en 1714-1997(ut)

-'J' J a,' TillS D'X'UMKNT IS I'RODUCEI> UNDER LlCENCK FROM nSI !Ii' ~;" , Non-destructive examination of welded joints F- Ultrasonic examination of welded joints ;' I' = = = ,~" " ,", I = :1 . U> . Ii, n' '" 'I. I' The EuropeanStandard EN 1714: 1997has the status of a BritishStandard'ir .' "', ~ leM'."'''0 '; , i - ~ . IIhta; ' /""n aod "..".".., b,.(;I.."., ~;o,;o"",io. 0",,,0,,,," "hh .,... =' !,..'I'a,'''''''' "t IISinod" ,,,,'a",, a"""'m,,". ' f!' '5 10"""",,, \\'a,' ~;~",En.' ', C.,..",do !II1m.S71I, I'SA ,~'."7'/2,".,. """,(,",.1'174 I'D' 'OJ'''''''' "'ITIIOI'T IISI,'ERMISSIONEXn:I'T ASl'ERMrrn:n n,. (,OI'\'R'<:IIT UII BSEN 1714: 1998 _,""-h ~ --- -- -m"I ~~>!'l!

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  • -'J'J



    Non-destructive examination

    of welded joints F-Ultrasonic examination ofwelded joints




    U>. Ii,n'


    The EuropeanStandardEN 1714:1997has the status of aBritishStandard'ir .'"',



    ,i- ~

    . IIhta; ' /""n aod "..".".., b,.(;I.."., ~;o,;o"",io. 0",,,0,,,," "hh .,...=' !,..'I'a,'''''''' "t IISinod" ,,,,'a",, a"""'m,,". '

    f!' '5 10"""",,, \\'a,' ~;~",En.' ', C.,..",do !II1m.S71I,I'SA ,~'."7'/2,".,. """,(,",.1'174

    I'D' 'OJ'''''''' "'ITIIOI'T IISI,'ERMISSIONEXn:I'T ASl'ERMrrn:n n,. (,OI'\'R'

  • BS EN 1714: 1998



    This Britisb StancWd. bav;ngbeen p...p:ued undc, the_on 01 tbe En~neeringSectm Board. was publishedunde! the authority 01 theStandanls Bo:ud and comes mtoeJ!ecton 15Jan""", 1998


    IS." O.sa ,"!'33.

    National foreword

    TIrls British Standard is tl1e English language version of EN 1714: 1997. Itsupersedes BS 3923 : Part 1 : 1986, which is witl1dra.wn.

    The UK participation in its preparntion' was entrusted to TecIuUca! CommitteeWEE/46, NolH!estructive testing, which h2S llIe responsibility to:

    - aid enquirers to understand tl1e ~" '- present to fue responsibleEuroPean conurrlt1eeany enquiries on llIe

    interpretation, or proposals for,change, and keep llIe UK interests infonned;

    - monitor related internationai and European developments and promulgatethem in the UK.

    A list of organizations represented od"tluS conurrlttee can be obtained on request toits secretary.: 'Cross-references

    The British Standards which implement international or European publicationsreferred to in this document may be found in fue BSI Standards Catalogue under thesection entitled 'lnternationai Standards Correspondence Index', or by using the'FIDd'faciliQlof the BS1Standards Electronic Catalogue.

    Compliance with a British Standard does not of Itself confer Immunityfrom leral obUgatlons,






    Summary of pares

    TIrlsdocwnent comprisesa front cover,an inside front cover, the EN title page,pages2 to 24,an inside back cover and a back cover.

    Amendments Issned since publication


    Amd No. Date Thxt affected





  • r IIgC ~EN 1714: 1997


    TIUsEw""".' Standardhas been prepared byTeclu1icalCommitteeCENIl'C121,Welding,thesecretariat of which Is held by DS.TIUsEuropean Standardshall be giventhe status of anationalsIandard,either by publicationof an identicalte:x1or by endorsement,at the latestby FebruaJy 1998,and confJjclingnational standardsshall be withdrawnat the latest by Febroazy1998. .According to the CENICENELEC Internal Regulations,the national standards organizations of the foU"";,,gcountries are bound to Implement this EuropeanStandard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic:, Denmark,Finland, France, GermaIIy, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.




