evaluation first period

Name: Klein, Natalia Soledad. Subject: Taller de la Práctica Docente. School: Escuela Primaria N° 90. Local Tutor: Albarracín, Alicia. Period: First Period. Final Evaluation of the First Period Reading the material called “The Four Dimensions of the Reflective Learning” I could made the following final evaluation. It is based on my first practicum period of practicum in 1° Grade with 10 students in a local institution called “Escuela N° 90” in Juventud Unida, Río Colorado. Thinking back, the original aims of my experience is was to explore the institution, know the students, share with them three classes teaching them three new topics in their lessons and learn from them. I think the objectives, activities and the use of resources were coherent with a pedagogical perspective because the students received the new vocabulary and topics correctly and they could learn them through funny activities such as games, videos and songs. Also, they enjoyed the classes participating and doing making all the activities proposed by me. Moreover, the different classes were very significant since students they seemed to be happy and they asked me to give them more activities and practice the new vocabulary through flashcards which they liked a lot. Anyway, there were very few flashcards in the classroom, but when I finished my classes the classroom became friendlier than before since there were lots of flashcards on the walls. They were very helpful for the students to revise the vocabulary. According to skills, I believe the most important skills to teach during this teaching experience are the listening and speaking skills. I tried to give the students songs and videos from the web in order to practice develop the listening skills and the students they enjoyed them a lot. I proposed them to sing a song at the beginning and another one at the end final of the class. I brought the songs every class Con formato: Inglés (Estados Unidos) Comentario [R1]: What pedagogical perspective did you take? Comentario [R2]: What does correctly mean? Comentario [R3]: Do you mean visually attractive? Comentario [R4]: Why?

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Page 1: Evaluation first period

Name: Klein, Natalia Soledad.

Subject: Taller de la Práctica Docente.

School: Escuela Primaria N° 90.

Local Tutor: Albarracín, Alicia.

Period: First Period.

Final Evaluation

of the First Period

Reading the material called “The Four Dimensions of the Reflective Learning” I could made

the following final evaluation. It is based on my first practicum period of practicum in 1° Grade

with 10 students in a local institution called “Escuela N° 90” in Juventud Unida, Río Colorado.

Thinking back, the original aims of my experience is was to explore the institution, know

the students, share with them three classes teaching them three new topics in their lessons and

learn from them. I think the objectives, activities and the use of resources were coherent with a

pedagogical perspective because the students received the new vocabulary and topics correctly

and they could learn them through funny activities such as games, videos and songs. Also, they

enjoyed the classes participating and doing making all the activities proposed by me. Moreover,

the different classes were very significant since students they seemed to be happy and they asked

me to give them more activities and practice the new vocabulary through flashcards which they

liked a lot. Anyway, there were very few flashcards in the classroom, but when I finished my

classes the classroom became friendlier than before since there were lots of flashcards on the

walls. They were very helpful for the students to revise the vocabulary. According to skills, I

believe the most important skills to teach during this teaching experience are the listening and

speaking skills. I tried to give the students songs and videos from the web in order to practice

develop the listening skills and the students they enjoyed them a lot. I proposed them to sing a

song at the beginning and another one at the end final of the class. I brought the songs every class

Con formato: Inglés (Estados Unidos)

Comentario [R1]: What pedagogical perspective did you take?

Comentario [R2]: What does correctly mean?

Comentario [R3]: Do you mean visually attractive?

Comentario [R4]: Why?

Page 2: Evaluation first period

and I played a video which showed the meaning of the new vocabulary. During this practicum

period of the practicum, the children weren´t able to write and read so the writing and reading

skills were not in focus appropriate here. The speaking skill is also vital. Moreover, I tried to make

the students answer in English and they could understand my English perfectly. What´s more, I

tried to provide as much positive practice as possible by talking to learners in English, by exposing

them to a range of listening materials such as songs or videos in the classroom, and by

encouraging them to use whatever resources are available in their institution or community.

Finally, I could express myself saying that I learnt how to do my lesson plans for a kindergarten.

Honestly, I had many problems with them but I read and revised materials from Didactics and I

could improve my lessons plans. Another problem was the timing. I thought that the kindergarten

could do the same activities as a 2nd grade and I was wrong. I learnt that the children at this period

need more time to do the activities suggested by the teacher and they have lots of doubts about

the new vocabulary.

Thinking forward, if I had the chance to develop this practice again, I would change the

topics and give the students more games in the lessons. Perhaps, I could improve myself giving

them a game when they need to be calm or when they couldn´t stay quietsit themselves. Also, this

experience might influence my future goals only taking into account my errors. I think that

improving my errors I will transform and improve my lessons in the following periods. Speaking

about introspective reflections, I believe that this experience was meaningful for me since I learnt

how to do my lesson plans correctly, manage the time properly and clarify the students’ doubts. I

corrected and changed many aspects things which were wrong and these changes helped me to

improve my lessons. Furthermore, I am satisfied with the way I developed this practice because I

was able to change wrong things and improve others such as the lessons plans. To sum up, I felt

very comfortable and well in the institution in this experience. The headmaster was waiting for me

anxiously because it was the first time that a person did his or her practicum there. Also, the

teachers and the tutor received me fantastically in the school. Then, the students made me feel

great and happy during the three classes and they showed their happiness every class giving me

kisses and hugs when I entered in the classroom.

Thinking outward may encourage teachers to expand their own views or to reaffirm their

positions. I think that I have to take into account others ‘viewpoints and attitudes in order to

improve my lessons. I believe that all the opinions and attitudes are good to improve increase my

Comentario [R5]: What does positive practice imply?

Comentario [R6]: Such as…?

Comentario [R7]: Games must have a clear didactic purpose. Otherwise, a settler may be required, an activity to settle the group. Keep working on classroom management strategies.

Comentario [R8]: Why? What about your achievements?

Comentario [R9]: Why? What misconceptions did you have before this experience? What errors?

Comentario [R10]: Aspects that needed revision

Comentario [R11]: Another important lesson component!

Page 3: Evaluation first period

classes and give the best to my students. I suppose teachers are a major resource, so they have to

hear others’ viewpoints and attitudes when they are teaching in the institutions. What´s more,

they must articulate with other teachers in order to analyse the complex nature of reality and gain

a deeper understanding of it. I think all the views from the rest of the teachers are important and

interesting to hear. Everything is essential to improve the lessons and make the students feel

comfortable during them. Finally, I believe that the situation or problem could have social, politic,

economic and ethical implications but they have solutions in all aspects.

Comentario [R12]: Are these your own words?

Comentario [R13]: This idea is not that clear. What kind of problems in each dimension? Keep reflecting and learning, Natalia!!! Way to go! Cecilia