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Hi .V .. - - SON y- - v I 1m niiVi'i V II i w - i I .11 n in n ill B ill ill vy stock Articles VOL. XIU. NO. 2795. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATUJKDAY, JUNE 20, 1891. PRICE 5 -- CENTS. I) pes; 3Ttt diuwrtisrntmts. And gushuss (fards. THE DAILY between breakfast and sapper where on earth is the batter?" Srjtppmg. "You didn't send up either tea or but Pacific Commercial Advertiser ter." J. B. CASTLE, . Honolnla and San Francisco Mail Service vnat: Jirs. rower, ao you imagine IF YOU ABE IN SEAECH OF Commission Merchant. I've gone crazy ?" "Well, they didn'f come up." "They didn't, eh? Let me go to tha: Ok telephone and I'll give that infernal gro cery store something to think of for the Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, J Honolulu, H. I. 2651-- y 13 PUBLISHED Erery Morning Except Sundays, At No. 48 Merchant 8U 60BSCRIPT10S8 t ' IHt WHITE next hundred years! ' TIME TABLE or TUB I don't know what the grocer said to A.TJL.A.S Assurance Company FOUNDED 18 OS. Capital . $ 6,000,000 Assets, . $ 9.000.000 mm ' Having been appointed Atrenta of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. H. W. SCHMIDT A BONS. 13R1 2684-- q Oceanic Steamship Co. him, but Mr. Bowser danced up and down and sent him to Jericho, Jersey G- - O TO City and lots of other places, and wound up by saying that he'd go to the Cape of (8ubjxct to changs.) The Australia and Zkalakdia J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Connsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumann Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 1651-l- y Rogers). (jood Hope before he'd ever buy another thing there. That night I found the list Dailx P. C. Adtkbtmsb, on. year 6 OC Biz month!. S 00 " per month 50 Wtiit Hiwinii Oazxttb, on. year 5 00 Leave Ban Francisco at S o'clock P. M. of articles in his pocket. He had checked oil as he ordered, and had left the tea Leave Honolulu at 1 M. Tuesdays. The Through Steamers Leave San Fran Cisco and Honolulu Thursdays. and butter out. Next morning before he went down town, he said to the cook; "I'll send you a chicken to be baked " " foreign . (ln- - eludtna: nrwtacei 0 Dailt and Wkkxly, one year In advance.... 10 00 Payable Invariably In AdTnei. Bt Postal Mosy Osdib. 7 All Transient Advertisements must be Prepaid. and stuffed." LXAVK 8AM FRANCISCO. At 1 1 o'clock, no chicken having ap STEAM KB. WILLIAM C. PARSE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW Aim Agent to take. Acknowledgments. Omc No. 13 Kaahumann Street, Hono-69-- y lulu, H. I. peared, she fried some bacon for dinner. saaiRlRlRlRlRlRaw A Mr. Bowser didn t know it until he sat v. V F May 19 ... May 28 ... June 2 ... June 16 ... June 25 .... down. Then he took one look at the bacon and arose and walked out into the .,Mri 9 f Wt 1 V rninr INT. S. SACHS', 104 Fort Street, : Honolulu, E 1. WHERE YOU WILL FIND A NEW AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF EMBROIDERED FLOUNCES For Ladies and Children ; EMBROIDERY, EDGING S AND INSERTIONS, in Swiss, Hamburg and Nainsook ; WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESORIITION ; and an immense assmt. of Fancy Striped and Plaid Wasli Materials . . ' In the Newest Designs ; AT REASONABLE PRICES ! Jui.e 30 1868 189? e 1 Adsbxss: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., H. 31. Whitskt, Manager. 46 Merchant st., F .tofRce Box O. Honolulu. H. I. July 14 July 23 ARRIVE HONOLULU. May 26 J une 4 Juue 9 June 23 July 2 J uiy 7 July 21 July 80 Aug. 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 27 bept. 1 bept. 15 bept. 24 bept, 29 Oct. 13 Oct. 22 Australia...... Alameda Zealanaia Australia Mariposa Zealandia AuHtraiia Monowai Zealandia Australia Alameda Zealandia Australia , Mariposa Zealandia Australia Monowai AS) CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary PuMic kitchen and abked : ' "Is this my bouse or yours?" "What of it?" answered the cook. "Didn't I say I'd Bend up chicken?" "You did." "And it was to be stuffed." "Yes, sir." "Then why didn't you do it?" "Where's the chicken, sir?" "Where? Gone to the cat, probably! MR. BOWSER'S MISTAKE. July 23 Aug. 11 Aug. 20 Aug. 25 bepu 8 Bept. 17 bept. 22 Oct. 0 Oct. 15 2703-- q Office with L. A. Thurston. Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY aid BAKERY. F, HORN Practical Comectlonsr, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel Bt. Telepbons 74. 135B 2(151 Some groceries which I ordered the HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam JfcCngines, Bailers. Marr Mills. Coolers, Brass LKAVX HONOLULU. June 2 June 4 Juue 16 June 30 July 2 aud Lead Castings, 8TKAKKB. Australia Mariposa....:. Zealandia...... Australia Monowai Ant inu)iliin of av.rr desorlDtlon made to oraer. Particular attention paid to hipa' black- - Zettlandia i.inina. JOD wore execuiea oa me uonmi n . 2651 Australia Alameda The Popular Millinery House, 1 04 Fort St. July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. 14 26 30 11 25 27 Zeulandta Australia ARRIVE BAH JTBANCISOO. .... June 9 .... June 11 .... June 23 .... July 7 .... July 9 .... July 21 .... Aug. 4 .... Aug. 6 .... Aug. 18 .... bept. 1 .... bept. 3 .... bept. 15 .... bept. 2ti .... Oct. . 1 .... Oct. 13 .... Oct. 21 .... Oct. 29 .... Nov. 10 .... Nov. 24 .... Nov. 20 l ordered it at a o'clock." - k. 'It didn't come." : "It didn't? Let me go that telephone! No! I'll go down and wipe the face of the earth with that butcher's carcass!" I tried to hold him, but he broke away and went off. He came back in about an hour with bis coat torn up his back, his nose skinned, a bump on his fore- head and ona eye shut up. I didn't question him, but I learned from others that the butcher got the better of him. He hadn't ordered any chicken. He meant to, but he never even got off the car. That evening, alter I had bound the third piece of raw beef on his eye and had glycerined his noee for the fifth time, he suddenly observed : ''lam satisfied that I could run. this house just forty times better than any woman on earth and save shillings where you save dollars, bat I've got too much on my mind as it is, and you can go ahead with your extravagant and disas- trous career." Detroit Free Press . LOVE'S BAKERY X. 7S Htteisksai trei. . AS.3. BOBT. LiOVB, ... rroprtstmss. Ivery Desorl pUon of Plat n aad fatter Bread and Crackers, VBKI& Soda Crackers 2651 -- q MISS 13. LAMB, Stenographer and Type-writ- er, Mariposa...... bept. Zealandia Australia bept. 22 bept. 24 Monowai Zealandia . Oct. 6 Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, near the Postoffice. 2tt7 ' Australia Alameda 20 22 Oct. Oct. Zealandia Nov. 3 '.If EjStTEEPEISE planing mill PETER HIGH, - - Proprietor. OFFICE AND MILL: Australia DR. EMERSON, Nov. 17 Nov. "9 20yo-3- m Mariposa OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc- - er s office). Orncc Hocaa 9 to 11 a. m and 2 to 3 8aloon Bread Always, Haaa. MILK BREAD A 8FKC1ALTT. lalaad Orders Twrnpttr Atteudesl tm, Australian Mail Service p. v.; bandars, 9 to 10 a. m. Bell Telephone no. ox. Jiesiaence o On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, IT. I. School street. 2704-3m- q 3Tf.it) tfirjr.rtisemrnts. DR.X KOBAYASHI, FOR SAN FRANCISCO, fns new and fins Al steel stsamsaly MOULDINGS, C. BBEWER & COMPANY, (l,lEltdl. NO. 161.FORT STREET. Of nee Houas 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 4 ptock of es! tied, for LIGHT k Mills, ts, and line. ck of JJ plain, on the SE3 .aid nished,. Keep in ; fullest in the pwauan enpply HOSE Cheap. 'iping; , tin. nd one d that pt any- - it at ks, . fornla esldent endent r ... mery pollers. " fnplete, " en d- - WlMB which hlaery o.aij fcf any acting backed a tbe Water ed by Utyof Kteam mads telfld on or , rated other. Kola le, 3! be Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc., Etc. ana J to 9 p. m. 2S65-2- m GENERA' MERCANTILE other afternoon failed to come up in time, and at supper we bad bread in place of biscuits. Cook run away ? " queried Mr. Bowser as he noticed the change. - " The baking powder didn't come up," I replied. " Did you order it ? " 1 "Yes. at 2 o'clock." " And it i3 now 6 ! Mra. Bowser, there mcut be something very wronjj with yoar system of trading. If I were ordering groceries I'd like to see 'em try any such game on me! " We can get along for once." " That isn't the question . You order groceries at 2 o'clock. They are not here at 6. This shows either that the grocer d jesn't care for your trade, or he is a liar in agreeing to send them up. I am afraid they nnd you a very easy mark." "I supp-xs- e you could do better," I retorted. "Certainly. A woman can, perhaps, btxy gimcracks to better advantage than a man, bat when it comes down to solids she can't be trusted." - - " Very well ; you buy the groceries for the next week. The cook will tell you what is wanted." 111 do it, and I'll show you that we will live a great deal better and yet save $4 or $5 a week . They can't play roots on me, Mrs. Bowser." Next morning, before going away, he went out to the cock and said : " I'll send np the meat for dinner. That's all. I suppose?" " We want a few things besides, air. Put down ealt, soap, pepper, tea, cinna- mon, starch, sago, tomatoes, vinegar " "What! Haven't we got a blessed thin in the house? " " Lots o' things, sir, but there's some- thing wanting every day. You can add a washboard, a lamp-chimne- y, some sapolio, a box of matches, and " "That will do," interrupted Mr. Bowser. " I can see that there baa been the greatest mismanagement in this home. It's a wonder that we are not on the way to the poor-house- ." " Well, if you don't get 'em, we won't have 'em," said the cook, and with that bit of natural philosophy she tamed away to wash her diab.es. Some meat came up and w as prepared for dinner. When Mr. Bowser came home he inquired : "What have you been paving for roast beef?" "About thirteen cents." "Ah! I suspected it from the way tho butcher acted. He has been swindling yoa at the rate of six cents per pound." "NjI" "Fact. I sent up a piece at six cents which beats any yoa have had for a month " 6 99 MOISTOW-AJ- C FRANK B. AUERBACH, TURNED AND SAWED WORK. Positively the Last Week! 750 Dozen LADIES' Silk Handkerchiefs Agent to Takk Acknowledges! bnts to Of tho OceantcBteamehlp Company, will hs dot at Honslala from Sydney and Auckland on or about COMMISSION AQENT13. list or orncxBSi IXSTBCMENTS FOB THE DlSTKICT or Kosa, Oahu. Office Oahu R. R. & L.Co.'s Depot, up Having iast received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest im provements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to do stairs. Joly 2, 1891, good work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having lately P.O. loft.lt........... Presidsntaod Manager 4.O. Carter...., ..Irsasarsr aad Secretary engaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty of not . w. g.Aiisa aatiter May 11, 1891. 276Mm LEWERS a COOKE, (Successors to Lew en tt Dickson) And will leave for tbe abere port with mails am passengers on or about tbat date. DIBXOTOaSi For freight or passage, having BUrCBIOl ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Importers and Dealers la JLamber IN ENDLES3 VARIETY, Hoe. B. trt(iM mnn. 0. B. Bishop. Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc. XCjyTrompt attention to all orders. :o: ' 9AR1 And U Kinds of Building Material. Wm. GL Irwin & Co., AHEIfTS. No. )2 i'OBT 3TE2T, Hor olnla. 2661 From 2 to 5 per Doz. For Sydney and Auckland. JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importe and Dealer In TELEPHONES: 7"MUITJAL 55. - - 0C7BELL 498. 2724-- q Also, a Fine Display of 4mr JAMES NOTT, JR., rSACTICAt TINSMITH & PLUMBER Oerner of King and Alakea Stt. Honolnla, H. I. rELEPHONE Workshop. Mntual 201 residence, Mutual. 286.. gXT Estimates famished on all classes of Plumbing and Tinsmitblng work. First clafHS workmanship and material gaaran teed in all the above branches of my busi-ne- ss at reasonable rates. 79q FANCY GOODS! The new and fine Al steel steamship MAEIPOSA" CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. So. 25-- 31 Queen Street, HosoltiJn. 2651 WILLIAM C. ACHI, ATT0BNBY AJffD C0D33ELL0S AT LAW, Notary Public and Beal state It rosier. SThis is the finest thing ever offered the Honolulu trade! Oi theOcoanle Steamsnip Company, will be dae at Honolaln from San Franasco or or about July 2, 1891. Shipping and Commission Merchants, 2G51 Orncs 36 Merchant Strwt. When we got seated at the table he i looked about and rem irked that the Imported Direct from China and Japan Wm. a, Irwin, Clans Bpreckela jLndwMhavs prompt dlnpatca with mails an aesengers for the above ports. BT PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DSALKKS Tf For freight or pannage, having SCPKRIOR AO- - COMMOD AT JtONS, apply to CLAtJS 8PKECKEL8 & CO., BANKERS. H. HACKFELD CO., General Commission Agents Cor. fort & Onsen St... Honolaln. 3651 W. E. R0WELL, V. BARNES, 2 Wm. G. Irwin & Co., M51-- q AflltITS. HAWAI1AW IHVAJXVH HOIOLULO Cor. Fort and King Sts (NEW STORE). 2784-2- W Engineer and Surveyor Room 5, Spreckels' Block. BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES Carpenters Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and cook had forgotten to put on the potatoes. "Yoa dide.'t sent up any," I replied. "What?" ".Nothing came but the meat." "By the great two-hump- ed camel, but " He suddenly felt in his vest pocket, and there was the list of groceries. With that he took up the curving knife and fork and began to carve the meat. It did'nt carve. He bore down and sawed away, and finally laid the knife down and said : "Mrs. Bowser, is this a piece of rhino- ceros or beef ?" "It's a neck piece of beef, Mr. Bowser. When I buy 'em for mince pie I boil the meat about two days. You sent it for a roast and the cook has roasted it." He turned very white and kicked the cat from under the table, and our dinner was a slim and unpleasant one- - After getting on his hat and overcoat he went out to see the cook, arid, as he appeared in th kitchen door, she aii: Tuff For Sale. Draw Xscbange ea the prlodpal parts o ths world. Wni receive deposits oa open eoeoent, make rollectlons and eovdnct ft general batiklag aad exebaogs bnslneas. WM. G. IRWIN 4 COMPACT, (Limited.; Wm. O. lawiw, - President and Manager CtAca Sphbceils, - - Vice-Preside- nt Walter M. OirrARD, - - - - Secretary and Treasurer Thro. C. Porter, ... Auditor -- A THE IRON TUG ALICE j of Hil' i3 offere1 for sala cheap. She is in food order, and will be delivered in Ho- nolulu if necessary. Any one wanting information, inomre at the VULOANO STABLES, 2731-l- m Hilo, Hawaii. Depoffits bearing Interest received la their Sav lags Department subject to published rales acl regulations. K5l-- q FUBNISHED ItOOMS. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. A0E5T8 OF THE General Merchandise. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. Just .Received " There's no butter for supper, and I want vou to send up some tomatoes for Wm. O. Irwin A Co., (Limited) has assumed tbe assets and liabilities of the Per Bark " CHARLOTTE," a number of annn tva iron spoons, a paCrttasie of Blake's Steam Pomps, Weston CentrifagaJf, Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. 2851 13o-- q ' FORT -- ST. HOUSE, No. 184 Fort Street. late firm of Wm. O. Irwin A Co., and will continue the general basin formerl carried on by that bonse. 1304 270-- q j stove polish, some silver soap, allspice, nvatpr crackers and bluin. Here's a 82-- y BEAVER SALOON, rort Street, Opposite WJKler A Co.'s, fl. J. XOLTI, FBOPBIZTOB. I rtt-ols- es La nc nee Served with Te, Coffee, Sods Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open From 3 a. m. till lO p. m. gyamokers BeqTrtalte. a Specialty. 2681 THE ROYAL SALOON, Cr, Jfanano and Merebant Streets Under the Management of E. H. F. Wolter, Seplwy in stock s Tsrtetyof the bent WIne, Liqnon, Been, and Ice cold bsers on dranght at jj cents per glaas. rCall and See Cs."y 2WS1 LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. Pianos ! . - Wjw . list " Pianos ! ffffl "Do you pretend to say we want ali EAGLE HOUSE ELEOANT FURNISHED ROOM8 either single or en suite, at reason- able rates. Hot and cold water those things T' be aetnanaea. " Yes, and many more. 1 never worked in a place before where I had so From the Celebrated Factory of C. BEC2STmf LONDON and BERLIN, NUUANU AVENUE. little to do with, it you u sena np a man batbs and all modern conveniences to be found in a first-cla- ss house. Apply on the premises to 27I0-l- m WM. P. CROOKS. and an axe Hi have tnat beet cut up tfA for snoner." 1 Now ready for inspection, for sale THIS FIRST -- CLASS FAMIL Hotel (situate In the most pleas- ant part of the City) contiuues to offer tbe comforts of a borne to I could hear Mr. Bowser breathing thirty feet distant, and one of his sho- estring broke with a loud snap, but he PAINTER ! by H." HACK F ELD & CO., Sole Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands. 2712--q rMTOBTXRS ASD DZALKRM IK GVroceries, Provisions and Feed. BA3T J M-fS- l PZTf.KIO 19 ST ft 3 3 T3. Sew Owls received by every pfteret from tbe EArn Stawsand Knrope frwli CallfomH proac by every steameT. All orders fafthfally attended to, and foods delivered to any part of the etty free of charge. Island orders solicited. SatJftf actios rriAwnteed. PostorBee Box No. t'4 Telephone No. i651- - went out of the house without explod- ing. In the afternoon the things came up all but trie tea and butter. At sup-r- r time the cxk made coffee. Mr. transients and others. Adjoining the Main P.uilding are several New Cottages specially constructed for familvnse. Tabl nnsurpasa. ms $2.00 per day, $12.00 weekly. Special arrangements for monthly boarders. T. KROU8E, Prof. YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S .IOI3 IF of Tainting of any description done, call on the practical Fainter, J h. MEYER only. 130 Fort 8t. P.O. BoxS87. 2748--1 y Bowner noticed it as we sat down, and. I THE ADVERTISER IS THE snarling the arotna, he remarked : F. O. Bot 7 layhoa t0. I 2fi95 1303-- i Honolulu, H. I. "Doesn't your zirl know the difference l JL leadinat daily paper of the Kingdom i s

