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Who fs It forPThe book is designed primarily, but not exclusively, for adult students studying ESOL at schools and colleges in the United Kingdom.

It can be used to support topic- and function-based class work. Alternatively, students can use it for self-study or for their own reference.

The rationale underlying the book is to make grammar accessible, relevant and memorable. This is done by making use of step-by-step activities and clear contextualized language.

LevelThe material takes the Key Grammatical Structures at Entry Levels 1/2 from the Adult ESOL core curriculum as its basis.

We know that the language profile of ESOL students at or around ‘pre-intermediate’ level is rarely an exact match for the Adult ESOL core curriculum level specifications. The book therefore attempts to take this ‘spiky profile’ of ESOL classes into account through accessible explanations and graded practice exercises.

ContentThe book contains 30 units, followed by grammar notes, a database containing vocabulary notes and other information, an answer key and a pronunciation key.

ApproachThe approach used in ESOL Practice Grammar asks students to infer the pattern or rule from context, rather than making overt statements about the language, to encourage genuine language development

The ‘Use in Context’ section in each unit presents the grammar point through a realistic scenario, usually a naturalistic dialogue involving characters that ESOL students can identify with. Students are asked to focus on key elements of the language to help them understand the pattern or rule. Further clarification is provided by referring the students to appropriate grammar notes at the back of the book.

A set of exercises practising the grammar point follows each ‘Use in Context’. These exercises are designed to account for differentiation within a class by offering a progressive degree of challenge. Where appropriate, the final exercise personalizes the grammar point with communicative interaction.

I would like to thank Sue Messenger and the ESOL students and teachers in the Skills for Life Department at Central Sussex College. Also thanks to Lin for her support throughout.

The writing of a book like this necessarily involves reference to the corpus of published ELT grammar books. In this respect, I would like to acknowledge in particular the work of R Murphy (CUP) and D Beaumont (Macmillan/Heinemann).

David King Author
































am /is / are: the vert? be 1

there is / there are / it is / they are: the vert? be 2

The present continuous/ / you / we / they: present simple 1

he / she / /£r: present simple 2

ImperativesQuestion wordscan / can't (cannot) / could / couldn't: modal verbs

have gotsome / any: ciuantity 1

how much / how many / a lot / a few / a little: ciuantity 2

Making plurals: nouns

a / an / trAie: articles

the: the deFmite article

this / that / these / those: demonstratives

PronounsAdjectivesAdverbsPrepositions of time: in / o n / <=?£■

Prepositions of place: in / o n / a t

More prepositions of placePrepositional phrasesVerbs + prepositionsUses of likewas / were: past simple 1

Regular verbs: past simple 2

Irregular verbs: past simple 3

Present continuous / will (won't) / going to: future

must / mustn't / have to: obligation

Comparative adjectivesGrammar notesDatabaseAnswer KeyKey to pronunciation






oJV'- How do we usem am / f S / areP (p a g e 9 6 )

Complete this table and then check your answers on page 123.

Read about Deva.

"Hi. m y n a m e 's D e v a . I'm f r o m S r i L a n k a . I'm 3 2 y e a r s o ld a n d I'm m a r r ie d . / w o r k a t t h e lo c a l s u p e r m a r k e t — t o d a y I'm o n t h e c h e c k o u t b u t I'm n o t t h e r e e v e r y d a y . M y h u s b a n d 's n a m e 's R a fic i. H e 's 3€> a n d h e 's a t a x i d r iv e r . W e a r e a sm a ll fa m ily o f f o u r p e o p le . O u r s o n is e ig h t a n d o u r l i t t l e g ir l is o n ly f iv e . O u r fa m ilie s a r e n ' t in E n g la n d — t h e y 'r e in S r i L a n k a . S o m e tim e s l i f e is n 't e a s y b u t w e 'r e h a p p y ."

| Verb long form Negative form1 1 am I’m notYou You are You’re / You’re notHe He’s He isn’tSheIt

She isIt’s

She isn’t


We areThey’re

We aren’t / We’re not/ ,

Complete this table with answers to the questions.JI Answers

Are you happy? Yes, 1 am.Are you single? No, I’m not.Are you a student? Yes, _________ .Are you English? No.How old are you? I’mWhere are you from? fromIs your friend English? Is your friend single?

Yes. she is. No.

Is your car new? No. itIs your car very old? Yes.Are your children very young? Yes. the vAre your parents in England? No.

Unit 1: am / /s / are

& Database Z, 14, IS

am / is / arethe verb be 1

PracticeCircle the correct option.

They isn’t /{aren^} American.

a I ’m not / I amn’t married.

b Food in England isn’t /aren’t cheap.

c The teacher is /are ill today.

d My name am / is Magda.

e The weather in England isn’t/a ren ’t very hot.

1 Buses and trains in England isn’t / aren’t cheap.

g I ’m / I is sorry I’m / 1 is late.

h My girlfriend has / is 22 years old.

i We ’re / We’m students at the college.

j Is/Are your friend English?

k What is / are the capital city of your country?

Match the questions on the left with their answers on the right.i

a What’s your name? — 1 I ’m a chef.

b Are you English? 2 This is my wife, Nasra.

c Where are you from? \ 3 I’m 31.

d How old are you? \ 4 No, I’m married.

e Are you single? \ 5 It’s 34a Park Street.

f What’s your job? \ 6 I ’m from Turkey.

g Who is this? x. 7 She’s Syrian.

h What’s her nationality? 8 My name’s Ismail.

i What’s your address? 9 No, I ’m not.

Write the correct form of be.

‘‘Hello, my name’s Myra. I (a ______ a student in an English class at the local college. My English

1b)______ very good, but I like my class because my teacher ( c ) _______ very nice! I (d )_______ 36 years

old and I (e )______ from Pakistan. I ( f ) _______not single, I (g )_______married. My husband’s name

h) _____ Amir. He T :_______40 and he (J )_______a driver for a supermarket.

Our children’s names (k )______ Adel and Answa. They V;_

m )______ good at English - much better than me! We n _

pupils at the local primary school. They

very rich but we (o';______ happy!”

4 Work with a classmate. Talk about yourself, your friends and family. For example:

A: My name’s Youssef. I’m 28 and I ’m a cook. What’s your job?

B: I’m a bus driver.

Unit' Is am / / s / are

there fs / there are / ft fs /t h e y a r e the verb be z

Database \Z

-> v When do we use i j there fe / there are /

It is / they areP (p a g e B€>)

Complete these sentences.

1 ___________ lots of families with young

children in our street.

2 ___________ all very friendly.

3 ___________ a supermarket.

4 ___________ a big shop with everything I need.

Look at the pictures and answer the B t f i questions using there are.

Are there any shops in picture 1 ?

Are there any shops in picture 2?

Cheng is talking about the street where he lives.

'V liv e in a t?usy s t r e e t n e a r th e c i t y c e n tre . T h e re a r e lo ts o f fa m ilie s w ith y o u n g c h ild re n in o u r s t r e e t . T h e y a r e a ll v e r y fr ie n d ly . A t th e e n d o f t h e r o a d t h e r e a r e so m e sh o p s . There?s a s u p e rm a rk e t. I t 's a b ig s h o p w ith e v e ry th in g I n ee d . T h e re 's a p u b a n d a c a fe . T h e re 's a ls o a p o s t o f f i c e a n d a c a s h p o in t . T h e re is n 't a c in e m a n e a r m y h o u se b u t th e r e 's a b ig o n e in t h e c i t y c e n tr e . s o i t is n 't f a r . T h e re a r e a lw a y s lo ts o f c a r s p a r k e d in o u r s t r e e t . I t 's a b ig p ro b le m ."

8 U nit Si th ere is / th ere a re / i t is / they a re

Circle the correct option.

Thereby are a sandwich in the fridge.

a There is / are a car outside.

b There is /are three eggs in the fridge.

c There is / are some / any new students in our class.

d There isn’t /aren’t a phone in my flat.

e There isn’t / aren ’t some / any shops near here.

f There’s / There are some / any people in the office.

g Are /Is there some/any good films on at the cinema?

Look at the picture and make sentences with there is / there are.

There. V a£io»\ in the corner.

a ____________________________________ on the wall.

b _______________________________________on the television.

c ________________________________________under the chair.

d ___________________________________________ on the table.

e __________________________________________under the table.

f __________________________________________on the floor.

g _____________________________________________ under the television.

Unitr Si there /s / there are / /tr /s / they are

Match the sentences.

a There’s a TV in my bedroom. 1 It’s about fifteen minutes’ walk from here.

b There’s a bus stop at the end of this road. \ 2 He’s my brother.

c There are some people outside. \ 3 They are very good at English.

d There are some keys on the floor. \ 4 It’s a little shop. It sells cigarettes.

e There are only four women in my class. \ 5 It’s not far.

f There’s a post office in the town centre. 6 It’s old and the picture isn’t very good.

g There’s a boy in the photo. 7 I think they are police officers.

h There’s a newsagent’s on the corner. 8 They’re mine.

Work with a classmate. Talk about the place where you live: the town, the street, and the house, flat or room.

For example:

A: There’s a supermarket in my town. There isn’t a cinema.

B: Are there lots of young people in your street?

Think of your bedroom. Quickly draw the room and the things in it. Show your partner your drawing and ask and answer questions.

For example:

A: Where is the desk?

B: It’s under the window, next to the bed.

Unft 2: th ere fs / th ere a re / f t fs / they a re

The present continuous

G 7 Database I

It’s Tuesday morning. What are they doing? Cheng is talking. Look at the green words.

T o d a y I'm le a rn in g E n g lish .

R a fic i is w o rk in g .

A m ir is n 't w o rk in g . H e 's lo o k in g f o r a Job.

J e y a a n d D e va a r e r f t w o rk in g . T h e y 're shopp ing .

M a g d a is n 't te a c h in g .S h e 's m o vin g house. I t 's su n n y to d a y . I t is n 't ra in in g .

How do we use m the present

oontinuoueP(page BB)

Complete the words in this table.1 am (I’m) I’m not learning English.

You are (You’re) You aren’t work

He (He’s) He look foraiob.

She (She ) She mov house.

It .... (It ) It rain

We are (We’re) We aren’t shop

They____ (They ) They studv

I j How do we write the ~ing form of these verbs?

1 shop = shopp_______2 move = mov

3 study = study_______

Complete these questions.1 What_______ you do_____? 4 _______ she mov_____house?

2 ____ you study____ ? 5 When_______ we eat_____?

3______ he look_____ for a job? 6 Where_____ they shop_____?

She's moving house

Unit 3: The present continuous 11

PracticeWrite the ~ing forms of these verbs.speak

a talk b live c work

e take f walk g move

i come j use k study

m speak n have o do

q go r listen s eat

d get

h drive

I shop

p phone

t stay _

Complete these questions and sentences.What (kre. you doi ? (do)

a She______________ television, (watch) e Amir is in bed. He_____________ . (work)

b Where_______ he________? (go) f ____ you__________ the computer? (use)

c I________________ my mother, (phone) g They________________ house this week, (move)

d It_________________ to rain, (start) h We________________ a party, (have)

3 Look at picture A. What are the people doing?

12 Unit; 3: The present? continuous

Winston iz drirO dr^ a. cia^ o-f w<vter.

a Naomi___________________________. d Dee.

b Jamie___________________________. e Jan _

c Ali and Malik________________________. f Beatriz _

4 Look at picture B. What are the people doing now?

Winston i v_h drirvAcirva, he.V or -the. liDi\e..

a Naomi_______________________________ e Dee____________________________

b Jamie________________________________ f Jan____________________________

c Ali__________________________________ g Beatriz__________________________

d Malik_______________________________

Q Work with a classmate. Talk about what you are doing at the moment, today, this week.

For example:

A: I ’m learning English at the moment.

B: So am I. What are you doing this evening?

Unit; 3: The present? continuous 13

/ / you / we / theypresent eimpie I

H am id : D o y o u w orks*C h eng: N o . 1 d o n 't .H am id : W h a t d o y o u d o r*Cheng: I s t u d y E ng lish .H am id : D o y o u k n o w

R o m anPCheng: Ye s. 1 d o . IV e g o

t o t h e s a m e c o lle g e . D o y o u k n o w J e y a a n d D e v a P

H am id : Y es , 1 d o . A re th e y h e re t o d a y P

Cheng: No. t h e y g o t o w o r k o n M o n d a y s a n d W e d n e s d a y s . T h e y w o r k p a r t - t im e .

N o w d o w e u s e C h e p r e s e n t s i m p l e r * ( p a g e 9 6 )

Complete the words in this table.1 study 1 do not (don’t) study English.

You work You part-time.(don’t) work

We go We to the same college.( ... )go

They They to work.( )go

Complete these questions and you go to college?

a Yes, I______ . e No, I______ . I______ on Mondays and Wednesdays.

b What______ you do? f What do_____________ ? They work at the supermarket.

c I_____ to work.

d ______ you work full-time?

Unit / / you / w e / they

Circle the correct option.

What( oyoudo) ' you do?

a What/ Where do you work?

b I don’t drive / drive not in England.

c Do you take / Take you sugar in coffee?

d We living / live in Birmingham.

e What language you speak / do you speak?

f Where they usually go / do they usually go shopping?

g They doesn’t / don’t eat meat.

h A: Do you studying / study English?B: Yes, I study/do.

i We don’t / doesn’t drinks / drink alcohol.

Put one of these words in each space.

jm iC do No do look Do jmotK likespeak don’t drive don’t go They

A: Where do you work?B: / work in a hotel.

a We________ watch television very much.

b A: What do you________ ?B: I_________ to university.

c A: Do you________ apples?B: Yes, I________ .

d I __________ a taxi.

e Rafiq and Deva___go to college.______________ work and

f A: _______________ you_many languages?B:________ , I don’t.

after their children.

Unit m / / you / w e / they

Write answers to these questions.

Where do you come from? I cowe. froM TtaiU>\d.

a Do you like the weather here? ____________________

b How many languages do you speak? ____________________

c Do you like English f o o d ? ____________________

d Where do you work? ____________________

e Do you live in a flat or a house? ____________________

f Do you drive a car in England? ____________________

Complete the questions to match the answers.

What kind of food do you I ilce. ? I like Chinese food.

a Where_________________ shopping? I go shopping in the city centre.

b What_________________at the weekend? I go out with my friends at the weekend.

c _________________ any sports? No, I don’t.

d Who_________________with? I live with my family.

e What time_________________ ? I get up at 7.30.

f _______ _________ the cooking at home? Yes, I usually do the cooking at home.

g What_________________for lunch? I usually have a sandwich.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about the things they usually do.

For example:

A: What do you do at the weekend?

B: I usually go shopping and meet my friends.

Unft / / you / w e / they

15 he / she / It

1 present sim ple 2

Database 14

D o e s R a fic i w o r k ? Y e s . h e d o e s . Me d r iv e s a t a x i .

W h a t d o e s A m ir d o r* A m ir d o e s n 't g o t o w o r k . H e d o e s n 't h a v e a Job . M o s t d a y s , h e g o e s in t o to w n .

W h a t d o e s M a g d a d o r9 S h e t e a c h e s a t t h e u n iv e r s i ty .

D o e s i t r a in a l o t in E n g la n d P Y e s , i t d o e s .

How do we use the present simple with he /■ She / /6? (p a g e 9 6 )

□ Complete the words in this table.He drives He has



He does not (doesn’t) drive He (doesn’t)

a taxi, a job.


She (doesn’t) teach at university.

It ( ) rain a lot in England.

uJ. He drives a taxi.

Complete these questions and answers.

1_____ Rafiq work? Yes, he__

2 Does Amir_____ a job? No, he doesn’t.

3 Where_____ Magda teach? She______at the university.

4_____ it rain a lot in England? Yes, i t_____ .

Unit 5: he / she / it 17

Write the he, she and it forms of these verbs by adding ~s or ~es.

work w o rk*

a like b teach c study d rain

e drive f QO g fly h learn

i move 1 do k carry 1 read

m live n finish o cry p listen

q come r wash s buy t take

How do we say the verbs ending in ~s or ~es? Complete the verbs from Practice 1 in the correct category.

one sound

I ike.*, r < K d ________, g________ , f________, I________, m________ , d________,

r________, I________, c________ , c________ , b________ , t________

two sounds

feAche.£, st________, c________ , I________ , w________

three sounds


Circle the correct option.

