ex a me auto taiwan

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  • 8/3/2019 Ex a Me Auto Taiwan








  • 8/3/2019 Ex a Me Auto Taiwan


    001 3

    When vehicles are running in the tunnels, the drivers: (1) may not turn

    on lights, (2) must turn on light and proceed quickly, (3) are required to

    turn on headlight and comply with speed limit.


    002 1The vehicles following other vehicles at night are required to: (1) turn

    on near light, (2) turn on distant light, (3) not use any light.05

    003 1

    Which of the following is the most important for drivers: (1) respecting

    humans lives, (2) speeding up if drivers are in a hurry, (3) watching the

    scenery all the way to the destination.


    004 1 When driving in the city at night with good lighting conditions, driversare required to: (1) turn on near light, (2) turn on distant light, (3) tab

    horns as much as possible.


    005 1

    If the headlights distant light beam is to reach the incoming vehicle

    drivers eyes, you are required to: (1) switch to the near light, (2) turn

    off all lights, (3) still use the distant lights.


    006 1Can vehicles on the inside lanes overtake vehicles by using the outside

    lanes? (1) no, they cant, (2) yes, they can, (3) it doesnt matter at all.05

    007 3

    Drivers provides three services - safety, comfort, and rapidness - to

    either passengers or the goods owners. If they are unable to provide the

    three services at the same time, which of the following is the toppriority: (1) comfort, (2) rapidness, (3) safety.


    008 2

    Drivers have to abide by laws, because: (1) they dont want to be

    penalized, (2) they abide by laws for their responsibilities, honors, as

    well as the safety for themselves and the others, (3) they are under



    009 3 When driving through a chaotic area or construction area, drivers are

    required to: (1) speed up, (2) find the emptiest area and pass through,

    (3) respect and tolerate one another.


    010 1 Prior to filling up fuel gank: (1) you are required to turn off engine, (2)

    you dont have to turn off engine, (3) it doesnt matter whether you turn

    off engine or not.


    011 2 Passengers: (1) may outstretch their heads and arms, (2) may not

    outstretch their heads and arms, (3) may outstretch their heads and arms

    in the summer days, but cannot do it when weather turns cold.


    012 1

    If drivers are intending to maintain an orderly traffic for the safety of the

    entire society and for the happiness of their families, they are required

    to: (1) abide by driving morals and disciplines, (2) improve their driving

    skills, (3) not smoke and not drink, either.



  • 8/3/2019 Ex a Me Auto Taiwan


    013 2

    Drivers are required to: (1) strive to improve their skills, (2) place top

    priority to safety, (3) give up everything just to achieve their purposes.05

    014 1

    I am a good driver and always abide by traffic rules. In consideration of

    traffic safety, I hope the police officers: (1) use all lawful means to

    check drivers and penalize the outlaw behaviors strictly, (2) not to check

    anyone and not to penalize anyone, (3) check drivers but do not penalize

    any driver.


    015 3

    I have passed the crosswalk of an intersection and the yellow light is on,

    I am required to: (1) stop my car, (2) move back behind the crosswalk,

    (3) keep moving ahead.


    016 1

    Driving behind other vehicles and approaching railroad crossing, I are

    required to: (1) slow down and keep a longer distance with the fornt

    vehicle, (2) drive in the same way as usual, (3) speed up to pass the

    railroad crossing.


    017 2

    As a matter of driving safety, which of the following are required to be

    considered the top priority by drivers: (1) the appearance of their

    vehicles, (2) safety more important than time, (3) traffic facilities.


    018 1

    To ensure safety for themselves and the others, drivers are required to

    improve their conducts in the daily lives and always: (1) controlthemselves and help the others, (2) discourage the others from fighting

    with one another, (3) try to find some way to give the others a hard



    019 3

    If you are driving in the rural area and find other people are carrying

    animals to cross the roads, you are required to: (1) tab your horn to

    force them hurry up, (2) speed up to cross the roads before the animals

    do, (3) slow down and wait until the animals have crossed the roads.


    020 1

    If you are driving through a muddy area or flooded area and find

    pedestrians, you are required to: (1) slow down your vehicle in order not

    to cause any water splashing the pedestrians, (2) speed up and passthrough the water, (3) tab yoru horn as much as possible to alert the

    pedestrians keeping away from your vehicle.


    021 2

    If you are driving on the roads: (1) you can either dial or answer hand-

    held cell phones, (2) you may neither dial nor answer hand-held cell

    phones, (3) you can either dial or answer hand-held cell phones if the

    roads are in good conditions.


    022 2

    When you meet other vehicles on a narrow road, you are required to: (1)

    speed up and force other vehicles to yield, (2) pull your vehicle to the

    roadside and yield to other vehicles, (3) tab your horns as much as

    possible and warn other vehicles to yield.



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    023 2

    If an elderly, child, or diabled passenger gets on the bus, the driver are

    required to: (1) politely refuse to serve them, (2) wait until all

    passengers are seated steadily before the bus moves, (3) charge them

    double fares.


    024 2

    If you witness an accident when you are driving, you are required to: (1)

    get away from the accident, (2) stay in the site to provide assistance and

    testimonty, (3) tell a lie by saying you didnt see anything at all.


    025 3

    If you are mentally exhausted when you are driving, what are required

    you to do: (1) slow down, (2) use medicine to regain your energy and

    continue to drive as usual, (3) pull to the nearest roadside, leave yourvehicle and rest a while in order to regain your energy, then you can

    drive again.


    026 1

    You are driving on a double-direction 2-lane route and you are

    intending to overtake the front vehicle but you find other vehicles are

    approaching from the opposite direction, you are required to: (1) slow

    down immediately and give up overtaking, (2) speed up and overtake

    immediately, (3) tab your horn and force the approaching vehicle to



    027 2

    If you are driving through a muddy road in raining days and your tires

    are skidding, you are required to: (1) step on the brake pedal to reducespeed immediately, (2) switch to the low-speed shift, use both hands to

    hold the steering wheel tightly, watch out the skidding, and control your

    steering wheel towards the same direction, (3) pull to the roadside



    028 1

    If you find your brake is not working when you are driving, you are

    required to: (1) switch to the low-speed shift immediately, turn on the

    right direction light, and pull to the roadside, (2) pull to the roadside

    immediately, (3) turn on headlight and tab your horn to alert the

    vehicles and pedestrians to yield.


    029 1

    In which of the following situations, drivers are allowed to switch to thelane to the left of the direction separation line: (1) when other vehicles

    are parked on the right roadside and, at the same time, no vehicle is

    approaching from the opposite direction, (2) when you are driving either

    uphill or downhill, (3) when you are going to stop your car.


    030 2

    When you are driving on a rural road in midnight and no one else is on

    the road: (1) you can speed up, (2) you are required to comply with the

    speed limit requirement, (3) you can drive a little bit faster than speed

    limit, but not too fast.



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    031 3

    If you are driving through a muddy area or flooded road, you are

    required to: (1) speed up in order not to be trapped in the mudy water,

    (2) tab your horn and force the pedestrians to yield, (3) slow down and

    drive cautiously.


    032 3If you find either brake or steering wheel not working before you drive,

    you are required to: (1) slow down, (2) drive as usual, (3) stop driving.05

    033 2A vehicle is speeding up behind a fire engine. Is such conduct: (1)

    permitted? (2) not permitted? (3) not regulated by law?05

    034 3 The faster the speed, the (1) unchanged, (2) shorter, (3) longer thereaction distance. 05

    035 1Is it all right to drive after drinking alcoholic beverages? (1) no, (2) yes,

    (3) driving slowly is all right.05

    036 2

    If you are driving at night and the vehicle approaching from opposite

    direction is not switching to near light, you are required to: (1) switch to

    the distant light as a retaliation, (2) not be bothered by that vehicle and

    still use the near light and slow down, (3) leave it alone, do not worry

    about it.


    037 1

    When vehicles are moving at high speed, are drivers capable of

    handling emergencies? (1) they react slower than usual and handle theemergencies less efficiently, (2) they can handle emergencies in the

    same way as usual, (3) they can handle better than usual.


    038 2

    Are the vehicles loaded with dangerous objects permitted to enter into

    Baguashan Tunnel or Sheshan Tunnel? (1) yes, they are, (2) no, they are

    not, (3) there is no rule governing such conduct.


    039 1

    When driving in a long tunnel, drivers throw objects, cigarette or

    flammable items out of the vehicles: (1) is an extremely immoral and

    dangerous conduct, (2) is not a problem as long as drivers are happy to

    do that, (3) is the best way to keep their vehicles clean.


    040 2

    Long tunnels are provided with parking bays for: (1) parking and

    resting, (2) the malfunctioned vehicles, (3) overtaking in case the tunnel

    is blocked by vehicles.


    041 2

    When driving in a long tunnel, drivers: (1) may change lanes at their

    discretions, (2) may not change lanes at their discretions, (3) may

    change to the lanes with less vehicles.