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I)pes; 3Ttt diuwrtisrntmts.And gushuss (fards.THE DAILY between breakfast and sapperwhere on earth is the batter?" Srjtppmg.

"You didn't send up either tea or butPacific Commercial Advertiser ter." J. B. CASTLE, . Honolnla and San Francisco Mail Servicevnat: Jirs. rower, ao you imagine IF YOU ABE IN SEAECH OF

Commission Merchant.I've gone crazy ?""Well, they didn'f come up.""They didn't, eh? Let me go to tha: Ok

telephone and I'll give that infernal grocery store something to think of for the

Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, J Honolulu, H. I.2651-- y


Erery Morning Except Sundays,

At No. 48 Merchant 8U

60BSCRIPT10S8 t '

IHt WHITEnext hundred years! ' TIME TABLEor TUBI don't know what the grocer said to

A.TJL.A.SAssurance Company


Capital . $ 6,000,000Assets, . $ 9.000.000

mm '

Having been appointed Atrenta of theabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.

H. W. SCHMIDT A BONS.13R1 2684-- q

Oceanic Steamship Co.him, but Mr. Bowser danced up anddown and sent him to Jericho, Jersey

G-- O TOCity and lots of other places, and woundup by saying that he'd go to the Cape of

(8ubjxct to changs.)

The Australia and Zkalakdia


Attorney and Connsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumann Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C1651-l- y Rogers).

(jood Hope before he'd ever buy anotherthing there. That night I found the list

Dailx P. C. Adtkbtmsb, on. year 6 OC

Biz month!. S 00" per month 50

Wtiit Hiwinii Oazxttb, on. year 5 00 Leave Ban Francisco at S o'clock P. M.of articles in his pocket. He had checkedoil as he ordered, and had left the tea Leave Honolulu at 1 M. Tuesdays.

The Through Steamers Leave San FranCisco and Honolulu Thursdays.

and butter out. Next morning before hewent down town, he said to the cook;

"I'll send you a chicken to be baked

" " foreign . (ln- -eludtna: nrwtacei 0

Dailt and Wkkxly, one year In advance.... 10 00

Payable Invariably In AdTnei.Bt Postal Mosy Osdib.

7 All Transient Advertisements mustbe Prepaid.

and stuffed." LXAVK8AM FRANCISCO.At 1 1 o'clock, no chicken having ap STEAM KB.



Agent to take. Acknowledgments.Omc No. 13 Kaahumann Street, Hono-69-- y

lulu, H. I.

peared, she fried some bacon for dinner. saaiRlRlRlRlRlRaw A

Mr. Bowser didn t know it until he sat v. V FMay 19 ...May 28 ...June 2 ...June 16 ...June 25 ....

down. Then he took one look at thebacon and arose and walked out into the .,Mri9 f Wt 1 Vrninr

INT. S. SACHS',104 Fort Street, : Honolulu, E 1.


EMBROIDERED FLOUNCESFor Ladies and Children ;

EMBROIDERY, EDGING S AND INSERTIONS, in Swiss, Hamburg andNainsook ;

WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESORIITION ; and an immense assmt. of

Fancy Striped and Plaid Wasli Materials. . ' In the Newest Designs ;


Jui.e 30 1868189?e 1


H. 31. Whitskt, Manager.46 Merchant st.,

F .tofRce Box O. Honolulu. H. I.

July 14July 23


May 26J une 4Juue 9June 23July 2

J uiy 7July 21July 80Aug. 4Aug. 18Aug. 27bept. 1bept. 15bept. 24bept, 29Oct. 13Oct. 22

Australia......AlamedaZealanaiaAustraliaMariposaZealandiaAuHtraiiaMonowaiZealandiaAustraliaAlamedaZealandiaAustralia ,MariposaZealandiaAustraliaMonowai


Typewriter and Notary PuMic

kitchen and abked : '

"Is this my bouse or yours?""What of it?" answered the cook."Didn't I say I'd Bend up chicken?""You did.""And it was to be stuffed.""Yes, sir.""Then why didn't you do it?"

"Where's the chicken, sir?""Where? Gone to the cat, probably!


July 23Aug. 11Aug. 20Aug. 25bepu 8Bept. 17bept. 22Oct. 0Oct. 15

2703-- qOffice with L. A. Thurston.


F, HORN Practical Comectlonsr,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel Bt. Telepbons 74.135B 2(151

Some groceries which I ordered theHONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,

Steam JfcCngines,Bailers. Marr Mills. Coolers, Brass


June 2June 4Juue 16June 30July 2

aud Lead Castings,



Ant inu)iliin of av.rr desorlDtlon made tooraer. Particular attention paid to hipa' black- -

Zettlandiai.inina. JOD wore execuiea oa me uonmin . 2651 Australia

AlamedaThe Popular Millinery House, 1 04 Fort St.JulyJulyJulyAug.Aug.Aug.




.... June 9.... June 11.... June 23.... July 7.... July 9.... July 21.... Aug. 4.... Aug. 6.... Aug. 18.... bept. 1.... bept. 3.... bept. 15.... bept. 2ti.... Oct. . 1

.... Oct. 13

.... Oct. 21

.... Oct. 29

.... Nov. 10

.... Nov. 24.... Nov. 20

l ordered it at a o'clock." - k.'It didn't come." :

"It didn't? Let me go that telephone!No! I'll go down and wipe the face ofthe earth with that butcher's carcass!"

I tried to hold him, but he broke awayand went off. He came back in aboutan hour with bis coat torn up his back,his nose skinned, a bump on his fore-head and ona eye shut up. I didn'tquestion him, but I learned from othersthat the butcher got the better of him.He hadn't ordered any chicken. Hemeant to, but he never even got off thecar. That evening, alter I had bound thethird piece of raw beef on his eye andhad glycerined his noee for the fifthtime, he suddenly observed :

''lam satisfied that I could run. thishouse just forty times better than anywoman on earth and save shillings whereyou save dollars, bat I've got too muchon my mind as it is, and you can goahead with your extravagant and disas-trous career." Detroit Free Press .

LOVE'S BAKERYX. 7S Htteisksai trei. .

AS.3. BOBT. LiOVB, ... rroprtstmss.

Ivery Desorl pUon of Plat n aad fatter

Bread and Crackers,VBKI&

Soda Crackers

2651 --qMISS 13. LAMB,

Stenographer and Type-writ- er,


Australia bept. 22bept. 24Monowai

Zealandia . Oct. 6Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Postoffice. 2tt7 ' Australia



Zealandia Nov. 3 '.If

EjStTEEPEISE planing millPETER HIGH, - - Proprietor.


AustraliaDR. EMERSON, Nov. 17Nov. "9

20yo-3- m

MariposaOFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc- -

er s office).

Orncc Hocaa 9 to 11 a. m and 2 to 3

8aloon BreadAlways, Haaa.


lalaad Orders Twrnpttr Atteudesl tm,

Australian Mail Servicep. v.; bandars, 9 to 10 a. m.Bell Telephone no. ox. Jiesiaence o

On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, IT. I.School street. 2704-3m- q3Tf.it) tfirjr.rtisemrnts.



fns new and fins Al steel stsamsaly


(l,lEltdl.NO. 161.FORT STREET.