She teach /({eache^at the university.

a He always come / comes late.

b Does/Do Hamid like tea?

c Jeya don’t/doesn’t like her job.

d Does she has/have breakfast every day?

e What time does he usually gets / get up?

f Amir doesn ’t play / plays football.

g When do / does the film start / starts?

h Takes he/Does he take sugar in his tea?

i My son listens not / doesn’t listen to me.

Unit? S: he / she / ft:

Rafiq is a taxi driver. Read about his typical day.

“When I take people to the airport I get up at 5 o’clock, but I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I usually work in the

city centre. I have a quick breakfast, drive into the city centre and start work at about 8 o’clock. I usually have a

coffee break at about 10.30 and I go to a cafe for lunch at 1.00.1 take about 45 minutes for lunch. I finish work

at about 6.00, but when it is busy I work late and I get up later the next day. Sometimes I don’t get home until

10.00 and I don’t have dinner. I like my work. It’s very interesting. ”

Now complete the text about Rafiq’s typical day using he ...

When he. t a X e £ people to the airport (a )_____________at 5 o’clock but b ___________________

at 7 o’clock. ■ c )__________________ in the city centre, (d )_______________ a quick breakfast,

(e )__________________ into the city centre and (?)_______________ work at about 8 o’clock.

(g )______________________ a coffee break at about 10.30 and (h )_______________ to a cafe for

lunch at 1.00. (T )______________ about 45 minutes for lunch. 0 ___________________work at

about 6.00 but when it is busy (k)______________ late and (T)_______________ later the next day.

Sometimes m ______________________ home until 10.00 and ( n )___________________ dinner.

(o )______________ his work. It’s very interesting.

Now write a short paragraph about a friend or family member using the third person. Use the paragraph about Rafiq as a guide.

For example:^ h e w^iArtJIy ^ e . t£ wp 7 . 3 0 , *he. \\<k$ b r e ^ k - f ^ t & o 'c lo c k : <M\d leA ve .£ th e .

how^e. 3.l£.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about a friend or someone in your family.

For example:

A: Where does your brother live? B: He lives at home with my parents.

A: What time does he get up? B: He usually gets up at 8 o’clock.

Unit 5: he / she / IV

a Imperatives

& Database 10,13

Hamid wants to find a postoffice. He asks someone in thestreet. Read the conversationand look at the green words.

Hamid: Excuse me. Where's thepost office, please?

Man: Go straight down thisroad. Turn le ft a t theend and walk to thetra ffic lights. Cross overand take the secondroad on the right.Don't take the firstroad. The post office ison the left.

Hamid: 1 see. Thanks a lot.

s\ I /yNow do we use fmpersitfveeP (p a g e 9 7 )


Look at the map. Where is the post office?

71 Complete these sentences with the verbs the man uses in the conversation.

Cjo straight down this road._______ left at the end and________

to the traffic lights._______ over and________ the second road on the right.

__________________ the first road. The post office is on the left.

20 Unit €r. Imperatives

Circle the correct verb form.

(Goy You going up this street.

c Please to answer / answer these questions. g Please you fill / fill in your personal details.

d Don’t take / You not take more than four tablets in 24 hours.

What are these people saying? Match the pictures with the sentences.

1 Tick the relevant boxes. 2 Don’t go near the dog. 3 Put the mixture in a bowl.

4 Drive carefully. 5 Put on your coat. 6 Work in pairs.

7 Do not exceed the stated dose. 8 Get me some eggs, please. 9 Turn off your mobile phones.

Unit: &i Imperatives

Put the correct verbs in the doctor’s instructions.

Don’t go Drink Take go Don’t get up Stay Call don’t eat J k f

“Qo home and a )_____ straight to bed. ( b .______ in bed for the next 24 hours, ( c ) ____________

if you still have a headache, (d) ______________________ one of these tablets every three hours, ( e )_lots of

water but (?)______________ anything solid for 24 hours, (g )_____________ to work for a week.

(h )_____ me if you don’t feel better. ”

Work with a classmate. Ask for and give directions to places on the map. Ask about the post office, supermarket, car park, cinema, cash point, newsagent’s, chemist’s and railway station.

For example:

A: Excuse me, where’s the post office, please?

B: Go straight down this road. Turn left at the end and walk to the traffic lights.Cross over and take the second road on the right. Don’t take the first road.The post office is on the left.

A: I see. Thanks a lot.

f t

Univ 6t Imperatives

7 Question words

-V*- Now do we use ^ cyues&on words"?

(p a g e 9 7 )

Write the question words.

To ask about things generally: What?

1 To ask about places:________ ?

2 To ask about age, numbers or‘in what way’: _______ ?

3 To ask about people or things if thereis a small choice: _______ ?

4 To ask about times:_______ ?(or What time?)

5 To ask about people:________ ?

6 To ask about who things belong to: _

7 To ask about reasons:_______ ?

Hamid is in the college library. The librarian is asking him some questions. Look at the green words.

Librarian: What's your name? Hamid: Hamid Patel.Librarian: Where do you live? Hamid: 23 Chapel Road.Librarian: How old are you? Hamid: I'm 26.Librarian: Which class are you

in?Hamid: Class 306.Librarian: How often do you

come to college? Hamid: Twice a week.Librarian: Which evenings do

you come?Hamid: Tuesdays and

Thursdays.Librarian: When does your

class start?Hamid: At 6.30.

Jan and Magda are talking. Look at the words in green.

Jan: What kind o f musicdo you like?

Magda: I like most kinds.Jan: Who's your

favourite singer? Magda: Enrique Iglesias.Jan: Whose iPod is that?Magda: It's my boyfriend's.

VJhy do you ask?Jan: No special reason.

Unit 71 Question words

What kind o f music: do you //TceP

Circle the correct option.

What/ ($/her$ do you live?

a How old are / have you? e Which time / When does your class start?

b Which / What time is it? f Who’s / Whose mobile phone is that?

c How/ Who much does it cost? g How often / What times do you go to the cinema?

d Why / Which reason are you learning English?

Match the questions on the left with their answers on the right.

a What’s your favourite sport? -------- 1 My teacher is very good.

b Which is your favourite day of the week? \ 2 He’s called Peter.

c How do you get to work? \ 3 One metre, 62 centimetres.

d When do you start work? I 4 Saturday.

e Where’s the nearest supermarket? I 5 1 usually take the bus.

f Who’s your best friend? I 6 At 8.30.

g How tall are you? \ 7 It’s at the end of this road.

h Why do you like your class? \ 8 It belongs to Rafael.

i Whose car is that? ' 9 Football.

Complete these questions with the correct question word.

In the High Street.

Chinese food.

It’s small, only two bedrooms.

It’s mine.

Because it ’s very interesting.

At about 11.00.

Tea, please,

In the town centre.

Every Saturday.

My mother

Where. V the nearest post office?

a __ ’s your favourite kind of food?

b _________ big is your house?

c _________mobile phone is this?

d _________ do you want this job?

e __________do you usually go to bed?

f _________do you prefer, tea or coffee?

g __________do you do your shopping?

h ________ often do you play football?

i ________ is your next of kin?

Unit 7: Question words

Write the questions.

Wtare. do you live.? I live at 32 Goodman Street.

a __________________________________? I’m 27 years old.

b __________________________________? I’m a receptionist in a hotel.

c __________________________________? I get up at 7.00.

d __________________________________? I usually have coffee and toast for breakfast.

e __________________________________? I live with my family.

f __________________________________? I want to learn English to get a good job.

g __________________________________? I prefer the colour blue.

h _________________________________ ? I spell my name H-A-M-l-D, Hamid.

i __________________________________ ? Three days a week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

j __________________________________ ? That’s my brother’s car.

Some of these questions are right and some are wrong. Tick ( / ) questions that are right. Correct any mistakes.

J/jlherfbig is your garden? How bi^

a Why do you like tennis?______________________________________________________

b How’s car is that?_________________________________________________________

c Where does the class start?___________________________________________________

d What’s your favourite sport?__________________________________________________

e Who is the nearest chemist?__________________________________________________

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about your life.

For example:

A: Where do you live?

B: I live in Gossops Green, about 15 minutes from the town centre.

Unit 7: Question words 25


can / carft (cannot) / could /C O U ld r f t modal verbs

When do we use can / carft / couldP

m(p a g e 9 7 )

Complete the examples in these sentences.

1 We use can to talk about present ability - 1 c*aspeak.The negative is can’t - _________ write.To ask a question we use can you - _________speak English?

2 We use______ or could to say something ispossible or OK:_________ make an appointment?

_________________4.45 but_______ ___

Amir is having an interview for a job. Look at the green words.Interviewer. Can you speak

English?Amin Yes, I can speak

it quite well. Interviewer: And can you write in

English?A bit. but I can't write very well.


Jeya is phoning the doctor’s surgery. Look at the green words.Jeya:






This is Jeya Perera. Could I make an appointment to see the doctor this afternoon, please?Just a moment.Now about 3.30? Sorry. I carft make that. Is there a later time?Mm. The doctor could see you a t 4M5. or 5.20?I can't make 4M5 but I could come a t 5.20. OK, Mrs. Perera, we'll see you then.

at 5.20.

The form of can / can’t (cannot) / could / couldn’t does not change.I /You /We /They can/can’t (cannot)/ speak English.He / She / It could / couldn’t write very well.

Can/ Can’t / I/y o u /h e /s h e / it / we make an appointment?Could / Couldn’t / they come at 5.20?

Unit 3t can / carft (cannot) / could / couldn't


Circle the correct option.

I do can {fear}) swim very well.

a I don’t think she can understand/ understands English.

b I ’m can / / can meet you at 6.00 tomorrow.

c Do you can / Can you listen to me, please?

d He can to see/see you now.

e They can’t / don’t can come to the party.

f Am I could / Could I borrow your pen?

g I ’m sorry that the dentist doesn’t could / couldn’t see you yesterday afternoon.

h I can / I could use a computer very well now.

i Could I ask / to ask you a question ?

Complete these sentences with can or can’t.

G*a we meet tomorrow?

a _______ you phone me later tonight?

b There’s no more work so you_______ leave early tonight.

c I’m sorry but I______ help you.

d You_______ borrow my car if you are careful.

e I ’m busy right now - 1_______ talk to you.

f _______ you speak up, please? I_______ hear you.

g I_______ get a bus to work but I ________get a train.

Complete these sentences with could or couldn’t.

Could I borrow your car?

a It was a shame he_______ come to the party.

b I _____________ do it now, if you like.

c I _hear what they were saying, it was so noisy.

d A: She_______ be late on Monday. B:________she leave work earlier?

e He_______ have let me know he was running late!

f I ’m so tired, I feel like I _______ sleep for days.

Unit 3: can / carft (cannot) / could / couldn't

What are these people saying? Use Could you...? or Could I...?

open /window a post /letter

Could you o^e.^ the, window, p i __ __________

b use /phone c repeat / address

d turn down / television e borrow / dictionary

2Z U nit Qi c an / carft~ (can n o t) / could / c o u ld rft

Write questions and answers about these abilities.

OvA you -te.i\i\i£? N o , I CArv ~t.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions with can and could.

For example:

A: Can you play the piano?

B: No, I can’t.

A: Could we meet for a coffee at the weekend?

B: Yes, we could.

Unit 3s can / can't: (cannot) / could / couldn't

have got

Read about some people.Look at the green words.

Ismail: 1 can't- go to worktoday. I've got abad headache.

Magda\ Nave you got anychildren?

Jeya: Yes, 1 have. I've gota son and adaughter.

Cheng: We haven't gotany milk, coffee oreggs.

Rafiq: We've got a newhouse. It's got threebedrooms and agarden.

~W~ When do we use have got F> (page 97)

Complete these examples.

We often use have got to talk about:

• illness- I've. ^o± a bad headache.• family - _____________a son and a daughter.• shopping - ____________ any milk, coffee or eggs?• things we have - ____________ a new house._____________ three bedrooms and

a garden.

I/You/We/They have /’ve got a headache.have not/haven’t a daughter.

a house.

H e/She/It h a s / ’s a garden.

has not / hasn’t

Complete these questions and answers using have got.

1 ____ you_______any children? Yes, I__

2 ____ she_______any children? No, she _

30 Unit 9: have gov

PracticeCircle the correct form.

(FvTgop/1 do have two brothers.

a They don’t have got / haven’t got many friends.

b He has got /have got a new car.

c Do you got/Have you got backache?

d Have you got the time, please? Yes, I have got /have,

e The house doesn’t got / hasn’t got a garage.

f Has she got a mobile phone? No, she hasn’t / hasn’t got.

g Do you know if they’s got/they’ve got any children?

h Has he got /Have he got a cold?

i I think he is / has got a dog.

Hc.V ^o t b^ck^che.. a

2 Look at these pictures. What’s the matter with these people? (See Database 13, pages 116-117.),

Unit 9: have got 31


3 Complete these questions and answers.

A: Have. you q o t any sisters?B: Yes, I tave.. I've, ^o t one.

a A:_______________ any brothers?B: Yes, I __________ .__________ three.

32 Unit 9t have got

b A:________________ any eggs?B: Yes, we__________.

c A:_______________ a house?B: Yes, she_________ .___________a nice house.

d A:_______________ a garden?B: No, i t__________a garden.

e A:_______________ a girlfriend?B: No, I __________ .

f A:_______________ an iPod?B: No, he_________ .

g A:_______________ flu?B: No, they__________.

Complete these sentences with the correct form of have ( ’ve) / haven’t / has ( ’s) / hasn’t go t

She's <jot two cats and a dog.

a They_____________a house with four bedrooms.

b I can’t work at home because I________________ a computer.

c He gets the bus because he________________ a car.

d He’s not very well. He_______ a bad cold but I don’t think he_______ flu.

e We__________some milk but we__________ any bread.

f You________ two phone messages but you__________any e-mails.

g We_________ a new TV but i t _____________ a very good picture.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions. Ask about family, things you have, shopping you need or illnesses you have.

For example:

A: Have you got a big family?

B: Yes, I have. I’ve got three brothers and four sisters.

B: Have you got a cold?

A: No, I haven’t.

Unit 9: have got

70 some / anyq u a n tity 1

^ D a t a b a s e 11

Ling and Cheng are going shopping. Look at the green words.

Cheng: We've got: some bread, some butter and some tomatoes. We haven't got any milk, coffee or eggs.

Ling: Do we need anycornflakes?

Cheng: No, it's OK. we've gotsome.

Ling: Nave we got any meat?Cheng: No. we haven't got any. Ling: Do we need to get some

cash?Cheng: Yes. we do.

When do we use some and anyP (p a g e 9 7 )

Complete these sentences.

1 In positive sentences, we usually use £om£.

We’ve got_____ bread,______butter and______ tomatoes.

2 In negative sentences, we usually use_____ .

We haven’t got_____ milk, coffee or eggs.

3 In questions, we often use_____ . Do we need_______cornflakes?

4 We can also use_____ if we expect a Yes answer.

Ling: Do we need to get_____ cash?

Cheng:_____ , we do.

34 Unit 10t s o m e / any

Circle the correct option: some or any.

We’ve got(somey any eggs.

a There are some / any people in the restaurant.

b I haven’t got some / any money.

c There isn’t some/any petrol in the car.

d A: Have you got some/any change you can give me?B: No, I haven’t.

e I ’ve got some / any work I must do.

f A: Can I have some / any more potatoes?B: Yes, of course.

g Don’t get some / any more apples. We don’t need some / any.

h There isn’t something / anything on the television tonight.

i A: Is there some / any post?B: No, there isn’t some/any today.

2 This is Amir’s fridge. Write some or any. (See Database 11, pages 110-112.)

There is om£ butter.

a There are_______ eggs.

b He hasn’t got_______ vegetables.

c There aren’t .

d He’s got__

e There isn’t

f He hasn’t got _

g There’s ____

h He’s got___

i He hasn’t got_



_ chicken,


orange juice.

_ apples,


U n it 10x som e / any

Here is Amir’s street. Write sentences using some or any and the words given.

shops children playing trees houses gardens cats people talking

There are ^owe. c<kr$.

a There are

b There are

c There are

d There aren’t

e There aren’t

f There aren’t

q There aren’t

Unit lOs some / any

4 Complete the sentences using some or any.

I ’d like fresh flowers, please.

a I need to get__

b They haven’t got

c There isn’t ____

new jeans.

_ children.

d You must put______

e I don’t think we’ve got

1 A: Are there_______

hot water so you can’t have a bath.

