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  • 8/20/2019 Enchanted Items



  • 8/20/2019 Enchanted Items


    Hero SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system.Hero System © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.Champions © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.Fantasy Hero © 2003 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.Dark Champions © 2004 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.Pulp Hero © 2005 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All r ights reserved.Enchanted Items © 2007 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All r ights reserved.Star Hero, Justice Inc., Danger International, Western Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc.d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,

    electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by

    any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the

    Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102.

    Printed in the Canada. First printing May 2007

    Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games.

    Stock Number: DOJHERO513 • ISBN Number: 978-1-58366-065-2


    Author:  Jason Walters

    Additional Contributions:  Steven S. Long

    Editing and Developing: Steven S. Long

    Layout & Graphic Design: Andy MathewsInterior Illustration: Maral Agnerian, Brett Barkley,Nate Barnes, Storn Cook, Jeff Cram, Robert Cram, Jr.,

    Keith Curtis, Jonathon Davenport, John Grigni, Eric

    Lofgren, Patrick McEvoy, Cara Mitten, Scott Ruggles,

    Klaus Scherwinski, Greg Smith, Mack Stzaba

    DEDICATIONis book is dedicated to my old friend, Gamemaster,

    and comrade-in-arms Dominic Lawrence, who spentover a decade instilling in me a desperate, greedy hunger

    for ever more powerful and unique enchanted items. I

    would also like to give a special thanks to the posters on

    the www.herogames.com message boards for suggesting

     various strange and arcane ideas for this work.

    An Equipment Book For Fantasy Hero

  • 8/20/2019 Enchanted Items


     TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION .................................................................................4

     AMULETS, FETISHES, AND TALISMANS ..............................................6OFFENSIVE AMULETS ........................................................................6

    DEFENSIVE AMULETS ........................................................................8

    MOVEMENT AMULETS .....................................................................11

    SENSORY AMULETS ........................................................................12

    MISCELLANEOUS AMULETS .............................................................13UNIQUE AMULETS ...........................................................................16

     ARMOR, HELMS, AND GAUNTLETS ...................................................18UNIQUE ARMOR ..............................................................................39

    BRACERS AND BRACELETS ..............................................................41OFFENSIVE BRACERS ......................................................................41

    DEFENSIVE BRACERS ......................................................................42

    MOVEMENT BRACERS .....................................................................43

    SENSORY BRACERS ........................................................................44

    MISCELLANEOUS BRACERS .............................................................44

    UNIQUE BRACERS ...........................................................................46

    CLOTHING ........................................................................................47BELTS, BANDOLIERS, AND GIRDLES .................................................47

    BOOTS ...........................................................................................52

    CLOAKS .........................................................................................55

    GLOVES ..........................................................................................62

    PANTS ............................................................................................65

    ROBES ...........................................................................................67

    SHOES AND SLIPPERS.....................................................................73

    VESTS ............................................................................................74

    JEWELRY ..........................................................................................77BROOCHES .....................................................................................77

    BUTTONS AND CLASPS ...................................................................82

    CROWNS AND TIARAS .....................................................................84

    EARRINGS ......................................................................................89


    HEADBANDS, FILLETS, AND RIBBONS ..............................................97

    NECKLACES ..................................................................................101

    POTIONS, DUSTS, AND OINTMENTS ...............................................106POTIONS ......................................................................................107

    DUSTS AND POWDERS ..................................................................115

    OINTMENTS, UNGUENTS, AND SALVES ...........................................117

    RINGS.............................................................................................120OFFENSIVE RINGS .........................................................................120

    DEFENSIVE RINGS .........................................................................124

    MOVEMENT RINGS ........................................................................125

    SENSORY RINGS ...........................................................................127

    MISCELLANEOUS RINGS ................................................................128

    UNIQUE RINGS ..............................................................................133

    SHIELDS .........................................................................................134

    STAFFS ..........................................................................................148OFFENSIVE STAFFS .......................................................................148

    DEFENSIVE STAFFS .......................................................................155

    SENSORY STAFFS .........................................................................156

    MOVEMENT STAFFS ......................................................................157

    MISCELLANEOUS STAFFS ..............................................................158UNIQUE STAFFS ............................................................................160

    SWORDS AND DAGGERS ................................................................165SWORDS ......................................................................................165

    Common Enchanted Swords .......................................................165

    Named Enchanted Swords ..........................................................180

    DAGGERS .....................................................................................185

    WANDS AND RODS .........................................................................189WANDS ........................................................................................189

    RODS ...........................................................................................200

    WEAPONS ......................................................................................204 AXES ............................................................................................204

    BOWS, CROSSBOWS, AND ARROWS ..............................................206

    CLUBS ..........................................................................................210

    HAMMERS ....................................................................................21

    MACES .........................................................................................213

    SPEARS ........................................................................................214

    MISCELLANEOUS WEAPONS ..........................................................215

    UNIQUE WEAPONS ........................................................................216

    MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ................................................................218BOOKS, TOMES, AND GRIMOIRES ..................................................218

    FIGURINES ....................................................................................223

    HORNS .........................................................................................225

    HORSESHOES AND SADDLES ........................................................226

    LENSES, MONOCLES, AND SPECTACLES ........................................228

    MASKS .........................................................................................229

    MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ...............................................................230

    OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ....................................................232

  • 8/20/2019 Enchanted Items


    4 Hero System 5th Edition Revised

    E ven in worlds where magic exists and char-acters can rule kingdoms, sometimes a heroneeds just the right equipment to get the jobdone. And in a Fantasy Hero campaign, that

    means magical items — weapons, armor, staffs, andother objects with enchantments placed upon themto give them power, be those enchantments greatand awe-inspiring or just simple and functional.

    Enchanted Items contains hundreds of pre-generated magical items for your Fantasy Hero games (and you can easily adapt them for mysticChampions characters, or convert them into high-tech gadgets for appropriate Star Hero campaigns).ey’re organized into thirteen categories:

    ■Amulets, Fetishes, and Talismans


    ■Bracers and Bracelets


    ■ Jewelry 

    ■Potions, Dusts, and Ointments


    ■ Shields

    ■ Staffs

    ■ Swords and Daggers

    ■Wands and Rods


    ■Miscellaneous Items

    In general, Enchanted Items serves two pri-mary purposes. First, it’s a time-saver. If you haveto generate a character quickly, or you don’t wantto take the time and effort needed to create all of acharacter’s magical items from scratch, EnchantedItems provides you with the shortcut you need. Justopen to the appropriate section, select the sort ofitem you want (and that your GM will approve!),tweak it to taste, and in seconds you’ve got a new

    tool for your character to use.Second, it’s an idea generator. If you’re at aloss for what type of character to play, you can flipthe book open at random and see if anything onthat page catches your attention. Take an item andpersonalize it (give it a name, a history, perhapsanother minor power or two), and you’ve got agreat bit of “flavor” for your character that’s alsouseful during game play.

    Although many of the enchanted items comewith a list of options, don’t feel constrained by whatthe book says. You can easily alter an item to suitthe character you have in mind, and in most casessubstitute one special effect for another with only

    slight alterations. And for many items, increasingor decreasing the number of Active Points alwaysremains an option.

    Although Enchanted Items is designed for usewith any Fantasy Hero campaign, the historical notes,spellcasters, spells, and other “background” informa-tion for them comes from a particular setting — theTurakian Age, which is detailed in the book of thesame name from Hero Games. (You can find the textof specific spells in e Fantasy Hero Grimoire ande Fantasy Hero Grimoire II.) You can easily ignoreor change these details if you prefer; they’re includedsimply to give the items a little “flavor” and helppeople running Turakian campaigns.


    Having noted what this book is, it’s also impor-tant to note what it is not, and what it doesn’t contain.

    First, it’s not a book of rules about enchanteditems, or for building enchanted items. It’s a col-lection of pre-built enchanted items — a resourcebook rather than a rules supplement.

    Second, it doesn’t include real-world weaponsor gear, or other mundane items. You can find thosein a number of other books.

    ird, it doesn’t have any vehicles. e HEROSystem Vehicle Sourcebook and many other supple-ments published by Hero Games address that sub-

     ject thoroughly.Fourth, it doesn’t have any Bases or devices for

    Bases. at, too, is a topic deserving of its own book.Fih, it’s not a blank permission slip to use any

    of these enchanted items in your game. Some ofthe items listed in the book are powerful, with highActive Point costs, and may not be appropriate forevery campaign. e GM should approve the use ofany enchanted items from this book.

    Sixth, and most importantly, this book isnot a straitjacket. You can oen build a particu-lar enchanted item two or more ways using theHERO System rules, so don’t let the fact that thisbook chooses a particular method deter you fromdoing something else if you prefer. Rarely, if ever, isthere an “official” way to build any given item usingthe HERO System. e options provided for eachenchanted item oen describe alternate ways ofcreating it to help spur your imagination.


    To make this book as easy to use as possible, itdescribes each enchanted item with a standard tem-plate. e information provided applies only to thestandard enchanted item; the options may have differ-ent areas of effect, ranges, END costs, and so forth.

    Name indicates the name of the enchanted item.


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    Enchanted Items

    You can, of course, rename it to suit your own char-acter if you prefer.

    Effect lists the basic game effect of the enchanted itemin simple terms: Energy Blast 8d6, Explosion; Deso-lidification; Telekinesis (30 STR). is tells you quicklywhat a enchanted item can do so you don’t have todelve into the full game write-up.