  • 8/3/2019 Ex a Me Auto Taiwan


    042 3

    If vehicles are in a long tunnel and fire occurs, drivers are required to

    turn off their vehicles and: (1) all personnel stay in the vehicles and

    close window for rescue, (2) lock the doors and all personnel evacuate,

    (3) all personnel evacuate and leave the keys in the vehicles, do not

    close the doors.


    043 2

    If vehicles are in long tunnel and fire occurs in front of them, drivers

    and passengers are required to: (1) stay in their vehicles and wait for

    rescue, (2) evacuate to the opposite direction, (3) evacuate towards the

    vehicles movement direction.


    044 2Long tunnels are provided with connection tunnels: (1) for themalfunctioned vehicles, (2) vechiels are allowed to enter the connection

    vehicles only if crisis occurs, (3) for vehicles to make U-turn.


    045 1

    If fire occurs in the long tunnel in front of your vehicle, how will you

    evacuate and, at the same time, minimize the damages caused by the

    black smoke generated by the fire thereby avoid the heavy smoke and

    the high temperature: (1) lower your body and evacuate towards the

    opposite direction, (2) lower your body and evacuate towards your

    vehciles movement direction, (3) evacuate towards the vehicles

    movement direction as quickly as possible.


    046 2 Mini bus entails (1) less than 10, (2) less than 9, (3) less than 11 seats. 02

    047 1

    What happens to those drivers who delay their vehicles regular

    inspection for more than a month: (1) they will be peanlized and their

    drivers licenses will be suspended, (2) their drivers licenses will be

    suspended, (3) they will be fined.


    048 1From the licence pick-up date, how long shall student drivers license be

    effective: (1) 1 year, (2) 2 years, (3) 3 years.02

    049 2What is the legal age to apply for a regular automobile drivers licence:

    (1) 17 years old, (2) 18 years old, (3) 19 years old.02

    050 3 What is the legal age to apply for a professional automobile driverslicence: (1) 18 years old, (2) 19 years old, (3) 20 years old.


    051 1A small truck may not carry more than (1) 2 persons (2) 1 person (3) 3

    persons other than the driver.02

    052 1

    Those drivers who allow other persons to drive their cars without

    drivers licenses will be subject to: (1) suspension of drivers licenses

    (2) cancellation of drivers licenses (3) cancellation of automobile




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    053 1

    If drivers cause accidents and subsequently result in either injuries or

    death, drivers are required to treat the accident immediately. If the

    accidents causes either major injuries or death and drivers run away: (1)

    drivers licenses will be suspended and drivers are prohibited from

    taking drivers licence test permanently (except for those who meet

    certain criteria and the suspension has expired in accordance with the

    requirements stipulated by the government, (2) drivers will be fined, (3)

    driverss licences will be suspended for 1 year.


    054 2

    Which of the following are the passing scores for the professional

    drivers licence test: (1) traffic rules 70 points, mechanicalcommonsense 60 points, road test 70 points, (2) traffic rules 85 points,

    mechanical commonsense 60 points, road test 70 points, (3) traffic rules

    85 points, mechanical commonsense 70 points, road test 70 points.


    055 2

    Which of the following are the three inspection items for automobiles:

    (1) stop driving, regular inspection, and temporary inspections, (2)

    application for licence plate, regular and temporary inspections, (3)

    abandonment, smoke (gas) exhaust, and regular inspection.


    056 3How often are the professional drivers licences reviewed: (1) every 1

    year, (2) every 2 yerars, (3) every 3 years.02

    057 1Which of following vehicle is a student driver allowed to drive: (1)small vehicle, (2) large truck, (3) bus.


    058 1

    Those who possess small vehicles regular drivers licence are permitted

    to drive: (1) small vehicle and light motorcycle, (2) small passenger

    vehicle and heavy motorcycle, (3) small passenger vehicle and large



    059 2

    Which of the following is the maximum number of engineering or

    public works personnel wearing either ID badge or other identifications

    allowed to ride a small truck: (1) 5 perosns, (2) 8 persons, (4) 4 persons.


    060 3 Which of the following person are required to wear safety belts whenvehicles are running on roads: (1) drivers, (2) front-seat passengers, (3)

    drivers and front-seat passengers.


    061 2Lanes are provided for: (1) pedestrians, (2) vehicles, (3) pedestrians and


    062 3Signals are desgined to control: (1) proceeding, (2) cautions and stop,

    (3) cautions, proceeding, and stop.02

    063 1

    Which of the following are the areas that the student drivers are

    permiited to drive: (1) driving school and the roads designated by the

    local police authority, (2) fast roads, (3) freeways.



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    064 1

    Those who possess regular drivers licenses and are driving business

    vehicles: (1) is an outlawed conduct, (2) lawful conduct, (3) is not

    regulated by any law.


    065 3

    When vehicles are approaching an intersection, how far away from the

    intersection are required to drivers turn on their direction light: (1) 10

    meters, (2) 20 meters, (3) 30 meters.


    066 1

    If drivers licenses are worn out, the drivers are required to: (1) request

    for a new licence, (2) take the drivers licence test again, (3) wait for

    another 6 years to acquire new licences.


    067 2

    Those drivers who lend their drivers licenses to other persons are

    subject to: (1) suspension of drivers licenses (2) cancellation of drivers

    licenses (3) cancellation of automobile licenses.


    068 3

    Those drivers who use counterfeited, forged or chated licences will be:

    (1) fined, (2) their drivers licences will be suspended, (3) fined, drivers

    will be prohibited from driving their vehicles right on the spot and their

    licences will be confiscated.


    069 2

    If drivers licence is missing, drivers are required to: (1) take the

    drivers licence test again, (2) apply to the motor vehicle registration

    department for a new licence, (3) place an ad on newspaper to abolishthe licence.


    070 3

    Those who drive vehicles as their professions are: (1) regular drivers,

    (2) either regular drivers or professional drivers, (3) professional



    071 1

    If vehciles color, fuel, and type are changed, drivers are required to: (1)

    register the changes at the motor vehicle registration department, (2)

    register the changes at police authority, (3) register the changes at the

    Ministry of Transportation and Communications.


    072 2

    Taxis windows: (1) are allowd to be affixed with opaque reflective

    paper, (2) are not permitted to be affixed with either opaque reflectivepaper or heatproof paper, (3) have to be provided with curtains.


    073 2Self-use passenger sedans are exempted from inspection if such

    passenger sedans are less than (1) 4, (2) 5, (3) 6 years.02

    074 3

    Those who are unable to have their professional drivers licences

    reviewed due to sickness or visiting foreign countries may present their

    original licences together with relevant certificates to the motor vehicle

    registration department and apply for review within (1) 1 month, (2) 3

    months, (3) 6 months after they recover from sickness or return home.



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    075 2

    Those who are (1) 16 years old, (2) 18 years old, (3) 20 years old are

    eligible to applying for students driver licneces.02

    076 1

    Is it true that those who possess student drivers licences have to be

    accompanied by drivers possessing the drivers licences for the same

    type of vehicles when they are driving on the roads? (1) yes, (2) no, (3)

    not regulated by law.


    077 3What is the maximum age for those who take professional drivers

    licence test? (1) 45 years old, (2) 55 years old, (3) 65 years old.02

    078 1 What is the maximum age for those who take regular drivers licencetest? (1) no ceiling for the age, (2) 65 years old, (3) 60 years old. 02

    079 2

    For those who intend to take small vehicle regular drivers licence test,

    how long are required to they have been student drivers? (1) longer than

    6 months, (2) longer than 3 months, (3) longer than 2 months.


    080 1

    For those who intend to take small vehicle professional drivers licence

    test, how long are required to they have been student drivers? (1) either

    longer than 6 months or small vehicle drivers licence for longer than 3

    months, (2) longer than 9 months, (3) longer than 10 months.


    081 2

    If drivers licences are suspended or cancelled, what are drivers required

    to do? (1) no applicable rule at all, (2) they are required to surrendertheir drivers licences to the local motor vehicle registration department,

    (3) they are required to turn the drivers licences to the police authority.


    082 1

    If a person has someone else to take the drivers licence test for him,

    what is the penalty for that person? (1) his qualification will be

    cancelled, his drivers licence will be cancelled, and he is prohibited

    from taking drivers licence test for 5 years after he is caught, (2) he

    may not take drivers licence test for the next 3 months, (3) he may not

    take drivedrs licence test for the next 6 months.


    083 2

    Those who are addicted to alcohol, narcotic agents and stimulants: (1)

    may take drivers licence test, (2) may not take drivers licence test, (3)there is no applicable rule at all.


    084 1

    The mentally disabled, the blind, and the epilepsy patients: (1) may not

    take drivers licence test, (2) may take regular drivers licence test, (3)

    there is no applicable rule at all.


    085 2

    Those whose drivers licences are either suspended or cancelled and the

    suspension or cancellation has not expired: (1) may take drivers licence

    test, (2) may not take drivers licence test, (2) there is no applicable rule

    at all.