_ new batteries in the radio.


e-mails for me?B: No, there aren’t

g A: Can you put__ more milk in my coffee, please?B: Sure, here you are.

h That boy is getting fat because he never takes exercise.

A: Do you want cash back?B: No, thanks. I don’t need_________ .

5 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions with some or any. Talk about things like shopping, where you live, and your family.

For example:

A: Do you need to get any shopping?

B: Yes, I need to get some fruit.

A: Are there any shops in your street?

B: No, there aren’t any.

Unit lOi some / any

11 how much / h o w many / a lot /a few / a Iftzfcle q u a n tity z

// Database 11

Ling and Cheng are at the supermarket. Look at the green words.

Cheng: blow many eggs shall weget?

Ling: A lot. 1 want to make a lot o fcakes.

Cheng: And tomatoes, how manydo we need?

Ling: Only a few. We don't needmany.

Cheng: Now much milk shall weget?

Ling: We need a lot. so get acouple o f big bottles.

Cheng: Now much butter do weneed?

Ling: Just a little. We don't usemuch.

Complete these sentences. Use examples from Ling and Cheng’s conversation.

1 With nouns we can coun t we use taw M^Ay?________________ eggs shall we get?We use________ for a large quantity. I want to make_________ of cakes.We use________ or not_________ for a small quantity. Only_________.We don’t need________ .

2 With nouns we can’t count, we use how________ ? ________________ milk shallwe get? We use__ for a large quantity. We need_______________ , so get a couple of bigbottles. We use________ or not_________ for a small quantity. Just_________ . We don’tuse________ .

Unit 11: how much / how many / a lo t / a few / a little 1

Write these words in the correct column of the table.

jp o m f lessons times time coffee students children petrol tablesoranges orange juice cash pounds sugar information English sportssport cola meat exercise onions salad flowers

Complete the questions using the words from Exercise 1. In some cases, more than one word is possible.

How much co-P-Tee do you drink?

a How many________ are in your class?

b How much________do you spend a week?

c How many________ are there in this room?

d How much_________ do you know?

e How much_________ do you eat?

f How many________ do you eat?

g How much_________ do you do every week?

h How many_________ a week do you go to college?

i How much_________ do you spend watching television?

Unit 11: how much / how many / a lot? / a few / a little

Look at Jeya’s fridge. What has she got?

She’s got a lot of po±<ktoe.*.

a She’s got a few_______

b There’s a little________

c She hasn’t got much____

d There aren’t many_____

e There is a lot of _

f She’s got a little

g There are a few.

Unit 77: how much / how many / a lo t / a few / a little

Write one word in each space - much, many, lot, few or little.

1 A: How Much milk do you take in your tea?B: Just a ______ , half a spoonful.

2 A: How_____________ people do you know in England?B: I know a _______ of people; from my work, my college,

my neighbours, and my children’s friends.

3 A: How______ petrol does your car use?B: It uses a ________. It’s very expensive to run.

4 A: How_______ e-mails do you send every day?B: I only send a______ , not______ ; maybe two or three.

5 A: How______ fruit do you eat every day?B: Just a ______ , not______ . I know I should eat more.

6 A: How______ times a week do you go shopping?B: Not_____ ; maybe once or twice.

Circle the correct option.

(JjmTmucJ)/How many sugar should I use?

a There is a little /a few coffee left in the jar.

b How many/How much information do you need?

c There is a lo t/a little of sugar in cola.

d Jeya has a few /a little tomatoes in her fridge.

e How much/How many lessons do you have on Monday?

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions with How much and How many. Look at Exercise 2 and Exercise 4 in this unit.

For example:

A: How much coffee do you drink?

B: I drink a lot - four or five cups a day.

Unit 11: how much / how many / a lo t / a few / a little

Making pluralsnouna

& Database S, II

Read about the town centre. Look at the green words.

There are some shops in the town centre. There is a lot o f tra ff ic We can see some cars and two buses. There are a lot o f people on the streets. We can see two men with their wives and children There is a woman wearing jeans and sunglasses.

l - l o w d o w e m a k e p l u r a l s P (p a g e 9 7 )w

Complete these examples. Some of the answers can be found in the yellow box.

1 Most nouns + shop - » car -» ____ , street -> ________ .

2 Nouns ending ~s / ~sh / ~ch / ~x + -es: bus -» _____ .

3 Nouns ending ~y change to ~ies: baby -> _____ .But for ~ay / ~ey / ~oy + ~s: boy _____.

4 Nouns ending ~fe change to -ves: wife -» _______ .

5 Some nouns have special plurals: man -> ___ , person -> ________, child -> ___

6 Some nouns are always plural: jeans, s____________ .

7 Uncountable nouns are always singular: t_____________.

42 Unit 12i Making plurals

Write the plurals of these nouns. If there is no plural, leave a space.

umm plural singular plural

pen k citya watch I mouseb lady m sandwichc day n eggd knife o churche tooth P weekf trousers q milkg weather r shortsh bag s camerai bank t familyj box u gentleman

Write the singular of these nouns.

■ B B plural singular plural I

-twde.iv.'t students f peoplea women 9 loavesb houses h partiesc dishes i feetd fish j sheepe classes k children

Some of these sentences are right and some are wrong. Tick ( / ) sentences that are right. Correct any mistakes.

She’s got threejMcfs. children

a The men are asking him questions.__________________________________

b I can’t find the keis to my house.____________________________________

c I don’t like English foods._________________________________________

d Please put some knives and forks on the table.

e Please can you give me some informations? __

f My wife gave me a new pyjama for Christmas.

g I love to eat all kinds of fish.____________

h There is a lot of sheep in the English countryside.

i There are twelve persons in my class._______

Unit 12'. Making plurals

Look at the pictures and circle the correct plural form to complete the phrases.

a Some milk / milks. Two bottle / bottles of milk / milks.

b Some eggs/egges. A dozen/A dozen of eggs/egges.

c A pyjama /Some pyjamas. Two /A pair of pyjama / pyjamas.

Unit 12: Making plurals

d Some sugar / sugars. Two spoonsful / spoonfuls of sugar / sugars.

e Some feet/feets. Two/Two pairs of feet /feets.

f Some persons / people. A group o f / Groups of people / peoples.

Work with a classmate. Think of ten nouns and then ask your partner to write the plurals.

Unit 12 : Making plurals

a / an / thea rtic les

12 /Database 4,14

Read about where these people live and work. Look at the green words.

Cheng is a student a t City College. Me lives in a flat. The fla t is near the college.

Jasmeena is a university teacher. She works a t Sussex University. The university is in the countryside.

Ismail is an engineer. He works in an office. The office is in the city centre. It takes an hour and ten minutes to get to work.

When do we use a / an / Che? (p a g e 9 3 )m

Complete the examples.

1 We use a before a noun. The noun is not special: <k student,____ flat.

2 We use an before a. e. i. o. u: ____ engineer,______ office.

3 We use an before a silent h :_______________ and ten minutes.

4 We use a before u pronounced fyx\/:_______________ teacher.

5 We use the when the noun is special or we know the person, place or thing:_________ flat is near________college.___________________________ is in_______________________. ____________________is in__________________centre.

46 Unit 13: a / an / the

PracticeWrite a or an.

a bus

a lesson b egg c university d son

e __ _ apple f bottle q umbrella h computer

i hour j __ _ hospital k __insect I woman

m European city n old car o orange room P new book

q question r house s actor

2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

A dog is a animal, a * aiumaI

a Pawel works as a electrician.___________________________

b A food at Mario’s restaurant is very good._______________________

c The train is a hour late.__________________________

d Excuse me, can you tell me a time?______________________

e Aisha works at an University Hospital. She is the nurse.______________

f Hamid lives in an nice house. An house has three bedrooms and the garden.

g I want to see a new film at a cinema.__________________________

3 Match the two parts of each sentence. Write a, an or the in each space.


___ sea.

____ hospital.

____ restaurant.




8 works in studio.

Unit 13: a / an / the 47

4 Jeya and Deva are in a snack bar. Complete the conversation with a, an or the.

Assistant: What are you going to have?

Jeya: I ’ll have_____ sandwich, please. _egg sandwich.

Deva: And I’ll have____ piece of cake and______apple.

Assistant: Which cake would you like?

Deva:_____ chocolate cake, I think.

Assistant: And would you like____ drink?

Jeya:____ cup of black coffee for me.

Deva: And just____ orange juice for me, please.

Assistant: Where are you sitting?

Jeya: At____ table in_____ window, by_____ door.

Assistant: OK, I ’ll bring__________sandwich over to you when it’s ready.

3 Work with a classmate. Write down ten nouns. Ask your partner to tell you if we use a, an or the.

48 Unitr 13: a / an / the

thethe defin ite a rtic le

EDPatabaee 3, 6

V I /When do we use ther

m (p a g e 9 3 )

F \ Put the correct words in the spaces.

stations and airports jitee&aft&wzcJs' schools and colleges countries towns and cities college subjects

We don’t usually use the before:

s t r e e t* ^rvd ro^d^: 35 Hurst Road

____________________ ; Islamabad, Crawley

____________________ ; Pakistan, England

____________________ ; Gatwick Airport

____________________ ; Central Sussex College

____________________ ; EnglishThere are a few exceptions to these rules (see page 98): for example, the United Kingdom.

Complete the examples.

Hamid is talking about where he lives. Look at the green words.

"/ come from Islamabad in Pakistan but now I live in England. My address is 35 Hurst Road. Crawley, not fa r from Gatwick Airport. I study English a t Central Sussex College. I like living in the United Kingdom.*

Now read what Hamid says about food. Look at the green words.

"/ don't eat meat. I like fish and I have a lot o f fruit and vegetables. I don't think the food in England is very good. The children here eat a lot o f salt, fa t and sugar"

1 We don’t usually use the when we talk about things or people generally:me(k±, f___ t, v_________ , s______ , f______, s______ .

2 We use the when we talk about specific things or people: -the. -Tood in England,


Unit the

_____ North Street The. United Kingdom

Write the if necessary.

a Birminaham f River Nile k European Union

b mathematics g Paris 1 Heathrow Airport

c Victoria Station h Buckingham Road m United Arab Emirates

d United States i Asia n London City University

e India j business studies

Write these sentences in the correct order.

sun / The / shining/ is Une. zlni

a The / interesting / talk / was

b road / car / the / The / drove / up

c flowers / beautiful / The / were

d I / window / by / the / sat

e ate / She / cake / the

Write the if necessary.

a I love___ hamburgers. g

b Can you turn off the. television, please? h

c He doesn’t drink____ wine. \

d What do you usually have for___ breakfast? j

e ____ breakfast in our hotel is fantastic. k

f I like taking____ photos. I

____ photos of your wedding are really good.

My favourite hobby is____ shopping.

I don’t like_____sport.

______ weather in Yorkshire is wonderful.

I am studying______ history.

I ’m very interested in__ history of my town.

Write about yourself.

I come from (a )_____________in (b )_____________ but now I live in (c )_____________ .

My address is (d )_____________in (e )___________ . My nearest station is ® ______________

My nearest airport is (g )____________. I study (h )__________ at (T)____________ . I work as a

0 __________ in (k )___________ . I would like to visit ® _____________.

Now work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about your answers to Exercise 4.

For example:

A: What city do you come from?

B: I come from Krackow in Poland.

Work with a classmate. You should each choose one general subject from A and talk about it for 30 seconds. Then talk about a special subject from B.


shopping the weather at the moment

football the latest news

smoking the places to go in town

work the local trains and buses

holidays the class you are in

15 this / that / these / C hosedem onstratives

& Database \2

Jasmeena is showing Ling some family photographs. Look at the green words.


Who's this?This is my mother and these are my two sisters.And what about that old photo over there? Who's that?

Jasmeena: Oh, those two people are my grandparents, and that young girl is my mother/

\ i /-Cj5- When do we use this / that / these / thoseP

m (p a g e 9 3 )

□ Complete the sentences using this, that, these or those.

1 For things and people near to us, we use for one thing or person and______for two or more things or people.

2 For things and people not very near to us, we use _ for one thing or personand_________ for two or more things or people.

52 Unto 1St this / that / these / those

Please give me(thaty those plate.

a Can you move this / these chair for me, please?

b Whose are that/those glasses?

c Do you like this / these jeans?

d What’s the name of this / these vegetable?

e This / These is my friend Ibrahim.

f A: Hello, who’s that/ those?13: This / These is Petra here. May I speak to Jan?

g I ’d like one of that/those cakes, please.

h This / These fish isn’t fresh.

i I like this / that car over there on the other side of the road.

Surinder works with old people in a care home. Write the correct word: this / that / these / those.

Circle the correct option.

Can you help me with ±W\$ coat? a Are___________your glasses?

b Can you get me stick? c Would you like some of_ soup?

UntV 15t th/s / that / these / those

d Aren’t ___________e You need to take f It’s time for you to take g Can you get me

flowers l o v e l y ? ___________m edicine.___________ p i l l s . ___________ suitcase?

3 Write the best word - this, that, these or those - in each sentence.

I think -fchi* is the best day of my life!

a Hello, Mikel.___________ is Said, my brother.

b Which picture do you prefer - ________ one here or_________ one there?

c Do you know________ new student sitting by the window?

d I can’t find_____ keys Obi ga ve me.

e A: Thanks for your help.B:_____ ’s OK, no problem.

f I ’d like one of________ large screen televisions but I haven’t got enough money.

g Please fill in _form here with your name, address and details.

h ______ pen doesn’t work. Look, there’s no ink in it.

i Here you are. Can you post_______ letters for me, please?

4 Quiz* Work with a partner. Think of ten things (or people!) you have with you,near you and around the room to practise this, that, these and those. Show or pointto the things and ask your partner to name them. (Make sure you use this and thesefor things that are near to you and your partner!)

For example:

A: What’s this?

B: This is a watch.

A: And those are ...?

B: Those are tables.

Unit 15s this / that / these / those



e Pronouns

Rafiq and Hamid are looking atphotographs of where they live. Read theconversation and look at the green words.

Rafiq: Have you got a f la t? !Hamid: Yes, this is my flat.Rafiq: Is it rented or is it your

fla t?Hamid: It's mine. It belongs to

me. What about you?Rafiq: 1 live with my wife. We've

got a house. It belongsto us. My wife likesgardening. Look, this isher garden.

\ i /® - How do we u s e personal pronoune“F (p a g e 9 3 )m

Complete the table with the correct pronouns.

Subject Object Possessive

I ’ve got aflat. It belonas to we. It’s flat. It’s

’ve got a flat. It belongs to you. It’s flat. It’s yours.

He’s got a flat. It belongs to him. It’s flat. It’s his.

She’s got a garden. It belongs to her. It’s aarden. It’s hers.

’ve aot a house. It belonas to It’s our house. It’s ours.

They’ve got a house. It belongs to them. It’s their house. It’s

Unit 1&: Pronouns 55

Excuse me, can you tell me the time, please?

a Mikel is my husband._____ is 28 years old.

b I love my mother._____ is my best friend.

c I ’m sorry but___ can’t help you.

d I live with Saeed.________ are brothers.

e I like my neighbours.________ are very friendly.

Write the correct word: me, you, him, her, us or them.

This is my car. It belongs to m£.

a My parents are in India. I miss________ .

b Deva isn’t happy with Rafiq. She’s angry with________ .

c Hello, we need a taxi, please. Can you pick______ up at 6.30?

d Your daughter is crying. You need to talk to_______________.

Write the correct word: my, your, his, her, our or their.

I want to call Mr Jackson. Have you got Wi* number?

a Excuse me, can I see_____ passport, please?

b She’s happy because she’s meeting____ friends tonight.

c My son is very happy at____________ school.

d The parents pick up______ children from school every day.

Write the correct word: mine, yours, his, hers, ours or theirs.

That car belongs to my brother. I know that it ’s W\$.

a This is my sister’s mobile phone. I ’m sure it is________.

b A: Whose is this bag? Is i t_______ ? B: No, it isn’i _________ ,

c A: Does that house belong to your family? B: Yes, i t s ____________.

d I’m giving my address to everyone in the class and they are ail giving me

Write the correct word: i, you, he, she, we or they.

Unit 1&. Pronouns \

5 Circle the correct option.

She /@ ) car is yellow.

c That’s hers / her jacket and this is my / mine.

d Please come and visit we / us in ours / our country.

e Us/ Our neighbours are on holiday with them / their children.

0 Work in a group. One student collects two objects from the others in the group. The first student then asks the others questions with pronouns.

