error analysis & omission

Learn error analysis and omission with Butterfingers [ Amar ] & gang

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Page 1: Error analysis & omission

Learn error analysis and omission with

Butterfingers [ Amar ] & gang

Page 2: Error analysis & omission

Know us ….. Hi friends . This is your ever loving butterfingers … er … Amar . Travel with me and my gang to learn error analysis and omission

Eric Rahul RaviSamhita

Page 3: Error analysis & omission

What is error analysis ? Learn from Eric, Amar and Samhita Amar ! Did you

understand that error analysis ? It was Greek to me !

Hey Sam.. Er samhita are you

asking to him ? He must be busy

during the class during something


Page 4: Error analysis & omission

What is error analysis ? Learn from Eric, Amar and SamhitaIn second language acquisition, error

analysis studies the types and causes of language errors. Errors are classified according to:1.modality (i.e., level of proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, listening)2.linguistic levels (i.e., pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, style)3.form (e.g., omission, insertion, substitution)4.type (systematic errors/errors in competence vs. occasional errors/errors in performance)5.cause (e.g., interference, interlanguage)norm vs. system

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Passage : Error analysisOurs is a secular country. This meant equal respect to all religions. In contrast to this, religious education will prove disastrous at our principles of secularism. If we look on the world history we find this religion have been the single biggest dividing factor between the people. Some of the bloodiest wars fight in Europe was on religious intolerance and hatred. The terrorist activities of the Taliban government what shook the world on 17th September 2001 is a direct outcome of religion on education. Thus religion what it has set its feet – whether we talk on politics or soul has prove to be harmful

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Answer key to the passage Meant : means what : which Will : would is : were At : to on : over On : into what : wherever This : that on : about Have : has prove : proved Between : among Fight : fought

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What is omission ? Learn from Amar , Rahul , Ravi

Butter ! Never explain him about it what did agent black thunder do in

the class? Thinking of how Sam would ruin the forthcoming cases ?

Han …..

What is omission , butterfingers ! It was a risky case for me to solve –

even agent tall chief couldn’t . what did that colonel bogle [ ratan

sir ] taught

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What is omission ? Learn from Amar , Rahul , Ravi

omissionnoun 1. something that has been omitted or neglected 2. the act of omitting or the state of having been omitted


Late Middle English: from late Latin omission, from the verb omittere

Page 9: Error analysis & omission

Passage : Omission Disciplining children a hard nut to crack

today, but it arises everlasting issue. Should our kids punished or is thrashing the right method correct a child? Lately several cases been registered where parents or teachers have beaten children mercilessly over trivial issues. This kind heartlessness is nothing more a physical abuse to a child. Today children extremely sensitive and intellectually stimulated. So we should never use the word ‘punishment correcting them. Its a harsh word leaves a child hurt and angry. Discipline is the right term.

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Answer key for omission Children is a Arises an everlasting Kids be punished Method to correct Cases have been Beaten up children Kind of heartlessness More than a Children are extremely Punishment while correcting Word that leaves

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That’s for now …. Friends its time to bid farewell .

We’ll meet you some other day . That’s the grammar portions for now ..

bye from the defective detective group and butterfingers gang

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Was it useful ………….. And

funny ?

Yes Somewhat No

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Thank you ………….