    Target describes who or what the enchanted itemaffects. A weapon usually indicates “One character”

    or the area covered due to the Area Of Effect  orExplosion Advantages. (Of course, sometimes evena “one character” attack can be Spread, or used withRapid Fire or Sweep to affect more than one target;a enchanted item’s shorthand description doesn’toverride the rules.) “Self” indicates the enchanteditem only works on the character using it (thoughit may still “affect” other characters; for example,other characters can perceive the effects of ShapeShi, even though it’s a “Self ” enchanted item.)

    Duration lists the duration of the enchanted item’seffect, typically Instant, Constant, or Persistent (seee HERO System 5th Edition, Revised, page 98).

    “Uncontrolled” indicates the enchanted item’s effecthas that Advantage.

    Range lists the range for the enchanted item.Ranged enchanted items usually have a range ininches (Active Points x 5” in most cases), but mayhave “LOS” (Line Of Sight) or RBS (Range BasedOn STR) range. “No Range” indicates the enchanteditem has No Range; “Self” that the enchanted itemonly affects the character using it; “Touch” that theenchanted item involves having to touch anothercharacter (which usually requires an Attack Roll).

    Charges or END Cost lists the enchanted item’sCharges, or its Endurance cost if it uses END.

    Breakability lists the object’s DEF (or, if it’s unbreak-able, specifies that instead).

    Swords and other weapons have a template entryof their own, STR Minimum. is tells you theStrength Minimum necessary to effectively wieldthe weapon (see page 478 of e HERO System 5th Edition, Revised  for more information).

    Description provides a (usually brief) textualdescription of the enchanted item. is sectionnotes any special rules or rules applications rel-evant to the enchanted item.

    Game Information is a full write-up of theenchanted item in game terms, including Active

    Point and Real Point costs. (If only one pointtotal is listed, that means the Active and RealPoint costs are the same.)

    Lastly, many enchanted items have Options listedbelow the game information. ese describe various standard ways to alter the enchanteditem to create a slightly different ability. Optionalenchanted items oen have their own namesrelated to the standard enchanted item’s name. Typ-ical options include “Strong” and “Weak” versions(built on more or fewer Active Points, or otherwisebetter or worse than normal), and versions withmore or fewer Charges.

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    6 ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans Hero System 5th Edition Revised

     A mulets are small, magical objectsdesigned to assist their wearer in somemanner. Most are “passively” helpful, andare created with defensive or movement

    applications in mind, though amulets with offen-sive powers do exist.

    A typical amulet is constructed from gem-stones or precious metals arranged into a mysticalpattern or to resemble a symbol. Most are worn ona necklace or bracelet manufactured from materialsof equitable value.

    Fetishes are amulets produced by nature-ori-ented spellcasters such as Shamans and Druids.

    Unlike true amulets, they’re often made fromunaltered items found in the wilderness such asfeathers, bones, or small stones. In many casesthe creator simply puts the items in a smallleather pouch, with the whole being enchanted tocreate the Fetish.

    Talismans are amulets created out of a single,extremely durable natural substance such as ahardwood, stone, or iron. e materials’ purity andstrength greatly enhance the power of the enchant-ments placed upon talismans, which are usuallycraed by the most powerful and knowledgeablewizards. ough there are some minor talismans,overall they’re the most powerful type of amulet.



    Effect: Combat Spellcasting (all spells);Magesight; Spell Augmentation

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/InstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 8 DEF

    Description: is bloodstone amulet has a some-

    what misleading name: it gives the wearer abilitiesthat are useful for a spellcaster in battle, not Areo-mancy spells. Specifically, it grants him increasedaccuracy with his spells in combat, the ability toperceive and identify different sorts of magic, andthe power to boost a single spell once per day.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power3  Amulet:  Combat Spellcasting (all spells) (12

    Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent (-2)4  Amulet:  Magesight (INT Roll), Discrimina-

    tory, Range, Sense (17 Active Points); OAF(-1), Independent (-2)

    3  Amulet:  Spell Augmentation (12 ActivePoints); OAF (-1), Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 10 points.


    Effect: Mind Control 10d6, TelepathicTarget: One characterDuration: InstantRange: LOSEND Cost: 4Defense: 20 DEF

    Description:  is greatly feared magical amulet,craed from gold set with a large rose quartz,allows its wear to take control of another person’smind. e Amulet’s magic is subtle; it lets its userissue his commands telepathically, reducing thechance others will realize the victim’s being men-tally controlled.

    Game Information:  Mind Control 10d6, Tele- pathic (+¼), Invisible Power Effects (FullyInvisible; +½), Reduced Endurance (½ END;+¼) (100 Active Points); IAF (-½), Indepen-dent (-2). Total cost: 29 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: Increase to Mind Control 12d6.120 Active Points; total cost 34 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to Mind Control 8d6. 80Active Points; total cost 23 points.

    3) Tiring Amulet: e wearer has to devote consid-erable mental effort to establishing control. RemoveReduced Endurance (½ END; +¼). 87 Active

    Points; total cost 25 points.


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    Enchanted Items ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans


    Effect: Summon eight 43-point Orcs, SlavishlyLoyal

    Target: N/A Duration: InstantRange: No RangeCharges: 1 ChargeDefense: 12 DEF

    Description:  is amulet, usually made of greenish

    stone but sometimes of iron or bronze, is carved tolook like eight interlocked orcish warriors. Whenthe user throws it on the ground and speaks thecommand word, it transforms into eight orcishwarriors (each armed with a longsword, a heavybow with 10 arrows, lamellar armor, and a mediumshield) who serve the character loyally. He mayonly summon the orcs once per day, though they’llperform the standard number of tasks for a Slav-ishly Loyal creature (character’s EGO/1) before vanishing. When they vanish, or when the characterchooses to dispense with their services for the day,the amulet reappears in the character’s hand. If oneof the orcs dies, he’s still in the amulet when next it

    appears, and can be Summoned again the next day.

    Game Information:  Summon eight 43-pointOrcs (see Monsters, Minions, And Maraud-ers,  page 77), Slavishly Loyal (+1) (48 ActivePoints); OAF (-1), Independent (-2), 1 Charge(-2). Total cost: 8 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: is improved version of theAmulet summons 16 orcish warriors. 58 ActivePoints; total cost 10 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: is weaker version of the Amuletonly summons 4 orcish warriors. 38 Active Points;

    total cost 6 points.3) Cursed Amulet: Most orcs deeply resent the exis-tence of this magical item. Upon occasion, an orcshaman or wizard gets his hands on one and modi-fies it to Summon antagonistic orcish warriors whoimmediately attack their summoner! Replace Slav-ishly Loyal (+1) with Hostile (-¾). 24 Active Points;total cost 3 points.


    Effect: Mind Control 20d6Target: 10” RadiusDuration: Constant (1 Hour)Range: No RangeCharges: 4Defense: 40 DEF

    Description:  When activated, this heart-shapedpendant creates a field around the wearer that

    causes anyone within it to fall hopelessly in lovewith him. e effect is relatively short-lived, how-ever, and fades either aer an hour. It can be usedonce per day.

    Game Information:  Mind Control 20d6, AreaOf Effect (10” Radius; +1) (200 Active Points);OAF (-1), Independent (-2), Set Effect; (only tomake victims fall in love with amulet’s wearer,and fades aer a maximum of 1 Hour; -1),No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1). Total cost: 31 points.


    1) Strong Amulet:Increase to 6 Charges (-¾). Totalcost: 30 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to Mind Control 15d6.150 Active Points; total cost 23 points.


    Effect: Telekinesis (20 STR); Drain STUN 2d6Target: One character or objectDuration: Constant/InstantRange: 150”/No RangeEND Cost: 0Defense: 6 DEF

    Description:  This quartz amulet grants thewearer the powers of a poltergeist to moveobjects without touching them and to attackpeople with an icy touch.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power11 Poltergeist Powers:  Multipower, 45-point

    reserve; all slots OAF (-1), Independent (-2)1u 1) Ghost Hands:  Telekinesis (20 STR),

    Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF (-1),Independent (-2)

    1u 2) Icy Touch:  Drain STUN 2d6, ReducedEndurance (0 END; +½); OAF (-1), Indepen-dent (-2)

    Total cost: 13 points.

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    8 ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans Hero System 5th Edition Revised



    Effect: Power Defense (20 points), Only VersusNecromancy And Undead Powers

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: Self

    END Cost: 0Defense: Unbreakable

    Description:  is amulet of onyx and silver protectsits wearer from the life-draining attacks of undeadcreatures such as wraiths and liches. It also protectshim from certain types of Necromancy spells, suchas Vampiric Touch and Wraithtouch.

    Game Information:  Power Defense (20 points)(20 Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent (-2),Only Versus Necromancy and Undead Powers(-1). Total cost: 4 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: Increase to Power Defense (30points). 30 Active Points; total cost 6 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to Power Defense (10points). 10 Active Points; total cost 2 points.


    Effect: Force Field (12 PD/12 ED), HardenedTarget: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 16 DEF

    Description:  This powerful amulet of shaped

    agate protects its wearer with an invisible shieldof mystic force.

    Game Information:  Force Field (12 PD/12 ED),Hardened (+¼), Invisible Power Effects (FullyInvisible; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END;+½), Persistent (+½) (78 Active Points); OAF(-1) Independent (-2). Total cost: 19 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: Increase to Force Field (15PD/15 ED). 97 Active Points; total cost 24 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to Force Field (8 PD/8ED). 52 Active Points; total cost 13 points.


    Effect: Invisibility to Sight and Mystic Groups,Only Versus Clairsentience

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 10 DEF

    Description:  is small amulet of clear quartz pro-

    tects its wearer from scrying spells such as D’ansif ’sSpell Of Far Sight, while at the same time alertinghim to the fact that someone’s trying to magically view him. When the Amulet detects an attemptat scrying its wearer, it glows red and becomeswarmer as a warning.