A: Is this your mobile phone?

B: No, it isn’t mine.

A: Is it his?

B: Yes, it belongs to him.

17 AcUecttves

fc 7 Database Z

Read the description of Roman. Look at the words in green.

This is Roman. He is tall and good-looking. Roman is wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans and a pair o f old trainers. He's got a new mobile phone in his hand. Me looks happy. He feels good.

w ' ^ow 0 ,0 we uee acUec&ves’P

□ Complete the examples using adjectives.

1 We use adjectives in front of nouns: a white. T-shirt,__________ jeansand a pair of__________ trainers, a___________ mobile phone.

2 We use adjectives after am, is or are: He is____ and_________________ , and after look(s).feel(s). sound(s). smell(s) or taste(s): He looks_____ . He feels_____ .

Unfit 17s Acffectfvee

an / man / is / He / old He. aa old maa.

a got / shoes / new / some / I ’ve

b These / eggs / fresh / are

c wearing / She / is/ jeans / blue

d youngest / i s / my / This / daughter

e There / black / in / are / clouds / sky / the

Write these sentences in the correct order.

ta l l / i s / He He.

a fine / weather / The / is

b feels / cold / room / This

c not / am / happy / 1

d She / hungry / feel / doesn’t

e job / interesting / sounds / The

These sentences are wrong. Correct the mistakes.

He’s wearing a sjjjji-Mo^ <k blue ^hirt

a I give money to people poor.____________________

b Look at the beautifuls flowers.___________________

c The student very young looks.____________________

d Very hungry I am.__________________________

e She isn’t feeling happily today.___________________

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

4 Look at the pictures. Choose words from the box to make sentences.

ja r looks smell tastes sounds feels lovely terrible Jjungrf exciting beautiful sad

a She i£ hwr^ry. b It____________________ c He_________

d They________________ e Your news______________ f She_________

5 Work with a classmate. Choose someone in the class to describe to your partner. Describe them using adjectives. Can your partner say who it is?

For example;

A: She is tall. She’s got long, brown hair. She’s wearing a red sweater, a white shirt and blue jeans.

B: I think it ’s Kamila.

60 Unft 17: AcOec&vesI


\ \ /

How do we use adverbsP (page 93—99)m1 We use adverbs after most verbs - understand easily (wdersteftd-easy), speak English clearly

(speak^tezr, speak clearly Eng 11517).

2 We do not use adverbs after am, is or are (or feel, look, sound, taste, smell) - it ’s not bad (its-ftdtwefl).

B Complete the examples.

1 Regular adverbs add ~ly to the adjective: clear - clearly , slow bad - ___________.Regular adverbs ending in ~y change ~y to ~ily: easy - ______

2 Irregular adverbs include: good - _________ , fast - ________ , hard -

Unft 13: Adverts

Cheng is talking to his teacher. Read the conversation and look at the green words.

Teacher. How is your English, Cheng?Cheng: OK. I think, It's not bad.

I can understand easily when people speak English clearly. I can't understand well if they speak fast. My big problem is reading and writing. I read slowly and I write badly. I'm working hard to get better.

clear cleAriy

Write the adverbs for these adjectives.

a slow b quick

c happv d careful

e quiet f anarv

g fast_______________________h bad____________

i good_______________________j hard

k heavv I dangerous

m serious n safe

o strong

Some of these sentences are correct and some are wrong. Tick (✓) the ones that are right and correct the mistakes.

Magda speaks Englishypetf. A /U ^d* we.ll.

a Jeya walks quickly.__________________________________

b I can’t understand. Please speak slow.__________________________________

c I usually sleep well.__________________________________

d Don’t drive fast in the city centre.__________________________________

e Cheng works hardly at his English.__________________________________

f Petra laughs happy.__________________________________

g Please talk quietly in the library.__________________________________

h Hamid very well plays tennis.__________________________________

i Rafiq drives very carefully.__________________________________

62 Unit 13: Advertps

Choose words from the box to make sentences about yourself.

well badly easily fast hard quickly slowly safely carefully strongly dangerously seriously

I speak English I slowly And c*re.-fwlly.

a I read E n g l i s h _________________________________________

b I write in E n g l i s h _________________________________________

c I d r i v e _________________________________________

d I c o o k _________________________________________

e I can s w i m _________________________________________

f I play t e n n i s _________________________________________

g I ride a b i c y c l e _________________________________________

h I w o r k _________________________________________

i I s t u d y _________________________________________

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about Exercise 3 above. You can ask questions with How do y o u ... ? or with Can y o u . . .?

For example:

A: How do you drive? B: I drive well. I drive slowly and carefully.

A: Can you cook? B: No, I cook very badly.

Match the two parts of each sentence.

a Cheng walks quickly — ^ 1 very well.

b 1 can’t hear you. \ 2 carefully:

c Rafiq plays football \ 3 to see more clearly.

d 1 study hard 4 Could you speak a little louder?

e Jeya carries the flowers 5 up the road.

f 1 wear glasses 6 for exams.

Unit 13: Advert* s

19 Prepoel&ons of timein / on / a t

& Database 16

Beatriz asks the college receptionist about her new class. Look at the green words.

Receptionist: Your class is in the evening on Monday and Wednesday. It starts a t 6 o'clock and finishes at 8 o'clock.

Roman is talking to Ling. Read the conversation and look at the green words.

Roman: When's your birthday?Ling: It's in October, on the

fifteenth. This year it's on Saturday. That's good because it's a t the weekend.

j Your glass fs in the evening. |

-®- Now do we use in, on and sit for tfmes'P■ (page 99)□ Write in, on or at in the examples.

in:ii\ the evening,__ the morning,___ the afternoonmonths:__ Octoberseasons:____ springyears:____ 2009on:days:___ Mondayparts of a day:____ Wednesday eveningdates:_____ 15th Octoberat:a time:___ 6 o’clockthe weekend:__ the weekendnight: night

64 Unit 19: Prepo&ft/one o f time

Circle the correct option.

in /( jn y at Friday

a in /on /a t Thursday

d i n / o n /a t 1995

g in / on / at one o’clock

j i n / o n /a t 23rd January

m in /on /a t Sunday night

Write in, on or at.

We always go out ok Saturday night.

a I start work__ 8.00 and I finish___ 5.30.

b / don’t usually work__ the weekend, but I work___ Saturday mornings when we are very busy.

c He has two weeks’ holiday__ August.

d She picks the children up from school__ half past three.

e Their wedding is__ Saturday 5th July,

Look at Ling’s diary. Then writs in. on or at to complete the sentences on the next page.

Monday6 . 0 0 p.M. College.

Thursday6 .0 0 a .m . Work: A t £iA£>er M arke t: 7 . 3 0 p.M. FHm A t M u ltip le .*

TuesdayS .O O a.m . Work. A t £iAperMArlce.t

Friday&.OO Me.Al A t the. ChirvA Q arde .*

Wednesday6 . 0 0 p,.M. College.

Saturday3 .0 0 N a o m I £ w e.dd i^ Eve.i\ii\^ - we.ddir^ p a r ty

Sunday11. O O a.m. Me.e.t ii\ Loi\doi\

b in /on /a t July

e i n / o n /a t the weekend

h in / on / at the afternoon

k in / on / at night

n in / on / at 25th May

c in / o n / a t Saturday morning

f in / on / at winter

i in / on / at summer

I in /on /a t a quarter past five

Unit 19: Pnepoeftfone o f time 65

a Ling goes to college o* Monday and Wednesday _ _ 6 o’clock__ the evening.

b She goes to work__ 8 o’clock___ the morning___ Tuesday and Thursday.

c __ Thursday___ half past seven___ the evening she’s going to see a film.

d She’s having a meal at the China Garden__Friday________________8 o’clock___ the evening.

e __ Saturday, she’s going to a wedding___ three___ the afternoon. Then there’sa wedding party__ Saturday evening.

f __ Sunday, she’s meeting Shu___ eleven___ the morning in London.

Write a diary for next week. Write something for each day. Then work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about different times and days.

For example:

A: What are you doing on Monday?

B: / start work at 8 o’clock and finish at 1 o’clock. I’m coming to college at 5.30 in the evening.

Monday Thursday

Tuesday Friday

Wednesday Saturday


Unit 19t Propoeftfone o f time

Prepositions of placein / on / a t

[£7 Database 17

\ i / ^How do we use in, on and at? for placesr

9 ( p a g e 9 9 )

Read about Ismail, Magda and Hamid. Look at the green words.

Ismail lives in Birmingham, in the Midlands. He works in an office in the city centre. This morning he is in his car. Magda lives in Lincoln Street, in Brighton, on the south coast. She is a teacher a t Sussex University. She is waiting a t the bus stop. Hamid lives a t 35 Hurst Road, in Crawley. He works a t Gatwick Airport. He lives in a fla t on the firs t floor. At the moment he's on the bus.

Write in, on or at to complete the examples.

In is used for the following:Streets; towns and areas: in Birmingham,___ the city centre,____Brighton,____Lincoln Street,____CrawleyRegions:___ the MidlandsHouses, flats, rooms:___ a flat,____ an officeCars, taxis:__________ his car.On is used for the following:The coast:___ the south coastFloors:___ the first floorBuses, trains, planes, boats:___________the busAt is used for the following:Places of work and study:__ Sussex University,___ Gatwick AirportNext to a point:___ the bus stopAddresses:_____ 35 Hurst Road

Unit SOi Prepositions of place 67

Match the two parts of each sentence.

a She’s reading in -----— ^ 1 12 Church Road.

b He lives in \ 2 the traffic lights.

c He works at — 3 the library.

d They study at 4 the third floor.

e She lives on 5 the bus.

f Ilive at 6 the local hospital.

g The car is waiting at 7 London.

h She’s travelling on 8 Oxford University.

Circle the correct option. Choose in, on or at.

He’s 0 / on / at the bathroom.

a She’s i n / o n / at the kitchen.

b They live in / o n / a t Manchester.

c He’s i n /o n /a t a taxi.

d The office is in / on / at the second floor.

e I’m meeting her i n /o n /a t Victoria Station,

f She lives in / o n / at the north of England.

g New York is in / o n / at the East Coast.

h I live in / o n / at 97 South Street

i They study in / o n / at the college.

Write in, on or at to complete these sentences.

Ling lives i* a flat.

a The flat i s _______ the ground floor.

b She lives______ Church Road.

c Ling lives_______ _ Crawley,______ West Sussex.

d She studies English______ the local college.

Unit 20. Prepoef&one o f place

e The class is the third floor.

f She works part-time the supermarket.

4 Wr'te about where you live, work and study.

house? flat? room? I live, ia tw o r o o i r ^ <k bi^ how^e..

a floor?___________________________________________

b street?___________________________________________

c number?___________________________________________

d town? city? county? region?__________________________________________

e college?___________________________________________

f classroom?___________________________________________

g workplace?___________________________________________

5 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about the places where you live, work and study. Also ask about friends and family.

For example:

A: Do you live in a house or a flat?

B: In a flat.

A: Which floor is it on?

B: It’s on the first floor.

f Unit SOi Prepositions of place


u! as


A fo re prepositions of place

l& Database 10

Look at the town plan and read the sentences. Look at the green words.

The bank is next; to the supermarket. The road goes under the bridge. There is a cash machine in front o f the bank.The doctor's surgery is behind the supermarket. The post office is opposite or facing the lake.The chemist's is between the post office and the cafe. The post office is on the right. The cafe is on the left, and the chemist's is in the middle. The park is near the supermarket, by the doctor surgery.

70 Unit 21: More prepositions o f plstce

Look at the town plan on the previous page. Answer the questions correctly.

Is the bank facing the supermarket? N o } i t i£ * 't . I tV ivext to the. ^ e r Market:.

a Is the park near the supermarket?____________________________________

b Is the post office next to the chemist’s?____________________________________

c Does the road go under the supermarket?____________________________________

d Is there a cash machine in front of the post office?______________________________

e Is the cafe by the park?____________________________________

f Is the chemist’s between the cafe and the post office?___________________________

g Is the post office on the left of the chemist’s?__________________________________

h Is the bank behind the post office?____________________________________

i Is the doctor’s surgery in front of the supermarket?______________________________

j Is the car park behind the chemist’s?____________________________________

Work with a classmate. Look at the town plan again for 30 seconds. Cover the plan and ask and answer these questions. Don’t look!

a Excuse me, where’s the carpark, please?

b Excuse me, where’s the doctor’s surgery, please?

c Excuse me, where’s there a chemist’s, please?

d Excuse me, is there a cash machine near here, please?

e And where is the bank?

1 Excuse me, is there a cafe in the town?

g Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is, please?

h Excuse me, is there a park near here, please?

Unit SZli More prepositions o f place 71

Where are these things in Ismail’s office? Write m e word on each line.

a Ismail’s desk is .

b His chair is

c The paper is

d His files are

e The photocopier is .

f His desk is

the window.

his desk,

his desk.

the window,

Ismail’s desk,

of the room, the door and the photocopier.

g There are two chairs. his desk.

Think of your kitchen. Quickly draw the room and the things in it. Show your partner your drawing and ask and answer questions. Then do the same for other rooms and for your workplace.

For example:

A: Where’s the washing machine?

B: It’s under the window next to the sink.

Unit Zh More prepositions o f ptece

uj a


Read about Ismail, Magda and Hamid. Look at the green words.

Ismail goes Vo work by car. He gets Vo work a t 830. He's always on time. He spends the first hour a t work on the phone or on the computer answering e-mails. Sometimes, he travels on business. In the evening, he usually gets home a t about 6.00. He goes to bed a t about 11.00.

Magda goes to work by bus. or sometimes on foot if the weather is nice. She gets on the bus a t the stop near her flat. Sometimes she works a t home. In the evening, she usually reads in bed if there is nothing on the television or on the radio.

Hamid is on holiday a t the moment.

' i f .f - Now do we use prepositional phrasesP

(p a g e 9 9 )

Complete these examples.

to:He goes to work (tpe work). He gets____ work. He goes_____ bed (pfe bed).on:He’s always____ time. He is_____ the phone. He travels____business. She goes to work___ foot.She gets____ the bus. She is_____ holiday. There is nothing______ the goes to work____ car (p& car). She goes to is____ work (tpe work). She works_____ home (pie home).in:She reads___ bed (pie bed)No preposition:He usually gets home late.

Unit 22: Prepositional phrases 73

Match the two parts of each sentence.

a He’s working on — 1 bed every night.

b He’s at 2 train.

c She’s sitting on 3 the computer at the moment.

d They always go on 4 the phone at the moment.

e She reads in 5 home at the weekend.

f She never stays at 6 holiday in July.

g Sorry, she’s talking on 7 work today.

h 1 like travelling by 8 the bus with her friend.

Circle the correct option.

She goes to home / ^oeThom^ a t 5.30.

a She gets to home/gets home at 6.00.

b I goto work / go work every day.

c I get to work/get work at 9.00.

d He normally works home / works at home,

e They usually go to the bed / go to bed early,

f I get on the train / get on train at Victoria Station.

g In London I travel by the bus / by bus.

Choose one preposition from the box to complete the sentences. One sentence has no preposition.

JU T on on in at by

He is in New York o* business at the moment.

a I don’t enjoy travelling__ plane.

b We normally cook__ home.

c I never get__ home before 8.00 in the evening.

d Please come to the lessons__ time.

e I am always__ bed before midnight.

f I’m the bus at the moment.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions using prepositional phrases.Ask about going to work, getting home, being at home, travelling, television or holidays.

For example:

A: How do you get to work?

B: I get to work by bus.

Unit 22: Preposf&onaI phrases


in c



t> 3

l + 3!

& Database 17

Afyra It’s breakfast time and Myra is talking to her son. Look at the green words.

Myra: Ali. turn o ff your PlayStation and listen to me! I'll pick you up from school a t 330 today. Wait for me if Cm late. Come on now. hurry up and put on your coat!

Jasmeena works in a care home. She looks after old people. Read her conversation with one of her patients and look at the green words.

Jasmeena: Would you like to looka t a magazine. Mrs Green? I'll put it on the table.

Mrs Green: Thank you. Jasmeena.I carft find my handbag.

Jasmeena: Don't worry: I'll look for it.

