employee handbook

Disclaimer of Endorsement: The United States Government or the South Dakota Department of Labor (US/DOL) does not necessarily endorse, recommend, or favor these products, processes, or services by referring to their trade names, trademarks, manufacturers, or otherwise, and such endorsement, recommendation or favoring is not implied. The authors’ expressed views and opinions do not necessarily state or reflect those of US/DOL, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. US/DOL does not endorse any external internet links that appear, or the information, products or services in them. US/DOL does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Please let us know about existing external links which you believe are inappropriate and about specific additional external links which you believe ought to be included. Nothing contained in these documents is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer or human resource professional. Disclaimer of Liability: Neither US/DOL, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights, with respect to the documents you are being provided or others which are represented as available within those documents. US/DOL does not make any representations or endorsements of any kind whatsoever (including without limitation, warranties of title or noninfringement, or any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) with regard to these documents, or with respect to any information, product, service, merchandise or other material identified on or through these documents. US/DOL does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, correctness, timeliness or usefulness of any information, products, services, merchandise or other material referenced in these documents or on the internet generally. US/DOL makes no warranty or guarantee that any internet sites identified in the document will be uninterrupted, timely, 1

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employee handbook


Disclaimer of Endorsement: The United States Government or the South Dakota Department of Labor (US/DOL) does not necessarily endorse recommend or favor these products processes or services by referrin! to their trade names trademarks manufacturers or other"ise and such endorsement recommendation or favorin! is not implied# The authors$ e%pressed vie"s and opinions do not necessarily state or reflect those of US/DOL and shall not be used for advertisin! or product endorsement purposes# US/DOL does not endorse any e%ternal internet links that appear or the information products or services in them#US/DOL does not e%ercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations#&lease let us kno" about e%istin! e%ternal links "hich you believe are inappropriate and about specific additional e%ternal links "hich you believe ou!ht to be included# 'othin! contained in these documents is or should be considered or used as a substitute for the advice of a la"yer or human resource professional#Disclaimer of Liability: 'either US/DOL nor any of its employees makes any "arranty e%press or implied includin! the "arranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or assumes any le!al liability or responsibility forthe accuracy completeness or usefulness of any information product or process disclosed or represents that its use "ould not infrin!e privately o"ned ri!hts "ith respect to the documents you are bein! provided or others "hich arerepresented as available "ithin those documents# US/DOL does not make any representations or endorsements of any kind "hatsoever (includin! "ithout limitation "arranties of title or noninfrin!ement or any "arranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) "ith re!ard to these documents or "ith respect to any information product service merchandise or other material identified on or throu!h these documents# US/DOL does not "arrant or !uarantee the accuracy completeness correctness timeliness or usefulness of any information products services merchandise or other material referenced in these documents or on the internet !enerally# US/DOL makes no "arranty or !uarantee that any internet sites identified in the document "ill be uninterrupted timely secure or error(free#US/DOL is not liable to any user or anyone else for any decision made or action taken based on reliance upon the information contained on or provided throu!h these documents# US/DOL does not "aive the ri!ht to soverei!n immunity by makin! these documents available or throu!h the representations in these disclaimers#) have read and ) accept this disclaimer#Business Manager/RepresentativeDateCareer Center copy1Disclaimer of Endorsement: The United States Government or the South Dakota Department of Labor (US/DOL) does not necessarily endorse recommend or favor these products processes or services by referrin! to their trade names trademarks manufacturers or other"ise and such endorsement recommendation or favorin! is not implied# The authors$ e%pressed vie"s and opinions do not necessarily state or reflect those of US/DOL and shall not be used for advertisin! or product endorsement purposes# US/DOL does not endorse any e%ternal internet links that appear or the information products or services in them#US/DOL does not e%ercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations#&lease let us kno" about e%istin! e%ternal links "hich you believe are inappropriate and about specific additional e%ternal links "hich you believe ou!ht to be included# 'othin! contained in these documents is or should be considered or used as a substitute for the advice of a la"yer or human resource professional#Disclaimer of Liability: 'either US/DOL nor any of its employees makes any "arranty e%press or implied includin! the "arranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or assumes any le!al liability or responsibility forthe accuracy completeness or usefulness of any information product or process disclosed or represents that its use "ould not infrin!e privately o"ned ri!hts "ith respect to the documents you are bein! provided or others "hich arerepresented as available "ithin those documents# US/DOL does not make any representations or endorsements of any kind "hatsoever (includin! "ithout limitation "arranties of title or noninfrin!ement or any "arranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) "ith re!ard to these documents or "ith respect to any information product service merchandise or other material identified on or throu!h these documents# US/DOL does not "arrant or !uarantee the accuracy completeness correctness timeliness or usefulness of any information products services merchandise or other material referenced in these documents or on the internet !enerally# US/DOL makes no "arranty or !uarantee that any internet sites identified in the document "ill be uninterrupted timely secure or error(free#US/DOL is not liable to any user or anyone else for any decision made or action taken based on reliance upon the information contained on or provided throu!h these documents# US/DOL does not "aive the ri!ht to soverei!n immunity by makin! these documents available or throu!h the representations in these disclaimers#Business copyWorkplaceToolbox prepared this Sample Employee Manualas a starting point for you toeasily customize an EMPLOYEE MANUAL for your company.2Wee or!anized the topics and "ritten the basic policies.