evelyn quigley

Evelyn ui ley Ro er Hu rd J e McL u hlin C rolyn Ker i W l er r czyk enni Mur hy, r. Mich el li rdi l dy Wezowicz Jeffrey Mo uzick Ro er Willi Lucille H ncock H rold Al , r. Rich rd ik Kerry Ch Rich rd P ye e Al in To or rh nnin Minnie F hey Jo e h Ne olicky, r. Jo e hine Fili onn lee cio cio L wrence Zononi Tho W er n Jo n Tr ver o E ily Hinckley C herine Cor llo e ond McKin ry iulio hezzi Ru ell Ry n, Jr. Mr re Ri ion u n er y nley Wieliczk C rl ccen e, Jr. Eliz eh rieco er in . Pierre Jo n urkin M rjorie Coo er Mich el Morello, r. Tho John on Erne enefield Jo e h ron Frederick K w Fr nce P u L urence rune e, Jr. oro hy Connor H rold He er Kenne h Afric no Clifford H rri on, Jr. Jo e h Leroux, Jr. Mich el H l on Judy K ilu Pe er L ourne r ndon uelle e Lorr ine e onee Fr ncoi e Jone P rici Fedo R l h N r i, Jr. Yvonne Nocer r r ouff rd r r eLuco Cindy Li uori Ry ond lle i ndr rlow Pe er eC eri ri n u li roli M ry u l Helen odin M ri R ello Irene Ar en oro hy Afric no R y ond Merlo, III P ul e h P ul Koi inen Loui oucher Ri Renouf niel evine Jo e h Wenzel, III Ed und ’ rien oro hy C rl Ro er liveir oro hy M rkelon ri n Le l nc ilvi Chirico niel L Croix Fr nce Ei enhower onn Tri Thu Tr n K ren En li h er h Wolnick Je ie Rowl nd Jo e hine Mon hn l Kin Ro er Aj ki Jo e h Z ull io h n e C role Flynn Willi H rri on Holly u chyk- olden Pe er Coffey Ann Teed Ro er F r er Jo e h C r l, Jr. Helen C nnone Ro in Jedidi n Pe er Jedidi n ell M roi vid Klocker

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CCD: New students are welcome at any time. Families must be
registered in the Parish to have their children be part of the CCD
program. Registration forms for CCD and the Parish are available at the
Parish Center or on the website (www.stmarystrobertwl.org). Call the
office for information on class time and availability. If your child will be
absent, please call the office (860) 627-9469.
KINDERGARTEN: The next Kindergarten class will be on Sunday,
November 6th in Room 10 of the Parish Center from 9:30 - 10:30AM.
Please use the ramp door.
CONFIRMATION STUDENTS - GRADE 10: The entire class was
present at the Confirmation Retreat held last Sunday. Our presenter was
Bryan Mercier from Catholic Truth who challenged the students in many
different ways through his spirituality and humor. The Retreat is a major
part of the preparation for Confirmation and the class was very involved.
Proud of you all. Many thanks to all the Mom's and Dad's who sent the
delicious desserts.
CONFIRMATION: NOVEMBER 6TH. Buses have been rented. All
candidates for Confirmation must take the bus to the Cathedral. Buses
depart at 9:15 sharp. Additional information about Confirmation will be
sent as soon as we know further details. Call the office with any
questions or concerns.
GRADE 2: NOTE- the next Mass and parent meeting is changed to
Sunday, November 14th. Details will be sent out next week. Mark your
calendars with the new date. Remember these meetings are an
important part of the First Communion preparation and all students are
required to attend.
