equipping counselors to empower students directors of guidance conference september 2012 presenter:...

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EQUIPPING Counselors TO EMPOWER Students Directors of Guidance Conference September 2012 Presenter: Marcey Mettica, MS, LPC-Intern Under supervision of Dr. Brandy Schumann, LPC-S, RPT-S, NCC Slide 2 Welcome What do you hope to learn today? Slide 3 Goals of Misbehavior Recognizing it and what to do about it Internal Motivation Encouragement vs. Praise Specific Tools Limit setting Choice giving Coping skills Wheel of Choice Brain Works Whats Ahead Slide 4 Objective 1 Participants will learn four goals children have for misbehavior and how to meet the childrens needs with positive alternatives. Objective 2 Participants will learn the difference between an internal and external locus of control, how to create internal motivation, and the importance of doing so. Objective 3 Participants will learn the difference between encouragement and praise and be exposed to the latest research on the importance of the distinction. Workshop Objectives Slide 5 Objective 4 Participants will learn how to teach positive coping mechanisms for children and specific activities and tools to do so. Objective 5 Participants will learn how to teach positive problem solving skills to children and specific activities and tools to do so. Objective 6 Participants will be equipped with information and tools to improve the effectiveness of their counselors in supporting students and training teachers. Workshop Objectives (Cont.) Slide 6 Why do they do that? What should I do about it? Childrens Goals of Misbehavior Slide 7 1.Gaining attention 2.Gaining power and control 3.Proving inadequacy 4.Getting revenge CHILDRENS GOALS OF MISBEHAVIOR Rudolph Dreikurs, Children the Challenge Slide 8 GOAL 1: Getting Attention CHILDS FEELINGS / ACTIONS I only count when I am being noticed. Im only important if I keep you busy with me. Child bothers others, shows off, minor mischief, class clown OR shy, uptight, messy anxious, or lazy. Slide 9 GOAL 1: Getting Attention Annoyed, irritated, exasperated. Reminds, coaxes, pleads, gives attention. Temporarily halts childs behavior when given attention. ADULTS FEELINGS / REACTIONS Slide 10 Reflect understanding I care about you and will spend time with you later Redirect by assigning a task so the child can gain useful attention Set up routines and regular duties Use problem solving skills Ignore unwanted behavior when possible Touch without words and use of nonverbal signs POSITIVE ACTIONS TO MEET CHILDS GOAL FOR ATTENTION Slide 11 GOAL 2: Gaining Power CHILDS FEELINGS / ACTIONS I only count when I am dominating you or others. I only count when you do what I want you to do. You cant make me! Argues, contradicts, tantrums, defiant, dishonest, power struggles OR forgets, stubborn, disobedient, lazy. Let me help, give me choices. Slide 12 GOAL 2: Gaining Power Angry, threatened, challenged, provoked Preachy, domineering, engages in power struggle Punishment escalates behavior because child works harder to be the boss ADULTS FEELINGS / REACTIONS Slide 13 Redirect to positive power by asking for help or assigning task Offer limited and age appropriate choices Dont fight or give in Dont engage in a power struggle Be firm and kind Whisper Let routines and rules be the boss Encourage positive behavior and choices POSITIVE ACTIONS TO MEET CHILDS GOAL FOR POWER Slide 14 GOAL 3: Proving Inadequacy CHILDS FEELINGS / ACTIONS I cant do anything right. If I try, I will fail, so I wont try. Child gives up, is discouraged, and isolative. If corrected feels nothing or even worse and stops even small efforts. Slide 15 GOAL 3: Proving Inadequacy ADULTS FEELINGS / REACTIONS Helpless Gives up Does too much for the child These actions will reinforce feelings of inadequacy in the child. Slide 16 Encourage any attempt and celebrate small successes Break tasks down into small steps Set up opportunities for success Teach skills / model Dont do it for the child Build on childs interests Stop all criticism Have faith in childs abilities Dont give up! POSITIVE ACTIONS TO MEET CHILDS GOAL FOR INADEQUACY Slide 17 GOAL 4: Revenge CHILDS FEELINGS / ACTIONS I need to push others away to protect myself. I am unlikeable. People hurt me. Malicious, violent, bad loser, steals, hurts OR pouts, threatens, withdraws, moody. Help me, I am hurting, acknowledge my feelings, care about me. Slide 18 GOAL 4: Revenge ADULTS FEELINGS / REACTIONS Hurt, shocked, angry. Wants to get even or withdraw. Punishment and retaliation leads to more