established 1914 volume xv, number 5 6th waxing of kason...

Established 1914 6th Waxing of Kason 1369 ME Saturday, 21 April, 2007 Volume XV, Number 5 Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. NAY PYI TAW, 20 April — Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe in- spected construction of Yadanabon Myothit in PyinOoLwin Township yesterday morning and gave guidance on tasks of Pharmaceutical Factory (PyinOoLwin) and Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar). Accompanied by Member of the State Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe Mann, SPDC members Lt-Gen Ye Myint, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe and Lt-Gen Tin Aye, Commander- in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Soe Thein, Commander- in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Myat Hein, Chairman of Man- dalay Division PDC Commander of Central Com- mand Maj-Gen Khin Zaw, ministers, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence and PyinOoLwin Station and officials of the SPDC Office, Senior Gen- eral Than Shwe inspected progress in construction of Yadanabon Myothit at 10 am. At the briefing hall, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported Senior General Than Shwe inspects progress of Yadanabon Myothit Project, Pharmaceutical Factory (PyinOoLwin), MRD (Upper Myanmar) Nation’s health standard will get higher only if medicines are within reach of the people Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe’s speech Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe inspects Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar).— MNA Senior General Than Shwe inspects Pharmaceutical Factory in PyinOoLwin. — MNA (See page 16) * Responsible persons are to assess potency and side effects of the pharmaceuticals and coordinate regularly for winning the reli- ance of the people. * The Pharmaceuticals Factory (PyinOoLwin) will launch its production line of 213 kinds of tablets, capsules, injection, intravenous fluids, syrup, lotions and powders. * There are two functions of medical re- search—to extensively produce medicines based on advanced medical science and to produce potent traditional medicines. * Myanmar is blessed with favourable cli- mate, so a wide range of species of herbal plants are to be researched for production of new kinds of medicines. 21-4-07 New Light 4/21/07, 03:25 AM 1

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Established 1914

6th Waxing of Kason 1369 ME Saturday, 21 April, 2007Volume XV, Number 5

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

NAY PYI TAW, 20 April — Chairman of the StatePeace and Development Council Commander-in-Chiefof Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe in-spected construction of Yadanabon Myothit inPyinOoLwin Township yesterday morning and gaveguidance on tasks of Pharmaceutical Factory(PyinOoLwin) and Medical Research Department(Upper Myanmar).

Accompanied by Member of the State Peace andDevelopment Council General Thura Shwe Mann,SPDC members Lt-Gen Ye Myint, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win,Lt-Gen Aung Htwe and Lt-Gen Tin Aye, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Soe Thein, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Myat Hein, Chairman of Man-dalay Division PDC Commander of Central Com-mand Maj-Gen Khin Zaw, ministers, senior militaryofficers of the Ministry of Defence and PyinOoLwinStation and officials of the SPDC Office, Senior Gen-eral Than Shwe inspected progress in construction ofYadanabon Myothit at 10 am.

At the briefing hall, Minister for Communications,Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported

Senior General Than Shwe inspects progress ofYadanabon Myothit Project, Pharmaceutical

Factory (PyinOoLwin), MRD (Upper Myanmar)Nation’s health standard will get higher only if

medicines are within reach of the people

Excerpts from Senior GeneralThan Shwe’s speech

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe inspects MedicalResearch Department (Upper Myanmar).— MNA

Senior General Than Shwe inspects Pharmaceutical Factory in PyinOoLwin. — MNA(See page 16)

* Responsible persons are to assess potencyand side effects of the pharmaceuticals andcoordinate regularly for winning the reli-ance of the people.

* The Pharmaceuticals Factory (PyinOoLwin)will launch its production line of 213 kindsof tablets, capsules, injection, intravenousfluids, syrup, lotions and powders.

* There are two functions of medical re-search—to extensively produce medicinesbased on advanced medical science and toproduce potent traditional medicines.

* Myanmar is blessed with favourable cli-mate, so a wide range of species of herbalplants are to be researched for productionof new kinds of medicines.

21-4-07 New Light 4/21/07, 03:25 AM1

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireSaturday, 21 April, 2007

Head of State Senior General Than Shweon 18 April inspected progress of Shweli (1)Hydropower Project being implemented onShweli River, 17 miles southwest of Mantet Vil-lage in Namkham, Shan State (North) and gaveguidance on the project.

The Shweli (1) Hydropower Project is togenerate 600 megawatts. The main engineeringwork such as concrete embankment, diversiontunnel, pilot channel and power intake buildingand approach tunnel are under construction,and the project is now over 50 per cent com-pleted.

To meet the power consumption needs ofthe State, work is under way to implement Shweli(2) Hydropower Project, Shweli (3) HydropowerProject, Tapein (1) Hydropower Project, Tapein(2) Hydropower Project and Upper ThanlwinProject.

As regards those projects, Head of StateSenior General Than Shwe had given guidance,stressing the need to implement Upper ThanlwinProject, Shewli Projects and Tapein Projects assoon as possible, to conduct survey for moreresources in addition to water resources thathave been surveyed, and to install the power gridon schedule in order to supply electricity fromthe project to the nation, while striving for gen-erating more hydropower.

Arrangements have been made to imple-ment the 460-megawatt Shweli (2) HydropowerProject on Shweli River downstream of Shweli(1) Hydropower Project in Momeik Townshipand the 360-megawatt Shweli (3) HydropowerProject on Shweli River about 30 miles down-stream of Shweli (2) Hydropower Project.

On completion, all the projects on ShweliRiver will be able to generate 1,420 megawatts.

Therefore, efforts are to be made to in-stall the power grid as soon as possible, whileimplementing the hydropower projects for sys-tematic distribution of electricity from theprojects to the nation. Only then, will they ben-efit the entire national people sooner.

Strive for systematicpower supply

Meditation camps opened

YANGON, 20 April—Yangon West DistrictMaternal and Child Wel-fare Supervisory Commit-tee organized health edu-cation talks to mark 2007World Health Day at No 2Basic Education HighSchool in SangyoungTownship, Yangon WestDistrict, this morning.

Chairperson of theYangon Division Super-visory Committee DawMar Mar Wai made aspeech and accepted per-manent membership ap-plications from the chair-person of the DistrictMCWSC.

She presented prizes tothe prizewinners of the

Health education talks givenWorld Health Day com-memorative essay compe-tition. Assistant Director

of the Health EducationDivision of the Depart-ment of Health U Aung

Kyaw Kyaw gave healtheducation talks.


YANGON, 20 April — Minister for Immigra-tion and Population Maj-Gen Maung Maung Sweinspected issue of Citizenship Scrutiny Cards at Immi-gration and National Registration Department inMahaaungmye Township on 18 April.

Director-General U Maung Maung Than ofINRD and Head of Mandalay Division INRD U BoShwe reported on issue of the cards and work to bedone.

Next, the minister met chairmen of Townshipand Ward Peace and Development Councils and re-sponsible persons of social organizations and explainedissue of the scrutiny cards.

The minister inspected the record room and

Issue of Citizenship Scrutiny Cards inspectedin Mandalay, Yangon

the computer room of the department.Yesterday, the minister arrived at PyinOoLwin

Township Union Solidarity and Development Asso-ciation Office where the Citizenship Scrutiny Cardswere being issued to the people. Officials reported onissue of the cards in PyinOoLwin Township.

In the evening, the minister met departmentalofficials of the INRDs of Yangon Division at thedivision office. He praised officials for their efforts incarrying out the task to issue 16,480 Citizenship Scru-tiny Cards to the people this year. The minister urgedthem to supervise the personnel not to lose the momen-tum of the task.


Deputy Minister forForeign Affairs UMaung Myint and

wife being wel-comed by BritishAmbassador Mr

Mark Canning andwife at reception tomark the Birthday

of Her MajestyQueen Elizabeth II

in Yangon on 20April 2007.


Daw Mar Mar Wai awards a winner of the essay contest to markthe World Health Day. — MNA

YANGON, 16 April — The 109th seven-day medi-tation camp completed at Mogok Vipassana DhammaYeiktha Branch-77 of Tawya TatU Monastery inAungsan, Insein Township, on 7 April.

A total of 1300 followers of Buddhism practisedmeditation at the seven-day camp. Altogether 2,250Buddhists attended meditation at the 110th ten-daycamp which will end on 13 to 22 April.

At the opening of the meditation camps, StateOvadacariya Abhidhaja Agga Maha SaddhammajotikaAgga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Nandavamsa of YwamaPariyati Monastery formally opened the meditationcamps and the Presiding Sayadaw of Mogok VipassanaDhamma Yeiktha Branch -77 delivered sermons to thedevotees.— H

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007 3

Tut\kun\Ns\S tiu;®mHc\.ÂkI N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S

A big decorated boat

cruises on the ancient

canal in Yangzhou,

east China’s Jiangsu

Province, on 18 April,

2007. — XINHUA

Kuwaiti TV presenter Halima Boland presentsher new programme called “Taratata” for Dubai

TV in Beirut on 18 April, 2007. — INTERNET

Britney Spears hasbecome addicted tobuying wigs, it has

been reported recently.INTERNET

Bollywood beauty Aishwarya Rai and her actor boyfriend Abhishek Bachchanare expected to tie the knot in a quiet series of ceremonies this week. — INTERNET

Cutting salt quarters heart risk

Woman gives birth to seven babies

Motorcycle blast in Moscowkills businessman

US shootings provokegun debate on campus

ALGIERS, 20 April—Algeria’s Health Ministrysays a woman has givenbirth to seven babies at apublic hospital in thecapital, Algiers.

Ministry spokesmanSlim Belkassem says themother gave birth to a boyand six girls on Wednes-day.

“The mother is in good

condition,” he said.“This shows the com-

petence of Algerian doc-tors and we are veryhappy about this event.”

According to the lat-est Guinness WorldRecords, there have beenthree known cases ofseven children survivingbirth: two in the UnitedStates and one in SaudiArabia.

The latest case was inDecember, 1998, when sixgirls and two boys wereborn, but the lightest,weighing 320 grams, dieda week later.—Internet

MOSCOW, 19 April —A Russian businessmanwas killed and four otherswere injured when an

explosive device fixed toa parked motorcycle wentoff in Moscow onWednesday, the pro-secutor general’s officesaid.

The explosion near theentrance to the office of afirm called Blagvest killedits director. Moscowprosecutors said in astatement they weretreating the case assuspected murder but didnot name the victim.

Blagvest declined tospeak about the incidentbut a website on Russiancompanies listed thefirm in the alcoholproduction and retailingsection.


BLACKSBURG (Virgi-nia), 19 April — Some ofthose affected by theVirginia Tech universityshootings were quick todirect their anger and griefnot just at the gunman whokilled 32 people, but alsoat the two weapons he used.

As students, theirparents, staff and localresidents struggled onWednesday to come togrips with the deadliest gunrampage in modern UShistory, some said theyhoped it might help controlAmerica’s constitutionallyprotected love affair withthe gun.

“I thought about it (guncontrol) when I saw theweapons, and how easy itis to buy those guns,” saidChris Keats, 58, of Salina,Kansas, who attended amemorial service in honourof the shooting victimswith her daughter, VirginiaTech student AshleighKeats, 21, on Tuesday.

John, a retired US AirForce officer and VirginiaTech graduate from

Blacksburg, who declinedto give his full name,lamented that Cho was ableto legally purchase and usethe easily concealedhandguns.

