ex. 12: chemical antimicrobial agents: antibiotics

Ex. 12: Chemical Antimicrobial Agents: Antibiotics Objectives ??

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Ex. 12: Chemical Antimicrobial Agents: Antibiotics. Objectives ?? . Fleming and the Discovery of Penicillin . 1928 mold grows on Staphylococcus aureus plate Mold is named Penicillium notatum Florey and Chain isolated Penicillin 10 years later – received Nobel prize. Vocabulary. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics

Ex. 12: Chemical Antimicrobial Agents: Antibiotics

Objectives ??

Page 2: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics

Fleming and the Discovery of Penicillin

1928 mold grows on Staphylococcus aureus plate

Mold is named Penicillium notatum

Florey and Chain isolated Penicillin 10 years later – received Nobel prize

Page 3: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics

Vocabulary Antibiotics vs. chemotherapeutic agents bacteriostatic vs. bactericidal Commonly used antibiotics: Penicillin,

Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Vancomycin, Ciprofloxacin

Agar Disk Diffusion Test or Kirby-Bauer Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test

Mueller-Hinton (MH) agar

Page 4: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics

Materials needed per student: One Petri plate containing

Mueller-Hinton (MH) agar One of the four bacterial

species assigned per table Sterile cotton swab

Materials needed per table: One 0.5 McFarland standard (contains

~ 1.5 x 108 CFU/ml) Four sterile saline tubes Four 1 ml sterile pipettes Five single disk dispensers plus five

cartridges of antibiotic disks (P, AM, T, VA, CIP).

One each of the following pure cultures:o E.coli ATCC: 25922o S. aureus ATCC 25923o P. aeruginosa, o S. marcescens

Materials needed per team of two: Laminated white card with

black lines Bunsen burner, inoculating


Each student tests all the antibiotics for one bacterial species

Day 1

Page 5: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics

Mark the bottom of your plate with a line. This will be your #1 position.

How to streak for confluent growth

Page 6: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics

Rotate 60º clockwise

Page 7: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics

Rotate 30º clockwise

Review this 5 mins (in-house) movie clip on how to test for antibiotic susceptibility with the Kirby Bauer method.

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Day 2Examine each plate and look for “zones of inhibition”. Measure of Zone of inhibition (in mm) and record the value in the table in the lab report section

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Page 12: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics
Page 13: Ex.  12:   Chemical Antimicrobial Agents:  Antibiotics