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    086 3

    If drivers licence is missing, drivers are required to: (1) remember the

    licence number so he can provide the information, (2) take the drivers

    licence test again, (3) apply for re-issuance of drivers licence.


    087 2Road test entails applicants to earn (1) 60 points, (2) 70 points, (3) 80

    points in order to pass the test.02

    088 3Traffic rule test entails applicants to earn (1) 60 points, (2) 75 points, (3)

    85 points in order to pass the test.02

    089 3Those who drive small vehicles without drivers licences are fined

    NTD: (1) 300

    600, (2) 3,600

    7,200, (3) 6,000



    090 1Temporary parking means the parking: (1) less than 3 minutes, (2) less

    than 5 minutes, (3) less than 10 minutes.02

    091 1

    If vehicle breaks down on the road entailing 40 km speed per hour,

    drivers are required to: (1) place a vehicle breakdown sign 5-30 meters

    behind the vehicle, (2) turn on all lights and tab horns repeatedly, (3)

    just turn on the front and rear lights.


    092 1Outside the vehicle: (1) may not carry any passenger, (2) may carry

    passengers, (2) there is no restriction in this connection.02

    093 1

    When vehicles carry passengers: (1) they may not carry more than the

    leally approved maximum number of passengers, (2) the number of

    passengers depend on the needs, (3) there is no applicable rule or

    restriction at all.


    094 2Can taxis refuse to take passenger? (1) yes, (2) no, (3) there is no

    applicable rule at all.02

    095 3

    The width of goods loaded in vehicles: (1) may extend outside the

    vehicle by half a meter, (2) may extend outside the vehicle by a meter,

    (3) may not extend the vehicle.


    096 2

    When loaded with dangerous object, vehicles are required to be parked

    at: (1) underground parking lot, (2) an open and cool area, (3) any placewith many vehicles and few people.


    097 2

    If vehicles are loaded with dangerous object that are either leaking or

    penetrating, the drivers are required to: (1) speed up and rush to the

    destination, (2) park the vehicles and treat the situation properly, (3)

    there is no applicable rule at all.


    098 3

    Those drivers who violate traffic rules and thus cause accidents and

    death are subject to: (1) suspension of vehicle license (2) suspension of

    drivers licenses (3) cancellation of drivers licenses.



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    099 2

    Those drivers who cause accidents with no injury nor death but run

    away from the accident site are subject to penalties and: (1) suspension

    of vehicle license (2) suspension of drivers licenses (3) cancellation of

    drivers licenses.


    100 1

    When vehicles are approaching intersection where in a division island is

    provided to separate between slow land and fast lane, the vehicles

    moving on the slow lane: (1) may not turn left, (2) may turn left, (3)

    there is no applicable rule at all.


    101 2

    When vehicles coming from opposite directions are turning lfet and

    right, respectively, what are required to they do after they turn into thesame lane? (1) the right-turning vehicle has the precedence, (2) the left-

    turning vehicle has the precedence, (3) both vehicles proceed



    102 2

    What happens to those drivers who fail to proceed on the right side of

    the roads without marking line? (1) their drivers licenses will be

    suspended, (2) they will be fined, (3) their vehicle licences will be



    103 2

    When meeting other vehicles on the merge-point at night, you are

    required to: (1) turn on distant light, (2) turn on near light, (3) turn off

    lights and yield.


    104 1

    At the intersection not provided with traffic singals or traffic signals

    break down without any traffic control personnel, what are required to

    drivers do? (1) vehicles on branch lane yield to the vehicles on the main

    lane, (2) vehicle on the main lane yield to the vehicles on branch lane,

    (3) do not yield to any one.


    105 1

    If drivers find both traffic control personnel and traffic signals at the

    intersection; (1) drivers are required to obey to the traffic control

    personnel, (2) drivers are required to obey to the traffic signals, (2) there

    is no applicable ruel at all.


    106 2

    Within how many meters to hydrant and fire engines exit/entrance

    drivers are prohibited from parking their vehicles temporarily? (1) 10

    meters, (2) 5 meters, (3) 15 meters.


    107 1

    When vehicles are loaded with dangerous objects: (1) drivers are

    required to display triangle red flags made of fabrics in front of and

    behind their vehicles, (2) drivers treat the dangerous objects in the same

    way as they treat other items, (3) there is no applicable rule at all.


    108 3

    If trucks are loaded with goods longer than the vehicles body, the

    goods must not be extended outside the vehicles body by (1) 20%, (2)

    25%, (3) 30% of vehicles body length.



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    109 1

    Drivers are required to comply with the speed limit shown on the signs.

    On the roads without signs, speed may not exceed 50km per hour. On

    the roads without lane line, direction separation line nor direction

    prohibition line, however, speed may not exceed: (1) 40km (2) 50km (3)

    6-km per hour.


    110 2

    When vehicles reach railroad crossing and find other vehicles in front of

    them, after how many meters the immediate front vehicle has passed the

    railroad crossing are required to the vehicles proceed to pass through the

    railroad crossing? (1) 5 meters, (2) with a suitable distance, the rear

    vehicle may pass through safely, (3) 15 meters.


    111 3

    Which of the following vehicle is required to be painted with its licence

    plate number on its rear? (1) bus, (2) passenger sedan, (3) heavy truck

    and mini truck.


    112 2

    Drivers have to reduce their speed to (1) less than 10km per hour, (2)

    less than 15km per hour, (3) less than 20km per hour when they see the

    railroad crossing sign on the road.


    113 2

    When vehicles are moving on a road provided with two or more lanes,

    the slower and smaller vehicles have to use: (1) the inside lane, (2) the

    outside lane, (3) the slow lane.


    114 1

    If drivers intend to turn right at intersection, they are required to: (1)

    either turn on direction light or use their arm signal, (2) change lane, (3)

    go ahead and make the turn.


    115 3

    When vehicles are moving on a road provided with two or more lanes,

    the slower and smaller vehicles have to use: (1) the inside lane, (2) the

    outside lane, (3) either inside or outside lane, but they cannot change

    lanes at their discretions.


    116 3

    If various goods are loaded on the same vehicle, the heavier goods are

    required to be placed: (1) in the rear area of vehicle, (2) in the front area

    of vehicle, (3) with weight distributed evenly on the vehicle.


    117 2

    To transport goods with extra length, extra width, extra height, and extra

    weight, drivers: (1) are required to transport such goods in the daytime

    with bright sunshine, (2) have to acquire a temporary permit and hang

    warning flags in front of and behind their vehicles, (3) have to appoint

    someone else to watch both ends of the goods.


    118 2

    Unless otherwise approved by motor vehicle registration deparmtnet,

    drivers: (1) may attach trailers to their vehicles, (2) may not attach

    trailers to their vehicles, (3) may attach just one unit of trailer.



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    119 1

    Prior to driving, drivers: (1) have to thoroughly check, (2) do not have

    to check, (3) doesnt matter whether to check or not to check the

    mechanical parts, such as steering wheels and brake.


    120 1Vehicles tools are required to: (1) be kept in the vehicles, (2) not be

    kept in the vehicles, (3) be kept in the garage.02

    121 3Prior to starting vehicle,s. drivers are required to: (1) not turn on

    direction light, (2) tab horns 3 times briefly, (3) turn on direction light.02

    122 2Drivers: (1) may drive 10 hours at one time, (2) may drive no longer

    than 8 hours at one time, (3) may drive as long as they feel allright.


    123 1

    To turn right, drivers are required to: (1) turn on the right direction

    lights, (2) turn on the left direction lights, (3) stretch out right arm to the

    right to indicdate a right turn.


    124 2

    Passing by schools or hospitals, drivers are required to: (1) tap horns as

    much as possible to alert the students and patients, (2) may not tab horn

    unless emergency arises, (3) briefly tab horn once.


    125 1

    Which of the following is correct regarding the use of horns? (1) drivers

    maynot tab horns more than 3 times, (2) drivers may not tab horns more

    than 4 times, (3) drivers maynot tab horns more than 5 times.


    126 3

    Which of the following is correct regarding the use of horns? (1) each

    tab may not longer than 2 seconds, (2) each tab may not longer than 1

    second, (3) each tab may not longer than half a second.


    127 3

    Moving on the route provided with curve, slope, narrow road signs,

    drivers are required to: (1) speed up in order to avoid traffic jam, (2) tab

    horns to force the vehicles in front hurrying up, (3) slow down and get

    ready to stop anytime.


    128 1

    Moving on the route provided with school sign or hospital sign, drivers

    are required to: (1) slow down and get ready to stop anytime, (2) tab

    horns as much as possible in order to alert the pedestrians, (3) speed up

    in order to avoid traffic jam.


    129 3

    When vehicles are moving on the same lane, the rear vehicle are

    required to maintain: (1) more than 1 meter from the front vehicle, (2)

    more than 5 meters from the front vehicle, (3) a distance that allows the

    rear vehicle to stop anytime safely.


