encyclopedia of biodiversity || intertidal ecosystems

Intertidal Ecosystems AJ Underwood and MG Chapman, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Glossary Assemblage The collection of animals and plants found together in a patch of habitat. Diversity index A numerical measure combining information about the number of species present in a sample or habitat and information about their relative abundances. Ecological functions Attributes or properties of assemblages or habitats that are dependent on the biodiversity of animals and plants present. Examples are production of nitrogen, sequestering of heavy metals, sustained production of harvested resources, maintenance of a diverse food-web, and so on. Ecological processes Direct or indirect interactions between species – such as grazing, predation, competition, responses to disturbance, and so on – that cause spatial or temporal patterns in the distributions and abundances of species. Patchiness Variation from place to place (or time to time) in the abundances of animals or plants, caused by the interaction of numerous processes. Recruitment Arrival of new juvenile animals or plants into a habitat or an older stage of the population. For marine animals, recruitment is at some time after the settlement of many planktonic larvae in the adults’ habitat. Intertidal areas such as rocky shores, mangrove forests, sandy beaches, and mudflats are habitats for very diverse assem- blages of plants and animals. These species are usually dis- tributed patchily in space and time because of several important ecological interactions. Local biodiversity is there- fore patchy and variable. Measurement of biodiversity is complicated by variability. The functions provided by bio- diversity are not well understood in most intertidal habitats. Planning for conservation, management, and restoration of biodiversity is difficult because of variability in space and time. Introduction Intertidal habitats range from rocky beaches or platforms to sandy and muddy shores. They occur under a wide range of physical stresses, most notably due to emersion when the tide falls and disturbances by waves. The animals and plants must endure the full range of physical variation, from being covered by water when the tide is in, to being potentially exposed to typical terrestrial conditions when the tide is out. In addition, the amplitude or range of tidal rise and fall can vary between two tides in a day (this is called ‘‘semidiurnal inequality’’) and, everywhere, varies in a fortnightly cycle between spring and neap tides. Spring tides rise much higher and fall much lower than do neap tides. As a consequence, during neap tides, animals and plants at high levels on a shore are not reached by an incoming tide for several days in a row and must endure long periods of inactivity or reduced activity until spring tides start again. At these high levels, moisture from spray (particularly where wave action is great) and during rain is very important for the supply of food and for preventing marine animals from drying out during their long periods of emersion. In complete contrast, animals and plants at lower levels on the shore are submersed continuously for several days during neap tides because the tides do not fall low enough to expose such areas to aerial conditions. As a result, the animals and plants are, effectively, in a fully marine habitat and can be subject to predation by crabs, fish, starfish, and so on, which are mostly subtidal species. Such predators can forage at will over the lower parts of a shore during neap tides. This vari- ation in periods of emersion versus submersion causes a very stark gradient of physical conditions from the top to the bottom of the shore. A second strong physical gradient often exists along a shore, due to variation in wave action. As any shore bends away from being fully exposed to the open ocean, the strength of waves hitting the rocks will vary. As a result, there is a general decrease, with decreasing force of waves, in the amount of splash and spray over any area. The two physical forces – the direct force of waves and the ameliorating effects of splash and spray reducing the influences of desiccation during low tide – influence the abundances of animals and plants and the nature of their activities. Thus, grazing and predation are less intense where waves are strong. The diversity of species changes with wave action because of the combined influences of waves themselves, their ameliorating influence on desiccation, and the indirect influences of both physical features on the interactions among species. These two major processes – tidal rise and fall and wave action – are so well known that their influences were long considered the major, if not the only, influences on local ecological processes and therefore diversity in intertidal habitats. The general features of intertidal regions, particularly the general patterns of distribution and numbers of species on rocky shores, have for a long time been described in terms of these physical forces. Summaries and details are available in Stephenson and Stephenson (1972) and other reviews of particular biogeographical regions or comparisons of various parts of the world. More modern syntheses, in contrast, have focused on the ecological processes that have more profound effects in terms of creating and maintaining considerable patchiness in the Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Volume 4 http://dx.doi.org/?10.1016/B978-0-12-384719-5.00156-8? 332

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Intertidal EcosystemsAJ Underwood and MG Chapman, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

GlossaryAssemblage The collection of animals and plants found

together in a patch of habitat.

Diversity index A numerical measure combining

information about the number of species present in a

sample or habitat and information about their relative


Ecological functions Attributes or properties of

assemblages or habitats that are dependent on the

biodiversity of animals and plants present. Examples are

production of nitrogen, sequestering of heavy metals,

sustained production of harvested resources, maintenance

of a diverse food-web, and so on.

Encyclopedia of Biod2

Ecological processes Direct or indirect interactions

between species – such as grazing, predation, competition,

responses to disturbance, and so on – that cause spatial or

temporal patterns in the distributions and abundances of


Patchiness Variation from place to place (or time to time)

in the abundances of animals or plants, caused by the

interaction of numerous processes.

Recruitment Arrival of new juvenile animals or plants

into a habitat or an older stage of the population. For

marine animals, recruitment is at some time after the

settlement of many planktonic larvae in the adults’ habitat.

Intertidal areas such as rocky shores, mangrove forests, sandy

beaches, and mudflats are habitats for very diverse assem-

blages of plants and animals. These species are usually dis-

tributed patchily in space and time because of several

important ecological interactions. Local biodiversity is there-

fore patchy and variable. Measurement of biodiversity is

complicated by variability. The functions provided by bio-

diversity are not well understood in most intertidal habitats.

Planning for conservation, management, and restoration of

biodiversity is difficult because of variability in space and time.


Intertidal habitats range from rocky beaches or platforms to

sandy and muddy shores. They occur under a wide range of

physical stresses, most notably due to emersion when the tide

falls and disturbances by waves. The animals and plants must

endure the full range of physical variation, from being covered

by water when the tide is in, to being potentially exposed to

typical terrestrial conditions when the tide is out. In addition,

the amplitude or range of tidal rise and fall can vary between

two tides in a day (this is called ‘‘semidiurnal inequality’’) and,

everywhere, varies in a fortnightly cycle between spring and

neap tides. Spring tides rise much higher and fall much lower

than do neap tides. As a consequence, during neap tides,

animals and plants at high levels on a shore are not reached by

an incoming tide for several days in a row and must endure

long periods of inactivity or reduced activity until spring tides

start again. At these high levels, moisture from spray

(particularly where wave action is great) and during rain is

very important for the supply of food and for preventing

marine animals from drying out during their long periods of


In complete contrast, animals and plants at lower levels on

the shore are submersed continuously for several days during

neap tides because the tides do not fall low enough to expose

such areas to aerial conditions. As a result, the animals and

plants are, effectively, in a fully marine habitat and can be

subject to predation by crabs, fish, starfish, and so on, which

are mostly subtidal species. Such predators can forage at will

over the lower parts of a shore during neap tides. This vari-

ation in periods of emersion versus submersion causes a very

stark gradient of physical conditions from the top to the

bottom of the shore.

A second strong physical gradient often exists along a

shore, due to variation in wave action. As any shore bends

away from being fully exposed to the open ocean, the strength

of waves hitting the rocks will vary. As a result, there is a

general decrease, with decreasing force of waves, in the

amount of splash and spray over any area. The two physical

forces – the direct force of waves and the ameliorating effects

of splash and spray reducing the influences of desiccation

during low tide – influence the abundances of animals and

plants and the nature of their activities. Thus, grazing and

predation are less intense where waves are strong. The diversity

of species changes with wave action because of the combined

influences of waves themselves, their ameliorating influence

on desiccation, and the indirect influences of both physical

features on the interactions among species.