~tf}~ How do we use verbs + prepositionsP* (page 99-100)

Complete these examples.

to:listen to me, belong_me, write_______ me,talk___ me, speak_____ mefor:wait____ me, ask someone___ something, thank someone____ somethingup:pick someone___ (collect), hurry____ , get____________(out of bed), clean__, t id y_wash___ (dishes)on:come___ (hurry up), go____ (continue), depend____ someoneon/off:switch___ / off, turn____/ off, put____ / off, take_____/ off (clothes)Some verbs + prepositions have different meanings:look_______ = take care of, look________= read, look________- try to find

Unit 23i Vert>e + prepoef&ons

My husband never listens at / on me.

a This house doesn’t belong a t / o n / to me.

b I’m going into this shop. Please wait by / for / on me here.

c Amir doesn’t talk a t / t o / for his wife.

d Please hurry up / down / after or we ’II be late.

e He puts of f/on/down a clean shirt every day.

f Don’t forget to turn off /on / in the television before you go to bed.

g What time do you want me to pick you for / down / up this evening?

h I work as a carer looking at / for /af ter disabled people.

Choose the correct verb from the box.

Circle the correct option.

writes belongs Jtm K s depends washes takes tidies turns

She always me for helping her.

a He never_____ . up after a meal.

b This switch_____ off all the electricity.

c She____ to her parents every week.

d We could have a picnic but it______ on the weather.

e She______ up her flat every evening after work.

f That mobile phone_____ to Magda.

g He never_______ off his hat in class.

Write to, for, up, on or off.

What time do you usually get

a Come______ / Please walk faster.

b Can you ask your boss_______ more money?

c Her husband depends______________ her.

d My boss wants to speak_____ me.

e At work, do you have to put_____a suit for meetings?

f Don’t forget to thank them____ inviting you to lunch.

g He never cleans_____ his bedroom.

Work with a classmate. Write seven questions you can ask your partner using the verbs + prepositions in this unit. Ask and answer the questions.

For example:

A: Do you wash up after meals? B: No, I don’t. My husband washes up.

Unit 23: Vertps + prepoei&one

Usee of //ike

B 7 Database I, IS

Read these conversations. Look at the green words.

A: "Do you like English food?" Bi 'Yes, / do. Some o f it is very


A: "Would you like a cup o f tea?" B: "Yes. please. Milk but no sugar

fo r me."



"What's the weather like in your country?*It's hot and sunny in the summer and it rains a lot in the winter."

\ i /

'9 ' Now do we use 1/lceP (page lOO)

□ Complete the examples.

1 We can use like to talk about things we enjoy or feel good about using Do you like?‘‘b o you like. English food?” “Yes, I ____ . ”

2 We can use like to make an offer using Would you like?“__________________ a cup of tea?” “Yes, please. ”

3 We can use like to describe people, places or things using (What) is it like?“______________________ in your country?” “It’s hot and sunny. ”

Unit; Uses o f l/lce 77

What type of questions are these? Write 1, 2 or 3 in each box.

1 Enjoy (Do you like?) 2 Offer (Would you like?) 3 Description (Is it like?)

Do you like apples? J j

a What’s your country like ? EH

c Would you like to see a film tonight? EH e What’s the weather like today? EH g What’s your sister like? EEi Where would you like to go? EH k What’s your house like ? 3

b Would you like a biscuit? EH d Do you like watching football? EH f What music does your sister like ? IE] h Why don’t you like your class? EH j What music would you like to listen to? EH

Match the questions on the left with their answers on the right.

a Do you like coffee?

b Would you like anything more to eat?

c Do you like watching TV?

d Is your country like England?

e What would you like to do this afternoon?

f What kind of music do you like ?

g What’s your new flat like ?

h Are you like your father?

1 Go shopping, I think.

2 It’s got two bedrooms and a nice view.

3 No, I don’t. I prefer tea.

4 Anything I can dance to.

5 No, thank you.

6 No, it isn’t. It’s very different.

7 Not really. I’m more like my mother.

8 Yes, if there’s a good programme on.

Unit Sty Uses o f //A c e

A: Do / $ould)you like a drink?B: Yes, please. I’m really thirsty.

a A: Do / Would you like your job ?

b A: Do / Would you like getting up early?

c A: Do / Would you like to go out this evening?

d A: Do / Would you like the summer or the winter?

e A: Where do / would you like to go on holiday?

Circle the correct word, do or would.

B: Yes, i t ’s very interesting.

B: It’s OK. It isn’t a problem for me.

B: No, I’d prefer to stay in.

B: I love the summer.

B: I’d like to go to Italy.

What is it / are they like? Write one word on each line to complete these questions and answers.

A: What’s London like.?B: I t V very big and busy.

a A: What_

bA -____

c A:____

d A*____

e A:____


your parents.

your last holiday____ ?

the weather____ yesterday?

your brother____ ?






very nice.

__ very kind.

___great, thanks!

__cold and grey.

_ tall and friendly.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions. Find out what your partner enjoys (do you like?), make offers (would you like?) and ask for descriptions (is it like?).

For example:

What do you like to eat?

Would you like to meet for a cup of coffee?

What’s your country like?

Unit 2&K Uses o f like

w a s / werep a s t simple I

\ l /

Read these four conversations. Look at the green words.

A: *Where were you last night?0B: *I was in bed because I

wasn't very well.1'

A: *Where was Magda yesterday?"

B: *She was a t the university *

A: "Where were Deva and Jeya on Saturday?"

B: *They weren't a t home. They were in London.*

Now do we use was, wereP (page lOO)

□ Complete the tables.

1 Was and were are the past of be. 2 Questions

wasn’t (was not)


he /she / i t





weren’t (were not)


80 U nit 25: was / were

Circle the correct option.

I$asy were very tired last night.

a You was / were late for work today.

b The film wasn’t / weren’t very good.

c Was / Were there lots of people at the party?

d Marilyn Monroe was / were a famous film star.

e We was / were in Manchester last weekend,

f There wasn’t / weren ’t anything in the fridge.

g Who was / were your last teacher?

Correct these sentences.

I were at college yesterday evening.

a My mother were pleased to see me.

b The weather weren’t sunny on holiday.

c The shopping bill didn’t was correct.

d Was you tired after your journey?

e Did she was happy in her country?

f Did they was busy yesterday?

g Were Jan in class on Wednesday?

Complete these conversations with the correct form of was or were.

a A: Were. you ill yesterday? B: Yes 1 1 in bed.

b A: the weather good in London? R: Nn, it It grey and wet.

c A: those shoes expensive? B: No, they . They in a sale.

d A: Rafiq late for work? B: Yes, he____ . There a traffic accident.

e A: the post office open? B: Nn, it It closed.

f A:____ _ your keys in your pocket? B: No, they . They in my hag.

9 A- the restaurant OK? R: Yes, it . The food delicious.

h A: _ your exam hard? B: No, it It easy.

Work with a classmate. Think of five questions using was and were to ask and answer.

For example:

Where were you at six o’clock last night?

Was the weather good on Sunday?

Were your trainers expensive?

When was the last time you were ill?

Were you at home on Saturday?

Unft7 25z was / were


in co



Regular verbspast simple 2

& Database 16

How do we use regular verbs In the • simple pasttP (page 100)

Complete the examples.

1 In positive sentences, past regular verbs end in ~ed.wait -> waited, start ->__________

2 In negative sentences, we use didn’t + verb (not ~ed).I waited for the bus for 20 minutes but i t _____________ .

3 In questions, we use did + subject + verb (not ~ed)._____ you_______here?

4 In short answers, we use did / didn’t.Yes, I ______ . No, I didn’t

Petra is waiting for Jan at the cinema. Look at the green words.

Jan: I'm sorry I'm late.Petra: Did you walk here?Jan: Yes, I did. I waited for

the bus for 20 minutes but it didn't arrive.

Petra: OK, don't worry. The film only started a few minutes ago.We can still go in.

Unit Regular vert?s

There are three different ways of pronouncing past ~ed endings. Complete the past forms of these verbs. Then say them aloud.

(A d/) waited Av e 111 d /wait -> w i'te.d visit -» start-*need ^ hate -* decide -*study -» studied copy ->

(/d/) loved A A vd /love loved live -* phone ->arrive -> die -* move -»close call ^ cleantry-* -tried stay -*

reply -* play ^ stayed

0;/) watched An d f t / watch -* w atched n/as/7 -> crash -*finish -» walk-* talk->work pick -* cook-*help -* like -* Stop -* £-top>p>ed


Some of these sentences are correct and some are wrong. Tick ( / ) the ones that are right and correct the mistakes in the other sentences.

He sludy&Tmedicine at university, studied

a She phoned me at nine o’clock last night.___________

b Did you watch television last night?___________

c She didn’t enjoyed the film .____________

d She picked up the children after school.___________

e He lived not in the United States three years ago.___________

f What time you did finish work yesterday?___________

g I visited India in the winter._________ _

Unit- Regular verbs

A: Did she like her present?

a A: Did you study English at school?

b A: Did the train arrive on time?

c A: Did it stop raining on Saturday?

d A: Did he help you with your English?

e A: Did you talk to your family on the phone?

Look at these questions. Complete the answers.

B: Yes, shed id. She likad it very much.

B: Yes, I_________. I_________ it for two years.

B: Yes, it_________ . It_________ a little early.

B: No, i t___________. It__________ all day.

B: Yes, he__________ . He__________ me a lot.

B: Yes, I________ . I_________ to them for15 minutes.

Look at these questions and answers. Complete the questions.

A: When did you at college? B: I started at college three weeks ago.

a A:_________you_________ her last night? B: No, I didn’t phone her.

b A: Where________ you________ at the weekend? B: I stayed with my cousin.

c A: What________ you________ last night? B: I cooked chicken and rice.

d A: Why_______ you__________to come to England? B: I decided to come here to get a job.

e A:________you_________ here? B: Yes, I did. I walked here.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions in the simple past.Use work, live, study, stay, play, watch, enjoy, arrive, phone, walk and talk.

For example:

A: Did you play football at school?

B: No, I didn’t. I played basketball.

Unit Regular verbs

Irregular verbspast simple 3

C 7 Database 16

Jan is asking Magda about her holiday. Look at the green words.

Jan: Did you have a goodholiday?

Magda: Yes. thanks. I did. I hada great time. I went home to Poland. I saw my family and I met all my old friends. I flew back yesterday and I didn't get back until one this morning.

\ l /

w -w

Now do we use Irregular verbs I n theSimple paS&P (p a g e 101)

mComplete the examples.

1 In positive sentences, past regular verbs have different endings.have tad, ao , see , meet ,flv~>

2 In neaative sentences, we use didn't + verb. I back until one this morning.

3 In questions, we use did + subject + verb. vou a good holiday?

4 In short answers, we use did /d id n ’t. Yes thanks. I . No, I didn’t

| Unit 27i irregular verbs 85

Look at the word chain, find the verbs and write the correct past form of each verb.gotmadediddrovetookspokeboughtikRewlputunderstoodthoughtleftatecamegavereadsoldsatslepttold


a do ___

e take

i understand

m put_____

q speak

b come

f leave.

j make

n think

r buy _

c get_

g sell _

k eat

o read

s sit

d give

h drive

I sleep _

P tell _

Complete these conversations with one word in each line.

A: What did you have for lunch?

a A: Did you speak to your family on the phone?

b A: Did you_____ _ about the exam?

c A: What time___ you get home?

d A: What___ you_____on Saturday?

e A:___ you understand the lesson?

B: I tad a sandwich.

B: Yes, I_____ to my parents.

B: Yes, I knew about it.

B: I ____ home at 8.30.

B: I bought some new shoes.

B: No, I _________________

f A: you drive to London or___ you go by train? B: /. there, I

_ it.

by train.

Complete these conversations using the past forms of the verbs in the box. You can use each verb more than once.

have go do see make swim sleep get

B: Yes thanks, I _a A: bid you tave. a good holiday?

A: Where______ you_______ ?

A: What_______ you_______ ?

a great time.

B: /.

B: I.


to my home country.

my family and I _

to the beach and I

some new friends.

_ every day.

b A: What you____ at the weekend? B: I . anything special.

A: you____ out on Sunday?

I______to the cinema on Saturday and I_____

B: No, I ______ all morning. I______up late,

a good film,


bath and then I my homework. /. to bed early.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions, for example, about your last holiday, what you did yesterday, last weekend.

IUnit 27: Irregular vertrs ■

Present? continuous / will (worft’) / going t o fu ture

& Database 1

^ow 0/0 we use vvW (worfti, going to and■ present continuousP (page 10l)

Complete the examples.1 M/e use will (won’t) for future actions.

A: I'll probably coMe. back on Sunday afternoon.B: I____ probably____out on Saturday night.A: OK, I____ see you at the weekend. I_________ you next week!

2 We use going to for future intentions.A: We_________ :___________ a party.B: I__________________ in and study.

3 We use present continuous for future arrangements.A: What___ you________at the weekend?B: I___________ some friends in London.A: When____ you________back?B: I____________ my exams on Monday.

Pawel and Jomo are talking about their plans for the weekend. Look at the green words.

Pawel: What are you doing a t the weekend. Jomo?

Jomo: I'm meeting some friends inLondon. We're going to have a party.

Pawel: When are you coming back?Jomo: I'll probably come back on

Sunday afternoon. What about you?

Pawel: I'm going to stay in andstudy. I'm taking my exams on Monday. But I'll probably go out on Saturday night.

Jomo: OK. I won't see you a t the weekend but good luck with the exams. I'll see you next week!

Unit 23: Present continuous / w 1U (worft) / going to

Match a sentence on the left with a response on the right.

a Bye!

b What are you doing on Saturday?

c What time are we meeting?

d I don’t feel very well.

e It’s very hot in here.

f When will the exam finish?

g Can I see the doctor this morning?

1 I ’m not sure. I ’ll phone you later and tell you.

2 It’ll finish at 12.30.

3 I ’ll open a window.

4 Bye! I ’ll see you later.

5 Sit down. I ’ll get you some water.

6 I ’ll probably go shopping.

7 I ’ll give you an appointment for 9 o’clock.

Complete these sentences with ~'s / ~ ’re going to.

ItV ^ o i i v j t o rain. a He___________________ have a shower.

b They___________________ play tennis. c He___________________ be a racing driver.

Unft? Present continuous / w ill (worftO / going to

d She take a taxi. e They paint the kitchen.

3 Deva is going into hospital for an operation. Complete the questions and answers about the arrangements using the present continuous.

Jeya: When are you having your operation?

Jeya: When are you going into hospital?

Jeya: Who is taking you to hospital?

Jeya: How long are you staying?

Jeya: Who is picking up the children from school?

Jeya: Who is looking after the children?

Jeya: When_____ you_________ home?

Jeya: When_____ you________ back to work?

Deva:/m tavirv it on Wednesday.

Deva: I___________in on Wednesday morning.

Deva: Rafiq________________ me.

Deva: I_____________ overnight.

Deva: My sister____________ up the children.

Deva: Rafiq_____________ after them.

Deva: I ’m coming home on Thursday afternoon.

Deva: I’m not going back to work for two weeks.

4 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about future actions, intentions and plans.

Unit S3t Present continuous / will (w orft) / going to

must; / mustn'tr / have goobligation

Ismail is talking about his job. Look at the green words.

*/ start work a t 8.00.1 mustn't be late so I have to get up a t 6.30. In my last job I didn't have to get up until 7.30 but I had to wear a suit and tie. I don't have to wear a suit now. but I must look smart and tidy. Sorry. I must go now - I'll be late!"

\« /Now do we use must / mustn't / have to?(page 10l)

□ Complete the examples.

1 When something is necessary, we use have to or must.I tave. to je . i up at 6.30.1_______ look smart and tidy. I ________ go now.

2 When something is not necessary, we use don’t (doesn’t) have to.I _______________ wear a suit now.

3 When something is the wrong thing to do, we use mustn’t.I_________be late.

4 The past of must and have to is had to (didn’t have to).I ___________________ get up till 7.30 but I ________________ wear a suit and tie.

Unit 29i must / m ustrft / h a v e to

I mustJcf post these letters. I tlne.$e. Ie.tte.r£.

a I must to check my e-mails._______________________

b You don’t must phone the office before 9 a.m.___________

c I have wear special clothes in my job._________________

d When I was at school, I must wear a uniform.___________

e He don’t have to travel in his job.____________________

f You mustn ’t to smoke in restaurants in England._________

g I didn’t must pay for the coffee because my friend paid for me.

Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

Match the questions on the left with their answers on the right.

a Are we la t e ? --------- 1 Yes, you mustn’t wake him up.

b Do 1 have to do a test? X. 2 Yes, but we had to wait half an hour.

c Is he still sleeping? - — 3 Yes, you must hurry up.

d How many tablets must 1 take? 4 No, I didn’t have to - it was free.

e Do you have to work at the weekends? 5 Yes, you have to phone your mother.

f Did the doctor see you? 6 I sometimes have to work on Saturdays.

g Is there a message for me? 7 Everyone has to do an exam this term.

h Did you have to pay for your course? 8 You have to take three a day.

Choose the best answer, mustn’t or don’t have to.

You(mstn^y don’t have to smoke in pubs in England.

a You mustn’t / don’t have to drive on the right in England.

b Most people mustn’t / don’t have to get up early on Sundays.

c You mustn’t/d o n ’t have to use a car if you can walk to work.

d You mustn’t / don’t have to eat chip sandwiches if you want to lose weight.

e In England, people under 17years old mustn’t / don’t have to drive cars,

f Young people in England mustn’t / don’t have to do military service.

U n ft 29 t m u s t / m userfv / have to

Write one word on each line to complete these questions and answers.

a A: Are you ready for your interview? B: Yes, I Mi^-t go, I_______ be late.

b A: How often___ you______ to see the dentist? B: I_____ to go every three months.

c A: Is there anything you,___ ____ do tonight? B: Yes, I ______ do the ironing.

d A:_____ you__________ get any shopping? B: Yes, I____ get some eggs and milk.

e A: Did you_______ wear a uniform when you were at school? B: No, I__________ to.

f A:____ you_________ _ get up early yesterday? B: Yes, I _________get up at 5 o ’clock.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions using must, have to and had to. Ask about things you have to do, places you have to go and things you had to do in the past, for example, when you were at school.

For example:

A: Do you have to do anything tomorrow?

B: Yes, I have to go to work.

A: Did you have to play sports at school?

B: Yes, we had to play volleyball.

Now write a short paragraph about your daily life using must, mustn’t and have to.

For example:I tave -ho ^ e t up A"h 7 o'clock.. I be. I<vte -for school.

Unit 2 9 : must / mustrft / have to

o Comparative acUectives

& Database Z

Raffq is talking about life in England. Look at the green words.

tt/n some ways, life in England is better than in my country, Sri Lanka. There are more opportunities here fo r me. I have a better Job and f work harder here, so my family can live in a bigger house and we can have a more comfortable life. But life here is busier and more expensive. Also the weather is warmer in Sri Lanka and I think the country is more beautiful. So, in some ways, life fo r me is worse in this country than a t home*

\ i /How do we make and use comparative

" adjectivesP ( p a g e 10 l)

Complete the examples.

1 The comparative form of short adjectives (one syllable) is usually formed by adding ~er.hard -» ta rder, warm -» ________ .For some adjectives, the final consonant is doubled: big ->_______ .

2 For adjectives ending with ~y, change ~y to ~ier: busy -» __________ .

3 The comparative form of longer adjectives of two, three or four syllables is formed by usingmore + adjective: comfortable -> _________________ , expensive ->_________________, beautiful __________________ .

4 Irregular adjectives: good -> b_______ , bad -> w_______ .

5 We use than when we compare one thing with another:Life in England is better_____ in my country. So, in some ways, life for me is worse inthis country_____ at home.

Unit 30. Comparative aclfec&ves

Write the comparatives of the words in the box in the correct column.

Jjappf important hot dark old serious fat near angry young comfortabledangerous sad heavy careful slim short interesting friendly easy fit

Short adjectives + | Short adjectives,double consonant

Long adjectives

Correct the adjectives in these sentences.

My country is Jjotef than England, h o t t e r

a My new car is more fast than my last one.________

b My wife is carefuller than me._____________

c Your bag is heavier that mine._____________

d I think my English is more good than three months ago.

e This restaurant is more nicer than the other one.____

f The weather is badder than yesterday.___________

g This new chair is more comfortable then my old one. _

Unit; 30: Comparative adjectives

Look at the information about two students. Write sentences to compare Jan with Roman.

Jan is 27. Roman is 22. J a a i£ o ld er t t a * R o m ^a .

a Jan is 1 metre 64 centimetres tall. Roman is 1 metre 69 centimetres tall. Roman is_______ Jan.

b Jan is serious. Roman isn’t serious. Jan i s _________________________ Roman.

c Jan speaks good English. Roman doesn’t speak English well. Jan speaks________ English_______Roman.

d Jan works hard. Roman doesn’t work hard. Jan________________________________ Roman.

e Jan is careful. Roman isn’t careful. Jan___________________________________ Roman.

f Jan isn’t very happy. Roman is always happy. Roman________________________________ Jan.

Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions. Ask how your partner’s life compares with life in his or her country. Ask about how they compare with someone else in their family.

For example:

A: Do you think life is better in this country? B: In some ways it’s better, for example we are richer.

A: Is your sister older than you? B: Yes, she’s three years older than me.

Unit 30. Comparative acOectfves <75

1 am / is / are: the verb be 1We can use the verb be to talk about personal information, for example:• name: My name is Deva. I ’m Deva.• country: I’m from Sri Lanka.• nationality: I ’m Sri Lankan.• age: I ’m 32 years old. My son is eight.• marital status: I ’m married. I’m single. I’m divorced.• job: He’s a taxi driver.• family: We are a small family of four people.• feelings: Sometimes life isn’t easy but we ’re happy.

2 there is / there are / i t is / they are: the verb be 2We use:

there is or there are to talk about things or people generally there is for one thing or person: There’s a supermarket.there are for more than one thing or person: There are lots of families with young children in our street, it is when we know the special thing or person: It’s (the supermarket’s) a big shop with everything I need, they are when we know the special things or people: They (the families) are all very friendly.

3 The present continuousWe use the present continuous to talk about:• something that is happening right now: Rafiq is working.• the general present situation: Amir’s looking for a job.• future arrangements: I’m working tomorrow morning.To form the present continuous we add -ing to the verb:jump - jump + ing = jumping, walk - walk + ing = walking, stay + ing = stayingFor verbs ending in -e, remove the ‘e’ and add -ing:live - live + ing = living, come - come + ing = comingFor some verbs we need to double the final consonant before adding -ing:shop - shop + p + ing = shopping, run - run+ n + ing = runningFor verbs ending in -ie, remove the 7e’ and add ‘y ’ before adding -ing:die - d + y + ing = dying, lie - 1 + y + ing = lying

4 I / you / we / they: present simple IWe use the present simple to talk about:• activities every day, most days, often, sometimes, generally: I go to work.• true information: She lives in London.We use some verbs in the simple form, not the continuous, all the time.For example: know - 1 know (Jlm-kmwtng). We call these state or stative verbs. The following are all stative verbs: agree, believe, forget, remember, think (= believe), understand, like, hate, need, prefer, want, hear, see, smell, taste, belong, cost.

She I she / it: present simple 2The pronunciation of ~s and ~es endings:• Words ending in ~se: close closes At 1 au z i zJ use uses / ju iz iz /• Words ending in ~sh: finish -» finishes A i n i Ji z/ brush brushes /b r a f i z/ wash -> washes /w dJ i zJ• Words ending in ~ch: watch -> watches M d t Ji zJ match matches /m a e t / iz / teach - » teaches A i i t j i z /• Words ending in ~ss: pass passes / p a is iz / kiss -> kisses /k i s i z /• Words ending in ~ry, ~dy: hurry -> hurries /h a r i z / carry -» carries /k ae r i zJ study -> studies /s t a d i zJ• Some other present simple verbs are formed by adding ~s to a verb ending in ~e, but the ~es is not pronounced

as a separate syllable: live -> lives A iv z J come -> comes A Am zJ leave -> leaves A i: vz /

Grammar notes

6 ImperativesThe imperative is formed by using the infinitive without ‘to’, for example: J & q tfg o .We use imperatives for:• instructions: Take two tablets three times a day.• orders: Send them an e-mail.• directions: Turn left at the traffic lights.• invitations and offers: Please come in. Have another biscuit.

7 Question wordsNote the word order for making questions:• present continuous: Am I going?/Are you / w e / they going? /Is h e / she / it going?• present simple: Do I/you / w e / they go? Does he / she / it go?

8 can / can't (cannot) / could / couldn't: modal verbsWe usually say can’t but the full form is cannot (one word).We use can for present ability: I can play the piano (now). For past ability we use could: I could play the piano when I was five.We use can or could for present or future possibility: I can meet you at 6.00. / / could meet you at 6.00. There is little difference in meaning. Here, could is not the past of can.We use can or could to ask someone for something: Can you help me, please? Could you post a letter for me? Again, there is little difference in meaning. Here, could is not the past of can.

4 have gotWe never use have got for activities: I ’m having a good time. (Lhave got a good time:)British English uses have got more than American English, for example:• British English: A: Have you got a pen? B: Yes,! have.• American English: A: Do you ha ve a pen? B: Yes, I do.

10 some / any: quantity IWe usually use some in positive sentences and any in negative (not) sentences.In questions, there is not a clear rule - sometimes we use some and sometimes any. If we use some, the question feels more positive and we expect the answer ‘Yes’: Have you got some money? (Yes, of course!) but we can also ask: Have you got any money? We often use some when we are offering something: Would you like some cake? We can also say: Would you like any cake?

11 how much / how many / a lo t / a few / a little: quantity 2We can count countable nouns, for example: one egg, two eggs, three eggs.We can’t count uncountable nouns, for example: milk, -twe-mtfks-With uncountable nouns, we often use another way of counting them, for example: two bottles of milk.We use some nouns as countable and uncountable, for example: I ’d like two coffees, please, (two cups of coffee = countable). I need to buy some coffee, (a kilo of coffee = uncountable).

12 Making plurals: nounsThe plurals of these commonly used nouns are exceptions to the normal rules:potato -> potatoes, tomato -> tomatoes, man -> men, woman -» women, child -> children, person -> people, tooth -» teeth, foot feet, mouse mice, sheep sheep, fish -> fish.

Grammar notes

\S a / an / the: articlesWe use a/an when we talk generally: Would you like an apple? (There are many apples on the plate, please take one.)We use the when there is one special thing or person we are talking about: Would you like the apple? (There is one apple on the plate.) We can also use the with plural nouns: The trains in France are really fast.In English we usually use a/an and notone: I ’ve got a house. (D^-goi-em-hrm^) We usually use one in answer to How many? - I’ve got one car (not two).

14 the: the definite articleWe use the before these countries, states and unions:• The U n ited .fo r example: The United Kingdom, The United States, The United Arab Emirates.• The Republic of..., for example: The Republic of Ireland, The People’s Republic of China, The Netherlands, The

Seychelles.• The ... Union, for example: The European Union.We use the to talk generally about some activities, for example: I like the cinema/the theatre. We use the to talk about some places, for example: I’m going to the bankAhe post officeAhe doctor’sAhe dentist’sAhe stationAhe airportAhe city centre.We don’t use the to talk about these general activities:• I go to bed/work/school/college/church. She is in prison/hospital. He is at home.

15 this / tha t / these / those: demonstrativesSome other common uses of this and that:• On the phone:A: Who’s that?/Is that Omi? B: Yes, this is Omi speaking.• Introducing someone: ‘This is my brother, Saeed. ’• A: Thank you. B: That’s OK. / That’s all right. / That’s fine.• A: I’m getting married. B: That’s great!/That’s nice.

16 Pronouns

Subject Object Possessive

1 have a car It belongs to me It’s my car It’s mine

1 me my mine

you you your yours

he him his his

she her her hers

we us our ours

they them their theirs

18 AdverbsRegular adverbs are formed using adjective + ly: clear -> clearly.• Adjectives ending with ~y change to ~ily: easy -» easily, angry -* angrily, heavy -» heavily hungry -» hungrily• Adjectives ending with ~ful change to-fully: careful -> carefully, beautiful -» beautifully Irregular adverbs: good -> well

Grammar notes

• These adverbs are the same as the adjectives: fast -» fast, late /ate, early -> early, hard hard• Notice that the adverb hardly means very little:

He works hard = He works a lot. He hardly works = He works very little.

1<? Prepositions o f time: in / on / a t

in on at

months, seasons, years, the morning, the afternoon, the evening

part of a day, days, dates times, the weekend, night,at the momentfestival holidays (Christmas)

Note: We say in the morning, but on Tuesday morning, at night but on Friday night.

20 Prepositions o f place: in / on / a t

in on at

a room, a flat, a house, an office, a buildinga street, a town, a city the town/city centre a region a car, a taxi

a floor the coasta bus, a train, a plane

an address (a number) a school, a college, a university, a workplace

22 Prepositional phrases

to on by at in

go to/get to a place, go to bed

on timeon the phone, the computer on business go on holiday on footget on/off the bus, train, plane on TV, the radio

go by bus, car, train, boat, plane

be at home, work, school, collegebe at the station, airport be at a party, a match

be in bed, in hospital, in prison, in the world

23 Verbs + prepositionsSome verbs are normally followed by prepositions:• to: listen, belong, write, talk, speak• for: wait, ask (someone) for (something), thank (someone) for (something)• on: switch on/off, turn on/off, depend on, rely on

Grammar notes

Some verbs + prepositions have special meanings. These are phrasal verbs or expressions. For example:• up: pick (someone) up, hurry, get, clean, tidy, wash• on: come, go, put on/take offSome phrasal verbs can be followed by different prepositions with different meanings, for example, look: look after = take care of, look at = watch, look for = try to find

24 Uses o f likeWe normally use the verb to like in the simple form: Do you like?/ / like / / don’t like (UmJrktfig).We can also use the verb to like with ‘would’ to make an offer - Would you like? - or to say what we want - I’d like (I’d like to go for a coffee.)In the sentence ‘What’s (is) it like?’ the word like is not a verb and it has a different meaning. It means ‘similar to’. We use What’s it like? to ask someone to tell us how something is, to describe it. So, ‘What’s the weather like?’ is asking how the weather is, not if you enjoy it. The answer is, for example, ‘It’s hot and sunny’, not, 7 like the weather’.We can also use like to ask about people, for example:• A: What’s your brother like ? B: He’s tall and friendly.• A: Are you like (similar to) your brother? B: No, my brother and I are very different.

25 was / were: past simple IWe use simple past for finished actions or times. The past of is/are:• I /he /s h e / it was / wasn’t (was not)• you /w e / they were / weren ’t (were not) Questions about the past:• Was I /he /s h e / it? (IM-fre-wzs)• Were you / w e / they? (Qid-yw-weW)

26 Regular verbs: past simple 2:

Positive Negative Questions

1 started You started He / She / It started We started They started

1 didn’t (did not) start You didn’t start He / She / It didn’t start We didn’t start They didn’t start

Did 1 start?Did you start?Did he / she / it start? Did we start?Did they start?

100 Grammar notes

27 Irregular verbs: past simple 3See Database 16 for a list of irregular verbs.

Negative Questions

1 went 1 didn’t (did not) go Did 1 go?You went You didn’t go Did you go?He / She / It went He / She / It didn’t go Did he / she / it go?We went We didn’t go Did we go?They went They didn’t go Did they go?

2% Present continuous / will / going to: futurewill: We use will for general future actions often if we are not 100% sure - 1 think I’ll go to the party on Saturday - or with probably definitely - I ’ll definitely phone you tonight. Sometimes we use will for a sudden decision - I ’ve got five minutes free, so I’ll phone George. The negative of will is won’t (will not).going to: We often use going to for things we want to do, have decided to do or intend to do. I’m going to travel round the world after I finish at college. We can say going to go but we often just say going to: I ’m going to go to London at the weekend - I ’m going to London at the weekend.We also use going to if we can see something is going to happen in the near future: The sky is very dark. It’s going to rain.present continuous: We often use present continuous for appointments, dates and arrangements which are fixed. I’m playing football at 3.00 tomorrow afternoon.

24 must / mustn't / have to: obligationWe use must and have to to say something is necessary. Generally, we use have to for laws, rules, something someone else tells us to do - You have to register with the police in this country - and we use must for more personal obligations - 1 must do some ironing - but the difference between using must and have to is very small. We use don’t/doesn’t have to to say something is not necessary We can also say needn’t -1 don’t have to wear a suit = I needn ’t wear a suit.Mustn’t has a similar meaning to can’t / not allowed to, or even, forbidden / prohibited.You mustn’t smoke in here = You can’t smoke in here / You’re not allowed to smoke in here/Smoking in here is forbidden / prohibited.Must has only one form - the present. We can use it for the future, for example, I must phone my mother tomorrow, but we normally use have to for other tenses: I ’ll have to phone my mother tomorrow, I had to phone her yesterday.