    130 1

    Except for moving on the one-way lane and moving on the left lane as

    required by law, drivers are required to: (1) drive their vehicles on the

    right side of road, (2) drive their vehicles on the left side of road, (3)

    drive their vehicles on the middle of road when they are driving on a

    road without direction-separation line or direction-restriction line.



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    131 2

    If drivers have to keep their vehicles on the left side of road due to

    special circumstances, they are required to: (1) speed up to pass through,

    (2) slow down and watch for the vehicles coming from opposite

    direction together with the pedestrians on the roadside, (3) tap horns as

    much as possible in order the vehicles coming from opposite direction.


    132 1

    When vehicles meet on a steep-slop narrow road: (1) vehicles moving

    downhill yield to the vehicles moving uphill, (2) vehicles moving uphill

    yield to the vehicles moving downhill, (3) do not yield to each other.


    133 2

    When vehicles are moving on a road without direction-separation line or

    with a railroad crossing or a road with bad conditions and meet othervehicles, drivers are required to: (1) speed up, (2) slow down, (3) driver

    as usual.


    134 3

    On a busy road in the urban area: (1) drivers may tab horns to produce

    two long sounds before they overtake other vehicles, (2) drivers may tab

    horns to produce two short sounds before they overtake other vehicles,

    (3) drivers may not tab horns and may not ovetake other vehicles, either.


    135 1

    With a temporary licence plate: (1) drivers may not carry any goods nor

    passengers for a fee, (2) may carry goods for a fee, (3) there is no

    applicable rule at all.


    136 1

    When drivers hear the overtaking horn from the vehicles behind them

    and there is no barrier on the road in front: (1) they are required to slow

    down and move to the roadside to yield, (2) it is not necessary to yield

    at all, (3) speed up.


    137 1

    Upon hearing the siren of fire engine, ambulance, security vehicles or

    engineering rescue vehicle, drivers are required to: (1) yield immdiatey,

    (2) do not have to yield, (3) do not change lane and do not yield.


    138 1

    If vehicles moving on the inside lanes intend to turn left at the

    intersection, the drivers are required to: (1) turn on direction light 30

    meters before the intersection and proceed to the center of intersectionto turn left, (2) proceed to the intersection and go ahead to turn left, (3)

    turn on right direction light and turn left.


    139 1

    When vehicles approach pedestrians crosswalk, drivers are required to:

    (1) slow down and yield to pedestrians, (2) either follow the traffic

    signals or comply with the traffic control personnels instructions to

    pass through, (3) tab horns and speed up.



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    140 1

    If railroad crossing interrupter is not lowered down or the crossing

    guards do not ask drivers to stop, the drivers are required to: (1) watch

    and listen carefully to make certain no train coming from neither

    direction before they pass through, (2) speed up and pass through, (3)

    wait for the guards instructions before passing through.


    141 2

    When vehicles are moving downhill, drivers are required to: (1) turn off

    power in order to save fuel, (2) may not turn off engine for their safety,

    (3) not switch shift.


    142 1

    When vehicles are moving on the route provided with two-way double-

    lanes and direction-separation line, drivers: (1) may not change to theopposite lane, (2) may change to the opposite lane, (3) may change to

    the opposite lane if there is no vehicle in front of them.


    143 3When vehicles meet at the roads merge point, they have to be at least:

    (1) 2 meters, (1) 1 meter, (3) half a meter away from each other.02

    144 3

    Prior to changing lane, drivers are required to: (1) tab horns in advance,

    (2) change lights in advance, (3) either turn on direction lights or use

    arm signals.


    145 3

    When vehicles are moving on the route provided with curve sign, slope

    sign, narrow bridge sign, tunnel sign or railroad crossing sign, drivers:(1) may make U-turn, (2) slow down until 5km per hour before they

    make U-turn, (3) may not make U-turn undr any circumstances.


    146 3When vehicles meet heavy fog on the roads, drivers are required to: (1)

    use direction lights, (2) use brake lights, (3) turn on headlights.02

    147 1

    Prior to making U-turn, drivers are required to: (1) stop temporarily and

    either turn on left direction light or use arm signal to check if there is

    any other vehicle or pedestrian before they make U-turn, (2) not turn on

    any light nor arm signal, just tab horns to produce long sounds twice

    and make U-turn, (3) make U-turn after they tab horns 3 times.


    148 1As to the abandoned vehicles: (1) owners may not apply for inspectionand licence plate, (2) owners may repair the vehicles, and then apply for

    inspection and licence plate, (3) there is no applicable rule at all.


    149 1

    If vehcles engine chassis and electric doors are damaged and cannot be

    used any longer, vehicle owners are required to: (1) report abandonment

    to the motor vehicle registration department and surrender the licence

    palte, (2) discard the abandoned vehicles anywhere they like, (3) sell the

    abandoned vehicles to used car dealers together with the licence plate.



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    150 2

    If drivers use their vehicles for criminal activities and are sentenced

    imprisonment: (1) their drivers licences will be suspended for 3-6

    months, (2) their drivers licences will be cancelled and they are

    prohibited from taking drivers test permanently (except for those who

    meet certain criteria and the suspension has expired in accordance with

    the requirements stipulated by the government), (3) their drivers

    licences will be canceleld and they are prohibited from taking drivers

    licence test for 1 year.


    151 2

    If an accident has caused severe damages to vehicles, what are required

    to vehicle owners to do after the vehicles are repaired? (1) checkvehicles regularly, (2) check vehicles temporarily, (3) apply for licence

    plate and vehicle inspection.


    152 3

    If taxi drivers are providing services for a fee without business

    registration: (1) their drivers licences will be suspended, (2) their

    drivers licences will be canceleld, (3) they will be fined.


    153 3

    Which of the following is the prerequisite requirement for a candidate of

    link truck driver? (1) possessing small passenger sedan drivers licence

    more than 1 year, (2) possessing large truck drivers licence more than 1

    year, (3) either possessing bus drivers licence more than 1 year or

    possessing large truck drivers licence more than 1 year.


    154 1Those who possess large truck drivers licences may drive: (1) small

    vehicle and light motorcycle, (2) bus, (3) link truck.02

    155 2When children ride small passenger sedan, where are required to they be

    seated? (1) front seat, (2) back seat, (3) either front seat or back seat.02

    156 1What is the maximum duration for a vehicle owner to apply for

    suspension of using his vehicle? (1) 1 year, (2) 1.5 years, (3) 2 years.02

    157 1

    Within how many meters to bridge, tunnel, and fire site is a vehicle

    loaded with dangerous objects prohibited from parking? (1) 100 meters,

    (2) 200 meters, (3) 300 meters.


    158 1Within how many meters to an intersection and bus stop is temporary

    parking prohibited? (1) 10 meters, (2) 20 meters, (3) 30 meters.02

    159 3

    What happends to those who use counterfeited, forged or cheated

    licence plate: (1) they will be fined and prohibited from driving

    vehicles, (2) their licence plate will be confiscated, (3) they will be

    fined, their licence plate will be confiscated, and they will be prohibited

    from driving vehicles.



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    160 1

    Drivers are required to attend road traffic safety lectures, if which of the

    following occurs? (1) drivers pass through railroad crossing when trains

    are approaching, (2) drivers park their vehicles temporarily within 10

    meters to intersections, (3) drivers change lanes without watching the

    safety distance.


    161 3

    If vehicle owners have acquired licence paltes but do not place the

    licence plates at the designated locations: (1) the owners will be fined

    and the licence plates will be suspended, (2) the owners will be fined

    and the licence paltes will be cancelled, (3) the owners will be fined and

    prohibited from driving the vehicles and the licence plates will becanceleld.


    162 3

    Those who possess vehicle drivers licences are driving heavy

    motorcycle will: (1) not be fined, (2) be fined, (3) be fined and

    prohibited from driving.


    163 3

    If either vehicle drivers or front seat passengers do not wear seat belts,

    they will be fined if their vehicles are moving on which of the following

    road? (1) the provincial road, (2) either fast road or freeway, (3) any



    164 2

    If vehicle drivers are drunk-driving and their alchohol density exceeds

    0.25 miligram but less than 0.55 miligram, what happens to them? (1)they will be sent to the court and sentenced by laws, (2) they will be

    fined and their vehicles will be removed under custody and their

    drivers licences will be suspended for 1 year, (3) their drivers licences

    willb be cancelled.


    165 1

    Prior to providing services for a fee, taxi drivers are required to: (1) take

    professional drivers licence test and register their business service, (2)

    take regular drivers licence test and register their business service, (3)

    take professional drivers licence test only.


    166 3

    If vehicle drivers exceed the maximum speed limit 60km per hour, they

    will be fined NTD: (1) 1,2002,400, (2)2,4006,000, (3)6,000


    167 3

    Those drivers who are recorded more than 6 points for traffic violations

    within 6 months are required to attend traffic safety lectures and are

    subject to: (1) cancellation of drivers licenses (2) fines (3) suspension

    of drivers licenses.


    168 2

    Those drivers who violate traffic rules more than 3 times within 3

    months are subject to: (1) fines (2) suspension of drivers licenses (3)

    cancellation of license plates.