He said would notresent the campus deathsserving to fuel a push fortighter controls onhandguns. “I don’t mindthe political ends, if theyare good ends,” he said.


LONDON, 19 April—Eat-ing less salt can cut cardio-vascular disease risk by aquarter and fatal heart dis-ease by a fifth, workshows.

The ideal daily intake ofsalt is no more than sixgrams and ministers wanteveryone to achieve this by2010.

Experts already knowthat too much salt can raiseblood pressure and highblood pressure increasesthe risk of heart attack and

stroke.The British Medical

Journal study now gives theevidence behind this linkand quantifies how muchharm salt can do.

People who significantlycut back on the amount ofsalt in their diet reducedtheir chances of developingcardiovascular disease by25% over the following 10to 15 years.

And their risk of dyingfrom cardiovascular dis-ease went down by 20%.

All of the 3,126 peoplestudied by the US teamfrom Boston had had high-normal blood pressure, or“pre-hypertension”.

In the trials, participantsreduced their salt (sodium)intake by about 25% -35%, from about 10g toaround 7g. And those whocut back tended to stick toa lower salt diet in the longterm, the researchers fromBrigham and Women’sHospital found.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007

sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;

Iranian soldiers march during a military parade in Tehran, on 18 April, 2007.The military parade to commemorate National Army Day was held outside the

mausoleum of the late founder of Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini inTehran. — XINHUA

Celebrity couple Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopezlaunched a chain of European libel actions on

Tuesday against US magazine National Enquirerover drug scandal allegations. — INTERNET

BOGOTA, 19 April —Several thousand peoplewere evacuated after avolcano erupted insouthern Colombia,triggering an avalanchethat swelled rivers andthreatened local com-munities, authorities saidon Wednesday.

Tumbling waterscarrying trees, rocks andmud forced around 5,000people to leave theirhomes for safer ground inthe southern provinces ofHuila and Cauca, localand emergency officialssaid.

“In the municipalitiesand departments where theavalanche passed we haveno reports of any victims.We have some bridgesdown ... but people hadtime to evacuate,” CivilDefence official ColonelHector Riveros said.

The Nevado del HuilaVolcano erupted at thestart of the year after layingdormant for hundreds of

KUALA LUMPUR, 19April — MalaysianInstitute of EconomicResearch (MIER) hasrevised upwards itsforecast of the growth ofthe national economyfrom 5.2 per cent to 5.6per cent for this year,local Press reportedWednesday.

Recent developments

MOSCOW, 19 April—Two miners missing aftera gas blast at a Russiancolliery last month havebeen found, bringing thefinal death toll to 110,rescuers and the Russiancompany that owns themine said on Wednesday.

The explosion at theUlyanovskaya Mine in theKemerovo Region ofSiberia on 19 March wasRussia’s worst coal mining

RIO DE JANEIRO, 19April — Confrontationbetween gangs killed atleast 14 drug dealers in aslum in Rio de Janeiro onTuesday.

The police confirmedthat two other people, whodid not take part in theconfrontation, were hit inthe shootouts, and had tobe taken to a hospitaldowntown Rio. The busin which Jorge Henrique

Residents gather at the scene of Wednesday’s car bomb attack in Baghdad,

on 19 April, 2007. —INTERNET

Malaysian think tank revisesupward economy growth forecast

would have a positiveimpact on Malaysia’seconomic growth laterthis year, MIERExecutive DirectorMohamed Ariff AbdulKareem said at the launchof the think tank’seconomy outlook here.

“We are revising ourforecast slightly upwardsdue to positive factors —

relatively lower inflationrate, the increasingmomentum in theimplementation of theNinth Malaysia Plan(2006-2010) projects, thehigher investment appro-vals and the recent policyinitiatives to relax foreignexchange trading rules andscrap the real propertygains tax,” he was quotedas saying by the NewStraits Times.

The services andmanufacturing sectorswill be the main growthdrivers, expected to growby 6.3 per cent and 6.2 percent respectively, Moh-amed Ariff said Tuesday.

The growth estimate isstill below the officialtarget of 6 per cent,because MIER felt that theslowdown in the economyof the United States willhave a relatively greaternegative impact onMalaysia, said MohamedAriff.


Egyptian satellitelaunched from


Thousands evacuated as Colombian volcano eruptsyears.

An eruption of theNevado del Ruiz Volcanoin 1985 triggered

mudslides killing 25,000people in Colombia’sworst natural disaster.


Death toll from Russian mine blastsettles at 110disaster since the collapseof the Soviet Union in 1991.

News agencies quotedthe company, Yuzhkuz-bassugol, and rescuers assaying the two minerswould be buried onThursday.

On Monday, the statesafety watchdog said asystem designed toprevent miners workingin unsafe conditions wasknowingly switched off

before the blast in order toshow a lower methaneconcentration and preventa power shutdown in themine. The watchdog alsoexposed the plight ofRussian miners who arepaid a portion of theirwages at a flat rate, withthe greater part linked tooutput, and often facepressure to cut corners tomeet production targets.


Traffic war kills 14 in Rio de JaneiroCruz Santos travelled waspassing by when thepassenger was hit by a riflebullet.

According to thepolice, drug lords fromtwo other favelas, as Rio’sslums are called, decidedto invade the Morro daMineira, in the northernzone of the city, in orderto take over points of saleof drugs.

The Mineira is

currently ruled by the gangAmigos dos Amigos(Friends of the Friends),and the gang ComandoVermelho (Red Comm-ando) is trying to regaincontrol over the com-munity.

Some gangsters ranaway from the attackedslum and occupied acemetery in the Catumbineighbourhood.


CAIRO, 19 April — An Egyptian satellite, Egyptsat-1, was successfully launched from the BaikonurCosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Tuesday, the officialnews agency MENA reported.

Egyptsat-1 will be devoted to scientific researchand photography to support development in the fieldsof construction, cultivation and fighting desertification,said MENA.

The Egyptian satellite is one of the 14 foreignsatellites carried in one rocket launched by the RussianFederal Space Agency in the day, which also includeda satellite from Saudi Arabia.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007 5


A SamsungElectronics laptop

computer is displayedat a shop in Seoul on

14 July , 2006 filephoto. Microsoft Corp

and SamsungElectronics Co Ltdsaid on 19 April ,

2007 they have agreedto a broad technologypatent pact to develop

future products. INTERNET

Screengrab of News Corp’s MySpace social network plansto test a service on 19 April , 2007 that scours the Web for news stories and letsusers rate them, aiming to attract more advertisers to the Rupert Murdoch-controlled company. — INTERNET

Australian food prices will rise asrivers run dry

China, Pakistan to boosttwo-way trade, investment

Vietnam to foster fruit, vegetable export

BEIJING, 19 April —China and Pakistan hadcooperated fruitfully ineconomic and trade fields,Chinese Vice-PremierWu Yi told PakistanPrime Minister ShaukatAziz, who is on an officialvisit to China.

During ChinesePresident Hu Jintao's tripto Pakistan in Novemberlast year, the two countriessigned a free tradeagreement (FTA), whichis projected to triple theircurrent bilateral trade to15 billion US dollarswithin five years.

"Some of the agreed

projects had beenimplemented, and keyprojects, includingconstruction of the China-Pakistan Free Trade Areaand rebuilding of theKarakorum Highway, firstbuilt in the 1970s, wereprogressing smoothly,"

Wu said. Both countries would

push forward trade andinvestment, Wu said,voicing the hope thatPakistan could create afavourable environment forChinese companies opera-ting there.—MNA/Xinhua

MELBOURNE,20 April— Australian food priceswill rise, feeding infla-tion, after a decision tostop irrigating crops in thenation's main farming re-gion because of the worstdrought in a century,Treasurer Peter Costellosaid today.

Water flows into theMurray-Darling river sys-tem, Australia’s biggestinland waterway, are at arecord low and the gov-ernment said yesterdaythere’s likely only to beenough water for house-hold use.

“If there’s no irrigationin the Murray-DarlingBasin, the price of horti-culture will go up,”Costello said in an inter-view on Australian Broad-casting Corp radio inMelbourne. “The price ofall of the crops that nor-mally come out of theMurray-Darling Basinwill go up.”

The river system,which runs through fivestates and territories, sup-ports half the croppingland in the world’s third-largest wheat and dairyexporter and second-big-

gest beef shipper. Higherfood prices will feed in-flation, which the centralbank has said is likely tobe too high this year.

Prime Minister JohnHoward repeatedly saidfarmers won’t be able totake irrigation water outof the river system with-out “significant” rainfallin the next eight weeks.

Australia’s weatherforecaster predicts only a50 percent chance of av-erage rainfall over most ofthe country in the nextthree months.


HANOI, 19 April —Vietnam will intensifyinvestment in developingwell-performing farms,markets and companiesnationwide in a move togain fruit and vegetableexport revenues of 700

million US dollars in 2010and 1 billion dollars in 2015,up from 263 million dollarsin 2006.

State moneys will bepoured into upgrading andbuilding good farms,wholesales markets,

warehouses, and transportcentres in southern Ho ChiMinh City, central high-lands Lam Dong Provinceand northern Lao CaiProvince, local newspaperSaigon Liberation onWednesday quoted sourcesfrom the country's TradeMinistry as reporting.

State moneys will alsobe spent on assisting localenterprises in growing morespecialty fruits, includingmangosteen, dragon fruit,grapefruit, thick-skinnedoranges, mango, star apples,pineapple, litchi and durian,in certain localities, andhaving more advancedfreezing facilities, packingplants, special-use contai-ners and cleaning equip-ment.

Vietnam exported 71million dollars’ worth offruits and vegetables,mostly to China’s Main-land, Japan, Taiwan andSingapore in the first quarterof this year, a year-on-yearrise of 13.9 per cent.

Vietnam has eyed550,000 hectares ofvegetables, 750,000 he-ctares of orchards, and

10,000 hectares of flowersby 2010, which areestimated to annually turnout 9 million tons of fruits,11 million tons ofvegetables, and 3.5 billionof flower sprigs each year,according to the country'sMinistry of Agriculture andRural Development.


Angolan Private Oil companywins int’l bid in Brazil

LUANDA, 19 April — The Angolan Private OilSociety (SOMOIL) recently won an international tenderto participate in the research, development andproduction of oil and gas in Brazil, it is reported hereon Tuesday.

According to the report, SOMOIL holds 50 per centof the concession at Block BT-REC-18 in the RecocavoBasin in the Brazilian state of Bahia, with the BrazilianStarfish Oil & Gas Society as operator, which has anequal share of participation.

To abide by the contract, SOMOIL has alreadydisbursed 3 million US dollars to clear the debt frominitial expences paid by the Brazilian partner.


The picture taken on 19 April , 2007 shows a viewof the grand ceremony in memory of Huangdi, or

Yellow Emperor, who is believed to be the ancestorof all Han Chinese people at Xinzheng, the

hometown of Huangdi in central China’s HenanProvince. — XINHUA

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007

Vitamins are a group of substances that areessential for normal cell function, growth anddevelopment. Thirteen essential Vitamins are neededfor the body to function and they are grouped intotwo categories. Four Vitamins comprising VitaminA,D,F,K are fat-soluble and nine Vitamins consistingof Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin),Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Folate(folic acid), Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12(cyanocobalamine) and Vitamin C are water-soluble.While fat-soluble Vitamins are stored in the body’sfatty tissue, water-soluble Vitamins must be used bythe body right away. Any left over water-solubleVitamins leave the body through the urine. Sinceeach Vitamin has its own specific functions, healthproblems (deficiency diseases) can develop if thereis insufliciency of a particular Vitamin.

