evaluation question 6 commute

Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Strengths and Weaknesses of using the camera equipment.

The strengths are that we used a non-school camera and we feel this let us explore the use of different types of cameras. It was also a great quality of image, allowing us to show off facial expressions and the features of the setting’s and location.

The weaknesses were that because it was a new camera that none of us had yet used, it took us time to adjust to the way the camera worked. Also some shots when edited had to have warp stabilizer applied because the camera was hard to keep still in some shots.

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Problems we faced when filming and how we resolved this.

Although we had to get permission from the train station to allow us to film there it was not a problem and they were very supportive of our media project.

The only small problems we had was that in some shots members of the public looked right into the camera. In some cases this meant we had to film several times in order for the shot to be perfect and have a ‘natural’ essence about it. Further limitations of filming came when a train arrived we got told to stop until the area had cleared. This made sure we wasn’t in the way of people trying to get past but on the other hand, when filming it was sometimes stop and start.

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Did we get to use new equipment in order to enhance our media product?

As apart of our filming we got to use a tripod, this meant that we could secure the stability of our shots. When it came to the panning in some shots; the tripod allowed us to complete this transaction fluently and also decreased the chances of unwanted movements of the camera.

We also used a microphone in order to increase the quality of our diegetic sound because our camera couldn’t capture natural sounds when filming. This meant that our final product sound features were very clear to hear.

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What did you learn about the editing and what effects were useful? After having some practice of using Premiere in our prelim tasks

it allowed us to know how to work it. This was very helpful when it came to the editing of our film opening as it would of taken our group a lot longer to edit if we didn’t have previous experience with it.

In our film opening we learnt how to apply fades to the end of audio clips, we used a fade in to portray a potential romance between the two characters. The fade out was then used to signify the conclusion of the film opening.