hurtful actions and escalating pushing others away. Slide 19 Encourage strengths and positive behaviors Acknowledge hurt feelings Use reflective listening Avoid punishment Build trust Show you care POSITIVE ACTIONS TO MEET CHILDS GOAL FOR REVENGE Slide 20 Hardest to like and they know it Must build a connection with them Non-verbals account for up to 93% of what we communicate Notice and comment when he/she makes an improvement even a small one Apologize if necessary what you do may not be as important as what you do next Reflect feelings BEFORE taking action communicate understanding Spend time with the child when he/she is being good Take a time out if you need one THE MOST DIFFICULT CHILD Slide 21 BREAK OUT SESSION What is the childs goal of misbehavior? How should it be handled? Slide 22 Motivation: The general desire or willingness of someone to do something CAN YOU MOTIVATE? Slide 23 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MOTIVATION Internal Driven by intrinsic factors (self, pride, goals) Driven by curiosity and exploration Enjoyable Self motivation External Driven by extrinsic factors (parents, teachers) Rewards, deadlines, threats, social pressures Driven to please others, seek rewards or avoid punishment http://positivepsychologynews.com/news/eleanor-chin/200901041123 Slide 24 Integrating The Two Intrinsic motivation is important to self-motivation Too much makes us self-indulgent External motivation is needed to fit in the world Too much decreases motivation Balance the goal with finding the right path Listen what motivates and excites the child? Observe what are the childs strengths? What do they enjoy? Reflect help the child notice these things about him/herself Encourage rather than praise Slide 25 Praise vs. Encouragement Whats wrong with saying Good job! A confusing and difficult concept for some Slide 26 Praise after a task then becomes expected Children learn to perform rather than create Praise is evaluative and judgmental Praise reduces self-reliance and self-control Encouragement influences success later in life Encouragement enables self-motivation Encouragement recognizes effort Effort, discipline, and emotional strength = critical life skills WHATS WRONG WITH SAYING GOOD JOB http://www.noogenesis.com/malama/encouragement.html Slide 27 ENCOURAGEMENT VERSUS PRAISE PRAISE Promotes rivalry and competition Focuses on quality of performance Child feels judged Fosters selfishness Creates quitters Fosters fear of failure Fosters dependence ENCOURAGEMENT Promotes cooperation and contribution for the good of all Focuses on effort and joy Child feels accepted Fosters self-interest, Creates triers Fosters acceptance of being imperfect Fosters independence http://www.thekidcounselor.com/articles/encouragement-vs-praise Slide 28 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? PRAISE You did great! You are the best student! You are always on time! Your picture is so pretty! I am so proud of you! Youre a good helper! ENCOURAGEMENT Focus on effort and improvement You figured it out! Describe and show interest You decided to... I see you are really thinking about this... Show confidence Sounds like you have a plan... You know a lot about... That is tough but I bet youll figure it out Focus on contributions You made a difference by... Would you help me? Notice positive actions You didnt give up... That was a kind thing to do... You are determined to get that done Slide 29 Helpful Articles and Videos about Praise VS Encouragement Articles: How Not to Talk to Your Kids: The Inverse Power of Praise. By Po Bronson http://nymag.com/print/?/news/features/27840/ http://nymag.com/print/?/news/features/27840/ Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job! By Alfie Kohn http://www.alfiekohn.org/parenting/gj.htm http://www.alfiekohn.org/parenting/gj.htm If Praising Kids Is Bad, What Should I Do? How I Negotiate the Encouragement Problem. By Heather Turgeon www.babble.com/kid/child-development/how-to-praise-kids-encouragement/ www.babble.com/kid/child-development/how-to-praise-kids-encouragement/ Videos: The Myth Of Praise, ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8487839http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8487839 Michael Jordan Failure commercial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45mMioJ5szchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45mMioJ5szc Michael Jordan Maybe Its My Fault commercial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=PH8nTfxwByY http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=PH8nTfxwByY Slide 30 SO WHATS A COUNSELOR