eunson dorothy 1982 ghana

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  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1982 Ghana


    ccfci 9 Ghana

    =[11,-; FnrV.W.I'It'.G AREf'T fFV'SLnTER: ,crotl-y W'n'-or Vs, Toe Parkes fs. Oudy .o..inTwin rrook Lane First Christian ChurcnJoppa. D m? E. Kaley Ave.Orlando, FLr^C^OTMY E N5C^ m SLFTTE^ lay, 18?vol. Po. 3 ^)\V 26 190^

    Dear Frisnds in Chr i s tPraise the Lord Malleluia Those words comprise a coi r.on greeting and rssporse asong^cngellcal Ghanaian Christians. they arc automatic, but aresy real joy. It s what I feel 11

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1982 Ghana


    cJ-urc*^ 1? nrcrinc r'-^cisim tire? sl^out a fulUlTp mn1st?r. Py thm '^av^ Seer pr' scnt'^^; tcihr cmcre^gcilixrti and votsc upcn. ' T^c Lcrr' wnirc I can tnll yru all ei^cut Mm next letter.Vcv fcr t''.(^ East er ccnvcrt l on. Ir sorrr ^oys i t s I1kr surrr'^r C lrlstlan carrplng. Tl-cv.'Cc^t'-'^r 1s v'arr., t^r^ facHltlos arc ?-^as1c, rrst of 11vine anr vrrsMroInc is e1r goods. I dropped tho last f w at t^-.o college at p.r. ?orre cf the parll' rgroup there tc t*^f*r. and help T^'oy *^ad only short distances tc go so I'msure thpy all padfi It hy TO. *'cnday, ?*v?ryhody rested. Two of tl^e deacons vrare here and fror a.m. to p.m. .1 just pray t^-at the spirit of love and enthusiasm willremain undlmlntshed throug*^ the y?ar.Vest t1rro I vlll tell you a^out t*-^ two rw evangelism groups t*^at are '^elng established. I have long since used up my space, *^ut not ny joy In sharing the news with you.Your prayers are absolutely vital In ou r Staying here.

    In Ch ri sti an l ov e,orothy

    FirST CHPISTIAN CH f>CM rionsProfit Org.Fast Kaley Avenue S. Postage^rlando FL 3?80r> PA ID^ Orlando. FloridiPCP.OTHY EUVSCf fpySLETTER Permit Vo. ?^n^ clurro > o 3d dr es s C o rr ec ti on r eq ue st ed

    Ho r i z o n sMis s i on Se r v i c e sB o x 177Kempton Hf 460^9

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1982 Ghana


    Mis s Doroth y SunsoiiBox 5 7 2 2

    , -a.G AuENXMrs , Tom Barkes603 V i a. B rosLj5i-j:iiK:Mrs, Jody Tobin

    _ Fl j : a t C h r i s t J i j su r c u2565 E, Kaley Ave .Orlando, FL 32806


    DiAugust , 3:982 5 '98^

    T^earJFriends in Chris t ,

    / couple of days I have been enjoying a special taste treat; tossed salad,^without lettuce).. The prices are too high in Ghana to buy many fresh greens often.Last week though, Glenda Bridges and I made sn arduous shopping trip to Lome, Togo andwe are all enjoying apples, potatoes, salad and oranges. This shopping trip took ustwo days. We bought 6 different items by the casG^ plus a 100 lb. bag of flour. Weth e t r u c k These were bo thfrl^h cou.pletely fuil We bought fresh meat,motor -l? ^ toilet paper, fiash.,ight batteries, canned goods, cooking oil,Dlur nine and^^il-filters, light bulb^T-mal^ria^d headachnSidlHS^,fOT 'our J kerosene lam?, 2 oookins pans, a mosquito net, and a bucktf: rthinas are setting up housekeeping on his own and most of thoseo^tr^flc una^aiiabie In Ghana, the volumeis ha^fr aif ireaslng, even though getting throughment 4 ^ime. Because we are white missionaries, we get preferential treat-oSv'sD^f^ r* r setting things stamped and paying duty. Weus on manv-th

