evaluation 1 final abyss

We used Final Abyss as our title. It is a generic title within the Espionage Film Industry. Final Abyss creates an excitement for the audience as it hints at thrilling ending and storyline. This will capture the attention of the audience and intrigue them to watch the film. The use of only two words in our title keeps it simple and memorable so that it wouldn't be a name you would forget. We have used and developed ideas from current social media products to create an opening which we feel would engage the audience and lead to further success for our film. EVALUATION 1- TITLE

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation 1 final abyss

We used Final Abyss as our title. It is a generic title within the Espionage Film Industry. Final Abyss

creates an excitement for the audience as it hints at thrilling ending and storyline. This will capture

the attention of the audience and intrigue them to watch the film. The use of only two words in our

title keeps it simple and memorable so that it wouldn't be a name you would forget. We have used and developed ideas from current social

media products to create an opening which we feel would engage the audience and lead to further

success for our film.


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The setting and location we used was specific to our genre and although we may

not have followed the current media conventions as to having a remote island

etc. We have decided to use a remote area with many warehouses to create the same effect that current media products attempt

to achieve. We have used a warehouse which is a large private space. This is the

typical venue for corrupt organisations and we felt that it would be very well suited to

our espionage movie.

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In our opening we used many different props and costumes to emphasise the realism in our film opening. The use of a black car where the driver cannot be seen encourages the audience to believe the storyline, especially as the protagonist is a spy who does not want his identity to be known. The use of the body suit for the worker presents him with a very stereotypical illegal worker as they are all dressed the same, made to do the same thing and he has no identity. He is just another obstacle in Zack's path. The use of the warehouse equipment

convince the audience that this scene is real, and the more realistic the warehouse looks the more convincing the opening is.

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CAMERA WORK AND EDITINGWhilst filming and editing the footage, we

decided to make various decisions that would enhance our film opening to further

engage the audience and add to the realism of the film. We use a CCTV shot here in the warehouse to show the small fight scene. This emphasises our espionage genre as it

seems that the footage has been taken from a CCTV camera as secret footage. It allows the audience to believe that they have an insight into what has actually gone on as a secret camera has filmed this footage. The

fact that it wasn't manually filmed also adds to the mysteriousness of the espionage

movie and emphasises the secrecy of the protagonist.

We used a birds eye view to create a discreet angle as if the two characters didn't

know they were being filmed as well as creating a diversity in shots which makes the film opening more enjoyable to watch.

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The opening story conveys many mysterious aspects of this film opening, causing the audience to ask questions. Who is he killing? Why does he

want him dead. Who is he? Our opening allows the audience to understand the genre of the film and

the storyline whilst leaving out vital information. It is clear that a young male who is a spy has entered a warehouse after leaving his mysterious black car,

and he has knocked out one of the workmen and gone on to kill the boss. We have shown that there will be action within the movie and that there is an

intriguing storyline as something has clearly happened to trigger his anger. Resulting in the

assassination of the mystery man at the end. Our aim was to leave the audience asking questions

and wanting to find them out.

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• The opening of our movie suggests that it is a movie of the espionage genre. The mystery throughout the opening supports this as we do not know who anyone is or why anything is happening. This compliments the traditional spy archetype as they want to be unidentifiable. The use of props encourage the audience to see our film in that genre, as guns are used and it is based in a typical warehouse, this emphasises secrecy and action beyond the law. Another very important method that we used to help the audience identify the genre was the stance that our protagonist moved in. He was crouched low with bent knees, attempting to make as little sound as possible. This implies he wants to be stealthy and does not want to be seen. Spies tend to follow all the rules that have been demonstrated in our film opening and this further suggests the genre of our film.

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Three characters are introduced in our film opening. None of them have been named in our opening as no speech was used. This impacted how the characters are introduced as they all lack identities to the public. The first character we see is our protagonist Zack. He is seen getting out of a mysterious black car and sneaking into a warehouse. This causes him to seem mysterious. We then follow him through the warehouse until we see a worker. The worker is dressed in a full white body suit in a warehouse. We immediately get the idea that he works for ‘the bad guy’. As soon as he sees Zack, he attempts to fight him which further demonstrates his illegal activity. We then watch Zack knock him out and we understand that Zack is skilled in combat and that he does this frequently as he does not seem phased at all. Zack then proceeds upstairs into the office where he encounters the boss. He has his gun out and as we can understand that Zack is ‘the good guy’ which is further emphasised by his clothing style which is typical for a young male. We can assume that this mystery man who’s face is not revealed is ‘the bad guy’. The final thing which we can understand about the characters is that they seem to know each other as Zack seems to have trouble pulling the trigger and you can see it in his eyes at the final shot of a close up on his face.