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    169 1

    If drivers are either drunk-driving or drive through the pedestrtians

    crosswalk and have thus caused the pedestrians to decease, what

    happens to the drivers? (1) their criminal responsibility will be added by

    50%, (2) they will not be punished, (3) their criminal responsibility

    remains unchanged.


    170 1

    If traffic rule violators intend to contest the citations made by the

    authorities concerned: (1) they may raise objections to the local district

    court, (2) they may protest to the Ministry of Transportation and

    Communicatons, (3) they may send their petitions to the Executive



    171 3

    Which of the following vehicles is required to be provided with fire

    extinguishers in accordance with the requirements? (1) small vehicles,

    (2) motorcycles, (3) bus, large truck, traction vehicle, and trailers

    attached to small vehicles.


    172 3Which of the following vehicles is reuqried to be provided with

    bumpers: (1) small trucks, (2) buses, (3) trailers and large trucks.02

    173 1

    How often are required to the passenger sedans, except the sedans use

    liquefied petroleum gas and compressed natural gas, granted licence

    plates inspected? (1) no inspection is needed for the sedans less than 5

    years, at least 1 inspection per year is needed for the sedans more than 5years and less than 10 years, at least 2 inspections per year for the

    sedans more than 10 years, (2) 3 inspections per year for the sedans

    more than 10 years, (3) at least 2 inspections per year for the sedans less

    than 5 years.


    174 2

    Drivers will be fined: (1) NTD 500 (2) NTD 1,500 (3) NTD 3,000, if

    either the drivers or the front-seat passengers are not wearing safety

    belts when their automobiles are moving on the roads other than

    freeway or fast roads.


    175 1

    If drivers either dial or answer hand-held cell phones when they are

    driving, they will be fined NTD: (1) 3,000, (2)2,000, (3)1,000. 02

    176 1

    If drivers alcohol density exceeds the ceiling, their automobiles will be

    removed and placed in custody and their drivers licenses will be

    suspended for 1 year in addition to fines: (1) NTD 15,000 ~60,000 (2)

    NTD 10,000 ~ 30,000 (3) NTD 6,000 ~ 12,000.



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    177 2

    If drivers are found drunk-driving, their drivers licenses will be

    suspended. If such drivers are found drunk-driving again in the

    suspension period, they will be fined NTD 60,000 and their automobiles

    will be removed and placed in custody in addition to: (1) suspension of

    vehicle licenses (2) cancellation of drivers licenses (3) suspension of

    drivers licenses.


    178 3

    If more than two automobiles are racing or competing on the roads,

    drivers will be fined NTD30,000~90,000 and prohibited from driving on

    the spot in addition to: (1) suspension of drivers licenses (2)

    cancellation of license plates (3) cancellation of drivers licenses.


    179 1

    Those drivers who refuse to take alcohol density tests will be fined NTD

    60,000 and: (1) their drivers licenses will be cancelled (2) their drivers

    licenses will be suspended (3) their vehicle licenses will be suspended.


    180 1

    If an automobile heavier than 8 tons is not provided with a driving

    recorder, the automobile owner will be subject to: (1) fines (2)

    suspension of vehicle licenses (3) suspension of drivers licenses.


    181 3

    Those drivers whose small-vehicle drivers licenses are suspended and

    they are driving small-vehicles within the suspension period will be

    fined NTD 6,00012,000 and prohibited from driving on the spot in

    addition to: (1) suspension of vehicle licenses (2) suspension of driverslicenses one more time (3) cancellation of drivers licenses.


    182 1

    Those drivers who fail to slow down or yield to childrens vehicles or

    school buses will be recorded for violations and are subject to: (1) fines

    (2) cancellation of drivers licenses (3) suspension of drivers licenses.


    183 1

    Those drivers who park their vehicles in the parking stalls reserved for

    the handicapped are subject to: (1) fines (2) suspension of vehicle

    licenses (3) verbal warning.


    184 3

    Those automobile owners who are aware of drivers drunk-driving and

    fail to prohibit such drivers from driving will be fined and subject to: (1)cancellation of license plates (2) suspension of drivers licenses (3)

    suspension of license plates.


    185 2

    Those who lend their license plates to other vehicles or use other

    vehicles license plates are subject to: (1) suspension of license plates

    (2) cancellation of license plates (3) confiscation of automobiles.


    186 2

    What happens to those drivers who fail to comply with the restriction

    requirements when they are driving on either freeway or fast roads: (1)

    they will be recorded for violations but they will not be fined (2) they

    will be fined and recorded for violations (3) they will be fined.



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    187 3

    Those drivers who are found speeding are subject to: (1) fines (2)

    recordation for violations with no fine at all (3) fines and recordation for



    188 3

    What happens to those drivers who drive through intersections at red

    light: (1) they will be fined NTD3,600~5,400 (2) their drivers licenses

    will be suspended for 1 month (3) they will be fined NTD1,800~5,400

    and they will be recorded for violations.


    189 2

    Those drivers who overtake other vehicles, make U-turn or park their

    automobiles on the railroad crossings are subject to: (1) fines (2) fines

    and recordation for violations (3) fines and suspension of driverslicenses.


    190 3

    If the goods loaded on trucks exceeds the loading limit of the bridge

    although the trucks are not over-loaded, the trucks will be fined and: (1)

    the truck owner, (2) consignor, (3) driver will be recorded 2 points for



    191 1

    Those drivers who force to driver through railroad crossings are subject

    to: (1) fines and recordation for violations (2) cancellation of drivers

    licenses (3) fines.


    192 2Those drivers who have been recorded violation points and theirdrivers licences were suspended twice within 1 year: (1) their drivers

    licences will be suspended, (2) their drivers licences will be cancelled,

    (3) they will be fined if they are recorded violation points again.


    193 1

    Those drivers who violate the requirements regarding loading dangerous

    goods are subject to fines and: (1) recordation for their violations (2)

    suspension of license plates (3) suspension of drivers licenses.


    194 2

    If drivers are recorded violation points due to breaking traffic rules, they

    are required to: (1) disregard it, (2) drive carefully and not to break any

    rule again, (3) not drive again forever.


    195 1

    If vehicles are laoded with dangerous goods, the drivers: (1) arerequired to possess the drivers licences required by the type of vehicles

    they are driving together with certificates to demonstrate that they have

    passed the required professional training programs, (2) need nothing

    else but professional drivers licences, (3) need nothing else but link

    trucks driver licences.



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    196 1

    What happens if the abandoned vehicle owners refuse to remove their

    abandoned vehicles out of roads before the deadline specified by the

    policy authority? (1) the environment protection authority may go ahead

    and detain such abandoned vehicles and charge fees from the owners,

    (2) just leave it alone, (3) the abandoned vehicles will be treated as



    197 1

    The environment protection authority removes the abandoned vehicles

    out of roads either by itself or by the private corporations, and then

    announced such abandoned vehicle publicy for: (1) 1 month, (2) 2

    months, (3) 3 months. Theh abandoned vehicles will be treated aswastes if no one claims it within the foregoing period.


    198 3

    If drivers speed up illegally: (1) at two spots separated by 14km or

    more, (2) at two spots separated by 8km or more, (3) at two spots

    separated by 6km or more, they might be cited repeatedly. If they speed

    up in the tunnels, however, they will be cited without consideration to

    the aforesaid distance requirement.


    199 2

    Upon receiving traffic citations in connection with violations against the

    road traffic rules, either vehicle owners or drivers are required to pay

    their penalties within: (1) 10 days, (2) 15 days, (3) 20 days to the

    designated authority in accordance with the requirements stated inParagraph 3, Article 92 of the Directivers Governing Penalties for

    Violation Against Traffic Rules without judgment.


    200 2

    If a passenger sedans front seat or a trucks cab carries more than the

    permitted number of people, the drivers will be subject to: (1)

    suspension of drivers licenses (2) fines (3) fines and suspension of

    drivers licenses.


    201 2

    If drivers cause accidents with no injury nor death but they fail to pull

    their vehicles to the roadside although their vehicles are still in working

    conditions and thus obstruct traffic, the drivers are subject to: (1)

    vehicles to be placed in custody (2) fines (3) detention of license plates.


    202 2

    If vehicles cause accidents and run away and the vehicle owners fail to

    describe the accidents nor provide the drivers information after the

    owners receive the notifications, what happens to the owners: (1) their

    license plates will be cancelled (2) their license plates will be suspended

    (3) owners drivers licenses will be suspended.


    203 2

    Those drivers who either drive without drivers licences or drunk-drive

    and thus cause either injuries or death will be liable for criminal

    consequences with additional: (1) one third, (2) half, (3) double of their

    imprisonment term.



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    204 2

    Those drivers who cause either injuries or death because either

    pedestrians or slow vehicles cut into the fast lane will: (1) be liable for

    the same criminal consequences as other drivers, (2) be liable for a

    reduced imprisonment term, (3) be liable for a regular imprisonment

    term plus additional term.


