
Evaluation Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

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Post on 05-Aug-2015




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EvaluationWho would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?


Age: 14-21

Gender: Female

Social Class: E

Ethnicity: White, British

… the music explored in the magazine is all chart music, which is most listened to by this age range..There is many girly, light colours, shown on the magazine, which attracts the female gender. The burgundy colour scheme gives a prestige feel, drawing the readers in because they feel there will be class and quality in the contence of the magazine.

The genre of my music magazine attracts my target audience because…


I thought I would use a long elegant, not so revealing dress to show a beautiful role model for girls ages 14-21.

Shot types

When shooting for the magazine, I took many photographs with lots of variations from close-ups to full length shots. I tried to put a range of shot types in my magazine so the readers would stay entertained.


I chose a very pretty model with a lovely figure to inspire young ladies to stay healthy and fit, and for the magazine to be pleasing to the eye.


We used guitar for the prop, to symbolise the story of the musician.


To make sure the magazine looks as bright and full of life as possible, I made the photo lighter by adjusting the exposure. I also used the patch tool to get rid of my models bags under her eyes to make her look as

desirable as possible.

How did my model Conform?

My model conformed to the genre of my magazine by having a guitar in her hand. She also is very pretty and has a good figure. These traits are very popular in the Pop/RnB world.

Attracting and Holding the Audiences Attention

Cover Lines

I have set the cover lines very bright with lots of different colours so that it grabs the audiences attention.

Double Page Spread Story

The double page spread is very elegant and bright, attracting the eye. The story has boy gossip, keeping the readers entertained.








I think there is many

marketing strategies I could

use to entice the audience w

hen my m

agazine is released, such as concerts ran by S

tudio, Adverts on the T


to expose the magazine and

other products/events to offer, and a charity to support young children w

ho have little m

oney to give them

music in their lives.