Of nee Houas 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 4

ptock of


tied, forLIGHTk Mills,

ts, andline.ck of

JJ plain,on the

SE3 .aidnished,.

Keep in

; fullestin the




, tin.nd oned that

pt any- -it at





r ...



"fnplete, "en d- -



fcf anyactingbackeda tbe

Watered byUtyof



on or ,ratedother.





Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc., Etc.ana J to 9 p. m. 2S65-2-m GENERA' MERCANTILE

other afternoon failed to come up intime, and at supper we bad bread inplace of biscuits.

Cook run away ? " queried Mr.Bowser as he noticed the change. -

" The baking powder didn't come up,"I replied.

" Did you order it ? " 1

"Yes. at 2 o'clock."" And it i3 now 6 ! Mra. Bowser,

there mcut be something very wronjjwith yoar system of trading. If I wereordering groceries I'd like to see 'em tryany such game on me! "

We can get along for once."" That isn't the question . You order

groceries at 2 o'clock. They are nothere at 6. This shows either that thegrocer d jesn't care for your trade, or heis a liar in agreeing to send them up. Iam afraid they nnd you a very easymark."

"I supp-xs- e you could do better," Iretorted.

"Certainly. A woman can, perhaps,btxy gimcracks to better advantage thana man, bat when it comes down to solidsshe can't be trusted." - -

" Very well ; you buy the groceries forthe next week. The cook will tell youwhat is wanted."

111 do it, and I'll show you that wewill live a great deal better and yet save$4 or $5 a week . They can't play rootson me, Mrs. Bowser."

Next morning, before going away, hewent out to the cock and said :

" I'll send np the meat for dinner.That's all. I suppose?"

" We want a few things besides, air.Put down ealt, soap, pepper, tea, cinna-mon, starch, sago, tomatoes, vinegar "

"What! Haven't we got a blessedthin in the house? "

" Lots o' things, sir, but there's some-thing wanting every day. You can adda washboard, a lamp-chimne- y, somesapolio, a box of matches, and "

"That will do," interrupted Mr.Bowser. " I can see that there baa beenthe greatest mismanagement in thishome. It's a wonder that we are noton the way to the poor-house- ."

" Well, if you don't get 'em, we won'thave 'em," said the cook, and with thatbit of natural philosophy she tamedaway to wash her diab.es.

Some meat came up and w as preparedfor dinner. When Mr. Bowser camehome he inquired :

"What have you been paving for roastbeef?"

"About thirteen cents.""Ah! I suspected it from the way tho

butcher acted. He has been swindlingyoa at the rate of six cents per pound."

"NjI""Fact. I sent up a piece at six cents

which beats any yoa have had for amonth "



Positively the Last Week!

750 DozenLADIES'

Silk Handkerchiefs

Agent to Takk Acknowledges! bnts to Of tho OceantcBteamehlp Company, will hs dotat Honslala from Sydney and Auckland

on or about


list or orncxBSi


or Kosa, Oahu.

Office Oahu R. R. & L.Co.'s Depot, up Having iast received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest improvements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to dostairs. Joly 2, 1891,good work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having lately P.O. loft.lt........... Presidsntaod Manager

4.O. Carter...., ..Irsasarsr aad Secretaryengaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty of not . w. g.Aiisa aatiterMay 11, 1891. 276Mm


(Successors to Lew en tt Dickson)

And will leave for tbe abere port with mails ampassengers on or about tbat date. DIBXOTOaSi

For freight or passage, having BUrCBIOlACCOMMODATIONS, apply toImporters and Dealers la JLamberIN ENDLES3 VARIETY, Hoe. B. trt(iMmnn. 0. B. Bishop.

Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc.

XCjyTrompt attention to all orders.

:o: '

9AR1And U Kinds of Building Material. Wm. GL Irwin & Co.,AHEIfTS.No. )2 i'OBT 3TE2T, Hor olnla. 2661From 2 to 5 per Doz.

For Sydney and Auckland.JOHN T. WATERH0USE,

Importe and Dealer In


2724--qAlso, a Fine Display of 4mr


TINSMITH & PLUMBEROerner of King and Alakea Stt.

Honolnla, H. I.

rELEPHONE Workshop. Mntual 201residence, Mutual. 286..

gXT Estimates famished on all classesof Plumbing and Tinsmitblng work. FirstclafHS workmanship and material gaaranteed in all the above branches of my busi-ne- ss

at reasonable rates. 79q

FANCY GOODS! The new and fine Al steel steamship



So. 25-- 31 Queen Street, HosoltiJn. 2651


Notary Public and Beal stateIt rosier.

SThis is the finest thing ever offeredthe Honolulu trade!

Oi theOcoanle Steamsnip Company, will bedae at Honolaln from San Franasco

or or about

July 2, 1891.Shipping and Commission Merchants,2G51Orncs 36 Merchant Strwt.When we got seated at the table he i

looked about and rem irked that the Imported Direct from China and Japan Wm. a, Irwin,Clans Bpreckela

jLndwMhavs prompt dlnpatca with mails anaesengers for the above ports.BT


DSALKKS TfFor freight or pannage, having SCPKRIOR AO--




General Commission Agents

Cor. fort & Onsen St... Honolaln. 3651


V. BARNES,2 Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,M51-- q AflltITS. HAWAI1AW IHVAJXVHHOIOLULOCor. Fort and King Sts

(NEW STORE). 2784-2- W Engineer and SurveyorRoom 5, Spreckels' Block.


PLANTATION SUPPLIESCarpenters Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

cook had forgotten to put on the potatoes."Yoa dide.'t sent up any," I replied."What?"".Nothing came but the meat.""By the great two-hump- ed camel,

but "He suddenly felt in his vest pocket,

and there was the list of groceries.With that he took up the curving knifeand fork and began to carve the meat.It did'nt carve. He bore down and sawedaway, and finally laid the knife downand said :

"Mrs. Bowser, is this a piece of rhino-ceros or beef ?"

"It's a neck piece of beef, Mr.Bowser. When I buy 'em for mince pieI boil the meat about two days. Yousent it for a roast and the cook hasroasted it."

He turned very white and kicked thecat from under the table, and our dinnerwas a slim and unpleasant one- - Aftergetting on his hat and overcoat he wentout to see the cook, arid, as he appearedin th kitchen door, she aii:

Tuff For Sale.Draw Xscbange ea the prlodpal parts o ths


Wni receive deposits oa open eoeoent, makerollectlons and eovdnct ft general batiklag aadexebaogs bnslneas.



Wm. O. lawiw, - President and ManagerCtAca Sphbceils, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. OirrARD, -- - - Secretary and Treasurer

Thro. C. Porter, ... Auditor

-- A THE IRON TUG ALICEj of Hil' i3 offere1 for salacheap. She is in food order,and will be delivered in Ho-

nolulu if necessary. Any one wantinginformation, inomre at the

VULOANO STABLES,2731-l- m Hilo, Hawaii.

Depoffits bearing Interest received la their Savlags Department subject to published rales aclregulations. K5l-- q


Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.

A0E5T8 OF THEGeneral Merchandise. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.,Of San Francisco, Cal.Just .Received" There's no butter for supper, and I

want vou to send up some tomatoes for Wm. O. Irwin A Co., (Limited) hasassumed tbe assets and liabilities of thePer Bark " CHARLOTTE," a number of

annn tva iron spoons, a paCrttasie of

Blake's Steam Pomps, Weston CentrifagaJf,

Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.2851 13o-- q '

FORT -- ST. HOUSE,No. 184 Fort Street.

late firm of Wm. O. Irwin A Co., and willcontinue the general basin formerlcarried on by that bonse. 1304 270-- q j

stove polish, some silver soap, allspice,nvatpr crackers and bluin. Here's a

82-- y


rort Street, Opposite WJKler A Co.'s,fl. J. XOLTI, FBOPBIZTOB.

I rtt-ols- es La nc nee Served with Te, Coffee,Sods Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.

Open From 3 a. m. till lO p. m.gyamokers BeqTrtalte. a Specialty. 2681


Cr, Jfanano and Merebant StreetsUnder the Management of

E. H. F. Wolter,Seplwy in stock s Tsrtetyof the bent WIne,Liqnon, Been, and Ice cold bsers on dranght atjj cents per glaas.

rCall and See Cs."y 2WS1


Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


Pianos !. -Wjw .

list " Pianos ! ffffl"Do you pretend to say we want ali

EAGLE HOUSE ELEOANT FURNISHED ROOM8either single or en suite, at reason-able rates. Hot and cold water

those things T' be aetnanaea." Yes, and many more. 1 never

worked in a place before where I had soFrom the Celebrated Factory of


little to do with, it you u sena np a manbatbs and all modern conveniences to befound in a first-cla- ss house. Apply on thepremises to

27I0-l- m WM. P. CROOKS.and an axe Hi have tnat beet cut uptfA for snoner."

1Now ready for inspection, for saleTHIS FIRST --CLASS FAMILHotel (situate In the most pleas-ant part of the City) contiuues tooffer tbe comforts of a borne to

I could hear Mr. Bowser breathingthirty feet distant, and one of his sho-estring broke with a loud snap, but he PAINTER !



Sole Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands.2712--q


GVroceries, Provisions and Feed.BA3T J M-fS- l PZTf.KIO 19 ST ft 3 3 T3.

Sew Owls received by every pfteret from tbe EArn Stawsand Knrope frwli CallfomHproac by every steameT. All orders fafthfally attended to, and foods delivered to any part of theetty free of charge. Island orders solicited. SatJftf actios rriAwnteed. PostorBee Box No. t'4Telephone No. i651- -

went out of the house without explod-ing. In the afternoon the things cameup all but trie tea and butter. At sup-r- r

time the cxk made coffee. Mr.

transients and others.Adjoining the Main P.uilding are several

New Cottages specially constructed forfamilvnse. Tabl nnsurpasa.

ms $2.00 per day, $12.00 weekly.Special arrangements for monthly

boarders. T. KROU8E, Prof.

YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S .IOI3IFof Tainting of any description done,call on the practical Fainter, J h.MEYER only. 130 Fort 8t. P.O.BoxS87. 2748--1 y

Bowner noticed it as we sat down, and.I THE ADVERTISER IS THEsnarling the arotna, he remarked : F. O. Bot 7layhoa t0. I 2fi95 1303-- i Honolulu, H. I."Doesn't your zirl know the difference l JL leadinat daily paper of the Kingdom





I PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd,B Jnat And fear not;Lt mil th ends thou alm'tt t b

Thy Country's, thy God's, nd Truth's. LOTSo1 l-- if it ST


C2Fort Street, - - Honolulu.

Resume of Voyage From CaptainI Garland.The American Missionary steam bark-

entine Morning Star, Captain G. F.Garland, arrived in port on Fridaymorning, June 19th, after an unusuallylong cruise of 114 months among thedifferent eroups of Micronesia. TheStar left Honolulu a year ago next July

JUNE 20, 1891.SATURDAY,For Sale at Auction

Erkatv. In the first line of the thirdparagraph of article on Diocesan Maga-

zine for "apprehension" read


Ice Chests and Refrigerators,The favorite paferns ; a large assortment.

I have receired instructions to sell at Pub Leav BooATHLETIC EXHIBITION !12th. Her mission, however, has beeawell carried out. The entire cruisearound the South Sea Islands was at Arrtv Hodlic Auction, at my Salesroom on

Queen Street,tended bv successions of head winds and Lt Dob

GIVES BT THEON MONDAY, JUNE 29th.gales, at times. These conditions of the

weather rendered the voyage somewhat E0N0LUL0 ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONArrlv Hoi

!. Ron

unpleaaant."We congratulate the English-speakin- g

community on the announcement madeyesterday by the management of ourhalf-and-ha- lf contemporary, under the

Two calls were made at Ponape, Caro AX 12 2JOOX.

36line Islands. On the first visit, the StarArrU Pffound the Spanish soldiers and the na



Saturday EvenLn?, Jane 20, 1S91

tives engaged in warfare. At one battle,beading "Our Exist" (sic), that thepage in the English language will be ArrlT Uoithe Spanish mastered out 1,200 men

against 300 natives, but the Spanish Unrivaled Residence Lots

Art Rooms -- Mcbemy Hall

25,000 feet Xew Picture Mouldings, latest styles,A .ew Invoice of


Windsor & Jvewton Mors, Ertsbes, & Irtistf K&teriil

Lubricating Oils,

henceforth ditcontinued. We sincerely

Orricr or the Boad or Health.)HosotrLC, June 19. lSdl. )

Sealed Tenders will be received at thisOffice until noon, TUESDAY, Jane 30,1391. for supplying the Board with the fol-

lowing BaiWing Material and Provisionsfor use at the Leper Settlement. Molokai.until the first day of January, 1892:


Bough Nbr'west lomber up to 35.000 feet.Tongued aad grooved N. W. up to 25,000

feet.Redwood shingles up to 160,000.