These two major processes – tidal rise and fall and wave

action – are so well known that their influences were long

considered the major, if not the only, influences on local

ecological processes and therefore diversity in intertidal

habitats. The general features of intertidal regions, particularly

the general patterns of distribution and numbers of species on

rocky shores, have for a long time been described in terms of

these physical forces. Summaries and details are available in

Stephenson and Stephenson (1972) and other reviews of

particular biogeographical regions or comparisons of various

parts of the world.

More modern syntheses, in contrast, have focused on the

ecological processes that have more profound effects in terms

of creating and maintaining considerable patchiness in the

iversity, Volume 4 http://dx.doi.org/?10.1016/B978-0-12-384719-5.00156-8?

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Intertidal Ecosystems 333

ways in which animals and plants are distributed in intertidal

habitats. The variation often is considerably more conspicuous

than the features considered general and easily explained in

terms of gradients of physical forces. This forms the central

theme of this contribution – the processes that influence the

patterns of distribution and abundance of species and there-

fore the local diversity of species in intertidal habitats. The

major focus is on rocky intertidal habitats because most of the

experimental work in the last fifty years has been in that

habitat. The animals and plants are typically relatively short-

lived (although individuals can live for extraordinarily long

periods). They are usually small, abundant, and most of them

are slow-moving or sessile. As a result, experimental manipu-

lations to test specific hypotheses from competing models that

might explain patterns can be carried out without enormous

areas of habitat being disturbed and without excessive costs of

logistics and infrastructure. There has been a mass of such

work and it has revealed and continues to reveal a great deal

about the life histories, interactions, and the general and

specific ecology of the maintenance of diversity in intertidal

habitats (see the review by Underwood, 2000).

In addition to rocky shores, there is also some discussion

of other intertidal habitats (sandy beaches, mangrove forests),

even though these are discussed in detail elsewhere in this

Encyclopedia. Their inclusion here is to demonstrate that the

sorts of variability in time and space found on hard, rocky

surfaces are more widespread and general and are not con-

fined to rocky shores.

Following an overview of ecological patchiness and some

consideration of its causes in intertidal habitats, three con-

sequences of variability in biodiversity are introduced: how to

measure and compare diversity from one place to another,

how descriptions of biodiversity may relate to functional as-

pects of diversity, and the sorts of functions that biodiversity

may provide in coastal habitats.

Processes Causing Patchiness on Rocky Shores

Numerous ecological processes influence or maintain patterns

of local biodiversity in coastal habitats. These include direct

and indirect biological processes of recruitment, predation,

grazing, and competition. They also include physical disturb-

ances and biological responses to them. These different types

of processes are illustrated here.


Variability in the recruitment of coastal marine organisms is

well described (Connell, 1985; Thorson, 1950). Many of the

animals and plants have a relatively long dispersive phase in

their life history, resulting in a large proportion of propagules

being killed by predators, failing to develop, or not being able

to find a suitable habitat in which to settle and meta-

morphose. Inevitably, the processes of production and loss of

propagules lead to a huge variation in numbers surviving to

settle in the adults’ habitat and the number actually settling in

any area of habitat at any particular time. This has led to the

concept of ‘‘supply side’’ ecology (Roughgarden et al., 1987;

Underwood and Fairweather, 1989; Underwood and Keough,

2001). This is the idea that several ecological processes and

their resulting patterns of diversity in assemblages are, at least

partially, dependent on the numbers and types of larvae that

arrive to grow in any area. For example, predation cannot be

an important process in areas where predators fail to colonize

as larvae, that is, fail to maintain populations of adults.

There are two major consequences to issues of biodiversity

of this variation in recruitment to adult populations. First,

vagaries of types and numbers of species arriving on any shore

or in any area on a shore will ensure that the diversity of

species continues to be patchy at small spatial scales. Second,

across the entire ranges over which species disperse, there can

be little large-scale variation in diversity. Thus, along a stretch

of coastline over which organisms disperse, the assemblages

that develop will, in general, receive recruits from similar

mixtures of species. When the organisms can keep recruiting

via dispersive larvae, populations will persist. Whatever hap-

pens in any area, recruitment from other areas will continue.

Thus, assemblages will, on average, persist with the same mix

of species. In contrast, at the more local scale of patches of

coastline, or individual shores, there will be greater variation

in the composition of assemblages.

At larger scales, speciation and changes in diversity from

one side of an ocean to another are very much influenced by

the recruitment of larvae. Thus, the vast stretches of open,

oceanic water in the middle of the Pacific and the Atlantic

oceans form barriers to the spread or the continuity of species.

Scheltema (1971) sampled planktonic stages of the life history

of various gastropod mollusks in samples from the middle of

the Atlantic. He found a very good correlation between the

number of larvae of a given species and the distribution of

adults. Species found on coastlines on both sides of the

Atlantic were regularly found as larvae in his samples. Larvae

that were found less commonly were from adults that had

closely related species or subspecies on the two coasts. This

implied that the lack of frequent interchange of larvae was

causing differentiation and speciation. Species found on only

one side of the Atlantic were rare or absent as larvae in the

sample. Thus, where larvae cannot arrive, diversity will differ.

The timing of recruitment by different species can also af-

fect the local diversity of species. Thorson (1950) described

the predatory brittle stars (Amphiura spp.), which do not feed

for two months while breeding. Several species of mollusks

with short larval development breed during this period. The

brittle stars have a longer period of development. As a con-

sequence, the young mollusks could be released into the

plankton, complete their development, recruit, and grow to a

size where at least some of them would escape from the vor-

acious predatory recruits of the brittle stars. If the mollusks

recruited later, they were unable to avoid their predators. This

example needs to be examined experimentally, but indicates

that the timing and order of recruitment can have profound

influences on which species survive in an area.

Initial patterns of recruitment may be less important in

determining local patterns of diversity for mobile than for

sessile species. Many species of mobile animals can move over

the substratum or move up into the water column to drift

across relatively large areas in response to local environmental

conditions. This not only affects small-scale patterns of

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334 Intertidal Ecosystems

diversity but also contributes to the temporal variation in

diversity in any one place.

A final point about the uncoupling of numbers of adults

and recruits in any area of coast is that the mixture of different

species and the numbers and ages of each species present in

some area will not necessarily predict what will occur at any

future time. Recruitment of any or all of the species in any

diverse assemblage will not necessarily be related to the types

or the sizes of populations present there.

Competition and Facilitation

A second major process that can influence local diversity is

competition – negative interactions among individuals of the

same or different species caused by absolute or relative

shortage of resources needed by all of the individuals. In most

coastal habitats, resources are food, space, and, for plants,

light. Space is needed to settle and become established (for

sessile species) and as an indirect resource for food (e.g., by

mobile grazers that need relatively open space over which to

feed). Alternatively, sufficient space on the substratum is

needed to allow access to the water column for filter feeders.

Generally, competitive interactions are considered to lead to

a reduction in abundances or actual elimination of com-

petitively inferior species. Numerous examples demonstrate

this, starting with Connell’s (1961) classic experimental dem-

onstration of destruction of one species of barnacle (Chtha-

malus stellatus) by another, faster-growing species (Balanus

balanoides, as described in the original papers). As a result of

overgrowth by B. balanoides, C. stellatus could be eliminated

from some lower areas of their vertical distribution on a shore.