    Foreword1 Scope2 Nonnative references3 DefInitionsand symbols4 GenetaI5 Infonnation required prior to

    examination6 Requirementsfor peISOIUIe1and

    equipment7 Examination volume8 Preparation of scanning smfaces9 Parent metal examination

    10 Range and sensitivit;ysetting11 Exammation levels12 Examinationtechnique13 Examination reportAnnexA (normative)Examination levels for

    II wrious wes of welded jointsTables1 Quantities and symbols2 I Sensitivityand range corrections3 Reference levels for angle beam

    scanning with transver.sewaves formethod 2 (DGS)

    4 Reference levels for longitudinalwaves for method 2 (DGS)

    6 Recommendedexamination levelsA.l Butt jOintsin plates and pipesA.2 StructuIal T.jointsA.3 Set-throughnozzlejointsA.4 StructuIaI L-jointsA.5 Set..,n nozzlejointsA.6 CrucifonnjointsA.7 Node of joints in tubular structnresFiguresI Example of examination volume to be

    covered when scanning forlongitudinalh1dicalions

    2'" Coordh1a1esystem for defh1ingtheIocaDonof indications

    A.I Butt joints in plates and pipesA.2 StructuIaIT.joh1ls~!3i,Set.through nozzlejointsA.4 StrucI1JI3JL-jointsA.6 Set..,n nozzlejointsA.6 CruciformjointsA.7 Node joints in tubular souctnres











    0 BSI.998

  • ill


    1 ScopeThIs European Standard specifies methods for themanual uJtrnsoojc examination of fusion welded jointsin metallic materials equal to and above 8 mm thickwhich exhibit low uJtrnsoojc attenuation (especiaDythat due to scalier). It is primarily intended for use onfull penetration welded joints where both the Weldedand parent material are ferritic. 11Where specified and appropriate, teclu1iques'may alSobe used:

    - on materials other than those stated;

    - on partial penetnl!!on welds; 'I- wjth automated equipment;by agreement between the c:ontracting parties..!Where material dependent uJtrnsoojc values arespecified in this standard they are based on steelshaving an uJlI3SOI1icsound velocity of 592O:!:50 mIsfor longitudinal waves, and 3255:1:30 mfs for transVersewaves. ThIs is to be taken into account whenexamining materials wj1h a different velocity.The standard specifies four examination levels, eachcorresponding to a different probability of detection orimpetfections. Guidance on the selection ofexamination levels A, B and C is given in annex A Therequirements of the fourth examination level, which isintended for special applications, are in accordancewith the genend requirements of this standard and asagreed between the con!r.Icting parties.ThIs standard, by agreement between the contrnctingparties,pennits assessmentof indications,for 'acceptanc:e pu11)OSe5,by eitber of the followingmethods:

    I) evaluation based primarily on length and echoamplitude of the signal indication;2) evaluation based on characterization and sizingof the indication by probe movement methods.



    2 Nonnative references [This European Standard incorporales, by dated orundated references, provisions from other public3!ions.These nonnative references are cited at theappropriate places in the text and the publications arelisted as follows. For dated references, subsequentamendments to or revisions of any of thesepublications apply to this European Standard onlywhen incorporated in it by amendment or revision. Forundated references the latest edition of the publicationreferred to applies.

