environmental master plan 2

7/23/2019 Environmental Master Plan 2 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/environmental-master-plan-2 1/16 ENVIRONMENTAL MASTER PLAN: DARANAK FALLS (TANAY, RIZAL) Evangelista, Mariz A. Pala!z, R"#$elle Orelata, Sienna$ %. Ta&le "' %"ntents

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Evangelista, Mariz A.

Pala!z, R"#$elle

Orelata, Sienna$ %.

Ta&le "' %"ntents

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Physical Features ................................................................................ ..............................

Biological Features ................................................................................................................

Cultural/ Anthropological Features........................................................................................

Historical Features.................................................................................................................

Social Economic Features......................................................................................................

Tourism Features....................................................................................................................



Macro Environmental Factors................................................................................................

Micro Environmental Factors................................................................................................



Existing a!s an" #r"inances...............................................................................................

$ole o% the ocal &overnment an" other Sectors..................................................................








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Tana5 is a %irst class municipality in the province o% $i'al( Philippines.• )t is locate" *+ ,ilometres -* mi east o% Manila. 

• )t contains portions o% the Sierra Ma"re Mountains an" is 0or"ere" 0y Antipolo City in the

north!est( Baras( Morong an" Teresa in the !est(&eneral 1a,ar -2ue'on Province in the east(

an" Pililla( Santa Maria -aguna province as !ell as the la,e aguna "e Bay in the south.

• 6arana7 *alls is conceale" on the mountainsi"e o% Sierra Ma"re Mountain $ange in the to!n o%

Tan"ang 3utyo( Tanay( $i'al.

• 6arana7 *alls has 456meter high !ater%alls casca"ing into a "eep catch 0asin that serves as a

natural col" an" "eep !ater pool.

• 6a7aran *alls  is 7ust a mo"erate( short !al, an"/or hi,e !hich ta,es you to an enchanting

 !ater%all an" a s!imming hole. A per%ect !ay to stretch your arms an" legs i% you8re traveling along rough roa".

• reat ven!e '"r $"t"gra$5  $"&&5ists 9 0oth %or the %alls an" lush %orest scenic vie!s an"

 !il"%lo!ers aroun".

•   Climate - It is relatively wet from December to May and wet during the rest

of the year. Northeast winds prevail in the province. It is not directly hit by

typhoons, low-pressure systems and strong winds climate



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The to!n o% Tan"ang 3utyo( Tanay( $i'al is preserve" !ith natural vegetation ornamente" !ith %orest

trees an" %lo!ering !il" plants complemente" !ith the 0eauti%ul casca"ing !ater%alls( streams an" "itches

 !hich truly enchanting an" %ascinating.

S"9e "' t$e lants an tress '"!n in t$e S!rr"!nings "' 6arana7 *alls are:


Te#t"na ranis Linn tree is ,no!n in Tanay( $i'al as Tekla tree.

Te,la is a %irm( large( "eci"uous tree gro!ing up to :; meters or more.Te,la is one o% the ,no!n me"icinal plants in the Philippines. Almost allo% its parts have "i%%erent me"icinal %unction. )ts leaves an" %lo!ershaving methanolic extract is ,no!n to 0e anti6in%lammatory.


Ma$"gan5 (S;ietenia 9a#r"$5lla) !hich locals call Philippine mahogany.

A large( highly threatene" tree has elliptical( papery( !avy leaves thatmeasure up to 4< centimetres long an" + centimetres !i"e. Themo"erately har" an" comparatively light tim0er is in great "eman" %orply!oo" an" is also use" %or %urniture( 0oat "ec,ing an" %or many other



T$e 'r!iting native tree calle" tuai  tree -Bischo%ia 7avanica

The "ar, re"( "ense !oo" is use" as a 0uil"ing material %or items ranging%rom %urniture to 0ri"ges= it is "ura0le 0ut is "i%%icult to air6"ry. The %ruitsare use" in ma,ing !ine. The 0ar, has a high tannin content an" is use"as a source o% re" "ye to stain rattan 0as,ets.

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•  T$e %$inese Evergreens< since the original species are evergreen.

 Aglaonema is a genus of flowering plants in the arum family, Araceae.They are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. They areknown commonly as Chinese evergreens. Aglaonema have 0een gro!nas luc,60ringing ornamental plants in Asia %or centuries.