Such competitive overgrowth can have dramatic effects on

the local richness of species. For example, Paine (1974) has

described the major decrease in the number of species living

on primary space – the underlying substratum – where mus-

sels are able to overgrow and eventually eliminate most other

species (limpets, chitons, algae, barnacles).

These examples do, however, paint a biased picture. For ex-

ample, where mussels overgrow a primary surface, their shells

provide new hard substrata on which the inferior competitors

can become established. They also serve as ‘‘environmental en-

gineers’’ (Lawton, 1994), because the packed shells of mussels

trap sediments. While feeding on particles in the water, mussels

selectively ingest some sizes and types of particles. The rest are

wrapped in mucus and eliminated as pseudo-feces, which add

substantial substance and nutrients to the surrounding sedi-

ments in the matrix of mussels. The result of all these processes is

the provision of habitat and food for a very substantial number

of species, such that the number of species in mussel-beds is very

large (Lohse, 1993). The mix of species among the mussels will,

however, be different from that outside a bed of mussels.

On rocky shores, many sessile species can function as

ecological engineers, thus providing habitat for a range of

species that may not otherwise live on the shore. These en-

gineers are themselves patchily distributed, due to processes

such as competition or predation, which, in turn, contribute to

patchy distributions of those species that use them as habitat.

In soft sediments, ecological engineering can be very im-

portant. For example, large species can alter the habitat

considerably by bioturbation, irrigation, changes in nutrient

fluxes, and so on. The distributions and abundances of many

smaller species are therefore influenced by the activities of a

few larger species, which have major impacts on the sediment

(i.e., the habitat) itself.

There are also complications due to indirect interactions

(reviewed by Wootton, 1993), where the outcome of com-

petition between two (or more) species (say, A and B) influ-

ences the outcome of competitive interactions between one of

them and yet other species (say, B and C). Indirect interactions

have been categorized as being of two distinct types. The first

are called ‘‘interaction chains,’’ where one species (A) directly

influences abundances of a second species (B), which in turn

influences numbers of a third species (C). Thus, A has an

indirect effect on C, because of A’s influence on B. The second

type has been called an ‘‘interaction modification,’’ where

species A directly influences a second species (B). A third

species (C) influences the interaction between A and B. The

difference between the two types is that, in the latter, species C

has no direct influence on either of the other participants

themselves (i.e., no direct effect on A or B).

As an example of an interaction chain, Kastendiek (1982)

described the interesting case of the turfing red alga, Halidrys

dioica (consider it to be species B), which outcompetes the

alga, Pterocladia capillacea (species C), by growing over and

denying it access to light (Figure 1).

Where there is a canopy of a third species (A), Eisenia

arborea, however, the inferior competitor (C) survives well

under the canopy and is able to ‘‘resist’’ competition from

H. dioica (B). Thus, competition for light between E. arborea

and H. dioica (i.e., A and B) diminishes the latter’s capacity to

grow well and to take over space that is occupied by inferior

competitors (C), such as P. capillacea. As a result, competition

by E. arborea over H. dioica prevents competitive overgrowth of

P. capillacea by H. dioica.


A major process influencing the diversity of species on rocky

shores is predation. Predation has three distinct influences.

First is simply that where predators are sufficiently numerous

or active, they may eliminate some species from areas of

habitat. Thus, toward the bottom of rocky shores on the

north-west coast of the US (Connell, 1970), several species of

the whelk, Nucella (or Thais), feed on barnacles. Low on the

shore, the whelks had sufficient opportunity (due to pro-

longed submersion by the tides) to eat all of the barnacles,

thus eliminating them from such low areas and thereby re-

ducing the diversity of sessile species there. At higher levels, in

contrast, the whelks were less active, because they had a

smaller period submersed during low tide in which they could

find an item of prey and consume it.

The second influence of predation is indirect. The whelk

Morula marginalba in southeast Australia consumes a variety

of prey, including barnacles and small limpets, Patelloida

latistrigata. It takes the whelks considerably longer to drill

a hole through the shell of a barnacle than to eat a limpet;

M. marginalba can consume P. latistrigata without having to

drill a hole through their shells. Fairweather (1985) removed

Page 4: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity || Intertidal Ecosystems

Eisenia arborea

Halidrys dioica

Pterocladia capillacea

Figure 1 Diagram illustrating indirect interactions involved in competition for space and light among intertidal seaweeds (Kastendiek, 1982). Thekelp, Eisenia arborea, forms a canopy that provides shade and moisture during low tide. Under the canopy, the red alga, Pterocladia capillacea,can thrive. Elsewhere, it is overgrown and outcompeted by the turfing alga, Halidrys dioica.

Intertidal Ecosystems 335

limpets from some areas as they arrived. As a result, predation

of small barnacles by whelks increased. This demonstrated an

indirect effect of preferences and differences in the time taken

to consume prey; the least preferred species (the limpets) took

less time to eat than the more highly preferred barnacles.

Where there were no limpets, the whelks turned their entire

attention to small barnacles, with consequent increased mor-

tality and decreased abundances of the barnacles. Note also

that whether or not limpets arrived from the plankton also

influenced the eventual outcome in terms of abundances of

barnacles and, therefore, the local relative abundances and,

thus, diversity of species.

The final major influence of predation is also indirect.

Large generalist predators are capable of consuming most

other species in any patch of habitat. As a result, they can have

direct influences on the abundances of prey and can free space

on the shore for species to be able to recruit. Space is often in

short supply, causing the various sessile species to compete

with each other for space on which to live and causing grazing

species to compete for space over which to feed. If the gen-

eralist predator disproportionately consumes ‘‘winners’’ of

competitive struggles for space, predation will have very im-

portant effects on the local diversity of species. The original

example of this phenomenon, known as ‘‘keystone predation,’’

was investigated by Paine (1974). The large starfish, Pisaster

ochraceus, eats most of the other sessile and mobile animals on

rocky shores on the west coast of the US. In some areas, the

starfish preferentially eat mussels (Mytilus spp.). Mussels are,

however, among the best competitors for space, being able to

smother and grow over other species (see earlier). Predatory

starfish continuously remove mussels, making space available

for inferior competitive species that would otherwise be

locally eliminated by overgrowth due to the mussels. In this

case, the predators exert an indirect positive influence on a

range of species of prey, resulting in there being greater

numbers of species (i.e., greater species diversity) where there

are predators than where there is none.

Any analysis of the processes maintaining local diversity is

made complex by the fact that different types of indirect

interactions are not really mutually exclusive categories of

ecological influences, as proposed by Wootton (1993; see

Competition and Facilitation). For example, on shores in

southeast Australia, the canopy-forming alga, Hormosira banksii,

provides shelter from desiccation and heat stress for whelks,

M. marginalba. The whelks come out from shelter to eat sur-

rounding barnacles, Chamaesipho tasmanica. The algae are part

of an interaction chain in that they provide habitat for whelks,

which, in turn, decrease numbers of the barnacles. At the same

time, the size of the algal canopy has been shown experi-

mentally to influence the effectiveness of the whelks as preda-

tors (larger canopies are found with greater rates of predation

on barnacles). Thus, the algae are also an interaction modifier

of the process of predation by whelks on barnacles.

