engleski u 50 lekcija kolarac

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UDBENICI STRANIH JEZIKA Kolarev narodni univerzitet je do sada objavio sledee udbenike za uenje stranih jezika: Engleski, l Engleski, 2 Engleski, 3 Engleski kroz razgovor Engleski u 50 lekcija 'Nemaki, l Nemaki, 2 Nemaki, 3 Nemaki, 4 Francuski, I Francuski, 2 Francuski, 3 Francuski /ero; Italijanski, l Italijanski, 2 Srpskohrvatski (Serbo-Croatian Srpskohrvatski (Serbo-Croatian panski, I dr Ljiljana Mihailovi dr Ljiljana Mihailovi Slavna Babi dr Danka oki dr Danka oki Z. Kuki V. Notaro K.uki M. Ostoji-Hripa V. Hadi Z. Kuki V. Notaro-Kuki M. Ostoji-Hripa V. Hadi O. Milutinovi M. Kneevi Bojana Jakovljevi dr Ksenija Jovanovi razgovor D. Marodi R. Dimitrijevi mr T. Jeremi dr S. Turconi mr T. Jeremi dr S. Turconi za strance br. / for Foreigners Book One) za strance br. II for Foreigners Book Two) Slavna Babi Slavna Babi S. Davio-urovi - D. Lompar Spanski kroz razgovor D. Milojevi KOLAREV NARODNI UNIVERZITET Centar /a izdavaku delatnost Telefon 636-272 11000 Beograd, Studentski trg 5

Engleski u 50 lekcija 'IV PRERAENO (VII) IZDANJE Dr Danka oki IH KOLAREV NARODNI UNIVERZITET 1989. UDBENICI STRANIH JEZIKA Broj 182 Struna ocena MADGE TOMASEVI Dr SHEILA SOFRENOVI Glavni i odgovorni urednik OLGA MILUTINOVI Ilustrator BRANISLAV MOJSILOVI Tehniki urednik JELENA KRUNI Prvo izdanje 1964. Prvo preraeno (IV) izdanje 1982. Tira 6.000 primeraka tampanje zavreno septembra 1989. YU 86-7249-028-2 Izdava KOLARCEV NARODNI UNIVERZITET Centar za izdavaku delatnost 11000 Beograd, Studentski trg 5 Telefon 636-272

tampa OOUR Radia Timoti, Beograd, Obiliev venac 5 PREDGOVOR I PRERAENOM IZDANJU Nove tendencije u nastavi i uenju stranih jeziJca uslovile su pr radu udbtnika Engleski u 50 lekcija. t; Polazei od potrebe za komunikacijom u svakodnevnom ivotu, imala sam za cilj razvijanje komunikativne sposobnosti uenika za korienje engleskog jezika u zemlji i inostranstvu. Uz primenu funkcionalno-pojmovnog pristupa uenju stranog jezika, kori-eni su rezultati istraivanja u oblasti motivacije uenja odraslih i analize greaka. Sproveden je princip postupnosti, zasnovan na uestanosti oblika i njihovoj funkcionalnosti, kao i na tekoama pri uenju engleskog jezika. U 50 dijalog-tiva i 250 dijalog--vebi obuhvaene su osnovne strukture i osnovna leksika vezanog govora uslovljene svakodnevnim situacijama. Velika panja je posveena izrazima u drutvenoj komunikaciji, i oni sainjavaju i posebnu dijalog-vebu. Svaki dijalog sadri opis situacije i uput-stvo kako da se obradi, tako daje predvien i veliki-broj analognih situacija. Autentini materijali su dati u obliku natpisa, for-mulara, mapa, pisanih razglednica, iseaka iz novina, kako bi se uenici neposredno upoznavali sa ovim oblicima komunikacije. Klju vebanja obuhvata gramatika objanjenja ilustrovana tabelama, kao i reenja nekih vebanja. Ona treba da omogue ueniku i individualno korienje udbenika. Dijalozi su snimljeni na traku koja zvuno ilustruje udbenik. Vebe su zasnovane i na mojim rezultatima prouavanja greaka u intonaciji, ritmu, naglasku i glasovima engleskog jezika. elim da se zahvalim Med (Madge) Tomaevi i dr ili (Sheila) Sofrenovi, lektorima pri Katedri za engleski jezik i knjievnost Filolokog fakulteta u Beogradu, zbog korisnih sugestija, kao i kolegama i koleginicama koji su mi ukazali na svoja iskustva u radu sa ovim udbenikom. Autor SADRAJ Engleska azbuka .............................................. IX Fonetska azbuka. Samoglasnici i dvoglasnici...................... X Fonetska azbuka. Suglasnici.................................. XI Unit l London Airport .............................................. l Objanjenja i klju vebanja.................................... 270 Unit 2 In the Classroom .............................................. 5 Objanjenja i klju vebanja.................................... 271 Unit 3 At the Hotel.................................................. 10 Objanjenja i klju vebanja .................................. 272 Unit 4 In the Coffee Room .......................................... 15 Objanjenja i klju vebanja----->............................... 274 Unit 5 In Parliament Square .......................................... 19 Objanjenja i klju vebanja.................................... 275 Unit In the Office.................................................. 25 Objanjenja i klju vebanja.................................... 276 Unit 7 Li the Bookshop.............................................. 30 Objanjenja i klju vebanja ............................... Unit 8 On Monday Morning .......................................... 35 Objanjenja i klju vebanja ............................... Unit 9 Madge is Preparing Dinner...................................... 40 Objanjenja i klju vebanja ............... 277 279 vebanja

Live klju vebanja 281 IV Unit 10 \ At Home................ ' Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 11 An Evening at Home ..... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 12 A Quiz Programme ........ Objanjenja i klju Unit 13 An English House........ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 14 How the Objanjenje Unit 15 The Weekend ............ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 16 At the Railway Station ..... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 17 In the Train ................ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 18 Summer Holidays .......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 19 At the Travel Agency ......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 20 Arthur Meets a Friend.......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 21 At the Customs ............. Objanjenja i klju vebanja 45 282 50 284 55 285 60 286 65 288 70 289 76 291 81 292 86 294 91 295 97 296 102 298 Unit 22 Looking for a Hotel ...... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 23 Asking about a Room .... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 24 A Visit to Bled .......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 25 Breakfast in the Hotel Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 26

At the Post Office ........ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 27 Lunch in Zagreb .......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 28 On the Way .............. Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 29 A Rest at a Motel ........ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 30 Meeting Milan Jovi............ Comments and Key to Exercises Unit 31 A Telephone Conversation ...... Comments and Key to Exercises Unit 32 Losing a Camera .............. Comments and Key to Exercises Unit 33 At the Lost Property Office ..... Comments and Key to Exercises 107 300 112 302 118 303 123 305 128 307 133 309 139 310 144 312 149 314 154 316 160 317 165 319 Unit 34 A Drive around Belgrade........................................ 170 Comments and Key to Exercises .*.............................. 321 Unit 35 Talking about the Past ........................................ 176 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 322 Unit 36 At the Airport .............................................. 181 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 324 Unit 37 A Stay at Ohrid .............................................. 186 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 326 Unit 38 Madge Goes Shopping ........................................ 192 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 327 Unit 39 Catching a Cold................................................ 197 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 329 Unit 40 A Basketball Match .......................................... 203

Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 331 Unit 41 A Day in the Country ........................................ 208 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 333 ; Unit 42 In Sarajevo .................................................. 214 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 335 Unit 43 A Picnic Lunch .............................................. 220 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ . 336 Unit 44 Camping in Dubrovnik ........ Cornmi lents and Key to Exercises 226 338 VI VII Unit 45 The Summer Festival .......................................... 231 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 340 Unit 46 Sightseeing in Dubrovnik ...................................... 237 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 341 Unit 47 An Excursion ................................................ 243 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 343 Unit 48 Aboard the "Yugoslavia" ...................................... 249 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 345 Unit 49 A Day in Split. ............................................... 255 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 346 Unit 50 A Letter from Britain.......................................... 261 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 348 Nepravilni glagoli.............................................. 267 Objanjenja i klju vebanja ............................,..... 270 Renik ...................................................... 351 Lista linih i geografskih imena ................................ 370 1 ENGLESKA AZBUKA A /ei/ Bb C c Dd E e F f Gg Hh /bi:/ /si:/ U1" /di:/ /i:/ /ef/ /d3:/ /citj/

I i J J Kk L 1 Mm Nn Oo P P Q1 Rr S s T t Uu V v Ww Xx Y Z z

/ai/ /daei/ /kei/ /el/ /em/ /' en/ 1 'au/ /pi'-/ /kju:/ /a:/ /es/ /ti:/ /JU'-/ /vi:/ /'dAblju:/ /eks/ /wai/ /zed/

IX VIII FONETSKA AZBUKA Samoglasnici /i:/ sea /si:/ leave /li:v/ /i/ city /'siti/ bridge /brjd3/ ' /e/ pen /pen/ /s/ bag /basg/ /A/ jug /d3Ag/ /a:/* car /ka:/ arm /arm/ /a/ dog /dog/ /o:/ door /do:/ wall /wo:l/ /u/ room /rum/ /u:/ two /tu:/ spoon /spu:n/ /a:/ sir /sa:/ girl /garl/ /a/ again /a'gen/ correct /ka'rekt/ Dvoglasnici ili diftonzi

meat /mi:t/ ship /Jjp/ desk /desk/ cat /kaet/ bus /bAs/ park /pa:k/ clock /klok/ talk /to:k/ book /buk/ suit /sju:t/ work /wa:k/ breakfast /'brekfast/

/ei/ day /dei/ /ai/ eye /ai/ /au/** cow /kau/ /oi/ boy /boi/ /au/ go /gau/ /ia/ here /hia/ /ea/ pear /pea/ /ua/ tour /tua/

rain /rein/ time /taim/ town /taun/ coin /koin/ road /raud/ beard /biad/ rarely /'reali/ Europe /'juarop/

face /feis/ like /laik/ house /haus/ point /point/ boat /baut/ theatre /'9iata/ scarce /skeas/