TO DO? YOU NOW Understand children have goals for their misbehavior Know why encouragement is better than praise Know why developing an internal locus of control will reduce the need for external control NOW WHAT? Specific tools and programs Slide 31 Limit Setting Choice Giving Healthy Coping Skills Wheel of Choice Problem Solving Brain Works SPECIFIC TOOLS Slide 32 A-C-T A Acknowledge the childs feeling Accept the feeling not the behavior C Communicate the limit Simple, calm, and firm T Target alternatives What is acceptable EXAMPLE: A You are really mad that you cant have the book right now C But someone else is reading it T - You may read the book when we return from lunch or tomorrow, which do you choose? LIMIT SETTING Slide 33 Using the word CHOICE or CHOOSE returns responsibility back to the child Choice giving is a great tool to empower children Give both parts of the choice the consequence and the positive part Always follow through CHOICE GIVING Slide 34 A FEW EXAMPLES: Suzy, if you choose to put the doll away now, you may choose to play with it again today. If you choose to not put the doll away now, you choose to not play with it again today. Sam, you may choose to sit quietly and continue listening to the story we are reading or you may choose to get a puzzle and sit quietly at your desk. Kelly, you may choose to walk to the back of the line or you may choose to hop to the back of the line. CHOICE GIVING Slide 35 Stress, anger, sadness = poor attention and memory Poor coping skills lead to high risk behaviors School triggers stress but also a safe place to learn Normalizes feelings Peer learning Kids learn coping skills (+ & -) from parents, peers, and teachers COPING SKILLS Slide 36 Why teach positive coping skills? Increases students self confidence and self esteem Increases internal locus of control (intrinsic motivation) Reduces behavior problems in the school Teaches positive life skills Two Programs Wheel of Choice program (elementary) Brain Works program (pre-teen/adolescent) COPING SKILLS Slide 37 Based on Positive Discipline in the Classroom Curriculum based approach with 14 lessons Teaches life skills Students can create their own choices Gives students a visual reminder and easy to use tool WHEEL OF CHOICE PROGRAM Program created by Jane Nelson and Lynn Lott Information presented with permission from Jane Nelson Slide 38 Positive Discipline Lesson Plans 1.Share and Take Turns 2.Apologize 3.Ask Them To Stop 4.Be a Friend 5.Go to Cool-off Spot 6.Count to Ten 7.Ignore It 8.Mistaken Goal Chart 9.Put It on the Agenda 10.Say What You Want 11.Try Again 12.I Messages 13.Work it out Together 14.Ask for Help Complete program available at www.positivediscipline.com Slide 39 WHEEL OF CHOICE WWW.EMPOWERINGPEOPLE.COM Information presented with permission from author, Jane Nelson Slide 40 CREATE A WHEEL OF CHOICE TOGETHER Horizon School Newport Beach, CA Classroom in Horizon School Slide 41 Many Lesson plan ideas and comprehensive school program (www.copingskills4kids.net)www.copingskills4kids.net Teach brain knowledge Brain development Nearly fully developed by age 12 Frontal lobe development up to mid 20s Kids eager to learn about themselves What happens to the brain when we are upset? How can we better manage our emotions? Brain Works Project Slide 42 Handout of Project Example Emotional experiences Loss, rejection, betrayal or humiliation? How do I feel inside? How does this experience make me feel about myself? How did I cope (+ and -)? What is something positive youve learned about yourself through this upsetting experience? Brain Works Project Slide 43 Have older students brainstorm a list of positive coping skills Explain that sometimes people choose negative coping skills (i.e. drugs, alcohol, self-harm, aggression, isolation etc.) Distribute the list Each student can create their own Wheel of Choice with coping skills that work best for them POSITIVE COPING SKILLS Slide 44 Great links from Polk Elementary School Website Dearborn Heights, Michigan (see handout) http://polkdhsd7.sharpschool.com/staff_directory/p_ b_s_behavior_intervention/tier_1_interventions/teach _coping_skills Additional Resources Slide 45 Breakout Session Create your own Wheel of Choice for Your Personal Coping Skills Slide 46 PLEASE COMPLETE EVALUATION FORM Marcey Mettica, MS, LPC-Intern Under supervision of Dr. Brandy Schumann, LPC-S, RPT-S Child, Adolescent, Adult and Group Counselor Play Therapist and Parenting Trainer [email protected] Therapy on the Square 114 E Louisiana, Ste. 201 McKinney, TX 75069 972-439-5160 direct 972-886-8375 office