4:30 PM Paul Roy 3rd Anniv req by Rita & family
Sunday, October 31 ThirtyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM Jenet Hijeck req by family
8:30 AM Donald Murphy 13th Anniv req by family
9:30 AM Ashley Lawrence O’Brien req by Marilyn Stratton
11:00 AMWilliam John & Debra Mockalis
req by the Drapeau family
Monday, November 1 All Saints
7:30 AM Estelle & Daniel McNamara req by family
Tuesday, November 2
7:30 AM All Souls
7:30 AM Louis Nai req by family
Thursday, November 4 Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop
7:30 AM Stanley Nowak req by family
Friday, November 5 Weekday
Saturday, November 6 Weekday
8:30 AM James R. Cleary req by Larry & Lori Bilodeau
Saturday, November 6
4:30 PM Ed O’Brien req by family
Sunday, November 7 ThirtySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM Mark True req by family
8:30 AM John Murray req by his children
9:30 AM Jean Rivard Birthday Remembrance
req by his wife, Louise
11:00 AM Rolland Pivin req by family
Eternal Rest
Readings for the Week of October 31, 2021
Sunday: Dt 6:2-6/Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51 [2]/Heb 7:23-28/Mk 12:28b-34
Monday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. 6]/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a
Tuesday: Wis 3:1-9/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1 or 4ab]/Rom 5:5-11 or
Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40a
Friday: Rom 15:14-21/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [cf. 2b]/Lk 16:1-8
Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27/Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 10-11 [1b]/Lk 16:9-15
Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 [1b]/Heb 9:24-28/
Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44
Please call Kathleen or Paula in the Parish Office if you wish to
donate a Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one or an intention.
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week at St. Robert Bellarmine
Church for the intentions of the Barberi family.
526 likes and growing…
Attend Our Upcoming Open House
Monday, November 8, 2021
232 Pearl Street~Enfield, CT~(860) 7455275~
and Tuesday is “All Souls’ Day.” All Souls’ Day is
also known as the “Commemoration of All the
Faithful Departed.”
feasts. I hope that this will help!
On All Saints’ Day, we remember all of the saints of the
church, known and unknown. That is canonized and recognized by the
church, or “known only to God.” And, on All Souls’ Day, we remember all
of the faithful departed.
The “saints” in All Saints’ Day are those who have died and are
with God in heaven. This goes far beyond those the Church has recog-
nized as saints. It includes all of those who have embraced God’s grace.
How do we know that they have embraced God’s grace? The answer is
that it is evident in their lives of goodness, prayerfulness, humility, holi-
ness and service to others.
On All Souls’ Day, Catholics, and Christians of other denomi-
nations, remember and pray for the souls of those who have died.
These souls are baptized Christians who died with lesser sins on their
souls. The Church teaches that the prayers of the faithful on earth will
help cleanse these souls so that they will be prepared for the vision of
God in heaven. As a help in understanding what is happening for those
whom we are praying for, I have often used the image of passengers on
a train. They have left the station, meaning that they are dead. Yet, they
have not made it to their final destination which is heaven.
In remembering and praying for all of the “faithful departed,” we
are remembering the souls of all who have died. In the Church’s tradi-
tion, “the faithful” typically refers specifically to baptized Catholics. But, I
have to say, over the years I have cherished the friendship of so many
people who are not Catholic and sometimes not Christian, and it seems
only right to remember and pray for them today as well.
I would like to explain purgatory a little bit. I think that this is
also something that needs to be clarified for Catholics. It has always
been the belief among Catholics that in order to be able to stand before
the face of the Father in heaven, our souls need to be completely purified
of all sin. So, purgatory is that place, or better a “state of being” where
the purification process that we did not finish while here on earth will be
completed. Our Lord himself states it very clearly in the Sermon on the
Mount: “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.” (Matthew
When I was younger, there was always an emphasis on the
suffering of the souls in purgatory. But, I have come to understand that
suffering experienced in purgatory is the pain of knowing all of the ways
that, in this life, we refused to repent of our sins. And so, as a result,
we’re kept from experiencing the fullness of God’s love.
Think of it this way, in purgatory, we will be freed from anything
that kept us from seeing how we held ourselves back from loving God
and our neighbor. The blinders are also all of those things, attitudes and
beliefs that keep us from fully seeing, understanding and experiencing
God’s love. So, in purgatory we will know God’s love but – for a time ––
we will not be able to be completely filled with that divine love.
I trust that this helps us all to realize how important it is to pray
for the faithful departed. And, above all, trust that our prayers, our re-
membering their souls at Mass, is really powerful. I love the line in the
Book of Revelation that refers to our prayers like this: “the elders (this is
the author’s vision of heaven) were holding vessels of gold filled with

Online Giving: $ 1,380
$ 6,907
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT is held on the 1st and 3rd
Wednesday of each month from 3:00-7:00 PM. Sign-up sheets are
available the preceding weekend. Compline (Night Prayer) is held at 6:45
PM during Adoration.