    EN 473 QuS

    rage3EN 1714 : 1997

    prEN 583-2 Non-dl!structive testing -U/basonic e:r:amination-.Am 2: Sensitivity and mnge settingNon-rrostnJ.ctivetesting-Thrminology-.Am 00:Thrms used in ultrasonictesting

    Non-d.estnJ.ctiveexamination qfwelds - Ultrasonic e:mmination ofwelded joints - Acceptance levelsNon-

  • rHg"~EN 1714 : 1997

    -" 5 Information required prior toexamination

    5.1 Ite"", subject to agreement betl\'een thecontracting parties .The following items shall be agreed upon:

    - method for setting the reference level;-method 10be used for evalualion of indications;- acceptance levels;-examination leve~-manufactming and operation stage(s) at which theexamination is to be carried out;

    - qualification of personnel; .-eXtent of the examination for transVerseindications;- requirements for tandem examination;- parent metal examination prior to andlor afterwelding;-whether or not a written examination procedure isrequired;

    - requirements for written examination procedures.5.2 Specific information required beforeexamination

    Before any examination of a welded joint can begin,the operator shall have access to the followingessential Information:

    -written examination procedure, if required(see 5.3);

    - type(s) of parent material and product form(to. c:ast,forged, rolled);- manufacturing or operation stage at whichexamination is to be made including heat treatment,if any;-lime and extent of any post.weld heat treatment;-joint pICP3l3Iion and dimensions;-requirements for surface conditions;

    -welding procedure or rel"''2I1Iinformation on thewelding process;- reporting iequirements;- acceptance levels;-. extent of examinations, including requinementsforII3nsveIse indications, if relevant;- examination level;- personnel qualification levcl;-,Procedmes for COlTectiveacliotL' whenunacceptable indications are revealed

    6.3 Written examblation procedureIThe definitions and requirements in this standard willnonnally satisfy the need for a written procedure.Where this is not the case, or where the techniquesdescribed in this standard are not applicable 10 Illeweld jamt to be examined, additional writtenprocedures shall be used, by agreement betweencontracting parties.

    6 Requirements for personnel andequipment"6.1 PersolU\el qualifica lions

    Pel'SQnne1perforrning examinations in accordance withthis standard shall be qualified to an appropriate levelm accordance with EN 473 or equnoalent in therelevant industtiaI sector.

    In addition 10a generallmowledge of uJlr.lSOnic weldinspection, they shall also be familiar with testingproblems specifically associated with the type of weldjoints to be examined.

    6.2 Equipment

    Any equipment used in corUunction with this standardshall 'comply with the requirements of relevantEuropean StandanIs. Prior to the publication of anEN standard related to the subject, the correspondingnalioriaJ standards may be used.

    c OS.\!>9S

    Table 1. Quantities and symbols ,'I

    S""bol QaaDtlt)' U.it

    t Thickness of parent material (thinnest part) nun

    DosR Diamet.er of a disc shaped ref]eion of the indication in depth direction nun

    :s: Position of the indication in the Iongitndinal direction nun

    y Position of the indication in the II3nsveIse direction nun

    z Position of the indication In depth nun

    L. Projected length of the indication In depth nun

    I,. PrQjected length of the indication in the x-direction nun

    ly Projected length of the indication In the y-directionnun

    p Full skip disWlce nun

  • ,.":-1~.,~'



    6.3 Probe parameters 'J6.3.1 Frequency IThe frequency sh:ill be within the range 2 MHz.to5 MHz,and sh:ill be selected to comply "ith th'.

    specified acceptance levels. .For the iIUtiaIexamination, the frequency shaD be aslow as possible, within the above range, when theevaIuat!on is camed out according to acceptance levelsbased on length and amplitude, e.g. prEN 1712. Higherfrequencies may be used to Improve range resolution ifthis is necessmy when using standards for acceptance

    levels based on characterizatjon of imperfecti~.

    r"e.g.prEN1713. 'IIFrequencies of approximately I MHzmay be ui;ed forexamination at long sOlmd p&hs where the mah.riaIshows above average attenuation.

    6.3.2 Angles of IncidenceWhen examination is canied out "ith transve~e'wavesand techniques that require the ultrasonic beam in be .reflected from an opposite surface, care shaD be takento ensure that Il,e incident angle of the beam, with theopposite reflecting surface, is not less than 35" andpreferably not greater than 70". "''here more than oneprobe angle is used, at least one of the angle. probesused shall conform with this requirement. One of theprobe angles used shall ensure that the weld Nsionfaces are examined at, or as near as possible tqi'normal incidence. When the use of two or more probeangles is specified, the difference between the nominalbeam angles sh:ill be 10' or greater.