T$e 8a9&"" Tree or Kawayan

Bam0oo is a %ast6gro!ing an" har"y species !ith a !oo"y culm.Bam0oo is 0ene%icial to environmental an" lan" management(provi"ing %ast6gro!ing cover %or "enu"e" an" "e%oreste" areas( soilerosion chec,( an" assists in sta0ili'ing roa" em0an,ments. Bam0oois use" %or lan"scaping( par,s( an" gar"ens. They may 0e use" as0or"ers( screens( an" he"ging.

  A#a#ia Tree (Samanea saman)

Acacia is a large um0raculi%orm tree gro!ing to a height o% :; to :*meters. Bar, is rough an" %urro!e". Branches are !i"esprea". )n thePhilippines( a "ecoction o% the inner 0ar, or %resh cam0ium an" leavesis use" to treat "iarrhea. Also %or col"s( sore throat( hea"ache.

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S"9e ani9als t$at live in an near t$e 6arana7 *alls are=

• Their %orest is ,no!n %or its numerous !il"li%e an" several species en"emic to the Philippines.

Some o% the species in the area are the monitor li'ar"( mon,ey( !il" pig( parrot( "ove( pigeon(

 7ungle %o!l -mano, la0uyo( yello! 0ittern( cinnamon 0ittern( 0u%%60an"e" rail( 0arre" rail( !hite60ro!e" cra,e( marsh san"piper( long6toe" stint( S!inhoe>s snipe( striate" grass0ir"( ru%ous horn0ill(u'on horn0ill( pin,60ellie" imperial pigeon( guaia0ero( colasisi( 0lac,ish cuc,ooshri,e( %lamingsun0ir"( %lo!erpec,er also 0ats an" sna,e.

1ot all o% them can 0e seen in 7ust one time( they are no! en"emic an" not allo!e" to catch oreven "istur0.


• Tanay is ,no!n as M?1)C)PA)T@ )1 THE S3@.

• Accor"ing to the latest census( it has a population o% 5(5<; people in 4*(+:; househol"s.

• The ma7ority o% the population consists o% Tagalogs an" umagats !ho live near aguna "e Bay(

though there is also a signi%icant percentage o% mountain "!elling people living in the northernportions o% the municipality. The to!n>s ma7or tra"es consist o% %ishing( agriculture an" regional


• Tanay is also 0elieve" to 0e the 0irthplace o% the Sam0al language.

• Most o% the resi"ents are $oman Catholic !hich consists o% *;(4:<.


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The municipality also hel" its %estival name" HA1E Festival. HA1E comes %rom their term o% saying #3.

For example Do a great 7o0 #3D or !hen you are in Tanay to!ns%ol, !ill say( Do a great 7o0 HA1E or

in Tagalog &alingan mo tra0aho mo HA1E. )t starts 1ovem0er 4: !hich happens to 0e the anniversary o%

San )l"e%onso Parish( the to!ns Parish( an" en"s 1ovem0er :;. )t presents the 0eauty o% Tanay( Street

Para"es an" Contests an" Amateurs on Tanay Par, every "ay o% the %estival. The %estival 0egins !hen the

sol"iers %ire the cannon !ith Bishop &a0riel $eyes( $ev. Fr. 1oeh Elnar an" $ev. Fr. ose Evan @uri

Alum0ro a%ter the mass %or the Anniversary o% the Parish. The %estival>s %irst year !as :;44.


ong 0e%ore the coming o% Spaniar"s( Tanay !as alrea"y settle" 0y early )n"onesian an" Malay

voyagers. Arti%acts "ug up attest to the existence o% these early settlements. 1ot long a%ter the conGuest

an" su07ugation o% Manila an" the surroun"ing la,e areas 0y Salce"o in 4*+4( Franciscan missionaries

arrive" to Christiani'e the inha0itants o% !hat is no! the Morong6Pililla area. From Morongan( the priest

a"ministere" Tanay an" other chapel villages an" ranches. )n 4++( construction o% the no! %amous Tanay

Church !as 0egun an" !as %inishe" 4; years later.

To"ay( Tanay is one o% the thirteen to!ns an" one component city !hich comprise the province o%

$i'al. ocate" *53M a!ay southeast o% Manila. Tanay is the ma7or agricultural an" commercial center o%

eastern $i'al.


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6arana7 'alls came %rom the phrase a"ana, ang "ugoI its "irectly translate" the spilling o%0loo"I )t is locate" at Bgy. Tan"ang 3utyo in the to!n o% Tanay.