Physical Disturbances

Given that physical factors such as desiccation and wave action

can have large and important influences on the abundances and

diversity of species in intertidal habitats, it is not surprising that

physical disturbances can influence diversity. Where disturb-

ances are large or frequent, it is likely that more delicate species

that are unable to withstand the physical forces will be unable to

survive. They are either prevented from settling and becoming

established in the first place or unable to complete their life

cycles before a large disturbance kills them. It is expected under

this model that there would be reduced diversity in more

physically stressed habitats simply because of the direct loss of

species due to disturbances. In contrast, where disturbances are

small or rare, most, if not all, species can survive the rigors of the

environment. Resources of space and food will then become

critical and some species will disappear because of the superior

competitive abilities of other species. Under these circumstances,

diversity in physically benign areas will also be reduced below

what is theoretically possible.

As a consequence of these two processes, it is anticipated

that the greatest diversity should be found in areas of inter-

mediate disturbance, such that competition for resources is

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336 Intertidal Ecosystems

not too intense because there is sufficient disturbance to pre-

vent all of the possible species from building up excessive

abundances. At the same time, physical stress is not so great

that some species are actually eliminated. This is the model of

‘‘intermediate disturbance’’ (Connell, 1978).

From this model, it has been predicted that in areas where

physical disturbances can be increased or decreased in intensity

or frequency, there will be predictable changes in diversity. For

example, where disturbances are small, increasing their severity

will cause increases in diversity as superior competitors are

prevented from building up sufficient numbers to consume all

of the resources needed by other species. If disturbances are

increased even more, there will be a decrease in diversity.

Such predictions have been tested in several studies on

rocky shores, with mixed success. Sousa (1980) identified

patterns of diversity that were fairly consistent with the model,

but the mechanisms operating were not as stated. Species were

not lost by superior competition for space from other species.

Rather, the life histories of the different species and the time

taken to be able to recolonize disturbed areas were of greater

importance. McGuinness (1987) identified the intermediate

disturbance model to be an appropriate explanation for only

some of the observed patterns of diversity that have been

examined in intertidal boulder fields. Clearly, more work is

needed to understand how and when the interactions of

competition and disturbance lead to predictable outcomes in

terms of the diversity of species.

Figure 2 The undersurfaces of intertidal boulders support numerousspecies of sessile and mobile animals, many of which are not foundin other intertidal habitats. These include encrusting sponges,ascidians and bryozoans, numerous chitons and snails and starfish,sea urchins, and brittle stars.

Boulder Fields

Intertidal boulder fields form a very interesting habitat that

forms part of rocky intertidal environments. Boulders have top

surfaces that are exposed to waves and sunlight and that may

be emersed during low tide. Underneath boulders, however,

there is a very different sort of habitat – usually cool, moist,

and dark. On shores affected by large waves, boulders are

frequently overturned and moved. This alternately exposes

each surface of the boulder to the light and causes the boul-

ders to abrade against each other, damaging and killing many

animals and plants living on them. These boulders support

little biodiversity, mainly encrusting species that are resistant

to harsh conditions or ephemeral species that rapidly colonize

new habitat when it becomes available.

Boulders on sheltered shores, in contrast, are stable and

support great diversity of animal and plant life. Different

species are found on the tops of or underneath these boulders.

Those on top are similar to those living on nearby rocky

shores – after all, they are subjected to similar environmental

conditions. Therefore, boulders may be covered with leafy and

encrusting seaweeds, have patches of apparently bare rock or

support large numbers of snails, limpets, and other common

intertidal animals.

The species living under boulders are completely different.

There are few leafy seaweeds, but there may be many kinds

of encrusting seaweeds, which seem to thrive under dark

conditions. There can also be patches of sessile animals –

plate-like bryozoans, jelly-like masses of colonial ascidians

or sea-squirts, encrusting sponges and the calcareous, and

sandy tubes of different types of worms. These sorts of sessile

animals are not common on rocky shores, except in rockpools

or crevices, or under ledges (Figure 2).

Many of the mobile animals living under boulders are ra-

ther specific to boulders – they tend to be rare or absent from

other intertidal habitats. Many show very specific patterns of

behavior that allow them to move quickly from one boulder

to another if the boulders are overturned or moved into

unsuitable conditions by large waves. Therefore, although

chitons on rocky shores tend to be very slow-moving and in-

active animals, those under boulders move extremely rapidly

over the rock-surface or curl up and drop from the boulder as

soon as it is overturned. This behavior returns them to the

undersurface of the same or nearby boulders.

Intertidal boulder fields are potentially important habitats

for the conservation of biodiversity. They often form rather

small patches of habitat – especially when compared with

sandy beaches, mangrove forests, or rocky shores, which are

often continuous for many kilometers. They are also often

scattered along the coast, with large stretches of other habitats

between them. There are no data about how much inter-

change there is among populations in different boulder fields

or how consistently species would recruit from other boulder

fields if locally eliminated. Because many species living in

boulder fields are relatively confined to these habitats, they are

likely to be vulnerable to human activities that destroy or

damage their surroundings, but recent work demonstrates that

many species can colonize newly created boulder fields.

Finally, many species are extremely overdispersed. This

means that each species tends to be crowded onto relatively few

of the available boulders, with most boulders not being occu-

pied by that species. Because different species are often found

on different boulders, individual boulders support different

suites of species. Patterns of biodiversity are therefore very

complex – both within and among different boulder fields.

As yet, the processes that lead to these complex patterns are

not well understood, but include such factors as the size and

shape of the boulder, what stone it is composed of, where it is

(e.g., depth of water, what substratum is beneath it), and the

different wave conditions where the boulder field is located. In

addition, there are complex interactions among the animals

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Intertidal Ecosystems 337

and plants themselves (Sousa, 1980), causing complex chan-

ges to biodiversity depending on which species happen, by

chance, to recruit to which boulders.

Mangrove Forests

In contrast to intertidal rocky shores and boulder fields,

mangrove forests are dominated by trees. Unlike some other

habitats containing many large plants – for example, subtidal

kelp beds (Foster and Schiel, 1985), and terrestrial rain forests

(Terborgh, 1992) – patterns of diversity in mangrove forests

(i.e., variation in the numbers and types of animals and plants

found from place to place or time to time) are not well

documented (Hutchings and Saenger, 1987). This is particu-

larly true for any measures of small-scale patchiness in diver-

sity within individual forests. This contrasts markedly with

other intertidal habitats in which patchiness of animals and

seaweeds is relatively well described (see the discussion on

rocky shores presented earlier).

This lack of good quantitative measurements of bio-

diversity in mangrove forests is due to many different factors.

First, the plants that make up the forests are, themselves, not

very diverse. Typically, they do not develop a complex struc-

ture of many species of canopy, understory, and ground cover,

which could, in turn, support many different types of animals.

Second, because mangrove forests normally grow on very

sheltered shores, the vertical gradients of environmental con-

ditions associated with tidal height are very strong (Hutchings

and Saenger, 1987). There are also strong latitudinal gradients,

causing very large differences between temperate and tropical

zones in the types and diversity of trees that make up the

forests. These are well documented elsewhere and are not

discussed further here. Within any single mangrove forest,

however, different species of trees typically live at different

levels along the intertidal gradient, so that in any one place,

even fewer types of plants are found.

The main factor that has led to a poor description of the

distribution and patchiness of biodiversity in mangrove forests

is, however, that most diversity is due to small invertebrate

animals. This is, of course, true for many habitats where much

of the biodiversity is ‘‘invisible.’’ In such habitats, appropriate

sampling can clearly measure variation in diversity from place

to place or time to time, but these sampling designs are in-

evitably complex and costly because they need to measure

diversity at many different spatial and temporal scales.