Redwood, surfaced, up to 3000 feet.Redwood battens, Ix3, up to 400 feet.Redwood fence posts up to 1000.Doors 2x6x9. 1 each.Sashes 10x12 and 10x14 each.Iron cut nails up to 50 kegs (lOd basis).Boiled oil up to 150 gallons.Turpentine up to 50 gallons.White lead up to 3000 lbs.Cement op to 50 bbls.Lime op to 100 bbls.Galy. iron pipe, H. 1. Pr foot.


t Saturddwere defeated in spite of the great odds,hope that our Ilawaiian-speakin- z friends Sundaywith the loss of many, lhe island oimay soon be honored by the discontinu Ponape is divided into five tribes, each AT KALIHI,ruled bv a king. The Metalenim tribe

Consisting of Exercises on the


ance of the rest of the paper, which has SH1H

been no credit to the publisher, to them has about 1,500 natives. This tribe isthe one hostile to the Spani-- h, and

or their country. PARALLEL BARS andAbout a quarter of a mile beyond the Ea-- c

ehameha School. The "lota are allstaked out as per the following diagram :

which the Spanish Governor is anxious VACUUM OILS A SPECIALTYto annihilate if they would not soon surLiving and Ladder Pyramidsrender themselves and their arms toJAPAN SEWS. Stuir Ja

Kanaa.KING STREET.FDanieh authorities. At the second Fence Wire of Superior Quility ; Galvanizedand Plain Fence Staples.By members, and Stuir Wvisit of the Star, the natives were bound

We are indebted to Captain Young of at peace. A Spanish corvette was lying Hawaii.Am Mis?Cub Swingirg and Exercises on the Yaultiiig

at anchor.the steamship Yamashiro,aud to Messrs. CULTIVATORS, ANDAGR'L IMPLEMENTSIS 19 PLOWS, HARROWS.Horsa Ij th.3 Juvenile Class.Henry Nanpie, a high chief ofIrwin & Co., agents of the vessel, for

from tHJUth8chr Heebtt.ir Kil

18 IT

; isthis tribe arrived by the Star, and is at

late files of Japan papers. A new invoice of Planet, Jr. Cultivators, and Hoie Hoes.present domiciled at iiev. Vr. Hyde's Hakalau.30OVER 10 PARTICIPANTS !Theological Seminary. Mr. Nan pie isThe most interesting topic in the late

Japanese papers is the trial of the man part white, and appears to have received 2114


CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS.Lawn Mowers, 8toves, Tin Ware. Afrents for the Best Brands of RUBBER

careful trainings frcm the AmericanTsuda Sanaa who attempted the life of Reserved Seats, $1.00; General Admismissionaries. He is quite conversant in 13sion. 50 ents. Scbr KaEnglish and bears himself like a Euro WBoi Flan at Ludwigsen & iron'sCzarevitch.yThe whole story of the assault under 23pean. Mr. Wm. Hiygins, a theolojxica! Ice Cream Parlors, Hotel tot. 2i&-l- w


student, took His Highness sightseeinggoes considerable modification by close 24yesterday. He was perfectly amazed atinvestigation. The story about leaving 11 Am bkt ICISCO.the beautv of Honolulu and its environ X

79--j H()SK.

The Summer season brings Mosquitos25or visiting a temple, and wanton or ments. He was taken to the Chinese

10quarters, where he saw celef-tU-l beauties t7for th-- ; hrst time. Mr. ranpie is creditedcareless breach of etiquette, 'does notnow appear at all. The party was leav-

ing the Prc-fectur- buildings in Otgu. Atthe bead of the procession of " jenriki- -

Rice No. 1 up to 400 sacks.Cal. medium bread up to 000 cases.Best quality flour, i stacks, up to 1000

sacks.8ugar. No. 1 raw, up to 110 bags.Salmon, best red, up to 90 bbls.Soap, 2 lb. bars, up to 200 boxes (100 lb.

boxes).Matches, card,' up to 250 gross.31 1, coarse, up to 500 bags.Kerosene oil op to 1000 gallons.

Bids may be made for all or any of theabove, to be delivered as ordered by theAgents of the Board, f. o. b. islandsteamers.

All bids must be plainly endorsed' Tende.s for Molokai Leper Settlement

Supplies."The Board of Health does not bind itself

to accept the lowest or any bid.DAVID DAYTON.

2795-3-t President Board of Health.

with having influenced the Kitt tribe torefrain from engagements with theSpanish.


From MaHall, JuneT M Glen.shas " was the Governor of the Province, The Morning Star brings thirty cords 23J bnvder,followed by the Chief of Police, then two BUHACH !of firewood, one cow and a very large

quantity of shells, curios and corals sent 30police inspectors, and the Czarevitch into several parties in io o:ulu. One caseof shells will be forwarded to the Oberlin sia jinrikisha, after him came Prince

George and the general staff The Museum.

Mrs A A lH Ntibiiiu,moltu. A LiKeaweamnlwife and 0i

From KiJune 19- -(iIockood,

32The Star has been somewhat roughly The Freshest Powder !assailant was one of the police stationedby the roadside, he struck twice, and 33handled by the weather and needs a

kreat deal of repairing. Messrs. Sorren-so- n

& Lyle have been awarded the job ofthat the blows were not fatal was probFrom Sod

ably owing to the fact that the man ing tJUr, Jputting the Star in sound conditionagain, so that she may be enaMed towas armed with a common police cutlass F E Kami

Miss S L Sicontinue carrying on her mission of "love36and goodwill " among the peoples ofand not with a Japanese sword. On be-

ing struck the Czarevitch jumped out of

his vehicle and ran forward towards theMicronesia. For San


The Largest Cans!

The Cheapest Place to Buy!

The Sole Agents for the Genuine Bnhach!

head of the procession followed by his Bmin workers, and all clo have tostand tbe severe mental strain conse The lots have been laid out and dividedassailant, who was, however, immediate

in snch a manner and size as t brine themquent on intellectual employment, findwithin tbe rech of all wbo desire a home The bark

ly grappled with by one of the jinrikisha-cooli- es and disarmed by another Clements Tonic invaluable. Hol-U8TK- R

& Co. are tbe Agente for the of their own witbin convenient distancefrom the badness centre of the citv.Do You Want Water 1islnnd".The story of the interposition of Prince The location and peneral advantages oftnese iota are unequaled by any property

cleared fronflernoou.Francisco,A. r

& Cooke. 34,204 bags5.546 bugrGeorge and his stick is pronounced to be

a fabrication. The Governor, who waslooking back from the head of the pro

2Cn& Slinifrttsciiuiits- -

Orncs or thk Boakd or Health.)Hosoixur, June 19, 1891. f

. Sealed tenders will be received at thisoffice un?U MONDAY, July 6, 1891, at 12o'clock noon, for the delivery on the twachat Kalaupapa, or Kalawao, or at the LeperSettlement, Molokai, in good order andcondition an average of 90 bead of FatBeef Cattle per month, for the u?e of theBoard of Health from July 15, 1891. to De-

cember 31, 1891.The tender should be for the price per

pound dressed.The hides and tallow to be the property

of the Board.All bids must be plainly endorsed " Ten-

ders for the supply of Leef for MolokaiLeper Settlement."

The Board of: Health does not bind itselfto accept the lowest or any bid.

By order of the Board.DAVID DAYTON,

President Board of Health.2795 3t

of the kind offered in this city for years.Situated at the mouth ot Kal hi Valley,

at a good elevation, pure air and healthfulconditions are assured. 0J0.88 ton

Tue steaBENSON, SMITH & Co.All these lots front on Kaili Avenue 55

feet wide, running through the place con-necting Kins and Beckley streets, andbeing the widest street in the suburbs of

bags sugar

cession, saw the wounded man runningtowards him with his hand to his beadand blood running down bis face, and ledhim into a neighboring shop when thewound, which the Prince made light of,

ing lheWednesda

The sleaHonolulu.

- xne tots are situated at less tnan 3 mindav aft.-ni- Jutes' walk from tbe terminus of the Kingwas attended to. coffee. 32 tJUST THE THING FOR THISThe trial was begun on the 27th and 113 and 115 Fort Street,

2651-- q2U head cioireei i ram uars.

WATER The plans are perfected, andit is now tbe intention of the Government

Nearly six months since rain hasfallen in sufficient quantity to be of anybenefit to the crops, or to even supplytbe citizens with enough water for dayuses. Cattle men are complaining, andranchmen have almost given up indespair.- The situation is serious, and beforeyour cattle die through want of water,and your vegeUbles and grass areburned up by the rays of the 6un, dosomething to prevent it. Save yourmoney, your cattle, and your cops bybuyin an Atrmotor With it, and asaction force pump, the water will betaken anywhere.

Dr. Trousseau placed one on hisostrich farm, and it forces water fix hun- -

ports lieaM- ;W A It 31 WEATHER. REFRIGERAthe proceedings were with closed doors,to lay an 8 inch water main along the line haina. .

The schfor reasons which seem to meet with the TORS AND ICE CHESTS. TRIPLEMOTION ICE CREAM FREEZERS.

ot King street from the foot of Lihhastreet to the road passing the Kalihtchurches, from which extension water is

salt from 1general approval of the press, foreignand vernacular. The judges of the local The bat WJOHN NOT T,expected to be available witbin 8 months. ed twkiuecourt were of opinion that the matter

hauied onr t tne present, water tor domestic pur-poses can be obtained from KaraehamehaPACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Lt'd.,was beyond their jurisdiction, as it was to be cleanSchool prvmi'-es- .

supposed that the crime would be held The steabugs biigat--IMPORTER AND DEALER I2ST- -TERMS ONE HALF CASH, Balance

in one year at 9 per cent, secured by mortFORT STREET.

1377 2778--qas same as a similar assault on a mem

Honolulu Tax Assessor's Office.From and a?ter July 1. 1891, the under-

signed, Deputy Assessor and Collector ofOafau, will be in his otllce in the KnpuaiwaBuilding on each day ot the week (Sundaysexcepted), from 9 o'clock until 4 o'clock(excepting Saturdays, when the office willbe closed at 12 o'clock dood) for the pur-pose of receiving the returns of all persons

The barfgage.1 drwl feet, and raises it "sixtv-seve- n.ber of the Japanese Roy-i- l Family. It KX9 'A larpe map of tbe property can

was found, however, that this would be be seen at my Salesroom, Quen street.where all desired information can be given.

will lev i

Port lowi. The sit

-- return toWetne.tu!

wholly illegal, and " a capital sentencet: 'I. Jas. !E Morgan,would have been possible only under a

most violent perversion of the obviousmeaning of the law." However, the


cisco a ih2736-t- f AUCTIONEER.The brtdChief Judge and six puisne judges of

of the Supreme Court were sent down to HAWAIIAN" axil fromafternoontab Kesidences !Oteu, and their finding (much abbrevi

With it the different paddocks are irri-gated, the Kras1? ha3 grown the color oftbe emerald and the young ostriches aregetting fat in consequence.

Another gentleman who has beenwaiting for the rain to come along andhlp him out of his difficulty gave it upthe other day and bought an Aermotor.He don't care now, so far as he is per-sonally concerned, whether it rains ornot; the grass on his lawn is like a vel-vet carpet, his roses bloom and every-thing is fresh and bright, while hisneighbors' are burnt up a .d fading. Youwant one, but you can't make up yourmind tog-ti- t; let these two instanceshelp you alont;, and once you have theAerrnotor you will have more comfortand less worry than you experience now.Kead what Mr. Wight says.

ea ted; is as follows: That Tsuda Sange BASE BALL ASSOCIATION GROUNDS

DAVI;- -1while serving on the police force, havingconceived the false impression that the Wlfo of 1For Sale at Auctionvisit of the Russian prince to Japan had PIKOI STREET. COWAN- -t

the m,

some exceptional object, and becomingON MONDAY, JUNE 29dissatisfied, formed the project and

sought an opportunity of assassinating AT IS NOON, COWANHON SATURDAY, - JUNE 20ththe Prince, and fearing lest be might an inf aiAt my Salesroom, Queen Street, I will sellhave no other opportunity, drew hisAt 3:30 p. m.sword and struck two blows at the head

of the Prince. The Court finds theea

at ruDiic Auction,

20 The J"Itacts proved Dy coniession ot the pris-oner and by evidence, and that the pris


Honoliiiiis - vs. - Hawaiis!Valuable Residence Lots

Maru wi

next Tutthe 1,10

Mahckona, H. I., June 10, 1891.

Messrs. Thk Hawaiian Hardware Co.,Hoxolulc.

Dear Sirs The Aermotor was re-ceived O. K. and has been set up. Itis of course rather eat ly for an opinion,bur I will Fay this that it pumped some6oo gallons last nuht when the oldruill would not have moved, and that

oner has been guilty of an unsuccessfulattempt to commit willful murder, and TbursdajiBemp a division of tbe property formerly

occupied as the Buckle Homestead.sentences him to imprisonment for life

liable to taxation in this district.AH returns must be made to the under-

signed not later than July 31, 1891, or noappeals can by law be granted.