A %avorite location shooting area o% most local an" international movies an" a"vertising out%its in the


  Tanay is a %irst class municipality in the province o% $i'al( Philippines.

)t covers an area o% a0out 55.< SG. 3m -5(5<; ha. ma,ing it the thir" largest ocal &overnment

?nit in the entire province -a%ter $o"riGue'( $i'al an" Antipolo City( respectively. )t is locate" *+ ,ilometers-*mi east o% Manila( although a typical commute 0et!een Manila an" Tanay !ill ta,e 0et!een one to

three hours "epen"ing upon tra%%ic con"ition s.

)t contains portions o% the Sierra Ma"re Mountains !ith 0earings 45; ;8 latitu"e an" 4:4 4+8

longitu"e an" is 0or"ere" 0y Antipolo City in the north!est( Baras( Morong an" Teresa in the !est( &eneral

1a,ar -2ue'on Province in the east( an" Pililla( Santa Maria -aguna province as !ell as the a,e

aguna "e Bay in the south.


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  Tanay is "ivi"e" into t!o areas the ur0an an" rural 0arangays. The largest ur0an 0arangay in Pla'a

Al"ea -:(*; ha.( an" the smallest is Mag6Ampon -:+ ha.. The largest o% the rural 0arangays in Sampaloc

-J.J ha.. an" the smallest is Caya0u -<+ ha..

Situate" insi"e a par, %acilitate" 0y the local authorities o% Tanay( $i'al 6 arana, Falls is 7ust a t!ohour "rive %rom Manila. )t is very accessi0le ta,ing only aroun" %ive minutes %or you to access it a%tercrossing the 0ri"ge at the entrance o% the par,. The par, itsel% has a green vegetation an" a scenic vi0e.But i% you !ant to experience a very serene am0iance( try to visit the par, on a !ee,"ay as it ten"s to gettoo cro!"e" an" noisy "uring !ee,en"s. arana, Falls is very popular that people %rom the to!n itsel%

o%ten sche"ule trips to the par,. Campers !ho planne" on staying there %or several hours usually occupy aroom or rent a cottage !here they can "rop their 0ags an" coo,.

Five minutes o% !al,ing %rom the entrance gate( you !ill hear the gushing !ater %rom the %alls.Khen !e !ent here( the color o% the river !as greenish 0ro!n( 0ecause it !as raining %or several "ays inTanay. But i% you are luc,y( you can actually !itness a coral 0lue !ater 0asin. There are "eep portions o%the catch 0asin 0ut you can rent a %loater at a near0y store i% you really !ant to go aroun" it.T"!rist In'"r9ati"n


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Entrance Fee P*;.;; -Chil"ren 0elo! %t. are %ree o% charge

Picnic She" P;;

Picnic Ta0le P:;;

#peration Hours Mon"ay to Sun"ay( JAM to *PM

A""itional $emin"er )n compliance !ith Municipal #r"inance L: Series o% :;;*( PAST)C an"/or

ST@$#F#$E A$E 1#T PE$M)SS)BE in arana, Falls. Further( AC#H#)C BEE$A&ES an" PETS

A$E 1#T A#KE.

Travel In'"r9ati"n (%"99!te)

 .*r"9 Star9all (Esa S$a;)

• Tanay -FN %or P+; or Tanay -eep %or P*. Terminal is near M$T Sha!/in %ront o% Starmall ESA.

Alight at Tanay Pu0lic Mar,et Transport Terminal an" procee" to arana, Falls Tricycle Terminal -PAT#A

$i"ers. Fare is P:;;/trip maximum o% 5 pax/tricycle


+.*r"9 E6SA %entral>%r"ssing nite

• Tanay -FN %or P+; or Tanay -eep %or P*. Terminal is near ?nilever/Man"aluyong Police Station

Alight at Tanay Pu0lic Mar,et Transport Terminal an" procee" to arana, Falls Tricycle Terminal -PAT#A

$i"ers. Fare is P:;;/trip maximum o% 5 pax/tricycle.


-.*r"9 E6SA %entral>Par7lea 

• Tanay -eep %or P*. Terminal is near Starmall ESA.

Alight at Tanay Pu0lic Mar,et Transport Terminal an" procee" to arana, Falls Tricycle Terminal -PAT#A

$i"ers. Fare is P:;;/trip maximum o% 5 pax/tricycle.