(860) 370-9226.
CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER meets every Wednesday evening from 7-8PM
on Zoom. Join a joyful community that prays together and discusses how to
remain in the Peace of God’s Presence in all of life’s circumstances.
Contact Nancy Stimac to receive a Zoom invitation link at nstimac@
comcast.net or 860-683-4490. She is also available for one-on-one
preparation for the group or to answer any questions you may have. All are
meeting. Website: www.windsorlocks-kofc.org.
NOVENA OF MIRACULOUS MEDAL will be held on Tuesdays at St.
Robert Church at 6:15 PM. All are welcome anytime.
REFLECTIONS of Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish is a group devoted to
celebrating the lives that God gave us. The group meets the second
Saturday of each month at 9:30 AM at St. Mary Parish Center.
ROSARY DEVOTION takes place daily after 7:30 Mass and 11:00 AM on
Tuesday (St. Mary Church) and every Thursday at 11:00 AM and Sunday at
3:30 PM (St. Robert Church). The Divine Mercy Chaplet will also be prayed
on Sunday after the rosary at St. Robert Church.
SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES—Prepare for Sunday's Scriptures in a
community using prayer, reflections, and faith sharing every week. Support
of various local social activities. For details contact MaryAnne @ 860-254-
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION is discerning God through the guidance and
mentoring of another who walks beside us on our journey of faith. For info,
please call Sue O’Brien (860) 623-0664 or Sr. Janet Deaett (860) 422-5491.
VESPERS (Evening Prayer) Vesper prayers are Thursday at St. Mary
Church at 5:45 PM.
Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish. Thank you.
Thank you for your continued generous
support to St. MarySt. Robert Churches.
To register for Online Giving, please visit our
website “stmarystrobertwl.org”. This service is
safe and secure. Need help signing up for
Online Giving? Our Sunday Visitor Support is
available MondayFriday at 8003482886,
option 2, then option 1.
Parishioner Nancy Stimac is presenting a Workshop on Centering Prayer
at Holy Family Retreat Center
November 6 from 8:30 A.M. -12:30 P.M.
In-person and on Zoom
Enfield Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen
New location—23 North Main St., Enfield, CT—Meals are served FREE.
Maya Nicole Matthews, Executive Director — Phone/Fax: (860) 741-0226
Website: www.enfieldlaovesandfishes.org
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED—Enfield Loaves and Fishes (Soup Kitchen)
are in need of help Monday though Fridays any time between 10:00 AM
to 6:00 PM. We also are in need of volunteers for Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday with a truck or a van to pick up food, etc. at local stores.
ImmaCare Shelter is requesting donations of lunch box snacks. These
would be packages of crackers and peanut butter, crackers and cheese, cans of
sardines and small containers of Vienna sausage and any small items that can
be added to a lunchbox are gratefully accepted. A box is located at the main
entrance of both churches and is marked “Shelter donations” so it is not con-
fused with the container for the local food pantry.

We, and the residents of the shelter, are most appreciative of your continued
By appointment only in advance. Contact the rectory at (860) 623-2524.
Pre-baptismal instructions for parents and godparents will be scheduled
by one of the priests.
In compliance with the marriage policy of the Archdiocese of Hartford,
please contact the rectory to arrange for a wedding at least six months
before the desired wedding date.
Pastoral Care of the Sick
The priests visit local hospitals weekly. Please contact the rectory to
arrange for Communion, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, and
Confession for the homebound.
ST. MARY PARISH CENTER Please call Paul Rucci

Barbara Carlson at (860) 8744713 to schedule a
meeting or other event.
Thank you for your donations for our October shelter dinner.
Our November dinner will be held on Monday, November 1st, and will
consist of Cheeseburger Tater Tot Casserole, Green Beans and Pretzel
Gelatin Dessert for 50 hungry men.
The recipes are on the Church website under Ministries/Volunteers if you
need them or I will be happy to supply you with copies. We will be col-
lecting food at St. Mary’s parking lot from 5:00 - 5:30 PM on November
1st leaving promptly at 5:30 PM.
As soon as possible, if you can help, please contact Deb Alexa at cell/text
860-966-7153 or email: [email protected].