Vitamin D is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin,”since it is made by the body after being in the sun.This Vitamin promotes the body’s absorption ofcalcium, which is essential for the normaldevelopment and maintenance of healthy teeth, bonesand probably muscle activity. There are two types ofVitamin D. Vitamin D2 is found in plants andVitamin D3; or cholecalciferol is found in animalfoods. Vitamin D3 is the preferred Vitamin not onlybecause it is easily attained from food and humanskin, but also because it has a greater biologic activityand many biological benefits.Sunlight and Vitamin D

Humans can manufacture Vitamin D fromcholesterol by the action of sunlight on the skilland 10-15 minutes of sunshine three times perweek is enough to produce the body’s requirementof Vitamin D. Ultraviolet (UV) light, present in thesunlight, is divided into 3 bands, UV-C, UV-B andUV-A. UV-C is the most energetic and shortest ofthe UV bands, and can burn human skin rapidly evenin extremely small exposures. Fortunately, it iscompletely absorbed by the ozone layer. However,UV-C is present in some lights and fluorescent,halogen and other specialty lights may contribute toskin cancer. UV-A, known as the “tanning ray,” isprimarily responsible for darkening the pigment inour skin. UV-A is less energetic, but due to its longerwavelength UV-A penetrates more deeply into theskin.

The ultraviolet wavelength that stimulates ourbodies to produce Vitamin D is UV-B. It is alsocalled the “burning ray” because it is the primarycause of sunburn (erythema). However, UV-Binitiates beneficial responses, stimulating theproduction of Vitamin D that the body uses in manyimportant processes. Although UV-D causes sunburn,

Vitamin D for EverybodyProfessor Dr Paing Soe

it also causes special skin cells called melanocytes toproduce melanin, which is protective. UV-B alsostimulates the production of Melanocyte StimulatingHormone (MSH), an important hormone in weight lossand energy production.

The reason it is difficult to get adequate VitaminD from sunlight is that UV-B is present only duringmidday hours, and only sunning between 10 am to 2 pmduring summer months for 20-120 minutes will formadequate Vitamin D. It takes about 24 hours for UV-Bstimulated Vitamin D to show up as maximum levelsin the blood. Cholesterol-containing body oils arecritical to this absorption process. Because the bodyneeds 30-60 minutes to absorb these Vitamin-D-containing oils, it is best to delay showering orbathing for one hour after exposure. The currentsuggested exposure of hands, face and arms for10-20 minutes, three times a week, provides only200-400 IU of Vitamin D each time. Light skinnedpeople need 10-20 minutes of exposure while darkskinned people need 90-120 minutes.Vitamin D from food

As Vitamin D can be obtained from sunlight, foodcan also supply us with Vitamin D. Vitamin D-rich foodsincludes intestines, organ meats, skin and fat from pigs,cows, goats, sheep, shellfish (oysters), fish oil, milk anddairy products (fortified milk, cheese, cream, butter,margarine) and corn. Modern farm-raised fish like salmonare poor source of Vitamin D. Such fish must feed onphytoplankton and other fish in order to obtain and storesignificant Vitamin D in their fat, flesh, skin, and organs.

as kippers and herring. Often we are advised to consumethe egg white while Vitamin D is in the yolk or we eatthe flesh of the fish avoiding the Vitamin D containingskin, organs and fat. Sun avoidance combined withreduction in food sources contribute to escalatingVitamin D deficiencies. Vegetarian and vegan dietsare exceptionally poor or completely lacking in VitaminD and using food as one’s primary source of D isdifficult to impossible.Miracles of Vitamin D

Vitamin D and sunlight are critical to all lifeforms. The principal function of Vitamin D is topromote calcium absorption in the gut and calciumtransfer across cell membranes, thus contributingto strong bones and a calm, contented nervoussystem. It aids in the absorption of magnesium, iron andzinc. Vitamin D controls the levels of calcium in theblood. Vitamin D also contributes to a healthy immunesystem, promotes muscle strength, regulates thematuration process and contributed to hormoneproduction. During the last ten years, excitingdiscoveries have been made about Vitamin D. In the body, proteins, carbohydrates, and fatscombine with other substances to yield energy andbuild tissues and at the same time leads to the formationof harmful chemical compounds such as free radicals.Free radicals are not the cause of diseases, but theycontribute to the tissue damages that cause cardiovasculardiseases, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, senility andcataract. Vitamin D is found to be an even moreeffective antioxidant than Vitamin E in reducinglipid peroxidation and increasing enzymes that protectagainst oxidation. Through neutralizing free radicals,it protects us against these serious and chronicdiseases, which affect a large number of people.Vitamin D and the right kinds of fats

The assimilation and utilization of Vitamin D isinfluenced by the kinds of fats we consume. Increasinglevels of both polyunsaturated and monounsaturatedfatty acids in the diet decrease Vitamin D while saturatedfats, the kind found in butter, cream and coconut oil,have the opposite effect. Dramatic change fromtraditional diets with varying amounts of saturated fatsto increase intake of polyunsaturated (vegetable oils)and monounsaturated oils (olive oil and canola oil) anddecreased intake of saturated fats over the past 100years had contributed to the current widespread VitaminD deficiency.Vitamin D and Calcium

The presence of plentiful amounts of fat-solubleVitamin A and D in the diet, along with calcium,phosphorus and other minerals are important. If there isnot enough calcium in the diet, it will be drawn from thebone. High levels of Vitamin D (from diet or fromsunlight) will actually dematerialize the bones ifsufficient calcium is not present. Vitamin D will alsoenhance uptake of toxic metals like lead, cadmium,aluminum and strontium if calcium, magnesium andphosphorus is not present in adequate amount. Therefore,Vitamin D supplementation should never besuggested unless calcium intake is sufficient orsupplemented at the same time.Vitamin D and health

Because of the effects mentioned above, VitaminD is critical for health as well as for protectionagainst diseases including various types of cancers,

(See page 7)

Best food sources for Vitamin D

No. Food Amount D Content

1. Cod liver oil 1 tablespoon 1,360 IU*2. Salmon, cooked 7 tickles 360 IU3. Tuna, canned in oil 5 tickles 200 IU4. Sardines, canned in

oil, drained 5 tickles 250 IU5. Milk 1 cup 98 IU6. Egg 1 egg 24 IU7. Pork, chicken, lamb

(liver/organs) 7 tickles 15-20 IU8. Pork (fat) 7 tickles 2,800 IU9. Squid 7 tickles 172 IU

10. Butter 5 tickles 56 IU

Daily requirementsAge 5-50 years - 200 IUAge 51-70 years - 400 IUAge 71 and above - 600 IU

Modern diets usually do not provide adequateamounts of Vitamin D partly because of the trend to lowfat foods and partly because we no longer eat Vitamin D-rich foods like naturally reared poultry and fatty fish such

The assimilation and utilization of Vitamin D is influenced by the kindsof fats we consume. Increasing levels of both polyunsaturated andmonounsaturated fatty acids in the diet decrease Vitamin D while saturatedfats, the kind found in butter, cream and coconut oil, have the opposite effect.Dramatic change from traditional diets with varying amounts of saturatedfats to increase intake of polyunsaturated (vegetable oils) and monounsaturatedoils (olive oil and canola oil) and decreased intake of saturated fats over the past100 years had contributed to the current widespread Vitamin D deficiency.

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Vitamin D for Everybody(from page 6)

heart diseases, hypertension, obesity, arthritis,osteoporosis, diabetes and diseases of the mouth,teeth and gums. Cancer of the breast, lungs, prostate,kidney, bladder, mouth, stomach and esophagus,cervix, ovary and uterus, gall bladder and pancreas,blood and large intestines has been found to beassociated with deficiency of Vitamin D.

Research suggests that low levels of Vitamin Dmay contribute to diabetes and heart disease.Vitamin D is responsible for carrying calcium to the“right location” and protecting cells from damage byfree calcium. Thus, high dietary levels of calcium,with insufficient Vitamin D may contribute tocalcification of the arteries, atherosclerosis,cardiovascular disease and sudden deaths fromheart attack.

Recent research indicates that older peoplewith a good regular supply of Vitamin D andcalcium may be less likely to suffer fractures due tobrittle or thinning bones. Older people shouldtherefore try to eat more foods rich in Vitamin D.Vitamin D deficiency

Low Vitamin D is associated, not only withcancer, heart diseases and hypertension, but alsowith autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis

and rheumatoid arthritis. Research has shown thatsupplements of Vitamin D can lower levels of C-reactive protein responsible for heart diseases, andtogether with calcium, can reduce blood pressure. As afew minutes of UV-B exposure, three times a week for6 weeks lowered the blood pressure, giving 1,600 IU ofD and 800 mg of calcium for 8 weeks also lowered theblood pressure. In addition, giving Vitamin D 400 IUdaily to 187,563 nurses showed a 40% lower risk ofdeveloping multiple sclerosis. Research also showedthat giving Vitamin D for 11 years to approximately30,000 women, aged 55-60 years, lowered the incidenceof rheumatoid arthritis. Children who took 2,000 IU ofVitamin D daily showed an 80% lower risk of developingdiabetes in the future years. It was also found that youngadults with high levels of Vitamin D were 20% lesslikely to experience gum bleeding.Excessive Vitamin D and toxicity

Under normal circumstances, once the skinabsorbs enough UV-B rays from the sun to makeVitamin D, the conversion process stops automatically.However, too much Vitamin D can cause weakness,loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and constipation.Excessive Vitamin D can also dangerously elevatecalcium levels causing confusion and bizarrebehavior.

With the world becoming more civilized, moreand more people are becoming ignorant of the naturalwholesome foods and supplements derived fromnatural sources. Modern diets usually do not provideadequate amounts of Vitamin D, partly because ofthe trend to low fat foods and partly because we nolonger eat Vitamin D-rich foods like naturallyreared poultry and fatty fish. We are often advisedto consume the egg white while the Vitamin D is in theyolk and we eat the flesh of the fish avoiding theVitamin D containing skin, organs and fat. The modernfarm-raised fishes, unless artificially supplemented,are poor sources of essential nutrients. Modern-dayliving with air conditioning and sun avoidancecombined with reduction in food sources contributeto escalating Vitamin D deficiencies.

In conclusion, we should be aware that themiracle Vitamin D not only protects us from life-threatening diseases like cancers, heart diseases,hypertension and diabetes but also allows our bodyand mind to thrive, even during periods of stress,providing health and longevity of life. So let us takethe first step towards redressing some of the ills ofcivilized life by adding sunlight to our daily livesfrom childhood and through the golden years ofold age.

The 35th Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva opens in Geneva, Switzerland, April18, 2007. More than 700 inventors and exhibitors from 42 countries presentedtheir latest products at the World's largest exhibition dedicated to innovation in

the world. — INTERNET

China, Japan launch charter flights

Canton fair offers free booths toAfrican countries

Etihad Airways eyes narrow-body aircraftfor short-flights

BEIJING, 20 April — All NipponAirways (ANA), Japan’s second biggestairline, is to operate charter flights betweenChinese and Japanese cities from Augustto November when the two countriesmark a diplomatic milestone.