1.*r"9 Sant"lan>Mari7ina 

• Tanay -FN %or P+;. Terminal is near $T Santolan Station.

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Alight at Tanay Pu0lic Mar,et Transport Terminal an" procee" to arana, Falls Tricycle Terminal -PAT#A

$i"ers. Fare is P:;;/trip maximum o% 5 pax/tricycle.


2.*r"9 Ortigas %enter

• $i"e a 0us or the M$T going to Sha! Blv" -ESA Starmall( then ta,e item 4( :( or .

• $i"e a 0us going to Taytay -&6iner %rom $o0inson8s &alleria. Alight at Cainta unction -Big $ as

lan"mar, then ri"e a 7eepney going to Tanay -P5;65* %are.

Alight at Tanay Pu0lic Mar,et Transport Terminal an" procee" to arana, Falls Tricycle Terminal -PAT#A

$i"ers. Fare is P:;;/trip maximum o% 5 pax/tricycle.


3.*r"9 Araneta %enter>%!&a"

• $i"e a 0us or the M$T going to Sha! Blv" -ESA Starmall( then ta,e item 4( :( or .

• Ta,e the M$T going to Santolan Station an" ta,e item 5.

• $i"e a 7eep going to Antipolo -P:6* %are. Alight at @nares Center an" ri"e an Antipolo6Tanay

 7eepney -P:J %are.


Alight at Tanay Pu0lic Mar,et Transport Terminal an" procee" to arana, Falls Tricycle Terminal -PAT#A

$i"ers. Fare is P:;;/trip maximum o% 5 pax/tricycle.


%"nta#t In'"r9ati"n

an"line -;: +<64;* / -;: <**6:4* loc :4: or :4

Mo0ile O<J6JJ64*;

Email tanaytourism44gmail.com  / 7e%%pinogmail.com

Face0oo, arana, Falls an" $esort

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T$e 9a@"r eternal an !n#"ntr"lla&le 'a#t"rs t$at in'l!en#e an "rganizati"nBs

e#isi"n 9a7ing, an a''e#t its er'"r9an#e an strategies. T$ese 'a#t"rs in#l!e t$e

e#"n"9i# 'a#t"rs= e9"gra$i#s= legal, "liti#al, an s"#ial #"niti"ns= te#$n"l"gi#al

#$anges= an nat!ral '"r#es.



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Economic factors

Social and cultural forcesPolitical and legal forces

 Natural/physical forces

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• emographic %orces i%%erent mar,et segments are typically impacte" 0y common "emographic

%orces( inclu"ing country/region= age= ethnicity= e"ucation level= househol" li%estyle= cultural

characteristics an" movements.

• Economic %actors The economic environment can impact 0oth the organisation8s pro"uction an"

the consumer8s "ecision ma,ing process.

• 1atural/physical %orces The Earth8s rene!al o% its natural resources such as %orests( agricultural

pro"ucts( marine pro"ucts( etc must 0e ta,en into account. There are also the natural non6

rene!a0le resources such as oil( coal( minerals( etc that may also impact the organisation8s


• Political an" legal %orces Soun" mar,eting "ecisions shoul" al!ays ta,e into account political

an"/or legal "evelopments relating to the organisation an" its mar,ets.

• Social an" cultural %orces The impact the pro"ucts an" services your organisations 0rings to

mar,et have on society must 0e consi"ere". Any elements o% the pro"uction process or any

pro"ucts/services that are harm%ul to society shoul" 0e eliminate" to sho! your organisation is

ta,ing social responsi0ility. A recent example o% this is the environment an" ho! many sectors are

0eing %orce" to revie! their pro"ucts an" services in or"er to 0ecome more environmentally


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• The tourists Kho the customers are -B:B or B:C( local or international( etc. an" their reasons %or

0uying the pro"uct !ill play a large role in ho! you approach the mar,eting o% your pro"ucts an"

services to them.

• The competition Those !ho sell same or similar pro"ucts an" services as your organisation are

your mar,et competition( an" they !ay they sell nee"s to 0e ta,en into account. Ho! "oes their

price an" pro"uct "i%%erentiation impact you Ho! can you leverage this to reap 0etter results an"

get ahea" o% them

The general pu0lic @our organisation has a "uty to satis%y the pu0lic. Any actions o% your company must 0e

consi"ere" %rom the angle o% the general pu0lic an" ho! they are a%%ecte".