Monetary donations are also gratefully accepted. Please make check paya-
ble to Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish, memo line: shelter dinner. We and the
resident of the shelter are most appreciative of your continued generosity.
God Bless!
We have been live streaming our 9:30 Sunday Mass for over a year now. A
lot of parishioners enjoy having Mass from St. Mary’s Church when they are
not able to come to church themselves. But, a recent change in how things
work requires us to obtain 1,000 subscribers to continue live-streaming the
same way. So, please help us. We have over 686 subscribers now and
need 314 more! Please ask family members as well.
Please go to the Mary, Gate of Heaven website. Partway down the front
page, you will see: “Mary, Gate of Heaven Mass will be available every
Sunday for live viewing on YouTube.” What follows is a link that will take
you to the parish’s YouTube page. In the upper right-hand corner of the
page, you will see “Subscribe.” Please activate that link. It will not cost
anything. You do not even have to commit to watching our live-streamed
Mass. But, you will support us in making a Sunday morning Mass from our
church available to every parishioner.
Thank you.
Father Tim
2021 Dates
November 12
52 South Elm Street, Windsor Locks
Every other Friday from 9-9:30AM
“Could you not keep watch for one hour”. MK 14:37
St. Mary Church: 3:00 - 7:00 PM
1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month
November 3rd and 17th
All are welcome—No agenda
We are in need of the following food items:
Cereal Canned vegetables
Please place in boxes at entrances to Churches. Thank you.
Join us for the “Annual Fall Craft Fair and
Bake Sale” located at St. Robert
Bellarmine Church, Fr. Farrell Hall, on
Sunday, November 21st from 9:00AM to
We have a few spaces available. Crafters, please contact Barbara
Carlson, (860) 874-4713. We are also in need of bakers for our Bake
Sale Table.
As of September the 1st, Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish only has one full-
time priest.
As a result, the Mass schedule has been adjusted so that it can be done
by one priest. This means:
As of January 1, the weekend Mass Schedule will be
o 4:30 PM Vigil at St. Robert Bellarmine Church
o 7:00 AM at St. Mary Church
o 9:00 AM at St. Robert Bellarmine Church
o 11:00 AM at St. Mary Church
As of January 8, there will no longer be a Saturday morning Mass.
There will be a morning Mass on Saturday, January 1. It is the
feast of Mary, the Mother of God.
Please send a registration form OR update our information.
Have you changed your land line to a cell phone? Please let us know.
We’re adding email addresses & cell phone numbers to our census.
Our warmest welcome to all who worship with our parish family, whether long time
residents or newly arrived in the parish. If you’re not registered or need to update
our records, please fill out this form, place it in the collection basket or mail to
Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish, 42 Spring Street, Windsor Locks, CT 06096.
Name _____________________________________________________
__ Change of Address_______________________________________
__ E-mail address ____________________________________
THANK YOU for your generous response to the collection for the Socie-
ty for the Propagation of the Faith last weekend on World Mission Sun-
day. Our parish raised $2,366. You may stay connected year-round to
the Pope’s missions, continuing the commitment of World Mission Sun-
day, by visiting MISSIO.org.
Monday, November 1, 2021
St. Robert Bellarmine Church Hall—11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
There has been an Emergency Blood and Platelet Shortage. Your blood
donation is essential to maintaining our community’s health. Simply go
to redcross.org, click on Donate, “Give Blood”, enter "06096" in "MAKE
YOUR APPOINTMENT", and schedule your appointment, for Monday,
November 1st @ St. Robert Bellarmine Church. Book your appointment
now. Due to Covid—No Walk-ins.
If you have questions on this Blood Drive, please call Ron King at (860)
your loved ones are located on the
bulletin tables in both churches.
Father Tim will be leading a group of parishioners who would like to
complete their Catholic sacraments.
The group will meet every two weeks until Holy Week of 2022
(April 10 marks the beginning of Holy Week next year). The first
meeting will be held at the rectory office on Spring Street on Wednes-
day, October the 27th at 6:30 pm. Each meeting will last about an
hour. If you have any questions, please call Father Tim at the office
(860-623-2524) or send an email to: [email protected]
All Saints Day, November 1, 2021, is not a holy day of obligation this
year because it falls on a Monday. There will be one Mass on Monday,
November 1st at 7:30AM at St. Mary Church.
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