“Visiting groups of tourists andbusiness people can order this service asthis year could see more exchangeactivities between the two countries,” saidOhashi Yoji, chairman of ANA.

To mark the 35th anniversary ofthe normalization of diplomatic tiesbetween China and Japan, China and Japanplan to hold cultural and sports exchangeactivities this year, including marathonsin Beijing and Dalian, a coastal city innortheast China.

“The number of charter flights are

under governmental discussion,” he said. ANA figures show the number of peopleflying between China and Japan isincreasing at an almost double-digit rateeach year. The number last year totaled 4.5million.

During Chinese Premier WenJiabao’s visit to Japan from 11 to 13 April,the two governments agreed to allow flightsbetween Tokyo’s Haneda Airport andShanghai’s Hongqiao Airport.

ANA, which began flying to Chinain 1,987, has 20 flights from Japan to 10Chinese cities, including Beijing,Shanghai and Hong Kong. The numberof Chinese taking ANA flights reached1.36 million in 2006, a 13-fold increaseover 20 years.


ABU DHABI, 20 April— Etihad Airways of theUnited Arab Emirates(UAE) is reviewing singleaisle narrow-body aircraftfor its short-haul flights,local newspaper KhaleejTimes reported onWednesday.

The Abu Dhabi-basedcarrier is reviewing theAirbus A320 and the Boeing737 which are widely usedaround the world for short-haul flights of up to threehours, the report said.

“The expansion tonarrow-body aircraft will

be beneficial on ourregional network becausethey will enable us to offergreater frequencies andimproved timing,” Etihad’sCEO James Hogan wasquoted as saying.

“It will also enableEtihad to devote our widebody aircraft fleet to ourlong-haul services to Asia,Europe, North America andSouth Africa,” he added. More than half of Etihad’sinternational flightnetwork, which includesdestinations in the Levant,Middle East, North Africa

and the Asian subcontinent,could be served by short-haul aircraft.

Currently all ofEtihad's 25 aircraft, whichincludes 11 Airbus A330-200s, five Boeing 777-300sand four Airbus A340-500s,are wide-body.

Established in July2003, Etihad launched itsfirst flight on 6 November,2003. It is capitalized at500 million dirhams (136million US dollars) and allits shares are owned by thegovernment.


GUANGZHOU, 20 April— Business representativesfrom the four Africancountries of Tanzania,Uganda, Zambia and Malihave been given free boothsat China’s largest trade fair— the Canton Fair — in anattempt to promote China-Africa trade relations.

“Apart from invitingAfrican businessrepresentatives to the fair,we will also launchpromotional campaigns tohelp African products enterthe Chinese market,” said

Xu Bing, deputy secretarygeneral of the fair.

It is the first time the50-year-old Canton Fair,now formally known as the“China Import and ExportCommodities Fair”, hasfeatured an import section.

In recent years, China’simports from Africancountries have increaseddramatically due to a hugerise in oil imports. In late2003, it also removed tariffson 190 commoditiesimported from the 25 mostundeveloped African

countries, such as Tanzania,Zambia and Mali.

At the China-AfricaCooperation Forum lastyear, China announced that442 commodities fromAfrica would be exemptfrom tariffs, coveringalmost all the productsexported to China.

Last year, Chinaexported 26.7 billion USdollars worth ofcommodities to Africa andimported 28.8 billion USdollars worth of products.


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007

(from page 16)Managing Director Dr

San Oo of Myanma Elec-tric Power Enterprise alsopresented reports on sup-ply of electricity for en-suring sufficient powersupply of YadanabonMyothit.

Senior General ThanShwe heard reports on sup-ply of drinking water andpower, and construction ofbuildings. He gave guid-ance on systematic con-struction of the new town inline with the layout plan.

After greeting localand foreign IT technicians,the Senior General viewedthe Yadanabon MyothitProject area. Next, theyinspected the main build-ing of Tele-Port, construc-tion of Incubation Build-ing and constructionprogress of a concreteroad.

Afterwards, they pro-ceeded to PharmaceuticalFactory (PyinOoLwin) ofMyanma PharmaceuticalEnterprise under the

Senior General Than Shweinspects…

Ministry of Industry-1.At the hall, Minister

for Industry-1 U AungThaung briefed the Sen-ior General on implemen-tation of the factoryproject, installation ofmodern machinery, ar-rangements for manufac-turing tablets, capsules,syrups, medicine pow-ders, lotions, injection andvaccines, and implemen-tation of the guidance ofthe Head of State duringhis inspection tour of theproject site in December2004.

Factory Manager DrMyint Sein reported onitems of pharmaceuticalto be manufactured at thefactory and their quality.

In response to the re-ports, the Senior Generalgave guidance, underscor-ing quality control of themedicines. Responsiblepersons are to assess theeffectiveness and side ef-fects of the pharmaceuti-cals and coordinate regu-larly for winning the reli-

ance of the people.He called for soonest

production of potent medi-cines through own meth-ods for common dis-eases—malaria, TB, dia-betes, hypertension, dys-entery and diarrhoea.

The PharmaceuticalsFactory (PyinOoLwin)has launched its produc-tion line since March2005. The installation ofmachines in the factorywill be completed in May2007. Then it will launchits production line of 213kinds of tablets, capsules,injection, intravenousfluids, syrup, lotions andpowders.

In the afternoon, theSenior General visited theDepartment of MedicalResearch (UpperMyanmar). Minister DrKyaw Myint reported onresearch work being car-ried out to put the guid-ance the Senior General

had given during his pre-vious inspection tour ofthe department into action.

In his guidance, theSenior General said thethree sectors—educativetalks, prevention and treat-ment—are to be imple-mented harmoniously.

Medical researchplays an important role inthe health care, so the gov-ernment has establishedanother medical researchdepartment so that re-search is done effectivelynot only in Yangon butalso in upper Myanmar,he said.

The work of medicalresearch covers two func-tions. The first is to applyadvanced medical sciencein conformity with theconditions of the nation

NAY PYI TAW, 20April—Minister forElectric Power No (2)Maj-Gen Khin MaungMyint attended a stake-driving ceremony forconstruction of a mainelectric power station(230/33/11) KV 100 MVAhere on 19 April morning.

The project will beundertaken by theMyanma Electric PowerEnterprise (Central).

The minister andofficials drove the stakesat the designated places.

He instructed officials

Stakes driven forbuilding power station

in Nay Pyi Tawto complete the project asschedule meeting the setstandards. Director U TinAung of the ElectricPower Supply Project(Central) U Tin Aung gavean account of the project.The minister gaveinstructions.

The minister alsoinspected the site chonsenfor building Shwemyo(230) KV main powerstation in TatkonTownship and gaveinstructions on landpreparations.


within the reach of thepublic. So, sustained ef-forts are to be made toachieve a higher level atwhich the entire peoplecan afford the medicines.

It is perceived that thenations that can do re-search effectively are en-joying development.

cials and experts of themedical research depart-ments are to work harderin doing research, heurged.

Director-General ofthe department Dr TheinTun reported on the re-quirements of medicalequipment necessary for

The Pharmaceuticals Fac-tory (PyinOoLwin) haslaunched its production linesince March 2005. The instal-lation of machines in the fac-tory will be completed in May2007.

Senior General Than Shwe inspects construction of YadanabonMyothit. — MNA

Medical research plays animportant role in the healthcare, so the government hasestablished another medicalresearch department so thatresearch is done effectivelynot only in Yangon but also inupper Myanmar.

through the study of west-ern medical science andmedicines while keepingabreast of other nations inthis regard, and then tomake another step ofmanufacturing such kindsof medicines.

The other is to carryout medical research un-der different geographi-cal features and climate ofthe nation to produce moreeffective medicines withthe use of various speciesof herbal plants that natu-rally grow in various partsof the country, he added.

Myanmar is blessedwith favourable climate,so research is to be con-ducted on a wide range ofspecies of herbal plantsfor production of newkinds of medicines in theinterests of the people.

The health standard ofthe nation will get higheronly if medicines are dis-tributed on a large scale

The government hascreated opportunities foreffective medical re-search. Therefore, offi-

research. Senior GeneralThan Shwe fulfilled therequirements.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007 9

(from page 16)to extension of summer paddy cultivation on 480 acresof farmlands in the villages of the township.

At No 36 Tractor Station, they viewed thrivingphysic nut nursery of Kawhmu Township.

Afterwards, they attended the ceremony to launchthe tube-well sunk with the cash donation of YangonDivision PDC at Myothit Ward of Kawhmu Town-ship. Lt-Ge Myint Swe, the commander and the mayorformally opened the tube-well.

On the occasion, the commander delivered anaddress. He said that as more than half of the popula-tion of the country live in the rural areas, priority isbeing given to public health care service. In addition,five rural development tasks are being undertaken inbuilding a peaceful, modern and developed nation. Itcan be witnessed that the ministry concerned is carry-ing out water supply tasks in various parts of the nationin cooperation with local authorities and people.

In Kungyangon Township, local people enjoyfruits of water supply with their contribution K 250million. The Division PDC thus provided more than K20.3 million to the funds of the people in implementingthe water supply plan in Kawhmu Township. In doingso, priority was given to sinking four tube-wells of theplan. Therefore, local people are to participate incarrying out the complete water supply task.

The commander handed over documents relatedto the water supply task to Deputy Director U KhinMaung Hsan of Yangon Division Development Af-fairs Committee.

After the ceremony, Lt-Gen Myint Swe viewedsupply of water to the people free of charge at thetubewells.

These four tube-wells were sunk in Myothit,Pyidawtha, Taungpaing and Phayalan wards ofKawhmu, spending K 3,245,000.

At Kawhmu Township USDA Office, they viewedpumping of water from the 2-acre lake to the water tankof the USDA Office and then supply of water to thepeople.

Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party went to HtanmanaingVillage in Kawhmu Township and attended a cer-emony to hand over a new school building constructedwith the contribution of Yangon Division USDA andto inaugurate four bridges in the township.

Speaking on the occasion, Lt-Gen Myint Swesaid as part of an effort to implement tasks of the

Lt-Gen Myint Sweinspects…

social and economic objectives of the State, the newbuilding and four bridges were constructed in thetownship. Local authorities, departments, social or-ganizations and local people are working togetherfor equitable development of the regions, preva-lence of peace and tranquillity, economic develop-ment and improvement of the education standard inthe regions. Meanwhile, the government has beenimplementing the five rural area development tasksto improve the transportation, the education stand-ard, the providing of health care services and thesocio-economic life of rural people. Better transpor-tation plays a major role in implementing the devel-opment tasks. Roads linking villages, village-tractsand towns are also under construction and some arebeing upgraded in Yangon Division. The four bridgeswhich are constructed at a cost of K 4 million areinaugurated today.

The new school building was constructed at a costof K 20 million funded by Yangon Division USDA.Buildings, stationery, teaching aids and teachers arerequirements to improve the education standard.Yangon Division Education Committee has constructedand renovated school buildings with the contributionof wellwishers. The ceremony to hand over the newschool building and to inaugurate the four bridges borewitness to the achievement of the social organizationsand residents. The construction of school buildings isa noble task which can result in improving the educa-

tion standard of new generation youths.In his concluding remarks, Lt-Gen Myint Swe

urged locals to maintain the bridges and school build-ings and to put more efforts in the agriculture in theregion so that they can enjoy a higher socio-economicstandard.