    Angles of incidence at the probe and oppositereflecting surface, when curved, may be determined bydrawing a sectionaJ view of the weld or in accordancewith the methods given in prEN 583-2. "''here angles ofincidence cannot be determined as specified by this .standard the examination report shaD contain acomprehensive description of the scans used and theextent of any incomplete coverage caused togetherwith an explanation of the difficulties encountel-ed.

    6.3.3 Adoption of probes to curt'cd scann/rigsur:fru:cs

    The gap between the test surface and bottom of theprobe shoe sh:ill not be greater than 0,5 mm. Forcylindrical or spherical surfaces this requjn,merlt,willnormallybe met when the followingequation Is 'fulfilled: ~,







    ,;'D is the diameter of the component (in .",;;);~a Is the dimension of the probe shoe in thel

    djn,ction of examination (in mm).

    If this requirement cannot be met the probe shoe shaDbe adapted to the swface and II,. ...1lo;ithitYand rnngcshall be set accordingly.

    ., RSJ)998

    Page5EN 1714: 1997

    , .7 Examination volmne

    The examination volume (see figure I) is defined asthe zone which includes weld and parenJ material forat least 10nun on each side of Ille weld, or the "idthof the heat affected zone, whichewr Is greater.In all cases scanning shall cover the wholeexamination volume. If individual sections of thisvolume cannot be covered in at least one scanningdirection, or if the angles of incidence with theopposite surface do not meet the requirements of6.3.2, a1temaI:ive or supplementary ultrasonictechniques or other noIHIestructive methods shall beagreed upon. This may, in some cases, require removalof the weld reinfon:emenL

    Supplementary methods may require examination usingtwin Cl)'Stalangle beam probes, creeping wa'.. probes,further ultrasonic techniques or any other su;tablemethod, for example, liquid penetrant., magneticparticle, radiographic examinatioll In selectingalternative or supplementary methods, dueconsideration should be given to the type of weld andprobable orientation of any Imperfections to bedetected.

    8 Preparation of scanning surfaces'Scanning surfaces shaD be wide enough to pennit theexamination volume (see figure 1) to be fully covered~!y, the width of the scanning surfaces maybe smaller if equivalent coverage of the exanunationvolume can be achieved by scanning from both theupper and the lower swface of the joint.

    ScannIng surfaces shaD be even and free from foreignmatter likely to interfere with probe coupling (e.g, rust,loose scale, weld spatter, notches, grooves). Wavinessof the test swface shaD not result in a gap between theprobe and test swfaces greater than 0,5 mm. Theserequirements shaD be ensured by dressing if necessary.Loca1 variations in swface contour, e.g. along the edgeof the weld, which resu1t in a gap beneath the probe ofup to 1 nun, can only be permitted if at least oneadditional probe angle is employed from the affectedside at the weld. This additional scanning Lo;necessmy

    . to compensate for the reduced weld coverage that "illoccur with a gap of this dimension.

    In all cases, the maximum permitted gap on areas ofthe test SJ,Ufacefrom which the evaluation ofindications Is to be carried out shal1 be 0,5 nultScannIng swfaces and swfaces from which the soundbeam is reflected may be assumed to be satisfactory ifthe surface roughness, 11., is not greater than 6,3 I1ID .for machined swfaces, or not greater than 12,5 I1IDforshotblasted swfaces.

