english, englishing and englishes20052011

Technology Integration as a Transforming Teaching Strategy in English Education: Addressing Pressures Toward Global Relevance Maria Minerva P. Calimag, MD, PhD Professor ETEACH UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

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Technology Integration as a Transforming Teaching Strategy in English Education: Addressing Pressures Toward Global RelevanceMaria Minerva P. Calimag, MD, PhDProfessorETEACH UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

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ETEACH stands for…

• Educational Technology E-learning Applications Coach

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Our Students

• Digital natives• Web savvy• Unwired and Mobile• Social networkers• Multitaskers• Learn by doing

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Hello, Mom this has been going on for a while. They are coming to class, but they are checking their e-mail and are text-messaging. They are listening to their iPods, whispering to their cell phones, and I guess, listening to the lecture…”

Low, Mom dis hs bin gng n 4 a wyl. Dey r cmng 2 klas, bt dey r chckng der e-ml & r txtng. Dey r lstnng 2 der iPds, wsprng 2 der cll, & I ges, lstng 2 d lctr…”

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I am communicating with others

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Collaboration – Is the Key….

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“Any teacher who can be replaced by technology deserves to be.”

- David Thornburg

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• What is technology integration? • Why should teachers integrate

technology in the classroom? • What effective strategies exist to

encourage  higher levels of teacher technology integration?  

• How can these strategies be used?

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Technology Integration

• Technology integration means viewing technology as an instructional tool for delivering subject matter in the curriculum already in place.

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Technology Integration

• These teaching strategies enhance learning, thus enabling students to construct their own learning using computer technology as an instructional tool

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Technology Integration

• Technology integration is the first level towards transforming teaching and learning.

• Understanding the possibilities in the classroom can give researchers, teacher educators, and professional development facilitators more knowledge to move teachers in this direction.

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Teachers with more than 9 years experience are less

likely to use technology with their lessons!

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Technology Integration

• Less than 20% of American teachers feel adequately equipped with the skills necessary to integrate technology into their classrooms

(Woodbridge, 2004)

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Technology Integration

•Therefore, although technology offers the potential to enhance and improve the students' learning experience, there is a lack of consensus on how to combine computers with other learning tools. •This absence of agreement causes too many teachers to be casual or even non-users of computers.

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Technology Integration

•Educational reform efforts should not only focus on acquiring more machines for classrooms but also on developing teaching strategies that complement technology use within the curriculum.

(Pierson 2001)

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Technology Integration

•There is a strong relationship between integrating technology in the classroom and having a philosophy that leaned towards using constructivist teaching strategies.

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Technology Integration







Student Constructio

n of Knowledge

Pierson's model of technology integration

(Pierson, 1999)

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Technology Integration

Successful Integration of Information Technology Outcomes

3) Establish constructive learning environme


1) Use software to create, manipulat

e and enhance student learning

Johnson and Liu's model of technology integration

(Johnson and Liu, 2000)

2) Use problem-

based assignment


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Technology Integration

ContentContent SkillsSkills



Tweed and Donen (1994)

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Technology Integration

organization of conceptual schema in the brain

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Technology Integration

"making meaningful connections between topics or skills that are usually addressed in different subject areas"

(Drake, 2000)

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Technology Integration

“. . . refers to a way of teaching, planning and organizing . . . so the discrete disciplines of subject matter are interrelated . . . to match the developmental needs of the learners. . . and help to meaningfully connect the learners' learning to their current and past experiences"

Roberts & Kellough (2000)

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Technology Integration

“. . . (it) is based on a holistic view of learning and recognizes the necessity for learners to see the big picture . . . ignores traditional subject lines while exploring questions that are most relevant to students. . . because it focuses on helping learners use their minds as well"

Brazee & Capelluti (1995)

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Highly integrative projects should allow the learners to

make links among a number of content areas, as well as to

develop thinking and creativity skills.

Using technology in any other way is not true integration.Using technology in any other way is not true integration.

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Technology integration is where you use technology to do

something that could NOT be readily done with something


Using technology in any other way is not true integration.Using technology in any other way is not true integration.

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Learning technology skills and content at the same time

encourages fascination and student curiosity. Technology can

expand or extend a teacher's time after the teacher gets over the

hump of learning it.

Using technology in any other way is not true integration.Using technology in any other way is not true integration.

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The function of ICT is NOT primarily to promote computer literacy

because ‘the technology is available’, or because technology

is the ‘wave of the future’, or because ‘that’s where we’re all


Using technology in any other way is not true integration.Using technology in any other way is not true integration.

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Teachers should not use technology just for technology's sake. Instruction

should reflect research-based teaching strategies that are considered best

teaching practices.

Using technology in any other way is not true integration.Using technology in any other way is not true integration.

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Technology should be integrated, engaging, and encourage student exploration to learn independently.

Using technology in any other way is not true integration.Using technology in any other way is not true integration.

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Technology integration may vary according to individual teaching beliefs,

perceptions towards technology innovations, and how the teacher

practiced and put technology to work in the classroom.

Using technology in any other way is not true integration.Using technology in any other way is not true integration.

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The goal of teaching strategies should be active, authentic,

constructive, cooperative, and intentional/reflective learning

Using technology in any other way is not true integration.Using technology in any other way is not true integration.

