits

  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


     Embraced by Law 9

    of ad-ersarial litigation are no# a-ailable #ithout the epense and

    delay assoiated #ith trials. 'ut nothing aptures the full range of 

    a trials ad-antages other than a trial itself. "e must onfront #hat

    is lost in surrendering this great Amerian tradition. As muh as

    anything, this boo+ is a paean to the i-il tr ial.

    =he  proponents of *rop 8, #ho #ere the effeti-e defendants in

    the suit, objeted to the trial on se-eral grounds. At -arious  points

    in the  proeedingsand after#ardthey ontended that the dis!

     puted soiologial issues ould not be resol-ed through the  judiial

     proess, that four of their #itnesses deided not to testify out of 

    onerns for their safety, and that the judge #as biased beause he

    #as gay and in a same!se relationship. $ #ill address these r iti!

    isms as they arose in the  proeedings. Eor no#, let me say that

    ompared to a *latoni ideal of disourse, the trial #ill fall shor t.

    Compared to the real alternati-es, it shines.

    initially tried to #rite this boo+ in my onstitutional la#  pr o!

    fessor< -oie. %et #ithholding my  personal reations made the

    narrati-e feel inomplete, e-en slightly dishonest. $ ould not ha-e

     been more affeted by the issues in this ase. 3uring the f our !year 

    span bet#een the filing of  Perry and its ultimate resolution, R on

    and $ married, #elomed our daughter into the #orld, and then

    #elomed our son. "hen #e tra-eled to the Supreme Court on/arh 2), 20(, to hear oral arguments in the ase, #e #ere r i-en

    #ith aniety. =hose ner-es stemmed as muh from the ho+ ing

     pani of ha-ing left our young hildren in a different ity for the

    first time as they did from the ase. And of ourse, my  par ental

    and  professional anieties #ere intert#ined#hether #e #ould

     be able to offer ruial  protetions to our hildren ould be deter !

    mined by the Courts deision.Some may >uestion #hether an indi-idual #ith suh a sta+e in

    the outome ould e-aluate the trial dispassionately. "hen $ on!

    sider that objetion, $ reall a moment on the first day of tr ial.

  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


    (0 S P E A K N O W

    'oies as+ed plaintiff *aul Jatami if being granted the right to

    marry #ould hange his relationship to his ommunity. 5 pposing

    ounsel lodged an objetion, arguing that Jatami #as just a  plain!

    tiff, not an epert. Jatami stood his ground #ith a ri de oeur 7

    8$ ant spea+ as an epert. $ an spea+ as a human  being that0s

    li-ed it.< $ spea+ in this boo+ not only as an epert in onstitu!

    tional la# but also as a human  being #ho has li-ed it. Fust as our 

    life eperiene may dull our faulties of  pereption, so too it may

    sharpen them.

    =o supplement my o#n  perspeti-e, $ rissrossed ;orth Amer !

    ia onduting o-er forty inter-ie#s #ith ounsel, #itnesses 4in!

    luding #ithdra#n #itnesses6, and other sta+eholders on both sides

    of this debate. *ieing together this pu11le has been one of the sig!

    nal pleasures of my  professional life. $t #as also an oasion f or 

     personal transformation, as $ found myself onneting at some le-el

    #ith e-ery person #ith #hom $ spo+e, e-en #hen #e disagreed -e!

    hemently about the >uestion at hand./any indi-iduals  belie-e the same!se marriage debate #ill

    soon ome to a lose. "hile the Supreme Court #ill ma+e a de!

    ision affeting all fifty states in the net fe# months, the idea

    that it #ill end the debate is faniful. Resistane to the Su pr eme

    Courts (9)I deision stri+ing do#n bans on interraial mar !

    riage endured long past that ase. And if #e ta+e a more global

     perspeti-e, same!se marriage is urrently a-ailable nation#idein fe#er than t#enty out of some t#o hundred ountries, #hile

    same!se seual ondut is still illegal in more than se-enty. $n

    eight ountries, gay se is  punishable  by death. $ epet to be ar !

    guing for marriage e>uality for the rest of my life, during #hih

    time the -alidity of my o#n marriage #ill fade in and out li+e a

    radio signal depending on #here in the #orld $ am ma+ing the

    ar gument.At the same time, the debate seems mature.  ;o# that the ar !

    guments ha-e been artiulated, parsed, and refined, #e an dr i-e

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  • 8/9/2019 Excerpt From "Speak Now" By Kenji Yoshino.


    (2 S P E A K N O W

    transpired there #ithout ending #ith a more fa-orable -ie# of 

    same!se marriage. 'eause fe# #ill read the full transript, this

     boo+ see+s to bring the trial to the reader. Clarifying the +ey issues

    in an inflamed soial ontro-ersy is something trials an do for us.

    /emoriali1ing suh trials is #hat #e an do for them.