  • . "5"uEN 1714: 1997

    Pos .3 Pos .2

    0Pos . 1 10 m.. 10 mm

    t~~ I10 mm 10 mm

    I _01-'-2 SconninC-

    Figure 1. Example of examination volume to be covered when sunning for longitudinalindications ,


    9 Parent metal examinationThe parent meW, in the scanning zme area. shall beexamined with 5IJa!ght besm probes prior to or afterwelding, 1mIess it can be demonstra!ed (e.g. previousexaminations during the fabrication process) that theangle probe exanUnation of the weld will not beinfluenced by the presence or the imperfections orhigh au.enuation.Where imper(ec:tlons are found their Influence on theproposed angle besm examination shall be assessedand, if nocessalY, the techniques a

  • d,


    Page 7EN 1714 : 1997


    10.2 Reference level

    One of the following methods for setting referencelevels shaD be used:-Metlwd 1: The reference level is adistance-amplitude1,5102.5 - DnSR= 2 nun Dos!!=3mm3105 DnSR=2 nun DnSR= 2 nun DnSR=3mm

  • -

    rageDEN 1714: 1997

    When prEN 12062 Is specified the reamunendedexamInalionlevelsare as given in table 5.

    Specific requirements for examination ~Is A to C aregiven for various 1;YpeSof joints in annex A. It shouldbe noted that the joint 1;YpeSshown are ideal examplesonly and where actUal weld conditions or accessibilitydo not conform exactly with those shown, theexarnInaI!on technique shaD be modified to satisfy thegeneral requirements of this stMdard and the specificexamination level required. For these cases a writtenlest procedure shan be prepared

    12 Examination technique12.1 General

    UItt3sonic examinations shaD be pexfonned inaccordance with prEN 683-1 with the addition of thefonowing clauses.

    12.2 Manual scan pathDuring angle probe scanning (as iIlusIrated in fJgUre1)a slight swivelling movement up to an angle of 10' oneither side of the nominal beam direction may beapplied to the probe.


    12.3 F.nminatlon Cor imperfectionsperpendlcalar to the examination surfaceSubsurface planar impedections perpendicular to theexatTIinatIon SUIface are difficult to delt with singleangle probe techniques. For such imperfectionsspecific examinalion techniques should be considered,particu!arly Corwelds in thicker malerials, Use of Ihese.ixamination techniques shaD be by agreement betweenthe contractit1g parties.

    12.4 Location of indications

    The location of aD indications shaD be defined bvreference to a a>rdInate system, e.g. as shown 'infigure 2. A point on the examination surface shaD beselected as the origin for these measurements,Where examinalion Is camed out from more than onesurface, reference points shaD be established on eachsurface. In this case care shaD be taken to establish apositionaJ reIationshJp betWeen aD reference pointsused, so that the absolute location of aD indic.ationscan be established from any nominated referencepoint.In'the case of cin:umferentlaJ welds this may requirethe establishment of the inner and outer referencepoints prior to assembly for welding.

    12.6 Evaluation of indications

    12.6.1 General

    All relevant btdic.ations above the evaluation level shallbe assessed.ln accordance with clauses 12.6.2to 12.6.4.


    .c ' I "!--, v : .......: "





    " :: -,J,-, I . -----------..t '----z

    Ion""Figure 2. Co-ordlnate sy.tem for d.-fining the location of Indication. -.J



    Table 6. Recommendedexamination levelsEnmmadoD1...1 Q..ntJ 1...1 InEN25817A CB BC By agreementD Specialapplication

  • -


    12.11.2Maximum echo ampUtutk

    The echo amplitude shaD be maximized by probemovement and recorded in relation to the agreedreference level

    12./i.31ndicallon length

    The length of the indication, in either the 10nptudinaJor transverse direction shaD, where possib1e, bedet.ennlned using the technique specified in theacceptance levels standard or the 6 dB drop tip1oca!iontechnique, unless oIl1erwise agreed.

    12.1i.41ndication height :1

    Indication height measurement shaD be carried out byagreement only. H applicable, the following methodshaDbe used:

    Where possible, for imperfectiOI\5 which generate morethan one disDnct peak in the received signal whenscanned in the througlHJ1iclmess direction, 0..height (h) shaD be measured by a probe movementtechnique. It is recommended that when an indicationhas a measured height of 3 mm and above, theindication beJght Is reconIed. However, other higherthresboJd heights for recording may he agreed upon.