    205 2

    Those violators who intend to contest the citations may raise their

    objections to the local district court within: (1) 10 days, (2) 20 days, (3)

    30 days from the day following their reception of the citations.


    206 3

    Those drivers who drive through red light will be fined and recorded:

    (1) 1 point, (2) 2 points, (3) 3 points for violations. 02

    207 3

    Vehicle owners will be cited if any of the following occurs? (1) driving

    without drivers licences, (2) drunk-driving, (3) vehicles are parked

    illegally and drivers are absent.


    208 1

    Either self-assembled vechiule without licence plate or abandoned

    vehicle running on the roads will be: (1) fined and confiscated, (2)

    auctioned, (3) picked up by owners after the penalties are paid.


    209 2

    Those who drive large truck, bus, link truck without drivers licences

    will be cited and fined and: (1) the licence plates will be cancelled, (2)

    they will be prohibited from driving on the spot, (3) the vehicles will beconfiscated.


    210 3

    If drivers are found alcohol exceeding the ceiling, they will be fined,

    their vehicles will be detained on the spot, and their drivers licences

    will be suspended for: (1) 3 months, (2) 6 months, (1) 1 year.


    211 3

    If either drivers or the front seat passengers are not wearing safety belts

    when vehicles are running on freeway, they will be fined NTD: (1)

    1,0002,000, (2)1,5003,000, (3)3,0006,000.


    212 2

    If vehicles are installed with either high-volume amplifier or noise

    generator, the vehicle owners will be fined and: (1) the vehicle will be

    confiscated, (2) the high-volume amplifier or noise generator will beconfiscated, (3) the licence plate will be cancelled.


    213 3

    Those who snaky-drive on the roads will: (1) be fined, (2) be required to

    attend driving safety lectures, (3) fined, their licence plates will be

    suspended for 3 months, and they are required to attend the traffic safety



    214 2

    If drivers are cited for illegal parking and they fail to make any

    improvement, they will be cited again every: (1) 1 hour, (2) 2 hours, (3)

    half an hour.



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    215 3

    If drivers speed up, they will be cited in accordance with which of the

    following requirement? (1) at least every 4 minutes of speeding up or

    the vehicles pass through at least 1 intersection, (2) at least every 5

    minutes of speeding up or the vehicles pass through at least 1

    intersection, (3) at least 6km after the first citation is issued or at least

    every 6 minutes of speeding up or the vehicles pass through at least 1

    intersection. The foregoing requirement is not applicable to the tunnels

    if vehicles are speeding up therein.


    216 1Those who park their vehicles parallel will be fined NTD: (1)600

    1,200, (2)900

    1,800, (3)1,200



    217 3

    Those drivers fail to attend the traffic safety lectures without proper

    reasons will be fined NTD 1,800. If they are notified once again to

    attend the lectures and continue to ignore the notice more than 6

    months, they are subject to: (1) suspension of vehicle licenses (2)

    cancellation of drivers licenses (3) suspension of drivers licenses.


    218 2

    When drivers are found drunk-driving and their alcohol density exceeds

    the ceiling, their vehicles will be detained on the spot and their

    penalties: (1) are eligible to be exempted if their drivers licences are

    suspended, (2) are not eligible to be exempted even if their drivers

    licences are suspended, (3) there is no applicable rule at all.


    219 1

    Are vehicle owners required to settle all outstanding penalties before

    they either register their motor vehicles or change their motor vehicle

    registrations? (1) yes, they are, (2) no, they are not, (3) there is no

    applicable rule at all.


    220 3

    Under which of the following circumstances are drives required to

    attend the traffic safety lectures? (1) parking violation, (2) drivers forget

    to have their drivers licences with them, (3) snaki-driving.


    221 2

    Are drivers allowed to park their vehicles, park their vehicle

    temporarily, overtake other vehicles, or reverse their vehicles in the

    tunnels? (1) yes, they can, (2) no, they cant, (3) there is no applicablerule at all.


    222 2

    When vehicles are moving on either freeway or fast roads, drivers: (1)

    may park their vehicles at their discretions, (2) are required to comply

    with the traffic signals or the police officers commands, (3) may park

    their vehicles temporarily if traffic conditions allow them to do so.


    223 2

    Drivers: (1) may make U-turn, (2) may not make U-turn, (3) may make

    U-turn in the open area when they are driving on either freeway or fast




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    224 1

    Drivers are required to pay their toll-fees at: (1) green-light lane, (2)

    yellow-light lane, (3) red-light lane when they are driving on freeway.04

    225 3

    What is the speed limit for the interchanges of freeway and fast roads?

    (1) 20km per hour, (2) 30 km per hour, (3) drivers are required to

    comply with the speed limit signs.


    226 3

    The smaller vehicles with speed: (1) 60km per hour, (2) 70km per hour,

    (3) 80km per hour are required to stay on the outside lane when they are

    moving on the freeway that entails maximum speed of 90km per hour.


    227 3 When small vehicles are moving on the same lane of either freeway orfast roads, the rear vehicle has to be at least: (1) 15 meters, (2) 25

    meters, (3) 35 meters behind the front vehicle.


    228 3

    Vehicles moving on either freeway or fast roads: (1) may stop anytime

    to pick up and drop passengers as well as loading and unloading goods,

    (2) may drop passengers and unload goods but may not pick passengers

    and may not load goods, either, (3) may not stop to pick up and drop

    passengers and may not load nor unload goods, except in the designated



    229 2

    Vehicles loaded with dangerous goods are required to use: (1) the inside

    lane, (2) the outside lane, (3) either inside or outside lane, and areprohibited from changing lane when they are moving on either freeway

    or fast roads.


    230 2

    Large vehicles are required to use: (1) inside lane, (2) outside lane, (3)

    whatever lane they like when they are moving on either freeway or fast



    231 1

    Which of the following agencies handle the accidents taking place on

    the freeway? (1) National Highway Police Bureau, Ministry of the

    Interior, (2) City and County police authorities, (3) Traffic Deivision,

    National Police Adminsitration, Ministry of the Interior.


    232 1

    If vehicles suddenly cease to function normally on freeway and areunable to keep up with 60km per hour, (1) drivers are required to exit

    the freeway via the nearest interchange so as not to be hit by other

    vehicles, (2) drivers are required to stop and repair the vehicles

    immediately, (3) drivers are required to continue to drive their vehicles.


    233 1

    When vehicles are moving on either freeway or fast roads, drivers: (1)

    may not use road are required toer for overtaking, (2) may use road are

    required toer for overtaking, (3) may use the acceleration lane for




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    234 3

    Which of the following is the maximum speed limit for either freeway

    or fast roads under normal weather conditions? (1) 120km per hour, (2)

    110km per hour, (3) drivers are required to comply with the instructions

    shown on the speed limit sign.


    235 2

    If visibility drops to an extremely level in the freeway due to heavy fog,

    heavy smoke, heavy rain, and gusty winds, vehicles are required to: (1)

    keep their speeds 60km per hour or faster, (2) either reduce speed to less

    than 40km per hour or pull to the road are required toer and stop

    temporarily and, at the same time, turn on the warning lights, (3)

    continue to move at normal speeds.


    236 2

    Drivers: (1) may overtake other vehicles, (2) may not overtake other

    vehicles, (3) may stop their vehicles temporarily when they are driving

    on the ramp of a one-way lane or on an acceleration/deceleration lane.


    237 1

    Drivers are required to: (1) pull their vehicles out of the lane and stop on

    the road are required toer and wait for rescue, (2) stop immediately and

    ask passengers to get off the vehicles to seek rescue, (3) call their

    friends to tow the vehicles, if their vehicles break down on freeway.


    238 1

    Drivers: (1) may not accelerate speeds beyond the speed limit and may

    not reduce speed below the speed limit, (2) may accelerate speeds

    beyond the speed limit but may not reduce speed below the speed limit,(3) may not accelerate beyond the speed limit but may reduce speed

    below speed limit when they are driving on freeway.


    239 2Freeways lanes are: (1) divided by roads, (2) one-way lanes divided by

    barriers, (3) lanes divided by light signals.04

    240 2

    If drivers find the vehicle on the next lane intends to change lane and

    has turned on direction light, drivers are required to: (1) speed up to

    block the overtaking, (2) reduce speed moderately and yield, (3) drive

    with that vehicle side by side and compete against each other.


    241 2 When vehicles are moving at high speed, which of the following is trueabout drivers visions: (1) cannot adapt to the situation definitely, (2)

    decrease due to the high speed, (3) increase.


    242 2

    Drivers are required to reduce speed and: (1) shorten the distance to the

    front vehicle, (2) increase the distance to the front vehicle, (3) there is

    no any other requirement for the driver, if they drive in heavy fog,

    heavy smoke, heavy rain, and gusty winds.


    243 2

    Drivers: (1) may not overtake other vehicles under any circumstances,

    (2) may change to a safe lane and overtake other vehicles at the speed

    permitted by law, (3) may overtake other vehicles in certain areas when

    they are driving on freeway.