/p/ pen /pen/ /b/ bed /bed/ /t/ ten /ten/ /d/ dog /dog/ /k/ key /ki:/ /g/ give /giv/ /tj/ cheese /tji:z/ /d3/job /d3Db/ /m/ men /men/ /n/ night /nait/ /0/ /1/ look /luk/ /f/ face /feis/ /v/ very /'veri/ /6/ thing /9irj/ /6/ this /6is/ < /s/ see /si:/ /z/ zoo /'zu:/ /f/ shoe /Ju:/ /3/ /h/ hand /hasnd/ /r/ room /rum/ /w/ well /wel/ /j/ yes /jes/ Suglasnici (Redosled) happy /'haepi/ about /a'baut/ letter /'leta/ ready /'rcdi/ pocket /'pokit/ forget /fa'get/ teacher /'ti:tja/ enjoy /in'dsoi/ number /'lumbo/ any /'eni/ finger /Tings/ colour /'kAla/ often /'ofn/ river /'riva/ nothing /'nA0irj/ . father /Ta:5a/ person /'pa:sn/ busy /'bizi/ station /'steijan/ usual /'!/ behind /bi'haind/ carry /'kaeri/ away /a'wei/ few /fju:/ lip /lip/ job /dsob/ put /put/ good /gud/ dark /da:k/ big /big/ rich /ritJY page /peids/ farm /fa:m/ lesson /lesn/ sing /sirj/ apple /'aepl/ root /ru:f/ live /liv/ tooth /tu:0/ with /wi6/ bus /tu/ nose /nauz/ push /puj/ garage /'gsera:3/ far away /'farrc'wei/ * /a;/ treba da se ita too /:/ ** /au/ treba da se ita kao /an/ Xl UNIT 1 LONDON AIRPORT CUSTOMS HALL Q NO ENTKT ri ^i 7"7 I This is London Airport. Mr Heath is at London Airport. Mr Tom* is at London Airport, too. Mr Heath: Hello! I'm Arthur Heath. Mr Tomi: Hello! I'm Petar Tomi. Mr Heath: How do you do! Mr Tomi: How do you do! Mr Heath: Where's your luggage? Mr Tomi: It's here. Mr Heath: My car's over there. This way. Renik unit /'junit/, jedinica one /WAH/, jedan airport /':1/, aerodrom hello /'he'lsu/, zdravo 1 /ai/, ja l Engleski u SO lekcija am /, /, sam 'm/m/, skraeni oblik od em

this /Sis/, ovo is /iz/, je 's/z,s/, skraeni oblik od u Unit 1 Mr /'mista/, gospodin Mrs/'misiz/, gospoda at /aet, at/, na, u too /tu:/, takoe How do you do! /'hau dju 'du:/, Milo mi je! where /wea/, gde your /ja:/, tvoj, va luggage /lAgids/, prtljag it /it/, to, ono here /hie/, ovde my /mai /, moj car /ka:/, automobil over /'auva/, preko there /dea/, tamo over there, tamo, preko this way /wei/, ovuda, ovim pravcem London /'Undan/, London Arthur /'a:6a/, Artur Heath /hi:6/, Hit Dodatni materijal i vebanja Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: I SOUVENIR SHOP Who's this? A: Where's Mr Heath? B: He's . A : Thank you. A: What's this? B: It's London .. #ina Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: London Airport f[__i ... your car? B: It's Mrs Heath. B: She's over there. B: It's over there. A: Thank you. B Popunite odgovarajue oblike ('m, is, 's): At London Airport , (f) / Mr Heath .'r. at London Airport. Mr Tomi . 'x at London Airport, too. Mr Heath: Hello! H. Arthur Heath. Mr Tomi: Hello! I'. H Petar Tomi. Mr Heath: How do you do! Mr Tomi: How do you do! Mr Heath: Where'. Y. your luggage? Mr Tomi: It'.->. here. Mr Heath: My car' .>. over there. This way. . Nalazite se na beogradskom aerodromu, gde saekujete f. Hita. Dramatizujte dijalog. In London Mrs Heath f?, in London. Mr Heath .Vat Heathrow Airport. Mrs Heath: 321 4567. Mr Heath: Hello! Arthur here. Mrs Heath: Hello, Arthur! Where are you? Mr Heath: I'H. at Heathrow. 2 il I Unit 1 Nalazite se na londonskom aerodromu i telefonirate g. Hitu. Neka jedan od studenata bude g. Hit. Numbers l 2 one two 3456 three four five six 7 8 9 10

seven eight nine ten Proitajte sledee brojeve telefona: 442 8959; 628 7958; 345 9813; 531 5432; 778 9876; 332 5432. What's your telephone number? Popunite odgovarajue izraze: At Heathrow Airport Mr Smith and Mr Peri are at Heathrow Airport. Mr Smith: Mr Peri: . Mr Smith: Mr Peri: I'm Harry Smith. , I'm Marko Peri. Jb> ^ # I 4a "f Nalazite se na londonskom aerodromu, gde vas je saekao g. Smit. Poto vam se predstavio, odgovorite mu. Dramatizujte dijalog. r port . ' 4Prevedite na engleski: J Gospodin Smit je na londonskom aerodromu. Gospodin Peri je takoe na londonskom aerodromu. Dobar dan. Ja sam Hari Smit. Dobar dan. Ja sam Marko Peri. Milo mi je. Milo mi je. Gde je va prtljag? Ovde je. Moja kola su tamo. Ovuda. UNIT 2 IN THE CLASSROOM y Mrs Heath is a teacher. She is in the classroom. Teacher: Good morning. Class: Good morning. Teacher: My name's Madge Heath. I'm your teacher. Class: How do you do! Teacher: What's your name? Student: My name's Lucy Abi. Teacher: Spell your name, please. __ v Miss Abi: L-u-c-y A-b-i. e|- JU- f->'- WA* - ^ ~ Teacher: Thank you. Are you a student, Miss Abi? Miss Abi: Yes, I am. Teacher (points to a student): Is she a_ student? Miss Abi: Yes, she is. Teacher: Is he a student? Miss Abi: No, he isn't. He's a clerk. Teacher (points to a student): Are you a doctor? Student: No, I'm not. I'm an engineer. Teacher (points to a student): What do you do? Student: I'm a journalist. i f Unit 2 Renik Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: the /, di:/, odreeni lan classroom /'klarsrufn/, uionica teacher /'tirtja/, nastavnik, profesor a /a/, neodreeni lan good /gud/, dobar morning /'ma.-nirj/, jutro good morning /'gud 'mo :nirj /, dobro jutro name /neim/, ime class /kla:s/, razred What's your name? Kako se zovete? spell /spel/, sricati please /pli:z/, molim thank you /'6jenk ju/, hvala are/a:/, si, smo, ste, su student /'stju.-dant/, student Miss /mis/, gospoica

she /Ji:/, ona he /hi:/, on clerk /kla:k/, slubenik yes /jes/, da doctor /'dokta/, doktor no /nau/, ne isn't- /iznt/, skraeni oblik od no/ engineer /,end3i'nia/, inenjer What do you do? ime se bavite? ta ste po profesiji? journalist /'d39:n3list/, novinar Madge /msedj/, Med Lucy /'lursi/, Lusi Abi /'Abi/, Abi ' a housewife? : Yes, she is. No, she isn't. She's a typist. Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: A: What do you do? B: ' A: Is Miss Bird a secretary? B: Yes, .< /4: Is Mr Parker a clerk? B: No, . ,,. '-; B Popunite izostavljene oblike e, ili the: In the Classroom 0 Mrs Heath is . ^. teacher. She's in .^. Mrs Heath: Are you .. . student? Student: Yes, I am. Teacher: Is she,?, clerk? Student: No, she isn't. She's V nurse. Teacher: Is he.^l engineer? Student: No, he isn't. He's . Q doctor. Teacher (points to a student): What do Student: I'm fi-.f actor. Dajte potvrdne ili odrene kratke odgovore: In the Classroom Teacher: Is he a worker? Student: Yes, he, ii Teacher: Is she a pupil? Unit 2 Student: No, she . . . She's a student. Teacher: Are you a journalist? Student: No, I'M. I'm an officer. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima ta su po profesiji, tako da daju kratke odgovore. Popunite dijalog jednom od profesija. Vodite rauna o neodreenom lanu: What do you do? Mrs Heath is in the classroom. Teacher: What do you do? Student: I'm an.Q$\\te/~ , Teacher: What do you do? Student: I'm a . ^^ Teacher: What do you do? Student: I'm a . In the Classroom Pitajte druge studente ta su po profesiji postavljajui pitanje : What do you do? Dopunite izostavljeni pozdrav i izraze: In the Morning The teacher is in the classroom. Teacher: Good morning. Class: &&Greek. 2 Engleski u 50 lekcija 17 Unit 4 Peter: What nationality is your mother? Student: She'.":' Russian. Nalazite se na ulici sa grupom stranaca. Pitajte ih koje su nacionalnosti, kao i njihovi otac i majka. Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: At a Table Lucy and Peter are at a table in the coffee room. Peter: Tea or coffee? Lucy: Tea ,p/^ Arthur is hungry and thirsty. Madge: What's the matter with you, Arthur? Arthur: I'm hungry. Er is there any cheese in the fridge? Madge: No, there isn't. Arthur: And is there any butter? Madge: Yes, there is. There's some cold meat and ham, too. Arthur: Ham's all right. Is there any beer? Madge: No, there isn't, but there's some milk. Arthur: Milk? No, thank you. What else is there? Madge: Open the fridge and have a look. Arthur: All right. Look, there's a bottle of wine. Madge: Is it white or red wine? Arthur: It's white. All right. Ham and white wine's fine. Sunday /'sAndi, 'sAndei/, nedelja What's the matter with you? ta ti je? hungry /'hArjgri/, gladan kitchen /'kitfin/, kuhinja small /smo:l/, mali there is /' iz; iz/, ima, cooker /'kuka/, sporet refrigerator /ri'fridsareita/, friider fridge /frids/, friider (skraeno) chair /tfea/, stolica left /left/, levo right /rait/, desno middle /midl/, sredina thirsty /'8a:sti/, edan cheese /tji:z/, sir butter /'oAts/, maslac cold /kauld/, hladan meat /mi:t/, meso ham /hsem/, unka beer /bis/, pivo milk /milk/, mleko What else /els/... ta jo . open /'aupn/, otvoriti bottle /botl/, flaa, boca wine /wain/, vino red /red/, crven white /wait/, beo Dodatni materijal i vebanja

A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: \ What's there in the fridge? Is there a bottle of wine? Are there any bottles on the top shelf? Are there any glasses? Are there any plates on the bottom shelf? Are there any saucepans? 40 41 Unit 9 Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: 1......? There's some meat. J / 2......? There's some bread. 3......? Yes, there is. 4......? No, there isn't. There's some salad. B Stavite a, some ili any: On Sunday Evening It's Sunday evening. Madge and Arthur are in the kitchen. > - Arthur: Is themK. (butter in the fridge? Madge: No, there fsn't. Arthur: Is there./v'cheese? Madge: Yes, there isv Arthur: What else is there? Madge: There's :>V''ham. Arthur: Ham's all right. Is there Madge: No, there isn't, but there's. ^bottle of wine. There's, mineral water, too. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima ta se nalazi u njihovom friideru. Stavite much ili many: In the Kitchen The Heaths' kitchen is white. The cupboards are white, too. The cups, saucers and plates are in the top cupboard. The knives, forks and spoons are in the bottom cupboard. Madge: How.''.. cups are there in the cupboard, Arthur? Arthur: There are four cups and four saucers. There are six plates, too. 42 ....... Madge is Preparing Dinner Madge: And how .". T knives are there? Arthur: There are only two knives and three spoons. AH the knives and spoons are in the dishwasher. c\-~~/j( Madge: Er and is there any bread in the box? Arthur: Yes, there ,is. Madge: How/^Hwead is there? ^ Arthur: Well, there isn't .^j u &,,j ^^" Postavite pitanja drugim studentima ta se nalazi u gornjim i donjim elementima u njihovoj kuhinji. Stavite odgovarajui oblik line zamenice (me, him): Blackie's hungry Madge and Arthur have a dog. His name is Blackie. Arthur: Blackie's hungry, Madge. Given A''some chocolate. Madge: All right. Arthur: Please, give... some chocolate, too. Madge: All right, Arthur. Here you are. Arthur: Thank you, Madge. Zamolite jednog od studenata da vam da svoju knjigu i zahvalite mu se. 1,1* Dopunite odgovarajue izraze: Arthur's Hungry Arthur's hungry and thirsty. , 'j/^,' , Madge: _________ Arthur? Arthur: I'm hungry and thirsty. What's there in the fridge? Madge: Open it and have a look.