Special attention is herewith drawn bythe undersigned to the fact that no returnis valid in law unless sworn to before theAssessor, Deputy Assessor, Notary Public,or some other person authorized to ad-minister oaths.

Blank forms on which to make returnscan be had daily during the months ofJune and July on application at the officeof the undersigned.

T. A. LLOYD.Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes

for District of Kona, Island of Oahu.Approved :

H. A. Widimajth.Minister of Finance. 2791-2- w


Hoxolclc, H. 1., June 4, 1891.)

Notice is hereby given to Depositors inthe Postal Baviugs Bank that on and afterJuly 1, 1891, the following rates of interestwill be established :

Per cent.On Deposits not exceeding $500 4)On Deposits above $500 to 12000 4On Deposits exceeding $2000 3

Under the Act approved August 6, 1890.Depositors can transfer their deposits notexceeding $2500 to the Treasury, receivingin place of Postal Savings Pass Books,Government Bonds, bearing interest atFive per cent., payable in not less thanFive or more than ten years from date olissue. The Bonds are free from all Gov-ernment Taxes, and the interest payablesemi annually.

H. A. WIDEMANN,2782-2-2t Minister of Finance.


steeragewith hard labor.Soon afttL was the firt day that it ha I been used.The foreign press speaks very highly LILI HA STREET. tniitratioiof the " proper and dignified course oflanding t


Stockholders Meeting

Steel and Iron-Bange-s, Stoves and Fixtures,


AGATE WARE IN GREAT VARIETY,White, Gray and Silver-plate- d.



Plumbers Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wok .

the Japanese Government and Judi t)RH!euireciary." Immurai

Atrer the journals are worn smooth it willfctill run easier. It saves a man's laborby the work it did last night. We havehad no wind for two weeks, to speak of,and as the old mill would not turnaionnd, our storage tank bad been outfor 24 hours. Youis truly, .

C. L. Wight,President H. K. K. Co.

the Quu3lo show his gratitude to the two jin es '

leave " aat tbe 1

minlin18J 11 10212 f(r over t





Oahu Railway S Land Co. to spreadthought13

1052 that theIt were imil11322815

rikisha coolies who seized and disarmedthe would-b- e aesassin the ImperialCrown Prince of Russia sent for them onboard his ehip, made them a present of

2,500 yen each himself, and 500 yen apiece annually for tbe remainder of eachlife, from the Emperor his father, andconferred upon each a Russian decora-

tion.Moreover the Prince spoke kindly to

them, giving them good advice as tothe disposal o' their newly acquiredriches.

Four of the Cabinet Ministers resignedand were replaced on the 31st, and there


121211 ' mem bawere epe

The Hawaiian Hardware Co.,Sole Agents, Fort Street, oppo-site Spreckels' Block.

New Japanese Goods!

Just Received Direct from Japan.

16129179 Thev wt

17 much di;19 1S7 DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KltfQ STRSET

iSSt.idoo Jboi-- q207 116

KOAI) - 9145 Corporation Notice, j MARSHAL'S SALE.

The w

of St. iSunday


SPKCIAL MEETING OF THRA Stockholders of the Oihu Railway& Land Company will h held i.t th iroffice in Honolulu, on WEDNESDAY,June 24th 1891, at 3 o'clock p. sc., forthe purpose of amending the By-la-

and other important business.

W. G. ASHLEY,2795-t-f Secretary O. K. & L. Co

. Assiiriiee Noiice .

To Creditors of Wong Chin Gim and LeongSeu, doing business as Foug Cbong

Kee, of Lehue, Kauai,bankrupts.


f Morning



FANCY GOODSAT A MEETING HELD OP THEThe property has been subdivided into

convenient Keidence Lots.with an avenue on Wednesday, Deum,"in F; i

Jane 10th. 1891. thl fnllin.THE ARLINGTON HOTELPremises in Brewer's HoU-l-st- .

Block. Recently renovated audin trod reDair. Dinin? room. dwelling

is great ainerence oi opinion as towhethrr or no the " Otsu disaster " wasan occasion of the change. The majorityleans to tbe belief that it was not.

Mr. J. F. Bingham, late Chief En-

gineer of the U. S. S. Alliance, died atthe U. S. Consulate at Nagasaki on the4th of May from an attack of pneumonia.

Evensorkitchen and store rooms on ground fl or.Parlors, sleeping apartme ts aud bath"up-stai- rs. Possession given July 1st.

lovely arSuch as Silk Handkerchiefs, a beautifulvariety: Antimony and Porcelain Vasesand 1 iaques Bamb oand Bead Screens,Fans, Embroidery, Lamp Shades, SilkCushions, Lanterns, Etc., Etc.

conn.All are'For farther particulars and terms

- r ' - kiaiucu ECUtleraen were elected officers for the ensuingJi3!,ep1oIViW8ett President.

Colburn Vice-Preside-

?T,tn - Secretary & Treasurer.J- - Lna Auditor.

S. ROTH, Secretary,rhe above offiers constitute the Board ofJJi rectors.Honolulu, H.I., June 13. 189L 2791 1-- w

Special Meeting.


DY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXE--- -cution issued out of the Police Court,on the 6th day of May, A. D. 1891,

against Ah Puck alias Ah Pa k defendant,in favor of the Hawaiian Tramwavs Co.,L. d. plaintiff, for the sum of 4G.78." I havelevied upon and shall expose for sale at thefront entrance of Kalakaua Hale, in theUistnct ot Kona, Honolulu, Uland of Oahu,?ti12.MT.of 02iIAY. the 6th dayJuly, A. D. 1891, to the highest bidder, allthe right, title and interest of the said AhPuck alias Ah Pck, defendant, in and totue following property, unless said judg-ment, mtere, costs aud my expenses bepreviously paid.

List of property for sale : One RedwoodStove.(Sig.) J. A. MEHUTEN,

Depmy Marshal.Honolulu, Jnne 5. 1891.

273-l-m 1378--3t


of lease, apply toO BREWER fc CO., L'd.,

27S4-2- w Queen Street.


lb teet wide leading from Liliha street andrunning through tbe place.

An examination ot this property willconvince intending purchasers of the de-sirableness of these lots. A map of theproperty can be seen at my Salesroom.

AVFor further particulars apply to A.J. Cariwrigbt, or to

Jas. F. jVXorgaii,270-t-f AUCTIONEER.


Commission Agent.Patentee of Lose's Chemical Com-

pound " ijr Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept on hand.

The Alliance put into Nagasaki on ac-

count of Mr. Bingham's illness. Deceasedwas interred in the new cemetery atUrakkams, and the Alliance proceeds onher way to Yokohama.

Iowa: 6A tM . M

P. M., ft '--

church nf

fpHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBYgives notice to alt creditors who have

proved their claims, that preparatory to afinal dividend, he shall submit his accountto a Justice of the uprerue Court, onFRIDAY, next, the '26 h da y of June, lS'Jl,at 10 o'clock am. ut Chambers in theCourt Room of Aliiolani Uaie, Honolulu,and that he will appy for a settlement oftbe same and fur a ge from allliability as assignee of the said bankruptestate. MORRIS BYMAN,

Assignee t.l the bankrupt estateof Wong Chin Gim and

Leoug Seu.Dated. Hono'ulu,)

June 19. 1891. ) 2795-- lt

TTh above Goods will be on ex-hibition TO-DA- Y and at

GONSALVES & CO.,2793-3- t Qceex St., (up-stairs-).

TO LET!ing andvited toSupreme Court At Chambers.

Friday, June 19.

BEFORE DOLE. J.In re bankruptcy J. II. Hare. Proof

of claims. Eight creditors proved theirclaims, amounting to $466 71, and T. J.

Ti,iri?xri cirvn itht'ct- - t v- He will attend to anv business n.

THE SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUBon Merchant street are open

from 7 a . K. to 9p.. for members onlv.A list of members will shortly be pub-lished.

R. B. SCOTT.2788-t- f Recorder H. s. T. C.

Daily Adyertiser 50c per month.

..... M. - J uuuob uCOMPANY will

Iml h electK ofwill be held at tbe office of theCompany, on Queen Street, on Tuedavthe 3Uth instant, at 10 o'clock a. m. A fullattendance u requested.Per order,


trusted to him.OFFICE MERCHANT ST., NO. 42.

Telephones Mutual 128; Bell 152.P. O. Box 338. 27e3-3-m

jlrf the saburb .f Honolulu. Kent Frte, inreturn for buarain?tlie yentiemin.Khi)ie

family ieh to g t-- California for ix month,or a year. GoTeiuiucnt and artesian well waterou tbe placetdiAddressC.W.th'n office. id 1397--lt

assignee under $400King appointed iiEADTHh DAILY ADVKRT1SERii yon want the latest news. you canbond.

A GOLD BANGLE BRACELET. THEowner t an have same by calling at tl e

Advertiser office, proving properiv andpaying for this notice. 27yl-t-f

Sect'y C. Brewer & Company.r.--. CSKAM P4Honolulu, June 15th, 1891.


V; ;..





x'JME TABLE. "German sr No SUam! No Fire! N-o- Boiler! No Danger!LGU,


we mat facture In shws from J4 o W

IrtEGr- - AJNT

The above cut is an excellentHorse Power, and are adapted forPrinting Presses, Root and .Shoe MiMills and Roasters, Polishing and hiinning

illustration of our Horizontal Engine whichPumping, Electric Lighting, Running Elevators, Harvest """" , I- f-ichinerv, Circular, Band and Jig Snwn, lloisung. Aim anu aiining ww

Machines, Yenliialing Apparatus, n.uiviy i uotw, wis needed. v

realized the anticipations of purchasers, we have now thethanf&-- The Regan Vapor Engines having morepleasure to submit Local References.

It K F K K K N C K :' Hokolulu, June 1. 181.f !..,, Trx,.I0.

2 Horse-Pow- er Hoe.z ntal Rco 01 Vxroa E5w,an i afier tour tuonthitrial it h5tod ffSWJiSJril. The Kngine making lievolut.ons i

180 Revolutions without any effort. It is dehve. ing the wa er w.th great fo,c 45 feet b.ve, .t lh fU&nlJT.ruinutl. It the and he finds u trou le' In inningor 1.800 gallons per hour. is run by yard man, Jteverthing thatwas claimed for it. and I should consider it a very Handy, Cafe and biuiple for ny" JS..lhrengineer, and therefore recommend these engines to anyone. y


f- - Illustrated Catalogues can be had and the Engine can be seen running in full operation at the CiTr MiatMabkkt, Nuuanu street.


2781-t- f


READIN Grmay be made very uninterestingby the use of poorly construct-ed lamps. The eyes will growdim and the words on the pagerun together. To prevent suchbad results buy new lamps.T We have lately received someelegant specimens in Piano,Banquet, Boudoir, Hanging andStand Lamps, something a littlebetter than we have ever shownbefore.-- The prices will aston-ish you because they are solow.

At the Hawaiian HotelAttend-ed by Representative Amer-icansCommittee of Arrange-ments.

The meeting to make arrangementsfor the Fourt of July met in the diningroom of the Hawaiian Hotel Friday even-ing. It was fairly attended by represen-tative Araeiican citizens resident here..

His Excellency Hon. J. L. Stevens,'U. S. Minister, called the meeting toorder, nominating Prof. M. M Scott,who was elected by acclamation as pres-ident oi the m-eti- ng. Mr. W. 11. Hoogswas elected Secretary.

Hon. J. L. Stevens announced thenthat he would hold a reception at theAmerican Legation on the Fourth be-tween the hours of 3 and 4 :30 p. m.

Mr. F. M. Hatch moved a committeebe appointed by the chair, afterwardamended to be appointed by those pres-ent, for the purpose for making up aliterary programme. The committee appointed coiisinted of Hon. J. L. Stevens,.chairman, and Messrs. Severance andTheo. Richards. Mr. A. J. Cartwrightwas elected as President of the day.

Mr. Hatch moved that a committee oftwelve be appointed to retire to draft aprogramme to be carried out. The com-mittee consisted of Messrs. J. H. Soper,J. A Oilman, F. M. Hatch, F. VV. Win-ter, Hamilton Johnson, G. Wilder, M. N.Saunders, J. W. Pratt, A. V. iear, FredMcChesney, H. J. Gallagher and Dr.Nichols.

Before the committee retired, His Ex-cellency John L. Stevens offered a sug-gestion to the committee to the effectthat they should try to make arrange-ments fo that the exercises would not con-flict with the time of other organizationson that day.

The committee chosen retired andsoon returned reporting that the order ofexercises should consist of three events :

the ball, to be held at the Armory, Fri-day evening, July 3d ; a national saluteof forty-tw- o guns should be fired at sun-rise, and the literary exercises to be heldat 10:30 a. m. at Kmma Square.