The animals that make up most of the biodiversity in

mangrove forests include many species of crustaceans, such as

crabs and amphipods, small snails and bivalve mollusks,

worms from many different phyla, insect larvae, and so on.

Because these animals are generally very small and live on or

under the surface of the mud, they are not readily visible

without sampling small patches of mud, sieving the animals

out of the sediment, and viewing them under magnification.

The arduous work that this entails means that patterns in

diversity are not well described for most mangrove forests.

In addition, because the types of plants found in mangrove

forests often vary along the intertidal gradient, most studies of

the distribution and diversity of animals have also described

similar broad-scale patterns. Therefore, changes in the diversity

of snails, crabs, and other animals from the seaward to the

landward edges of the forest tend to dominate the literature.

There have been few descriptions of the small-scale variability

or patchiness in this diversity within a shore level, although this

may be the most important source of variation in diversity, as is

the case on rocky shores. Some studies that have been carried

out to measure small-scale patchiness in diversity in mangrove

forests show that much of the variability in the diversity and

abundances of these animals is at very small spatial scales (i.e.,

among patches of habitat centimeters or meters apart). It can

also change unpredictably through time (Figure 3).

This sort of patchiness of diversity is not limited to small

invertebrates that live in the mud. Many of the larger animals

that spend their juvenile stages in mangrove forests, such as

fish, prawns, and large crabs, show similar patterns. A survey

of small fishes in patches of mangrove forests in Sydney

Harbor showed that most of the variation in abundance and

diversity was found at the scale of meters (i.e., from one net to

another set in a small patch of mangrove forest). Variation

from site to site (hundreds of meters apart in the same bay)

and from bay to bay (kilometers part) together accounted for

less variability.

In contrast to rocky shores, there is little information about

the processes that cause this small-scale patchiness in man-

grove forests. This is due to the fact that, with few exceptions,

mangrove forests have not been as well studied, particularly

using well-designed, controlled field experiments.

The diversity of small animals living in sediments in any

aquatic habitat is influenced by the range of grain sizes of the

sediment itself. Larger species tend to be more common in

coarse-grained sediments; small species are common among

finer sediments. The range of sediment in any particular

mangrove forest can vary from patch to patch because of such

processes as differences in water currents around submerged

objects (e.g., the bases of trees) or numerous biological pro-

cesses, each of which also strongly and independently influ-

ence the patterns of diversity of the fauna.

In New South Wales (Australia), when feeding and bur-

rowing, the mangrove crab, Heloecius cordiformis, creates mounds

of coarser and drier sediments and flat areas of wetter and finer

sediments (Figure 4; Warren and Underwood, 1986). Although

not yet measured, it is likely that this activity directly influences

local patterns of diversity, as has been shown for the burrowing

behavior of soldier crabs in Tasmania (Warwick et al., 1990).

Other small-scale structures – for example, buried shells, the

roots of the mangrove plants, worm tubes – are equally likely to

alter patterns of diversity, although the importance of these small

structures and the behavior of other animals as influences on

biodiversity are not yet well documented for mangrove forests.

Sandy Beaches and Mudflats

Sandy beaches and mudflats tend to grade into each other along

a continuum depending on the relative grain size of the sedi-

ment. Sandy beaches have rather coarse-grained sediments and

mudflats are, of course, muddy, with fine-grained sediments.

Both can occur on very sheltered shores, such as in estuaries, but

mudflats do not occur on wave-exposed shores, where sandy

beaches may be common (Brown and McLachlan, 1990).

Page 7: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity || Intertidal Ecosystems

Site I

Site 2

Site 3

Site 4

40 m

40 m

40 m

Figure 3 Variability in the numbers and types of animals living in a mangrove forest in New South Wales, Australia. The animals were sampledin four sites along the bank of a river. Each site was sampled using four quadrats, placed 1–2 m apart. Each point on this figure represents thetypes and numbers of animals in each quadrat. The relative distance between two points indicates how similar the animals were in those twoquadrats. Points close together represent quadrats containing very similar types of animals. Points far apart indicate that the quadrats containedvery different numbers and types of animals. Figure 3(a) shows that when the animals were sampled the first time, the diversity of animals washighly variable from one quadrat to another. Quadrats in the same site (meters apart) showed similar amounts of variability in these measures ofdiversity as shown by quadrats in different sites. Figure 3(b) shows what the patterns looked like only three months later. Animals were moresimilar at the scale of meters (among quadrats in each site), but the sites appeared to represent a gradient along the river. This relatively largechange in the pattern of diversity was not seasonal, predictable, or found in other nearby sites. It was mainly due to changes in the relativenumbers of numerous small crustaceans.

338 Intertidal Ecosystems

Sandy beaches and mudflats have very few large plants,

although heaps of decaying plant material, commonly known

as beach wrack, can be found on the strandline. This material

– decaying seagrasses, seaweeds, and kelps, which have been

washed up by the waves – is rapidly decomposed by bacteria,

fungi, and small animals, many of which are dependent on

wrack for food. This activity ultimately releases nutrients back

into the coastal waters (Griffiths et al., 1983).

Sandy beaches and mudflats appear at first glance to re-

semble deserts – there are often few animals to be seen, other

than birds and a few crabs. The birds are generally visitors to

these shores, feeding along the shoreline or over the extensive

flats during low tide, but spending the rest of their time else-

where. There are relatively few animals high on the shore,

mainly semiterrestrial species, such as ghost crabs that spend

the day in burrows above the level of high tide, coming out at

night to feed. Nevertheless, despite first appearances, there is

diverse life lower on the shore. As is the case in mangrove

forests, however, most of the animals live under the sediments.

Very small animals live in the tiny spaces among the grains

themselves. These include unicellular and multicellular ani-

mals from many different phyla. Many of these very small

animals resemble juveniles of larger species. Many are also

extremely simple. For example, although multicellular, they

may only consist of a few cells and lack structures – such as

limbs, kidneys, or a circulatory system – relying on exchange

of substances through the body wall to acquire oxygen or

eliminate waste (Brown and McLachlan, 1990).

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0Crabs Burrows


Figure 4 The crab, Heloecius cordiformis, and its burrows are morenumerous on mounds of sediments than in the flatter patches ofhabitats in between the mounds. These mounds are created by thecrabs themselves.

Intertidal Ecosystems 339

The larger animals living under the sand or mud either

construct and maintain complex tubes or burrows or simply

move through the sediment without leaving any structure

behind them. On sandy beaches exposed to relatively large

waves, the sediment is continually reworked by wave action.

Most animals living in these habitats do not construct tubes or

burrows because these are likely to be destroyed. Instead, they

remain relatively deep in the sediment or tend to have

mechanisms whereby they can rapidly burrow back under the

sediment if exposed. Mole crabs have paddle-shaped limbs

and can burrow extremely quickly during the time available

between waves. Similarly, many bivalves have an extendible,

mobile foot, which rapidly digs and anchors into the sediment

and then contracts, pulling the bivalve under the sediment in

only a few seconds.

Because mudflats tend to be very extensive and not steeply

sloping, they usually remain quite damp during low tide.

Many different species of worms, crustaceans, mollusks, and

so on can be found in these habitats. Although some simply

burrow through the sediment, feeding on detritus and par-

ticles attached to the grains, others live in semipermanent

tubes or burrows. These can be very complex. Some burrows

of crabs have many entrances and exits and are connected

together in a complex underground labyrinth. Some animals

living in burrows emerge to feed on the surface of the mud

itself during high tide or at night. Other species remain in the

burrow, but they may have long tentacles that are spread over

the surface of the mud to pick up particles of food. Animals

inhabiting burrows that feed on particles in the water often

have modified limbs or other appendages, which can create

currents of water through the tubes, pulling in the food with

the water current. They also have very elaborate filters, which

sieve the particles of food out of the water. These filters are

modified legs, mouthparts, gills, or other organs.