Next, Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin explainedthe purpose of construction of the new building.

After that, he handed over documents related tothe new building to Director U Tin Hla of No 3 BasicEducation Department.

Later, Chairman of Yangon South District Peaceand Development Council U Zaw Min briefed onconstruction of the four bridges.

Secretary of Yangon Division PDC U Hla Soehanded over documents related to the four bridges tothe deputy director of Yangon Division DevelopmentCommittee.

Next, a townselder spoke words of thanks, andthe ceremony came to an end.

Afterwards, Lt-Gen Myint Swe looked into thenew building that was built with the contributions ofYangon Division USDA.

Next, Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party arrived atMawun village in Kawhmu Township and attended theopening of the four bridges.

Later, Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party inspected thebridges.

See page (10)

Lt-Gen Myint Swe inspects a new tube-well in Kawhmu Township. — MNA

Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party inspect construction of an earth road near Hlinethaya-Twantay Road. — MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007

(from page 9)On arrival at Wabalaukthauk Village in KawhmuTownship, Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party attended theopening of Wabalaukthauk Model Village.

USDA CEC member Mayor Brig-Gen AungThein Lin formally opened the model village by cut-ting a ribbon.

Next, Commander Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win un-veiled the signboard of the model village.

Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party proceeded to theStation Hospital in Wabalaukthauk Village wherethey were conducted round by Medical Superintend-ent Dr Maw Maw Aung.

After that, Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party pre-sented cash assistance for warded patients. After in-specting the hospiatl, Lt-Gen Myint Swe gave nec-essary instructions to officials.

On arrival at Lawka Pyadin library of the vil-lage, Lt-Gen Myint Swe gave necessary instructionsand attended to the needs.

At 2 pm, Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party at-tended the ceremony to mark the opening ofWabalaukthauk Model Village. Chairman ofKawhmu Township PDC U Myint Swe explainedthe purpose of the opening of the model village.

Next, Commander Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win madea speech. He said that Wabalaukthauk Village inKawhmu township was named the model village asit had possessed 15 characteristics of a model vil-lage. The commander said he appreciated the effortsof authorities concerned and local people to buildthe model village.

Wabalaukthauk Village has 680 houses, 708households, and 4,120 people. There are a total of2,477 acres of monsoon paddy and 17 acres of win-ter crops on 2,494 acres of farmland. He added theState has been encouraging the agricultural sectorand providing more and more agricultural machin-ery and accessories for the local farmers in order totransform manual farming into mechanized farming.It is also necessary for the village to upgrade itselfinto a physic nut model village. By growing physicnut plants in all vacant land and in the compoundsof the village houses, diesel can be substituted with

Lt-Gen Myint Sweinspects…

bio-diesel derived from physic nut for the operationof farm machinery. Besides, farmers can earn moreincome, he noted.

The village that can produce enough physic nutoil for its local consumption will be named a physicnut model village. Moreover, every house is to en-gage in agricultural undertakings and livestock breed-ing on a manageable scale. Only then will they earnmore income.

In conclusion, the commander saidWabalaukthauk Village should also be honoured forits improvement of economic, social, health and edu-cation sectors and all the local people are urged tomake more efforts for sustainable development oftheir village.

After that, Lt-Gen Myint Swe presented booksand publications for the library to the Chairman ofthe Village Peace and Development Council.

Later, Commander Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win pre-sented K 1 million for the hospital and U Tin AungK 340,000 donated by well-wishers to the medicalsuperintendent.

Next, the director of Ahthit Farm EquipmentProducing and Trading Co presented a computer setfor Wabalaukthauk Basic Education High School.

Fire destroys 16 housesin Yangon, Sagaing,

Magway DivsYANGON, 20 April — A total of 6 people were ren-

dered homeless and two injured in the outbreak of fireat Dana Theikhti street in Phawkan ward, Insein Town-ship, Yangon Division on 15 April.

A fire that broke out in Kwatkwin village tract inMyinmu, Sagaing Division on 17 April destroyed eighthouses.

Likewise, seven houses were gutted by the firethat broke out in Thawuthti village of Inma village-tract in Sinbaungwe Township, Magway Division on18 April.


Member of the Township Women’s Affairs Or-ganization Daw Aye Myint accepted 150 member-ship applications while Secretary of Yangon Divi-sion Maternal and Child Welfare Supervisory Com-mittee Dr U Hla Myint accepted 200 membershipapplications, and the ceremony ended.

Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party left there in theevening.


Lt-Gen Myint Swe inspects physic nut nursery plantation in Kawhmu Township.—MNA

(from page 16)village, U Po Ngo and U Nyein Maung of Khanaungvillage, U Hla Oo and U San Win of Kanigyi vil-lage, U Thaw, U Hla Yi and U Kyaw Moe of SeinHaing village, U Tin Maung Win of Bogalay and UHla Kyi and U Tat Toe of Thuza village resignedfrom the NLD party of their own accord on 22March.

They had sent their resignation letters to theNLD headquarters and local authorities con-cerned.

In their letters sent to Bogalay Township Multi-party Democracy General Election Sub-commis-sion, they said the NLD’s acts leading to confronta-tion that will harm the State and the people. There-fore, they were disappointed by the acts of the partyand distrusted the party and its leaders.


NLD’s acts leading to confrontation …

Around 100 Canadian seal huntingboats trapped in ice

OTTAWA, 20 April — Around 100 small boats carrying seal hunters were trapped by thick ice offCanada’s Atlantic coast on Wednesday and at least one crew had to abandon ship, the Coast Guard said.

The boats were caught in the ice, and face damageor even sinking, as crews hunted the young seals off the

northeast coast of Newfoundland, where most of theannual hunt takes place.

Reduced ice conditions further to the south meantthis year’s total quota had been cut back to 270,000seals from 335,000 in 2006.

The seals use the normally widespread ice floes inthe Gulf of St Lawrence and in the Atlantic Ocean togive birth to their young.

“Conditions have deteriorated over the last fewdays as a result of the wind pressing the ice floes intothe land,” Canadian Coast Guard Captain WindrossBanton told CBC television from an icebreaker tryingto make its way to the stranded vessels, which includedone from the Coast Guard.


Fire prevention iscompulsory

Prevent outbreaksof fire

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007 11

BEIJING,19 April —Chinese Defence MinisterCao Gangchuan held talkswith his German counter-part Franz Josef Jung hereon Wednesday, agreeingto further develop rela-tions between the twoArmed forces.

“The relationship hascontinuously deepenedwith the smooth develop-ment of relations betweenthe two countries,” saidCao, also vice-chairmanof the Central MilitaryCommission and statecouncillor.

President Hu Jintao (R2) meets with outstanding Chinese modern dramapractitioners in Beijing, on 18 April , 2007—XINHUA

BEIJING,19 April—Internet search giantGoogle rolls out a newversion of SpreadsheetsThursday with chartingand a few other worth-while features afteryestereday’s news aboutan upcoming Googlepresentation app, accor-ding to media reports.

The free Web-basedapp is still more of aSpreadsheet Jr than a full-bodied Excel rival, but it’sbecoming more and moreplausible as a real pro-ductivity tool, especiallyif collaboration isinvolved.

The charting featuresare pretty basic, butextremely easy to use ówhich is a welcomechange from Excel’s farricher equivalents, which(up until Excel 2007, atleast) have beenmaddeningly user-hostile.

Here are the new

Cruise ship AIDAdiva arrives at Hamburg harbour, on 18 April, 2007.INTERNET

Chinese, Germany DefenceMinisters hold talks in Beijing

Cao said the twoArmed Forces main-tained high-level ex-changes, and exchangeand dialogue mechani-smsare functioning well.

Jung said he thought itwas important to developrelations be-tween the two ArmedForces and Germany waswilling to work with Chinato promote ex-changes andcooperation.

Jung said Germanysupported the one-Chinapolicy and hoped to see apeaceful settlement of the

Taiwan issue. The two also touched

on international issues,including the Six-PartyTalks on the KoreanPeninsula nuclear issue,the Iran nuclear issue andthe Darfur issue,according to the ChineseDefence Ministry.

Jung met with ChineseVice-President ZengQinghong and Chief ofGeneral Staff of theChinese People’s Liber-ation Army LiangGuanglie before meetingCao. — MNA/Xinhua

Google Spreadsheet gets charts, finally

spreadsheet featurestouted by a Googlesoftware engineer:

Named ranges: youcan define a name for arange of cells, and usethis name in formulas torefer to cells, for examplewrite sum-(expenses)instead of sum(c12:e17).

This helps makecalculation logic clearer towrite and understand.

Cell comments: At-tach comments to

individual cells, great foradditional information orfor collaboration on asingle cell.

Bi-directional text: Theability to properly viewand edit text in right-to-left languages likeHebrew.

A quick way to dupli-cate a sheet.

A new right-clickoption to search the webfor the text in a cell.


MIAMI, 19 April—Anexplosion set fire to aMiami house being usedto grow marijuana hydro-ponically on Wednesdayand the force of the blastsent the occupant flyinginto the yard, police said.

The man, identified bypolice as Edel Mesa, 40,was badly burned on thechest, arms and legs andwas in critical condition ata trauma hospital, investi-gators said.

“The house was prettymuch destroyed,” saidMiami-Dade Police Dete-ctive Carlos Maura.

Firefighters extingui-shed the flames and calledpolice, who seized morethan 40 marijuana plantsfrom the home, police said.

Arson investigatorswere trying to determinethe cause of the explosion,

MEXICO CITY, 19 April— An unknown assailanttossed a grenade into theoffices of a northernMexican newspaper a dayafter gunmen snatched areporter from a nearby city,part of a campaign againstthe media by drug gangs.

The grenade explodedinside the offices ofCambio newspaper in thenorthern city of Her-mosillo on Tuesday night,breaking windows andstartling reporters.

Nobody was injured,newspaper director Ro-berto Gutierrez told

Newspaper in Mexico drug war hotspothit by grenade

Reuters. The attack came a day

after gunmen in the city ofAgua Prieta on the USborder, which is in thesame state of Sonora asHermosillo, snatched acrime reporter investi-gating the country’sbloody war between rivaldrug cartels.

Gutierrez said Cambiohad long stopped investi-gating drug trafficking toprotect its staff but saidthe grenade attack waslikely meant as a messageto President FelipeCalderon, who is using

thousands of troops towage an attack on thecartels.

“This is a response tothe federal government’sdecision to wage an all-out war against drug-traffickers,” he said.

Mexican journalistsreporting on drug gangsare often targeted bytraffickers, but attacks onthe media appear to bemounting as Calderoncracks down on a bloodywar between cartels thathas killed more than 600people this year.


DETROIT, 19 April — Two men from the Detroitarea have been charged with spying for executed Iraqleader Saddam Hussein’s intelligence service,according to federal court documents.

Najib Shemami and Ghazi Al-Awadi were indictedfor giving the former government information aboutits enemies in the United States, and were freed on10,000-US-dollar bonds each after appearing in USDistrict Court in Detroit on Tuesday.

The documents also said Al-Awadi told the IraqiIntelligence Service in 1997 that he killed his son-in-law, who belonged to an anti-Hussein political party.