    Game Information:  Invisibility to Sight and Mystic Groups, Reduced Endurance (0 END;+½), Persistent (+½) (50 Active Points); OAF(-1), Independent (-2), Only Versus Clairsen-tience (-1) (total cost: 10 points) plus DetectScrying (Clairsentience) (PER Roll +6) (MysticSense Group) (9 Active Points); OAF (-1), Inde-

     pendent (-2), Linked (-½) (total cost: 2 points).Total cost: 12 points.


    Effect: Force Wall (7 PD/7 ED/6 Power Defense,2” long), Only Versus Undead

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfCharges: 6 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes

    eachDefense: 13 DEF

    Description:  When activated, this disk ofengraved velandi creates a circular wall of holyforce around its wearer that provides powerfulprotections against the undead. The wall has aradius of 2” and moves with the amulet’s wearer.It can be summoned six times each day for peri-ods of f ive minuets.

    Game Information:  Force Wall (7 PD/7 ED/6Power Defense, 2” long), 6 Continuing Chargeslasting 5 Minutes each (+¼) (65 Active Points);OAF (-1), Independent (-2), Only VersusUndead (-1), No Range (-½), Restricted Shape(2” circle around wearer; -¼), Self Only (-½).Total cost: 10 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: Increase to Force Wall (8 PD/8ED/8 Power Defense). 77 Active Points; total cost12 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to Force Wall (5 PD/5ED/4 Power Defense). 46 Active Points; total cost 7points.

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    Enchanted Items ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans


    Effect: Force Field (7 Sight Group Flash Defense/7 Mental Defense/7 Power Defense)

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 8 DEF

    Description:  is small copper amulet, craed in

    the shape of a shield, protects its wearer from manytypes of unusual attacks.

    Game Information:  Force Field (7 Sight GroupFlash Defense/7 Mental Defense/7 PowerDefense), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½),Persistent (+½) (42 Active Points); OAF (-1),Independent (-2). Total cost: 10 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: Increase to 9 points of defense ofeach type. 54 Active Points; total cost 13 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to 5 points of defense ofeach type. 30 Active Points; total cost 7 points.

    3) Unreliable Amulet: e Amulet’s protectiondoesn’t always work. Add Activation Roll 14- (-½).Total cost: 9 points.

    4) Amulet Of Safety: Even better than the Amuletof Resistance is the Amulet of Safety, which alsoprotects against mundane dangers. It’s shaped likea tiny pewter guard holding a halberd and shield.Change to: Force Field (7 PD/7 ED/7 Sight GroupFlash Defense/7 Mental Defense/7 Power Defense),Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½)(70 Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent (-2).Total cost: 17 points.

    AMULET OF THE THESPIAN’S DEMISEEffect: Simulate Death (EGO Roll +6); Life Support(Diminished Eating)

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 3 DEF

    Description:  is skull-shaped bone amulet allowsits wearer to feign death. To all appearances heseems do be dead: he can even go without eatingwhile the Amulet’s magic is in effect (though hestill needs to breathe). To activate the Amulet, thewearer must dramatically act out his own death,which requires a successful Acting Roll.

    Game Information:  Simulate Death (EGO Roll+6) (9 Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent(-2), Requires An Acting Roll (-½) (total cost: 2 points) plus Life Support (Diminished Eating:no need to eat) (3 Active Points); OAF (-1),Independent (-2), Linked (-½) (total cost: 1 point). Total cost: 3 points.


    Effect: Damage Resistance (4 PD/4 ED); DangerSense (immediate vicinity, any danger,sense); Mental Defense (6 points + EG0/5);Power Defense (6 points)

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: Self/Immediate VicinityEND Cost: 0

    Defense: 8 DEFDescription:  is darkly-glittering amulet protectsthe wearer from many types of harm, while alsowarning him of nearby dangers by becoming warmin direct proportion to the nature and proximity ofthe threat.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power1 Black Opal Amulet:  Damage Resistance (4

    PD/4 ED) (4 Active Points); OAF (-1), Inde-pendent (-2)

    1 Black Opal Amulet:  Mental Defense (6points + EG0/5) (6 Active Points); OAF (-1),

    Independent (-2)1 Black Opal Amulet:  Power Defense (6

    points) (6 Active Points); OAF (-1), Inde-pendent (-2)

    9 Warming Warning:  Danger Sense (immedi-ate vicinity, any danger, Function as a Sense)(INT Roll +6) (38 Active Points); OAF (-1),Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 12 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: Add Armor (3 PD/3 ED) (6Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent (-2). Totalcost 2 points; total cost of amulet 14 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Remove Danger Sense. Totalcost: 3 points.


    Effect: +10 CON, No Figured CharacteristicsTarget: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 4 DEF

    Description:  A character carrying this smalltalisman, which looks like an elaborately carvedpebble, withstands some effects of injury much

    more easily. The very first one was created bythe shaman Borgun, but he passed the secret onto many friends and followers, so they’re foundthroughout Ambrethel.

    Game Information: +10 CON (20 Active Points);OAF (-1), Independent (-2), No Figured Char-acteristics (-½). Total cost: 4 points.


    1) Strong Talisman: Increase to +15 CON. 30Active Points; total cost 7 points.

    2) Weak Talisman: Decrease to +5 CON. 10 ActivePoints; total cost 2 points.

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    10 ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans Hero System 5th Edition Revised


    Effect: Force Field (8 PD/8 ED/8 Mental Defense/8Power Defense), Only Versus Demons

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 10 DEF

    Description:  Created by black magicians whoregularly traffic with dark supernatural beings, thisamulet of sky-iron and silver offers extra protectionagainst demonic powers.

    Game Information:  Force Field (8 PD/8 ED/8 Mental Defense/8 Power Defense), ReducedEndurance (0 END; +½) (48 Active Points);OAF (-1), Independent (-2), Only Works Against Demons (-½). Total cost: 11 points.

    Options:1) Strong Amulet: Increase to Force Field (10PD/10 ED/10 Mental Defense/10 Power Defense).60 Active Points; total cost 13 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to Force Field (6 PD/6ED/6 Mental Defense/6 Power Defense). 36 ActivePoints; total cost 8 points.

    3) Unreliable Amulet: Black magicians don’tlike each other any more than anyone else does.Sometimes a particularly nasty warlock createsan unreliable amulet in the hopes of doomingone of his fellows. Add Activation Roll 11- (-1).Total cost: 9 points.


    Effect: Armor (4 PD)Target: SelfDuration: Constant (1 Turn)Range: SelfCharges: 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn eachDefense: 3 DEF

    Description:  Carved from the branch of an iron-wood tree, this talisman makes the wearer’s skin

    as hard as ironwood for a short period. When acti- vated, the talisman merges in with the wearer’s skin,making it impossible to take away (for this reason ittakes the OIF  Limitation, though when not in use itis Accessible).

    Game Information:  Armor (4 PD) (6 ActivePoints); OIF (-½), Independent (-2), 4 Con-tinuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-½). Totalcost: 1 point.


    1) Strong Talisman: Increase to Armor (6 PD). 9Active Points; total cost 2 points.

    2) Weak Talisman: Decrease to Armor (2 PD). 3Active Points; total cost 1 point.


    Effect: Life Support (Immunity: All diseases)Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 3 DEF

    Description:  Wearing this five-pointed copperpendant makes someone completely immune to alldiseases and disease-like attacks, such as the spellWitch’s Plague. If placed upon a character alreadysuffering from a disease, it suspends the effectsfor as long as the sufferer wears the Pentacle, butit does not cure the disease or reverse any effectsalready experienced.

    Game Information:  Life Support (Immunity:all diseases) (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), Inde- pendent (-2). Total cost: 2 points.

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    Enchanted Items ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans



    Effect: Teleportation 40”Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: 40”Charges: 1

    Defense: 16 DEFDescription:  By grasping this amulet and concen-trating, the wearer can Teleport up to 40”... but itonly works once per day, so most people who ownone tend to save it for getting out of dangerous situ-ations (hence its name).

    Game Information:  Teleportation 40” (80 Active Points); OAF (-1) , Extra Time (alwaystakes Full Phase no matter how far charac-ter Teleports; -½), Gestures (must grasp andhold amulet; -¼), Independent (-2), No Non-combat movement (-¼), 1 Charge (-2). Totalcost: 11 points.

    Options:1) Strong Amulet: Increase to 4 Charges (-1). Totalcost: 13 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to Teleportation 20”. 40Active Points; total cost 6 points.


    Effect: Flight 6”, Only To Move Straight UpTarget: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 4 DEF

    Description:  is fetish, made from the feather ofan eagle, allows the user to ride the wind spirits andrise through the air.

    Game Information:  Flight 6”, Reduced Endur-ance (0 END; +½) (18 Active Points); OAFFragile (-1¼), Independent (-2), Levitation(only allows straight up and down movement;-½). Total cost: 4 points.


    1) Strong Fetish: is more powerful talismanallows its user to glide along with the winds insteadof simply rising upwards. Remove Levitation (-½).

    Total cost: 4 points.2) Weak Fetish: is less powerful version ofthe talisman tires the user out. Remove ReducedEndurance (0 END; +½). 12 Active Points; totalcost 2 points.


