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group sub-group name data type de�nition (short) de�nition (detailed)

ID ID angebot_id long ID ID of the o�er/advertisment

Location classes Adress

oadr_koord_lat_epsg4326 double Latitude The latitude of the WGS84 coordinate (EPSG 4326).

oadr_koord_lon_epsg4326 double Longitude The longitude of the WGS84 coordinate (EPSG 4326).

oadr_koord_genauigkeit long Accuracy of coordinate The accuracy of the object coordinate (radius of area in metres).

oadr_strasse string Street/house number/annex The postal address (street, house number and annex, if applicable) of object address.

oadr_ortsteil string Locality The locality (e.g. urban district or local subdistrict) of object address.

oadr_ortsteil_qual category Quality of locality information

oadr_plz postcode Postcode The postcode.

oadr_gkz long Municipality code The o3cial municipality code (Destatis).

oadr_ort string Town The town name (Destatis).

oadr_kkz integer District code The o3cial district code (Destatis).

oadr_kreis string Administrative district The name of the administrative district (Destatis).

oadr_nuts3_kkz category NUTS3 The NUTS3 Code (eurostat status as of 2013).

oadr_wmr category Housing market region 2012 The housing market region (BBSR 2012).

oadr_bl long Federal state The federal state key.

oadr_land countrycode Land The country code (ISO 31662).

O�er information O�er's history

startdate date startdate Startdate of the o�er/advertisment

enddate date enddate Enddate of the o�er/advertisment

laufzeitw_alle integer Duration of open and closed o�ers

laufzeitw_geschl integer Duration closed o�ers The duration of closed o�ers in weeks.

kosten_@rst integer Price @rst time The price at the @rst observation time.

kosten_last integer Price last time The price at the last observation time.


nachfrageart category Type of demand The type of demand (rent or purchase).

nutzungsart category Type of use The type of use (residential, commercial or mixed use).

Category and type

objektart category Object category The object category (building, unit or plot of land).

objekttyp category Type of object The type of object (e.g. Aat, commercial building or plot of land).

objekttyp_grob category Combined type of object

objekttyp_fein category Di�erentiated type of object The di�erentiated type of object (e.g. single-family house, terraced house, one-room Aat or o3ce building).

empirica-systems Market Database: Variable overview

Currentness: 2018/01/11

The quality of the locality information (exact address, town-locality-postcode, subdivision, information known or not known).

The duration of all o�ers in weeks. In the case of o�ers still active on the market the duration will be identi@ed until data inventory.

Demand and use types

The combined type of object (e.g. Aats, o3ces/practices or multi-family houses/ residential and commercial buildings).

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General sizes

Aaeche double Space

A_gesamt double Total space

A_grundstueck double Plot size The plot size in square metres.

ResidentialA_wohnen double Living space The living space in square metres.

A_nutz double Usable space The usable space in square metres.


A_gewerbe double Commercial space The total commercial space in square metres.

A_buero double O3ce/practice space The o3ce respectively practice space in square metres.

A_teilbar_ab double Space divisible starting from The smallest partial surface in the o�er in square metres.

A_laden double Retail/sales space The retail or sales space in square metres.

A_lager double Storage/production space The storage or production space in square metres.

A_gastraum double Dining room space The dining room space in square metres.

A_landwirtschaD double



kosten integer Price

kosten_min integer Price lowest value The lowest observed price for the o�er.

kosten_max integer Price highest value The highest observed price for the o�er.

kosten_je_Aaeche integer Price per square metre (€/m2) The price per square metre of space depending on type of demand and type of usage.


kstn_kaufpreis integer Purchase price The purchase price.

kstn_verkehrswert integer Market value The market value at judicial sales.

kstn_mindestgebot integer Minimum bid The minimum bid at auctions.


kstn_miete_gesamt integer Gross rent The gross rent per month inkcluding all known ancillary costs.

kstn_miete_kalt integer Net rent The rent exclusive of ancillary- and heating costs per month.

kosten_miete_gesamt_janein boolean Price correspond to gross rent The price correspond to gross rent

Ancillary costs

kstn_nebenkosten integer Ancillary costs The ancillary costs per month.

kstn_betriebskosten integer Operational costs The operational costs per month.

kstn_nk_inkl_heizung boolean3 Ancillary costs incl. heating costs The heating costs are included respectively not included in the ancillary costs. This variable has three states.

kstn_heizung integer Heating costs The heating costs per month.