Arthur: There's some ham. There's some white wine, too. Ham and white wine's fine. Dramatizujte dijalog. Unit 9 D Prevedite na engleski: ta ti je, Arture? Gladan sam i edan. Ima li sira u friideru? Ne, nema. Ima li hladnog mesa? Da, ima. A ima li piva? Ne, nema, ali ima mleka. Mleka? Ne, hvala. ega jo ima? Arture, otvori friider i pogledaj ega ima. Ima unke. Ima i flaa belog vina. U redu. unka i belo v.'no to je odlino. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: FOOD DEPARTMENT FRESH MEAT Art! /i Ma ArtK Ma Anh Ma Rtajtl UNIT *> AT HOME It's twenty to six on back home. He's early._, Madge: Hi, Arthu ; " Madge: There's a very good film on aTtheOdeon. 4' An English House Arthur: But, Madge, I want to watch a football match on TV. Madge: A football match? Who's playing? Arthur: England and Yugoslavia. ^o Madge: But, Arthur, I don't like football matches. You know I prefer the cinema. Arthur: And I prefer football matches. Madge: All right. Switch on the television. Renik suburb /'sAteib.'sAbsb/, predgrae ground-floor /'graund-flo:/, prizemlje

floor /fla:/, sprat bathroom /'ba:6rum/, kupatilo upper /'/, gornji behind /bi'haind/, iza sideboard /'saidba:d/, kredenc, orman za posue usually /'ju:3ueli/, obino jneal /mi:l/, obed but /DAt, bet/, ali sometimes /'sAmtaimz/, ponekad breakfast /'brekfast/, doruak always /'orlweiz/, uvek bed/bed/, krevet Saturday /'ssetadi, 'saetodei/, subota want /wont/, eleti cinema /'sinamtf/, bioskop tonight /tu'nait/, noas why /waiy, zato be on /'bir'an/, davati se football match /'futbo:! 'rmetj/, fud-balska utakmica like /laik/, voleti prefer /pri'fs:/, vise voleti Tfflow~7n8u/, znati switch on /'switj 'an/, upaliti Dodatni materijal a nj a Odgovorite na sledea pitanja 1. Where have the Heaths got a house? 2. What's the Heaths' house like? 3. Which rooms are on the ground-floor? 4. Which rooms are on the upper floor? 5. What's there behind the house? 6- What's the dining-room like? 60 Unit 13 An English House 7. What furniture is there in the dining-room? 8. Where do the Heaths have their meals? 9. What do the Heaths usually do in the evening? 10. What do they sometimes do? Postavite sledeca pitanja drugim studentima: 1. What do the Heaths usually do at ten o'clock? 2. When do they go to bed? 3. Does Madge want to go to bed early on Saturday evening? 4. What does Madge want to do? 5. What does Arthur want to do? 6. Who's playing? 7. Does Madge like football matches? 8. What does she prefer? 9. What does Arthur prefer? 10. What does Arthur do then? B ) Stavite glagole u zagradi u odgovarajui oblik sadanjeg vremena: In the Bedroom H' '"'''' The Heaths' bedroom is small. There isn't much furniture in it. There are two beds and a wardrobe. The walls of the bedroom are yellow, but the ceiling is white. Madge and Arthur are in the bedroom. Madge says that she (want)^to go to bed early. Arthur says he (want^Tto read in bed. Madge: I (want) to have an early night, Arthur. Arthur: And I (want) to read in bed a little. Madge: Oh, Arthur, you always (want) to read in bed. Arthur: Not alwavst sometimes. Madge: How lonfcyftu (want) to read? Arthur: For about half an hour. Madge: All right. Good night, Arthur. Pitajte druge studente ta Med i Artur ele da rade jedne veeri. In the Coffee Bar

Peter and Lucy are in a coffee bar. Lucy asks Peter what he usually in the evening. Peter says he usually (read)5(listento the radio or (watchjCTV. 62 Lucy-' What you usually (do) in the evening? ., Peter: I (read), (listen) to the radio or (watch) TV. And whiyyou (do)? Lucy: I (listen) to the radio or (watch) telly, too. I often (go) to the cinema. Peter: You (want) to go to the cinema tonight? Lucy: No, thank you, Peter. Tonight I (want) to stay at home and watch a show on TV. I (not^want) to miss it. Pitajte studente ta oni vole da rade uvee. Do you Like the Cinema? Peter asks Lucy if she (like) the cinema. She says she (do) but she (prefer) the theatre. Then she asks Peter if he (like) the cinema. Peter says he (love) it. Peter: You (like) the cinema, Lucy? Lucy: Yes, I do, but I (prefer) the theatre. And you? You (like) the cinema? Peter: Yes, I do. I (love) it. Lucy: You (prefer) it to the theatre? Peter: Well, it (depend). If there's a good play on, I (love) the theatre, too. Pitajte druge studente da li vole bioskop, odnosno da H vie vole pozorite. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: A Football Match Il's seven o'clock on Tuesday evening. Madge and Arthur are at home. ; I want to go to the cinema tonight. Arthur: To the cinema? Why, - ? Madge: There's a very good film on at the Odeon. Arthur: And I want to watch a football match tonighf. .- Who's playing? 63 Unit 13 Arthur: England and Yugoslavia. I don't want to miss the match, Madge:________, Arthur. I'm going to bed. Arthur:_________, Madge. Kaite jednom studentu da elite veeras da idete u bioskop. On, meutim, ne eli da ide, ve eli da gleda televiziju. Dramatizujte dijalog. UNTT 14 D Prevedite na engleski: Subota je vee. Med i Artur su kod kue. Med eli da ide u bioskop. Artur eli da gleda fudbalsku utakmicu na televiziji. elim veeras da idem u bioskop. U bioskop? Zato, ta se daje? Daje se jedan vrlo dobar film kod Odeona. Ali ja hou da gledam fudbalsku utakmicu na televiziji. Ko igra? Engleska i Jugoslavija. Ali ja ne volim fudbalske utakmice. Vie volim bioskop. Ti zna da ja vie volim fudbalsku utakmicu. Ne elim ovu da propustim. U redu, Arture. Ukljui televizor. Ja idem da legnem. Laku no, Med. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: ONE WAY ONE WAY STREET HOW THE HEATHS LIVE 64 Arthur works in a car factory. He works from eight to five-thirty every day. He gets up at half past six every morning. He has a bath and then has breakfast with Madge. He usually goes to work by train. He starts work at eight o'clock. He has lunch in the factory canteen. He finishes work at five-thirty. Then he leaves his office and goes home. He sometimes goes home by bus. Madge works in a school of English and foreign languages where she teaches English. She has classes in the morning, but twice a week she has classes in the afternoon. When she comes home from work, she gets supper ready. She usually has supper with Arthur at 7 o'clock. Once or twice a month they go to the cinema or the theatre. Sometimes they go to a concert, too. Both Madge and Arthur like music. They often go for a walk, too. When they are at home, they watch TV if there is a good programme on.

On the Train One day Arthur meets Mr Brown on the train. Arthur: Hello, Mr Brown. Nice to see you. Mr Brown: Hello, Mr Heath. How are you? 5 Engleski u JO lekcija te Unit 14 How the Heaths Live Arthur: Fine, thanks. And you? Mr Brown: Fm very well, thanks. Arthur: I say, do you still live in Edinburgh? Mr Brown: No, I don't. I live in Manchester now. Arthur: What do you do for a living now? Mr Brown: I work with an import-export firm. Arthur: Don't you work in a factory any longer? Mr Brown: No, I don't. Arthur: And how's .Mrs Brown? Does she still work? Mr Brown: Yes, she does. She works in a bank now. Arthur: Does she like Manchester? Mr Brown: So-so. She prefers Edinburgh. Arthur: Give her my regards. Goodbye, Mr Brown. Mr Brown: Goodbye, Mr Heath. Renik work /wa:kf, raditi factory /'faektori/, fabrika every /'evri/, svaki get /get/, stii; dobiti up /'get '/, ustati have a bath /ba:9/, kupati se train /trein/, voz by /bai/, pomou start /start/, poeti lunch /UntJ/, lak ruak canteen /ksn'tirn/, menza finish /'finij/, zavriti foreign /'form/, strani language /'lasngwids/, jezik once /WAUS/, jedanput twice /twais/, dvaput theatre /'6ista/, pozorite concert /'konset/, koncert both ... and, i... i music /'mju:zik/, muzika often /'ofan/, cesto walk /wo:k/, etnja; etati se if /if/, ako see /si:/, videti I say, sluajte, sluaj What do you do for a living /'livirj /? ta radite? ime se bavite? import /'import/, uvoz export /'ekspa:t/, izvoz firm /form/, firma so /sau/, tako Give her my regards /ri'ga:dz/, Pozdravite je Manchester /'masntjasta/, Manester Dodatni materfjal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where does Mr Heath work? 2. How long does he work every day? 3. What time does he get up? 4. What does he do when he gets up? 5. How does he usually go to work? 6. When does he start work? 7. Where does he have lunch? 8. When does he finish work? 9. What does he do after work? 10. How does he sometimes go home? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. Where does Mrs Heath work? 2. What does she teach? 3. When does she have classes? 4. What does she do when she gets home? 5. What time does she usually have supper? 6. How often do the Heaths go to the cinema or theatre? 7. Where do they go sometimes?

8. What do they both like? 9. What do they often do? 10. When do they watch TV? Stavite glagole u zagradi u odgovarajui oblik sadanjeg vremena: On the Train One day Arthur (meet) Mr Brown on the train. Mr Brown (live) in Man-e* > kut 'S in London on business. Arthur (ask) Mr Brown what he ( ) for a living. Mr Brown (says) he (work) with a firm. Arthur: you still (live) in Edinburgh? Mr Brown: No, I... I (live) in Manchester now. Arthur: Where you (work)? f Brown: I (work) with an import-export firm. 66 67 Unit 14 How theHeaths Live Arthur: You (not work) in a lacloiy? Mr Brown: No, I ... Arthur: Mrs Brown still (work)? Mr Brown: Yes, she . . . She (work) in a bank now. Pitajte druge studente ime se bave i gde rade The Daily Programme One day Peter asks Lucy what time she (get up) Lucy says she (get up) at 8 o'clock when she (have) classes in the morning. But when she (have) classes in the afternoon she (not get up) about 9. Peter: What time you usually (get up)? Lucy: Well, it (depend). When I (have) classes in the morning, I (get up) at 8 o'clock. Peter: And when you (have) classes in the afternoon? Lucy: I (not get up) about 9. Peter: What time you (go) to bed? Lucy: I usually (go) to bed between 10.30 and 11. And you? Peter: Well, I (go) to bed later. I usually (not go) to bed before midnight. Pitajte druge studente kada ustaju, odnosno leu. Stavite by, on ili to: In a Cafi Lucy and Peter are in a caf. Peter asks Lucy how she goes ... her English classes. She says she usually goes... bus or tube. Sometimes she goes on foot. Peter: How do you go ... your English classes, Lucy? Lucy: I usually go ... bus. When I'm late I go ... tube. Peter: Do you ever go... foot? Lucy: Yes, I do. When the weather is nice I usually walk. And you? Peter: I usually go ... train. Sometimes I go ... bus. Pitajte druge studente kako dolaze na asove, idu kui sa posla, itd. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: On the Train Mrs Heath meets Mrs Jones on the train one day. Mrs Heath: Hello, Mrs Jones. ________ Mrs Jones: Hello, Mrs Heath. How are you? Mrs Heath: Mrs Jones: Mrs Heath: Mrs Jones: thank you. How's Mr Jones? He's very well, thanks. ________Goodbye, Mrs Jones. __:_____, Mrs Heath. Dramatizujte dijalog. U Londonu ste i u vozu sretnete jednog svog poznanika. Pitajte ga kako je, kako je njegova supruga, i pozdravite je. D Prevedite na engleski:

Gde ivi g. Braun? ivi u Londonu. Gde radi? Radi u fabrici automobila. Zar ne radi u banci? Ne, ne radi. Da li njegova ena radi? ^- Da, radi. Gde radi? Radi u banci. A gde vi ivite? ivim u Beogradu. ime se bavite? Radim u jednom uvozno-izvoznom preduzeu. U koliko sati poinjete da radite? U sedam sati. Kada zavravate posao? U tri sata. ta obino radite uvee? Obino ostajem kod kue ili idem u bioskop ili pozorite. Da li esto idete u po-zonte? Obino idem jednom ili dva puta meseno. I moja ena i ja mnogo volimo pozorite. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: UNDERGROUND CENTRAL LINE 68 69 The Weekend UNIT 15 THE WEEKEND At weekends the Heaths often go out of London. They go for a drive in the car or catch a train and go to the country for a long walk. Sometimes they stay the night at a hotel. Arthur sometimes goes to a football match on Saturdays. He usually goes without Madge, because she doesn't like football much. When the weather is bad, he watches the match on TV. On Sundays he is usually busy in his garden. Both he and Madge love flowers a lot. It is seven o'clock on Friday evening. Madge and Arthur are having Mr Bruce, a businessman from the States, to supper. Arthur: What will you have: gin or whisky? Mr Bruce: Whisky, please. Thank you. Arthur: And you, Madge? Madge: Gin and tonic for me, please. Thanks. Excuse me for a moment. Mr Bruce: Can I have an ashtray? Arthur: Of course. Here you are. Mr Bruce: Thank you. By the way, what do you usually do at weekends? Arthur: Well, it depends. We often go out of London. Mr Bruce: Do you always go by car? Arthur: Not always. We sometimes catch a train and go to the country for a walk. Mr Bruce: Don't you ever go to a football match? Arthur: Of course, I do. I'm very fond of football. Mr Bruce: Does your wife go with you? Arthur: Very rarely. She doesn't like football much. Mr Bruce: What are you doing tomorrow? Arthur: We're going to the country. Mr Bruce: Are you going by car? Arthur: No, we're not. We're going by train. Listen, can you come with us? Mr Bruce: I'm sorry I can't. I'm going to Brighton tomorrow. Arthur: Can't you put it off? Mr Bruce: No, I can't. I'm going with some friends. Arthur: What a pity! Will you have some more whisky? Mr Bruce: Yes, please. Just a little. Thank you. Renik weekend/'wi:kend/, vikend o of /'aut af/, van d"ve /draiv/, voziti; vonja catch /kaetj/, uhvatiti stay the night, prenoiti without /wi'daut/, bez ^ause /bi'koz/, zato to ad /ba;d/, lo bsy /'bizi/, zauzet flower /Tlaua/, cvet love /IAV/, voleti a lot/ a 'lot/, mnogo will /wil, wal/, u, e, e, itd. What will you have? ta hoete da popijete? gin /dyn/, din whisky /'wiski/, viski tonic /'tonik/, tonik ashtray /'asjtrei/, pepeljara of course /sf 'ko:s/, naravno depend /di'pend/, zavisiti By the the way, Uzgred budi reeno be fond of /fond/, voleti 70 71 Unit IS Weekend rarely /'resli/, retko tomorrow /ta'marau /, sutra

can /kaen, kan, kn/, mogu, moe, moe, itd. cannot /'kaenat/, ne mogu, ne moe, itd. can't /ka:nt/, skraeni oblik od cannot put off /'put 'af/, odloiti friend /frend/, prijatelj some more, jo Will you have . . . Hoete li ... just /dsAst/, samo the States /steits/, Sjedinjene Amerike Drave Brighton /'braitan/, Brajton Dodatni materijal i vebanja A .Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. What do the Heaths often do at weekends? 2. How do they go to the country? 3. What do they sometimes do? 4. What does Arthur sometimes do on Saturday? 5. Why does he go to football matches without Madge? 6. What does Arthur do when the weather is bad? 7. What does Arthur'usually do on Sundays? 8. What do both he: and Madge love? 9. Who is coming to supper on Friday evening? 10. Where's Mr Bruce from? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. What does Mr Biruce have: gin or whisky? 2. What does Madge have? 3. Why does Arthur often go to football matches? 4. Where are they going over the weekend? 5. How are they goiing to the country? 6. Can Mr Bruce go with them? 7. Why can't he go?? 8. Can he put the tirip off? 9. Why can't he put: it off? 10. Does Mr Bruce hiave some more whisky? B Stavite can ili can't: A Weekend Madge and Arthur are going to the country over the weekend. Mr Bruce go with them. He's going to Brighton. He... put the trip off, because he's going with some friends. Mr Bruce: What are you doing over the weekend? Arthur: We're going to the country. ... you come with us? Mr Bruce: I'm sorry I ... I'm going to Brighton. Arthur: ... you put it off? Mr Bruce: No, I... I'm going with some friends. Arthur: ... you come with us next weekend? We're going to Oxford. Mr Bruce: Oh, yes, I... Thank you very much. Pitajte druge studente gde e Hitovi provesti vikend i zato g. Brus ne moe da poe sa njima. Stavite svaku reenicu u pravilan red reci: The Weekend The Heaths go out of London (often, at weekends). They go for a long walk (to the country). They stay the night (often, at a hotel). Arthur goes to a football match (sometimes, on Saturdays). Arthur goes without Madge (generally). Madge doesn't like football (much). Mr Bruce: What do you do at weekends (usually)? Arthur: Well, we go out of London (often). Mr Bruce: Do you go (by car)? Arthur: Not always. We catch a train (sometimes). Mr Bruce: Don't you go to a football match (ever)? Arthur: Of course, I do. I like football (a lot). Mr Bruce: Does your wife go with you?

Arthur: Very rarely. She doesn't like football (much). Pitajte druge studente kako oni obino provode vikend. 72 73 Unit 15 The Weekend Upotrebite prosto sadanje ili sadanje trajno vreme: In the Cafeteria Peter and Lucy are in the cafeteria. They (have) lunch. Peter asks Lucy what she usually (do) over the weekend. Peter: What you usually (do) over the weekend, Lucy? Lucy: Well, it (depend) on the weather. When the weather is nice, I often (go) out of town. Peter: And when the weather is bad? Lucy: 1 usually (stay) at home or (go) to the theatre or a concert. Peter: What you (do) this weekend? Lucy: I (go) to the country with a girl-friend. Peter: Oh, that's great. Can I join you? Lucy: Yes, of course. You're most welcome. Pitajte druge studente ta e raditi ovog vikenda. k' nut idemo vozom. Da li Braunovi ikad idu sa vama? Da, idu. Oni ' ogo vole selo. Idete li sutra na selo? Da, idemo. Hoete li da pori te sa nama? Ne, ne mogu. Sutra idem u Brajton. Zar ne moete to da odgodite? Ne, ne mogu. Idem sa prijateljima. teta! Hoete li jo viskija? Ne, hvala. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: PEDESTRIAN SUBWAY UNDERPASS Stavite odgovarajue izraze: A Guest to Supper It's seven o'clock in the evening. The Heaths are having Mr Bruce to supper. Arthur: What .: gin, whisky or a soft drink? ___ Thank you. Mr Bruce: Whisky, ____ Arthur: And you, Madge? Madge: A soft drink, please. Thanks. ________ Arthur: ________ some more whisky? Mr Bruce: ________ Just a little. Thanks. Imate poslovnog prijatelja iz Engleske na veeri. Pitajte ga ta eli da pije-Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: ta elite da pijete: din ili viski? Viski. Hvala. A ti? Ja u din i tonik. Hvala. Izvinite me za trenutak. ta obino radite preko vikenda? Obino idemo van grada. Idete li kolima?. Ne uvek. Ne74 75 UNIT 16 AT THE RAILWAY STATION Arthur's father and mother live in York. His father is a pensioner and his mother is a housewife. They have a small cottage with a large garden where Arthur's father grows vegetables and flowers. Arthur's mother is a very good cook and makes excellent cakes. From time to time Arthur and Madge go to see them. If Arthur is too busy with his work, he talks to them by phone. Madge and Arthur are at the railway station. They're going to visit Arthur's parents. They want to go to York for the day. They are standing in front of the time-table. Arthur wants to see when the train for York leaves. There is a train every hour on Sundays. Arthur has no tickets yet. He must go to the booking-office and buy them. Madge needn't go with him. She is going to wait for him in the refreshment-room. On the Platform Madge: Let's look at the time-table and see when our train leaves. Arthur: Let me see. There's a train for York every hour on Sundays. 76 At the Railway Station Madge: Fine. What platform does it leave from? Arthur: Platform number 6.

Madge: When do we arrive in York? Arthur: In two hours. It's a quarter to ten now. Our next train's at 10.00. Madge: Have you got the tickets? Arthur: No, I haven't. I must go and buy them. Wait for me here. Madge: Must I wait here? Arthur: No, you needn't. You can go to the refreshment-room and wait for me there. I shan't be long. At the Bookmg-Office Arthur: Two to York, please. Clerk: Single or return? Arthur: Return, please. How much is it? Clerk: Twenty pounds. Renik railway /'reilwei/, eleznica station /'steijan/, stanica pensioner /'penjsna/, penzioner cottage /'kotidj/, kua make /meik/, praviti excellent /'eksebnt/, odlian grow /greu/, gajiti from time to time, s vremena na vreme visit /'vizit/, posetiti; poseta Went /'pearent/, roditelj for the day, na obdanicu time-table Aaim-'teibl/, red vonje j haven't. I must go and buy them. Wait for me here. _ Madke. Hurry up> Arthur. It's late. ^ite se na zeleznickoj stanici u Londonu sa prijateljem. Recite mu da morate da kupite karte i da vas eka u restoraciji. Kupite dve karte za Oksford Preveite na engleski: D da pogledamo red vonje. Hou da vidim kada polazi voz. Sa koga koloseka polazi voz? Sa drugog. Kada stiemo u .Oksford? . Kroz ^va sata jmaj jj karte? jsie> nemam. Moram da idem i da ih kupiir, ekaj me ovde _ Moram i; ekam ovde? Ne, ne mora. me eka u restoraciji. Neu dugo. Dve karte za Oksford, molim. Jednom pravcu ili povratnu? Povratnu, molim. Dvadesest funti s^ penija, molim. na srpskohrvatski : TICKETS AND INFORMATION TICKET OFFICE WEST NORTH t