    Effect: Extra-Dimensional Movement (any locationin any dimension)

    Target: 2” RadiusDuration: InstantRange: No RangeCharges: 1Defense: Unbreakable

    Description:  is magnificently-engraved azurite

    talisman is one of the rarest enchanted items inall of Ambrethel. ere are probably no more thanfour currently in existence, all of them hand-carvedand enchanted by the legendary wizard Stelrane.Once per day a Stone can magically transport asmall group of characters to any location in anyplane of the Multiverse. e user must verballyspecify the exact location and dimension desired toactivate the Stone.

    Game Information:  Extra-Dimensional Move-ment (any dimension, any location), x8Increased Mass (60 Active Points); OAF (-1),Independent (-2), Incantations (-¼), 1 Charge

    (-2). Total cost: 10 points.


    Effect: Multiform (shape change into eightdifferent animals of 204 points or less)

    Target: SelfDuration: ConstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: Unbreakable

    Description: is ironwood talisman (whichchanges shape to match the shape of its wearer)gives its wearer the ability to change shape intoeight animal forms useful for moving quickly andeffectively in different environments: horse, chee-tah, eagle, dolphin, mountain goat, fox, alligator,and polar bear. e wearer need simply say (orbark) the name of the desired form to instantlyshi into it.

    Game Information:  Multiform (eight animals forms built on up to 204 points), Instant Change(61 Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent (-2),Incantations (-¼). Total cost: 14 points.


    1) Strong Talisman: Increase to 16 forms (add mole,shark, dog, deer, rat, serpent, owl, and spider). 66

    Active Points; total cost 15 points.2) Weak Talisman: Decrease to four forms (removecheetah, fox, mountain goat, and polar bear). Totalcost: 13 points.

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    12 ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans Hero System 5th Edition Revised



    Effect: Animal Friendship; Beast SpeechTarget: One AnimalDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0

    Defense: 4 DEFDescription:  is fetish, made from tiny animalbones, grants its wearer the speech and friendshipof one specific type of animal. Common choicesinclude wolves, crows, horses, bears, and raccoons.

    Game Information: 

    Cost Power4 Beast Fetish:  Animal Friendship (20 Active

    Points); OAF Fragile (-1¼), Independent (-2), Only Works On One Type Of Animal (-1)

    3 Beast Fetish:  Beast Speech (15 Active Points);OAF Fragile (-1¼), Independent (-2), OnlyWorks On One Type Of Animal (-1)

    Total cost: 7 points.


    1) Strong Fetish: is improved Fetish grants itswearer the speech and friendship of all animals.Remove Only Works On One Type Of Animal (-1)from both abilities. Total cost 5 + 3 = 8 points.


    Effect: Summon one 405-point ghost; DetectSpirits

    Target: Special/SelfDuration: Instant/PersistentRange: No Range/SelfEND Cost: 18/0Defense: 18 DEF

    Description:  is fetish of human finger bones and

    grave dirt soaked in rum grants its wearer the abil-ity to summon and speak with the spirits of thedead. Should he wish, he can even conjure a single,specific individual! He can also use the fetish toperceive spirits where they dwell: for example, ina graveyard. He cannot compel service from thespirit he summons, or even force them to conversewith him (though they generally will). Using theSpirit Fetish consumes a great deal of energy; onlythe strongest of characters can use it more thanonce in a short period of time.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power35 Spirit Fetish:  Summon one 405-point ghost,

    Expanded Class (any ghost; +¼), SpecificBeing (see text; +1) (182 Active Points); OAFFragile (-1¼), Independent (-2), No Tasks(ghost will, at most, talk with user; -1)

    7 Spirit Fetish:  Detect Spirits (INT Roll +6)(no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Range,Targeting (31 Active Points); OAF Fragile(-1¼), Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 42 points.


    1) Strong Fetish: is improved version of theFetish allows its user to force or persuade the ghost

    to perform tasks. Remove No Tasks (-1). Total costof Summon 43 points; total cost of Fetish 50 points.

    2) Weak Fetish: is form of the Fetish onlyallows the wearer to perceive spirits. Remove theSummon. Total cost: 7 points.


    Effect: Universal Translator (INT Roll +5)Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 5 DEF

    Description:  When worn, this amulet allows thewearer to understand virtually any form of speech(and respond in kind), or to read and write virtu-ally any type of script. At the GM’s option it maynot work on scripts protected by magical spells,ancient tongues never spoken by Man, or the like.

    Game Information:  Universal Translator (INTRoll +5); OAF (-1), Independent (-2). Totalcost: 6 points.

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    Enchanted Items ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans


    Effect: Detect Monetary Value, Weight, andMeasure; +4 with Conversation,Persuasion, and Trading; Shape Shift

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/ConstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 20 DEF

    Description:  e Wizards’ Guild of Aarn createsthese powerful talismans for use by its city’s foreigntrade representatives. Shaped like small, humanoidfigurines, they’re made from the purest copper thatmust be harvested from the earth by the enchanterhimself. e Talisman grants its wearer the powerto determine the exact dimension, weight, and value of trade goods, gives him improved commu-nication abilities, and makes him more charismatic.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power5 Know e Value:  Detect Monetary Value

    (INT +6) (no Sense Group), Discriminatory,

    Analyze (21 Active Points); OAF (-1), Inde-pendent (-2)

    5 Know e Weight:  Detect Weight and Mea-sure (INT Roll +6) (no Sense Group), Dis-criminatory, Analyze (21 Active Points); OAF(-1), Independent (-2)

    3 Witty Repartee:  +4 with Conversation, Per-suasion, and Trading (12 Active Points); OAF(-1), Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 13 points.


    Effect: Bump of Direction

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/ConstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 3 DEF

    Description:  This small fetish contains somemagnetic iron, pigeon feathers, and other juju ina small leather pouch. Its user need only suspendit in the air by one hand and think about thedirection he wants to go in, and the fetish willtug him in that direction.

    Game Information:  Bump of Direction (3 ActivePoints); OAF Fragile (-1¼), Independent (-2),

    Gestures (-¼). Total cost: 1 point.



    Effect: +10 INT and Mental Defense (10 points+ EGO/5)

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: Self

    END Cost: 0Defense: 3 DEF

    Description:  is amulet, usually made of silverand amber, heightens the wearer’s mental faculties.He becomes more observant, more insightful, andmore intelligent. Additionally, the amulet providesprotection against Sorcery.

    Game Information:  +10 INT (10 Active Points);OAF (-1), Independent (-2) (total cost: 2 points)  plus Mental Defense (10 points + EGO/5) (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent (-2)(total cost: 2 points). Total cost: 4 points.


    1) Strong Clear Mind Amulet: Increase both INTand Mental Defense to 15 points each. 15 + 15 = 30Active Points; total cost 8 points.

    2) Weak Clear Mind Amulet: Decrease to both INTand Mental Defense to 5 points each. 5 + 5 = 10Active Points; total cost 2 points.


    Effect: Shape Shift to Sight, Hearing,and Touch Groups

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: Self

    END Cost: 0Defense: 12 DEF

    Description:  e wearer of this amulet can changeshape to look like any other humanoid, even imi-tating specific persons’ appearance exactly. But theAmulet itself does not change form — it alwaysremains a large, expertly cut ruby hanging from anecklace of thick gold bands shaped like interlock-ing human hands. us, should the wearer comein contact with a character who has KS: EnchantedItems (or even one who’s simply quite observant),his secret may be revealed.

    Game Information:  Shape Shi (Sight, Hearing

    and Touch Groups, any humanoid form), Imi-tation, Instant Change, Reduced Endurance (0END; +½) (61 Active Points); OAF (-1), Inde- pendent (-2). Total cost: 15 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: is more powerful version ofthe Amulet changes with its wearer. Replace OAF(-1) with IAF (-½). Total cost: 17 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: is less powerful version of theAmulet does not change the character’s form asto the Hearing and Touch Sense Groups; thus, byspeaking or shaking hands a character risks givinghimself away. 52 Active Points; total cost 13 points.

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    14 ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans Hero System 5th Edition Revised


    Effect: +5 with Wizardry, Arcanomancy, and Areomancy

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 3 DEF

    Description:  This silver amulet in the shape of a

    pentagram grants its user increased ability withthe magical schools of Wizardry, Arcanomancy,and Areomancy.

    Game Information:  +5 with Wizardry, Arcano-mancy, and Areomancy (15 Active Points); OAF(-1), Independent (-2). Total cost: 4 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: Increase to +7 with Wizardry,Arcanomancy, and Areomancy. 21 Active Points;total cost 5 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to +3 with Wizardry,Arcanomancy, and Areomancy. 9 Active Points;

    total cost 2 points.


    Effect: Endurance Reserve (150 END, 15 REC)Target: SelfDuration: ConstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 6 DEF

    Description:  This amulet provides additionalenergy for magic spells. So long as it remains incontact with a wizard’s skin, he can draw mysti-cal power from it.

    Game Information:  Endurance Reserve (150END, 15 REC) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1),Independent (-2). Total cost: 7 points.


    1) Strong Amulet: Increase to Endurance Reserve(200 END, 20 REC). 40 Active Points; total cost10 points.

    2) Weak Amulet: Decrease to Endurance Reserve(100 END, 10 REC). 20 Active Points; total cost5 points.


    Effect: Shape Shift (Sight and Touch Groups;any tree shape)

    Target: SelfDuration: ConstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 20 DEF

    Description:  is crudely-carved oak talisman

    grants its wearer the power to change his shape tothat of any tree. e tree-form must be at least thewearer’s size, but can be any size up to eight timeshis normal size. Additionally, the wearer gainsimmense strength and toughness, but becomesconsiderably easier to hit.