Additional costs

kstn_provision_text string Provision from advertisement The provision as free text.

kstn_kaution_text string Deposit/cooperative shares from advertisement The deposit as free text.

The space depending on type of use. Corresponding to living space in case of residential use, to commercial space in case of commercial use and to the total space in case of mixed use.

The total space in square metres. In case of shared Aats the total space, in case of residential objects the sum of living and usable space, in case of commercial objects the sum of all commercial spaces, and in case of mixed use the sum of residential and commercial spaces.

The price depending on type of demand. Corresponding to the purchase price in case of sales and to rent exclusive of heating in case of rentals. (Except in combination with the variable "costs correspond to gross rent").

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Classi@cation aus_klassen_empirica category Furnishings classi@cation (empirica) The furnishings classi@cation for residential properties according to the de@nition of empirica ag.


aus_alarmanlage_janein boolean Alarm system The object is @tted with an alarm system.

aus_abstellraum_janein boolean Storeroom The object is @tted with a storeroom.

aus_barrierefrei_janein boolean Barrier-free The object is barrier-free, suitable for wheelchairs or handicapped accessible.

aus_hauswirtschaDsraum_janein boolean Utility room The object is @tted with a utility room (washing and drying room).

aus_moebliert_janein boolean Furnished The object is furnished.

aus_moebliert_teil_janein boolean Partly furnished The object is partly furnished.

aus_moebliert_voll_janein boolean Fully furnished The object is fully furnished.

aus_liD_janein boolean Elevator The object is @tted with a passenger elevator.

aus_lastenaufzug_janein boolean Freight elevator The object is @tted with a freight elevator.

aus_kamin_janein boolean Fireplace The object is @tted with a @replace or tiled stove.

aus_pool_janein boolean Own pool The object is @tted with an own swimming pool.

aus_rampe_janein boolean Loading ramp The object is @tted with a loading ramp.

aus_sauna_janein boolean Own sauna The object is @tted with an own sauna.


aus_bad_gaestewc_janein boolean Guest toilet The object is @tted with a guest toilet.

aus_bad_mit_fenster_janein boolean Bathroom with window The object is @tted with a bathroom with window.

aus_bad_dusche_janein boolean Bathroom with shower The object is @tted with a bathroom with shower.

aus_bad_wanne_janein boolean Bathroom with bathtub The object is @tted with a bathroom with bathtub.


aus_boden_estrich_janein boolean Screed Aoor The object is @tted with a screed Aoor.

aus_boden_Aiesen_janein boolean Tiled Aoor The object is @tted with a tiled Aoor.

aus_boden_holz_janein boolean Wooden Aoor/Aoorboards The object is @tted with a wooden Aoor respectively Aoorboards.

aus_boden_kunststo�_janein boolean Plastic Aooring The object is @tted with plastic or PVC Aooring.

aus_boden_laminat_janein boolean Laminate Aooring The object is @tted with laminate Aooring.

aus_boden_linoleum_janein boolean Linoleum Aooring The object is @tted with linoleum Aooring.

aus_boden_marmor_janein boolean Marble Aooring The object is @tted with marble Aooring.

aus_boden_parkett_janein boolean Parquet Aooring The object is @tted with parquet Aooring.

aus_boden_stein_janein boolean Stone Aoor The object is @tted with a stone Aoor.

aus_boden_teppich_janein boolean Carpeted Aoor The object is @tted with a carpeted Aoor.

aus_boden_terrakotta_janein boolean Terracotta Aoor The object is @tted with a terracotta Aoor.


aus_heiz_befeuerung category Firing of heating system The type of @ring of the heating system.

aus_heiz_system category Heating system The heating system of the object.

aus_heiz_keine_janein boolean No heating There is no heating system in the object.

aus_heiz_alt_erdw_janein boolean Geothermal heating The object is @tted with geothermal heating.

aus_heiz_alt_pellet_janein boolean Pellet heating The object is @tted with pellet heating.

aus_heiz_alt_pumpe_janein boolean Air/water heat pump The object is @tted with an air/water heat pump.

aus_heiz_alt_solar_janein boolean Solar heating The object is @tted with solar heating.

aus_heiz_blockkw_janein boolean Combined heat and power plant The heating energy supply is provided by a combined heat and power plant.

aus_heiz_fernwaerme_janein boolean District heating The heating energy supply is provided by district heating.

aus_heiz_fussboden_janein boolean UnderAoor heating The object is @tted with underAoor heating.

