erm holdings: different strokes for different folks janet crum, ohsu, [email protected]

ERM Holdings: Different Strokes for Different Folks Janet Crum, OHSU, [email protected] Tom Larsen, PSU, [email protected] Terry Reese, OSU, [email protected] erm_coverageload.ppt

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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ERM Holdings: Different Strokes for Different Folks 

Janet Crum, OHSU, [email protected]

Tom Larsen, PSU, [email protected]

Terry Reese, OSU, [email protected]


Brief overview of Coverage Load PSU’s experience OSU’s experience OHSU’s experience Q & A

Overview of Coverage Load: Purpose Populate Coverage Database Create/update MARC holdings (a/k/a

checkin) records for OPAC and Millennium display

Create bib records if needed/desired

Overview of Coverage Load: Format and Linking Load delimited text or XML Linked to resource via Resource ID (resource

and holdings Delimited text: PROVIDER matches Resource ID XML: <VendorId> and <DatabaseId> metatags

match Resource ID Link to bib via ISSN or title; can override with


Example: Incoming Coverage Data

Example: Holdings Record

Example: Brief Bibliographic Record


Fun with ERM and SerialsSolutions coverage data

Tom Larsen

PSU: SerialsSolutions coverage data Arrives monthly via email as an attached zip


Unzipping the file creates a folder called “CSV” containing a file called “rep.csv”

PSU: Example of rep.csv

PSU: Millennium coverage spreadsheet conversion rules

PSU: Millennium coverage spreadsheet conversion rules (cont.)

PSU: Millennium coverage spreadsheet conversion rules (Provider conversion)

PSU: Coverage load

PSU: Coverage load (cont.)

PSU: Coverage load (cont. 2)

PSU: Coverage load (cont. 3)

PSU: Coverage update report

PSU: Coverage partial updates report

PSU: Catalog load

PSU: Selecting bib and checkin templates

PSU: Selecting bib and checkin templates (cont.)

PSU: Holdings (checkin) record template

PSU: Bib record template

PSU: Catalog load

PSU: Catalog load - results

PSU: Brief bib record from catalog load

PSU: Holdings record from catalog load

OSU: Hands off coverage maintenance

Terry Reese

OSU: Outline

Coverage Data Getting our data Data prep

Ongoing maintenance

OSU: Where to find it

Couple of options Local – However, OSU never has maintained a

local database of e-resources outside the OPAC …and OPAC data is generally incomplete.

Vendor data with local processing Incompatible vendor formats made this solution

unweldy. 3rd party holdings Data

i.e., Serials Solutions, EBSCOHost, etc.

OSU: And the winner is….

OSU went with a vendor option – particulary, Serials Solutions. Why Serials Solutions over EBSCOHost?

In general, we found that their coverage information was more complete and found them more flexible and easier to work with.

Serials solutions provided a comprohensive A-Z list for all our E-Journals catagorized by subjects that provided a additional access point.

OSU: Using vendor data

Benefits of using vendor coverage data Pros:

You can do as much work on the file as you want to Larger vendor knowledge-base, meaning adding new

packages to our holdings is generally as easy as selecting it from a list.

Is automatically updated monthly

OSU: Using vendor data

Problems with using Vendor coverage data Data is only so good

Embargo dates are not always well represented for some databases (EBSCOhost)

Lag time between coverage updates. OSU’s coverage info in ERM really only represents a snapshot of our coverage on the load date. Since coverage is dynamic, this is lost.

OSU: Fix it and forget it

Prepping the Coverage Data OSU really doesn’t do anything but two small

steps: Only pre-processing step is running the coverage file

through a small vbscript to extract titles without issn information so issn’s can be located and sent to serials solutions.

Before loading, the coverage data load and ERM Resource Identifiers are matched.

OSU: After the Load

OSU tends to do its record maintenance after doing the coverage loads. After the load, someone will:

Resolve duplicate records (coverage load will note the presence of multiple records)

Resolve items were ERM links don’t appear These two items are created as a comprehensive report

generated from reports provided at the time of Loading. Resolving items where no ERM link appears. (items

needing review are captured via create list)

OSU: Month to month

Ongoing maintenance activities Adding new titles when they become active during

the month Troubleshooting connection issues Dealing with the occasional resource record that

gets accidentally deleted from the system.

OHSU: In-House and 3rd Party Data

Janet Crum

OHSU: Outline

Where we get coverage data – and why we do it that way

Preparing to load coverage data Using templates

OHSU: Where We Get Coverage Data We’re weird!

Most data came from in-house database rather than 3rd party provider

Maintained directly in ERM with Coverage Edit Holdings for free e-journals are from EBSCO

A to Z Holdings for EBSCOHost direct from vendor

OHSU: Why In-House Data?

As/more accurate than anything we could purchase

Catalog as primary source for e-resource information

Updates not fast enough from 3rd party providers

OHSU: Free Titles via EBSCO A to Z Reduce overhead required to identify and

maintain “free” e-journals EBSCO A to Z is very inexpensive External A to Z list of free titles; loaded into

Coverage DB for WebBridge and selectively for catalog


De-duped, customized title list delivered monthly

Fairly easy to load Cheapest and easiest way to maintain large #

of titles, many of which are out of scope

OHSU: Preparing to Load Coverage Pre-Load Audit

Primarily for core providers Review each title to resolve matching problems

before load Result: few load errors, minimal post-load cleanup Tradeoff: More time spent before load -> less time

spent on cleanup after load.

OHSU: Preparing to Load Coverage Data Preparation

For “core” titles, one-time effort EBSCO A to Z:

Delete unneeded columns Relabel columns to match required format Source (e.g. DOAJ) -> PROVIDER Separate items to load into catalog from coverage-only

titles EBSCOHost

Delete and relabel columns Remove titles w/out ISSNs Edit a few problem titles Separate English from Spanish titles

OHSU: A Word About Templates Add fixed and variable fields to holdings and

bib records created by Coverage Load Very useful for enhancing records

Spanish language titles 007 and 008 fields, MARC leader

OHSU’s Bib Template for EBSCOHost

OHSU’s Holdings Template for EBSCOHost