Despite the fact that sandy beaches and mudflats are very

common intertidal habitats, their patterns of biodiversity are

not particularly well known. Available data suggest that, like

most other intertidal habitats, they are extremely patchy and

variable through time. The numbers and types of animals

differ from one patch to another only a few meters away. These

patterns are caused by the different species responding to

subtle changes in the sediments themselves, to local disturb-

ances such as feeding by fish, which creates depressions in the

mud, and to other animals living in the sediment via inter-

specific processes, such as competition or predation.

Some species have rather aggressive behavior that spreads

them out, presumably to ensure adequate food for all. Other

species tend to aggregate and can create large patches of tubes

or burrows, altering the sediments around them. These sorts of

processes inevitably alter the small-scale local patterns of di-

versity, but there is very little information on how such pro-

cesses may operate. Of course, as described earlier, such

processes modify the initial patterns of diversity, which are

established by the differential recruitment of species among

different patches of habitat.

Measurement of Biodiversity in Coastal Habitats

Methods for and interpretations of measures of biodiversity in

coastal habitats have proven complex. As reviewed by Gray

(2000), the simplest measure – the number of species in any

area – does not describe the structure and variation in assem-

blages. For this, measures are needed that can collate infor-

mation on the types of species present (the composition of an

assemblage) with information about their relative abundances.

Many indices have been used (see Magurran, 1988). One of the

most widely used is the Shannon–Wiener index:

H0 ¼ �Xs



where pi is the proportion of species i in the entire sample.

Measurements of diversity in a single sample have been de-

scribed as ‘‘point diversity.’’ Diversity in a set of replicate

samples from the same habitat is ‘‘alpha diversity.’’ Com-

parisons from habitat to habitat, for example, along an en-

vironmental gradient uses measures of ‘‘beta (or between

habitat) diversity.’’ This is the combined diversity across a set

of alpha diversities. There are also larger scale measures, such

as ‘‘gamma diversity,’’ which are measured across larger spatial

areas, such as an entire coast-line.

There are serious problems of scale in these considerations.

For example, a rocky headland could be a relatively large area;

thus, diversity measured across it would be gamma diversity.

Within the area, there are different habitats such as rock pools,

algal beds, boulder fields, and so on. In each of these, samples

would provide measures of alpha diversity. Beta diversity

would measure the diversity in, say, algal beds along a gradient

of increasing exposure to waves.

Suppose, instead, that the study was a series of headlands

along the biogeographical gradient from south to north along a

coastline. It is now likely that the diversity measured in a set of

randomly taken replicates from one headland would be con-

sidered to be alpha diversity. That from the set of headlands

would be beta diversity. Thus, whether or not a sample allows

measurement of alpha or gamma diversity is entirely dependent

on the spatial scale being examined. It is clearly important to

define the hypotheses being tested very carefully so that only

the relevant scales of habitats and sample areas are examined.

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340 Intertidal Ecosystems

Another major difficulty in measures of diversity is that the

number of species found is almost always dependent on the

size of the sample examined or the length of time spent

searching for individuals throughout the habitat. This is

inevitable because of two distinct aspects of the patchy dis-

tributions of species. First, rare species are not going to occur

very often in any sample and will often be missing from small

samples. Considerable space needs to be covered to be sure

that the rare species are actually encountered. Imagine a

comparison of the animals in two habitats, which each have

one hundred species in them. If, in one habitat (A), many

more of the species are present than is the case in the other

habitat (B) and similarly sized small samples are examined

from each habitat, there will be apparently fewer species in

Habitat A than in B. This is, however, an artifact of sampling.

A second reason for there being inevitable differences in the

numbers of species seen in two samples where one is much

larger than the other is due to the potential heterogeneity of

habitats in the area studied. Suppose that the number of species

is recorded in samples totaling 4 square meters of habitat in

one area and 8 square meters in the other habitat. The latter

sample would normally be expected to contain more species if

there are many subhabitats in the area sampled. Thus, on rocky

shores, clumps of seaweeds, small rock pools, patches of mus-

sels, and so on may be scattered at scales of tens of centimeters.

Each of these subhabitats probably contains several different

species, in addition to ‘‘cosmopolitan’’ species found through-

out the entire area. As a result, the larger area examined in

samples from one habitat will encompass more different pat-

ches and therefore contain more species than would be found if

a smaller area were examined.

There exist techniques to compensate for differences in the

size of samples from one habitat to another. One of the most

commonly used is called rarefaction, but this is known to have

serious problems of overestimation of numbers of species in

small samples (Fager, 1972). A superior alternative is to take

random smaller samples from the largest, to match the size of

the smaller samples from the other habitat. Such random

samples can be used to provide reliable estimates and esti-

mates of error associated with the number of species expected

in smaller samples. Comparisons between the two habitats

then consist of comparisons of the entire sample from the

habitat that was sampled with smaller samples and the ran-

domly determined estimates from the other habitat (reviewed

by Gray, 2000).

Some multivariate methods are widely used to compare the

diversity of species from one area or habitat to another. These

operate on the principle that the abundances or biomasses of

every species can be recorded from a series of replicate sample

units (cores, grabs, quadrats, etc.). This produces a matrix of

species by replicates for a sample from each habitat or area.

The difference from any one sample unit to another can then

be calculated across all of the species. One popular measure of

such difference is the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index (Clarke,

1993). This is calculated as follows:

Dj;k ¼


Xij � Xik

�� ��Psi¼1

Xij þPsi¼1


� �� 100

where Dj,k is the dissimilarity between sample units j and k, Xij

is the abundance of species i in sample j, Xik is the abundance

of species i in sample k, and s is the total number of species

found in the two sample units. If j and k come from the same

sample, this is a measure of variation among units within a

sample. If j and k come from two different samples, D is a

measure of dissimilarity between the two samples. Because

there are replicate measures, there is a sample of measures to

estimate variation within each of the two samples and be-

tween the two samples. Statistical tests can then be carried out

to determine the likelihood of there being more difference

between two samples than expected by chance, given the

variability within the two samples (Clarke, 1993).

Similar procedures are now being used widely in tests of

the effects of environmental impacts and in many ecological

studies to measure the diversity of animals in different habi-

tats, where diversity is made up of the composition of species

in any habitat and their relative abundances (many are sum-

marized in Anderson et al., 2008). Recent advances in these

analytical techniques have increased the range of experimental

designs for which they can be used (Anderson, 2001), and

there are now many descriptions of complex patterns of nat-

ural variability in assemblages across a variety of spatial scales,

and from time to time. More intensive sampling can yield

large enough samples for independent measures of dis-

similarity at different scales, allowing tests of more complex

hypotheses about variability in diverse assemblages (Under-

wood and Chapman, 1998). Although very useful in meas-

uring diversity, these analytical techniques do not, however,

provide any clear understanding of the various physical and

biological processes that cause such variations in diversity. To

understand this, more knowledge is still needed of the eco-

logical processes influencing the individual species that make

up diversity in any place and at any time.

Can Intertidal Biodiversity Indicate EcologicalFunction?