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1982 Ghana



    We have had twe lve new nembers s i n c e 1 w r o t e i n A p r i l . F i v e o f t h o s e a r e c h i l d r e nwhom Deb Couch t a u g h t in th e Sunday School f o r two y e a r s . Three o f th e r e s t a re from anoutdoor campaign t h a t we held an d on e t h a t the s tu d e n ts hel d. Many nore responded tothe invitation a t th e campaigns, but in spite of serious followup, they did not carrythrough with a commitment of l i f e . I t s not very hard to get people to make a publicc o n f e s s i o n , b u t it i s much more d i f f i c u l t to s e c u re t h e i r obe die nc e an d d e d i c a t i o n andp a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t h e c h u r c h .One of th e men who cane forward during th e students campaign went completelyberserk about ten days l a t e r . He was taken to th e mental hospital and th e attendantsthere said te n men couldn t hold him when he was f i r s t admitted. He was a pagan and hadbeen a smoker and a drinker. We visited hi u each week in the hospital and shared songsand devotions and prayer wi th him and others who gathered round in the open co urt yard ,After a month or so he was discharged and now seems perfectly normal. He has beenattending the Bible c la sse s fo r new converts and reads from th e Ewe Bible, We d o n tkn ow If th e derangement was demonic, mental or chemical, but the Lord has answeredprayers fo r hi s restoration and we thank Him fo r that. Since hi s entire family is pagan,we pray he w i l l b e a bl e t o l e a d o t h e r s t o C h r i s t Since we have a numbe:r of Ewe members who ar e i l l i t e r a t e , two of the young men havestarted a readi ng class for them, so that eventually they can read the Ewe Bible, y Sunday school class completed their program of special memory work. We weregiven part of the evening service for then to recite passages and receive their prizes.They did very well and proudly took their ribbons full of the sumbolic pictures home toha ng i n t h e i r rooms .One cheerful note--the government has cancelled the requirement to have eXit permitsto leave the country. This makes our shopping trips a little simpler. nd Togo nolonger requires a visa~we just sign in at their border and then sign out,A sad noteafter a second complete overhaul, my truck is s t i l l using excessive oil.I t has been serviced and now I am keeping track again to see how bad i t is, I brought 3gallons of o il back from Togo, so that should l a s t a while.Another cheerful noteI have a house helper two full days a week. His name isMensah Ganyor and he is also a Chris tian, He and his wife and little boy live in roomsin B rid ge s compound and he works fo r Bridges three days a week. Mr, Mensah does all thec le an in g, th e laundr y, t he breadbaking, and whatever else there may be to doevenbathing the dogi His presence is a big help, although I must confess I haven t improved

    Try l e t t e r w ri ti ng s in ce he came.Another cheerful noteas explained in detail to con trib uto rs, the college has abusiness arrangement with a l oc al p re ss . We buy books fo r them in England Christianbooks , they sell theip and the college gets the proceeds. This gives us a much betterreturn on ou r dollar. We are now proceeding with th e new chapel and roofing shee-ta havebeen ordered from Sears. This help does not reach the missionaries salaries, so wes t i l l depend on Togo to get th e food we need,God bless you all fo r undergirding us with pray er and gifts. Please pray forCouches on furlough, the Bridges and me in Ghana, and Jeff and Sherry Hostetter preparingto come to Ghana, Pray for Christian Adjei, and Joseph Nsiah, our Ghanaian teachers, andfor Enoch Nyador, ou r brand new pastor.

    F I R S T CHRISTIAN CHURCH2565 Ea s t Kaley AvenueO r l a n d o , F l o r i d a 32806DOROTHY EUNSON NEWSLETTERVolume 4 , No . 4Address Correction Requested

    Love i n C h r i s tD or othy

    N o n - P r o f i t Org,U, S . P o s t a g e

    P A I DOrla ndo, F l o r i d aP e r m i t N o , 3 0 8 1

    ^, ss }of .jfc h,


  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1982 Ghana


    DIRECT MAIL TO:Miss Dorothy EunsonBox 111Accra N, Ghana

    Dear Friends in Christ9

    FORWARDING AGENT?^rs. Tom Sarkes503 Twin Brook Lanefl/Oi/ 7^Joppa, ? D a085



    tobNEVfSLmEP:Mrs. Judy TobinJ-rs. Bonnie EadsFi r s t Chr is t i an Church2565 E. Kaley Ave.Orlando, Florida 32806

    October, 1982

    Here's a surprise: a newsletter only two months after the previous one. There isa lo t to tel l you and I probably won't have tine to v/r it e aga in t i l l after Christmas.Ghana Christian College reopened on the 14th of September. We now have 32 students,seven of whom are day students. Two a re Chr is tian Church men and the rest are from th emany independent churches vfho have no P ib le col lege s of the i r own. The f i r s t yearclass has hine m^n l i r^ l in^^ad .^TKeHady wiTe ijf^a~thlTd~i^ear~ytijdcnTt. las t year 's ladies got married during vacation and di'l no t return so th e total numberremains a t t h r e e .This past weekend I took eight of t he students to a town ?0 miles away to help anindependent church with an open-air crusade. I just dropped them off and then pickedthem up th is morning because our local church v/as holding i t s own campaign^ and I wasbusy in t ha t .