    Game Information:  Shape Shi (Sight andTouch Groups, any tree), Reduced Endurance(0 END; +½) (34 Active Points); OAF (-1),Independent (-2) (total cost: 8 points)  plus Growth (+45 STR, +9 BODY, +9 STUN, -9”KB, 51,200 kg, -6 DCV, +6 PER Rolls to per-ceive character, 16 m tall, 8 m wide), Reduced

    Endurance (0 END; +½) (67 Active Points);OAF (-1), Independent (-2), Linked (-¼) (totalcost: 16 points). Total cost: 24 points.


    Effect: Luck 3d6Target: One characterDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 3 DEF

    Description:  e special fetish bag filled with clover,a rabbit’s foot, and garnets grants luck to its wearer.

    Game Information: Luck 3d6 (15 Active Points);OAF Fragile (-1¼), Independent (-2). Totalcost: 3 points


    1) Strong Fetish: Increase to Luck 4d6. 20 ActivePoints; total cost 5 points.

    2) Weak Fetish: Decrease to Luck 2d6. 10 ActivePoints; total cost 2 points.


    Effect: +15 PRE, Only Works With CommandSpirits Spell

    Target: One spirit

    Duration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 3 DEF

    Description:  is small bag of bird skulls, grubs, andtiny bones helps its wearer impress and cow spirits.

    Game Information:  +15 PRE (15 Active Points);OAF Fragile (-1¼), Independent (-2), OnlyWorks With e Command Spirits Spell (-1½).Total cost: 3 points.

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    Enchanted Items ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans


    Effect: Concealment, Lockpicking, SecuritySystems, Stealth, Climbing, andCryptography (Translation Only)

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 5 DEF

    Description:  is onyx disk bearing the seal ofForgil, god of thieves, grants its wearer all of thepowers and skills specifically associated with dun-geon-delving adventurer-rogues. It’s a particularlypopular item for adventuring groups comprisedprimarily of wizards, who (with good reason) oendistrust actual thieves.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power5 Talisman Of e Rogue: Multipower, 19-point

    reserve; all slots OAF (-1), Independent (-2)1u 1) Concealment (INT Roll +6); OAF (-1),

    Independent (-2)

    1u 2) Lockpicking (DEX Roll +6); OAF (-1),Independent (-2)

    1u 3) Security Systems (INT Roll +6); OAF (-1),Independent (-2)

    1u 4) Stealth (DEX Roll +6); OAF (-1), Inde-pendent (-2)

    1u 5) Climbing (DEX Roll +6); OAF (-1), Inde-pendent (-2)

    1u 6) Cryptography (INT Roll +6); OAF (-1),Independent (-2), Translation Only (-½)

    Total cost: 11 points.


    Effect: Aid Magic 4d6, Force Field (15 PD/15ED/15 Mental Defense/15 PowerDefense), both only for arcane magics

    Target: SelfDuration: Instant/PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: Unbreakable

    Description:  ese incredibly rare and valuableobjects — usually, but not always, in the shape of anamulet-like disk made of an unidentifiable metalengraved with obscure magical runes — were madethousands of years ago by the Arch-Wizard Run-cifer. A Talisman of Runcifer not only augments

    the owner’s magical powers, it provides him withpotent protection against other wizards’ spells.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power38  Arcane Augmentation:  Aid Magic 4d6, all

    Magic spells and powers simultaneously(+2), Delayed Return Rate (points fade atthe rate of 5 per 6 Hours; +1¼) (170 ActivePoints); OAF (-1), Independent (-2), OnlyApplies To Arcane Magics (-½)

    24  Arcane Abjuration:  Force Field (15 PD/15ED/15 Mental Defense/15 Power Defense),Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent

    (+½) (120 Active Points); OAF (-1), Inde-pendent (-2), Only Versus Limited Type OfAttacks (arcane magic attacks; -1)

    Total cost: 62 points.


    Effect: Desolidification; Invisibility to Sight GroupTarget: SelfDuration: Constant

    Range: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense:

    Description: Created by the sorcerer-priest ra’gûl,these strangely shaped bits of blue-white stoneallow the user to step outside normal space, render-ing him temporarily intangible and invisible. euser has only to knead the Talisman in his handfor its magic to take effect; the moment he stopskneading it, he instantly returns to normal space.

    Game Information:  Desolidification (affectedby ûnese Magic), Reduced Endurance (0END; +½) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), Inde-

     pendent (-2), Gestures (throughout; -½) (totalcost: 13 points) plus Invisibility to Sight Group,No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)(45 Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent (-2),Gestures (throughout; -½), Linked (-½) (totalcost: 9 points). Total cost: 22 points.


    1) Strong Talisman: is version of the Talismancarries an extremely powerful enchantment. AddDifficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +¼). 70 + 52= 112 Active Points; total cost 15 + 10 = 25 points.

    2) Weak Talisman: A character using this weaker version of the talisman is easier to see. Remove No

    Fringe. Total cost: 19 points.


    Effect: +30 PRE, Only Versus Demons And TheUndead

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 6 DEF

    Description:  Craed by the wizards of ûn, andclosely associated with their dark sorceries and evilschemes, this talisman confers power over infernal

    beings and the undead (whom ûnese spellcastersoen use as servants).

    Game Information:  +30 PRE (30 ActivePoints); OAF (-1), Independent (-2), OnlyVersus Demons And The Undead (-¾). Totalcost: 6 points.


    1) Strong Talisman: Increase to +40 PRE. 40 ActivePoints; total cost 8 points.

    2) Weak Talisman: Decrease to +20 PRE. 20 ActivePoints; total cost 4 points.

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    16 ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans Hero System 5th Edition Revised



    Effect: Teleportation 3”, MegaScale, No Con-scious Control

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: Self

    END Cost: 0Defense: Unbreakable

    Description:  Kobellus, the whimsical Oormali godof streets, created this artifact for reasons knownto no mortal man. e Amulet is an intricately-worked bit of alabaster carved into the shape of atiny map of Ambrethel. Most of the time it doesabsolutely nothing — it doesn’t even radiate magicwhen examined, it just seems to be a beautiful, valuable, delightfully wearable piece of jewelry. Yetevery time its wearer walks down the road in a city,he runs the risks of being randomly teleported toa different street in another city. us, a merchantwearing the Amulet of Kobellus might be walkingdown the Street of the Blacksmiths in Aarn, only tofind himself suddenly transported to an orc-and-zombie-filled mud road in Gorgashtar!

    Game Information:  Teleportation 3”, InvisiblePower Effects (to Detect Magic; +¼), Mega-Scale (anywhere in Ambrethel, can be scaleddown to 1” = 1 km; +1½), Reduced Endur-ance (0 END; +½) (19 Active Points); OAF(-1), Independent (-2), No Conscious Control(whenever and wherever the GM finds amus-ing; -2). Total cost: 3 points.


    Effect: Detect Evil, Undead, Demons, andDemonhanded plus Turn Undead plusForce Wall with Linked RKA 10d6, OnlyWorks Against The Undead

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/ConstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: Unbreakable

    Description:  This priceless magical artifactappears to be little more than a small, goldenchicken egg attached to an inordinately longchain. In fact, it was the prized magical weapon

    of the influential First Epoch historian and reli-gious scholar Ilfarin the Blessed. Shortly beforethe Skyfather took him directly to Elysiumto serve as the Historian of the Meru Moun-tains, Ilfarin placed most of his power into thePendulum, entrusting it to the High Church’sBonifact for safe keeping. It has remained one ofthe primary symbols of that sacred office eversince, and is currently the property of His Holi-ness Santarin of Mezendria. With the threat ofKal-Turak looming on the horizon, it’s rumoredthe Pendulum remains ever near his bejeweledhand. It’s also said the artifact is one of the fewenchanted items the Ravager fears.

    e Pendulum grants several powers to itswielder, the least of which are the ability to detect evil,undead, and demonic creatures. It provides consid-erable protections against attacks made by demonsand the undead, which it can also be used to banishor destroy. But by far its greatest power is to causedeadly pain to demonic and undead creatures. Whenswung around the head of its wielder like a sling,the Pendulum creates a field of divine energy utterly

    fatal to those foul creatures. e field can destroy evilcreatures such as vampires outright, and even someminor Scarlet Gods like Demica (the goddess ofdisease) are thought to fear it. e Pendulum is, how-ever, utterly harmless to goodly beings of any type.

    Ilfarin’s Pendulum is one of the most power-ful magical artifacts in Ambrethel; the GM shouldseriously consider whether it’s in the interest of hiscampaign to allow it into play. If so, remember thatthe artifact’s power comes directly from the Sky-father — any  actions taken by a character thatwould displease the god of justice, truth, law, andorder will cause the Pendulum’s powers to stopworking immediately until the possessor redeems

    himself in Kilbern’s eyes.Game Information:

    Cost Power9 Ilfarin’s Senses:  Detect Evil, Undead,

    Demons, And Demonhanded (INT Roll + 6)(no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Analyze,Range (41 Active Points); OAF (-1), Indepen-dent (-2), Only When Serving the Skyfather’sPurposes (-½)

    3 Ilfarin’s Holiness:  Turn Undead; OAF (-1),Independent (-2)

    283  Ilfarin’s Holy Shield And Smite:  Force Wall(15 PD/15 ED/10 Mental Defense/10 Power

    Defense; 2” long), Reduced Endurance (0 END;+½), Persistent (+½) (254 Active Points); OAF(-1), Independent (-2), No Range (-½), OnlyWhen Serving the Skyfather’s Purposes (-½),Only Works Against Undead, Demons, andDemonhanded (-½), Restricted Shape (circlearound wielder; -¼), Self Only (-½) (total cost:42 points) plus RKA 10d6, Continuous (+1),Damage Shield (does damage to targets struckin HTH Combat; +¾), Reduced Endurance (0END; +½), Persistent (+½) (562 Active Points);OAF (-1), Gestures (must swing pendulumaround one’s head throughout use; -½), Inde-pendent (-2), Linked (to Force Wall; -¼), Only

    Versus Undead, Demons, and Demonhanded(-½), Only When Serving e Skyfather’s Pur-poses (-½) (total cost: 98 points) plus RKA10d6, BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1),Does BODY (+1), Mental Damage Shield (+½),Continuous (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END;+½), Persistent (+½) (825 Active Points); OAF(-1), Gestures (must swing pendulum aroundone’s head throughout use; -½), Independent(-2), Linked (to Force Wall; -¼), Only VersusUndead, Demons, and Demonhanded (-½),Only When Serving e Skyfather’s Purposes(-½) (total cost: 143 points)

    Total cost: 295 points.