Although it is clear that ‘‘biodiversity’’ covers many levels of

variability, from genetic to population diversity within species,

from diversity among species to diversity among habitats or

ecosystems, the most common perception of biodiversity is

still simply the numbers and types of animals and plants in

different areas. Therefore, the importance of biodiversity has

often focused on terrestrial habitats, the consensus of opinion

being that there are more species on land than in the sea

(Gray, 1993). Nevertheless, at different levels of organization,

marine systems are more diverse – for example, there are more

phyla in the sea than found on land. In addition, marine

species appear to have more genetic diversity than related

terrestrial and freshwater organisms. This suggests that they

may be less vulnerable to processes that reduce genetic vari-

ation, although there is increasing concern that many near-

shore aquacultural practices, including culture of fish and

bivalve mollusks, are decreasing the genetic variability of

natural populations.

Although many small marine invertebrates still remain to

be identified and described, it is generally held that most di-

versity in the sea is of benthic organisms. There are many more

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Intertidal Ecosystems 341

species of animals and plants living on or in close association

with the sea floor, rocky reefs, and others, than living in the

water column itself. This is probably related to the diversity of

different benthic habitats. There is still controversy about the

relative importance of deep-sea habitats and coastal habitats

to benthic diversity – controversy arising from the fact that

these habitats are so poorly described that the general patterns

of biodiversity across large areas of marine habitat, even

nearshore and intertidal habitats, are largely guesswork.

At whichever level biodiversity is examined, however,

understanding patterns of biodiversity is essential to under-

standing the role(s) of diversity in the maintenance of differ-

ent ecological functions. By functions, we mean such processes

as maintaining diversity itself, recycling nutrients and chem-

icals among organisms and their surrounding habitat, and

maintaining appropriate habitat for adequate food, shelter,

and so on. Because patterns of biodiversity are complex –

biodiversity varies at many spatial scales from centimeters to

hundreds of kilometers and changes predictably and un-

predictably among days, weeks, seasons, years, and eons – the

role of diversity in maintaining the functioning of individuals,

populations, assemblages of species, and habitats will also be

necessarily complex.

Relationships between biodiversity and the persistence of

successful ecological functioning may be described by quite

different theories (see the review by Hooper et al., 2005). First,

there may be considerable redundancy of species, so that

many species may be lost without impairment of function

because other species simply take on their roles. This may be

common in assemblages of very similar and small species,

such as the many species of amphipods that live in some algal

mats, or the many species of small burrowing worms in

sediments. There must obviously be a limit to this; not all

species can disappear and the ecology of the assemblage still

persists. A second view is that many species may contribute to

any ecological function, but the system may withstand loss of

these species until a crucial limit is reached, after which there

will be a rapid and inevitable degradation of function. The

third view, called the idiosyncratic response, has been shown

to be most likely in intertidal systems that have been exam-

ined. There is loss of function with loss of species, but this is

variable and unpredictable because of the complex patterns of

abundance and interactions among the various component


Most of the experimental tests of the relationships between

biodiversity and ecological function have been carried out in

terrestrial systems. The results of different experiments are not

clear-cut, and there is considerable controversy about their

designs and the ways in which they have been interpreted

(Huston, 1997). Because of the fundamental differences in the

ways in which different processes operate between marine and

terrestrial habitats, it is unlikely that the results of such ex-

periments, even if not controversial, could be applied to

marine systems. Therefore, it is essential that the importance

of biodiversity to the well-being and persistence of coastal

habitats be tested experimentally in marine habitats.

Experiments have generally examined the removal of spe-

cies from assemblages or the creation of artificial assemblages

by the addition of different numbers and types of species.

Despite differences between marine and terrestrial systems,

recent research has indicated some commonality in changes to

ecological functioning when the numbers of species in

assemblages are altered. Frequently, the number of species

matters less to the maintenance of some important ecological

functions than does the identity of the species in an assem-

blage. Some species appear to have large and important effects,

whereas many others have little measurable effect.

Nevertheless, although loss of such large and important

species can alter many ecological functions, experiments have

shown that not all changes were as predicted from current

ecological understanding. This shows that there is still much

to learn before the effects of changes to the diversity of even

ecologically important species can be understood.

To date, the functional role of marine biodiversity at large

scales has mostly focused on off-shore processes. For example,

people are concerned about the diversity of plankton and its

role in large-scale processes, such as commercial fisheries or

atmospheric levels of CO2 and O2. In coastal habitats, most

emphasis has been on the role of diversity in maintaining

ecological function and has focused on single species or suites

of similar species. Therefore, there is concern about the loss of

large filter-feeding bivalves in estuaries and bays because the

large numbers of these animals were considered to filter all of

the water in the estuary in only a few days. In areas where

populations have crashed, the water has become more turbid

and is now occupied by different types of animals than was the

case in the past. Similarly, certain large predators or grazers on

intertidal shores or shallow reefs appear to play a pivotal role

in maintaining patterns of biodiversity by selectively removing

competitively dominant sessile animals or plants with their

associated species, thereby providing space for a host of other

organisms that thrive under the altered conditions (see the

earlier discussion on keystone predators).

‘‘Ecological engineers’’ (Lawton, 1994) have also received

considerable attention because of their roles in altering the

physical environment, creating habitat, and changing the

availability of resources to other species. Many coastal animals

are ecological engineers – the most obvious of which are

corals that may develop into large reefs – a unique and very

diverse habitat totally dependent on the corals themselves.

Other lesser-known examples include burrowing bivalves and

crabs in salt marshes, which can alter drainage, sedimentation,

and erosion in addition to having direct impacts on other

animals or plants that they may eat or for which they may be

an important source of food. Some intertidal animals form

habitat for a range of other species. Therefore, mussels of the

genus, Mytilus, provide habitats for more than 300 other

species of animals and plants on intertidal shores in Wash-

ington, in the US (Suchanek, 1992).

Mangrove trees stabilize sediments, modify shorelines,

prevent erosion, and provide habitat for the juveniles of

commercially exploited fish and shellfish. Many studies

examining the relationship between structure and function in

mangrove forests have focused on changes in the number of

trees, especially in areas where they are cut down for firewood.

There has, however, been little consideration of the role of

the actual biodiversity of such habitats – the mud-dwelling

bacteria and small animals – on the well-being of the trees

themselves, or, indeed, on the maintenance of the habitat it-

self. Unfortunately, as described earlier, little is known of this

Page 11: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity || Intertidal Ecosystems

Box 1 Despite the fact that there is no unambiguously accepted list of what is meant by the values of biodiversity,many values are cited as being important.

Evolutionary value. This includes genetic diversity that may allow organisms to persist or change in response to localized threats to diversity. This may be veryimportant in intertidal and near-shore coastal habitats, where humans tend to cause most damage to marine habitats.Ecological value. A naturally functioning habitat with its full complement of biodiversity is necessary for studying and understanding ecological patterns andprocesses. This understanding is, in turn, considered essential for the persistence of life on earth in the face of humanity’s alteration to and degradation of thenatural world.Economic value. There are or may be species of direct economic value. On intertidal shores, this includes plants and animals collected or cultured in fisheries,mangrove trees exploited for firewood, and so on. Habitats that are used for recreation may also have economic value. For example, a wetland with diverse speciesof birds can have economic value if bird-watchers are prepared to pay to access it.Aesthetic value. Natural habitats are sometimes perceived to have value simply because they exist. This is also sometimes called ‘‘existence value.’’Ethical value. There is argument by many sections of society that all biodiversity has ethical value, that is, we, as human beings, are ethically bound to protectbiodiversity. This argument comes to the fore when decisions are being made about the rights of humanity to eliminate diseases and other pests from the earth.