    Our church had a day of fasting Friday^ ending with a two hour prayer meeting.The previous Saturday5 nine of us had gone out house to house, i nforming people aboutthe coming campa-ign and witnessing of Christ as opportunity presented i t se l f . Theneight people went to the si te to cut down weeds and rake and burn rubbish to make i tneat. One of our college teachers, Joseph Wsiah, was the preacher both nights. Hepreached in Twi and one of the students t ranslated into Fwe. Something happened tothe l ights that Carl Bridges couldn' t fix on the spot. He jus t hooked up the loudspeaker to th e car battery and Joseph preached in the dark. People l istened very wellsand there were six or eight that responded to the invi ta t ion. Our pastor was theco-ordinator of the campaign.Sunday night, nothing happened to the repaired l ights, so Joseph could preach inthe l ight . I t seems the children were more rovdy during the song service than theprevious night. There were about 100 children compared with about 3C adul ts , but thatis the usuatnexperience here in Ghana.- Some f^hristian adul ts a re a ss igned-as -'%h ildr encontrollers for each such occasion, ^hero were several adult responses plus a numberof children. I understand Joseph warned children that they also must repent of theirsins in order to be ready for judgment. He will have a meeting of all the counsellorsafter prayer meeting Wednesday night to plan our followup very well, ^ne young boywho responded the f i r s t night and also talked to mo th e socond night is supposed to cometo my house th is afternoon so I can teach him from the Scriptures and find out i f hereal ly knows what he's doing.'*s ^arl commented to me Sunday evening, i f th is were the only type of evangelism..we were involved in , i t would be poor, because sometimes permanent converts are veryfew, but i t is one of many v.'ays we seek to reach out for the Lord.''wo weeks ago I took Christian and f^ree young people to vis i t Mketepah ChristianChurch. I t is a rough five hcur drive, hut I vras eager to visi t after 2 years Thecongregation had grown, partly through the effor ts of an energetic student who snenttime there during practicals'* and again during vacation, -'is very success had fosteredsome jealousy in the resident preacher unfortunately, and there were some differencesthat needed to be ironed out, so that the vfork could go forward. We helped in outdoorfilmstrip and preaching services Saturday and Sunday nights and in the morning service,r^onday morning Christian talked to the leaders to help sor t out some of the dif f icul t ies .Sunr'ay afternoon was very hot and we were s t i l l tired from our t r ip so we justslept and rested all afternoon. The other young people had previously ta?

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1982 Ghana



    I hesitate to call the new group at Ofankor a church. There 1s no minimum num^prfor a church but there 1s no stability there yet. ow one of our deacons who Is alsoa student preacher Is going there every week to mainly teach, hat will bring lastingresults. The initial group are -a speakers. The deacon is also beginning to teachunbelievers in the community across the highway. Me prefers to teach before a campaign Is held and I like his plan. Yesterday the pagans said they had to go planttheir corn instead of listen to the teaching. That is understandable as the curren trains are scarce and they must be used v^ell. Please pray for Heacon Seth Crowffie int 1s workThis past week we enjoyed a four day visit from Larry and Judy Kiemeyer.After serving in Zimbabwe and 7ambia ten years, they are going to take up a teachingappointment in Kenya.Saturday morning we had the annual meeting of the college ^oard of Governors, inthe future the Toard will have more responsibility in the sharing of ideas for the running of the school. This Is because we are moving toward .Africanization . V hen theBridges go home on furlough next July> Christian Adjei will become Principal and JosepiMsiah will become college bookkeeper. The missionaries will still represent the mission(and its , American supporters) and will serve as teachers, but the faculty as a whole willhave more of a voice in the daily running of the college than ever before. It s wonderful In theory but often difficult in practice. iMth different ways of looking at life,it takes a lo t of patience and compromise to work together. Sometimes i t s hard for meto accept the changes, so please pray for me that I may be a rhristian first and an. American second. ,Every prayer meeting, we pray for the travelers of the congregation. /S theeconomy steadily wors^nss young people leave for other countries to find workstudy, Ve have seven or eight in Nigeria, one in Liberia, and two studying in theI tried to dissuade the last young lady who went to P.ussia, because s. e wil.hpve virtually no Christian fellowship for six years. We cannot wsHe plainly about thechurch and things of the lord without bringing her under suspicion and questioning, b.x-bPlieves she can be strong enough and says this is perhaps her only chance to get theprofessional training she wants. V e will pray for her and write partly in code tosupport ^er^in^t.^ letter from one of the married men in Nigeria. His wife stays herewith the children and they exhange visits whenever possible. He said he has started afellowship and prayer meeting in the house. e are so r.appy for his faith and zeal.Won, rry trurk baf? rome into its own. In the last mon y^.,_Vxe ha^no water at allfor two weeks. Carl worked out a plan for Mrr and me to t^aul the water necessary torthe college and the faculty. It was overwhelming. ?aybe David Couch could do it, ^.ut Ididn t believe I could. With the current retter return on our dollars t,.roug.- the booK-selling enterprise, we decided to hire a temporary fulltime employee just to cart water.One of the deacons I taught to drive two years ago and who was availablehas been hir^.d.His job has taken more tban 4^ hours a week because it includes sitting in the Patrolqueues (gasoline lines). In the last few days there has been some water at n^eht, butthe big da m is reportedly 1/3 below normal and theory season isare not ready to terminate our water-hauler yet. I am so grateful that c.rl and -o.. have