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Equipment Kitchen

aus_kueche_einbau_janein boolean Fitted kitchen inclusive The object is @tted with a fully @tted kitchen (considered in the price).

aus_kueche_o�en_janein boolean Open kitchen The object is @tted with an open kitchen.

aus_kueche_pantry_janein boolean Kitchenette The object is @tted with a kitchenette.


Classi@cation zust_klassen_empirica category Condition classi@cation (empirica) The condition classi@cation according to the de@nition of empirica ag.


zust_modernisierungsjahr year Year of modernization The year speci@cation of the last modernization measure (restructuring respectively renovation).

zust_baufaellig_janein boolean Dilapidated The object is in a dilapidated condition. In case of plots with demolition properties.

zust_erstbezug_janein boolean First-time occupancy The object will be occupied for the @rst time (aDer new built or structural restoration).

zust_gepAegt_janein boolean Well-maintained The object is in a well-maintained condition.

zust_neuwertig_janein boolean As new The object is in as-new condition.

zust_projektiert_janein boolean Projected The object is in construction, the time of completion is established.

zust_renoviert_janein boolean3 Renovated The object is renovated respectively not renovated. This variable has three states.

zust_renovierungsbedarf_janein boolean Need for renovation The object requires renovation. There is a textual reference on the need for renovation.

zust_saniert_janein boolean3 Refurbished The object is refurbished respectively not refurbished. This variable has three states.

zust_sanierungsbedarf_janein boolean Need for refurbishment


Building Age

baujahr year Year of construction The year of construction of the building.

oeig_altbau_janein boolean Old building

oeig_neubau_janein boolean New building

Rooms anz_zimmer integer Number of rooms Number of rooms present in the object

Floorsetage gleitzahl Floor The Aoor/storey of the unit in the building.

etagen integer Number of Aoors/storeys The number of Aoors or storeys in the building.


anz_einheiten long Number of units The number of units in the building (accommodation and/or commercial).

anz_einheiten_gewerbe long Commercial units The number of commercial units in the building.

anz_einheiten_wohnen long Accommodation units The number of accommodation units in the building.


oeig_dachboden_janein boolean Attic The building is @tted with an attic or the unit diposes of an attic.

oeig_dachgeschoss_janein boolean3 Top Aoor The attic is located in the top Aoor respectively not located in the top Aoor. This variable has three states.

oeig_denkmal_janein boolean3 Monument protection

oeig_freistehend_janein boolean3 Detached The object is detached respectively not detached. This variable has three states.

oeig_galerie_janein boolean Maisonette Aat The object is @tted with a gallery, a maisonette or a mansard roof.

oeig_keller_janein boolean3 Cellar

oeig_loggia_janein boolean Loggia The object is @tted with a loggia.

oeig_reihenendhaus_janein3 boolean3 End-terrace house This terraced house is an end-terrace house.

oeig_wbs_janein boolean Publicly funded A public housing certi@cate is reuqired.

The object requires refurbishment or modernization. There is a textual reference in the o�er on the need for refurbishment.

The object is an old building built before 1945. If the year of construction is not known the indication of the provider shall be considered.It is a new building object with a year of construction of a maximum of three years before the marketing year. If the year of construction is not known the indication of the provider shall be considered.

The object is a listed cultural monument respectively not a listed cultural monument. This variable has three states.

The building has a cellar or has no cellar or the unit is provided respectively not provided with a cellar. This variable has three states.

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Serviceoeig_service_hausmeister_janein boolean Caretaker The object is provided with a caretaker and/or building cleaning service.

oeig_service_wachdienst_janein boolean Guard service The object is protected by a guard service.


kstn_parken_platz_kauf integer Purchase price per parking space

kstn_parken_platz_miete integer Rental charges per parking space

anz_parken long Sum total of parking facilities The number of parking facilities associated with the object.

aus_parken_janein boolean Parking facility A parking facility is available.

aus_parken_carport_janein boolean Carport A carport parking space is available.

aus_parken_duplex_janein boolean Double/two-car garage parking space A double or two-car garage is available.

aus_parken_garage_janein boolean Garage A garage or two-car garage is available.

aus_parken_haus_janein boolean Multi-storey car park space A parking space in a multi-storey car park is available.

aus_parken_stellplaetze_janein boolean Outdoor parking area An outdoor parking area or parking space is available.

aus_parken_tiefgarage_janein boolean Underground parking space An underground parking space is available.


energie_ausweis_janein boolean Energy performance certi@cate An energy performance certi@cate is present.

energie_niedrig_janein boolean Low-energy standard It is an object with a low-energy standard (≤ 70 kWh/(m2a)).

energie_verbr_kennwert long Energy consumption characteristic value The energy consumption characteristic value in kilowatt hours per year and square metre of surface.

energie_bedarf long Energy demand The theoretical energy demand in kilowatt hours per year and square metre of surface.

energie_inkl_warmwasser_janein boolean3 Energy indication incl. hot water

Open area

anz_balkon_terrasse long Number of balconies or terraces The number of balconies and/or terraces on the object.