Mr. G. K. Wilder thought that Majorflebbard from his exjerience in the paston similar occasions was the most capa-ble, to undertake the charge of the salut-ing. Upon a motion made and carriedto that effect, he was appointed to takecharge of the same.

A committee of six was then chosenuake arrangements for the ball. The

'committee consists of Messrs. G. K.Wilder, chairman, John W. Winter, Jos.(Jilman, E. F. Bishop, J. W. Pratt andW. II. Hoogs.

a Finance Committee of five memberwas appointed, consisting ot Messrs. W.F. Allen, chairman, Jj. JVI. llafch, Jas.G.Spencer, E. Tenney and M. N. Saunders.

It was then moved seconded and car-ried that all committees have power totill all vacancies that maybe caused. Mr.

'Winter moved that each committee beauthorized to contract for its own print-ing, thereby doing away with a specialcommittee. Motion carried.

Mr. F.M. Hatch made a motion whichwas carried that committees should meetBubj-'c- t to the call of the president of themeeting. Before the meeting was readyfor adjournment, Mr. Hatch had drawnup a paper for subscriptions to the general fund, which soon was headed withseveral $10 signatures, making the outlook very favorable for at least the financial part.


An Excellent Rendition LargelyAttended.

The musicale given by Prof. Bisselland his pupils at Oahu College, yesterday evening, as attended by a verylarge number of lovers of music. HerMViy the Q ieen, attended by MajorJ. W. Robeitson, H. M.'s Chamberlain,and several ladies of the court, favoredi Iih occasion witt their presence. Theentertainment commenced with a pianodue', entit't--d "March from 'Lenore'Symphony, - which was hnrly renderedtiy Miss Ca.-tt- e aitd Mr. Bissell. Mr. ELvman next sang '"The Wanderer."The College chorus consisting of abouttoirty boys and girls, 'rendered three8ngs, ' wmcn - were nignty enjoyea.They sang " Mary had . a LittleLamb" in a very excellent manner,the obligato being finely rendered.Another song given bv them was " OldMother Hubbard." Miss Cattle nextplayed a piano solo, Suite." by Pader-ews'k- i.

Mr Geo. McDuugall caused astorm of applause whn he sang " AJolly GohI Lauy;h." His singing of itwas quite comical, which fact caused the

little ones' to demand more of it.Miss Hattie Forbes then gave a pianosolo, " II "The First Song,"by Miss May Atherton, was a real mu-sical treat. This young lady possesses anch, clear voice of great compass. Prof.Bise!l then appeared with a piano solo,

Suite," by Raff. His playing was ot avery hiuh order, which greatly pleasedthe audience. At the end of his playing. Prof. Hosmer presented the latterwith a bouquet.

The audience and the school theniuied sinzine "Hawaii Ponoi," afterwhich the lartre eatherinz began to disperse. Many were heard to remark onthe exceilent programme prepared DyProf.-BiSsell.-

After all had cone. Prof. Wood andeitrliteen bovs went out in one of the col1p.tr 'buses to serenade old pupils of theinstitution. Among the places calledwere: .Mrs. C. A.. Brown, liev Drs.Beckwith and Hvde, Hon. J. B. Atherton and Mr. W. R. Castle.

To-Xih- t's Athletic Exhibition.Our sporting reporter had the good

fortune to be admitted to the OperaHou-- e last evening to witness the lastrehearsal of the athletes before their exhibition, and judging by their rehearsalthere will be a fine show to-nig- ht, whichwill introduce new features to the Hono-lulu public The exhibition will be tonedoff by selections on the banjo and mu-sical bottles by Prof. U. J. Ordway;singing by the Kamehamr-h- a Glee Club,and selections on the guitar by W. Her-ric- k.

Heath of Judge Maioho.Eir!y on Tuesday' morning, June 16th,

Mr, A. W. Maioho, Police Justice ofKoloa, Kauai, died at that place, agedabout forty-fiv-e years. The news of hisdeath was" receive i by the James Makeeoa Friday. . Mr. Maioho was in Hono-lulu three weeks ago, having been senthere as a delegate to the EvangelicalAs.sociation from his district. He re-

turned to Kauai on the 2d inst. by theMikahala, suffering a slight attack of tbegrippe.

To those who need a pleasant Tonicfor any kind of debility, we can recom-mend Clemeats as the best. For sale

Honolalua and Hawaiia this after-noon.

Morris Hyman has an assigneenotice elsewhere.

Sealed tenders are asked for bythe Board of Health.

zSlr. Geo. L. Babcock, teacher of"piaDo, has a card in this uisne.

There are several interesting arti-cles crowded out of this issue.

Wednesday, Jane 24th, is namedas meeting1 day for stockholders ofthe Oahu B. & L. Co.

The Aloha Aesembly, K. of L., metyesterday evening at their hall andelected new officers for the comingsix months.

Xhe English of the Ea Leo is pan.The reason given in Friday's issue6f that paper was the want of Eng-lish writers.

Court Diary. Monday, June 22,Estate Kealiiahonni, return day;Mokunui vs. Mokunui; Guardian-ship Hall minors.

The steamer James Makee loadedfifty tons of coal in two hours attheO. R. & L. Co.'s wharf the other day.Pretty good work.

Tbe Oahu Railway will run ext;trains on the Fourth. Boat raiwill be one of the events at Ptf&rlHarbor, a dance at Bemond Grove isanother.

If the steamship Oceanic left SanFrancisco last Saturday afternoon,she ought to arrive this afternoonor Sunday morning, bringing a tendays' later mail.

Gospel Service at the Y. M. C. A.,6:30 p.m., Sunday. Dr. Hammondwill lead, and give a ten minutes'talk upon the subject of the evening," Obedience not failing saves." Letall come who can.

Mr. Geo. E. Fairchild, acting man-ager, and Mr. Wm. Eassie, Superin-tending Engineer, of the KealiaPlantation, Kauai, are guests at theHawaiian Hotel. Mrs. and Mrs. W.E. Decoto, of Lahaina, are stoppingin town.

If any man thinks he can run thekitchen department of his homebetter than his wife, let him justtake time to read over the expe-rience of Mr. Bowser as nar-rated on the first page. It is onlyan everyday experience in somehomes. vs.

fHer Maie8tv the O.ueen erranted-- iFriday morning, an audience toHon. W. D. Alexander, who pre-sented Rev. and - Mrs. Hammond,Prof. Dutton, of the United States,and Prof. Marcuse, of Germany.The callers were afterwards shownthe. Throne Room.

'Eastern exchanges state that Mr.John C. Klein, of the New YorkWorld staff, and well known in journalistic circlea all over the world,was married on the 25th May at tbeRutgers Riverside Church, NewYork, to Mrs. Ora Cecil Bell Dasent.Mr. Klein became noted as th correspondent of the Associated Pressat Samoa daring the troubles whichended in the tri partite treaty be-tween England, Germany and theUnited States.

Announcement !


TEACHER OF IIA.TCO,13 Emma Street,

Having recovered from his late illness,wishes to express his tf'anks to his patronsand friends for their Kind attention andenquiries du'ing his illness, and wouldalso announce his intention to resume instruction fo" a summer term on Monday,next, June 22d. 275 2t


A MEETING WILL BE HELD TOf. consider the advisability of establishing Lvenme Classes for Ladies. Y. M.CA. Hall, TUESDAY, June 23, 1891, at 9 30o clock F. M. Ti'Jl-- U


sewing. Apply at the Bookbindery,Friend Building. Bethel street. 2791-- 1 w

Royal HawananOpera House

Habrisos & BARSirr : ManagersThe Famous Rc'eree. Mb. Jack Baesitt,

Master of Ceremonies.


Oyz Exhibition Osly!

THURSDAY EVENING, JULY U,(On arrival of S. S. Mariposa),


Jolin L. SullivanAnd the Celebrated Heavy-weig- ht


BOX SIX ROUNDS!A Scientific Exhibition of the Art of

Self-defenc- e.

The only opportunity that will be &lforded the residents of Hono ulu to wimes-th- e

marvelous ability of the Moaern Uladiator and Champion of the World John LSullivan.

Box Plan for reserved seats will be i

open at the office of L. J. Lvey, on Mon-day, J une 22, at 9 o'clock a.m.

lay-PRIC- ES Stage Sets, $10; Par-quet, I'; Dress Circle, $3; Front Kow Bal-

cony, $2 5o: Admission to other par s ofthe House, f I. 27y2-t- f



Leave Honolulu. ..6:15 8:45 1:45 A:30t

Arrive Honoallull.7:20 9:49 2:49 f.:35tLeave Honottllull.730: 10:51 3:51 6:45tArrive Honolulu. .8:35 11:55 4:55 :50t


Leave Honolulu.......... .... 5:30 ....Arrive Pearl City 6:07 ....Leave Pearl City ..6:03Arrive Honolulu. ..6:40 ....

t Saturdays only.- Sundays excepted. 2708-- q



Friday. June 19.Sttnr James Makee, Macaulay, from

Kapaa.etinr W G llall.Freeman.from Maui and

Hawaii.Am Miss packet Morning Star, Garland,

from South ea Islands.Schr Heei from Puuloa.Stinr Kilauea Hou, Aamundsen, from



Friday, June 19. ;

Schr Ka Hae Hawaii for Koolau.


Am bkt Irmgard, Schmidt, for San Fran-cisco.



From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr "VV GHaU, June 1G From Volcano: A Anther,T AI Glen, A Coates. J. Goth, V II Shaw.J Snyder, W A Shaw. From other ports:Mrs A A Todd, V White. J Costa, Hon I)H Nahi iU.J Smderson, Mr J V Kuai-mok- u.

A Long. A Akana, N Manner, MrsKeaweamahi, E Kapeke, V L Dakota andwife and Go' dtck passi-ngers- .

From Kauai, per stmr James Makee,June 190 E Fairchild, W Eassie, MrLockood, Mr and Mrs Achong.

From South Sea Islands, per S S Morn-ing Star, June 19 Prince Henry NanpieJF E Kami and wife. Miss A A Palmer,Miss S L Smith and 6 others.


For San Francisco, per bkt Irmgard,June 20 T Magoon


The barkentine Irmgard, Capt. i5Xcleared from the Custom House on Fr daW

. ... .f l. : 1 1 : i .i t w fniierisuuu. cue nut sail tu-u- ay lur oanFrancisco, taking the following cargo: F.A. thaefer & Co., 5,314 bags sugar; Castle& Cooke, 3,716 bags sugar ; C. Brewer & Co.,4,201 bags sugar; Tneo. H. Davies & Co.,5,546 bag sugar. Total: 18,180 bags (1,-0J0.- 88

ton i) sugar, valued at $00,023.99.

Toe steamer Kilauea Hou brought 3. GOO

bags sugar from ilakaiau on Friday even-ing The Kinau was at Laupahoehoe onWednesday.

The steamer W. G. Hall arrived on Fri-day aft -- moon with 133 bags awa, 14 sackscoffee, 32 packages hid. s, 89 bxs. sundries,26 head cattle, ai.d 1.891 bags sugar. Re-ports heavy swells at Maaiaea and La-hasn- a.

The schfoner Heeia brought 5,000 bagssail from Puuloa, Ewa.on Frtuay morning

The barkentine Modoc, having complet-ed taking out h- - r Departure Bav coal, wa- -

hauled o.i the Marine R lway on Fridayto be cleaned and repainted.

The steamer James Makee brought 2.400bags sugar frm Kapaa, rvauai, on Friday.

Tbe bark Matilda, Captain 8wenon.wlil leve to-iu-o row morning in balla-- t torPort lowi:teiid.

... The steamship Yaraashiro Maru willreturn to Yokohama next Tuesday or

'"Wednesday.Th-ba- ik Albert will lave for Sau Fran-

cisco a the close of this mvuih.Thf brigant ir.e Cousaelo is to

sxii from Kabului for san Frauciaco thisafternoon.

liOKN.DAVH In Honolulu. June 18th, to tbe

wife of llenry Da vis, a dagiit-r- .COWA In Kahukn. Oahu. June lOt i,

to the wife of Jas. Cowan, a on.

DIED.COWAN At K huku Oahu. June 16tb.

an infant son ag d live days.

Landed Too Soon.The Japanese steamship Yamashiro

Maru will leave for Yokohama eithernext Tuesday or Wednesday. Besidesthe 1,100 immigrants she brought lastThursday, she had seventeen Japanesesteerage paassners lor this kingdom.Soon after arrival, officials from the im-

migration Bi;reau took charge of thelanding of thts immigrants. The steeragepassenger knowing that the Board olImmigration cannot send them over tothe Quurantine Station, toox " Frenchleave " and nought shelter for the nightat the homes of their friends. Aftermingling with their friends in this cityfor over twenty-fou- r hoars time enoughtosoread smaJl-po- x the Board of Healththought of their safety, bat were toldthat thev were not at the depot. Orderswre immediately given to hunt up thenv-sit- 'ir seventeen Dasei eere and laketneiu back to the deiot. several hourswer FDent on Friday searching for themThev were all found, however, aftermuch difiicalty. -


St. Andrew's Cathedral.The services the Second Congregation

of St. Andrew's Cathedral w

Sunday will be as follows: 9;45 a. m.,

Morning prayer with sermon; " TeDeum," Dykes in F; " Jubilate," Taylorin F; anthem, "How lovely are thydwellings fair," by Spohr. 6:30 p.m.,Evensong with sermon ; anthem, " How-lovel-

are the messengers," by Mendels-sohn. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, pastor.All are cordially invited.