\ EAST SOUTH 80 UNIT 17 IN THE TRAIN ,s'Madge and Arthur are sitting in a second-class compartment. Arthur is reading jt the paper. Madge is looking out of the window. There are two other passengers ^in the compartment. One of the passengers asks Arthur for a light. He also goffers him a cigarette. Arthur says that he doesn't smoke. pf*** ticket-coKtorlconies and checks the tickets. He tells Arthur that i( isn't \ a through train and that they must change trains. They will change trains at Leeds. They will be in Leeds in half an hour. Their train is five minutes late, but they will have time to catch the other train. Arthur's father will meet them at the station. He'll be there a quarter of an hour before the train gets in. Passenger: Is the corner seat free? Arthur: Sorry, it's occupied. That one is free. assenger: Thank you. Excuse me, have you got a light? Arthur: Yes, I have. Here you are. ^assenger: Thank you. Have a cigarette?-}!!-Arthur: NO, thank you Collector: Tickets> p]ease Here you are. 6 Engleski u 50 wasn't, were ili weren't: fe s Holidays nd Lucy are on their wa-*y to their classes. They're talking about last - holidays. Lucy- I say'.where... you : for your holiday last summer? Peter. ' in Greece. I... with two friends of mine. Lucy'. T,* ''' the weather- like? " lovely. There____a single rainy day. 7 99 Unit 20 Peter: ... it too hot? Lucy: No, it... We ... therf in the first half of September Peter: How long. .. you there' Lucy: A fortnight. Peter: ... you pleased with yo WC ' We enJved our drive to Belgrade. The weather was quite hot, wasn't it? A 'an: 149 Unit 30 Meeting Milan Jovit Arthur Milan: Arthur Milan: Arthur Madge Milan: Madge Milan: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan : Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Milan: '. Yes, part of the way. But we had some rain, too. When did you cross the frontier? / Three days ago. We stayed in Slovenia two days. How did you like Slovenia? .- Very much. We wanted to stay longer, but we had no time. : You've got a very nice flat, haven't you? I was very lucky. I got it through my factory. : How long have you been living in it? Since last March. I moved in on March 22nd. Your English is very good, isn't it? How long have you been learning? Seven years. Actually, since the year I went to England. How do you keep it up? By reading magazines and technical books in English. Sometimes I watch the English lessons on TV. Now, what

would you like to drink: beer or a soft drink? Beer for me. A soft drink, please. Thank you. Did you manage to book a room for us? Yes, I did. It's pretty difficult with accommodation in the high season, but I managed to book a room at the Union Hotel. Let's go there as soon as you finish your drinks. Renik get through, dobiti preko self-contained /'self kan'teind/, komforan consist /kan'sist/, sastojati se almost /'oilmaust/, skoro difficulty /'difikalti/, tekoa bell /bel/, zvono such /SAtJ/, takav never mind /'neva 'maind/, ne mari pleasant /'plezant/, ugodan journey /'dsa.-ni/, putovanje, put enjoy /in'dsoi/, uivati frontier /'fi-Antja/, granica learn /b:n/, nepr. gl., uiti keep /ki:p/, nepr. gl., drati keep up /'ki:p '/, odravati technical /'teknikl/, struan soft drink /'soft 'drink/, voni sok .ccommodation smestaj pretty season /si:zn/, godinje doba high season, glavna sezona Dodatni materijal i vebanja A ,, Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where does Milan live? 2. How did he get his flat? 3. What sort of flat has he got? 4. How long has he been living in it? 5. What happened when Madge and Arthur got to Belgrade? 6. What time was it when they got to Milan's place? 7. What did Arthur do? 8. What did Milan do? 9. Where did Milan manage to book a room? 10. Why was it difficult to find a room? Postavite studentima sledeca pitanja: 1. What 2. What 3. What 4. What 5. What 6. What 1. What 8. What 9. How 10. How does Milan say when he sees the Heaths? doss Arthur say? has Milan been doing? does Arthur say about the drive to Belgrade? does he say about the weather on the way? does Milan ask Arthur? does Arthur say about Slovenia? does Madge think of Milan's English? long has Milan been learning English? does Milan keep up his English? B Stavite glagole u zagradi u sadanji trajni perfekt: Loking for a Home 'S "^"^ to John Steward. They've got two children: and Meg, 6. They (live) in a block of flats since they got married. 150 151 Unit 30 Meeting Milan Jovi Now that the children are getting bigger, they've decided to buy a house They (look) for one for six months now. Sheila tells Lucy about it On ,h' phone. Lucy: Sheila: Lucy: Sheila:

Lucy: Sheila: Lucy: Sheila: Lucy: Hello, Sheila! Lucy here. How are you? Not too bad. We haven't managed to find a house yet. Oh, really? How long you (look) for one now? For six months. And how long you (live) in the piesent flat? Since John and I got married. What's wrong with the houses you've seen? We haven't found one we really like. Don't give up. After all, you (look) for one for six months only. I'm sure you'll find one you'll like. Pitajte druge studente gde i koliko dugo stanuju u sadanjem stanu/kui. Stavite glagole u zagradi u sadanji perfekt ili sadanji trajni perfekt: Learning a Foreign Language Peter asks Lucy how long she (learn) Spanish. She says she (learn) since she went to Spain for the first time. Peter: How long you (learn) Spanish, Lucy? Lucy: For five years. Actually, since I first went to Spain. Peter: ? you (be) to Spain since? Lucy: Yes, I ... Three times. Peter: How you (keep up) your Spanish? Lucy: I (read) Spanish magazines and books. I (watch) Spanish lessons on TV, too. Peter: That's why your Spanish is so good. Pitajte studente koliko dugo ue engleski ili neki drugi strani jezik i kako odravaju svoje znanje. Stavite odgovarajue upitne izraze (Question-Tags): Talking about the Weather Peter and Lucy are talking about the weather. Peter: Lovely weather, ...? Lucy: Marvellous. It was absolutely awful yesterday, ...? Peter: Yes, it was pretty cold, ...? nnite I had to put on a sweater. Lucy: e u^ers can be quite cold in Britain,...? Peter: J1^^ too Sometimes you think it's autumn, . ..? -,. vremenu sa turistom iz Engleske. Dramatizujte dijalog. Razgovarajte v Stavite odgovarajue izraze: Discussing a Hotel Milan tells Arthur that the Union is not a first-class hotel. Milan: Sorry, Arthur, but the Union isn't a first-class hotel. Arthur:________Actually, I don't like first-class hotels. Milan: It's in the old part of the town. We shan't be very near. Arthur:________We can always talk by phone. Do you mind if I ring you up about eight tomorrow morning? Milan: ________I'll be in my office. Here's my office number. Rezervisali ste sobu u hotelu svom poznaniku iz Engleske. Objasnite mu kakav je hotel. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: Od kada ivite u novom stanu? ivimo ovde ve skoro dve godine. Kada ste se uselili? (Uselili smo se) kada smo se vratili iz Nemake. Od kada radite u fabrici? Ne tako dugo. (Radim) samo est meseci. Da li i Jovan radi u istoj fabrici? Da, radi. Koliko dugo radi? Ve dve godine. Da li poznajete Jovanovu sestru? Da, poznajem je. Poznajem je ve nekoliko godina. Gde ste je prvi put sreli? Sreli smo se kod Jovana. Da li ona jo uvek trai stan? Da, trai. Ona trai stan ve godinu dana, ali jo nije uspela da ga nae. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: KEEP CLEAR OF THE GATE NO________ UNAUTHORIZED PARKING

152 153 A telephone Conversation UNIT 31 A TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Madge and Arthur got up at seven o'clock, because they wanted to start their sightseeing tour as early as possible. Arthur rang Milan up to find out if he could join them, but Milan was busy. While Arthur was talking to Milan, Madge was getting ready for the tour. Arthur: May I speak to Mr Jovi, please? Milan: Speaking. Hello, Arthur! How are you? Did you have a good rest? Arthur: Very good, thanks. I tried to phone you half an hour ago, but I couldn't get through. The line was engaged. Milan: Oh, yes. I had a trunk call. I was speaking with London. Arthur: Oh, I see. I wanted to ask you to join us on our tour. Milan: I'm afraid I'm very busy at the moment. I shan't be able to join you. Arthur: What a pity! Listen, which places do you think we should see? Milan: First of all, you should visit the National MuseumThere's a very good art gallery and some fine sculptures. There are also some frescoes from our monasteries. Arthur: Milan-' Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur. Milan: Arthur. Milan: Arthur Milan : Arthur Oh, fine. Where is it? It's in Republic Square. It's very near your hotel. You can go on foot. Ask the porter to explain to you how to get there. Which other places do you think we should see? Then you should go to Kalemegdan Park. If you have time, go to the Military Museum, too. Can't you try and join us later? Well, I may be free about one o'clock. Look, when you finish with the Museum, give me a ring. There must be a public telephone in the Museum. Isn't there a telephone-booth near by? Well, there's a post office at the second corner on the left-hand side of the street. Go there. All you need is a two-dinar coin. All right. I'll do that. You know my phone number, don't you? Yes, 620050. That's right. Remember me to Madge. See you later. Bye. ' Bye. Vocabulary conversation ^konva'seijan/, razgovor start /start/, poeti as early as possible, to je mogue ranije join /dsoin/, pridruiti se get through, dobiti vezu "ne /lain/, linija engaged /in'geidsad/, zauzet ** call /'tfAok 1:!/, meugradski razgovor ** /lud, Jad,, treba of all, pre svega /, muzej art /a:t/, umetnost gallery /'gselari/, galerija sculpture /'skAlptJa/, skulptura fresco /'fraeskau/, freska monastery /'monastari/, manastir republic /ri'pAblik/, republika military /'militari/, vojni public /'pAblik/, javni give a ring, telefonirati telephone booth /'telifaun 'bu:d/, telefonska govornica coin /koin/, metalni novac See you later. Videemo se kasnije. Remember me to..., Pozdravi... 154 155 Unit 31 Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What time did Madge and Arthur get up? 2. Why did they get up early?

3. Who did Arthur ring up? 4. What did Arthur want to find out? 5. Why couldn't Milan join them? 6. What was Madge doing while Arthur was talking to Milan? 7. What did Arthur try to do? 8. Why couldn't he get through? 9. Who was Milan speaking with? 10. What sort of call was it? Put the following questions to other students: 1. Which places should Madge and Arthur see? 2. Why should they see the National Museum? 3. Where's the National Museum? 4. How can the Heaths get to the National Museum? 5. Which other places should they see? 6. What should they see at Kalemegdan Park? 7. What does Milan tell Arthur to do? 8. Where does Milan tell Arthur to phone from? 9. Does Arthur know Milan's telephone number? 10. What does Milan ask Arthur to do? B Supply the correct form of the past continuous tense: A Phone Call from the Post Office After the National Museum Arthur and Madge went to the post office. Arthur (try) to get through to Milan for about ten minutes, but at that time Milan (speak) with a branch office. At last Arthur got through. While Milan and Arthur (speak), Madge (wait) outside. Arthur: Hello! Arthur speaking. Milan: Hello, Arthur. Where are you? 156 A Telephone Conversation Arthur: I'm at the post office. I tried to get through to you, but the line was engaged. Milan: Oh, yes, I (speak) with a branch office. Arthur: Will you be able to join us? Milan: Terribly sorry, but I'm busy. Listen, ring me up when you get back to the hotel. Arthur: All right. See you later. Bye. You are in the National Gallery in London from where you phone a friend of yours. You ask him to join you for lunch. Dramatize the dialogue. The Line was Engaged Peter asks Lucy what she (do) between eight and ten o'clock on, Sunday evening. She says she (watch) TV first and then she (speak) to Sheila on the phone. Peter says he tried to phone her about nine, but the line was engaged. Peter: What you (do) between eight and ten on Sunday evening? Lucy: Nothing special. I (watch) TV from seven to ten and then I I went to bed. Peter: So early? You rarely go to bed so early, don't you? Lucy: Yes, but I (read) in bed for about an hour. Peter: 1 see. I tried to phone you about nine, but couldn't get through. The line was engaged. Lucy: 6h, yes, I forgot. I (speak) to Sheila for quite a time. Peter: Actually, I wanted to ask you to come for a walk. Ask other students what they were doing at ten o'clock last night. Supply may or should: Visiting Museums i Peter and Lucy are talking about the museums Lucy hasn't visited yet. Peter advises her which museums she... see. Peter: Have you been to the British Museum, Lucy? Lucy: Not yet, I'm afraid. Peter: It's certainly a museum you.. .see. And have you seen the National Gallery? Lucy: No, I haven't. Actually, I wanted to go to the Tate Gallery last week, but I didn't. 157 Unit 31 Peter: That's another museum you ... visit. Well, if I... say so, you ... visit all these museums as soon as possible. I ... be free tomorrow, so let's go to the British Museum together. Ask other students which sights a foreigner should see in Belgrade /their town.