#ou can easily customize this manual by addin! information about your company$ such as your acation policy$ insurance policy$ etc.Wee included su!!estions and examples to !ie you additional information and help you determine your companys policies. The comments in [brackets] are prompts for you to customize the Employee Manual for your company.%s you insert your company&s information$ delete the brackets. The italicized comments in (parentheses) are instructions for you "hile customizin! the document.'elete the italicized comments and parentheses before distributin! the Manual to your employees. These instructions are not intended to be a part of your customized Employee Manual$ but please include them "hen you e(mail this Sample Employee Manual document to an associate or friend for use in their company.)o"eer$ you should delete this para!raph and the text aboe before printin! your customized Employee Manual.[Company Name]EMPLOYEE MANUALRevised [insert date here]3TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION 1-INTRODUCTION1.1Changes in Policy1.2Employment pplications1.3Employment RelationshipSECTION 2-DEFINITIONS OF EMPLOYEE STATUS!Employees" De#inedSECTION 3-EMPLOYMENT POLICIES3.1$on%Discrimination3.2$on%Disclosure/Con#identiality 3.3$e& Employee 'rientation3.(Pro)ationary Period #or $e& Employees3.*'##ice +ours3.,-unch Periods3..Brea/ Periods3.0Personnel 1iles3.2Personnel Data Changes3.134nclement 5eather/Emergency Closings3.11Per#ormance Revie& and Planning 6essions3.12'utside Employment3.13Corrective ction3.1(Employment 7ermination3.1*6a#ety3.1,+ealth Related 4ssues3.1.Employee Re8uiring Medical ttention3.10Building 6ecurity3.124nsurance on Personal E##ects3.236upplies9 E:penditures9 ')ligating the Company3.21E:pense Reim)ursement3.22Par/ing3.23;isitors in the 5or/place 3.2(4mmigration -a& ComplianceSECTION 4-STANDARDS OF CONDUCT((.1ttendance/Punctuality(.2)sence 5ithout $otice(.3+arassment< including 6e:ual +arassment(.(7elephone =se(.*Pu)lic 4mage(.,6u)stance )use(..7o)acco Products(.04nternet =seSECTION 5-WAGE AND SALARY POLICIES*.15age or 6alary 4ncreases*.27ime/eeping*.3'vertime*.(PaydaysSECTION 6-BENEFITS AND SERVICES,.14nsurance,.2Co)ra Bene#its,.36ocial 6ecurity/Medicare,.(6imple 4R,.*;acation,.,Record >eeping,..+olidays,.0?ury Duty/Military -eave,.2Educational ssistance,.137raining and Pro#essional DevelopmentSECTION 7-EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATIONS..16ta## Meetings..2Bulletin Boards..36uggestion Bo:..(Procedure #or +andling Complaints*SECTION 1INTRODUCTION7hisManualis designedtoac8uaintyou &ith [Company Name]andprovideyou&ithin#ormation a)out &or/ing conditions< )ene#its< and policies a##ecting your employment.7he in#ormation contained in this Manual applies to all employees o# [Company Name].1ollo&ingthepoliciesdescri)edinthisManualisconsideredaconditiono#continuedemployment.+o&ever< nothing in this Manual alters an employee@s status.7he contentso# this Manual shall not constitute nor )e construed as a promise o# employment or as acontract )et&een the Company and any o# its employees. 7he Manual is a summary o#our policies< &hich are presented here only as a matter o# in#ormation.Aou are responsi)le #or reading< understanding< and complying &ith the provisions o# thisManual.'ur o)Bective is to provide you &ith a &or/ environment that is constructive to)oth personal and pro#essional gro&th.1.1 CHANGES IN POLICY7his Manual supersedes all previous employee manuals and memos that may have )eenissued #rom time to time on su)Bects covered in this Manual.+o&ever< since our )usiness and our organiCation are su)Bect to change< &e reserve theright to interpret< change< suspend< cancel< or dispute &ith or &ithout notice all or any parto# our policies< procedures< and )ene#its at any time.5e &ill noti#y all employees o# thesechanges. Changes &ill )e e##ective on the dates determined )y the Company< and a#terthose dates all superseded policies &ill )e null.$o individual supervisor or manager has the authority to change policies at any time. 4#you are uncertain a)out any policy or procedure< spea/ &ith your direct supervisor.1.2 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONSWe rely upon the accuracy of information contained in theemployment application and the accuracy o# other data presented throughout thehiringprocess and employment. nymisrepresentations< #alsi#ications< or materialomissions in any o# this in#ormation or data may result in e:clusion o# the individual #rom#urther consideration#or employment or< i#thepersonhas)eenhired< terminationo#employment.1.3 EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPAouenterintoemploymentvoluntarily$ and from """."orkplacetoolbox.com. Subscribe today.0 7ermination o# employment is an inevita)le part o# personnel activity &ithin anyorganiCation< andmanyo#thereasons#or terminationareroutine. Belo&area#e&1(e:amples o# some o# the most commoncircumstances under &hichemployment isterminatedI R,-./012.$0 J voluntary employment termination initiated )y an employee. T,%3.012.$0 J involuntary employment termination initiated )y DCompany $ameE. L14$55Jinvoluntaryemploymentterminationinitiated)y DCompany$ameE#ornon%disciplinary reasons.5hen anon%e:emptemployee intends to terminatehis/heremployment&ith DCompany$ameE< he/sheshallgiveDCompany$ameEat least[two(2) weeks]&rittennotice.E:empt employees shall give at least [four (4) weeks] &ritten notice.6ince employment &ith DCompany $ameE is )ased on mutual consent< )oth the employeeand DCompany$ameEhavetherighttoterminateemploymentat &ill