342 Intertidal Ecosystems

biota, other than the fact that it is variable, unpredictable, and

complex. Because the species are poorly described and even

more poorly understood, it is generally accepted that there is

considerable redundancy in the system. Therefore, it has been

assumed that, if the larger plants are looked after, the small

invertebrate animals and the functioning of the habitat will

look after itself.

The same is true of all intertidal habitats. Most ecological

functions are thought of in terms of general, widespread, and

large-scale processes (e.g., the cycling of nutrients throughout

a mangrove forest or the maintenance of food webs across a

rocky shore). Yet, the fauna and flora that make up most of the

diversity and that maintain these ecological functions are

variable and patchy and change unpredictably through time,

often at very small and localized scales. The scales at which

ecological structure (the species) and ecological functions

(many of the processes) are measured are often quite different.

It is therefore difficult to relate the stochastic variability that

we see in ecological structure with what is often perceived as

the predictability in measures of ecological function. It is in-

creasingly important that we measure structure and function

at a similar range of scales before we will be able to under-

stand the role of natural patchiness in biodiversity in ecology.

This is not yet widely done, but is crucial if we are to be able to

conserve functioning habitats in an increasingly altered world.

What Services Does Intertidal Biodiversity Provide?

Consideration of the relationships between the diversity of

species and functioning of ecological systems leads very rap-

idly to consideration of any ‘‘values’’ of biodiversity. Because

biodiversity is not well described (i.e., the threats to it are

poorly understood and probably variable from place to place

and habitat to habitat), there is still considerable controversy

about perceived value(s) of biodiversity. This is specifically

true for most coastal habitats, especially those on temperate

coasts, which have not received as much attention from the

media and celebrities as have habitats such as coral reefs or

tropical rainforests.

There are many so-called values to biodiversity, some of

which are discussed in Box 1. Whatever terms are used,

however, they tend to fall into two main categories. Ecocentric

values are those associated with the well-being of the animals

and plants themselves (i.e., they are focused on maintaining

the full range of functioning ecological processes). They in-

clude such terms as ecological value and evolutionary value

(see Box 1). Anthropocentric values, in contrast, are centered

on humanity and the role of diversity in maintaining or im-

proving human lifestyles. These obviously include a range of

values, based on our perceived moral obligations, our ideas of

the sort of world that we want to live in, and obvious eco-

nomic returns from our exploitation of coastal resources.

In contrast to many terrestrial habitats, nearshore coastal

habitats, including nearly all intertidal areas, are generally

conserved for anthropocentric values, rather than ecocentric

values. Following traditions lasting hundreds of years, the sea

is still largely regarded as a larder to be plundered rather than

a unique set of habitats to be conserved. Apart from certain

coastal wetlands, which can support large populations of

wading birds, most intertidal habitats do not abound with

large charismatic megafauna. Therefore, although they may

contain threatened species, these are unlikely to attract media


Although large areas of mangroves can be extensive, di-

verse, and very interesting forests, they are still generally val-

ued for their economic returns – provision of firewood,

habitats for juvenile commercially exploited fishes, sites for

aquaculture, and, unfortunately in many countries, prime real

estate for reclamation. Similarly, rocky reefs, mudflats, estu-

aries, and so on are generally considered important for what

direct economic value they can provide humanity.

The loss or degradation of nearshore habitats goes largely

unseen because the biota that live in them are small, cryptic,

and unknown. Yet, they are incredibly diverse and in many

parts of the world, make up a large amount of the endemic

fauna and flora. Most of these organisms do not have com-

mercial value. As long as these coastal habitats continue to

be considered valuable mainly with respect to the direct eco-

nomic services that they provide to humankind, there will

be little initiative to carry out the research and impose the

necessary management to conserve this diversity.


The management of biodiversity in intertidal coastal habits

needs a different approach from that used in terrestrial habi-

tats. Except for species that are considered to play a key role in

local ecological processes, it is unlikely to be useful to attempt

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conservation on a species by species level. Exceptions are the

so-called keystone species or ecological engineers, which were

discussed in some detail earlier. Either these species provide

habitat directly or their activities serve to enhance local di-

versity because of their elimination of competitively dominant

species. For the most, however, emphasis on conservation of

individual species is unlikely to be profitable.

First, for most species, we know too little about their re-

quirements for habitat, food, and so on to be able to impose

sensible managerial options. Second, we know too little about

their natural patterns of variability in time or space to be able

to evaluate whether any managed populations are persisting

with anything like their natural patterns of abundance. Third,

we certainly know too little about their interactions with other

species to know which are essential to their continued well-

being and which are not (i.e., which suite of species to try to

conserve). In many cases, it has so far proven impossible to

determine the geographical range of habitat occupied by a

breeding population of intertidal animals, the extent to which

there is interchange from one population to another, or the

sources of recruits to any area that must be conserved.

Management of coastal biodiversity will better be focused

on habitat. Removing or reducing disturbances to patches of

mangrove forest, rocky shores, mudflats, and beaches is one of

the more feasible and cheaper options – it is usually easier to

prevent access to areas than to try to control people’s behavior

once they are in them. The fauna and flora will then be left to

do the best they can under the circumstances. Fortunately,

many species living in shallow-water, marine habitats are able

to deal with many disturbances to their habitat, as long as

these are neither too frequent nor too extreme. Evidence

suggests that many can relatively rapidly recolonize areas once

any disturbances are removed; such areas can then develop

what appear to be functional ecological systems. Whether all

species return to such habitats is not known because it is

generally not known what species were there before the


Nevertheless, there is obviously a need for more research

on interactions among species wherever possible, so that

keystone or engineering species can be identified. Where

possible, management that will conserve these directly is likely

to conserve those species that are dependent on them.

Therefore, legislation that protects rocky shores from foragers

removing mussels and other large shellfish will not only

protect the targeted species but also a diverse range of other

animals and plants. There is little chance that these could be

protected on a species-by-species basis because too little is

known about any individual species to mount a case for its


Finally, with increasing understanding of the landscape

ecology of coastal habitats and how ‘‘intertidal landscapes’’

interact, conservation of intertidal biodiversity is probably

best within a mosaic of patches of different habitat. There is

considerable debate about the value of few, large versus many,

small reserves for conservation of terrestrial species. Which

may be best is unknown for marine habitats and, in any case,

there is no reason why what suits one species or set of species

will suit another. The best strategy will probably be to hedge

one’s bets and try a range of different procedures. Therefore,

with the current lack of understanding, conserving patches of

habitat of different sizes and shapes, set at different distances

apart, and subjected to as wide a range of environmental

conditions as possible, will probably be the safest option until

we know a lot more about our intertidal biodiversity.

Clearly, our understanding of the processes that influence

and change biodiversity is increasing at a satisfactory pace.

Our ability to use these insights in the planning and man-

agement of conservation is, however, more limited. The nat-

ural variability due to numerous processes and the large

ranges over which larvae seem to disperse combine to make

predictions difficult. The urgent tasks for coastal systems in

response to threats due to coastal development, aquaculture,

disposal of wastes, and potential rises in sea level require more

understanding of the scales of variability in the distributions

and abundances of coastal species.

See also: Coastal Beach Ecosystems. Disturbance, Mechanisms of.Ecosystem Function Measurement, Aquatic and Marine Communities.Ecosystem Function, Principles of. Mangrove Ecosystems. MarineEcosystems. Measurement and Analysis of Biodiversity


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