“Espionage is a federal crime that strikes at theheart of the nation’s security,” US Attorney StephenMurphy said. “We are fortunate that, in this case, thehostile foreign government no longer exists, but thealleged crime — and the threat it represented — isnonetheless grave.”— MNA/Reuters

Marijuana lab explosion injures Miami manbut police said the manmay have been usingpropane gas near the high-intensity lamps used togrow the plants indoors.

Police said Mesa wasnot immediately chargedwith a crime because ofhis injuries.


Two Detroit men chargedas Iraqi spies

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007


Serbia, China agree to boostagricultural cooperation

BELGRADE, 19 April— Serbia and China agreed on Wednesday to boostagricultural cooperation by signing an agreement in the area of agricultureand a protocol on phytosanitary conditions for wheat export.

The agreement ongrain exports to the marketof China is a great exportopportunity for Serbia and

Serbian institutes areprovided with thepossibility to export seedgrain to China as the most

populated country of theworld, said DaniloGolubovic, state secretarywith the SerbianAgriculture Ministry.

“The opening of anymarket to exports is a greatsuccess for our country,”Golubovic said in astatement after the signingceremony.

The Maize Institute ofZemun and the Instituteof Plant and VegetableCrops of Novi Sad couldbe the most successfulexporters in the first stage,as they have provenquality genetic seed grainmaterial, and they caneasily conquer this marketwith what is for China asmall quantity of products,Golubovic said.

The agreement and theprotocol were signed inthe presence of SerbianPrime Minister VojislavKostunica and ChinaVice-Premier HuiLiangyu, who arrived inBelgrade on Tuesday uponthe invitation of theSerbian Government.

On Wednesday, Serbiaand China also signed anagreement on humanresources cooperation anda protocol on handover ofcomputers and officeequipment donated byChina to Serbia.


Oil slips as USgasoline fears ease

LONDON, 19 April— Crude oil prices slipped onWednesday after a US Government report showedoil refineries were boosting production to meetdemand for gasoline ahead of the peak summerseason.

Fears of a gasoline supply crunch in the world’sbiggest oil consumer had underpinned a sharp rallyin oil prices in recent weeks, after heavy refineryrepairs shaved more than 12 per cent off USinventories since early February.

London Brent crude was down 22 cents to 65.71US dollars a barrel by 1700 GMT after a fall of 1.32US dollars on Tuesday. Brent has lost around 5 percent in three days, also dragged lower on news thatNigeria plans to restart some oilfields shut by attacks.

US crude was down 1 cent at 63.09 US dollarsafter losing 51 cents on Tuesday. Brent’s faster drophas narrowed its premium over US crude, currentlyseen as a less reliable guide to world prices becauseof swollen stocks at its delivery hub. —MNA/Reuters

Two more teens arrestedover schoolboy stabbing

LONDON, 19 April—Two more teenagers werearrested on Tuesday inconnection with themurder of Paul Erhahon,the 14-year-old stabbed todeath near his home in eastLondon, police said.

The pair, aged 15 and18, are being questionedat an east London policestation.

Erhahon was stabbed todeath near a block of flatsin Leytonstone on 6 April, the latest teenage victimin a series of shootings

and stabbings in London. His 15-year-old friend

was seriously hurt in theattack.

Erhahon’s murder cameless than a month after thefatal stabbings of AdamRegis, 15, in east Londonand Kodjo Yenga in thewest of the capital.

In February, threeteenagers were shot dead inseparate incidents in southLondon. Prime MinisterTony Blair said the murderswere “tragic beyondbelief”.—MNA/Reuters

Massacre sparks foreign criticism ofUS gun culture

Brown bear Mia walks with her cubs Molly, Mette and Maja through theirenclosure at the animal park in Poing near Munich, on 19 April, 2007.—INTERNET

SYDNEY, 19 April—Foreign politicians andmedia attacked America’s“gun culture” on Tuesdayafter a gunman killed 32people in the country’sworst shooting rampage.

Prime Minister JohnHoward said toughAustralian legislationintroduced after a massshooting in Tasmania in1996 had prevented the USgun culture emerging in hiscountry.

The Australianssubsequently imposed laws

banning almost all types ofsemi-automatic weapons.

“We showed a nationalresolve that the gun culturethat is such a negative in theUnited States would neverbecome a negative in ourcountry,” said Howard,extending sympathies to thefamilies of the victims atVirginia Tech University.

The attacker killedhimself in a classroom afteropening fire on students andstaff in an apparentlypremeditated massacre onMonday morning.

The gunman was anAsian male who was astudent at the university anda dormitory resident,Virginia Tech PresidentCharles Steger told CNN.His name was not released.

British Prime MinisterTony Blair and GermanChancellor Angela Merkelalso expressed theirsympathies. Iran, atloggerheads with the UnitedStates over its nuclearprogramme, spoke outagainst the killings.


Indonesia calls on ASEAN countriesto complement each other

JAKARTA, 19 April— ASEAN’s dream of bringing prosperity to its peoplecan only come true if its 10 members can complement each other throughmutual cooperation based on their respective strengths and capabilities,Indonesian Vice-President Jusuf Kalla said here on Wednesday.

Speaking beforeopening the 4thAssociation of South-EastAsian Nations (ASEAN)Leadership Forum, Kallasaid that looking at thedifferent stages ofdevelopment andcomparative advantagesof ASEAN members,countries could do moreto complement each other.

“We have a dream thatASEAN will be a bettercommunity and bringwelfare to its people byembarking on more

cooperation. However, wehave different resourcesand capabilities, he toldthe forum participants,including ASEAN busi-nesspeople, NGOs repre-sentatives and officials.

The forum wasorganized by the ASEANSecretariat, the AsianStrategy and LeadershipInstitute (ASLI) and theCentre for Strategic andInternational Studies(CSIS).

Kalla said it was the jobof the region’s leaders to

make complementarycooperation to benefit thepeople of ASEAN.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007 13

pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\m^P∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k^; tv\eSak\AM.

File photo taken on 15 Sept , 2006 shows a CRH (China Railway High-Speed) bullet train in a test operation at the CSR Sifang Locomotive

and Rolling Stock Co, Ltd in Qingdao, east China’s ShandongProvince. CRH bullet train named “Hexie”, whose literal meaning inEnglish is “harmony”, at the speed of above 200 kilometres per hour

will operate for the sixth round of Chinese railway “speed boost”starting from 18 April , which will greatly increase Chinese railway

system’s handling capacity. —XINHUA

Crew members of America’s Cup challenger Desafio Espanol 2007 ofSpain hang their hands over the side of their yacht as they wait for thestart of their Flight 7 race of the Louis Vuitton Cup in Valencia on 19April, 2007. Racing has been postponed for three straight days due to

lack of wind.— INTERNET

Ecologists say tropical forestfelled for biofuels

MADRID, 19 April — Tropical rain forest is being cut down and burned tomake way for soy and palm plantations destined to provide plant-based dieselfor Europe’s fuel tanks, environmentalists said on Wednesday.

“Spider-Man” stars, director mum on fourth film TOKYO, 19 April — The stars and the director of “Spider-Man 3” gave no clear clues on Tuesday

whether Sony’s money-spinning superhero would return to the screen in a fourth adventure, but fansgot a glimmer of hope from Kirsten Dunst. Asked how her character

— Peter Parker’s loveinterest, Mary Jane Watson— had developed in the latestfilm, Dunst told a newsconference: “I admire herbravery and she’s alwaysbeen a challenging characterfor me.

“I think this last film — notthe last film, but the third film— has really been a culmina-tion of that growth of family,”she said, referring to the cast.

“It’s really apparent onthe screen because of all thehard work we’ve put into it,”said Dunst, dressed in a blackturtleneck and pleated knee-length skirt.

In a nod to theimportance of the revenue-boosting internationalmarket, “Spider-Man 3”premiered in Tokyo onMonday. It will debutglobally on 4 May.

Entertainment Weeklymagazine on Monday citedRaimi as confirming a long-held Hollywood rumour hemight direct a movie versionof JRR Tolkien’s “TheHobbit” if “Lord of the Rings”director Peter Jackson is noteventually hired.

Dunst separately told themagazine that a “Spider-Man 4” without Raimi,herself and Maguire would

be “disrespectful to thewhole team” and would be abig flop. Japanese privatemovie commentator JunIshiko said the series, whichhas grossed a collective 1.6billion US dollars so far,was far from losing its lustre,with the story’s continuityand the actors’ popularityhuge draws for fans.

“There’s friendship overmany years, a triangularconnection between people,lots of human things,” hesaid in an interview.

“When you get it under amicroscope, it’s actuallymade up of a million differentthings — it’s the most

They cited cases ofdeforestation in Brazil,Indonesia and Malaysia tomake way for energycrops, and urged govern-ments there to act “ of the mostaffected areas is the stateof Mato Grosso, wherevast areas havedisappeared to make roomfor soy crops destined forexport,” Ecologists inAction said in a reportdistributed at a summit onbiofuels in Madrid.

Environmentalorgani-zations urged theEuropean Union not toimpose manda-tory blending of biofuelsin transport fuels, as partof its efforts to curb EUcarbon dioxideemissions.“Biofuels madefrom unsustainablysourced palm oil are notgreen,” Michelle Desilets,director of the UK-basedBorneo OrangutanSurvival Foundation toldthe conference.

“Clearing forests forproduction of palm oiloften involves burning,”she said.

Carbon dioxide emis-sions from forest fires inIndonesia could easilyoutweigh the emissionsEuropean drivers wouldproduce by using fossilfuels instead of biofuel inthe first place, she added.

Plant-based biofuelsare hailed as part of the

fight against globalwarming. They canreplace fossil fuels intransport and the plantsthey are made fromabsorb carbon dioxide asthey grow.

Although the EU hassurplus grain, whichcould be used to makeethanol to blend withgasoline, it does not growenough oilseed to supplythe biodiesel it wouldneed for diesel poweredvehicles, which are themajority in the region.

Rapidly sproutingbiodiesel plants will needto import thousands oftons of Brazilian soybeans and Indonesian andMalaysian palm oil if theyare to meet the EuropeanCommission’s target of5.75 per cent biofuel usein transport by 2010.

The ecologists urgedthe EU not to impose thesetargets. — MNA/Reuters

beautiful thing in the world, agrain of sand,” he said.Maguire, asked how both heand Peter Parker(aka Spider-Man) hadmatured in the third movie,said his character now dealtwith conflict and tragedydifferently.— MNA/Reuters

Hundreds of dead seals found in Kazakhstan ALMATY, 19 April —

Hundreds of dead seals,most of them pups, havebeen found on the CaspianSea coast of westernKazakhstan but the causeof their death was unclear,the Emergencies Ministry

said on Wednesday. A ministry spokesman

said about the bodies of500 seals have beenwashed up on the coast ofKazakhstan’s MangystauRegion since late March.

“About 50 of them are

grown-up seals but therest are pups,” thespokesman said. “It’s tooearly to say what causedtheir deaths. A specialcommission is workingthere to establish thecause.”— MNA/Reuters

Elephant dung helps ferment wood sugars

The baby elephant Thabo-Umasai(happy warrior) enjoys his birthdaycake with his family at the zoo in

Dresden, eastern Germany.

BEIJING, 19 April— Afungus in elephant dung isfound tohelp them breakdown fibres and wood into

biofuel, according toastudyin the Netherlandsquoted by media reportsThursday.