    12.1i./iChanu;lerUaUon Q{imperfectionsImperfections shall be characterized only by agr;ecmentbetween the contracting parties, or when necdary tomeet the requirements of the specified acceptanceIt\'eIs.



    13 Examination report13.1GeneralTheexaminalionreport shall include a reference tothis standard and give,as a minimum,tJ,e followinginformation.

    13.2 General dataa) identificationof the object wtder examination:-materialand product form;-dimensions;- location or weldiweIded joint examint-I!;- sketch showing geomeaical configuration(if necessary);- reference to the welding procedure, spe~ific:llionand heal. treaanen~- state of manufacture;-surfaceconditions; "- temperature or the object, if outside the rnngeO.C to 40 "C;

    b) contract requirements, e.g. sperific:llion.,- Iguidelines, special agreements etc.;c) place and date of examinaUon;d) Identification of examination org"nizatiol" andidentification and certiJjC3tion of operator,.) identinc..tlor, of inspcliona"thont)'

    C BSJ1998

    rage !IEN 1714: 1997

    13.3 Infonnation relating to equipmenta) maker and tM>eof ultrasonic instnunent withidentification number, if required;b) maker, type, nominal frequenC)' and nctunl angleof incidence of probes used "ith identificationnwnber, if required;

    c) identificnlion of reference blocks used, "ith asketch, if necess:uy,d) couplant medium.

    13.4 Information relating to examinationtechniqne

    a) examination level(s) and reference to writtenprocedure, when used;b) extent or examination;

    c) location of the scanning areas;

    d) reference points and details of crdinatesystemused, as specified in 12.4;

    e) identification of probe positions. as specified inannex A or by use or a sketch;0 time base range;

    g) method and values used for sensitivit setting(gain setting for reference !",'els and ,'3Iues used fortransfer corrections);h) reference levels;

    i) result of the pnrent rruJIeriaI examination;J} standard for ncceplance levels;

    k) deviations from this standard, or conttrl.requirements.

    13.5 Results of the examination

    Tabular swnmary (or sketches) prmiding the foUo"insinfonnation for recorded indication."

    a) crdinatesof the indication. as specified in 12.4,"ith details of a.

  • .-- .-EN 1714 : 1997

    Annex A (normative)Examination levels for various types of welded joints

    See fiI:un's A I tDA 7 and tables Al tDA 7

    Key for tables:





    scan for longitudinal Indications using angle beam probes.

    scan using straight beam probe. :scan for transVeISe Indications using angle beam probes.

    run skip &stance.

    scanning zone width.





    m- ,rI.(81 fi'r,y


    W,Z --0,0E ,F ,H 0, >p 1 00



    ) 5;.1.\2 T,.",.w3 S,dd. Sid"i.w5 5c>NUn&", ;dth(S1W)rdaIed '" skipdlsW1a!P-.. possible,aDscanssI1aIIbe canIed _tn>m - sides() and2)

    Figure A.I Butt joints In plate. ond pipe.




    0 BSI\998

  • .s.111111""""1



    - - ..


    i T"hle A.I Butt Joinl.'l in plRtes and pipes1-'I ""mln"lo. Thkkn... nf Lo.gitud,.., l.dlroUo.. Th........ l.dkoU...1''''01 the p..e.t TolA' Not.. Reqwred .umber on ToW No'". m.terl.1 R.q,,'red .umber oni probe probe SZW .umber probe probe po.ltlo.. .umherprobe f .u.. or .e...I ...Ie. po.I'lo.o ,ooltlo.. ..gle.

    mm L-.ca. N...o. ToOeo..A 8 S/< 15 I A Of D 1,251' - 2 I) 1 (X and Y) or CNand Z) 2 3)

    15S I < 40 1 Aor B 1,251' 2 J) 1 (X and Y) or CNand Z) 4 3)

    8sI< 15 I Aor B 1.251' - 2 5) 1 (X and Y)or CNand Z) 4 3)B 15s/

  • ._G~EN 1714 : 1997



    A 8






    W.z "'II





    I Component I2 Component23 End-4 SIdt .....

