epistemological model

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Post on 12-Oct-2015




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This handout explains the multiple levels of Baxter Magolda's Epistemology Reflection theory.


Magoldas Epistemological Reflection Model

Magoldas Epistemological Reflection Model


Role of Learner

Role of Peers

Role of Instructor


Nature of Knowledge

Absolute Knowing

Obtains knowledge from the instructor

Share materials

Explain what they have learned to each other

Communicates knowledge appropriately

Ensures that students understand knowledge

Provides vehicle to show instructor what was learned

Is certain or absolute

Transitional Knowing Understands knowledge Provide active exchanges Share views

Serve as a source of knowledge

Uses methods aimed at understanding

Employs methods that help apply knowledge

Measures students understanding of the material

Is partially certain and partially uncertain

Independent Knowing Thinks for self Shares views

Creates own perspective

Enhance learning via quality contributions

Promotes independent thinking

Promotes exchange of opinions

Rewards independent thinking

Is uncertain-everyone has own beliefs

Contextual Knowing Exchanges and compares perspectives Thinks through problem

Integrates and applies knowledge

Promotes application of knowledge in context Promotes evaluative discussion of perspectives Student and teacher critique each other Accurately measures competence Student and teacher work toward goal and measure progress Is contextual; judge on basis of evidence in context