Scientistsworking forRoyal Ne-dalco, theDelft Uni-versity ofTechnologya n d B i r dEngineeringhave founda fungus ine l e p h a n tdung thath e l p e d

them produce a yeastwhich could efficientlyferment wood sugars.

The discovery isatechnical breakthrough,according tobusinessdevelopment managerMark Woldberg fromRoyal Nedalco, a Dutchalcohol maker.

Production based onthe new method can startat the firm’s plant in Sasvan Gent in 2009, thoughit will take longer for mostof the new feedstocks tobecome commerciallyviable, he said.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007


China's 110m hurdles world record holder Liu Xiangis looking to continue his 100 percent winning streakin Osaka, the host city of this year's IAAF Grand Prix and World Championships. —XINHUA

Paul Casey of England tees off on the eighth holeduring the Asian Open golf championship in

Shanghai on 19 April , 2007. — INTERNET

Liverpool's Steven Gerrard (C) challengesMiddlesbrough's Fabio Rochemback (L) and LeeCattermole (R) for the ball during their EnglishPremier League soccer match in Liverpool, northernEngland, on 18 April, 2007. Steven Gerrard scoredboth goals in front of England manager SteveMcClaren as Liverpool returned to the Premiership'stop three with a 2-0 win over Middlesbrough at Anfield on Wednesday. — XINHUA

Russia's Oxana Slivenko lifts to win in thewomen's 69kg weightlifting class at the EuropeanWeightlifting Championships in Strasbourg on 19

April , 2007. — INTERNET

Sevilla beat Depor 3-0 away toclose on Cup final

Romario still dreams of scoring1000th goal at Maracana

RIO DE JANEIRO, 20 April — Former Brazil strikerRomario said on Thursday that he still dreamed ofscoring his 1,000th goal at the Maracana Stadium,although he had received offers to play for clubs inMexico and Europe.

The 41-year-old has been stuck on a career tally of999 goals, according to his own records, for the lastthree games during which Vasco were knocked out oftwo competitions and coach Renato Portaluppi wasfired.

Vasco are not due to play at the Maracana againuntil they face local rivals Fluminense in the BrazilianChampionship on June 3.

However, they have two home matches before thatat their own Sao Januario stadium and Romario saidhe would ask the club to switch the games to theMaracana.

“My dream is still to score the goal at the Maracanaand I hope it happens as soon as possible,” he toldreporters at Rio de Janeiro airport after arriving froma week’s holiday in Miami.

“I will ask the president of the club if we can playour home matches at the Maracana....I have faith inGod that I will score the goal in the next game.”Romario, who last year played for clubs in the UnitedStates and Australia, said it was unlikely he wouldmove abroad again.

“There have been approaches from a club in Mexicoand two in Europe but in principle I want to score thegoal wearing the shirt of Vasco.”

Last week, Mexican first division club Necaxaannounced they wanted to sign Romario and use himas a reinforcement in the South AmericanLibertadores Cup.


Ajax beat RKC 3-1 to reachDutch Cup final

AMSTERDAM, 19 April— RKC Waalwijk goal-keeper Erwin Lemmensmissed key chances to saveas Ajax Amsterdam earneda 3-1 home victory in theirDutch Cup semifinal onWednesday.

Wesley Sneijder gotpast Lemmens with a 35-metre free kick in the 12thminute and midwaythrough the second half theBelgian keeper failed tocontrol another shot fromSneijder, giving Gabri thechance to score with therebound.

In the 32nd minute,

Ajax defender JohnHeitinga scored an owngoal in an attempt to cleara cross from TarikSektioui.

In the final minutes,another shot fromSneijder proved tricky forthe keeper. Lemmenstipped the ball towards thefeet of Nicolae Mitea, whoscored from close range.

In the May 6 final inRotterdam, cup holdersAjax will meet the winnerof Thursday’s semifinalbetween AZ Alkmaar andNAC Breda.


LA EORUNA, 20 April— Sevilla’s push for hon-ours on three fronts re-mained on track when theybeat Deportivo Coruna 3-0 away in their King’s Cupsemifinal first leg onThursday.

The Andalucians ranDepor ragged early on,scoring twice in the open-ing 14 minutes throughFrederic Kanoute and thenJesus Navas. Luis Fabianoscored a last minute pen-alty to all but secure a placein their first King’s Cupfinal since 1962. Sevillaalso lie second in theleague and have a place ina UEFA Cup semifinal.

On Wednesday, Barce-lona secured a 5-2 firstleg lead from the othersemi-final against Getafein the Nou Camp. The re-turn legs are scheduled forMay 9.

Depor, the 2002 Cupwinners, were penned intheir own half from thestart and it came as little

surprise when Sevillaopened the scoring after12 minutes.

The tireless AlexanderKerzhakov played Malistriker Kanoute into thearea and the PrimeraLiga’s joint-top scorer wasable to sidefoot the ballpast the advancingGustavo Munua.

Two minutes later,Daniel Alves broke downthe right and fed wingerNavas, who roundedMunua with ease to addthe second.

The home side made aspirited attempt to get backinto the game but rarelythreatened and were al-ways vulnerable toSevilla’s sweeping coun-ter-attacks. Sergio andAdrian Lopez both wentclose for Depor in the sec-ond half and only a fin-gertip save from DavidCobeno kept out Sebas-tian Taborda’s powerfulheader near the end.


Stuttgart keep doublehopes alive

Alkmaar demolish NAC 6.0to reach Cup final

AMSTERDAM, 20 April — AZ Alkmaar thrashedNAC Breda 6-0 in their Dutch Cup semi-final onThursday to reach their first final since 1982.

Alkmaar dominated from the start but had to waituntil four minutes before the interval for their firstgoal.

Moussa Dembele set up Simon Cziommer in thearea to open the scoring and four goals in the opening18 minutes of the second half settled the match.

Shota Arveladze converted a penalty to double thelead before Cziommer scored his second and MaartenMartens added a brace.

Iceland’s Gretar Steinsson completed the rout eightminutes before time.

Alkmaar will meet Ajax Amsterdam, 3-1 winnersover RKC Waalwijk on Wednesday, in the final on 6May in Rotterdam. — MNA/Reuters

BERLIN, 19 April — VfBStuttgart kept alive theirhopes of a Bundesliga andGerman Cup double bybeating VfL Wolfsburg 1-0 in their semifinal onWednesday.

Antonio da Silvascored for Stuttgart in the16th minute with a well-placed free kick from 25metres that just clearedthe Wolfsburg wall.

Wolfsburg, sorelymissing injured strikersMike Hanke and DiegoKlimowicz, thought theyhad equalized in the 52ndminute when Marcelinhocollected a through balland shot past Stuttgartkeeper Timo Hildebrand.

But the goal was disal-lowed when the refereeruled Marcelinho offsideeven though TV replaysappeared to show that wasnot the case.

“There’s no way in the

world he was offside,”Wolfsburg coach KlausAugenthaler told Germantelevision. “The refereewas actually good excepthe made mistakes in thedecisive moment. Theymake these wrong deci-sions that cost us millions.”

Stuttgart — still in thehunt for the Bundesligacrown in third place, fourpoints behind leadersSchalke 04 — play Nu-remberg in the GermanCup final on May 26 inBerlin. Nurembergcrushed Eintracht Frank-furt 4-0 on Tuesday.

“It was our main goalfor the season to reach thefinal and we’ve done it,”said Stuttgart coach ArminVeh. “The cup is special.I’ve gone to watch the fi-nal in Berlin every year asa spectator so it’s great togo now as a coach.”


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 April, 2007 15

Friday, 20 April, 2007Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hours

MST: During the past 24 hours, rain or thundershowers havebeen scattered in Shan State, isolated in Rakhine State andMandalay Division and weather has been partly cloudy inKachin and Chin States, Sagaing and Magway Divisions andgenerally fair in the remaining States and Divisions. Daytemperatures were (3°C) below normal in Eastern Shan State,(3°C) to (4°C) above normal in Kachin, Chin and Kayin States,upper Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway and Taninthayi Divisions,(5°C) above normal in Mon State and Ayeyawady Division andabout normal in the remaining areas. The significant daytemperatures were Minbu (43°C), Nay Pyi Taw, Magway andAunglan (42°C) each. The noteworty amounts of rainfallrecorded were Namhsan (0.28) inch, Mogok (0.23) inch andKyauktaw (0.16) inch.

Maximum temperature on 19-4-2007 was 103°F. Mini-mum temperature on 20 4-2007 was 78°F. Relative humidity at09:30 hours MST on 20- 4-2007 was 61%. Total sunshine hourson 19- 4-2007 was (9.8) hours approx.

Rainfall on 20-4-2007 was (nil) at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since1-1-2007 was (nil) at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and CentralYangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was(15) mph from Soutwest at (17:30) hours MST on 19-4 -2007.

Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in the AndamanSea and South Bay and generally fair elsehwere in the Bay ofBengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 21-4-2007: Isolated rainor thundershowers are likely in Kachin, Chin and Shan States,upper Sagiang and Taninthayi Divisions and weather will bepartly cloudy in the remaining areas. Degree of certainty is(60%).

State of the sea: Seas will be slight to moderate inMyanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of iso-lated rain or thundershowers in the Northern Myanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring areasfor 21-4-2007: Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring areas for 21-4-2007: Generally fair weather.

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouringareas for 21-4-2007: Partly cloudy.

Weather outlook for fourth weekend of April 2007:During the coming weekend, weather will be partly cloudy inNay Pyi Taw, Yangon and Mandalay Divisions.


*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printe d at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 297028

Saturday, 21 AprilTune in today

Saturday, 21 AprilView on today

8:30 am Brief news8:35 am Music:

-Love of my life… Queen

8:40 am Perspectives8:45 am Music:

-My love…

Paula McCartnay & Wing

8:50 am National news /Slogan

9:00 am Music:-Angel… Jon Secada

9:05 am International news

9:10 am Music:-Just take my heart … Mr Big

1:30 pm News / Slogan1:40pm Music at your

request music:-I won’t last aday withoutyou…Carpenters-A long &lasting love… Crystal Gayle

9:00pm ASEAN newsexchange newsfrom ASEANmembercountries

9:20 pmMyanma culture

… Dr KhinMaung Nyunt

9:30 pmSouvenirs9:45 pm News / Slogan10:00 pm PEL

7:00 am1. Recitation of Parittas

by MissionarySayadawU Ottamathara

7:25 am2. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am3. Morning news

7:40 am4. Nice and sweet song

7:-50 am5. At;�pioc\p∑´At;�pioc\p∑´At;�pioc\p∑´At;�pioc\p∑´At;�pioc\p∑´

8:00 am6. erelac\tmMrN∑y\erelac\tmMrN∑y\erelac\tmMrN∑y\erelac\tmMrN∑y\erelac\tmMrN∑y\

8:15 am 7. Musical programme8:30 am

8. International news8:45 am

9. Grammar made easy11:00 am

1. Martial song11:15 am

2. Musical programme11:30 am

3. News11:40 am

4. Games for children12:05 pm

5. Round up of theweek’s TV localnews

12:45 pm6. elaknti(Apiuc\;-3)elaknti(Apiuc\;-3)elaknti(Apiuc\;-3)elaknti(Apiuc\;-3)elaknti(Apiuc\;-3)