A Telephone Conversation Translate into Serbo-Croat: OPENING HOURS Mon Sat 10 a.m. 5 p.m. Closed on Tuesdays Supply the corresponding expressions: Going to the British Museum Peter happens to be free and phones Lucy to tell her that he can go to the British Museum. Landlady: 684-7930. Peter: ________Lucy, please? Landlady: Just a moment. Hold on, please. Lucy: Hello! Lucy ________ Peter: Hello, Lucy! Peter_______ Look, I'm free in the afternoon. I can go to the British Museum with you. Lucy: Great! Where shall we meet? Peter: Let's meet at 2 o'clock in front of the main entrance. Lucy: All right. ________Bye. Ring up a student and ask him/her to go to the National Museum with you. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Mogu li da govorim sa gospodinom Joviem? Na telefonu. Zdravo, Arture. Kako si? Da li si se dobro odmorio? Hvala, jesam. Pokuao sam da ti telefoniram pre pola sata, ali veza je bila zauzeta. Da, imao sam meugradski razgovor. Razgovarao sam sa Londonom. Hteo sam da te pozovem da nam se pridrui pri razgledanju znamenitosti. Na alost, trenutno sam vrlo zauzet. teta! Sluaj, ta misli koja mesta treba da vidimo? Treba da vidite Narodni muzej i Kalemegdan. Zar ne moe da nam se pridrui kasnije? Pa, moda u biti slobodan oko dva sata. Kada budete zavrili sa razgledanjem Narodnog muzeja, telefoniraj mi. U redu. Videemo se kasnije. Zdravo. ADMISSION FREE TELEPHONE MESSAGE Message for Mr/Mrs......................Room , from Mr/Mrs............................ telephone No.............................. Received at ................ a.m./p.m. Date ..... BEOGRAD ;Q30 JUGOSJLAV.IJA 1095 S 158 159 Losing a Camera UNIT 32 LOSING A CAMERA At Kalemegan Park Madge and Arthur went to see the old fortress, from where they had a lovely view of the Sava and the Danube as well as the new parts of Belgrade. They enjoyed looking at the bridges across the Sava, the Museum of Modern Art and the building of the Executive Council. Then they went to visit the Military Museum. After they had visited the Military Museum, they sat down on a bench to rest. About half past twelve they returned to the hotel for an early lunch, because they wanted to go to Avala to see the Monument to the Unknown Soldier. They had already finished lunch when suddenly Arthur noticed that his camera was missing. Arthur: Madge, where's my camera? Have you got it? Madge: No, I haven't. I haven't seen it since we took photographs at Kalemegan Park. Did you leave it in the car? Arthur: I don't think so. I must go and have a look. I shan't be a minute. Madge: It isn't in the car, is it? Arthur: No, it isn't. I turned everything upside-down, but I couldn't find it. I looked under the seats, too. 160 Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Madge. Arthur:

Madge, Er... can you remember when you had it last? I remember having it at Kalemegan Park. Let's try and remember all the places we've been to today. I remember having it at the fortress, because I took photographs of it. Did you have it when we went to the Military Museum? Yes, I did. I remember leaving it in the cloakroom. Then perhaps we left it on the bench where we were sitting after we'd visited the Military Museum. In that case I don't think we'll ever find it. Oh, come on! It's not an expensive camera, is it? That's not the point. I've had it for three years now and I'm used to it. If you don't find it, I'll buy you a new one for your next birthday. That's very sweet of you, darling. But I'll need a camera here. If I don't find it, I'll have to buy a new one. You don't mind, do you? I'm afraid I do. Cameras must be quite expensive here, mustn't they? Vocabulary lose /lu:z/, nepr gl., izgubiti fortress /'fo:tris/, tvrava lew /vju:/, pogled, izgled across /a'kros/, preko contemporary /kan'temparari/, savremen executive /ig'zaekjutiv/, izvran council /'kaunsl/, vee bench /bentj/, klupa monument /'monjumant/, spomenik unknown /'An'naun/, nepoznat oWier /'sauldja/, vojnik notice /'nautis/, primetiti issing /'misirj/, koji nedostaje I shan't be a minute, odmah u u 50 lekcija everything /'evrlOin/, sve upside /'Apsaid/, gornja strana down /daun/, dole upside-down /'Apsaid 'daun/, tumbe turn everything upside-down, sve isprevrtali perhaps /pa'haeps/, moda cloakroom /'klaukrum/, garderoba case /keis/, sluaj That's not the point. Nije stvar u tome. used /ju:st/, naviknut sweet /swi:t/, sladak darling /'da:Iirj /, draga 161 Unit 32 Losing a Camera Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did the Heaths go to see at Kalemegdari Park? 2. What sort of view did they have from there? 3. What did they enjoy looking at? 4. What did they visit after that? 5. What did they do after they'd visited the Military Museum? 6. What time did they return to their hotel? 7. Why did they return so early? 8. What did they want to see at Avala? 9. What did Arthur suddenly notice? 10. What had they already finished at that moment? Ask other students the following questions: 1. When was it last that Madge saw the camera? 2. Where did Madge think Arthur had left it? 3. What did Arthur do? 4. When did Arthur have the camera last? 5. What did Arthur know? 6. Where did he leave his camera in the Military Museum? 7. How long had Arthur had the camera? 8. What sort of camera was it? 9. What did Madge decide to do? 10. Why did Arthur object to it ? B Supply down, for, to or up: Bad Luck! Arthur rang Milan... to tell him what had happened. He said be had turned everything upside..., but couldn't find his camera. Arthur: Hello! Arthur speaking.

Milan: Oh, hello, Arthur! What's the news? Arthur: Bad news, I'm afraid. I've lost my camera. Milan: Are you sure? Have you looked... it everywhere? 162 Arthur: Yes, I have. I've turned everything upside... Milan: Was it an expensive camera? Arthur: Not really, but I'm used ... it. Milan: That's bad luck. You must go to all the places you've been Wait . .. me. I'll come along. Ask other students what Arthur told Milan on the phone. Supply the correct form of the pluperfect: My Umbrella is Missing Peter and Lucy went to the British Museum on Saturday. After they (visit) the Museum, they went to a coffee bar. When Lucy got to her guest-house, she noticed that her umbrella was missing. She couldn't remember where she (leave) it. She was sure she (lose) it. She rang Peter up. Lucy: Hello! Lucy here. Peter, my umbrella's missing. I can't find it anywhere. Peter: Did you have it with you this afternoon? Lucy: Yes, I did. I know I had it after we (visit) the British Museum. Peter: And did you have it after we (leave) the coffee bar? Lucy: I don't know. I remember putting it on a chair there. Peter: I'm sure that's where you left it. Look, I'll go there early tomorrow morning to see if anybody found it. I'll ring you up immediately. Bye. You've lost your driving-licence. Phone a friend and tell him/her about it. Supply the corresponding tags: A Few More Questions Peter asked Lucy a few more questions about her missing umbrella. Peter: It's not the first umbrella you've lost, . . .? Lucy: No, it isn't. Actually it's the third one. Peter: I just can't understand how people lose things. Lucy: You've never lost anything, . . .? Peter: Not that I can remember. Lucy: You've never been absent-minded, . . . ? Peter: Of course, I have. But I don't think I've ever lost anything. other students what Peter and Lucy talked about on the phone. U* 163 Unit 32 Supply the corresponding expressions: / don't think so Here are some more questions that Peter asked Lucy. Peter: Did you leave your umbrella in the cloakroom? Lucy:________ I'm sure I had it when we went out. Peter: Did you leave it in the tube? Lucy: ________ Peter: Can't you remember when you had it last? Bucy: I know I had it when I left home. Peter: Do you mind my questions? Lucy: ________ Ask other students questions beginning: Do you mind if. . . They should give positive/negative answers. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Poto su posetili Vojni muzej, seli su na klupu da se odmore. Kad su se vratili u hotel, primetili su da im nedostaje fotografski aparat. Nisu znali gde su ga zaboravili. Pokuali su da se sete svih mesta koja su posetili. Artur je znao da je ostavio aparat u garderobi Vojnog muzeja. Imao je taj aparat ve tri godine i bio je navikao na njega. Odluili su da odu do svih mesta koja su to jutro obili. Ali fotografski aparat nisu nigde nali. Njihova je jedina nada bila da ga je neko poten naao. Translate into Serbo-Croat: WELCOME TO YOUR PARK PLEASE KEEP OFF THE GRASS

UNIT 33 :-> .- AT THE LOST PROPERTY OFFICE The following day Arthur went to the Lost Property Office to inquire about his camera. He was surprised that the attendant could speak English. When he described the camera to him, the attendant said there was a camera which corresponded to the description. When the attendant showed Arthur the camera, he said it was his. He asked who had found it and the attendant said that a boy had found it in Kalemegdan Park the day before and had brought it in. Arthur was delighted to have his camera back. Arthur: Good morning. I lost my camera yesterday and I've come to see if anybody found it. Attendant: What sort of camera is it, sir? Arthur: It's a Kodak model 418. Attendant: Here's a camera which corresponds to the description. Is it yours? Arthur: Yes, it is. This really is a stroke of luck. Who found it? Attendant: A boy. He found it on a bench in Kalemegdan Park. Arthur: It's surprising that nobody kept it. Attendant: Now, would you mind giving me your particulars, sir. 164 165 Unit 33 While Arthur was at the Lost Property Office, Madge was waiting for him in the hotel lobby. She was reading a booklet about Belgrade that Milan had given to them. After some time Arthur arrived. Arthur: Look! I've found the camera. Madge: Lucky you! Who found it? Arthur: A boy. He told the clerk that he'd found it on a bench in Kalemegdan Park. Madge: That's where we left it after we'd visited the Museum. Arthur: Exactly. I thought that if somebody found the camera, he would keep it. Madge: Yes, I never thought we'd get it back. That's why I promised to get you a new one. Arthur: I told the clerk it was nice to see that there were honest people. Madge: Did you offer a reward for the boy? Arthur: I'm afraid I didn't. Actually, I completely forgot about it. Vocabulary property /'propeti/, svojina Lost Property Office, Biro za izgubljene stvari inquire /in'kwaia/, raspitati se surprise /sa'praiz/, iznenaditi surprised /ss'praizd/, iznenaen describe /dis'kraib/, opisati description /dis'kripjan/, opis correspond /,koris'pond/, odgovarati delighted /di'laitid/, ushien somebody /'sAmbodi/, neko anybody /'enibodi/, neko, ma ko nobody /'naubadi/, niko 'model /'modi/, model stroke /strauk/, udar stroke of luck, srea surprising /sa'praizirj/, iznenaujue Would you mind ... Molim vas particular /pa'tikjula/, podatak lobby /'lobi/, hodnik, hol booklet /'buklet/, broura exactly /ig'zaektli/, tano get back, dobiti natrag promise /'promis/, obeati honest /'onist/, poten reward /ri'wo:d/, nagrada completely /kom'pli:tli/, potpuno Kodak /'keudaek/ 166 At the Lost Property Office Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: j. Where did Arthur go the following day? 2. Why did Arthur go to the Lost Property Office? 3. Why was Arthur surprised? 4. What sort of camera was it? 5. What did the attendant say when Arthur described the camera? 6. What did Arthur say when the clerk showed him the camera? 7. What did Arthur ask the attendant? g. What did the attendant say? 9. Where had the boy found the camera? 10. Why was Arthur delighted? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What did Arthur say when the clerk gave him the camera? 2. What surprised Arthur? 3. What was Madge doing meanwhile? 4. What was she reading?