30 Comparative adjectivesAdjectives ending consonant + vowel (a,e,i,o,u) + consonant: double the consonant to make the comparative: big bigger, hot -» hotter, sad -> sadder, fat -» fatter, fit -> fitterTwo-syllable adjectives: some add -er, for example: quiet -» quieter. But most comparatives are with more: more modern, more careful, more peaceful.

Grammar notes 101

1 Activities and hobbles

In the houseWe do: the housework, the cooking, the washing-up, the cleaning, the washing, the ironing, the shopping (we go shopping), the decorating.

At college, school or universityWe study.We do homework, self-study, a test, an exam, reading, writing, listening, speaking.

SportsWe do exercise, sport (sports).We go jogging, running, swimming, cycling, riding, to the gym, fishing, racing.We play football, tennis, volleyball, cricket, baseball, basketball.

H o b b le sWe do gardening, DIY (the painting and decorating), painting.We go to the cinema, the theatre.We use the computer, we watch television, we listen to the radio.

Activities with do and goWe go shopping and we do sport. We do the shopping and we go running!

Put these activities In the correct column In the table.

the cooking the housework homework swimming the cleaningexercise jogging fishing the washing travelling

do go

^ o r t , the.

102 Dattabaee

2 AcUectfves

Adjective Comparative Opposite adjective Comparative

big bigger small smallerfast faster slow slowerfat fatter slim slimmerfit fitter unfit more unfitgood better* bad worse*hot hotter cold colderlong longer short shorternear nearer far further/farther*new newer old oldernice nicer -

warm warmer cool cooleryoung younger old older

angry angrier calm calmerbusy busier quiet quietereasy easier hard harderfriendly friendlier unfriendly -happy happier sad sadderheavy heavier light lighter

beautiful more beautiful ugly ugliercareful more careful careless more carelesscomfortable more comfortable uncomfortable more uncomfortabledangerous more dangerous safe saferimportant more important unimportant -

interesting more interesting boring more boringmodem more modem old-fashioned more old-fashionedserious more serious happy happier


Database 103

3 Britain

104 Database

^ The cafe

Match the pictures and the words.


a mug of tea a black coffee a milkshake a chicken salad sandwich a cheese roll a cappuccino a baguette with egg mayo a muffin an orange juice a toasted sandwich a jacket potato a piece of cake

Database 105

5 Clothes

Match the pictures and the words.

shirt jacket sweater blouse tights socks T-shirt skirtslippers belt shoes jeans tie trousers trainers

& College subjects

Write the words in your own language.

science________________________ physics____________________chemistry___

mathematics_____________________ geophysics. ------------------------ biology------

geography______________________ geology___________________ biochemistry

business studies__________________ computer science___________ IT studies___

programming____________________ finance___________________ accountancy _

bookkeeping____________________ languages__________________ media studies.


aeronautics______________________automotive engineering_______________

mechanical engineering_____________ electronics_________________ design

hairdressing_____________________ beauty therapy-------------------------

106 Datat*ase

7 Colours

white yellow orange red purple brown blue green grey black

3 Countries and nationalities‘I ’m from Sri Lanka (country). I ’m Sri Lankan (nationality). ’

1 Match these European countries and nationalities.


a United Kingdom

b France

c Spain

d Portugal

e Italy

f Switzerland

g Poland

h The Netherlands

\ The Czech Republic

j Estonia

k Germany

I Greece

2 What other European countries and nationalities can you think o f P

3 What continent or country do these people come from?

Asian At\<\

a Egyptian

e Somali

i Moroccan

m Iraqi___

q Argentinian

b Indian

f Brazilian _

j Thai___

n Japanese_

r Indonesian

c Pakistani

g Taiwanese.

k Philippino _

o American

d Sudanese

h Russian

I Saudi Arabian.

p Colombian__


What? are the countries and nationalities of the people in your c la s & r *

9 Days and months1 Put the days In order 1—7.

Wednesday___ Saturday___ Monday I Friday___ Sunday___ Tuesday__

2 put the months In order 1—12.

September___ January _ }____ December___ March___ July___ February _

Augusts___. April___ June___ November___ May

10 Directions to placesWrite these words and sentences in your own language.

We use these verbs when we give directions:

Go: Go down this road.

Turn: Turn left at the traffic lights.

Take: Take the first road on the right.

Continue / Carry on: Carry on up this street.




We use these prepositions:

straiaht / straiaht ahead down


t.___* * —

alona over under

i t naUl Uoo


Uy / 1 loafJ l ^in front of

IIUaL lu


Database 104

IVe use these expressions (write these words In your own language):

as far as__________until/ till__________ left__________ right__________ on the left__________

on the right____________You’ll see it____________ You can’t miss it!____________

And these nouns:

road__________street__________ turning__________ traffic lights__________ junction__________


ft Food shoppingWrite the words in your own language. Match the pictures to the food.


lamb □ _______________ beef □ _______________ veal □ .

chicken □ _______________ turkey □ _______________ pork □ .

ham D _______________ bacon □ _______________

no Dsrtzabaee


apple □ orange n banana □

grapes □ pear □ pineapple □

cherry □ peach □ lemon □

apricot C dates □ fio □

strawberry U raspberry □ blackberry □

melon □

Dsttaba s e 111


potato □ .

cauliflower □ .

cabbage □ .

lettuce □

beans □ broccoli □

peas □ onion □

cucumber □ tomato □

leek □ avocado □


12 Furniture1 Write the letters in the correct boxes.

a sofa (settee) b armchair c table d carpet e bookcase f fireplace g mantelpiece h curtains

i sink j worktop k cooker 1 oven m fridge n cupboard

o drawers p microwave q dishwasher r washing machine s tumble drier

Database 113

& Write the letters In the correct boxes.

a wardrobe b bed c bedside table d lamp e dressing table f mirror g chest of drawers

h basin i taps j shower k bath I toilet /W.C. m bidet n towel rail o stool

114 Datsat&se

13 HealthWrite these words and sentences fn your own language.


Medicine can be:

tablets_____________________ p i l l s __________________ capsules__________

Take two tablets three times a day.

syrup, medicine Take one 5mI spoonful of this medicine before meals.

ointment, lotion, cream Apply this ointment to the affected area as needed.

Useful words and expressions

a dose________________________ dosage _

The face

Do not exceed the stated dose.________________________

Once opened, keep refrigerated._______________________

Do not use if the seal is broken.________________________

symptoms________ If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

once________ twice_________a course of tablets________






head hair ear eye eyebrow nose lips teeth chin cheek neck throat


The body


--------------------------- m




shoulder elbow hand thumb bottom stomach groin knee foot

arm wrist finger back chest side leg ankle toe

What’s the matter?

Ache: My head aches. I’ve got a headache.

My legs ache. My knees ache. I ache all over.

Pain: I’ve got a pain in my chest. I’ve got chest pains.

earache _______________________ toothache

neck a c h e _______________________shoulder ache


116 Database

a pain in my stomach ______________________

a pain in my back ______________________

a pain in my s i d e ______________________

a pain in my groin ______________________

a pain in my leg ______________________

Strain: I ’ve got eyestrain after driving all night_____

I ’ve strained my shoulder, my wrist, my knee, my ankle.

W Jobs1 Do you know what these people doP Write the Jobs in your own language.

accountant____________ administrator ____________ architect ________

builder ____________ bus driver ____________ businessman/woman ________

carpenter ____________ civil engineer ____________ cleaner ________

designer ____________ electrician ____________ IT specialist ________

manager ____________ mechanic ____________ plumber ________

receptionist____________ salesperson ____________ shop assistant ________

taxi driver ____________ teacher ____________ technician ________

travel agent____________ web designer ____________

2 Do you work full-time or part-timer9 Do you do shift workr*

Do you work unsocial hoursP

Database 117

15 Numbers

Cardinal numbers

1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five

6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten

11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen

16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty

30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy

80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred 101 a hundred and one 22 twenty-two

33 thirty-three 44 forty-four 55 fifty-five 66 sixty-six 77 seventy-seven

88 eighty-eight 99 ninety-nine 1000 a thousand

10.000 ten thousand

20.000 twenty thousand

33.000 thirty-three thousand

40,400 forty thousand, four hundred

500.000 five hundred thousand

1,000,000 a million

Ordinal numbers

1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first

2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second

3rd third 13th thirteenth 33rd thirty-third

4th fourth 14th fourteenth 44th forty-fourth

5th fifth 15th fifteenth 55th fifty-fifth

6th sixth 16th sixteenth 66th sixty-sixth

7th seventh 17th seventeenth 77th seventy-seventh

8th eighth 18th eighteenth 88th eighty-eighth

9th ninth 19h nineteenth 99th ninety-ninth

10th tenth 20th twentieth 100th one hundredth



02/02/08 = the second of February, two thousand and eight

14th July, 1966 - the fourteenth of July, nineteen sixty-six

How do we say these numbers and datesP

a 3 b 14

c 40 d 22

e 105 f 97

q 15.000 h 432,000

i 337 1 3rd

k 31st 1 12th

m 42nd n 101st

o 03/03/2003 P 14/07/1982

1 €> V e r b s

Regular verbs/ id / Id / I t /

present past present past present past

carry carried arrive arrived cook cookedcopy copied call called crash crasheddecide decided clean cleaned finish finishedhate hated close closed help helpedneed needed die died like likedstart started enjoy enjoyed pick pickedstudy studied live lived stop stoppedvisit visited love loved talk talkedwait waited move moved walk walked

phone phoned wash washedplay played watch watchedreply replied work workedstay stayedtried tried


Irregular verbsinfinitive simple past past participle infinitive past participle |

be was/were been light lit litbecome became become lose lost lostbegin began begun make made madebreak broke broken meet met metbring brought brought pay paid paidbuild built built put put putbuy bought bought read read readcatch caught caught ring rang rungchoose chose chosen run ran runcome came come say said saidcost cost cost see saw seencut cut cut sell sold solddo did done send sent sentdrink drank drunk show showed showndrive drove driven shut shut shuteat ate eaten sing sang sungfall fell fallen sit sat satfeel felt felt sleep slept sleptfind found found speak spoke spokenfly flew flown spend spent spentforget forgot forgotten stand stood stoodfreeze froze frozen steal stole stolenget got got swim swam swumgive gave given take took takengo went gone/been teach taught taughtgrow grew grown tell told toldhave had had think thought thoughthear heard heard throw threw thrownhit hit hit understand understood understoodhold held held wake woke wokenkeep kept kept wear wore wornknow knew known win won wonleave left left write wrote writtenlend lent lentlet let let

17 Verbs + prepositions

to belong to, listen to, speak to, talk to, write to

for ask for (something), thank (someone) for (something), wait for

on depend on, rely on

in believe in

120 Datatzase

Phrasal verbsup clean up make clean and tidy

get up get out of bedhurry up be quicklook up find information in a book or on the Internet, etc.pick up collect someone from somewheretidy up clean and make order in a placewash up wash the dishes

on/off put on / take off dress and remove clothesturn on / off put the power on or offswitch on /o ff put the power on or off

on come on be quickgo on continue

for look for try to find someone or something that is missing

after look after take care of someone or something

at look at watch

13 The weatherSun wind rain and cloud

The sun’s shining. It’s sunny. It’s a sunny day. It’s dry.

The wind’s blowing. It’s windy. It’s a windy day.


It’s raining. It’s a rainy day. It’s wet.

It’s grey and cloudy. It’s a cloudy day.


IVrfte the words In the correct places on the scale.

warm cold hot cool freezing boiling hot mild

0°C 5°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 40°C- h i n 111 h I i t t i I iii 1111 i i I m H m T h n rhnT hT 11111111 m r im r iTm i n n f a r a l i i i i l i ni

/ /

122 Dsrtzabase

Unit 1

g j"b e .!H !E m 1 Verb short form 1 Negative form

1 lam Lm I’m not

You You are You’re You aren’t / You’re not

He He is He’s He isn’t

She She is She’s She isn’t

It His It’s It isn’t

We We are We’re We aren’t / We’re not

They Thev are They’re Thev aren’t / Thev’re not

Question J Answers

Are you happy? Yes, 1 am.

Are you single? No, I’m not.

Are you single? Yes, lam.

Are you English? No, [m not-

How old are you? I ’m

Where are you from? I’m from

Is your friend English? Yes, she is.

Is your friend single?.... . . ... No. she isn’t.

Is your car new? No, it isn’t.

Is your car very old? Yes, jt is.

Are your children very young? Yes, thev are.

Are your parents in England? No thev aren’t /thev’re not.

I ’m notisn’tWe’re

b isn’taren’tIs

isI’m; I ’m is

d is h is

c 6 f 1 i 5

3 a 'iTi e ’m i is (’s) m are (’re)

b isn’t f ’m j is ( ’s) n aren’t (’re

c is (’s) g mk are o are (’e).

d ’m h is ( ’s)I are (’re)


Unit 2A 1 There areB Yes, there are.

No, there aren’t.

2 They are 3 There’s 4 There’s

1 a ise aren’t any

b There are c are somei There are some g Are; any

d isn’t

a There’s a photo c There are some glasses e There are some trainers g There are some DVDs

b There’s a mobile phone d There are some keys f There’s a book

a 6 e 3

b 5 f 1

c 7 9 2

d 8 h 4

Unit 3A

lam (I’m) I’m not learning English.You are (You’re) You aren’t working.He is (He’s) He isn’t looking fora job.She is (She’s) She isn’t movina house.It is (im It isn’t rainina.We are (We’re) We aren’t shopping.They are (They’je ) Thev aren’t studvina.

B 1 shopping 2 moving 3 studyingC 1 are; ing 2 Are; ing 3 Is; ing 4 Is; ing; 5 are; ing

1 a talking b living c working d gettinge taking f walking g moving h drivingi coming j using k studying I shoppingm speaking n having o doing p phoningq going r listening s eating t staying

6 are; ing

a is (’s) watching e isn’t working

b is (’s); going f Are; using

c am (’m) phoning g are (’re) moving

d is (’s) starting h are (’re) having

a Naomi’s talking on the phone. c AH and Malik are laughing. e Jan’s eating a sandwich.

b Jamie’s reading a paper. d Dee’s using a computer. f Beatriz is walking out / going out / leaving.

124 Answer key

4 a Naomi isn’t talking. She’s drinking coffee. b Jamie isn ’t reading. He’s writing. c Ali isn’t laughing. He’s eating a banana. d Malik isn’t talking to Ali. He’s saying hello to Dee. e Dee isn’t using her computer. She’s saying hello to Malik. f Jan isn’t eating a sandwich. He’s reading a paper.g Beatriz isn’t walking out / going out / leaving. She’s coming in with some shopping.

Unit 4A

1 study 1 do not (don’t) study English.

You work You do not (don’t) work


We go We do not (don’t) ao

to the same college.

They go They do not (dojTt) go

to work.

B a do b do ego d do e don’t; work f they do

a Where b don’t drive c Do you taked live e do you speak f do they usually gog don’t h study; do i don’t; drink

2 a don’t b do; go c like; dod drive e don’t; They; look f Do; speak; No

3 Students’ own answers.

4 a do you go b do you do c Do you do / play d do you livee do you get up f Do you do g do you have

Unit 5A

He drives He has

He does not (doesn’t) drive He does not (doesn’t) have

a taxi, a job.

She teaches She does not (doesn’t) teach at university.

It rains It does not (doesn’t) rain a lot in England.

Answer key

B 1 Does; does 2 have 3 does; teaches 4 Does; does

1 a likes b teaches c studies d rainse drives f goes g flies h learnsi moves j does k carries I readsm lives n finishes o cries p listensq comes r washes s buys t takes

2 one sound: drives, goes, flies, lives, moves, does, reads, learns, cries, comes, buys, takestwo sounds: studies, carries, listens, washesthree sounds: finishes

3 a comes b Does c doesn’t d havee get f play g does; start h Does he take\ doesn’t listen

4 a he gets up b he usually gets up c He usually works d He hase drives f starts g He usually has h he goesi He takes j He finishes k he works I he gets upm he doesn’t get n he doesn’t have o He likes

lit 6B 1 Turn 2 walk 3 Cross A take 5 Don’t take

1 a Turn b Don’t call c answer d Don’t takee Finish f Phone g fill

2 a 2 b 7 c 9 d 1e 4 f 3 g 6 h 5i 8

3 a go b Stay c Don’t get up d Takee Drink f don’t eat g Don’t go h Call

lit 7A 1 Where 2 How 3 Which 4 When 5 Who 6 Whose 7 Why

1 a are b What c How d Whye When f Whose g How often

126 Answer key

2 a 9 e 7 i 8

c 5g 3

d 6 h 1

a What b How c Whose d Whye When/What time f Which g Where h Howi Who

4 a //ow old are you?c Mtai / time do you get up? e l/V/70 do you live with? g Which colour do you prefer? i How often do you work?