A_balkon_terrasse double Balcony/terrace surface The surface of balcony respectively terrace in square metres.

aus_balkon_terrasse_janein boolean Balcony/terrace The object is @tted with one balcony or terrace. RooDop terraces will be considered separately.

anz_balkone long Number of balconies The number of balconies on the object.

aus_balkon_janein boolean Balcony The object is @tted with a balcony.

anz_terrassen long Number of terraces The number of terraces on the object (without rooDop terraces).

aus_terrasse_janein boolean Terrace The object is @tted with a terrace. RooDop terraces will be considered separately.

aus_dachterrasse_janein boolean RooDop terrace The object is @tted with a rooDop terrace.

A_garten double Garden area The garden area in square metres.

aus_garten_janein boolean Garden/garden share/garden use A garden or garden share is available or garden use is possible.

aus_garten_eigen_janein boolean3 Private garden There is a private garden respectively no private garden available in the unit. This variable has three states.

aus_wintergarten_janein boolean Conservatory The object is @tted with a conservatory.

Lot properties

oeig_grundstueck_kat category Land plot category The land plot category: no building land or building land.

oeig_baugenehmigung_janein boolean3 Building permit A building permit for the plot has been respectively not been given. This variable has three states.

oeig_bebauungsplan_janein boolean Development plan

oeig_erschliessung_janein boolean3 Developed The plot is developed respectively undeveloped. This variable has three states.

The purchase price per parking space per month; these costs will not be added to the costs indicated in the o�er.

The rental charges per parking space per month; these costs will not be added to the costs indicated in the o�er.

The energy for warm water is contained respectively not contained in the energy indication. This variable has three states.

A development plan exists or building development is possible according to article 34 of the German building code BauGB (neighbourhood).

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group sub-group name data type de�nition (short) de�nition (detailed)

Investment Investment

oart_anlage_janein boolean Capital investment The object is suitable as capital investment or is o�ered as capital investment.

oeig_vermietet_janein boolean3 Rented The object is rented respectively unrented. This variable has three states.

einnahmen_kaufpreisfaktor integer Purchase price multiplier """X times"" the net annual rent, the purchase price paid for a property divided by its rental income.

einnahmen_rendite integer Yield Gross initial yield

einnahmen_miete_pa_ist integer Annual rental income (actual) The annual rental income with current occupation.

einnahmen_miete_pa_soll integer Annual rental income (target) The annual rental income with potential occupation.

einnahmen_miete_pm_ist_pqm integer Monthly rental income per sqm (actual)

einnahmen_miete_pm_soll_pqm integer Monthly rental income per sqm (target) The monthly rental income per square metre with potential occupation.

Special Segments

Special Rent

anzart_waz_moebliert_janein boolean This is the o�er of an accomodation object that will be rented only for a limited time or fully furnished.

anzart_nachmieter_janein boolean Private person looking for next tenant A tenant is looking for someone to take over the Aat.

anzart_genossenschaD_janein boolean Advertisement type housing cooperative This is the o�er of a housing cooperative.

oart_wg_janein boolean Shared Aat A Aat-sharing community lives in the object.

wg_anz_pers_gesamt long Total number of persons in shared Aat The total number of persons of a Aat-sharing community.

Special Purchase oart_zwangsversteigerung_janein boolean Judicial sales object The object will be sold by way of judicial sale.

O�erer information O�erer

aadr_gewerblich_janein boolean Commercial provider This is the o�er of a commercial provider.

aadr_@rma string Company name of provider Company name of provider. No entry in case of private providers.

aadr_telefon telephonenumber Telephone number of provider Telephone number of the commercial provider in standardized form.


The monthly rental income per square metre with current occupation (actual monthly rent income divided by total square meters).

Advertisement type temporary accomodation/furnished accomodation

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