5. Who had given them the booklet? 6. What did Arthur do when he got back? 7. What did Arthur think? 8. What was nice, according to Arthur? 9. Did Arthur offer a reward for the boy? 10. Why didn't he do it? B Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Sequence of Tenses): Finding the Umbrella When Peter went to the coffee bar the next day he asked the cashier if anybody (find) an umbrella. The cashier asked him what sort of umbrella it (be). Peter said it (be) coral red with a black handle. The cashier told him that there (be) such an umbrella. Peter rang Lucy up immediately and told her that he (find) her umbrella. Peter: May I use the phone, please? Cashier: Of course, sir. 167 Unit 33 At the Lost Property Office Peter: Hello, Lucy. Peter here. I've found your umbrella. Lucy: Oh, fine. I didn't believe you (find) it. Peter: Neither did I. I was sure somebody (take) it. Lucy: I thought I (have) buy a new umbrella. Peter: So did I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the interrogative: Lucy: Who (find) the umbrella? Peter: One of the customers. Lucy: Where he (find) it? Peter: On the chair where you had left it. Lucy: What the cashier (do) when you told him my umbrella was missing? Peter: He asked me to describe it. Lucy: What (happen) then? Peter: Well, he gave me your umbrella. That's all. Ask other students what happened when Peter went to the coffee bar and what he told Lucy on the phone. Supply somebody, anybody or nobody: Leaving a Message When Peter returned to his flat he asked the landlady if... had phoned. She said ... had phoned about ten o'clock and had left a message. Peter also asked if... had brought a parcel for him. Peter: Did . . . phone? Landlady: Yes, .. . phoned about ten o'clock and left a message. I wrote it down. Here it is. Thank you. I say, did ... bring a parcel for me? I'm afraid .. . brought a parcel. At least while I was here. Look, I must go out again. If... phones, will you please tell him to leave a message with you. Thank you. Peter: Landlady Peter: Ask other students what Peter did when he returned to his flat. Ask other students if they've had a similar experience. Dramatize te dialogue. Supply the missing expressions: At the Lost Property Office Attendant: Arthur: Attendant: Arthur: Attendant: Arthur: giving me your particulars, sir. Your name. Arthur Heath. spelling your name, sir.

A-r-t-h-u-r H-e-a-t-h. Your nationality. . British. Attendant: Marital status and occupation. Arthur: Married. Engineer. Attendant: Your permanent address. Arthur: 13, Oaks Drive, London S.E. 19. Attendant: ________ writing your address down, sir. Thank you. You are at the Lost Property Office in London, because you've lost your briefcase. Dramatize the dialogue with another student as attendant. D Translate into English: Da li je neko telefonirao? Jeste. Nekoje telefonirao dvaput i pitao da li ste u kancelariji. Da li znate ko je to bio? Na alost, ne znam. Da li je jo neko telefonirao? Da, g. Braun. Pitao je kada ete biti u kancelariji. Da li je ostavio poruku? Jeste. Zamolio vas je da mu telefonirate im se vratite. Putuje sutra za Sjedinjene Amerike Drave. Za Sjedinjene Amerike Drave? Ja sam mislio da ide za Evropu. Ne, rekao je da prvo ide u Njujork, a zatim u Vaington. Niko mi o tome nita nije rekao. Da li je rekao u koliko e sati biti kod kue? Jeste. Rekao je da moete da mu telefonirate ma u koje vreme posle est. Translate into Serbo-Croat: LITTER PLEASE NO LITTER 168 L 169 A Drive around Belgrade UNIT 34 A DRIVE AROUND BELGRADE On Sunday Milan decided to take Madge and Arthur for a drive around Belgrade. He wanted to show them some of the places they hadn't seen yet. He rang them up to say he would call for them at noon. When he got there Madge and Arthur were already waiting for him. He was sorry he was late but said he had been delayed by the traffic. Milan: Arthur: Milan : Madge: Milan : Madge: Milan : Hello, Madge! Hello, Arthur! Sorry I'm late. I was delayed by the traffic. That's all right. We haven't been waiting long. Where have you parked your car? In the car park. I couldn't find a free parking place anywhere else. Where are you going to take us, Milan? Well, I thought of showing you the Museum of Modem Art first. Do you mind? No, not at all. I'd love that. It's on the left bank of the Sava just at the place where the Sava flows into the Danube. Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan : Arthur: Milan : We saw the Museum from Kalemegdan Fortress the other day. It looks quite attractive. Where else are you going to take us? Then we could go to the Fairground. I'd like to show you the pavilions. There's also a motor show on. I thought both of you would like to see it. Yes, we'd love that. We've always been interested in cars. All right then. Let's go. On the way I'll show you the place where the new Opera House will be built. I find Belgrade a much bigger city than I'd expected. How many inhabitants are there? Over a million. The number of inhabitants has more than doubled since the end of the war. Was Belgrade much damaged during the war? Yes, it was. Some parts of the town were destroyed, but all that's been rebuilt now. In addition to that whole new parts have been built. I find Belgrade a very lively town. It seems to be expanding very fast. That's true. A friend of mine who came back from Australia last year could hardly recognize it. The same thing may happen to us next time we come to Belgrade. That's why you must come back as soon as possible. Vocabulary take /teik/, nepr. gl., voditi, provesti anywhere /'eniwea/, bilo gde, bilo kud anywhere else /'eniwes 'els/, bilo gde na drugom mestu flow /flau/, nepr. gl., tei

flow into, ulivati se car show, izloba automobila interested /'intristid/, zainteresovan build /bild/, nepr. gl., graditi opera /'apanl, opera city /'siti/, veliki grad expect /iks'pekt/, oekivati inhabitant /in'hxbitant/, stanovnik million /'miljan/, milion 170 171 Unit 34 A Drive Around Belgrade double /(Ubi/, udvostruiti end /end/, kraj war /wa:/, rat damage /'daemidj/, otetiti destroy /dis'troi/, unititi rebuild /'ri:'bild/, nepr. gl., ponovo izgraditi in addition to /s'dijsn/, osim expand /iks'psend/, iriti se recognize /'rekagnaiz/, prepoznati lively /'laivli/, iv that's why, zbog toga Australia /o'streilja/, Australija Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did Milan decide to do on Sunday? 2. What did he want to show Madge and Arthur? 3. Why did he ring them up? 4. When did he say he'd call for them? 5. What were Madge and Arthur doing when he got there? 6. Why was Milan sorry? 7. Why was he late? 8. Where did Milan park his car? 9. Why did he park his car there? 10. What did Milan think of showing them first? Put the following questions to other students: 1. Where did Madge and Arthur see the Museum from? 2. Where's the Museum of Modern Art? 3. Where else did Milan want to take them? 4. What did he want to show Madge and Arthur? 5. What was on at the Fairground? 6. What did Milan want to show them on the way? 7. What did Milan say about the development of Belgrade? 8. What did Arthur want to know? 9. What did Madge think of Belgrade? 10. What happened to a friend of Milan's? B Supply the correct tense of the passive voice: London during the War London (be bombed) during the war. Large parts of London (be destroyed). The Houses of Parliament badly (be damaged), but everything (be rebuilt) since the end of war. Peter tells Lucy about it. Lucy: This part of London (be bombed) during the war? Peter: Well, I can't tell you that, but I know that large parts of London (be bombed and destroyed). Lucy: I thought that only the East End much (be destroyed). Peter: Not only the East End, but other parts too. The West End, too. Lucy: Oh, I see. Peter: Did you know that the Houses of Parliament badly (be damaged)? Lucy: No, I didn't. Peter: Of course, everything (be rebuilt) since the end of war. Ask other students about the bombing of London/Belgrade/your town during the war. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive: Talking about a Town While Madge, Arthur and Milan were at Novi Beograd, Milan told them about its development. He said the first blocks of flats (build) immediately after the war. Little by little a whole new town (build up). Then Milan said he'd show them the Sava Congress Centre, which (open) in 1978. Milan: You see, the first blocks of flats (build) immediately after the war. Arthur: It's unbelievable how large Belgrade has grown. Milan: Yes, but there are still parts which have to (build up). Madge: What's that building over there? Milan: It's a big store. It just (finish). Now I'll show you the Sava Centre.

Madge: What's the Sava Centre? Milan: It's a Congress Hall where all sorts of conferences (hold). 172 173 Unit 34 A Drive around Belgrade Arthur: When it (open)? Milan: In 1978. Several conferences (hold) there since then. Ask other students about the development of Belgrade. You're showing the sights of your town to a foreign tourist. Dramatize the dialogue. Supply a, an or the: Showing Some Sights On ... way to ... Sava Centre,.. . three people were discussing... Museum of... Modern Art. Madge: I found . . . Museum very impressive. Milan: Yes, it is, isn't it? Arthur: Of course, if you're interested in ... modern art. Madge: You know I am. I also liked its position. Milan: Yes, it's at... very place where... Sava flows into... Danube. Madge: What's that tall building over there? Milan: It's... Inter-Continental Hotel. We could have... coffee there after seeing ... Sava Congress Centre. Ask other students what the three people say about the Museum of Modern Art. Supply the appropriate expressions: Awful Weather, isn't itl Peter and Lucy were on their way to school when it suddenly started raining heavily. Lucy: Awful weather, isn't it? Do you mind if I take your umbrella? I've left mine at home. Peter: ________ The weather's been awful these days, hasn't it? Lucy: ________ It's rained almost every day. Peter: It's been quite cold, too. Lucy: ___._____ Summers in Britain are really awful, aren't they? Make remarks about the weather. Another student should express agreement with the statements. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: __ Kada je ovaj most podignut? Odmah posle rata. Da li je Beograd mnogo oteen za vreme rata? Da, jeste. Bio je teko bombardovan. Neki delovi su bili razoreni. Da li je sve ponovo izgraeno? Da, jeste. Osim toga, itavi novi delovi grada su sagraeni. Sada u da ti pokaem mesto gde e biti sagraena nova Opera. Takoe u ti pokazati Kongresni Centar, koji je otvoren u jesen 1978. Da li je to zgrada gde se odravaju meunarodne konferencije? Da, jeste. Do Sava Centra izgraen je i Hotel Interkontinental. __Reeno mi je da je Beograd iv grad, ali nisam znao da je toliko veliki. Translate into Serbo-Croat: LOOK BOTH WAYS] | BEWARE OF CARS] BEOGRAD : ...li u/W4 1095 S 174 175 UNIT 35 TALKING ABOUT THE PAST Madge, Arthur and Milan were having supper at a restaurant. They were listening to folk songs which a well-known woman singer was singing. One of the tunes reminded Milan of his childhood and he told Madge and Arthur about that period of his life. Milan was born in South Serbia. He lived there until his mother died. Then he came to live with his aunt and uncle in Belgrade. His father was killed during the war. Milan was seven years old then. Milan: Cheers! Arthur: Cheers! Madge: What a lovely tune! I find your folk songs marvellous. Milan: This song comes from the part where I used to live as a child. Madge: Which part is that? Milan: South Serbia. That's where I was born. Arthur: How long did you live there? Milan: Until my mother died.