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ICT Integration in English Education

• ICT integration in English Education • trainor-developed interactive teaching materials

and examinations utilizing the internet, • searching the best research evidence through

the internet, • using PDA for reference, • management of information through database, • Teleconferencing and videoconferencing, • the use of simulations and • the use of the internet or intranet for

administrative purposes

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Gap AnalysisThe Inspiration for Curriculum Redesign

Gap analysis between teaching practices worldwide and our current practice here in the Philippines

1) wide discrepancy in the knowledge of computers and computer applications between the trainors and the trainees;

2) limited application of research initiatives

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Gap AnalysisThe Inspiration for Curriculum Redesign

Gap analysis between teaching practices worldwide and our current practice here in the Philippines

3) limited efforts in the professional development of trainors;

4) limited access to MS/PhD programs, particularly in the information technology tracks;

5) resistance to curricular change brought about by lack of research in the current trends in andragogy and English education.

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What types of technology can we use in class?

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Teaching with Multiliteracies

• Technologies to use in the classroom• Learning management system

• Blackboard• Moodle• Google for Educators

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Teaching with Multiliteracies

• Technologies to use in the classroom• Online databases

• e-Books• e-Dictionaries

• Online communication sites• Yahoogroups• Skype• Twitter

• Twitter Professional Learning Network (PLN)

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Teaching with Multiliteracies

• Technologies to use in the classroom• Social networking sites

• Wikis• Blogs• Discussion Boards

• Multiply

• Facebook

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Teaching with Multiliteracies

• Technologies to use in the classroom• Online Video sites

• YouTube• Word management software

• Word• Note• Whiteboards

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Teaching with Multiliteracies

• Barriers to teaching with multiliteracies• Students lack the necessary skills• Technologies are not available• Not enough time• Teachers lack the skills

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“Everybody is talking about technology integration, but few practicing teachers

profess to know exactly how to proceed. The fact is that real

integration requires change. . . .”

(Johnson & Liu, 2000)

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“However, what seems to be lacking is a model that teachers can use to guide them through the necessary changes

they will need to make to be successful in integrating new technology into their


(Johnson & Liu, 2000)

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METHODSPolitical Perspectives




Access to Course Materials controlled by the Anesthesia trainors’ and trainees technological capabilities and individual mentoring/learning styles

Professional authorityTransformational Leadership

Access to the Distance Education Program controlled through the Anesthesiology Society

Organizational authorityShared Visioning and Team Learning

Access to technologies controlled by the telecommunications network

Technological authorityIntegrative, Critical and

Systems Thinking

Access to funds and resources controlled by funding agencies

Institutional authorityAdministrative Efficiency

Access to Course Materials controlled by the Anesthesia trainors’ and trainees technological capabilities and individual mentoring/ learning styles

Deprofessionalized authority Individualism

Access to the Distance Education Program controlled by trainees’ membership in the Anesthesiology Society

Organizational disenfranchisement

Myopic visioning

Access to technologies controlled by trainees’ geographical situations and availability of network facilities

Technological inaccessibilityUnsystematic thinking

Access to funds controlled by trainees’ ability to compete for limited resources

Institutional decentralizationInequitable distribution



g fo





g f



























Meta ScenarioTechnology-enabled Education

(Calimag, 2007)

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Evaluation of the development initiative to ensure sustainability is based on the following performance objectives:

1) e-MPOWERING trainors’ and trainees’ through capacity building in the “soft skills”;

2) e-NSURING system responsiveness through organizational authority, shared visioning and team learning toward the provision of quality English education and training through ICT integration;

Model for SustainabilityTechnology-enabled Education

(Calimag, 2007)

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Evaluation of the development initiative to ensure sustainability is based on the following performance objectives:

3) e-NABLING universal accessibility

guaranteed by the use of e-Learning Management System; and

4) e-NDURING through efficient and equitable distribution and control of financial resources.

Model for SustainabilityTechnology-enabled Education

(Calimag, 2007)

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Snapshots of Technology Integration

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7 ways to Increase Teacher Technology Integration in the Classroom

1. Create a clear vision of what an ideal classroom with integrated technology looks like.

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The Building Blocks

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7 ways to Increase Teacher Technology Integration in the Classroom

2. Build an on-campus professional learning network.

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The Building Blocks

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The Building Blocks

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The Building Blocks

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The Building Blocks

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The Building Blocks

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The Building Blocks

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The Building Blocks

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The Building Blocks

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The Building Blocks

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7 ways to Increase Teacher Technology Integration in the Classroom

3. Build an online professional learning network.

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The Personalized Web

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7 ways to Increase Teacher Technology Integration in the Classroom

4. Invest in yourself. Read, read, and read!

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7 ways to Increase Teacher Technology Integration in the Classroom

5. Expand your learning network to the classroom. Harness your students’ creativity and ingenuity. Allow them to be your technology tutors by encouraging them to share their tips and tricks.

Learning is a two-way street

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7 ways to Increase Teacher Technology Integration in the Classroom

6. Publish, publicize, and advertise your students’ technology-related work. Create a classroom website or a wiki-space to share ideas, tutorials, and class projects. Share the links with parents, administration, faculty, and local community.

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7 ways to Increase Teacher Technology Integration in the Classroom

7. Develop a reflective practice with your integration of technology in the classroom. Keep a small notebook to jot down initial thoughts and impressions of particular tools or certain issues.

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Thank you!