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    244 2

    If drivers miss the off-ramp on the freeway, they: (1) may make U-turn

    to the ramp, (2) keep going until they reach the next ramp, (3) may

    reverse their vehicles to the ramp.


    245 3The plum-blossom sign is: (1) a decoration provided on the roadside, (2)

    the sign of important highway, (3) the sign of national freeway.02

    246 3

    Freeways inside lane is provided for overtakeing. Nevertheless, small

    vehicles: (1) may, (2) may not, (3) may change to the inside lane and

    move at the maximum speed allowed by that route.


    247 1 Large vehicles are required to use: (1) outside lane, (2) inside lane, (3)there is no any requirement for the driver when they are moving on

    freeway, except for overtaking.


    248 3

    In addition to turning on direction light, which of the following is the

    most important for drivers if they intend to change lanes? (1) just cut

    into lanes whenever they have a chance, (2) just watch for the safety

    distance to the front vehicle, (3) watch for the safety distance to the

    front vehicle as well as the safety distance to the rear vehicle.


    249 3Drivers: (1) may speed up beyond speed limit, (2) may overlook traffic

    rules, (3) are required to abide by traffic rules even if they are in a hurry.01

    250 1What is defence driving? (1) to take cautious actions to preventaccidents from happening, (2) outstanding driving skills, (3) good habits

    for daily life.


    251 3

    Prior to entering into main line of freeway, drivers: (1) are required to

    decelerate speed on the acceleration lane and verify safety before they

    move into the main line, (2) turn on the left direction light and go ahead

    to enter into the main line, (3) are required to accelerate speed on the

    acceleration lane and verify safety before they move into the main line.


    252 2

    To get off the main line, drivers: (1) may do it at their discretions, (2)

    stay on the right lane and decelerate their speeds to get off the main line,

    (3) turn on the right direction light and go ahead to get off the main line.


    253 3

    Driving at night passing through urban areas, meeting other vehicles at

    the merge-point or within 100 meters to the front vehicle, drivers are

    required to: (1) wear colored glasses, (2) use distance lights, (3) use near

    lights for safety.


    254 1

    Driving on a flooded area, drivers are required to: (1) reduce speed and

    continue to proceed, (2) pass through quickly, (3) use brakes as much as




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    255 3

    If your vehicle is skidding, you are required to: (1) turn yoru steering

    wheel to the skidding direction, (2) brake your vehicle immediately, (3)

    turn your steering wheel to the skidding direction, but do not turn



    256 1

    If vehicles causes accident, drivers are required to: (1) not to change the

    accident site and call the police immediately, (2) get away from the

    accident site. Its not my business at all. (3) argue with people there to

    shfit my responsibility.


    257 2

    Those drivers who disagree to the opinions released by the regional

    assessment committee regarding accident liability: (1) have to obey tothe opinions without any objection whatsoever (2) may request the

    review authority for a review (3) may file a complaint to the judicial



    258 2The faster the speed, the: (1) unchanged, (2) narrower, (3) wider the

    drivers visions.01

    259 1

    Speeding is the dominant reason for accidents. How to prevent accidents

    from happening? (1) organize your daily life so as not to speed up in a

    rush, (2) decrease the engine throttles fuel flowing speed, (3) use a

    bigger brake.


    260 3

    Which of the following is incorrect for vehicles turning left at

    intersection? (1) drivers may turn left as soon as the left light is on, (2)

    drivers may turn left after all vehicles moving straightforward have

    passed through the intersection, (3) drivers may turn left as soon as

    green light is on.


    261 1

    Which of the following is the dominant reason for the chaotic traffic,

    traffic congestion, even accidents? (1) either drivers or road users do not

    abide by traffic rules, (2) there are too many vehicles, (3) the roads are

    not wide enough.


    262 1

    Accidents happen when people either disobey or overlook traffic rules.Which of the following is the most important task in conection with

    upgrading traffic safety? (1) drivers develop their morals by attending

    traffic rule training programs, (2) drivers upgrade their driving skills, (3)

    drivers learn how to maintain their vehicles.


    263 1

    At the intersection of multiple lanes, drivers: (1) may not change lane in

    the double-white solid-line areas, (2) drivers may change lane in the

    double-white solid-line areas in order to turn right or turn left easily, (3)

    may either pick up or drop passengers in the double-white solid-line




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    264 1

    If the lights radiation distance suddenly grows longer, probably

    because the vehiles are moving downhill. Therefore, drivers are required

    to: (1) slow down, (2) speed up, (3) turn off headlights for safety.


    265 1

    If drivers find their headlights disappear at night, probably because the

    roads are broken, bridges are broken or road surface collapses.

    Therefore, they are required to: (1) leave the vehicles and check it out

    before they continue to drive, (2) disregard it and continue to drive, (3)

    turn off headlights in order to avoid reflection so they can watch the

    surrounding objects clearly.


    266 1

    When vehicles are moving under gusty winds and drivers are feelingtheir vehicles vibrating, they are required to: (1) hand on to the steering

    wheels and slow down, increase the distance to the front vehicle, and do

    not change lanes, (2) speed up to pass through the windy area, (3)

    disregard it, because it doesnt affect safety at all.


    267 3

    Accidents happen at the turn, because drivers: (1) ignore the blind spots

    only, (2) ignore the inner wheel difference only, (3) ignore both the

    blind spots and the inner wheel difference.


    268 3

    Pre-driving maintenance and checkup are particularly important for

    vehicles moving on freeway. Therefore,: (1) just checking fuel is

    sufficient, (2) just checking fuel and power is sufficient, (3) fuel, water,and power have to be checked.


    269 3

    Drunk-driving produces visuals tunnel effect for drivers. The drunk-

    drivers are feeling as if they are driving in the tunnel in which the front

    area is bright but the surrounding areas are dark. Therefore, drunk-

    drivers visions: (1) do not change at all, (2) become wider, (3) become



    270 1

    Large vehciles passage produces a powerful sucking in the same way

    as a pump sucks air. Therefore, drivers are required to: (1) hand on to

    their steering wheel, (2) release their steering wheel, (3) do not worry

    about if their vehicles are moving side by wide with a large vehicle.


    271 3

    Prior to driving on the freeway, drivers are required to listen to the

    radios and use the traffic information provided by: (1) phone No. 104,

    (2) phone No. 117, (3) phone No. 1968 so as to keep up with the traffic

    conditions thereby adjust their routes flexibly.


    272 3

    When riding on an expressway or freeway (1) Large vehicles only, (2)

    Slow vehicles only, (3) Large vehicles and slow vehicles may not use

    the inner lane of freeway so as to avoid other vehicles from changing

    lanes for overtaking.



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    273 3

    You are driving on a road provided with two lanes facing the same

    direction, if a motorcycle is using the same lane in front of you, you are

    required to: (1) tab one horn and force the motorcycle to return to slow

    lane, (2) drive side by side with the motorcycle and then overtake it,

    (3)either follow the motorcycle or overtake it from the inner lane.


    274 1

    When drivers are ready to connect to either freeway or fast roads, they

    are required to: (1) accelerate their speeds on the right lane, turn on the

    left direction lights, and check if there is any vehicle approaching from

    rear left before they connect to the outside lane of freeway or fast roads,

    (2) just turn on direction light, go ahead and connect to the outside lane,(3) go ahead and connect to either outside lane or inner lane as you like.


    275 1

    The alcohol test entails that drivers expiratory contains less than: (1)

    0.25 miligrams, (2) 0.4 miligrams, (3) 0.55 miligrams of alcohol per

    liter in order to pass the test.


    276 1If the victims of accident reveal shock phenomenon, their faces turn: (1)

    pale,(2) lead gray, (3) flushing.03

    277 3If blood appears scarlet and sprays, that means: (1) venous bleeding. (2)

    microvascular bleeding. (3) arterial bleeding.03

    278 2 If car crash causes fire and consequently reduces the amount of oxygencontained in the air and causes the respiratory to be blocked, which of

    the following will be occur?: (1) shock, (2) suffocation, (3) vomiting.


    279 2

    If the broken bones pierce skin and causes bleeding, what are required

    you to do? (1) attempt to push the broken bone back to position, (2) stop

    bleeding, (3) send the victim to hospital for treatment.


    280 1

    Which of the following speeds consumes least fuel for a passenger

    sedan running on freeway? (1) 80~90km perhour, (2) 50~60km per

    hour, (3) 110~120km perhour.


    281 2

    Which of the following gases discharged by vehicles and motorcycles

    causes global warming? (1) carbon monoxide, (2) carbon dioxide,(3)nitrogen.


    282 3

    If a passenger sedan carries an infant without a safety seat, the driver is

    subject to: (1) suspension of drivers license (2) cancellation of drivers

    license (3) fines.


    283 2

    If driver leaves a child younger than 6 years old or a child that requires

    special care in the vehicles alone, the driver is subject to: (1) fines (2)

    fines and 4-hour traffic safety lectures (3) fines and recordation for




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    284 3

    Which of the following is eligible for citation by using the movable

    scientific instruments? (1) driving on road are required toer, (2) failure

    to maintain a safety distance, (3) both statements are true.