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    Enchanted Items ■ Amulets, Fetishes, And Talismans


    Effect: Aid Divine Magic 4d6; Force Field (15PD/15 ED/15 Mental Defense/15 PowerDefense) versus Divine Magic; Extra-Dimensional Movement (to Elysium orthe Netherworld)

    Target: SelfDuration: Instant/Persistent/InstantRange: Self

    END Cost: 0Defense: Unbreakable

    Description:  is enchanted item looks like a holytalisman to an unknown god. In its original form,it was apparently in the shape of the god himself— a tall, humanoid being of noble bearing but vague facial features — but at some point in thepast, it was twisted by a being of immense strength,in much the same way that a Man twists a towel towring out water.

    e Talisman has several powers, all of whichseem to involve the awesomely powerful divinemagic it possesses (even laymen can sense its holypower). First, it augments the divine magic spells

    cast by its owner. Each day, the GM rolls the Aidpower, and the effect applies to all of the owner’sdivine magic spells and powers during that day.Second, it protects the wearer from divine magicused against him (though this has the downsideof making it difficult to use divine healing-spellson the owner). Some scholars who have studiedthe Talisman believe this is a new power, one thatresulted from the “twisting” of the Talisman (whichmay have warped some of its powers). ird, theTalisman can transport its owner to either Ely-sium or the Netherworld upon command (thoughthe denizens of those realms may not necessarilyappreciate frequent visitors).

    He who possesses the Talisman must keep itwith him at all times (usually by carrying it in apocket, or attaching it to a thong and wearing itaround the neck). If he takes it off or puts it awayfrom himself, it vanishes, never to be seen again

    until someone else finds it — and no one can predictwhere it will go when it disappears. (e same thingoccurs if the owner tries to “turn off” or not useone of the Talisman’s powers.) is has caused it tochange hands dozens of times during the history ofAmbrethel. It was first found in 1435 FE in the ruinsof Iluria by a High Church priestess named o-raina, but she had it only a few days before it van-ished. Since then, it’s been owned by kings, adven-

    turers, commoners, nobles, heretics, and people of virtually every race on Ambrethel. Aer vanishing,it’s apparently appeared in kings’ vaults, locations in various ruins, treasure chests in the Sunless Realms,on the ground in the Gorthundan Steppes, on theroofs of tall towers, and many other places. Its lastconfirmed owner was the Eltiriani priest Angalacin 4817 SE, but he had to give it up when he neededhealing-magic to save his life aer suffering a badfall, and it hasn’t been found since.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power27 Divine Augmentation:  Aid Divine Magic 4d6,

    all Divine Magic spells and powers simulta-neously (+2), Delayed Return Rate (pointsfade at the rate of 5 per Day; +1½) (180Active Points); OAF (-1), Independent (-2),All Points Fade At e End Of e Day (-¼),Self Only (-½), 1 Charge (-2)

    25 Priestbane Shield:  Force Field (15 PD/15ED/15 Mental Defense/15 Power Defense),Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent(+½) (120 Active Points); OAF (-1), AlwaysOn (-½), Independent (-2), Only WorksAgainst Limited Type Of Attack (divinemagic; -¼)

    10 e Gate To Heaven And Hell:  Extra-Dimen-

    sional Movement (to any location in Elysiumor the Netherworld), Reduced Endurance(0 END; +½) (52 Active Points); OAF (-1),Independent (-2), 1 Charge (-2)

    Total cost: 62 points.

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    18 ■ Armor, Helms, And Gauntlets Hero System 5th Edition Revised

     A rmor is protective clothing designed toshield its wearer from physical harmduring combat. Used by fighting menthroughout recorded history, it’s been con-

    structed from hide, bone, specially-treated leather,seashells, bronze rings, copper coins, iron scales,and steel plates — basically whatever sturdy, rigidsubstance its creator could acquire. In its mostprimitive form, small sections of these materialsare sewn onto cloth or leather clothing, but in moreadvanced cultures these materials are shaped into joined mails or segmented plates by specializedsmiths known as armorers.

    In Ambrethel, nearly every sort of armor isused; but the most ubiquitous variety is chain-mail. In hotter, wetter regions (such as the HliathaJungle), fighting men prefer lighter armors madefrom Cuir-Bouilli and giant turtle shells. Rogues,rangers, and others who favor silence and speedover protection tend to favor leather armors. Butfor the average adventurer, mercenary, or soldier,the economy, relative comfort, and (comparatively)light weight of chainmail makes it ideal for day-to-day use. Most traveling Westerlands warriorsdon a long-sleeved hauberk (or shirt) of mail, mailchaps that buckle with leather straps down theinside of the legs, heavy leather gloves, and basinet(a light, open faced helmet). In game terms, thedefault protectiveness of any armor in this sectionof Enchanted Items is that of chainmail (6 PD/6ED) because it’s the standard to which all others arecompared.

    In times of war, however, wealthier warriorsoen switch to plate mail: large, heavy plates ofsteel that link together with leather straps to forma suit. is armor — essentially the ultimate inmundane personal protection — is extraordinarilyexpensive and difficult to maintain, so it’s oenhanded down from father to son for generations.Enchanted plate armor is almost as common in

    some places as enchanted chainmail, since it’salready made from fine materials for people withmoney to spend.

    Unless otherwise specified, enchanted suits ofarmors are designed for human-sized wearers, butthey can magically adjust size to fit other wearers.Suits of enchanted armor described as being specif-ically for a certain race are an exception; they don’tchange size to accomodate the wearer.

    Unless purchased with Limitations Real Armor  and Mass, enchanted armor requires no maintenanceand weighs almost nothing when worn (although ishas the normal mass of a mundane suit of armor ofthe same variety when carried). Furthermore, unlessotherwise specified, enchanted armor remains “new”looking throughout its life, regardless of how ancientit may become. When it become dirty, the dirt is easilyremoved; when it suffers minor dents and scrapesit slowly “repairs” itself until it looks normal (moresevere damage requires repairs by a blacksmith orwizard). ese two qualities alone make enchantedarmor extremely valuable to a working warrior, even ifthe armor provides no more protection than normal.


    Effect: Armor (11 PD/11 ED), Aid STR 3d6,Teleportation 20”, and Telescopic (+12versus Range Modifier) for Sight Group

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/Instant/Instant/PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0/3 Charges/2 Charges/0Defense: 11 DEF

    Description:  Created by King Ansgar of Khrisu-lia, sometimes known as Ansgar the Twice-Lived,to give to those he favors or supports, one of

    these suits of plate armor not only protects thewearer to an even greater degree than ordinaryplate, it provides several other magical powers.First, it can make the wearer stronger three timesa day. Second, it allows the wearer to teleporthimself up to 130 feet twice a day. Third, as longas the wearer has the helmet on, it gives him thekeen eyesight of an eagle.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power8  Ansgar’s Armor (Protection): Armor (11

    PD/11 ED) (33 Active Points); OIF (-½),Mass (Half Mass; -½), Independent (-2)

    8  Ansgar’s Armor (Enchanted Strength):  AidSTR 3d6, Trigger (spoken command word;+¼) (37 Active Points); OIF (-½), Indepen-dent (-2), 3 Charges (-1¼)

    9  Ansgar’s Armor (Wizardwalking):  Teleporta-tion 20”, Trigger (spoken command word;+¼) (50 Active Points); OIF (-½), Indepen-dent (-2), No Noncombat Movement (-¼), 2Charges (-1½)

    5  Ansgar’s Armor (Helmet Of Eagle’s Sight): Telescopic (+12 versus Range Modifier) forSight Group (18 Active Points); OIF (-½),Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 30 points.


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    Enchanted Items ■ Armor, Helms, And Gauntlets


    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (15 PD/15ED). at power has 45 Active Points, total cost 11points; total cost of the armor 33 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (7 PD/7 ED).at power has 21 Active Points, total cost 5 points;total cost of the armor 27 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to the

    Armor power. at power has 41 Active Points, totalcost 10 points; total cost of the armor 32 points.

    4) Heavy/Real Armor: Add Mass (Normal Mass;-1) and Real Armor (-¼) to the Armor power. atpower has a total cost of 7 points; total cost of thearmor 29 points.

    5) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Half Mass;-½) from the Armor power. at power has a totalcost of 9 points; total cost of the armor 31 points.