You see, my father was killed during the war, so when my mother died I came to live with my aunt and uncle in Belgrade. They brought me up. Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Madge. Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur. Talking about the Past Oh, I see. I didn't know your father was killed during the war. Yes, he joined the Resistance Movement and fought in the Liberation Army. In which year was he killed? In 1945, a few months before the end of the war. How awful! How old were you then? Seven. I'd just finished the first year of primary school. I grew up without my parents. My own father was captured by the Germans in Africa and was sent to a prisoner-of-war camp in Germany. You told me once that your father had been a prisoner of war, didn't you? That's right. If I remember well, he tried to escape, didn't he? Yes, but was caught almost immediately after he'd run away from the camp. How long was he kept in the camp? Until the camp was liberated by the Allies in Autumn 1944. Vocabulary past /pa:st/, prolost folk /fouk/, narod; narodni song /san/, pesma sin8 /sin/, nepr. gl., pevati singer /'singa/, peva tune /iju:n/, melodija remind /ri'maind/, podsetiti childhood /'tjaildhud/, detinjstvo Period /'pisriad/, period "fe /laif/, ivot tear /bes/, nepr. gl _t roditi un Friday after classes Peter tells Lucy that he (like) to go to the football ch between Arsenal and Manchester City. Lucy says she (like) to go, too. hey deci it. As you well know, I hate shopping. Can you go *lt her instead of me? 192 Milan: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Yes, of course, with pleasure. I happen to be free till noon. I'll call for her at ten. There's a caf opposite the shop. I'll be_ waiting for you there. See you later. Bye... Madge, where are you? In the bathroom. Who phoned? Milan. He said he'd managed to start his holiday a little earlier and would join us on our trip. Oh, I am glad to hear that. I told him you'd seen that leather coat and wanted to buy it. You didn't ask him to go shopping with me, did you? Yes, I did. Why, wouldn't you like him to join you? Oh, I'd love him to. Only I didn't want to bother him. He said he'd call for you at ten. All right. I'll be ready. What about you? Er I'll be waiting for you at the caf opposite the shop. Would you join me there for a cup of coffee? Oh, I'd love to. Did you tell Milan about it? Yes, I did. Only don't be too long. Vocabulary shopping /'Jopirj/, kupovina go shopping, ii u kupovinu look forward to /'luk 'foiwad/, radovati se unapred handicraft /'haendikrarft/, runa radinost sin he t0'd MadSe that Milan had ^151 him o e r shetba11 match between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. He asked Madge e would mind if he (go). Madge didn't mind and said she (be) quite on her own. to the . did Milan 8? - That you (be) all right in a day or two, and told you (not worry). He sends his love. 205 Unit 40 A Basketball Match Madge: Thanks. That's very kind of him. Arthur: Listen, he asked me (go) to the basketball match this after noon. Would you mind if I went? Madge: Of course not. I'll be quite happy on my own. Where are you going to meet? Arthur: Milan said he (call) for me. He told me (be) ready at 3.30 and asked me (not be) late. Ask other students what Arthur told Madge. A student has rung you up and asked you to a basketball match. Repeat your conversation to another student. Getting Angry Milan picked Arthur up at 3.30. He asked Arthur how Madge (be). Arthur said she (be) a little better. He told Milan how he (get) angry with her because she (be) up almost all the time. Milan: How's Madge? Arthur: She's a little better, thanks. She sends her love. Milan: Thanks. I thought she (be) better soon. Arthur: I got angry with her. The doctor advised her (stay) in bed but she's up almost all the time. Milan: Well, if she was not feeling well, she wouldn't be up, would she? Arthur: That's exactly what she says.

Ask other students what Arthur told Milan about Madge. A friend of yours is ill and should stay in bed. He's up almost all the time. Tell another student about it. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Gerund): At a Pub Peter and Lucy are sitting at a pub. Peter is drinking beer and Lucy is having tomato juice. They are talking about the things they enjoy (do) in their spare time. Lucy: What do you enjoy (do) in your spare time, Peter? Peter: Well, I love (drive) a fast car, (sail) a boat, (play) tennis, (ski). Lucy: Don't you enjoy (see) a good play or film? Peter: I do, but I prefer (watch) a good football game. What about you? rucy: I love (watch) a good play or film or (read) a good book. Peter: Aren't you keen on (play) tennis any longer? lucy: I am, but I'm just as keen on (swim) or (skate). Peter: We seem to be fond of many things, don't we? Ask other students what they enjoy doing in their spare time. Supply the appropriate expressions: Would you Mind if... Arthur asked Madge if she would mind if he went for a walk after the match. Madge said she would. Arthur: Milan sends his love. Madge: ________ Arthur: ________if I went to the basketball with Milan? Madge: ________ I'll be quite all right on my own. I say,________if I went for a walk afterwards? Arthur: Madge: I don't feel like being on my own so long. Ask one of the students of he would mind if you took his copy-book. He should give either a positive or negative answer. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Koje sportove volite? Volim plivanje i skijanje. Volim i tenis. A vi? Ja volim veslanje i klizanje. Jedno vreme sam se bavio boksom, ali sam pre izvesnog vremena prestao. Izvinite to vas prekidam. Da li ste zavrili da govorite o sportu? Ne, jo nismo. Htela sam da vas pitam moete li da idete sa mnom u etnju. Na alost, ne moemo. Moramo da zavrimo izvetaj. Osim toga, ja ne volim ba mnogo da se etam, kao to zna. teta! Da li biste imali neto protiv da se sama proetam? Svakako da ne. Translate into Serbo-Croat: AMBULANCE KEEP CLEAR FOR AMBULANCE 206 207 A Day in the Country UNIT 41 A DAY IN THE COUNTRY When Madge was fully recovered, Milan took tjhe Heaths for a drive in the country. He decided to take them to some relat ives who live in a village in the surroundings of Belgrade. Milan thought Mladge and Arthur might like to see a farm and the way peasants live. They left early in the morning, because they wanted to go to the farm before it got too hot. On the way, they passed fields in which peasants were working. Booth Madge and Arthur found the countryside beautiful. Madge: What lovely countryside! There are quite a lot of cottages, aren't there? Who do they belong to? Milan: Mostly to people who come herre to spend their wee ends or to peasants. Madge: I can see some peasants working; in the fields. What they grow here? ,. Milan: Mostly wheat and maize. But thesy also grow all sorts vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beans, cabbage. Arthur: What do you think of this year's harvest? .g Milan: It's going to be very good. There was plenty of rain t 208 Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge. Milan: Madge. Milan:

Madge Arthur. Milan: spring. Last & was rather Poor because of the drought. Do they keep horses? Hardly any. At least in this part of the country. They do raise cattle, though. Do they keep any poultry? Yes, they do. They raise chickens, hens, turkeys. They must work very hard all the year round. They do. In summer they usually get up as early as three o'clock. , Do women work as hard as men? To my mind they work even harder. : What sort of work do they do? In addition to what I said, they milk the cows and feed the animals. They work in the fields, too. : That's really very hard work. : Do peasants do everything by hand? Not any longer. Most peasants use tractors now. Anyway, when we get to the farm you'll be able to see how a peasant lives. Besides, I hope you'll enjoy yourselves, too. Vocabulary recover /ri'Uva/, oporaviti se frrm /fa:m/, farma, seosko dobro relative /'rebtiv/, roak village /Vilids/, selo peasant /'pezant/, seljak fi'W /fi:ld/, polje belong /bi'laq/, pripadati wheat /wi:t/, pjenica mai /meiz/, kukuruz /, fito /, sargarepa /, grah, pasulj =aW>age /'kabids/, kupus har /'ha:vist/, etva spring /sprirj/, prolee because of, zbog drought /draut/, sua horse /hois/, konj raise /reiz/, odgajivati cattle /'kaetl/, stoka Vl poultry /'paultri/, ivina hen /hen/, kokoka turkey /'ta:ki/, urka to my mind, po mom miljenju cow /kau/, krava feed /fi:d/, nepr. gl., hraniti tractor /'trsekts/, traktor enjoy oneself, zabavljati se H En i u Jo lekcija 209 Unit 41 Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did Milan do when Madge was fully recovered? 2. Where did he decide to take them? 3. What did Milan think? 4. When did they leave? 5. Why did they leave early? 6. What did they pass on the way? 7. Who could they see in the fields? 8. What did the Heaths think of the countryside? 9. Who do the cottages belong to? 10. What do people use weekend cottages for? Ask other students the following questions: 1. What do peasants grow in the fields? 2. What did Milan think of this year's harvest? 3. What was last year's harvest like? 4. What do peasants raise?

5. What sort of poultry do they keep? 6. When do peasants work hardest? 7. When do they usually get up in summer? 8. What sort of work do women do? 9. Do peasants do everything by hand? 10. What will the Heaths be able to see? B Supply the correct reflexive pronoun: On the Farm At the farm Madge, Arthur and Milan were met by Milan's relatives. They were offered a special kind of jam made by the hostess ... After coffee, they went to have a look at the orchard. Milan left them to ... for a while. When he came back, he asked them if they were enjoying... Milan: Help ... to some jam, Madge. Madge: Thank you. It's delicious. Who made it? Milan: The hostess ... 210 A Day in the Country Listen, we'd like to have a look at the fruit-trees. ,' AH right. I'll leave you to ... for a while, if you don't mind. I shan't be long. , g. it's lovely here, isn't it? Look, here comes Milan. Milan: Are you enjoying ... ? Madge: Very much indeed. And you? Are you enjoying ...? Milan Very much so. I always enjoy ... when I come to the country. Ask other students what the three people did on the farm. Ask other students how they spend a day in the country. Supply the correct form of the adverbs in brackets: A Motor Show Lucy and Peter went to the motor show one afternoon. Lucy was late. Peter was angry, because Lucy had been late a few times (late). Lucy said it wasn't her fault, because her friend Margaret had kept her on the phone for (near) ten minutes. Margaret had invited them to call on her after the show. Peter: Lucy, you're late again. You promised you'd try (hard) not to be late again. Lucy: Only five minutes, Peter. Peter: You've been late a few times (late). After all, you live quite (near) to this place. Lucy: It wasn't my fault this time. Margaiet kept me on the phone for (near) ten minutes. She asked us to call on her after the show. Peter: But, Lucy, I (hard) know her. Lucy: Never mind. I'm sure you'