The Cathedral Congregation of St.Andre's will hold divine services to-

morrow. 4th Suadav aSter Trinity, as fol-

lows: 6:30 a m , Holy Communion; 11

A. M , M rning prayer and sermon ; 7 :30p. M.t Evening w.th sermon. Popularchurch uiiisic will t? a-"- at both morn-ing and evening services. All are in-

vited to attend.


CAKES. PIES snd FANCYm PAsTRlKS in Greatest Va-rie- ty

and of Excellent Quality

i i



P7 HaU

H styles.













ok .

E.EXE-Cour- t,

- 1891,ndant,

Co.,I hareat thein theOahu.

ier. nilkid Allnd tojudg- -

ses be



THEt tie

55yrupFo Coughs & Colds.

John F.Jones, Edom,Tex. .writesI have used German Syrup for the

past six years, for Sore Throat,Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chestand Lungs, and let me say to any-one wanting such a medicineGerman Syrup is the best.

B.W. Baldwin, Carnesville.Teun.,writes : I have used your GermanSyrup in my family, and find it thebest medicine I ever tried for coughsand colds. I recommend it to every-one for these troubles.

R. Schmalhausen, Druggist, ofCharleston, Ill.,writes: After tryingscores of prescriptions and prepara-tions I had on my files and shelves,without relief for a very severe cold,which had settled on my lungs, Itried your German Syrup. It gaveme immediate relief and a perma-nent cure. S

G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.

K'ciu uDrrtiscmtnts.

Hurrah for the 4th July !





Auction and CoTumission House

Cor. Nunanu and King Sts.

JUST LANDED, ex Zealandia, afreshand good assortment of

Fire Crackers, Large and Small Tor- -pedos, Colored Fire and Whistle Bombs,itoman Candles, Sky Kockets, BlueLights, Hower Pots, Bengolas, PinWheels, HAND ILLUAilNAflONS, (avery desirable article for street parade,burning 20 minutes); Dragon Wheels,Sing'e and double Triangle wheels, Sax-on Wheels Colored Rosettes, ColoredVertical Wheels, Colored Mar Mines,Volcanoes, Colored Floral Bombshells,Variegated Fountains, Batteries, ToyPistols, Balloons, Etc.American Muslin and


Bunting Flags

ASSORTED CA8E9 00 C05TAI5I5O24 Colored Roman Candles .1 Star24 ..2

M ( ..312 ' " " ..4 "22 ..6 "12 Sky Rockets ...1 oz12 " - .. 2 "

........ ...11 Pkgs. Colored Fire-Bomb- s.

12 Bengolas.1 bticks Punk.

x68 Pieces for $10.


33 Colored Roman Candles 1 Star3d " - " 224 " ' 3

it i

24 ' " " '..S "24 Sky Rockets 1 ozj2 2 "12 3 "

" 'i12 Whittle Bombs12 Mngtie-iu- m Illuminations12 Flower Pots.72 e Lights.

2 Colored Bengal Lights.12 Sticks Punk.

336 Pieces for $20.

ttf Extra Colored Roman Candles,6 to 12 star.

tJST" Extra Colored Sky Rockets,1 Id. to 4 lb.

Island orders promptly attendedto. These Goods are of the best qualityand were personally selected by

S. W. LEDERER,Proprietor of the I X L Auction and

Commission House, corner Nuuanuand King streets. 2790 I379-3- t


Book, Sews and Stationery Store.

LZTK New Line of Standard Works,Poems, Etc., at 50 Cents.

Eicycles at Cost !



"Alice in Wonderland"New Novels, New Novels.


TH0S. G. THRUM.1336 131--y Prop&iitox.

ADVERTISER U the Ppr forTHE !; 50e. per month.


1367 2651





Tb. H. Davies 1 Co.,






A Redaction of 25 psr Cent

On Regular Prices will beallowed on :

DINNER SETSDessert Sets,

Breakfest Sets,

Tea Sets,

Mush Sets,

Toilet Sets,

mirppnci nr iocipci

TumblersSalad Bowls, Vases.

ESP The Stock of Thee ULarge, Varied and Attractive.

Also, a Large Assortment of .


HANDKERCHIEFS!Lt a Redaction of 33 per cent.

May 25, 1891. 265 t-- q


Counsellor - at - LawOffice in Cartwright Building, oppoaita

Post Office. Honolulu, H. L.279 137S-- tf



AI torney s at - Law,'

jyOfflce over Bishop's Bank.April 2. 139L 2730-- q





and Soaps,

Sponges, Etc.


Eye Glasses,

Opera Classes

A Full Line








Opera Glasses,

. Eye Glasses

of Spectacles.


Edison's Phonograph !

i F.W CYLINDER. GIVING AA change of iyong, Mnic and lspr"hesis placed m Uie lDtrumnt vry cay ;

UOTKTalL and see the marvellous maCh,QeyOW ON EXHIBITION AT


Japanese Employment Office

AS MOVED TO NO. 23 MAUNAKSAH street. Mutual Telephone No. 574.2772-lx- u

HOLLISTER & CO., 109 Fort Street.2651-- q




Honolulu juyeme opera co.

2791-t- w

"h AD ''EBTI'Et U the LeadingPpr of the Island.at The Elite Ice273S-2-W

yoa can always getC&KAX PaRXOSS. j by UOIXISTEK Ct Co.and


"5 ;

2g vWiHgwiawr-- -

&fotrti8raroUSdrntwrartti. FOE THE .LADIES AKD CHILDREN.

t . - - -


4TAHITIGood Words for Girls.Yourmother is your best friend. OFFER FOR SALEBin lilCOffloW. The iii Soap Works

A Very Large Assortment of Goods InMANUFACTURERS OF

Have nothing to do with girlswho snub their parents.

Tell the pleasautest things youknow when at meals.

NOTICE TO SHIPPERS ! their line, comprising

HARDWAREThe underlined have just completedts- - TJKW SOAP WORKS,

W1 ilfiT 11111 I 111 111 I I 1 IS V of Every Description ; a very heavy stock- .mnm T7TTT) XT T C U I JV UUt CALfVvw I -and are prepared to supply the trade a

of which is kept constantly on hand.duphca e at as as a gi. Shipping Recets, in painty ?

The undersigned having been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Pure Laundry correct list of articles, with marts, ad--&Q ' were m delicate health,

dress, weight, and destination of each J int.

lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda,



consignment, vv VI h.r fl soon as

Tne.'Unginai xteceipi tu uo Dig" i auue to w"


We' keep a full line of all Articlesneeded by Ships, includingBbls. Coal and Stockholm Tar ;

Pitch, Asphaltum, Rosin,Rope, Oars, Blocks;Iron and Steel Wire Rope ;

Oakum, Yellow Metal, Patent Logs ;

Put up in Boxes of 100 Lbs.

of 42 and 56 Bars each.by the Agent of the Company; p0ssible.tbe Duplicate to be retained by him asonthnritv for shiPDinz the property. uon b think it necessary to get

Baldwin Locomotives

From the Works of

Burah&m, Parry, Williams & Co,

Fhllatlelptiia, I?enn.,

married. There is plenty oi roomPrnmr fftTtna nf RhmDinff receiDisWe guarantee our Soap to be pure,

and much better than the imported. be obtained from our Agents, or at therVit OfRA in Honolala.

rMTThe above rule will take effectX7Each box is stamped "soap Co.," and is VICHY, APPOLLINARIS, ETC., ETC., ETC. D.

for old maids, and they are ouenerhappier than wives.

Enjoy the pleasures provided oryou by your parents to the fullestextent. They will like that as areward better than any other.

Most fathers are inclined to over-daughter- s.

Make it

aanaatterJUnew:Sr ASHLEY,2782-l- m

" Hnperintendent.

Bunting, Flags, Nautical Almanacs;Ship Carpenters' Tools,All of the best quality, and


We have on hand also a Good Stock ofereeT o? For Sale by all Betailers.

MACKERELHONOLULU SOAP WORKS CO.,Works are Krery 31Delicious !foltlZ" Absolutely Pure! Befresliing !

OF ALL GRADES, IN BARRELS,n .ami. AtM.W.M CtDJaWIilnow inanufacturing a style of Locomo-

tive iarticularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,


Electrical Supplies !

Such as Electric Bells, Wire,Dynamos and all Materials needed for

the Installation of ELECTRIC LIGHTPLANTS in Residences, Sugar Mills, ,

Business Houses, etc.Houses wired for lights, and

work done by EXPERTS in this line.

lion unu auectiuu.Never think you can afford to be

dowdy at home. Cleanliness, hair" AGENTS.2778-3- m OUR OWN IMPORTATION, CON

STANTLY ON HAND, ANDDaily P. 0. tlGoods!

well-dresse- d and a smue wiu uiua calico look like silks and satins toa father or brother.

A ncmber of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willi ..ar... in fnmiflhin? Plantation New Store! New


itnal 360. - 2749-- q CZr&eMFOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT, Wbcklt Hawl

Agents and Managers with particulars oi' .

; same. : - - alndf ntDailt and WfAT LOWEST MARKET RATES I

Do not quarrel with yourbrother; do not preach at him anddo not coddle him. Make him yourfriend and do not expect him to be

vour servant, nor let him expect

The superiority of these Locomotivesii v,ar maVpa is not onlv known GENT'S FURNISH rNG GOODS,


Bthere but is acknowledged throughout the

Constantly on hand a large stock of

ELECTRIC LAMPS, colored and plain,for all electric light plants in use on the


SUIPMAN OIL ENGINESof any required horse power furnished,

and the Fuel Oil required we keep in

Stock.IVft keeD on hand perhaps the fullest

United States.GEO. W. LINCOLN,


S. FOSTER & Co.Importers & Wholesale Grocers,

All Tryou to be his. rnuaaeipiua xword.


BOY'S WAISTS, Etc., bo Prepaid

.3The Rev. Dr. Clinton Locke, thepopular Episcopal clergyman, of Anna


WM. G. IHWIN & Co.,

Sous Aoxmts for Hawaiian Islands.2651-- q

Is prepared to furnish Plans and Specifications for, and Construct allkinds of Buildings, either Brick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactory26 and 28 California St., San Francisco.

2686 1360-- y




mannerChicago, maae a ouu ureau. moother day, but was helped out by

the quick wit of his wife. On theP toffice W

stock of Mill Supplies to be found in themarket :LUBRICATING OILS,Cotton Waste. Packing, Hair Felting,Asbestos Felting, Etc., Etc.


A.rch.itect5Office Room 5, Spreckel's Block.


Life, Fire ind Marine

day in question, ne saw iuujabout to call, whom he was anxiousnot to meet. So he said to his FROM,

Being a Practical Architect myself, I am prepared to make ail nanBand Specifications, and Personally Superintend the same.

Thankful to all who have entrusted their work to me heretofore, 1 hope tomerit a continuance of their patronage, by jriving the same my personal supervis-ion and employing competent assistants, thereby enabling me to guarantee satis- -

M 10IJCey"ALL KINDS OF JOBBING and REPAIRING promptly attended to.Offices and Stores Fitted up with neatness and dispatch.

Millineiy.Flowers.Featliers &Novelties(Mutual Tel. 208).

Nkw Designs Modebn ' Buildings.wife: " Now, I'm off, my dear. 1 11

run upstairs and escape till sheroes awav." After about an hour,

SPERM OIL taken in Hawaiianwaters, of Extra Quality.

Boston Card Matches. : A fresh supplyof the best quality of RUBBER HOSEfor the coming dry season Sold Cheap.

AgentsInsurance Ever Seen in Honolulu. By theStar, weGeneral II

Ka nniAt.lv tintoed to the stair-- LINCOLN,75 and 77 Kino Ptbbbt.

G. W.f2651-q- l

:AGENTS FOB:Complete Plans and Specifications for

Every Description of Building.Contracts drawn and careful superin-

tendence of bonstruction given when reBell tblephonk 275. letters frou

landing and listened. All was quietbelow. Reassured, he began todescend, and, while doing so, hequired.Prices Reasonable!

JCNkw Goods Eveby Steamer.

LAWN MOWERS, Galv'd Iron Piping;FEED CUTTERS;Sheet Iron and Zinc, Sheet Lead.


the pchoonAlfred Snwhich acmade of th

thoughtlessly but empnaucauyr.ne( nut over the baluster: "Well,

Call and examine plans.2753-3m- tf

New England Mutual Life Ins. Co


Fire Ins. Co of Hartford.