5 a /c I4ta7 does e Where is

b What do you do? / What’s your job ? d What do you have for breakfast? f Why do you want to learn English? h How do you spell your name? j Whose car is that?

b Whose car d /

Unit 8A 1 I can’t; Can you 2 can; Can I; I can’t make; I could come

1 a understand b I can c Can you d seee can’t f Could I g couldn’t h I cani ask

2 a Can b can c can’t d cane can’t f Can; can’t g can; can’t (can’t; can)

a couldn’t d could; couldn’t

b could e could

c couldn’t f could

a Could you post this letter, please? c Could you repeat your address, please? e Could I borrow your dictionary, please?

b Could I use your phone, please? d Could you turn down the television, please?

Can you speak a third language? Can you ride a camel?Can you cook?Can you draw?

Can you play the guitar? Can you ride a bike?Can you make a cake?

Answer key

Unit 9A We’ve / They’ve / I ’ve got; Have we got; I’ve / We’ve got; It’s gotB 1 Have; got; have 2 Has; got; hasn’t

a haven’t got e hasn’t goti has

b has got f hasn’t

c Have you got g they’ve got

d have h Has he got

a She’s got toothache. c She’s got a headache. e He’s got a stomachache.

b He’s got neck ache. d She’s got an earache. f They’ve got colds.

a Have you got; have; I’ve got c Has she got; has; She’s got e Have you got; haven’t g Have they got; haven’t

b Have we got; have; d Has it got; hasn’t got f Has he got; hasn’t

a have (’ve) got c hasn’t gote have (’ve) got; haven’t got g have (’ve) got; hasn’t got

b haven’t got d has (’s) got; has (’s) got f have (’ve) got; haven’t got

Unit 10A 1 some; some; some 2 any; any 3 any 4 some; some; Yes

a some e some i any; any

b any f some

c any g any; any

d any h anything

a some e any i any

b any f any

c any g some

3 (a-c, in any order) some houses, cats, people talking.(d-g, in any order) any gardens, trees, shops, children playing.

d some h some

a some e any i any; any

b any f any; any

c any g some

d some h any

128 Answer fcey

Unit 11A 1 With nouns we can count, we use how M<*Ay? How MdAy eggs shall we get?

We use (k lo t for a large quantity. I want to make lo t of cakes.We use -few or not M ^ y for a small quantity. Only <k -few.We don’t need M rvy.

2 With nouns we can’t count we use how Mwch? How Mwck milk shallwe get? We use <k lo t for a large quantity. We need (k lo t , so get a couple of big bottles. We use lit t le , or not Much for a small quantity. Just<k l i t t l e . We don’t use Muck

1 How much?/ a little: money; time; coffee; petrol; orange juice; cash; sugar; information; English; sport; cola; meat; exercise; saladHow many? /a few: lessons; times; students; children; tables; oranges; pounds; sports; onions; flowers

a students / children c students / children / tables / flowers e meat/salad g sport / exercise / Englishi time

b money /cash d English / information f oranges / onions h times

a eggs / apples / sandwiches c orange juice / lettuce / cheese e colag eggs / apples / sandwiches

b orange juice / lettuce d eggs / apples / sandwiches f cheese / orange juice

4 1 little 2 many; lot5 much; little; much 6 many; many

3 much; lot 4 many; few; many

5 a a little d a few

b How much e How many

c a lot

Unit 12A 1 cars; streets 2 buses 3 babies; boys 4 wives

5 men; people; children 6 sunglasses 7 traffic

1 a watches b ladies c days d knivese teeth f trousers g - h bagsi banks j boxes k cities I micem sandwiches n eggs o churches p weeksq - r shorts s cameras t familiesu gentlemen

a woman e class i foot

b house f person j sheep

c dish g loaf k child

d fish h party

3 a / b keysf some new pyjamas g /

c food h There are

d /i people

e information

a milk; bottles, milk c Some pyjamas; A pair of pyjamas e feet; Two pairs of feet

b eggs; A dozen eggs d sugar; spoonfuls; sugar f people; A group of people

Unit 13A 1 a 2 an; an 3 an hour 4 university

5 The; the; The university; the countryside; The office; the city

a a b an c a d a e anf a g an h a i an j ak an 1 a m a n an o anP a q a r a s an

a an electrician c an houre the University Hospital; a nurse g the new film; the cinema

b The food d the timef a nice house; The house; a garden

a 6 An actor works in a (the) theatre. c 1A lion is an animal. e 8 An artist works in a studio. g 5 A plane lands at an airport.

b 4A waiter works in a restaurant d 7 A chicken is a bird. f 2 A dolphin lives in the sea. h 3 A doctor works in a hospital.

a; an; a; an; a / the; a; a; an; the; the; the; the

Unit 14A towns and cities; countries; stations and airports; schools and colleges;

college subjectsB 1 fruit; vegetables; salt; fat; sugar 2 The children

a -f The k The

b -g The I -

c - h -m The

d The i - n -

e -


2 a The talk was interesting. c The flowers were beautiful. e She ate the cake.

b The car drove up the road. d I sat by the window.

a -e The i -

b the f -j The

c -g The k -

d - h -I the

4 Students’ own answers.

Unit 15A 1 this; these 2 that; those

a this e This i that

b those f that; This

c these g those

d this h This

2 a these e this

b that f these

c this g that

d those

a This e That i these

b this; that f those

c that g this

d those h This

Unit 16A

Subject Object Possessive

I ’ve got a flat. It belongs to me­ It’s mv flat. It’s mine.

You’ve got a flat. lt belongs to you. It’s vour flat. It’s yours.

He’s got a flat. It belongs to him. It’s his flat. It’s his.

She’s got a garden. It belongs to her. It’s her garden. It’s hers.

We’ve got a house. It belongs to us. It’s our house. It’s ours.

They’ve got a house. It belongs to them. It’s their house. It’s theirs.

Answer key

1 a He b She c I d We

2 a them b him c us d her

3 a your b her c his d their

4 a hers b yours; mine c ours d theirs

5 a me; your b His; my c her; mine d us; our

e They

e Our; their

Unit 17A 1 blue; old; new

2 tall; good-looking; happy; good

a I’ve got some new shoes. c She is wearing blue jeans. e There are black clouds in the sky.

b These eggs are fresh. d This is my youngest daughter.

a The weather is fine. c I am not happy. e The job sounds interesting.

b This room feels cold. d She doesn’t feel hungry.

3 a poor people b beautiful flowersd I am very hungry, e feeling happy

c looks very young

4 a She is hungry. b It tastes terrible.d They smell lovely, e Your news sounds exciting.

c He feels sad. f She looks beautiful.

Unit 18A 1 slowly; badly; easily 2 well; fast; hard

a slowly f angrily k heavily

b quickly g fastI dangerously

c happily h badly m seriously

d carefully i well n safely

e quietly ] hard o strongly

a / d / g /

b Please speak slowly. e Cheng works hard at his English. h Hamid plays tennis very well.

c /f Petra laughs happily. i /

3 Students’ own answers.

5 a 5d 6

c 1 f 3

Unit 19a on f in k at

b in g at I at

c on h in m on

d in i in n on

e at j on

2 a at; at

3 a at; inf On; at; in

b at; on

b at; in; on

c in

c On; at; in

d at e on

d on; at; in e On; at; in; on

Unit 201 a 3

f 1c 6 h 5

d 8 e 4

2 a inf in

b in g on

c in h at

d on i at

e at

3 a onf a ti

b in c in; in d at e on

Unit 21Yes, it is.No, there isn’t. It’s in front of the bank. Yes, it is.Yes, it is.No, it isn’t. It’s behind the bank.

1 a Yes, it is. bc No, it doesn t It goes under the bridge, de No, it isn’t. It’s next to the chemist’s. fg No, it isn’t. It’s on the right. hi No, it isn’t. It’s behind the supermarket, j

2 a It’s next to the supermarket, behind the bank. b The doctor’s surgery is behind the supermarket. c The chemist’s is between the post office and the cafe. d Yes, it ’s in front of the bank. e The bank is next to the supermarket. f Yes, it ’s next to the chemist’s.g The post office is on the right of the chemist’s, opposite the bank. h Yes, the park is behind the supermarket.

Answer key 133

3 a in front ofd by (near); on the g facing (opposite)

b behind c undere behind; on the right f in the middle, between

Unit 221 a 3 b 7 c 8 d 6 e 1 f 5 g 4 h 2

2 a gets home e go to bed

b go to work f get on the train

c get to work g by bus

3 a bye in

b at f on

c -

Unit 231 a to

e onb for f off

c tog up

2 a washes e tidies

b turns f belongs

c writes g takes

3 a one on

b for f for

c on g up

Unit 24A 1 do 2 Would you like 3 What is it like

1 1 d, f, h2 b, c, i, j3 a, e, g, k

a 3 f 4

c 8 h 7

3 a Do b Do c Would

Answer A c e y

d works at home

d on

d up h after

d depends

d to

d 6 e1

d Do e would

4 a is (’s); like; It is (It’s) d What was; like; It was

b What are; like; They are / They’re c What was; like; It, was e (What’s) What is; like; He is (He’s)

Unit 25A 1 weren’t; was; were; weren’t 2 Were; Was; Were; Were

1 a were f wasn’t

b wasn’t g was

c Were d was e were

a My mother was pleased to see me. c The shopping bill wasn’t correct. e Was she happy in her country? g Was Jan in class on Wednesday?

b The weather wasn’t sunny on holiday. d Were you tired after your journey? f Were they busy yesterday?

a was; was d Was; was; was g Was; was; was

b Was; wasn’t; was e Was; wasn’t; was h Was; wasn’t; was

c Were; weren’t; were f Were; weren’t; were

Unit 26A 1 started 2 didn’t come 3 Did; study 4 did

1 A d/: visited; started; needed; hated; decided; copied/d/: lived; phoned; arrived; died; moved; closed; called; cleaned; replied; stayedA/: watched; washed; crashed; finished; walked; talked; worked; picked; cooked; helped; liked; dropped

2 a / b y c enjoy d /e He didn’t live f did you finish g /

3 a did; studied b did; arrived c didn’t; rained d did; helpede did, talked

4 a Did; phone b did; stay c did; cook d did; decidee Did; walk

Answer key 135

Unit 27A 1 went; saw; met; flew 2 didn’t get 3 Did; have A did

e took j madeo read

2 a spoke b knowc did; got d did; doe Did; didn’t understand f Did; did; didn’t drive; went

3 a had; did; go; went; did; do; saw; made; went; swamb did; do; didn’t do; went; saw; Did; go; slept; got; had; did; went

a did b came c got d gavef left g sold h drove i understoodk ate I slept m put n thoughtp told q spoke r bought s sat

Unit 28

A 1 ’II; go; won’t; ’II see 2 ’re going to have; ’m going to stay3 are; doing; ’m meeting; are; coming; ’m taking

1 a 4 b 6 c 1 d 5 e 3f 2 g 7

2 a ’s going to b ’re going to c ’s going to d ’s going to e ’re going to

3 ’m going; ’s taking; ’m staying; ’s picking; ’s looking; are; coming; are; going

Unit 29A 1 must /have to; must/have to 2 don’t have to 3 mustn’t 4 didn’t have to; had to

1 a I must check my e-mails.b You mustn’t phone the office before 9 a.m.c I have to wear special clothes in my job.d When I was at school, I had to wear a uniform.e He doesn’t have to travel in his job.f You mustn’t smoke in restaurants in England.g I didn’t have to pay for the coffee because my friend paid for me.


2 a 3e 6

b 7 \ 2

c 1g 5

d 8 h 4

3 a mustn’t e mustn’t

b don’t have to c don’t have to d mustn’t f don’t have to

4 a mustn’ta mustn’t b do; have; have c have to; must d Do; have to; muste have to; didn’t have 1 Did; have to; had to

Unit 30A 1 warmer; bigger 2 busier 3 more comfortable; more expensive; more beautiful 4 better; worse

5 than; than

1 Short adjectives + ~er: darker; older; nearer; younger; shorterShort adjectives, double consonant: hotter; fatter; sadder; slimmer; fitter Adjectives ending with ~y: angrier; heavier; friendlier; easierLong adjectives: more comfortable; more important; more serious; more dangerous; more careful; more interesting

2 a faster b more careful c than mine d bettere is nicer f worse g than my old one

3 a taller than b more serious than c better; than d works harder thane is more careful than f is happier than


Database1.1 Do: the cooking, the housework, homework, the cleaning, exercise, the washing

Go: swimming, jogging, fishing, travelling

a a cheese roll d a piece of cake g a chicken salad sandwich j a milkshake

b an orange juice e a mug of tea h a cappuccino k a baguette with egg mayo

c a muffinf a toasted sandwich i a jacket potato I a black coffee

a T-shirt, jeans, belt, socks, trainers c shirt, tie, jacket, trousers, shoes

b blouse, sweater, skirt, tights, slippers

8.1 a 7 f 1 k 9

b 5g 11I 4

c 10 h 6

e 12 j 5

8 .3 a Egypt f Brazilk The Philippines p Colombia

b India g Taiwan I Saudi Arabia q Argentina

c Pakistan h Russia m Iraq r Indonesia

d Sudani Morocco n Japan

e Somalia j Thailand o America

9.1 Wednesday 3; Saturday 6; Monday 1; Friday 5; Sunday 7; Tuesday 2; Thursday 4

9.2 September 9; January 1; December 12; March 3; July 7; February 2; October 10; August 8; April 4; June 6; November 11; May 5

11.1 Meat:a chicken e veal

b lamb f beef

c turkey d pork, ham, bacon

Fruit:a banana e peach i grapes m orange

b lemon 1 cherry j dates n pineapple

c blackberryg figk apricot o melon

d strawberry h apple I pear p raspberry

Vegetables:a broccoli e cabbage i avocado

b onion f potato j beans

c cauliflower g peas k leek

d lettuce h tomato I cucumber




The facea head b hair c eye d nosee teeth f lips g eyebrow h eari cheek j chin k neck I throat

The bodya shoulder b back c stomach d bottom e hand f groin g kneeh ankle i toe j chest k elbow I side m arm n wristo thumb p finger q leg x foot

15 a three b fourteen c forty d twenty-two e a hundred and five f ninety-seveng fifteen thousand h four hundred and thirty-two thousand i three hundred and thirty-sevenj third k thirty-first I twelfth m forty-second n a hundred and first o the third of March two thousand and three p the fourteenth of July nineteen eighty-two

18 freezing, cold, cool, mild, warm, hot, boiling hot


Short vowels Consonants

I is b bede get d doce cat f funA sun g goD hot h houseU foot, put k cat9 apply 1 look

m manLong vowels n no

P pounda: arm, calm r runi: we, see s situ: who, you t talkd: four, saw V van31 bird, learn, word w will

z zebraDiphthongs tf chip

jamei day, they X lochai five, why IJ ringj i boy, point 0 thinkau home, no a thisau house, now J she19 ear, here 3 decisionea hair, where J yesU 9 poor, touraia fireaua flower

140 Key to pronouncfatfon

immatical structures at Entry Levels 1 and 2 from im as its basis.

le book is to make grammar accessible, relevant and 'ecatching design has been used to reinforce these

course include:ling the ESOL curriculum

:planations Full-colour format

practice activities• Focus on language patterns• Contextualized language• Communicative interaction and genuine language development• Database of essential topic-based vocabulary• Accommodation of student differentiation• For class study, self-study, or for home reference• Includes full answer key

Also available: ESOL Practice Grammar Entry Level 3 ISBN: 978 1 85964

About the authorDavid King is a highly experienced ESOL teacher and trainer currently working at Central Sussex College, Crawley. He has written and edited a range of print and multimedia language learning materials.

Beginner to pre-in term ed ia te

ESOL Levels 1X2

CEF Levels A1 to A2

ISBN 978185964472-0

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