    285 2

    What happens if a vehicle owner fails to apply for replacement of

    license plate after the plate is missing and continues to drive his vehicle

    after he is cited: (1) no penalty but the driver is prohibited from driving

    (2) vehicle owner will be fined and prohibited from driving (3) driver

    will be fined.


    286 3

    If children younger than (1) 4 years old, (2) 5 years old, (3) 6 years old

    or the children entailing special care are left alone in vehicles, driverswill be fined NTD 3,000 and attend 4-hour traffic rule lectures.


    287 3

    If vehciles speed exceeds the maximum speed by (1) 40km per hour,

    (2) 50km perhour, (3) 60km per hour, driver will be fined NTD6,000

    24,000 and prohibited from driving on the spot.


    288 2

    When vehicles are moving on the roads provided with safety island,

    slow lane, and fast lane, which of the following is correct? (1) they may

    turn right, (2) they may not turn right, (3) there is no applicable rule.


    289 3

    If bus drivers are found drunk-driving, their drivers licences will be

    suspended and (1) they will be prohibited from taking drivers licencetest in 2 years, (2) they will be prohibited from taking drivers licence

    test in 3 years, (3) they will be prohibited from taking drivers licence

    test in 4 years.


    290 3

    Those who had caused accidents and resulted in death and their drivers

    licences were canceleld permanently are eligible to apply for drivers

    licence test (1) 8 years, (2) 10 years, (3) 12 years after the cancellation

    was enforced.


    291 1

    Large vehicles moving on a road provided with more than 3 lanes are

    prohibited from using (1) inner lane, (2) middle lane, (3) outside lane,

    unless they intend to turn left.


    292 3

    What happens if a vehicle not provided with ETC drives through an

    ETC toll-lane: (1) driver will be fined (2) driver will be recorded for

    violation (3) driver will be fined and recorded for violation.


    293 2

    If heavy motorcycles with cylinder exhaust more than 550 cubic

    centimeters are no longer moving on a fast road due to meachnical parts

    breakdown, drivers are required to turn on warning lights, move the

    motorcycles out of lanes, and place warning signs, which is visible at

    night from 200 meters away, (1) 50 meters, (2) 100 meters, (3) 200

    meters behind the motorcycle and, at the same time, notify either

    highway administration institution or police authority for treatment.



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    294 2

    Why is the adequate distance needed for accident prevention? (1)

    because of friction, (2) because of sufficient reaction time and space, (3)

    because of traction.


    295 1The minimum safety distance has to be: (1) larger than, (2) smaller than,

    (3) equal to the parking distance.01

    296 1The faster the speed, the lower the gravity and the: (1) better, (2) worse,

    (3) unchanged the stability.01

    297 2

    When vehicles are turning, the longer the wheelbase, the larger the

    difference between inside wheel and outside wheel, which means theroad has to be: (1) narrower, (2) wider, (3) unchanged. 01

    298 3When vehicles are moving on a flooded road, drivers had better: (1) turn

    on lights, (2) step on clutches, (3) keep their feet on the brakes.01

    299 3

    Which of the following is correct? (1) if warning light appears in the

    dashboard when vehicles are moving, drivers are required to disregard

    it, (2) if drivers see smoke coming out of engine, drivers are required to

    continue to drive the vehicles, (3) if brake is not working, drivers are

    required to calm down and pull vehicles to the empty area.


    300 2

    If drivers cause accident without any injury nor death and vehicles are

    still in working conditions, which of the following are required to bedone immediately? (1) wait for the police officers, (2) mark the

    vehciles position and pull it to the roadside, (3) notify the insurance



    301 1

    After marking the positions of relevant evidence on the ground, the

    vehicles are required to be pulled to the roadside immediately if: (1) it is

    a minor accident without any injury nor death, (2) someone is injured

    severely, (3) someone is killed.


    302 2

    If an accident takes place on a road wherein the speed limit exceeds

    50~60km per hour, how many meters behind the vehicle are required to

    driver place a vehicle breakdown sign? (1) 50~100 meters, (2) 30~100meters, (3)5~30 meters.


    303 3

    If the responsibility of accident is to be decided in accordance with the

    right of road, which of the following is correct? (1) vehicles moving

    straightforward are required to yield to the vehicles making turns, (2)

    whichever vehicle reaches the intersection has the precedence, (3)

    vehicles making turns are required to yield to the vehicles moving




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    304 2

    When accident takes place, the persons related to the accident are

    required to find: (1) relatives and friends, (2) eye witness, (3) legal

    specialists to find out the truth.


    305 3

    Within which of the following durations may the persons related to

    accidents request for assessment? (1) 1 month, (2) 3 months, (3) 6



    306 1

    When vehicles and motorcycles move into gasoline station: (1) drivers

    are required to turn off engines before their fuels tanks are filled with

    gasoline, (2) it doesnt matter whether they turn off engines or not, (3)

    drivers may not turn off engines, because the ari-conditioners have beenturned on.


    307 3

    When vehicles and motorcycles move into gasoline station: (1) drivers

    may either dial or answer cell phones, (2) drivers may answer, but may

    not dial cell phones, (3) drivers are strictly prohibited from either

    dialing nor answering cell phones.


    308 3

    When drivers find green lights at the intersection: (1) they have the right

    of road, so they are required to speed up and pass through the

    intersection, (2) they are required to stop, restart their vehicles to pass

    through the intersection. (3) they are required to slow down and pass

    through cautiously.


    309 3

    If drivers find flashing yellow lights at the intersection, what are they

    required to they do? (1) stop and watch out before they pass through, (2)

    just pass through quickly without stopping their vehicles, (3) slow down


    310 2

    When vehicles reach the intersections without any traffic sign, what are

    they required to they do for safety? (1) check the right, then check the

    left, (2) check the left, then check the right, (3) it doesnt matter which

    direction they check first.


    311 1

    When drivers are on the road, they are required to: (1) look at the front

    and watch for the right and left, (2) look around and eat, (3) chat andplay with the passengers in their vehicles. 05

    312 2

    When drivers are on the road, they are required to watch for: (1) the

    stores on the roadsides, (2) the front signals, signs, and vehicles, (3) the



    313 2

    When drivers are on the road at night, which of the following is the least

    possible to be identified? (1) the moving pedestrians, (2) the pedestrians

    and objects standing still, (3) the moving vehicles.



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    314 2

    When vehicles approaching from opposite directions are turning left and

    right, respectively, into the same road provided with more than 2 lanes,

    what are required to they do? (1) the vehicle turning left are required to

    enter into outside lane, the vehicle turning right are required to enter

    into the inner lane, (2) the vehicle turning right are required to enter into

    outside lane, the vehicle turning left are required to enter into the inner

    lane, (3) they can enter into whatever lane as they like.


    315 1

    Vehicles produce centrifugal force when they are turning, therefore: (1)

    before vehicles turn (2) when vehicles are turning, (3) both statements

    are true, drivers are required to slow down in order not to cause theirvehicles out of control.


    316 1

    When vehicles are moving on the curves, the faster the vehicle, the: (1)

    larger, (2) the smaller, (3) unchanged the centrifugal force produced by



    317 2

    The 2-stage opening means: (1) opening the door in 2 stages without

    verifying if there is any vehicle or pedestrian coming from either front

    or rear, (2) opening the door a little bit, and then open the door fully if

    there is no vehicle or pedestrian coming from either front or rear, (3)

    both statements are true.


    318 3When vehicles are moving uphill, drivers are required to use shift 2,which shift are required to they use when their vehicles are moving

    downhill? (1) 4, (2) 3, (3) 2.


    319 3

    When vehicles are moving down a long slope, what is the best way to

    control speed? (1) use foot brake, (2) use manual brake, (3) use low-

    speed shfit plus engine brake.


    320 1

    Drivers are required to use low-speed shfit when their vehicles are

    moving downhill, which of the following is the best timing for changing

    shfit? (1) before vehicle start moving downhill, (2) when vehicles are

    moving too fast downhill, (3) both statements are true.


    321 2If wheels are blocked due to emergency braking, the braking distance:

    (1) decreases, (2) increases, (3) remains unchanged.05

    322 3

    If wheels are locked due to emergency brake and, at this time, drivers

    turn their steering wheel to the right, the vehicle will: (1) move to the

    right, (2) move to the left, (3) be out of control.


    323 2

    Which of the following is the top priority for driving? (1) the slower the

    better, (2) a safety distance to the front vehicle, (3) drivers will never go

    wrong if they just follow the front vehicles.



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    324 3

    If drivers find an accident on the road and police officers have arrived,

    drivers are required to: (1) shout out loud (2) stop their vehicles and

    watch, (3) leave the accident site, do not stay there and watch it out of



    325 1

    Which of the following statements is true? (1) both drivers and front-

    seat passengers are required to wear safety belts, (2) turn on direction

    lights after the vehicles are started, (3) children have to be seated on the

    front seat.