    Effect: Armor (10 PD/10 ED); Force Field(10 PD/10 ED/10 Mental Defense/10 Power Defense)

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 10 DEF

    Description:  Made specifically for battle-magesto protect them from enemy spellcasters, thisextremely fine suit of sculpted plate armor hasmagical symbols engraved upon its surface thatglow with a so blue light. When the Armor isstruck by hostile spells, they sputter angrily withdripping blue energy.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power8  Armor Of Arcanomancy:  Armor

    (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-½),Independent (-2)

    15  Armor Of Arcanomancy:   Force Field (10PD/10 ED/10 Mental Defense/10 PowerDefense), Reduced Endurance (0 END;+½) (60 Active Points); OIF (-½), Indepen-dent (-2), Only Versus Magic Spells AndPowers (-½)

    Total cost: 23 points


    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (14 PD/14ED), Force Field (14 PD/14 ED/14 MentalDefense/14 Power Defense) 126 Active Points;total cost 33 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (6 PD/6 ED),Force Field (6 PD/6 ED/6 Mental Defense/6 PowerDefense). 54 Active Points; total cost: 14 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to bothArmor and Force Field. 37 + 70 = 107 ActivePoints; total cost 11 + 17 = 28 points.

    4) Heavy/Real Armor: Add Mass (Normal Mass; -1)and Real Armor (-¼) to Armor power. Total cost 6points; total cost of armor 21 points.


    Effect: Armor (11 PD/11 ED); Growth (32 m tall)Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/ConstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 11 DEF

    Description:  e wearer of this plate armor can, atwill, grow to a height of as much as 32 meters (105

    feet). While at that height, he also becomes incred-ibly strong and much tougher — but also easier tohit. A wearer can choose to remain enlarged for aslong as he likes.

    Game Information:  Armor (11 PD/11 ED)(33 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent(-2), Mass (Normal Mass; -1), Real Armor (-¼)(total cost: 7 points) plus Growth (+60 STR,+12 BODY, +12 STUN, -12” KB, 409,600 kg, -8DCV, +8 PER Rolls to perceive character, 32 mtall, 16 m wide), Reduced Endurance (0 END;+½) (90 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent(-2), Linked (Armor; -¼) (total cost: 24 points).

    Total cost: 31 points.Options:

    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (15 PD/15ED). 45 + 90 = 135 Active Points; total cost 9 + 24= 33 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (7 PD/7 ED).21 + 91 = 111 Active Points; total cost 4 + 24 =28 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to theArmor power. 41 + 90 = 131 Active Points; totalcost 9 + 24 = 33 points.

    4) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Normal

    Mass; -1) and Real Armor (-¼). 33 = 90 = 123Active Points; total cost 9 + 24 = 33 points

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    20 ■ Armor, Helms, And Gauntlets Hero System 5th Edition Revised


    Effect: Armor (7 PD/7 ED)Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 7 DEF

    Description:  Designed specifically and exclusivelyfor Drakine warriors and priests, this exquisitely

    craed brigandine gives the wearer the ability tospeak with dragons. Not only can he communicatewith them through his mind alone, but also theyregard him with much greater respect than theynormally would (and dragons look with morefavor upon the Drakine than any other humanoidrace to begin with).

    Game Information:

    Cost Power5  Armor Of e Firstborn:  Armor (7 PD/7 ED)

    (21 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent(-2), Mass (Half Mass; -½)

    9 Communication With e Firstborn:  Mind

    Link (any four draconic minds) (20 ActivePoints); OIF (-½), Independent (-2) (totalcost: 6 points ) plus +20 PRE (20 ActivePoints); OIF (-½), Independent (-2), Linked(Mind Link; -½), Only Works With/AgainstDragons (-2) (total cost: 3 points)

    Total cost: 14 points.


    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (9 PD/9 ED).27 + 20 + 20 = 67 Active Points; total cost 7 + 6 + 3= 16 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (5 PD/5 ED).

    15 + 20 + 20 = 55 Active Points; total cost 4 + 6 + 3= 13 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to theArmor power. 26 + 20 + 20 = 66 Active Points; totalcost 6 + 6 + 3 = 15 points.

    4) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Half Mass;-½). 21 + 20 + 20 = 61 Active Points; total cost 6 + 6+ 3 = 15 points.

    5) Heavy/Real Armor: Change to Mass (NormalMass; -1) and add Real Armor (-¼). 21 + 20 + 20 =61 Active Points; total cost 4 + 6 + 3 = 13 points.


    Effect: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); Simplified Healing 4d6,Trigger

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/InstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 7 DEF

    Description:  is suit of plate and chain comes

    with an unusual enchantment — once per day, itcan heal wounds the character has suffered in spiteof wearing it! e wearer can activate the healing-spell at will.

    Game Information:  Armor (7 PD/7 ED) (21 Active Points); OIF (-½), Mass (Half Mass;-½), Independent (-2) (total cost: 5 points)  plus  Simplified Healing 4d6, Trigger (mentalcommand; +¼) (50 Active Points); OIF (-½),Self Only (-½), Independent (-2), 1 Charge (-2)(total cost: 8 points). Total cost: 13 points.


    1) Strong Armor:Increase to Armor (9 PD/9 ED),Simplified Healing 5d6. 27 + 50 Active Points; total

    cost 7 + 10 = 17 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (5 PD/5 ED),Simplified Healing 3d6. 15 + 37 Active Points; totalcost 4 + 6 = 10 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to theArmor power. 26 + 50 Active Points; total cost 6 + 8= 14 points.

    4) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Half Mass; -½).21 + 50 Active Points; total cost 6 + 8 = 14 points.

    5) Heavy/Real Armor: Change to Mass (NormalMass; -1) and add Real Armor (-¼). 21 + 50 Active

    Points; total cost 4 + 8 = 12 points.

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    Enchanted Items ■ Armor, Helms, And Gauntlets


    Effect: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); +10 STR; +5 PRETarget: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 7 DEF

    Description:  With pauldrons and a helm all in theshape of lions’ heads, this armor advertises the

    power it provides — the strength and courage ofthe legendary lion — for all to see.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power5  Armor Of e Lion’s Strength: Armor (7

    PD/7 ED) (21 Active Points); OIF (-½), Mass(Half Mass; -½), Independent (-2)

    2 Lion’s Strength:  +10 STR (10 Active Points);OIF (-½), No Figured Characteristics (-½),Independent (-2)

    1 Lion’s Courage:  +5 PRE (5 Active Points);OIF (-½), Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 8 points.Options:

    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (9 PD/9 ED),+15 STR, +10 PRE. 27 + 15 + 10 = 52 Active Points;total cost 7 + 4 + 3 = 14 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (5 PD/5 ED),+5 STR. 15 + 5 + 5 = 25 Active Points; total cost 4 +1 + 1 = 6 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to theArmor power. 26 + 15 + 10 = 51 Active Points; totalcost 6 + 2 + 1 = 9 points.

    4) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Half Mass;-½). 21 + 15 + 10 = 46 Active Points; total cost 6 + 2+ 1 = 9 points.

    5) Heavy/Real Armor: Change to Mass (NormalMass; -1) and add Real Armor (-¼). 21 + 15 + 10 =46 Active Points; total cost 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 points.


    Effect: Armor (5 PD/5 ED); +4 to Acrobatics,Breakfall, Climbing, Contortionist, FastDraw, Lockpicking, Security Systems,Shadowing, Slight Of Hand, Stealth, andTracking

    Target: SelfDuration: ConstantRange: Self

    END Cost: 0Defense: 5 DEF

    Description:  is enchanted suit of cuir-bouilli pro- vides bonuses to many Skills normally associated withthe roughish professions. It’s also more protective thana normal suit of shaped leather armor.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power4  Armor Of Practical ievery:  Armor (5 PD/5

    ED) (15 Active Points); OIF (-½), Indepen-dent (-2), Mass (Half Mass; -½)

    3  Acrobat’s Grace:  +4 with Acrobatics, Break-fall, and Contortionist (12 Active Points);

    OIF (-½), Independent (-2)3 Burglar’s Boon:  +4 with Climbing, Lockpick-

    ing, and Security Systems (12 Active Points);OIF (-½), Independent (-2)

    3 Sticky Fingers:  +4 with Sleight Of Hand andFast Draw (12 Active Points); OIF (-½), Inde-pendent (-2)

    3  ief ’s Blessings: +4 with Shadowing, Stealth,and Tracking (12 Active Points); OIF (-½),Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 16 points.


    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (7 PD/7 ED).

    21 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = 69 Active Points; total cost5 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 17 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (3 PD/3 ED). 9+ 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = 57 Active Points; total cost 2+ 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 14 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to theArmor power. 19 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = 62 ActivePoints; total cost 5 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 17 points.

    4) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Half Mass;-½). 15 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = 63 Active Points; totalcost 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 16 points.

    5) Heavy/Real Armor: Change to Mass (Normal

    Mass; -1) and add Real Armor (-¼). 15 + 12 + 12 +12 + 12 = 63 Active Points; total cost 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 = 15 points.

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    Effect: Armor (11 PD/11 ED); +30 STR, ReducedEndurance

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 11 DEF

    Description:  is heavy suit of enchanted plate mail

    makes its wearer as strong as a giant!

    Game Information:  Armor (11 PD/11 ED) (33 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent (-2), Mass (Double Mass; -1½) (total cost: 7 points)  plus  +30 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END;+½) (45 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent(-2), No Figured Characteristics (-½) (totalcost: 11 points). Total cost: 18 points.


    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (15 PD/15ED), +40 STR. 45 + 60 = 105 Active Points; totalcost 9 + 15 = 24 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (7 PD/7 ED),+20 STR. 21 + 30 = 61 Active Points; total cost 4 +7 = 11 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to theArmor power. 41 + 45 = 86 Active Points; total cost8 + 11 = 19 points.

    4) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (DoubleMass; -1½). 33 + 45 = 78 Active Points; total cost 9+ 11 = 20 points.