33. IT. EKLers & Co.99 FORT STREET.my dear, has that old bore gone at

sent by trtAT PiailOS PiailOS last?'' The next instant a voicerianOb,

. " fr(m blow cansed the perspiration natives cliIslands, anThe attention of Ladies is'respectfully invited ta.our complete and elegant line

to bedew his ministerial brow andJust Received per S. S. Australia.

CfST There are a thousand and one

articles that cannot be mentioned thatwe keep in siock, so if you want any-

thing in our line please inquire for it atInsurance Company Q Q Q p?g Worth, byt

cognitiontended toFIRE AiN 1J JttAitiiMJJi.of the Aii7New Silks, New Sateens, New Gloves,


1358 2651-- q

rooted him to the spot. 'JLberewhich sounded in-

expressiblycame a response

sweet to him just then.It was the voice of his wife, whowith true womanly tact replied:" Yes, darling, she went away overan hour ago, but here is our good

E. 0. HALL & SON,

Cor. FORT & KING STREETS.'1889. Wca few ext

Mclntyre Block, Tort Street.2709-3m- q

CHAS. BREWER & CO.'SHemme & Long Pianos !

NEW EMBROIDERIES, NEW CURTAIN8, NEW PINEAPPLE TISSUE, ' letter. IMWe le- - Made expressly for H. H. Williams... & Co. LADIES', CHILDREN'S and INFANT'S WEAK. with fine t

1366 2708-- q

CaliforniaBoston Line of Packets. we arrivedwe rodeThey are moth proof, just the thing for

We G. kin l Company,

(LIMITED),i ' ;


this country. Our immense Stock surpasses in variety all former seasons, and low

friend, Mrs. Blank, whom I amsure yoa want to meet."

A woman writes to the NewVnrt Snn. askinff the following

From theHprices cannot be equalled! fziilq daya to 14

Now on exhibition and for sale orIMPORTERS WILL PLEASE brethren wtake notice mat me nn mission atrent by FEED CO., up by theJ. L. MEYER,question : " Is it proper for the

hostess to invite a gentleman tohr hmiHft for dinners, teas, or re


2778-l- m 105 Fort Street. ' ship AlliaifLime and Cement,PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S

c : : r " Capt. : c no vessel VKING 4 WRIGHT, Props. but 1 Bail

Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leave

House andceptions, without including thewife? Is it good form for a gen-

tleman to accept such invitations ?

Under what circumstances can agentleman be invited to any hos- -

I ...1


for this port on June 10, ioi,cient inducement offers.

called onwas veryquestions


iHaye on Hand and For Sale,- -Compounds and HoofingCrFor further particulars apply to visit, etc ,

On board dShipping and Commission Merchants

were ninedrifted corfPAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY.'


2651 1356--q - C BREWER & CO.

NEW GOODSA Fine Assortment.

pitality at a private nouse wuuuuuhis wife ? " There is only one con-

dition (the Sun replies) under whichit is possible to excuse a hostessfor sending a formal invitation toanv irentleman which does not in- -

once, and

Fresh every month from the Coast,the very best quality of

Hay and GrainOf all kinds, at the very lowest prices 1

the Spanis14 my BchooHonolulu. homes.elude his wife, or excuse the gen- - MWn I -- II H fYrt. M,


Ilantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marine

insurance Agents.

We have just received per 8. 8. Australia, visitin tlv v VA vT ,. on;0ntin, nnh an invi--

took the nftfttion t.ho wife must be dead. r 265H

bkkd'b patent

:Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.


"Wool Dust,Bone Meal,

Irish Guano.ALSO


comprisini?, oneelegant- r

VMWVM w ' sent byJLteliverea promptly to any par

of the city.


and wentthey sawHand-paint- ed : Porcelain Dinner Set

UNION IRON WORKS CO. brought bA few of those fine hand-embroider- ed and all u

1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651-- q

W. E. SALTER, Warehouse. Leleo Mutual Telephone

A Square Man.A small goat ate a tomato can

And then eight pounds of nails,He finished his meal, by way of dessert,

By consuming four large fence rails.'

He said to himself, with a jovial smile,Aa nflTfn his home he ran:

SILK and SATIJSJ 8CBKEN8, etrationsyour letteMahagik.

sufxkintkndknt. 121 ; Bell Telephone 129.J. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, :EBONY FRAMES, ment preOffice with U. T. uuiick Ben xeie-phon- e

348 ; Mutual Telephone 139. made theAnnnTted colors and patterns of Crepetheir prd130S ztPo-- q

Silk Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Cupsand Saucers. A fine lot of Engineers and Iron Founders' wrecked

thank'ul," I'm sure the nails can't disturb me,

But I think the tomato can."Vale Record.


and coiHWATCHMAKERKing Street, next Geo. Lincoln's.Manila Cigars and Cheroots THERISDOK"

Esplanade, Honolulu,Office and "Works,100 in a Box.Scarf Pins in great variety,

Lily Bulbs.

High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.


Cocksfoot, Rye Grass and Clovers.


Cheapest and best place to get your Watch

The Hawaiian Gazette Company hasIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Bl and Howard Street.

San rranelaeo CaliforniaA few of those handy Mosquito Urns. MANUFACTURERS OF

Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,recently added to its previous extensive


Repairs to Musical Instruments ;Also, an assortment oi new siyiea massortment of fine type some of the mostelegant new styles made at the bestFine Mechanical Work;

America !

" Afterlap, and c

me up borled me ii

them.. xhyof preset)things inliberalityUnitvd S.in sendiusome retwrecked i

you had i

great he!

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAFANE8E

COSTUMES.'S.W.H.TAYLOB ....Preeidenl

B.8. MOOBE SuperintendentAmerican and English foundries. Someof them equal the best steel and copperplate engraving, and for visiting cards

Electroplating and Gilding.

' All work warranted for twelvemonths. 2675--q

fCall early and examine this finassortment of New Goods. .,

Steam Boilers-- , Juice Tanks, Uooiers, molasses lanks, eugar uars.Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,

Wrought and Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc.



and invitations cannot be surpassed any

F&lrbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef; 1 and 2 lb. tins.


WING WO CHAN & CO.Builders of Steal Machinery

la all Its branchee.

Steamboat, Stoameblp. Land Enfinee h Bollere,where. Those in want of any kind of

fine printing, such as cards, invitations,' No. aa Nuuanu Street.2651-- q


Dentists. future aicirculars, etc., will do well to call at theHawaiian Gazette office, 46 Merchant

Ulgn rreeaure or uompoana.BTSAH VESSELS of all kinds built complete,

with balls ot wood. Iron or composite.Pianos For Rent. Redward & Howell, Pelton "Water "Wheel I ORDINARY EN GEN1.8 compounded wbea ad- -street, before sending abroad. Prices

are below San Francisco rates, and per-

fect satisfaction guaranteed.T1HDM.Ml ARTIFICIAL TEETH

from one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, allum- -PIANOS IN GOOD ORDEKfrom $4.00 to $7.00per month.

LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam TugsIBTEAM with reference to the trade in which

are to be employed. Speed, tonnage and11 nnm and ruoDer Dases.MUSIC DKPAKTMKHTUTHE HAWAIIAN NEWF draft of water guaranteed





hi '



2Sm SltiDcrt'tseiiunts.Contractors & Builders KLS2k .nw. cahkoa rf irritation to the7H--Q. .COMPANY..

mouth and throat, we would recommend

SUOAB MI1X8 and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the moat approved plana. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler oi 4hect Iron, of anyalse, made tn suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or 8heets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on the


we care t

here woulives will

" ThinprogTessiwho sellpose our

" Will

Mr. AI

Ruk, Caidale of r

. "I w;

ceive thtthe Uuiling theBeat.any suetdid not i

But I th

nur ProDhvlactic Aletal nate. AiioverBig O Is acknowledgedthe leading remedy for0norrbir Gleet.The only saie remexly forLencorrhoea orWhites. fS PAPER HANGING !

Brick, Stone and Wooden BulldinftEstimates GUen.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to,76 KING 8TEEET.

KING- - AND BETHEL STS.lalfCO. AAJLA Ml W 1 V . 1. . i j Kit iha ncn nf '' " a. -Teetn extracreu wuuuui j-- Btn.w. j precrlb it and feelNitrous Oxide was. , IlrOuna RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water


urt ociy hf it&fe in recommenouig uTuffmiCHEMiBttCo. to all wfftfgw, - Hotel street treExoan Prruir. . y Tj.mf.YER.TIIE PAINTER

IjT a call and have your paper hangingr. O. Box 43SBell Telephone No. .2687--qSold tir DnisnrUta.

- pipes made by tuts estaousnmcni, nveieu ,


.: 8HIP WORl, 8hip and Steam CapaUns, Bteain . ' Afeuch as ABsmann8hauper Auelese, Rauenthaler, Kudesheimer, Hochheimer, wincbes. Air and circulating pumps, mads ;y,4Laubenheimer, Nierateiner, Diedesbeimer. after the most approved plans.

done promptly and neatly, lutori&x..C. AFAT, I'-- B'X.W. 2748-l-v

DORWARD & HOWIE,Uollibtkr & Co., Wholesale Agents.Basso. Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents

- - 1365 2711 --qSOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Paclfle

Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods Instruction in Music. - can useCHAMPAGNES of Benj. & Eug. Perrier, Chaion's Carte Blanche Laurence,St. Hilaire, Carte noir et Carte Blanche.Carpenters and Builders,


uoast of tne ueine saiety tsouer.PtJMPB Direct Acting Pumps for Irrigation or

olty worka' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any othetpump.

work, atto us.

It isAKD

General MerchandiseOf every description, entirely new,

at his

MIPS SUSANNE R. PATCH WILL FLENBERG STOCK BEER Guaranteed the Genuine Article,the teaelrng of vocal and in-- BAVARIAN BEER of the renowned Augustiner Brewery; also,

strnniental music after SeDt. 1st. RefersTjI, T tract for all kinds of Buildings, ernmetiy

The goo1"JE 1 Store and umce fitting, ana weu--

eral Jobbine a specialty.In adver. GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS in a Laree Varietv. JOHN DYER Honolulucontiihutising

PIERC Send or leave orders with R. Howie ata lot on near Hotel street: New Store, 55 and 57 Nuuanu St., treatme

by permission to her ratrons in Honolulu.4"iitidress Kawaiahao Seminary. No-

tice of place of residence will be given onr turn ft om California. 2789-l- m

Patent X Boom Wo. 8. upstairs. Bpreckela" Block.any 1367 oED. HOFFSCHL AIEGER & Co.

OHKt --r 'these isll

or with A. Dorward, at house adjoining next to Empire Saloon. Kine and Bethel StreetELASTICV Hr.nr.lnln Library. OPO. X. nan.

TRUSS,the assurance ALLIGATOR PEARS!call a d inspect the choice selection ofgirn that we are

ffMpiiiop thm RSBell Tel. b'sz, aiutuaiaaa.

2747--1 wtf

NOTICE.toTnnlii ibwarld..


No. 109 Nuuanu StreetRECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE LATESTJUSTNew Goods. cdvThis Olebrmtl Appli--(SI 'Send orders toc a r, m

fnr nut rears and nas VcjPatenLondon Styles: pound

which sndt of tuuet of Kaptnre! This is anfKlMtrie Trau (the only Bnooessrol pi.vr inveotrd); has no Iron Hoops or SteelJy Begs to call the attention of the public to

n . 11 1 a. 3 o a

L. TURNER,2773 137Q-t- f Hilo. Hawaii.


86 Queen Street cor. of Alatea street.IT ROM AND AFTERthis date we will not beresponsible for anyfreight after same has

Of Eine Suitings and Trouserings.ueir large ana weu Beieciea cuk w

Japanese Groods, truswdFresh Fruits and Potatoes by every Stmr.THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE

E. C. Dake'b AdvertisingWi. tanriori Part ipi tn whom freight is OFFIC

Spriaabontrt.andbntelMitie,cMiDirornwith 4ms and com tor Slhnl Bay. It as perreflrcUloer t tor farther partioulkra orrwM.send 4c. in stamps for Pampliie Ao.l nDCItCIIDCD that Dr.Pierco's ficnalne ElectrintultlHQtnTrnssoonteinourMnature sxacUy like that shown at of lhliSlTerUaaBena. Beware oi inferior imitationAddress s

MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY.34 BaersMSsenat Ml- -, a rrJacla, mX

consigned must be at the landing to receive H. S. TREGL0AN & SON, MERCHANT TAILORSthe market.

A fine Stock of Havana Cigars, Tobacco.Orders for Groceries promptly filled. Teltheir freig

STEAMSHIP CO. Suitable for thia rnarkL. which will beawAVrifilTitf tflri Via tnarlA fnv 5 I 2741-3m- q ""Cash sales small profits. 2677-3m- q aold at lowest prices. 2702--qHonolulu. Sept. 5, 1890. 112-- q

V ,T

i'- -