es 912 a definition

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  • 8/9/2019 Es 912 a Definition


    SET A


    -is the decrease in the value of phsical propert !ith the passa"e of


    a$ Purpose of Depreciation1. To provide for the recover of capital !hich has %een invested in

    phsical propert.

    &. To ena%le the cost of depreciation to %e char"ed to the cost of

    producin" products or services that result fro# the use of the propert.

    %$ Tpes of Depreciation

    1. Nor#al Depreciation

    a. phsical ' is due to the lessenin" of the phsical a%ilit of a propert

    to produce results. It(s co##on causes are !ear and deterioration.

    %. functional ' is due to the lessenin" in the de#and for the function

    !hich the propert !as desi"ned to render. It(s co##on causes are

    inade)uac* chan"es in stles* population center shift* saturation of #ar+ets*

    or #ore e,cient #achines are produced.

    &. Depreciation due to chan"es in price levels ' is al#ost i#possi%le to

    predict and therefore is not considered in econo# studies

    . Depletion ' refers to the decrease in the value of a propert due to

    the "radual etraction of its contents.

    c$ Re)uire#ents of a depreciation #ethod

    1. It should %e si#ple.

    &. It should recover capital. The %oo+ value !ill %e reasona%l close to the #ar+et value at an


    /. The #ethod should %e accepted % the 0ureau of Internal Revenue.

    d$ The Strai"ht line #ethod

    -This #ethod assu#es that the loss in value is directl proportional to

    the a"e of the propert.

    d 2Co ' Cl$34

    Dn n2Co-Cl$34

    Cn Co-Dn

    e. Sin+in" fund

    -This #ethod assu#es that a sin+in" fund is esta%lished in !hich funds

    !ill accu#ulate for replace#ent. The total depreciation that has ta+en place

    up to an "iven ti#e is assu#ed to %e e)ual to the accu#ulated a#ount in

    the sin+in" fund at that ti#e.

    d 2Co ' Cl$3253A* i6*4$

  • 8/9/2019 Es 912 a Definition


    Dn d253A* i6* n$

    Cn Co-Dn

    f. Declinin" %alance

    In this #ethod* so#eti#es called the constant percenta"e #ethod or

    the 7atheson 5or#ula* it is assu#ed that the annual cost of depreciation is a

    8ed percenta"e of the salva"e value at the %e"innin" of the ear. The ratio

    of the depreciation in an ear to the %oo+ value at the %e"innin" of that

    ear is constant throu"hout the life of the propert and is desi"nated % +

    the rate of depreciation. This #ethod does not appl* if the salva"e value is

    9ero* %ecause + !ill %e e)ual to one and d1 !ill %e e)ual to Co.

    dndepreciation durin" the nth ear


    Cn Co21-+$:n Co 2Cl3Co$:n34Cl Co21-+$:4

    + 1-2Cn3Co$:13n 1-2Cl3Co$:4

    &. CAPITA4

    a$ E)uit Capital or o!nership funds are those supplied and used % the

    o!ners of an enterprise in the epectation that a pro8t !ill %e earned.

    %$ 0orro!ed funds or capital are those supplied % others on !hich a 8ed

    rate of interest #ust %e paid and the de%t #ust %e repaid at a speci8ed ti#e.

    c. 0ond 5inancin"

    A %ond is a certi8cate of inde%tedness of a corporation usuall for a

    period not less than ten ears and "uaranteed % a #ort"a"e on a certain

    assets of the corporation or its su%sidiaries. 0onds are issued !hen there is

    need for #ore capital such as for epansion of the plant or the services

    rendered % the corporation.

    The face or par value of a %ond is the a#ount stated on the %ond.

    ;hen the face value has %een repaid* the %ond is said to have %een retired

    or redee#ed. The %ond rate is the interest rate )uoted on the %ond.

    d. The Corporation ' is a distinct le"al entit* separate fro# the individuals

    !ho o!n it* and !hich can en"a"e in al#ost an tpe of %usiness transactionin !hich a real person could occup hi#self or herself.