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1:30 pm7. Ak�pioc\p∑´Ak�pioc\p∑´Ak�pioc\p∑´Ak�pioc\p∑´Ak�pioc\p∑´

1:40 pm8. Dance of national

races2:05 pm

9. pn\;lOic\tMta;pn\;lOic\tMta;pn\;lOic\tMta;pn\;lOic\tMta;pn\;lOic\tMta;2:10 pm10. At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´2:20 pm11. {qtin>y√\Aqin>�pc\}{qtin>y√\Aqin>�pc\}{qtin>y√\Aqin>�pc\}{qtin>y√\Aqin>�pc\}{qtin>y√\Aqin>�pc\}

(Apiuc\\;-1)(Apiuc\\;-1)(Apiuc\\;-1)(Apiuc\\;-1)(Apiuc\\;-1)(wå;Ky\mremac\' Bun\;l¥n\(wå;Ky\mremac\' Bun\;l¥n\(wå;Ky\mremac\' Bun\;l¥n\(wå;Ky\mremac\' Bun\;l¥n\(wå;Ky\mremac\' Bun\;l¥n\�mt\ekqeAac\'rtnaKc\'�mt\ekqeAac\'rtnaKc\'�mt\ekqeAac\'rtnaKc\'�mt\ekqeAac\'rtnaKc\'�mt\ekqeAac\'rtnaKc\'hn\nT∑n\;' �pv\.P;Kiuc\;'hn\nT∑n\;' �pv\.P;Kiuc\;'hn\nT∑n\;' �pv\.P;Kiuc\;'hn\nT∑n\;' �pv\.P;Kiuc\;'hn\nT∑n\;' �pv\.P;Kiuc\;'n^n^erWrv\'n^n^erWrv\'n^n^erWrv\'n^n^erWrv\'n^n^erWrv\'eSac\;N˙c\;ew'eSac\;N˙c\;ew'eSac\;Nc\;ew'eSac\;N˙c\;ew'eSac\;N˙c\;ew'wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;'wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;'wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;'wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;'wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;'Aiuc\;rs\ele�p√;)Aiuc\;rs\ele�p√;)Aiuc\;rs\ele�p√;)Aiuc\;rs\ele�p√;)Aiuc\;rs\ele�p√;)(dåRiuk\ta-mc\;Aup\siu;)(dåRiuk\ta-mc\;Aup\siu;)(dåRiuk\ta-mc\;Aup\siu;)(dåRiuk\ta-mc\;Aup\siu;)(dåRiuk\ta-mc\;Aup\siu;)

2:30 pm12. Aer;‘pic\p∑´Aer;‘pic\p∑´Aer;‘pic\p∑´Aer;‘pic\p∑´Aer;‘pic\p∑´2:40 pm13. eK¥ac\;mcy\erelac\tmMeK¥ac\;mcy\erelac\tmMeK¥ac\;mcy\erelac\tmMeK¥ac\;mcy\erelac\tmMeK¥ac\;mcy\erelac\tmM2:45 pm14. International news4:00 pm

1. Martial song4:15 pm2. Songs to uphold

National Spirit4:30 pm3. English for everyday


4:40 pm4. Aew;qc\tkquil\Aew;qc\tkquil\Aew;qc\tkquil\Aew;qc\tkquil\Aew;qc\tkquil\

pvaer;pvaer;pvaer;pvaer;pvaer; Rup\�mc\qMÂka;  Rup\�mc\qMÂka;  Rup\�mc\qMÂka;  Rup\�mc\qMÂka;  Rup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saqc\Kn\;saqc\Kn\;saqc\Kn\;saqc\Kn\;sa-----dutiydutiydutiydutiydutiyNs\Ns\Ns\Ns\Ns\ (((((DatuebdDatuebdDatuebdDatuebdDatuebdAT;‘pAT;‘pAT;‘pAT;‘pAT;‘p) (Datuebd) (Datuebd) (Datuebd) (Datuebd) (Datuebd)))))

4:55 pm5. �mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑�mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑�mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑�mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑�mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑

y√\ek¥;mOAky√\ek¥;mOAky√\ek¥;mOAky√\ek¥;mOAky√\ek¥;mOAk5:05 pm6. Ay¨eta\mgçlaAy¨eta\mgçlaAy¨eta\mgçlaAy¨eta\mgçlaAy¨eta\mgçla


5:20 pm7. Musical programme

5:30 pm8. rqepÅl∑c\rqepÅl∑c\rqepÅl∑c\rqepÅl∑c\rqepÅl∑c\

qRup\eSac\l∑c\�pc\qRup\eSac\l∑c\�pc\qRup\eSac\l∑c\�pc\qRup\eSac\l∑c\�pc\qRup\eSac\l∑c\�pc\6:00 pm9. Evening news

6:30 pm10. Weather report6:35 pm11. Al˙R˙amy\l˙kmıawy\Al˙R˙amy\l˙kmıawy\Al˙R˙amy\l˙kmıawy\Al˙Ramy\l˙kmıawy\Al˙R˙amy\l˙kmıawy\7:00 pm12. �mn\mamOpn\;Sy\m¥io;�mn\mamOpn\;Sy\m¥io;�mn\mamOpn\;Sy\m¥io;�mn\mamOpn\;Sy\m¥io;�mn\mamOpn\;Sy\m¥io;

(pn\;y∑n\;)(pn\;y∑n\;)(pn\;y∑n\;)(pn\;y∑n\;)(pn\;y∑n\;)7:10 pm13. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´

{qma;eta\}(Apuic\;-28){qma;eta\}(Apuic\;-28){qma;eta\}(Apuic\;-28){qma;eta\}(Apuic\;-28){qma;eta\}(Apuic\;-28)8:00 pm14. News15. International news16. Weather report17. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´


18. The next day’sprogramme

Earthquake report(Issued at 10:30 hours MST today)

A strong earthquake of intensity (6.1) Richter Scalewith its epicentre outside Myanmar about (1,960) milesNortheast of Kaba-Aye Seismological obsrervatory, wasrecorded at (08) hrs (21) min (51)sec MST on 20-4-2007.

MANILA, 20 April — A small airplane on Thursday crashed in a residential area at Paranaque City of thePhilippine capital region, killing the pilot, the air transport authority said.

The site of a Cessna plane crash that killed the pilot, in a residential area inParanaque, south of Manila on 19 April, 2007. – INTERNET

Light plane crashes in Manilaarea, pilot killed

The pilot identified asCaptain Paulo de Castro waskilled in the crash, localradio dzBB quoted AngelAtutubo, assistant generalmanager for security of theManila InternationalAirport Authority as saying.

De Castro was thelone casualty in theaccident, the report said.

The Cessna 206plane was smoking on itspath before it touched theground and hit a vacant lotof the South Admiral

Subdivision in Merville, itadded.

The plane burst intoflames and turned into a“total wreck,” Atutubo said.

The official also saidthat the pilot was seemingly“skilled” and “able to

maneuver the plane awayfrom the residents,”otherwise the crash couldhave ended with morecasualties.

The plane was on aManila-Roxas-Palawanroute, according to a reportof the Air TransportationOffice (ATO). MervilleSubdivision sits near theinternational air terminalsof Metro Manila. Theauthority is stillinvestigating the cause ofthe crash.


21-4-07 New Light 4/21/07, 03:25 AM15

6th Waxing of Kason 1369 ME Saturday, 21 April, 2007

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

(from page 1)that committees have beenformed systematically, andthey are implementing

Senior General Than Shwe inspects …

Yadanabon Myothit Con-struction Project inPyinOoLwin Township.On inspection of the projectsite, the Head of State hadgiven guidance to make ef-forts for supply of waterand power for the newtown, completion of theproject tasks on scheduleand growing of trees forgreening the project area.Hence, tasks of the projectare being carried out. Theminister continued his re-ports that 24 feet wide con-crete roads are being con-structed in the project area,and construction tasks for

buildings of the Tele-Portand Incubation are system-atically undertaken.

Next, the minister sub-

mitted reports on mattersrelated to modern machin-ery to be installed at the Tele-Port Main Building,

progress of construction taskand prospects for investmentof IT companies at homeand abroad at the project.

Minister for Agricul-ture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Htay Oo also reportedthat Sitha Supporting Damis under construction forsupplying of water to thenew town. Furthermore,ravines in the project areaare being blocked to builddams. Arrangements arebeing made to extend wa-

ter storage capacity atHsinlan Dam. In addition,tasks are being carried outto block creeks aroundPyinsar Village near theproject area for supply ofwater. He presented a re-port on feasibility studiesthat have been conductedto utilize water resourcesfrom Pwaykauk Waterfalland Dattawgyaint for en-suring sufficiency ofdrinking water atPyinOoLwin.

Commander Maj-GenKhin Zaw submitted re-ports on water resourcesfor PyinOoLwin andYadanabon Myothit andclimatic conditions. Lt-GenYe Myint gave a supple-mentary report.

Director (Engineer) UMyint Oo of DevelopmentAffairs Department re-ported on arrangements forlaying of water pipelinesfor the new town.

(See page 8)

Lt-Gen Myint Swe inspects developmenttasks in Twantay, Kawhmu Townships

YANGON, 20 April —Lt-Gen Myint Swe of theMinistry of Defence, to-gether with Chairman ofYangon Division Peaceand Development Coun-cil Commander of YangonCommand Maj-Gen HlaHtay Win, this morninginspected construction ofTamatakaw-Hteingon-Wayonseik Road inYangon Division.

At Basic EducationPrimary School in Mangay

Village of Twantay Town-ship, Yangon Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin re-ported on arrangements forconstruction of Tama-takaw concrete bridge andother tasks.

Chairman ofTwantay Township PDCU Aung San Tha briefedthem on completion ofTamatakaw-Hteingon-Wayonseik Road linkingHlinethaya-TwantayRoad and digging the

drains from SettumyaungBridge to Waingmyaungof Twantay Township.The commander gave asupplementary report.

Lt-Gen Myint Swegave instructions on com-pletion of the tasks in timeand assistance to be pro-vided for road construction.

T a m a t a k a w -Hteingon-WayonseikRoad is 19,871 feet long.Earth work of the road isbeing undertaken. YCDC

plans to completeTamatakaw ConcreteBridge by the end of May.

They inspected con-struction of TamatakawConcrete Bridge anddredging of 9.5-mileSettumyaung drain. Oncompletion, vehicles cantravel from Hlinethaya-Twantay Road toShwemayin region ofTwantay Township, andthe drains will contribute (See page 9)

NLD’s acts leading to confrontationthat will harm State, people

YANGON, 20 April — A total of 22 members ofBogale Township National League for Democracy inPyapon District, Ayeyawady Division — U Po HtuLay (a) U Tin Aung Win, U Kyaw, U Zaw Tun, DawKhin Thein and Daw Than Yi of KyeesukyonphaVillage, U Htay Naing of Thabyaygon Village, UThila of Ahtetmyittan Village, U Hla Myint and UAung Kyaw Thu of Phayathonsu Village, U HlaMoe of Tamankwe Village, U Sein Myintof Aukmyinttan Village, U Than Win of Lintaing (See page 10)

22 of Bogalay Township NLD quit



guidanceto offi-cials atMedicalResearchDepart-



The government has created opportunitiesfor effective medical research. Therefore, offi-cials and experts of the medical research de-partments are to work harder in doing research.

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