    Effect: Armor (8 PD/8 ED), HardenedTarget: Self

    Duration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 8 DEF

    Description:  is suit of chainmail provides moreprotection than mundane mails — but is no heavieror more uncomfortable than normal clothing.

    Game Information:  Armor (8 PD/8 ED), Hard-ened (+¼) (30 Active Points); OIF (-½), Inde- pendent (-2). Total cost: 9 points.


    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (11 PD/11

    ED). 41 Active Points; total cost 12 points.2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (5 PD/5 ED).19 Active Points; total cost 5 points.

    3) Self-Repairing Armor Of Steadfast Protection: Nomatter how badly it’s damaged, this type of Armorof Steadfast Protection can be instantly repaired.Add Healing BODY 3d6, Trigger (wearer’s mentalcommand; +¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)(52 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent (-2),Only Works On Suit Of Armor (-1) (total cost: 11points). Total cost of armor: 20 points.

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    Enchanted Items ■ Armor, Helms, And Gauntlets


    Effect: Armor (8 PD/8 ED), Hardened; +1 withTalacoriom; Endurance Reserve (80 END,8 REC); +5 DCV versus Physical Missiles;+4 OCV 

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0

    Defense: 8 DEFDescription:  According to legend, the mythic heroUlro forged the first example of this armor. Usableonly by Ulronai warrior-mages, the Armor Of Ulrois a suit of black chainmail that gives its wearer asmall bonus for using their special brand of spellsplus additional mystical reserves to power themwith. Moreover, the suit has two Talacoriom spellspermanently woven into its mesh: the Spell Of theCharmed Blade, and a version of the Archer’s Bane.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power7  Armor Of Ulro:  Armor (8 PD/8 ED), Hard-

    ened (+¼) (30 Active Points); OIF (-½),Independent (-2), Mass (Half Mass; -½)

    1 Skill Of Ulro:  +1 with Talacoriom (3 ActivePoints); OIF (-½), Independent (-2)

    5 Talacoriom Reserve:  Endurance Reserve (80END, 8 REC) (16 Active Points); OIF (-½),Independent (-2)

    5  Archer’s Bane:  +5 DCV (25 Active Points);OIF (-½), Independent (-2), Only WorksAgainst Physical Missiles (-1)

    6 Charmed Blade:  +4 OCV (20 Active Points);OIF (-½), Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 24 points.


    Effect: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); Teleportation 8”,Position Shift

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/InstantRange: SelfEND Cost: 0/8 ChargesDefense: 7 DEF

    Description:  is suit of plate armor provides the

    wearer with the ability to move without physicallycrossing the intervening space. is means he caneasily make Surprise Move attacks against his foes,avoid certain obstacles or traps, and so on.

    Game Information:  Armor (7 PD/7 ED) (21 Active Points); OIF (-½), Mass (Half Mass; -½),Independent (-2) (total cost: 5 points) plus Tele- portation 8”, Position Shi (21 Active Points);OIF (-½), Independent (-2), 8 Charges (-½)(total cost: 5 points). Total cost: 10 points.


    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (10 PD/10

    ED), Teleport 11”. 30 + 27 = 57 Active Points; totalcost 7 + 7 = 14 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (4 PD/4 ED),Teleport 5”. 12 + 15 = 27 Active Points; total cost 3+ 4 = 7 points.

    3) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼) to theArmor power. 26 + 21 = 47 Active Points; total cost6 + 5 = 11 points.

    4) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Half Mass;-½). 21 + 21 = 42 Active Points; total cost 6 + 5 =11 points.

    5) Heavy/Real Armor: Change to Mass (NormalMass; -1) and add Real Armor (-¼). 21 + 21 = 42

    Active Points; total cost 4 + 5 = 9 points.

    6) Step At Will: Remove 8 Charges (-½) and replacewith Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½). 21 + 31 =52 Active Points; total cost 5 + 9 = 14 points.

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    24 ■ Armor, Helms, And Gauntlets Hero System 5th Edition Revised


    Effect: Armor (6 PD/6 ED), Change Environment(-3 to DEX Rolls)

    Target: Self/1” RadiusDuration: Persistent/ConstantdRange: Self/No RangeEND Cost: 0/1Defense: 6 DEF

    Description:  In addition to the protection of the

    chainmail itself (which weighs little and does notrequire the usual upkeep), this armor grants thewearer a valuable power. When he activates andmaintains its power, anyone in HTH Combat withhim (i.e., who enters the hex he’s in, be it friend orfoe) must make a DEX Roll each Phase at a -3 pen-alty. If the victim fails the roll, he does somethingclumsy — the GM decides exactly what. Possibleactions include slipping and falling, tripping overone’s own feet, dropping or losing a grip on one’sweapon (or shield), and the like. e importantthing is that the failed roll puts the victim at a tem-porary disadvantage in combat. (In game terms, theclumsiness is built with Change Environment; since

    it has No Range, the GM should allow the effect tomove with the wearer as he moves.)

    Game Information:

    Cost Power5 Chainmail Protection:  Armor (6 PD/6 ED),

    Hardened (+¼) (22 Active Points); OIF (-½),Mass (Half Mass; -½), Independent (-2)

    3 Clumsy Foe:  Change Environment 1” radius,-3 to DEX Rolls, Personal Immunity (+¼)(14 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent(-2), No Range (-½)

    Total cost: 8 points.

    Options:1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (8 PD/8 ED). 30+ 14 = 44 Active Points; total cost 7 + 3 = 10 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (4 PD/4 ED). 15 +14 = 29 Active Points; total cost 4 + 3 = 7 points.

    3) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Half Mass;-½). 22 +14 = 36 Active Points; total cost 6 + 3 =9 points.

    4) Heavy/Real Armor: Change to Mass (NormalMass; -1) and add Real Armor (-¼). 22 + 14 = 36Active Points; total cost 5 + 3 = 8 points.

    5) Effortless Armor: Add Reduced Endurance (0

    END; +½) to Change Environment. 22 + 19 = 41Active Points; total cost 5 + 5 = 10 points.


    Effect: Armor (6 PD/6 ED); Invisibility to HearingGroup

    Target: SelfDuration: PersistentRange: SelfEND Cost: 0

    Defense: 6 DEF

    Description:  is set of leather armor is enchanted

    to protect as well as chainmail, and to silence thewearer’s footsteps.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power4 Chainmail-Like Protection:  Armor (6 PD/6

    ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-½), Mass (HalfMass; -½), Independent (-2)

    9 Enchantment Of Silent Movement:  Invis-ibility to Hearing Group, No Fringe, ReducedEndurance (0 END; +½) (30 Active Points);OIF (-½), Independent (-2)

    Total cost: 13 points.

    Options:1) Light/Unreal Armor: Remove Mass (Half Mass;-½). 18 + 30 = 48 Active Points; total cost 5 + 9 =14 points.

    2) Invisible Armor: is version of the Assassin’sLeathers conceals its wearer so that he’s also invis-ible to sight. Add Sight Group to Invisibility. 18 + 52= 70 Active Points; total cost 4 + 15 = 19 points.


    Effect: Armor (10 PD/10 ED)Target: SelfDuration: Persistent

    Range: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 10 DEF

    Description:  Forged by dwarven mage-smiths, thissuit of armor offers better protection than ordinaryplate armor, but is lightweight and easy to wear.

    Game Information:  Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent (-2).Total cost: 9 points.


    1) Hardened Armor: Add Hardened (+¼). 37 ActivePoints; total cost 11 points.

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    Effect: Armor (9 PD/9 ED); Force Field (9 PD/9ED/9 Mental Defense/9 Power Defense);+4 to Necromancy; +30 PRE, Only VersusUndead Beings

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent

    Range: SelfEND Cost: 0Defense: 9 DEF

    Description:  Created by necromancers for nec-romancers, this armor is made entirely fromenchanted human bones. It has a breastplate madeof rib bones, a helmet made from a huge skull,epaulets made from small skulls, gloves made fromfinger bones, and so forth. e armor provides itswearer with protection both from physical attacksand from divine magic as well. It also boosts hisnecromantic abilities and makes it easier for him topersuade and terrify the undead.

    Game Information:

    Cost Power8 Bone Armor Of Dread Necromancy: Armor

    (9 PD/9 ED) (27 Active Points); OIF (-½),Independent (-2)

    12 Bone Armor Of Dread Necromancy: ForceField (9 PD/9 ED/9 Mental Defense/9 Power

    Defense), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)(54 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent(-2), Only Versus Divine Magic (-1)

    3 Necromancer’s Boon: +4 to Necromancy rolls(12 Active Points); OIF (-½), Independent (-2)

    7 Necromantic Aura: +30 PRE (30 ActivePoints); OIF (-½), Independent (-2), OnlyVersus Undead Beings (-1)

    Total cost: 30 points.


    1) Strong Armor: Increase to Armor (12 PD/12 ED),Force Field (12 PD/12 ED/12 Mental Defense/12Power Defense). 36 + 72 + 12 + 30 = 150 Active

    Points; total cost 10 + 16 + 3 + 7 = 36 points.

    2) Weak Armor: Decrease to Armor (6 PD/6 ED),Force Field (6 PD/6 ED/6 Mental Defense/6 PowerDefense). 18 + 36 + 12 + 30 = 96 Active Points; totalcost 5 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 23 points.

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    Enchanted Items ■ Armor, Helms, And Gauntlets


    Effect: Armor (8 PD/8 ED), Hardened; +2 toStealth, Only In Darkness

    Target: SelfDuration: Persistent/Constant