    Sc:annb>&zone - indic:oudby tho 1et\

  • ) ').s.














    Table A.2 Structural T-JolntslI..mlnatJOD Thl.kn... or Longitudinal Indl.atlon. Tr.n...r.o Indication.,...1 tho por.nt R.qulred Dumhor on Total Roqulrod numbe. onm.torlal

    prD'" probo SZW probe SZW.umber probo probo pooltlo.. SZW To"" Noto.

    ",'0. .po.lUo.. po.ltlo.. oto.... &D.lo. .umbo.mm L...a. N...a. T.....a or.....

    A i 8,. t< 15 I AorB 1,25p orC3) I - - - - I)15,.! tJtutcdby tandem ""'hnlqUOrrom A or n I( C ,. not """,ib'..

  • rage J.'"EN 1714: 1997






    I Cross-2 Topview3 Q ,_I' QIindricaI ohdIIIbt pIaIe. Camponenl2. nozzle ,,'

    Sc:annIngzone w!d1l1s_1ncIicot

  • .s.IIiID111111111


    ~ c_~- - -----.


    iTable A.3 Set-through nozzle Joints":..ml.atlo. Thlckn..a or Longltudlnall.d...tlo.. ""'a....... I.dlcatlon.',.....,1 'he pore.' R.qul..d number or. Required number or: TotAl Note.material Total

    Du..ber namb.rprobe prab. SZW probe SZW ah..n. probe probe po.ltlo.. or .caD'angl.. po.ltlo.. po.ltln.. angIe., .... L..e.. N..e.. T-.....A 8 s t

  • rage AO

    EN 1714: 1997


    A B




    x.y /


    H c


    1 eross-2 End vi...

    3 eo...p..",," I

    4 ComponenI 2

    Scanmnc widths - Indi

  • .5. Ilfl~IIIUIIII





    .;;:i:'" .,






    Table A.4 StructlUal L-Jolnts":..n.lnotlon ThlekRe.. ot Lon.iLudlnallndl.o.ion. Tr....,..e Indi..tlo..,.,..1 Lhepo.... Required.umller of! Requirednumber ot: Total No'"material Total

    probe probe poni.lon. SZW pro'".umber probe probe pOlltlo..

    .omberSZW ot ..an. or n.a...081.. po.I'lo.. a.gl..

    mm L...a. N..... T..ea..A BS I C c 5 2 DandE 4 2),3)

    C 8sl

  • rage ~..EN 1714 : 1997



    ~ B I !1.01 !


    0)I Cross section2 Topview3 Com_I. nozzI.4

  • .5.111111111111111



    c --'



    Tnble A.5 Set-on nozzle joints":..ml.atlo. Thlekn... o' J,o.gl'udl.a' I.dlcatlona ' Tra..-er., '.dle.tlo..'e.el 'be p.rent R,q.l..d nurober 0" Total Requl..d number oll Total Note.,,"erlaJ nurob,r .omberpro"", probe SZW prob. SZW oh.... probe probe po.ltlo.. of .ca..'.aI" pooltlo.. po.ltlo.. .ngl..

    10m L....n N..... T..ean.A 8 s 1

  • rage""EN 1714: 1997









    I'I' Ii

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    (2)I E>,d,;...2 Sid. ,.,.,..3 Compon.nt I4 Compon.nt 2& Compon.nt 3Scanning zone widths ",.lndicated by the , : G, b.c,d. .. J, 9 and hFigure A.6 Cruciform joints ",ih-"

    ),i "






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    A 181

    lJJ:J-..IY1) (YZ)

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  • .s.111111111111111







  • rage ~EN 1714: 1997


    I c ", 1 .main pi".2 Component2 .-pi".--"""" ;ndicotedbytho , d, ..f. , andh .F\pre A.7 Node joints In tubDlar structures


    ::n .",.''0".."




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  • DO="1714: 1998

    BSl389 CIUS\\ickHigh RoadLondonW44AL


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